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Charmonium production in relativistic proton-nucleus collisions : What will we learn from the negative x_F region ? PDF

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Charmonium production in relativistic proton-nucleus collisions : What will we learn from the negative x region ? F D. Koudelaa, C. Volpea,b a) Institut fu¨r Theoretische Physik der Universit¨at, Philosophenweg 19, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany b) Groupe de Physique Th´eorique, Institut de Physique Nucl´eaire, F-91406 Orsay Cedex, France We study the nuclear medium effects on the cc¯ time evolution and charmonium production, in a relativistic proton-nucleus collision. In particular, we focus on the fragmentation region of the nucleuswheretheformationlengthofthecharmoniummesonsisshorterthanthesizeofthenucleus. Little is known on the nuclear effects in this region. We use a quantum-mechanical model which includes arealistic potential for the cc¯system and an imaginary potential to describethecollisions of the cc¯with the nucleons. The imaginary potential introduces a transition amplitude among the charmonium states and produces an interference pattern on the charmonium survival probability, 3 which is particulartly important for ψ′. Our results on the suppression factors are compared with 0 data from the NA50 and E866/NuSea Collaborations. Predictions are given for the suppression of 0 J/ψ, ψ′, χc as a function of the nuclear mass and in the negative xF region, where data will be 2 available soon. n a J A very exciting era in the study of strong interactions models exist at present for the production mechanisms 2 has begun with the advent of high energy heavy ion col- [4,10,11]. 2 lisionexperiments. Inparticular,thishasopenedtheway Sufficiently fast cc¯can traverse the nucleus before a ψ to the exploration of new states of matter, such as the meson is fully formed; whereas slow cc¯can traverse the 1 v colour glass condensate, corresponding to the nonlinear nucleus as fully formed ψ meson [12,13]. Experimentally 6 regimeofquantumchromodynamics,orthehightemper- onecanpinpointtothesedifferentkinematicalregionsby 8 ature phase of nuclear matter, the so-called quark-gluon measuringcharmoniumproductionatpositiveandnega- 1 plasma,whichisalsoimportantforourunderstandingof tivesmallFeynmanx and/ormakinginversekinematics F 1 the early universe. In relativistic heavy ion collisions, measurements [4,13]. 0 evidence for the formation of the quark-gluon plasma Oneoftheaspectswhichneedtobewellunderstoodis 3 0 may come from the combined information of different theeffectofthenuclearmediumonthecc¯pairevolution. / signals,suchasstrangeness,dilepton,photonorcharmo- Inparticular,verylittle isknownonthe nuclearmedium h p nium production. effectswhentheformationtimeofafullydevelopedchar- - MatsuiandSatz[1]firstsuggestedthatthesuppression monium is smaller than the time to traverse the nucleus p of charmonia could signal that a phase transition has [13]. Soon,measurementsinpAandAB collisionswillbe e h occurred. This pioneering idea has triggered a series of performed by the HERA-B Collaboration [14] at DESY : experimentsattheCERNSPS[2,3],whoseinterpretation andthe PHENIX CollaborationatRHIC [15]. Moreover v has been very controversial. It has become clear that, theE160CollaborationatSLACwillperformsimilarex- i X to use charmonium as a signal, all possible mechanisms periments where the charmonia are photoproduced [16]. r whichcanaffectcharmoniumproductionneedto be well In this letter, we focus on this region, i.e. the frag- a understood [4,5]. mentation region of the nucleus (negative x region or F Inthiscontext,proton-proton(pp)andproton-nucleus slow cc¯) and study the effects of the nuclear medium on (pA) collisions have been intensively studied [2–8]. In the cc¯ time evolution and on charmonium suppression fact, these processes are used as a reference for the case in relativistic pA collisions [17]. Because of the kine- of nucleus-nucleus (AB) collisions where a critical en- matical region we are interested in, we assume that the ergy density may be eventually attained, producing the produced cc¯becomes quickly a colour singlet state (pre- plasmaphase. Thisshouldaffectvariousobservablesand