'ffis+€+w<rfaq6gat qsft{ix.qi-6 "u*ffi irr< gfiilr{ (fucr sm fr{e) + isur /g[ f oo I zot t - to r s." tg wjm x,cis *. z- zz -u*s!'rd rrwe / ra f{. t. firdr$. ftqi{ 3o-05-2001." ffi 1lsruEt (wqErRUr) urk*,Rtmrnm g;qis zs l rrqgt, *rqn, ftqi* r : w++t 2020 23, si6 l 94r -q1s ffi{ u-d-flq-d vt-q silmq Ers o-fllq fiit r+q (gtr+ rieTd-q) d sftq, rTqg{ qflfr vrogq, ft-{io. re zozo rn. $D-66-zlfrc@)lt.qr./M. er,qefflzors /31s.- Eds.T_6 +rqqrftror srftftqq, 1e61 (mq1, 3z eI rsor) of erm o1 +s d 3i-5srq ti \'il{ em offi+o frrql qrfl t fu q.n qrfuor qRsq ttrf,n, fu-+uo d crg ft-{i{i, zors ti gq 3Trc ffiil{ ii ftq srjqfi d oidc fi{ fr sdfuo q-s & atdq qrq t vedfuo qfu ffifud gq t ,- fr ftorq o-r qrq trq qFI ITflI 2 J 4 5 1 qrrqlkor qRq-E i-+crqr SITZI&T Yr€f,dr qrt-d sr( srd m. zo ttaqr EwI./- ffi1 Ctrifr{r qfos. Raipur, the 13th Jaruary 2020 NOTIFICATION No. F-66-2lThree(two),&{P./Elected Candidatel2}l9l3l3.- In pursuance of Section 45 of the Chhattisgarh Municipal Council Act 1961 (No. 37 of 1961), il is hereby notified that in the general election held in the rnonth of December, 2019 of the Municipal Council Bemetara District Bemetara, for the post mentioned in column (3) of the following schedule. The people mentioned are elected :- 49 50 ,ftqifr rsvfi0zozo SCHEDULE No. Name Of Body Post Name Address I 2 J 4 5 Municipal Council Shakuntala Mangat I President Ward No. 20Bemetara Bemetara Sahu sd/- (Jineviva Kindo) Secretary. fuo qrqgq, 13 ur;r.lft 2o2o gw-66-2/frn(d)/c.cllffi. m'. qaqeff/zors /313.- EdRqE qrrsqrfuor eifuftqq rgor (mqio 97 q tsot) d tim of +s d ei-gs{ur tt \'ilE gM qftq|dd fu-qr ,,ilrf,r t fu q.n q-q;qf, i{dr, fuf,I ti-tr$ d qra ft*iq{-zots t gq ur-q ffiT{ i ftq e1-gq-fr A aidc fi{ q vdfud v< tg oidc qx fr s-dfuo qfu ffifud gq t'- fr. ftorq or qrq qcl qFT trdl I 2 J 4 5 1 qrn qqRrd +{dr 3Ie2IS1 Yrn tuarfr Et (cq) srdfu ma.n 0-8th, oila-{f r(du. .rt.{)dr EwT./- ffi1 (fti-iFrn qfus. Raipur, the 13th January 2020 NOTIFICATION No. F-66-2lThree{two),NP.lElected Candidate/20191313.- In pursuance of Section 45 of the Chhattisgarh Municipal Council Act 1961 (No. 37 of 196l). it is hereby notified that in the general election held in the month of Decembeq 2019 of the Nagar Panchayat Berla Distict Bemetara, for the post mentioned in column (3) of the foltowing schedule. The people mentioned are elected :- SCHEDULE No. Name Of Body Post Name Address I 2 J 4 5 Ward No. 08 Ras Bihari Kurrey I Nagar Panchayat Berla President Tehsil Berla Distt. Bemetara (Pappu) (c.G.) sd/- (Jineviva Kindo) Secretary. ,ftaio rsv<+0zozo so (r) q{qft vrog{, fu{io' i3 2o2o F. gs-66-2/trn(A)/q.cr./ffi. 3raqeff/zors /313.