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Chat Specials - August 2022 PDF

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Preview Chat Specials - August 2022

| WEDDING ~)| DISASTER... "CHARITY SHOP) after brutal attack Le ’ CHALLENGE DIRECT TO YOUR DOORSTEP THAN ANY Oli =*2! m~CHAt iG neki OUT VOWS 3. - op oi F SAVED = 4 | HIS LIFE! f / (nai Never miss an issue with convenient home delivery Get the magazine for less than you’d pay at the newsagent! The most shocking true-life stories, puzzles, prizes, real-life crime and health-tips packed full of surprises in every issue TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Offer closes 31st October 2022. Offer open to new subscribers only. Direct Debit offer is available to UK subscribers only. *£11.75 payable by annual Direct Debit. Please allow up to six weeks for delivery of your first subscription issue (up to eight weeks overseas). The full subscription rate is for 12 months (50 issues) and includes postage and packaging. If the magazine ordered changes frequency per annum, we would honour the number of issues paid for, not the term of the subscription. For full terms and conditions, visit www.magazinesdirect.com/terms. For enquiries please call: +44 (0) 330 333 1113. Lines are open Monday- Friday 9am- 5pm UK Time or e-mail: [email protected]. Calls to 0330 numbers will be charged at no more than a national landline call and may be included in your phone provider's call bundle. Cover images: Getty. Images: SWNS, Alamy and Getty. Please note: some stories and puzzles may have appeared in other magazines. ummer’s finally here, and we’re ready to celebrate! Bring the holiday to you with our bold and bright home buys (pg24), and follow our tips to throw a garden party to remember (pg10). This month, we meet Krystal, who was humiliated when she realised she tipped the scales at a whopping 21st, thanks to her love of peanut butter sarnies (pg32) — but after a wedding dress humiliation, she slimmed down to a slinky size 12. Now she’s the life and soul of the party. And when Lucy was in a terrible accident, doctors told her she’d never walk again (pg36) — but her super dog Rudy helped nurse her back to health, and now she’s back hiking up hills! As well as these and plenty more feel-good real life, look out rz Wes J SIGHT S\ for our behind-the-scenes a ‘ (| OF )y : exclusive on a day in the life of a ¢ (ZACHARY -//f zookeeper (pg47). ; ‘* __ {|] [(CLOUDESLEY fh | Plus, read on to find out how to -_ aan i ia, get fit and catch some rays at the > J ae sa | same time with some top outdoor ' STRAWBERRY OM exercise ideas (pg50) and get B. DAIQUIRI @ Pvovearconouic ix yourself beach-ready with our pick of the most stylish bags to hold everything from sunglasses to bikinis (pg34) Don’t forget to pick up your Chat September special, too, on sale 11 August. Enjoy! Gail x On which page in this month’s Chat can you find these flowers? Your answer: Answer on page 60 Chat 3 Holiday smiles It’s the first time me and my husband have been away since having our twins. A long and well deserved break, so lots of smiles all round. Stacey, Bristol. | Although he doesn’t look it, Sam is chuffed to be chilling out — even if he stole my dressing gown! My daughter sent me this picture of her on her travels. I’m so happy she is a Ba £283 living her best life and being treated right. I’m very jealous of all the sightseeing. Pirate pose This lorikeet had a lucky landing on my boyfriend at Longleat — this is my favourite photo ever! Ava, Bristol My boys have always had a close bond and looking through old family photos makes me feel emotional. They still get on this well despite it being almost 10 Are you kidding me?! Here lam having a big cuddle with a baby goat at Pennywell Farm. It was making a lot of noise, but didn’t want me to put it down! Kimberley, Wiltshire After hours of trying our best, we managed to catch this huge crab in Weymouth. It did look a little angry! I I’ve never seen so many cute Follow me! piglets. My daughter, Coral, wanted to take them all home for a tea party. She was devastated when | said that we Cora, Yorkshire THAT’S SO BRI couldn’t. L GRABBING A WINTER COAT FOR HALF THE PRICE IN THE SUMMER SALE! THE RUSH OF BUYING SCHOOL UNIFORM BEFORE THE SUMMER HOLIDAYS ARE OVER. GETTING THE HOLIDAY BLUES AS SOON AS THE PLANE LANDS IN THE UK. _fii ee Stock Images: Getty When! meta chip shop worker, | had noideahow dangerous he really was... Joanne Goffey, 24, from Liverpool eeling my phone buzz in my pocket after school, I opened up anew message and instantly smiled. It was from a lad called Lee Brown. I’d been chatting to him for a few days, after a friend had shared my pin on the Blackberry BBM messaging app. I’d only recently turned 16, and I’d just had my heart broken for the first time. Lee was five years older than me, and I was really flattered he’d taken an interest. It made me feel so grown up. Lee worked in the local chicken shop around the corner from me, owned by his uncle. Do you fancy meeting up? Lee’s Words by