meson) and on its way through the nucleus, this pre- in particular, it may lead to an extra (anomalous) char- meson expands to a ψ meson, while experiencing colli- monium suppression. There have been indications re- sions with the nucleons. To describe this, we use here cently that the plasma has been produced, but it is still a quantum-mechanical model where, contrary to previ- too early to draw definite conclusions [9]. These stud- ous works [4,12,13,18], the cc¯ pair is bound by a real- ieswillbe pursuedbythe runningexperimentsatRHIC, istic potential [19] and the premeson (and then meson) and future measurements at LHC. wavefunctionisexpandedonthebasisgivenbythechar- It takes a certain time for a cc¯produced in a collision monium eigenstates. An imaginary potential depending to become a colour singlet state, then it expands to the on the dipole charmonium-nucleon cross section [12,20] size of a ψ meson (the symbol ψ stands from now on for is included to describe the collisions with the nucleons. any charmoniummeson,i.e. J/ψ, ψ and χ ). Different This introduces a transition amplitude among the char- ′ c 1 monium states. (We assume the premeson wavefunction transverse distance between c and c¯, √sψN is the en- has a fixed angular momentum quantum number, while ergy in the center of mass of the ψN system and ρ it has different radial components.) is the nuclear density evaluated at the position (~b,z) We willshowthatthe interactionofthe premesonand of the cc¯ center of mass, z being the beam direction. lateronthemesonwiththenuclearmediumproducesan For the dipole cross section we use the parametrization interference pattern on the charmonium survival prob- σ(rT,√s) = σ0(s)(1 e−rT2/r02(s)), determined by fitting − ability. We will show how this affects the charmonium deep inelastic scattering data and which well reproduces suppression both when the path in the nucleus is var- the charmonium photoproduction data [20]. Concerning ied, by changing the mass number A, and as a function the nuclear density ρ, we presentresults obtainedwith a of x . These effects are particularly important for ψ . Woods-Saxon profile, with parameters chosen such as to F ′ Wecompareourresultswithexperimentaldataobtained well reproduce the nuclear radii. at CERN SPS by the Na50 [7] and at Fermilab by the The time evolution of cc¯ wavefunction (2) in the E866/NuSea [8] Collaborations. We present predictions nucleus is determined by solving the time dependent for the production of J/ψ, ψ , χ in a range of small Schr¨odinger equation for H =H iW Eqs.(1) and (3). ′ c 0 − negative x values, for different nuclei [17], for which This leads to a system of first-ordercoupled-channeldif- F experimental data will be avalaible soon [14,15]. ferential equations for the amplitudes c (t) : n,l Our cc¯ pair, produced in a pA collision, is described (inits centerofmassframe)bythe internalHamiltonian n¯ c˙n,ℓ(t)= a ck,ℓ(t)ei(En,ℓ−Ek,ℓ)γt n,ℓσ k,ℓ (4) − h | | i p2 Xk=1 H = +V(r), (1) 0 m c with a = vρ(~b,z)/2. The time t = γτ is now in the where m is the charm quark mass. The potential V(r) laboratory frame. We have neglected in this first calcu- c which binds c and c¯is a realistic potential which repro- lationthehigherFockstatesthatshouldemergefromthe duces well the properties of the charmoniumfamily [19]. Lorentz boost [20]. We see from (4) that the imaginary The spin-dependent terms are neglected. Only transi- potential (3) introduces a transition amplitude among tions between charmonium states with different n quan- the charmonium eigenstates. tum numbers are considered. Adifficultchoiceisthatoftheinitialconditionscn,ℓ(0) By solving the static Schr¨odinger equation with H for (4), related to the mechanism of hadroproduction of 0 Eq.(1), one gets the eigenenergies E and the corre- charmonia, which is still badly known [4,5,10,11]. We n,ℓ spondingwavefunctions n,ℓ (tosimplifythenotations, use: | i we do not write explicitly the dependence on magnetic quantum number m). The 1S, 2S states correspond in φcc¯,ℓ(0)=cℓfℓ(rT)e−12β2(rT2+z2) (5) our model to J/ψ, ψ respectively and 1P to χ where ′ c where c is a normalization constant. We describe the the different total spin state of χ are not split in en- ℓ c conversionofa gluoninto a cc¯throughagaussianmulti- ergy. (We consider that our χ is produced through a c plied by the function f (r )=r2 (or ~r ) to account for two-gluon mechanism). ℓ T T T thetwo(one)supplementarygluonsnecessarytoproduce The time dependent wave function for the cc¯ in its J/ψ,ψ (χ ). The initial wave function depends on one rest frame is expanded on the basis of eigenstates of H ′ c 0 parameter only, β. This parameter has been determined Eq.