'tmt€fr€+ er+taer+go* ricnq{x,qifi I "s*ffi/gf irrE Urrdr{ €qil crfi Qffi-c, frvut I oo I zors-zots." tg er-gm. x,ci6 St.. z - z z -u*qrrq rrrc 7 rs f€. nrdr$. ftcis 30-05-2001." fu {rqq{ (w{ErRUr) qrer*,RtrfirRrd a;qi{ zs l irq$, ftil*r, ftqis rnsfi0 zozo -ftq 24, sifi re4r E-ffisrrd qr-q ffiq sil-qhl Er-s rn-drrq ftie rrq-{ 6{m riTl-frq) d sftq, iTqE{ fu6 qc-{fr vrogq, r+ zozo m. gw-66-ztfrt(d)lr.w.7Fret er,qefflzorg /377.- Ede.r.d +rqqrfrrry e1fuftqq, 1e61 (m-q1o. 37 qI roor) o1 qm of +s d ei-grr<ur +i vo-qdm sffidd fu-qr qrar t fr q.rs qlfuor qRrE e-dt{srqT{, fuer-qffsrsmg qrflqnr d qro fuiisi, zors +i Eq oTrq FEfq-{ t ftq q-iqfr d o:aq fi-{ fi sdfu-n .rs t-E oT-oq qx ri sdfud *6n pqlfuo gq t ,- fr r{orq 6T qrl qE qFt qdl 1 2 3 4 5 1 TIr{qITT T qRSE 3It2IE{ ItldtrN q-imq"l qtnq qtrN +r tfrlila ar{c e-d}-ilqmR q-d}-ilqmn 6{{I./- qrx (frqo. eru-ara) g.q-sfus Raipur, the l4th Jantary 2020 NOTIFICATION No. F-66-2lThree(two)NP./Elected Candidatel}}Igl377.- In pursuance of Section 45 of the Chhattisgarh Municipal Council Act l96l (No.37 of l96l), it is hereby notified that in the general election hetd in the month of December,2}l9 of the Municipal Council Balodabazar District Balodabazar Bhatapara, for the post mentioaed in column (3) of the fotlowing schedule. The people menlioned are elected :- 57 58 u*€rr6 irqqd, ft<i+ r l vr+0 zozo SCHEDULE No. Name of Body Post Name Address 2 J 4 5 Municipal Council House No. 4l Civil Line President Chittawar Jaiswal Balodabazar Balodabazar sd/- @eepak Kumar Agrawal) Deputy Secretary. rrqS, tqio 14 aFr.[fi 2o2o ,F. gs-66-2/frn(A)/q.cr./ffi. Gnqeff/2o1e /s17.- scfis=T.d qrxqftfl 3tftfrqq, 1e61 (mqrr 37 qI 1e61) a1 qm o1 +s d 3i-gwur +i vo-aem erfuqpr fo-qr uror t fu q.n qrfuor qRsE qTeTqnr, fuor-e#<rqrqx qrflqm d cr6 ft-{i{r, 2o1e +i Eq GTrc FEIT{ fr ftq q-g-qft d otaq dr{ fr sdfud qs tg oT-oq qrq t vdfud qfu ffifud gq t ,- fr FFD'rq o-r qrq qE qH qtIT 1 2 3 4 5 q-rRqfltror qRqE 3ftqH gcrdr Tdr qxSq e-dra 6rs{T o Trrq"l 1 qTEFIRI scs srg qreFiRI qd m-qi@ 12 EwI./- (frro, qm aru-cra) sq-sfos Raipur, the l4th January 2020 NOTIFICATION No. F-66-2lThree(two)AlP.lElecled Candidatel2}$1377.- ln pursuance of Section 45 of the Chhattisgarh Municipal Council Act 1961 (No. 37 of 1961), it is hereby notified that in the general election held in fre month of December,2}lg of the Municipal Council Bhatapara District Balodabazar Bhatapara, for the post mentioned in column (3) of the following sctedule. The people mentioned are elected :- SCHEDULE No. Name of Body Post Name Address I 2 J 4 5 Municipal Council Front of Dikshit Vakil House, I President Sunita Gupta Bhatapara Sadar Ward. Bhataoara sd/- @eepak Kumar Agrawal) Deputy Secretary. ,ftqim rlv++tzozo s8 (1) qffift qrqg{, fuqio 14 2o2o F. gEn'-66-2/frn(d)/c.cr./ftqf. 3rqeff/201e /371.