- EdEI-E TrRqIfuf,I ffiftqq 1e61 (m-qio 37 sI ie61) q,1 qm of +s d ci-gwur i vaq gM qfuqfu-d fo-qr urcn t fo 'r.n qqr+a qer{r qiEEE Roiq-or,q f uqoxr n6 s6-od fdu (q qra kfu {Fi{Er,i f2uod1 eg qii tE q'- srq ffiq-{ n ftq 3rgq-fr d ot-oq fi-{ t B-dfud fr. ftorq o.t qrq qE qlq qIIT I 2 J 4 5 flR qfl-{rfl s[g m. 93, en-asqft-q1 qtIIET oiw+ rrdcr drq{ 1 elr{qeRqr fuortiao ,r.r., EffiL/- $il-ifrn foustl vPds. Raipur, the 13th Jamnry 2020 NOTIFICATION No. F-66-2lTlnee(two)A.lP.lElected Candidatel20lg/313.- In pursuance of Section 45 of' the Chhattisgarh Municipal Council Act 1961 (No. 37 of 1961), it is hereby notiired that io the gereral election held in the month of December. z}tq of the Nagar Panchayat Thankhamhariya District Bemetara, for the post mentioned in column (3) of the following schedule. The people mentioned are elected :- SCHEDULE No. Name Of Body Post Name Address I 2 3 4 5 Nagar Panchayat Anjana Rajesh Ward No. 03 Thankhamhariya, I President Thankhamhariya Thakur Distt. Bemetara (C.G.) sd/- (Jineviva Kindo) Secretary. qfift Yrqgr, R-{i6 13 2o2o F. gw-66-2/frn(d)/nqr./ftqt. orqeff/2oie /sls.- E-dTr-6 qrrsqrfufiT sTfufuqq rgor (m-qio 37 EI 1e61) d qm o1 +s d orgsiur +i vc-q EM qfuqfud fo-qr qrf,r t fr q.x qqr+d ffnrra, fuot ;y* d qre fu{iw, 2oie ii gq or-q FEfuq ri ftE{ orgqff d oidq d-{ n B-dfuf, rrs tg oif,q qx d s-dfuo qfu ffifun gs d ,- s0 (2) ,ftqim rrvffi0zozo fi. ftorq or crq rlti qFI qiit 2 3 4 5 1 ;rn q-ar{rd rsTrltr 3IEITT fto-o srq 5.+ffru+aTr.-rtf5lE6Tg6l .1qrq.rF.;T.d 6wL/- ffi) (ftriFd-n sfus Raipur, the l3thlanuary 2020 NOTIFICATION No. P-66-2lThree(two)NP./Elected Candidate/2019/313.- In pursuance of Section 45 of the Chhattisgarh Municipal Council Act 1961 (No. 37 of 1961),it is hereby notih.O tl,ut io rh, ;.;;r;lrfection frefJ in the month of December, 2019 of the Nagar Panchayat Nawagarh District Bemetara, for the post mentioned in column (3) of the following schedule. The people mentioned are elected :- SCHEDULE No. Name Of Body Post Name Address I 2 J 4 5 Mu. +Po. +Nawagarh Nagar Panchayat I President Tilak Ram Teh.Nawagarh Distt. Bemetara Nawagarh (c.G.) sd/- (Jineviva Kindo) Secretary. {rqgq, ft-{io 13 qfi-q-fr 2o2o @"*. gFz .q g w1e-6o1) oo-fz qtfmrt o(df )+tst cdt. /sfrfgi.s ruerr rqde Vff/azqo rgen /rs qlrr.c.-( Edfus=qt -q6m T rtx qfrufu qo.rn G qrsf1u-fqrrdr qt{ roe6{1, fqur<e rt 6vqdofu do qqrok f ttfiqfi{fu zdo tsg qfr t.g-,q- ur-q- ffia{ d ftq er-gqdi d oTEc fi-{ t sdfua q( tg @imq fr. ftorq o-r crq qci qFI qtIT I 2 J 4 5 1 qw q-qrqo tq-oc sTeqs{ uiffi wq qrd r. 04 t{fi-{ EwI./- ffi) (ftiliFr{r sfus. Bdgrra rtrqr, ftqia r r sr++0 zozo so (3) Raipur, the l3th January2020 NOTIFICATION No. F-66-2lThree(two/lr{P./Elected Candidatel20lg/313.