(1): by fixing the ratio c /c 2 to the experimental ratio 2,0 1,0 | | of ψ over J/ψ, produced in pp collisions at 450 GeV, ′ cc¯,ℓ (τ)= ∞ cn,ℓ(τ)e−iEn,ℓτ n,ℓ . (2) i.e. Bψ′ µµσpp→ψ′/BJ/ψ µµσpp→J/ψ = (1.60 0.04)% | i nX=0 | i [21]. w→here Bψ µµ is th→e branching ratio to±dimuon production and→σpp ψ the pp reaction cross section. → (h¯,c=1). In practice, one truncates the sum to a num- This leads to the ratio c /c 2(0) = 0.22 0.03 and 2,0 1,0 ber n¯ of eigenstates, for a given ℓ value. As we will dis- | | ± β = 1.33 0.5 GeV (the same β has been used for the cuss, we have chosen n¯ large enough so that the results ± χ states). c we present are not sensitive to this truncation. The number n¯ of states in (2), to be included in the To model the interaction of the cc¯ with the nuclear coupled channel equations (4), has to be large enough medium we add an imaginary part to Eq.(1) : that the results do not depend on the truncation. We γv have checked how the results depend on the inclusion of iW =i 2 σ(~rT,√sψN)ρ(~b,z) (3) extra states. Up to 4 channels have been used for the S- statesandupto2fortheP-states. Thetruncationalways where v is the speed of the nucleus with respect to the affectsalittlethelaststateincluded;whereastheresults cc¯frame and σ is the dipole cross section associated to for the lowest energy states are practically unchanged. the interaction of the cc¯ with a nucleon N, r is the T 2 Let us now come to the results, obtained in infinite of χ as a function of the nuclear mass, for different val- c nuclear matter first, i.e. by taking in (4) a constant nu- ues of γ. The largest suppression is observed when γ is clear density ρ=ρ . In fig.1 we show the time evolution the lowest, corresponding to a longer time spent in the 0 of the probabilities associated to J/ψ and ψ produc- nucleus. ′ tion obtained by solving (4) with the initial conditions Let us now look at the x dependence. The sup- F (5), both neglecting and including the transition ampli- pression factor is often parametrized as SAψ(xF,√spp) = tudesbetweendifferenteigenstates(non-diagonalterms). Aαψ(xF,√spp,A)−1 [4]. Infig.4theαvaluesfor “J/ψ”and While inthe formercasethe probabilitiesdecreaseexpo- ψ are compared to experimental data on pA collisions, ′ nentially, in the latter they present an oscillation. The obtained by the E866/NuSea Collaboration[8]. The im- interferencepatternismorepronouncedinthecaseofψ′ pinging proton energy is 800 GeV and the label A is the whereas for J/ψ the oscillations stays very close to the ratio of the atomic numbers of tungsten over beryllium. exponential. This effect directly influences the suppres- In this region of small positive and negative x values, F sionfactorsinpAcollisionsaswewillsee. Thedominant our calculations are in good agreement with the experi- oscillation frequency in Eq.(4) is ω = (E2,ℓ − E1,ℓ)/γ. mentalvaluesfor“J/ψ”,whereasforψ′ theyoverpredict Wehavealsoseenthatthe deviationfromtheuncoupled the data. In fact, in the region of small positive x , the F solution becomes stronger the higher γ is. cc¯ can traverse the nucleus before developing into a ψ Let us now consider a cc¯which is produced in a rela- meson. In this kinematical regime, other effects missing tivisticpAcollisionandevolvesaccordingtoEqs.