- EdT-qE qrrcqrftro eiBftqq reor (mqio 37 sI 1eo1) o1 trm of +s d 3i-gs{ur +i \'f,{gm orftqFd fu-qr uro t fr q'rq qq[q-f, fu{fl, fuor qdt-srqmrs qrcrqm d qrs ft-{i{i, zore il Eq cTrq ffiqq fr frq 3r-g{fi d oidq fiq t sdfuf, q-E t-g oT-oq qn t sdfua qfu Mfuf, gv t'- m. limt-q 6-t q-q qE ilq qilr I 2 ) 4 5 I qrx q-qr+o ts+ilI 3ftzle{ qIIItKT HT*F{ qr€ r,qio rs (r-5trrvt qru; 6sT./- (frqo qtn errara) sq-vfuq. Raipur, the l4th January 2020 NOTIFICATION No. F-66-2lThree(two)A{P.,4Elected Candidate/20191377.- In pursuanee of Section 45 of the Chhattisgarh Municipal Council Act 1961 (No. 37 of 1961), it is hereby notified that in the general election held in the month of December,2019 of the Nagar Panchayat Sirnga District Balodabazar Bhatapara, for the post mentioned in column (3) of the following schedule. The people mentioned are elected :- SCHEDULE No. Name of Body Post Name Address I 2 J 4 5 WardNo. l5 Nagar Panchayat I President Bhagwat Sonker (Mahamaya Para) Simga sd/- @eepak Kumar Agrawal) Deputy Secretary. trog<, futio i4 q-fift 2o2o (mq1- 3i7D q. gI s1-e6616) -ozf/ fqrmc( odf) t+ts.q dr. /f3fi-ig. so{urlrq ei ff\/2'iol{1gem / sotTtf.u-q FfE, rffoi-Tq=r tq-cro qr rtx qfrufu qo.rr cf fqifqtrqq-f,q q -1de[6fr1, fuor ceitsrqrqR tIreFIr{T d qro fu{i{i, 2o1e ii Eq oTr-c FEIT{ q ftq q-iqfr d oi-ec fi-{ t B-dfuf, q-( tg oi-oq qx t s€dfud qfu fffua gq t ,- s8 (2) B*srr€ rrqqd, frqi6 r l sfirt zozo fr. rjl-Orq o-t;Trq qs qFI ITflI I 2 J 4 5 I TrR q?rrrf, SIEIIT qsn${ sct sG F-qi-6 06, TrN riq-w qdrt qdrft EwL/- (frro, Em <rrara) sq-sfus, Raipur, the 14th January 2020 NOTIFICATION No. F-66-2lThree(two)A.IP./Elected Candidatel2}l9l377.- In pursuance of Section 45 of the Chhattisgarh Municipal Council Act l96l (No.37 of l96l), it is hereby notified that in the generalelection held in the month of December,2019 of the Nagar Panchayat Palari District Balodabazar Bhatapara, for the post mentioned in column (3) of the following schedule. The people mentioned are elected :- SCHEDULE No. Name of Body Post Name Address 2 J 4 5 Ward No. 06 Nagar Panchayat Palari President Yashwardhan Verma Palari, Post Offrce Palari sd/- @eepak Kumar Agrawal) Deputy Secretary. Tqg{, F{io 14 qq-q-fr 2o2o p. gw-66-2/frn(d)/q.qr./M. G&seffl2o1e /en.- EdET.d qrnwfuor erBfrqq rgor (mqi- 37 eI 1e61) of trm o1 +s d 3i-5wur fr \'tr{gm ffiq-d fo-qr qror t fu q.rq ti4-{a d{q, fuar qffsrqrqR srflqm d cqr6k f u{i{i, 2o1e ii Eq sIH ffiE-{ it frq 3r-5q-fr d +-aq fi-{ q sdfud q-( tg oT-aq q-r q sdfud ffifud gq B ,- fr. FftDI-q cFI q-q qE qFI qdI 1 2 J 4 5 1 ilTt qqr{kl SIEqEI &llrd} {f{r Erd qG m-fl-o 04, GtFI ;rw qarqo aqq EwT./- (frc-6 ql-Erd) Eqr< B.q-Hfus. vdw rtqqd, ft<ia rl vr+t zozo sE (3) Raipur, the 14th January 2020 NOTIFICATION No. F-66-2lThree(two/NP.,lElected Candidate/201g1377.