Chasing Phantoms Personal experiences, observations and theories into the abduction/mind control phenomenon Carissa Conti © 2006-2008 Dedicated to Tom The light at the end of the tunnel! TTTaaabbbllleee ooofff CCCooonnnttteeennntttsss Introduction........................................................................................................i Part I ‐ MILABS and Mind Control...............................................................1 Aliens, Military and MILABS............................................................1 Causes for abductions.....................................................................6 Military abductions......................................................................6 The military experimenting on its own personnel...............8 Being family of military personnel......................................11 Targeting juvenile delinquents and inmates......................12 The military against the aliens..............................................14 Tracking the alien abductee...............................................18 Hyperdimensional abductions.................................................19 Detecting abductions........................................................................21 Foreshadowing..............................................................................21 After effects....................................................................................22 Methods for taking the abductee....................................................25 “Smash and Grab”.........................................................................25 Drive to them.................................................................................25 “Beam me up…”............................................................................26 Soul/”subtle body” abductions....................................................26 Implants..............................................................................................27 Mind control programming.............................................................29 Trauma‐based mind control.........................................................29 Screen memories............................................................................32 Overzealous programming attempts..........................................34 Virtual reality/dreamtime programming...................................35 Blocking and erasing memories......................................................37 Drugs, Electroshock and Hypnosis.............................................37 Memory “surging”........................................................................40 Dreams, reality context, and the “assemblage point”.............41 Wave beaming harassment..............................................................43 Scalar/Microwaves........................................................................43 “Sickness beams”...........................................................................45 The world underground..................................................................46 Part II – My Own Experiences.....................................................................51 Actual memories...........................................................................53 Suspicious/obvious indicators as a kid......................................56 The obvious stuff as an adult.......................................................64 Suspicious stuff as an adult.........................................................77 “Sidetrack circus diversion” harassment...................................84 The “Dreams”..............................................................................104 Summary......................................................................................119 Part III – Expanded Insights.......................................................................129 Fear in relation to the abduction experience...........................129 Black helicopters......................................................................131 The bees.............................................................................134 Paranoia....................................................................................137 Death/injury threats and attempts........................................140 Praying for intervention…vs. saving yourself........................147 Connecting to your higher powers.......................................147 Revoking illegal metaphysical contracts..............................149 Negative “entities” interfering with awakening MILABS.151 Thwarting psychic attacks......................................................156 End times programming............................................................159 Untangling disinformation........................................................166 Multiple personalities vs. multiple “personas”.......................173 Residual “talents” and abilities.................................................180 Physical and spiritual isolation of targets................................186 Isolation and relationship interference.................................186 “There is no God”/severing spiritual connections..............189 Discovering abduction schedules.............................................191 Sabotaging programming commands......................................194 Urges to move to certain locations........................................198 The Hyperdimensional and paranormal phenomenon.........200 Number sightings....................................................................200 Ear tones....................................................................................204 Real vs. artificial synchronicities...........................................210 The paranormal........................................................................212 The “Chosen Ones”.....................................................................215 Alien souls incarnating on a mission, or mind control?.....215 Abduct me and make me feel special!..................................220 The big boys with their alien toys.............................................222 Recommended Reading..............................................................................227 IIInnntttrrroooddduuuccctttiiiooonnn When it comes to abduction research it’s difficult to get a clear handle on what exactly is being done, to whom, how, and most importantly…why. We’re chasing after phantoms most of the time, because “they”, be it “aliens” or military black ops, are very good at wiping out nearly all memories, planting red herrings and screen memories, and covering their tracks with minimal evidence left behind. While working on this write up it got to the point where I was about to abandon the endeavor completely…because of the inexplicable nature of it all, and the fact that I can never seem to get concrete answers to anything. It began to seem futile. Having to untangle valid information from what seems like so much disinformation, and encountering all the “he said/she said” finger pointing, accusations, and counter‐accusations within the material can make your head spin. And when you research long enough, you may find that inevitably, you start engaging in some wacky logic ‐ what I call “double reverse psychology,” for lack of a better way to put it. ;) We know what reverse psychology is – double reverse is when somebody becomes so suspicious of everything they read that they reverse the logic of what’s being presented through multiple unravelings to try to get to the bottom of what’s going on. I was given some helpful insight though about all of this, which I’ll relay here: The fact that there is so much disinformation out there ultimately, points to the information. So keep plugging away and trying to find answers was the conclusion. Don’t give up. Another issue that I’ve come across while researching abductions and mind control is that there tends to be the same, years‐old, and most likely very outdated material being circulated to the mass public. I don’t claim to definitively know what’s going on, but what I can surmise is this: If it’s been declassified and released for the public to know about, then it’s outdated, which is exactly why it has been released. Because they don’t care if you know. It may have been true and accurate…decades ago. But it’s most likely that “they” are not playing by the same rules anymore, and methods of operation would have definitely changed since many of those materials were originally written. So to say we’re all chasing phantoms is putting it mildly. Taking into account the outdated information, the deliberate disinformation, ii Chasing Phantoms screen memories designed to disguise, random fragments and pieces that don’t make sense, and erased memories so there’s nothing left at all, then what we have is a whole lot of confusion. But despite “double reverse wacky psychology”, I still believe there is something very real happening here, and it’s not all smoke and mirrors designed to get us chasing our tails. Some of what the higher realm entities and military factions are doing to humans is merely batting us around the same way a cat will toy with its prey, which I outline in more detail throughout this book; but other times they’re doing something very serious and real. So it’s imperative that we learn how to differentiate between the two types of activities, discover what exactly they’re doing to us as individuals (because it does vary from person to person) then take measures to head things off, and stop as much of it as we can. Now, a note to the reader: This write up is geared specifically towards those who already know that they’re the target of alien/military abductions and mind control and are looking for some additional insight and tactical advise on it all, rather than trying to inform those who have never read anything about these topics or to convince skeptics. So you may notice the lack of thorough background explanation on the history of military/alien abductions and mind control. There are so many other materials out there that amply cover the basics, including government documents, that I didn’t want to re‐ tread over old ground and bore readers by going over material that they’re most likely already aware of. Also, some authors make the mistake of writing on the defensive, preemptively addressing the skeptical and inflammatory comments that they imagine the readers to be thinking as they read along. You won’t see that here, because it’s a big pet peeve of mine! It’s a disservice to those reading the material who already know it to be true, and a waste of time, paper and words. The biggest chunk of the audience reading any conspiracy or paranormal book are going to be people who already believe in it. Thatʹs why they picked the book up in the first place. Skeptical critics who can’t relate usually aren’t going to be reading it anyway, so there’s no need to worry about them. The focus of this write up evolved over time, eventually becoming what primarily amounts to tactical tips and insights gleaned from my own experiences, as well as an attempt to inject a fresh perspective into Introduction iii the works concerning certain topics. So this write up is very personal you could say, definitely not presented in a detached, stuffy, academic manner, being that I relay stories and experiences from myself and people who have been close to me over the years. When sharing personal experiences and insights, down‐to‐earth accessibility is the key. Serious and stuffy just wouldn’t work! All of which means you’re going to see some of my informal writing style mixed throughout, including email‐style smilies and laughing faces to indicate a humorous tone that words sometimes can’t convey. ;) So with that in mind, sit back and enjoy the ride…