(4). In- in our model, like for example gluon shadowing [22], can tegratingoverallpossiblepathstheratio cψ( )/cψ(0)2, play a role. | ∞ | which gives the survival probability of the ψ in the nu- Finally,we presentpredictionsfortheα values(Fig.5) cleus, one gets the pA ψ reaction cross section : andfor the suppressionfactors (Fig.6)for “J/ψ”,ψ and → ′ χ in the negative x region, where experimental data c (t(~b,z)) 2 c F σpA ψ = d~bdzρ(~b,z)σpN ψ ψ (6) from the HERA-B Collaboration [14] at DESY and the → → Z (cid:12) cψ(0) (cid:12) PHENIX Collaboration at RHIC [15] will soon be avail- (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) able. As we cansee,both“J/ψ” andχ presentarather c where t(~b,z) is the time necessary to a cc¯produced at a flat behavior, whereas ψ is very sensitive to the x val- ′ F point(~b,z)totraversethenucleus. IfσpA→ψ =AσpN→ψ, ues. Besides, the results on ψ′ also show a strongervari- the suppression factor, defined as ation with the mass of the nucleus. This can be under- stoodfromthefactthattheeffectofthecouplingbetween σpA ψ Sψ → , (7) thecharmoniumeigenstatesismuchstrongerforψ′ than A ≡ AσpN→ψ for J/ψ (and χc), as one can see from Fig.1. Fig.5alsoshowsthattheαparametrizationofthesup- becomes Sψ =1. A pression (often used with α independent of A) is espe- Before making predictions, let us compare our calcu- cially not good in the negative x region, since there is lations to existing data. For J/ψ, we have to take into F a strong dependence of the α values on the nuclei. accountthatthedimuonsmeasuredinthedetectorcome In summary, we have studied the production of char- from the decay of the directly produced J/ψ’s as well as monium (J/ψ, ψ , χ ) in relativistic proton-nucleuscol- those produced by the decays of ψ ’s and χ ’s. We will ′ c ′ c lisions. We focussedonthe nucleareffectsonthe cc¯time denote by “J/ψ” the total number of produced J/ψ, i.e. evolution and on the charmonium production when the S“J/ψ” =0.62SJ/ψ+0.30Sχc +0.08Sψ′ [6] . timeforacc¯todeveloptoaψmesonisshortcomparedto pA pA pA pA Let us first discuss charmonium production as a func- thetimenecessarytotraversethenucleus. Thiskinemat- tion of the nuclear mass. The cc¯pair travels along dif- icalregionmaybe exploredexperimentallybylookingat ferent lenghts, spending different time intervals in the slow enough cc¯ and therefore charmonium produced in nuclei. Therefore, experiments with different A explore the negative x region. The quantum-mechanicalmodel F the time dependence of the cn,ℓ amplitudes (Fig.1). We used here includes a realistic potential binding the cc¯ present results on “J/ψ” and ψ′ (Fig.2) in comparison pair and an imaginary potential, describing the collision withthe experimentalvaluesby theNA50Collaboration of the cc¯with the nucleons and depending on the dipole [7], obtained for pA collisions with an impinging pro- charmonium-nucleon cross section. The imaginary po- ton energy of 450 GeV. The data are given as branching tential introduces transition amplitudes among charmo- ratio times cross section divided by the nuclear mass, nium eigenstates. We have shown that this produces an which differs from the suppression by a constant. (For interference pattern on the charmonium survival proba- the comparison, we normalize the data by this constant bility,particularlyimportantforψ ,andaffectsthechar- ′ determined from the average of the ratio experimen- monium suppression factors. The results are compared tal/calculated values.) We can see that our results are to experimental data from the NA50 and E866/NuSea in good agreement with the experiment both for “J/ψ” Collaborations. We have made predictions on the sup- and ψ . In Fig.3 we give predictions for the suppression ′ 3 pression factors of J/ψ, ψ′ and χc, for different nuclei [17] D. Koudela, Diplomarbeit, University of Heidelberg, inthefragmentationregionofthenucleus,whereexperi- 2002; http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/archiv/3043. mentswillbeperformedsoonbytheHERA-BCollabora- [18] F. Arleo, P.-B Gossiaux, T. Gousset, J. Aichelin, Phys. tion at DESY and the PHENIX Collaborationat RHIC. Rev. C61, 054906 (2000); Y. B. He, J. Hu¨fner, B. Z. Kopeliovich, Phys. Lett. B477, 93 (2000); J. Hu¨fner Weexpectthattheexplorationofthenegativex region F and B. Kopeliovich, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 192 (1996); J. will bring new information on the charmonium-nucleon Cugnon and P.B. Gossiaux, Z. Phys. C58, 77 (1993). cross section and on the initial conditions which are not [19] W. Buchmu¨ller and S. H. Tye, Phys. Rev. D24, 132 well known, especially for χ . A better understanding of c (1981). the mechanisms for charmonium production in proton- [20] J. Hu¨fner, Y. P. Ivanov, B. Z. Kopeliovich and A. V. nucleus collisions in this yet unexplored region will help Tarasov, Phys. Rev. D62, 094022 (2000). usintheinterpretationofthemeasurementsonrelativis- [21] M. C. Abreu et al.,Phys. Lett. B466, 408 (1999). tic nucleus-nucleus collisions. [22] B.Z. Kopeliovich and A. V.Tarasov, Nucl. Phys. A710, 180 (2002). We are very grateful to J¨org Hu¨fner for having inter- ested us in this problem. We thank him for his useful suggestionsandcommentsallalongtherealizationofthis 0 wWvYeoverrayknt,ohuavasnenffdkourlfoBhdroiishrsicikssuinsvKsdeiorohpyneescllpaiao.rnveOidfcunhlceoraemonafmdduiensSngt(teCsop,f.hVtaah.s)neewamcePkallneniouagwssncl´eeYridupfgorteri. 