- In pursuance of Section 45 of the Chhattisgarh Municipal Council Act 1961 (No. 37 of 1961), it is hereby notified that in the general election held in the month of December,2019 of the Nagar Panchayat Lawan District Balodabazar Bhatapara, for the post mentioned in column (3) of the following schedule. The people mentioned are elected :- SCHEDULE No. Name of Body Post Name Address I 2 J 4 5 WardNo.04 Nagar Panchayat I President Smt. Meena Barve Nagar PanchayatLawan Lawan sd/- @eepak Kumar Agrawal) Deputy Secretary. {rqg{, fu{ro 14 q=I{ft 2o2o ,D'. gEF-66-2/frn(d)/q.cr./Frsi. 3nsaff/201e /efl.- Edg=r.d qrr<qrfuor erfufrqq rgor qI d (m-q1- 37 1e61) of qrqr at +s ergwq tt \'f,{gm sTfuqFd ft-qr qror B fu +.n q-qr-{d o-ss)-d, fqu{o ttg q dois-qrqqm qrri sfrre vFldrgfru df, qqrof ufu "fdfirfit, -2fo, 1geq + lt E 'q- sTH ffi it ftq orgqfi d ai-f,q d-{ fr sdfuf, fr. I{o-rq oT qrq qE CH qcII I 2 J 4 5 I TrR q=lr{kl 3IEITI nrq. 1rr( q6FIl-{II gRT "-fi a_s$f, o.-ss}f, EwL//- (*q-o. Eqr< cru-{rd) B.q-$fus. Raipur, the 14th lanuary 2020 NOTIFICATION No. F-66-2.rThree(two)NP./Elected Candidate/20191377.- In pursuance of Section 45 of the Chhanisgarh Municipal Courcit Act l96l (No.37 of l96l), it is hereby r"iit"a,fr"iirit. g"rcrul election held in the month of December, 2019 of the Nagar Panchayat Kasdol District Balodabazar Bhatapara, for the post mentioned in column (3) of the following schedule. The people mentioned are elected :- s8 (4) Bdlqrrdrtq[d, frqi+ tlvr+ft zozo SCHEDULE No. Name of Body Post Name Address I 2 J 4 5 Nagar Panchayat Mahamaya Para 1 Kasdol President Nilu Chandan Sahu Kasdol sd/- (Deepak Kumar Agrawal) Deputy Secretary. qrqgq, fu{io 14 qc-{fr 2o2o m-. gs-66-2/frq(d)/c.cr./ftqf. qq?ff/201e /377.- EdErE qrrqqrfury eifuftqq rgor (m-cio 3z qI ie61) of qrur of +s d ci-gstq +t va-q-gru elfuqFn fu-fi qr-f,r t fu q.n qqrtrf, gu-€lr, fuor qetsrqmn qrerqm d qro ft-{iEn, zoie fr Eq sTrq ffiqq fr ftq Grg-q-A d oTqq fi-{ q sdAfuf, qc tg oY-aq qx t sdfud qfu ffifuf, gq d ,- fr. l-i-6Er or cFr qE qFI ITf,I I 2 J 4 5 I ilt-{ q4-{fl StrneT TrR qar{l-d gu-wr, gu-s{I qr€ m-qio og, EwI./- (frv-o. Ern eru-ara) Bq-HfuS. Raipur, the l4th Jantrary 2020 NOTIFICATION No. F-66-2lThree(two)A{P./Elected Candidatei2Ol9l377.