Lucy Bryant and Hannah Crocker. Photos: SWNS I was so young message popped up. I'd love to, \replied. But I'll bring a friend along with me. Iwill, too, he said. I had a good feeling about Lee, but I still knew it wasn’t a good idea to meet alone for the first time. My friend Meg agreed to come, and we all met up near the local park after school one evening, in October 2013. The four of us walked around for two hours, chatting about anything and everything. Lee told me he was from Kurdistan. He’d claimed asylum in the UK, following his aunt and uncle, who any secrets between us. ‘He is quite a bit older than you,’ she said, and I could tell she was a bit worried. But things between Lee and I were new and innocent, and I assured her there was nothing to be concerned about. My new romance felt so exciting. Lee was so kind, always treating me to free chicken and chips, or cheeky bigger portions, and being with him made me feel so much more mature than my 16 years. ‘Can I stay at Lee’s tonight?’ I asked Mum one day. ‘I’m not happy about that,’ she said, and I felt cece Vly Ce ? was SO emDalrasse Lee said, as we said our be my to tell Lee that Mum had goodbyes. ‘Do you said no. want to come over to my auntie’s for dinner next week? She’s a good cook.’ ‘I'd love to,’ I smiled. I’d never tried Kurdish cuisine before, and I was excited —I loved food, and it sounded tasty. The next week came around fast, and after spending a lovely evening with Lee’s aunt and uncle, along with some truly delicious food, he turned to me. “Will you be my girlfriend?’ he asked me, and I was surprsied. No one had ever asked me that to my face. I felt so special —a 21-year-old bloke wanting to be with me — and I jumped at the chance, saying yes straight away. Back at home, Icouldn’t wait to tell my mum Kim, now 48, how my date had gone. We were so close, we were Zs more like best mates than mother : and daughter, and * there were never girlfriend?’ I was worried he’d think I wasn’t mature enough for him. But after a few days of pushing Mum, she finally agreed to let me go. It was only a few months into our relationship that I found out Lee’s real name was Hewa Ali, but when he told me he’d always just gone by Lee, I didn’t think much of it. Things between us moved fast. I stopped bothering with school work, and on Lee’s days off I’d bunk off from sixth form to spend time with him, binge drinking all day long. I’d only ever had sex once before I met him, and I was incredibly inexperienced. When we started sleeping together, I never really enjoyed it and I was always left with bite marks and bruises. I thought it was normal. But when Mum saw them she was angry. ‘This isn’t right,’ she said. She even messaged Lee, threatening to call the police, and my brothers went to the takeaway to warn him off. I was mortified. I was in love with Lee, and despite what they said, my blinkers were firmly on. Lee stopped coming to my family home, and when he did, he couldn’t look Mum in the eye. He ended up rushing us back out the door as soon as we arrived there. A lot of things Lee did made me feel unsure, but I shrugged them off, thinking it was the norm. Sometimes, I caught him chatting to other girls online, and the flirty texts upset me. But when I called him out on it, Lee would start bawling his eyes out, telling me about all the awful things that had happened to him back in his home country. I quickly found out a lot of his tall tales were lies — he told me his father and brothers had been shot dead in front of him, but then I spoke to them on a video call. It didn’t make sense. But no matter what he did to me —a-slap across the face, a bite to the vagina, being pressured into anal sex — somehow | always ended up consoling him. The first time he convinced me to reluctantly agree to anal sex, I ended up at local walk-in centre, and I took Meg along with me for moral support. When the nurse saw a bite mark on my cheek she asked Meg to leave the room. As she examined me, she asked about the marks. “You’re very bruised and torn,’ she said gently, and I felt ashamed. ‘If you’d like to speak to me or the police about what happened to you, we’re here to help.’ ‘No, it’s fine,’ I said. As I left the appointment, I felt deflated and confused. Is this relationship right? | thought for the first time. Time had flown, and all ofa sudden, I’d been with Lee for three-and-a-half years. In that time, I’d become a shell of the bubbly, outgoing girl I once was, and I’d slowly lost contact with my friends. I was even becoming isolated from my family. I moved in with Lee in December 2014, but in October 2016 we moved to another flat, this time further away from Mum. I felt so isolated and alone. But I still stayed with him. I was dependent on Lee, and I felt like I needed him. Every time an issue arose it was swept under the carpet. Ijust put up with it, assuming that’s what most relationships were like. Other times though, he was that sweet, caring man who Id first spoken to on BBM. We spent Christmas Day 2016 together, and Lee cooked up