2c(t)/c(0)|)1,01,0 −−21 J/ψ all the people at the Institut fu¨r Theoretische Physik of n(| l −3 theUniversityofHeidelberg,forthe verywarmhospital- ψ’ ity during her stay. 20)|) −2 c(2,0 c(t)/2,0 −5 n(| l −8 0 10 20 30 40 50 t/fm FIG. 1. Probability of surviving in the nuclear medium [1] T. Matsui and H.Satz, Phys. Lett. B178, 416 (1986). ′ of a J/ψ (upper) and a ψ (lower) as a function of time [2] J. Badier et al, Na3 Collaboration, Z. Phys. C20, 101 (in the laboratory frame), normalized to the initial proba- (1983). bility. The transition amplitudes among different charmo- [3] C. Baglin et al, NA38 Collaboration, Phys. Lett. B220, nium states, due to the medium, produces an oscillatory be- 471 (1989); Phys. Lett. B255, 459 (1991); Phys. Lett. haviour (solid line) whereas the solution is simply an expo- B345, 617 (1995). nential (dashed line) when they are absent. [4] C. Gerschel and J. Hu¨fner, Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 49, 255 (1999). [5] R.Vogt, Phys.Rep. 310, 197 (1999). 5.5 [6] L.Antoniazzietal.,E705Collaboration,Phys.Rev.Lett. 70, 383 (1993). ’’J/ψ’’ [7] P. Cortese et al., NA50 Collaboration, Proceedings to nb) “QuarkMatter2002”,Nantes(France),July18-24,2002. A ( 4.5 ψ/ [8] M. J. Leitch et al., E866/NuSea Collaboration, Phys. J/σ Rev.Lett. 84, 3256 (2000). Bµµ [9] M. C. Abreu et al, NA50 Collaboration, Phys. Lett. 3.5 B477, 28 (2000); J. P. Blaizot, P. M. Dinh, J. Y. Ol- ψ’ 0.09 litrault,Phys.Rev.Lett.85, 4012 (2000); A.Capella, E. nb) G. Ferreiro, A. B. Kaidalov, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 2080 A ( (2000). ψ’σ/ [10] M. Kramer, Prog. Part. Nucl.Phys. 47, 141 (2001). Bµµ [11] P. Hoyer, N. Marchal, S. Peign´e, Proceedings of the 0.06 2 3 4 5 6 CERN 2001-2002 Workshop on “Hard Probes in Heavy ln(A) Ion Collisions at the LHC”, hep-ph/0209365. FIG. 2. Results for the ψ production cross section times [12] B.Z.Kopeliovich and B.G.Zakharov,Phys.Rev.D44, the branching ratio to dimuon production, Bµµσψ, for the 3466 (1991). “J/ψ” (top) and ψ′ (bottom) produced in pA collisions with [13] D.KharzeevandH.Satz,Phys.Lett.B356,365(1995). Ep = 450 GeV as a function of the nuclear mass. The ex- [14] http://www-hera-b.desy.de/general/info. perimental data obtained by the NA50 Collaboration [7] are [15] Jen-Chieh Peng, privatecommunication. shown for comparison. (The curves are only given to guide [16] Keith Griffioen, privatecommunication. theeye). 4 FIG. 5. Predictions for “J/ψ” (top), ψ′ (middle) and χc χ (bottom),on thedependenceof theαvaluesas a function of −0.1 c xF,obtainedwithEp =800GeV.Wepresentresultsobtained for tungsten (triangles) and beryllium (squares). −0.2 ) χc A S 1 n((cid:5) −0.3 l −0.4 0.9 −0.52 3 4 5 6 SBe0.8 /W ln(A) S FIG.3. Predictionsonthesuppressionfactoroftheχc me- 0.7 son,producedinrelativisticpAcollisions,asafunctionofthe mass ofthenucleusA. Wepresent resultsfor γ =5(circles), 16 (squares), 21 (triangles). 0.6 −0.4 −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0 x F 1 ’’J/ψ’’ FIG. 6. Predictions for the suppression factors for “J/ψ” ′ 0.95 (circles), ψ (squares) and χc (triangles) as a function of α the negative xF region, obtained in a pA collision with 0.9 Ep =800 GeV and A being the ratio of tungsten over beryl- lium. 1 ψ’ 0.95 α 0.9 0.85 −0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 x F FIG.4. Comparison between calculated and experimental ′ α values for “J/ψ” (top) and ψ (bottom) as a function of Feynman xF obtained for pA collisions with Ep = 800 GeV. Here the α values are relative to the ratio W/Be. The data are from theE866/NuSea Collaboration [8]. 1 ’’J/ψ’’ 0.95 0.9 1 ψ’ 0.95 α 0.9 Be W 1 χ 0.95 c 0.9 −0.4 −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 x F 5

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