- In pursuance of Section 45 of the Chhattisgarh Municipal Councll Act 196l (No. 37 of 196l), it is hereby notified that in the general election held in the month of December, 2019 of the Nagar Panchayat Tundra District Balodabazar Bhatapara, for the post mentioned in column (3) of the following r.h-"dul". The people mentioned are elected :- SCHEDULE No. Name of Body Post Name Address I 2 J 4 5 Nagar PanchayatTundra Nagar Panchayat I President Gitaram Patel WardNo.09 Tundra sd/- @eepak Kumar Agrawal) Deputy Secretary. Bdqirq {qqd, Raio r l vrqt zozo s8 (s) rr+gv, ft-rio r+ qq-qfr zozo m. gF-66- z I fic(d) tr.w 7ffi. erqeff / zor s / 377.- g'dg=r.d qrruwfuor eTfufrqq t gol Fnql- 3z €1 ie61) of erm d +s d 3n-gq-{ur if \${grr 3rfiqtrf, fu-qr qrf,r t fo q'rq qa-{f, ffirrd, fuar c*fl-Erqn rTrcrqr{ d qro ftqqr, zors il gq 3Trc trqc { frq q-iq* d otqq fi{ fr qfu B-dfun u-< fu oT-oq sr* fr sdfuf, FEIfud gq B ,- fr. liolq OT TTq qE ;TTET ITf,I 1 2 J 4 5 qI-{ qqrqd slrqs{ grl{tFr g-s[q qrrq tizfl-{f, ftfdr$r-c 1 fr-ddr-6 t{i.rq qrd mqio o+, EKI./- qm (frc-o. eru-ara) oq-sfuq. Raipur, the 14th Jarurary 2020 NOTIFICATION No. F-66-2lThree(two)A{P./Elected Candidate/20191377.- ln pursuance of Section 45 of the Chhattisgarh Muricipal Council Act 1961 (No. 37 of 1961), it is hereby notified that in the general election held in the month of December,2019 of the Nagar Panchayat Bilaigarh District Balodabazar Bhatapara, for the post mentioned in column (3) of the foilowing schedule. The people mentioned are elected :. SCHEDULE No. Name of Body Post Name Address 2 J 4 5 Nagar Panchayat B ilaigarh Nagar Panchayat Dwarika Prasad President WardNo.04 Bilaigarh Dewangan sd/- t'*n;50,['1":Lffi"*"' {rqg{, fu{io r+ q+qfr zozo F. grD.-66-z/tri;(d)/c.qr./Frqi. snqeff/2o1e /an.- EdE r-6 ilrqqrfrmT erBfuqq 1e61 @a* 37 qI 1e61) a1 erm of +s d 3i-5s{q +i \'f,{gg 3rffif, fo-qr qror t'fu q,x qq;qf, r1g:q-rs, fuor e-dt{rqmr sreur-tr d qm fu{iw, 2019 ii Eq Gr-q FEIq{ fr ftq er-5t$ d ot-aq fi{ t s-dfud q( iE oT-oq qn q sdfua qAf, FIqffuf, gq t ,- sE (6) ,ftqis rlsr{tzozo fr. r{mt-q e-I cIII q-( qFI qdT I 2 J 4 5 I TIR q?FKT 3ItrIS 5nq61 q{o er{ rerlre, qB m-qr6 i2 5.uT. TerTiq dlPr6 Tdrriq EwL/- (frq-o Em arroro) sq-vfoq. Raipur, the l4th January 2020 NOTIFICATION No. F-66-2lThree(two)/NP./Elected Candidate/20191377.- In pursuance of Section 45 of the Chhattisgarh Municipal Council Act l96l (No. 37 of l96l), it is hereby notified that in the general election held in the month of December,2019 of the Nagar Panchayat Bhatgaon District Balodabazar Bhatapara, for the post mentioned in column (3) of the following schedule. The people mentioned are elected :- SCHEDULE No. Name of Body Post Name Address I 2 J 4 5 Vill.+Po. Bhatgaon Nagar Panchayat Smt. Narmada President WardNo. 12 Bhatgaon BaiKaushik sd/- @eepak Kumar Agrawal) Deputy Secretary. {qrtr+, Upr aEr *gq qmfr , Bdsrc am vrs&q $unaq, rugr a gBa aw r{Ifra - zo zo.