a traditional Kurdish meal for the two of us. We both got dressed up for the occasion and decided to go to the bar across the street for a drink or two after dinner. Thad the best night I’d had in a long time — Lee let me be for the evening, while I twirled around, He pulled down my knickers Horrific dancing my legs off. But by 12am it was time for bed, and after asking Lee for the keys I headed back across the road and chucked on my dressing gown. Sat on the floor in front of the bay window, I waited for Lee to come home, but I must have fallen asleep. I woke to the sound of the front door opening, and I panicked. I knew Lee would want to have sex, and I just wasn’t up for it. I pretended to be asleep, hoping it would put him off. But he lifted my legs, pulled down my knickers and started performing oral sex on me. I froze, and decided not to react, still pretending to be asleep in the hope he’d leave me alone. ‘Fine, sleep here,’ he spat at me after a couple of minutes. Pretending to wake up, I told him I was sorry. ‘I’m just hungry,’ I said, hoping he’d leave me alone. He heated me up some leftovers, and went to bed in a strop. Thoped when I crawled in next to him, he’d be asleep. But he wasn’t, and he was waiting for me. He tried to initiate sex, and I reluctantly consented, just to shut him up. I hoped him being drunk would mean it would be over with quickly. But he wasn’t happy with ‘normal’ rough sex, and he wanted me to do anal. ‘Come on, babe, do you want your arse to be like Beyoncé?’ he leered at me. ‘Let me try your arse.’ I said no over and over again, at least 20 times. But the next thing I knew, he’d spit on his hand, wiped it on my bum and then I felt a sharp ripping feeling that made me jolt in pain. I realised Lee was raping me. The whole thing felt like a blur. I have no idea how long it lasted. When he was finished, I got up and went to the bathroom, in agony. ‘Did you really just do that to me? I said, still in complete shock and disbelief. ‘Yeah,’ he smirked. He was laughing. He even seemed proud of himself after the state he’d left me in. . It was sickening and I hated him for what he’d done to me. Chat 7 Continued from previous page ver the next few days, dark thoughts sank in. There were times I wanted to end my own life. I couldn’t put my finger on why I felt that way, though, as I couldn’t admit to myself that I’d been raped. The days passed in a blur, and on 2 January 2017 I went to see my GP. ‘Has anything happened to cause these thoughts?’ she asked gently. I was honest and it all came > tumbling out. The doctor was full of advice and support, and gave me a phone number for an organisation that helps women affected by domestic abuse or sexual violence, called Safe Place. But I was told there wasn’t much they could do. I hadn’t told the police, as I didn’t want to get Lee into trouble. I just wanted to leave him, but I didn’t know how. I felt so trapped and alone. A few weeks later, Lee and I went out shopping for the day, and we’d planned to go back to the same bar Words by Lucy Bryant and Hannah Crocker. Photos: SWNS and Gett Always trust your gut over the road from the flat again that evening. But back at home, Lee blocked the door and ushered me into the bedroom for sex. My whole body shuddered when he touched me. ‘No,’ I said. He just slammed the door in my face. That evening, the bar was empty except one man, who tried to make polite conversation with the pair of us. I went to the toilet, and when I came back I realised there was a ladder in my tights. The lad at the bar made a joke, and Lee was furious. He started giving me attitude, and I suddenly felt a rush of adrenaline. “Do you know what?’ I said to him, feeling brave. ‘We’re done.’ Storming from the bar, I went home and locked the door behind me, so Lee couldn’t get in, and I rang my sister as I packed an overnight bag. Ialso called the police and told them everything. [heard sirens wailing within minutes, just as Lee arrived at the front door. His aggression turned to charm when he saw the blue flashing lights, but his act didn’t wash with the police, and they arrested him on the spot. The police took my statement before driving me to Mum’s — accompanied with just three bin bags filled with all my worldly goods. The council placed me ina women’s refuge, where I lived for nearly two months, and in March 2017 I was Horrific True-life given a flat to call my own. I started again from scratch. Mum also moved into a new flat at the same time, and I met her downstairs neighbour Marshall a month later. He was amazing — by May we were dating. Lee, or Hewa Ali, had taken four years of my life, and a court case would take a further two — but Marshall supported me through everything. Because we were ina relationship when the rape occurred, I was worried it might be difficult to see Hewa get convicted. But my visits to the GP and walk-in centres helped to prove what he was capable of and the terrible pain he had inflicted on me over the years. Hewa Ali was eventually jailed for 10 years after being