- In pursuance of Section 45 of the Chhattisgarh Municipal Council Act 1961 (No. 37 of 1961), it is hereby noti'fied that in the gerreral election held in the month of December, 2019 of the Nagar Panchayat Devkar Disirict Bemetara, for thi post mentioned in column (3) of the following schedule. The people mentioned are elected :- SCHEDULE No. Name Of Body Post Name Address I 2 J 4 5 I Nagar Panchayat Devkar President Jantribai Sahu WardNo.04 Devkar sd/- (Jineviva Kindo) Secretary. vqgY, R-{io 13 \,r;rrfr 2o2o ,F. gw-66-z /trq(d) /q.qr /Frqi. orqaff/2oie / 313.- Edt=r.d rrnqrfuor qfuftqq 1e61 (m.qto- 97 EI 1e61) of qm of +s d ci-gsiur it Voq gM otfuqlq-d fu-qr qror t ft qrn qqrqf, c{q}-.S, fudr t+f,{r d crg ft*iqr.^zorg it.Sg .r* ffi'Tq fr ftq orjwft d aimc fi-{ t vdfuf, qE tg oidq qrq i vwfuo 6qfu Fnfftrd gq B-'- fr. fuorq or qrq Irq qFI q<IT I 2 J 4 5 ;IIl-t qqr{rf, 1 qTtrS 3IE2I&T ft+t UqS unrrcFxrer qrd m. 08 c{dr.S EwI./- ffi1 (ftil-iFr{I HFds Raipur, the l3th January 2020 NOTIFICATION No. F-66-2lThree(two)NP./Elected Candidate/2019/313.- ln pursuance of Section 45 of the Chhattisgarh Municipal Council-Act 1961 (No. )7 of l96l),it is hereby ,"tiii.J tfr"rt" ,h. ;";;;;i"r""ti* fraa in the month of December, 2019 of the Nagar Panchayat Parpodi District Bemetara, for thi post mentioned in column (3) of the following schedule. The piople mentioned are elected :- so (4) ,frqim rrsfifrzozo SCHEDULE No. Name Of Body Post Name Address I 2 3 4 5 Rinky Guddu I Nagar Panchayat Parpodi President Ward No. 08 Parpodi Jaysawal sd/- (Jineviva Kindo) Secretary. {rqg{, fu{io 13 q;r{fr 2o2o F'. gw-66-22fi-c(O,/c.cr./Fnf. s&qefflzors /s1l- EdET.d qrrqqrfuor ffiftqq (m-qio 37 qI 1e61) of qm of +s d 3i-gwur tt \'tr{ gNr efuqfud fo-qr qror B fu q.n tiqqd q1;-eq61l, feurqo rt +sudofu do qqraf uft -f{fi{iif,u 2(o 1ge qil tE'-q oTrq ffiq{ +i ftq or-iqfr A oiflq d-{ t sdfu( TE tg 6idq fr. fuorq tnr qrq CE ;Trc qflt I 2 J 4 5 1 qw {qrqo qrqr 3]?]ITT flftrft q-+q qrqsqrd qrd m'. 15 H]\,II EwI./- ffi) Gi-ifd-{r qF{s Raipur, the l3th Jamrary 2020 NOTIFICATION No, F-66-2lThree(two),rNP./Elected Candidatel20lg/313.- In pursuance of Section 45 of the Chhattisgarh Municipal Council Act 196l (No. 37 of 196l), it is hereby notiiied that in the general election held in the month of December, 2019 of the Nagar Panchayat Saja District Bemetara, for the post mentioned in column (3) of the following schedule. The people mentioned are elected :- SCHEDULE No. Name Of Body Post Name Address I 2 J 4 5 Shalini Manoj I Nagar PanchayatSaia President WardNo. 15 Saja Jaysawal sd/- (Jineviva Kindo) Secretary. {arc*, grot aen t€" smm, Edqtrd am vrrfiu gEunaa, wgt i gBa aw r*rka - zozo.