convicted of rape following a re-trial at Liverpool Crown Court, which ended in May 2018 — after a court case in 2017 ended in a hung jury. He has now served four years but was released and deported in May If something doesn’t feel right, itisn’t AFE PLACE this year. While I’m grateful I got justice, I feel disheartened that he’s only served four years. He has a cushty home life to return to in Kurdistan, while I still live with the repercussions of what he did to me. But I love my life now — Marshall and I are engaged, we have a beautiful two-year-old son, Roman, and another baby boy on the way. I still have ups and downs, and what I went through will always stay with me. But I’m lucky to have Marshall and our beautiful family. With them, I'll continue my journey of recovery. When I met Hewa, I was a vulnerable 16-year-old — he groomed me with chicken and chips and wormed his way into my life. If anyone reading this recognises any of the red flags, please don’t ignore them. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. Always trust your gut. What links British Oscar-winning actress and writer Emma Thompson with Prince Harry? To find out, solve the crossword then read down the letters in the shaded squares to find the answer. 1 2 3 4 XQ = N otice (4) 13 Feeding times (5) ewd ACROSS tudy 0 on airport (8 rday and Su 5 of shirts 0 past even ents of the f ting tool (5) that was originally a dugout attendance (6) nd clever item (7) ip’s path when circling a part of a target (5) oOo froze 42Space s ir groomer (4) thouse, usually wooden ing liquid (7) washing cloth (7) garden flower (7) tional Scottish dish (6) ingo (5) in ever-decreasing circles igned to smash through a 0) nodes 0 ing, letting go (7) itive membrane in the pil (7) ch service (4) nd years (7) ire (5 (6) blown snow (5) speech (7) acanyon (4) 66 Section of a book (7) 67 Bill submitted for services rendered (7) 68 Chortle (5 69 Welsh national vegetable (4) 70 Aussie bounder (8) 71 Hang, hold up (7) DOWN 1Sailor’s slung bed (7) 2 Leisure hours (5, 4) 3 Completely occupied with, at the expense of anything else (8) AGape tiredly (4) lity 11 Glass vessel used in chemistry lab (4,4) ence proving attendance elsewhere 19 Steps for climbing over a fence (5) 22 Result of mixing red with yellow (6) 24 Surpassed, passed on the road (9) 26 Quickly taken, informal photo (8 29 Improved with additions (8) 31 Payments to authors from continuing sales (9) pital of Scotland (9 in possession of (6) 41 Sharp tasting or resentful (6) 45 List of contents in alphabetical order (5) 49 Risky but exciting undertaking (9) 50 Straight up and down (8) 51 Garden bird with black and brown spotted 33 Holidaymaking sightseers (8) a dl e 52--- tendon, back of the 5 Down, named after hero (8) 56 Set on fire deliberately (7) 57 Natural roofing material (5) 59 Run after (5) 61 High-temperature disease (5) 63 Operatic show stopper (4) 64 Ballpoint pen (4) 65 Untidy sight (4) Your answer i <aPw A LAN ho doesn’t Love an al fresco dinner party? The weather’s warming up — so it’s time to dust off those deck chairs and get your garden ready for a get-together! Jessica Hanley, linen expert and founder of Piglet in Bed, shares her top tips to create the perfect tablescape for outdoor dining this summer to impress your guests... on’t be afraid to use your nice glassware outside! Using wine glasses (no matter what you’re drinking) will help your tablescape to Look elegant and refined, plus they’re a joy to drink out of. As an attentive host, you should also lay out some smalltumblers and a carafe of water, so guests can help themselves to a drink when they’re thirsty (this will also save you running to the kitchen). SAMAK MAMM USE DECORATIVE CROCKERY must follow suit with a perfect playlist to elevate the mood. Bring a portable speaker outside, or simply plug one in close to the window in the nearest room to your outdoor dining area ahead of your guests’ arrival. An incredible playlist really sets the tone for the evening and can help conversation to flow easily. Music makes a huge difference to the atmosphere, no matter whether you’re hosting a brunch, lunch or sophisticated dinner, and that extra bit of effort you put into getting the music right for your guests will go a long way! hoosing cockery with bright colours or patterns can really bring your tablescape to life. Use the colours of your crockery to inspire the whole colour scheme and theme across your table. Lime green, yellow, oranges and > f= @ © w 3 2 ° — a @ x © 2 1S) & ro] fe ie ie] ag D> 5 a g 2 pinks are the colours set to trend this summer season, so if you’re in the market for some new plates or bowls, keep these shades in mind. Get creative and don’t be afraid to mix and match contrasting shades! It’s also a good idea to invest in some food covers before your outdoor dining session to protect your food from bugs and keep it fresh. You can get some chic food covers made of bamboo and mesh that won’t distract from the beauty of your tablescape.

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