MIT-CTP-4758 Charm-quark production in deep-inelastic neutrino scattering at NNLO in QCD Edmond L. Berger,1,∗ Jun Gao,1,† Chong Sheng Li,2,3,‡ Ze Long Liu,2,§ and Hua Xing Zhu4,¶ 1High Energy Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439, USA 2DepartmentofPhysicsandStateKeyLaboratoryofNuclearPhysicsandTechnology,PekingUniversity,Beijing100871,China 3Center for High Energy Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China 4Center for Theoretical Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA We present a fully differential next-to-next-to-leadingorder calculation of charm quark production in charged-current deep-inelastic scattering, with full charm-quark mass dependence. The next-to- next-to-leading order corrections in perturbative quantum chromodynamics are found to be com- parable in size to the next-to-leading order corrections in certain kinematic regions. We compare ourpredictionswithdataondimuonproductionin(anti-)neutrinoscatteringfromaheavynucleus. 6 Our results can be used to improve the extraction of the parton distribution function of a strange 1 quarkin thenucleon. 0 2 n Introduction. Charm-quark (c) production in deep- results can also be used to correct for acceptance in ex- u inelastic scattering (DIS) of a neutrino from a heavy- perimentalanalyses. InthisLetter,weshowcomparisons J nucleus provides direct access to the strange quark (s) of our results with data from the NuTeV and NOMAD 9 content of the nucleon. At lowest order, the relevant collaborations [10, 11], indicating that once the NNLO 2 partonic process is neutrino interaction with a strange correctionsareincludedslightlyhigherstrangenessPDFs quark, νs →cX, mediated by weak vector boson W ex- are preferred in the low-x region than those based on a ] h change. Another source of constraints is charm-quark NLO analysis. p productioninassociationwith aW bosonathadroncol- Ours is the first complete NNLO calculation of QCD - p liders, gs→cW. The DIS data determine parton distri- corrections to charm-quark production in weak charged- e bution functions (PDFs) in the nucleon whose detailed current deep inelastic scattering. In all current analy- h understandingisvitalforprecisepredictionsattheLarge ses which include charm-quark production data in neu- [ HadronCollider(LHC).ThestrangequarkPDFcanplay trino DIS, the hard-scattering cross sections are calcu- 2 an important role in LHC phenomenology, contributing, lated only at NLO [12–14] without including an estima- v for example, to the total PDF uncertainty in W or Z tion of the remaining higher-order perturbative uncer- 0 boson production [1, 2], and to systematic uncertain- tainties. Approximate NNLO [15] results are available 3 4 ties in precise measurements of the W boson mass and forverylargemomentumtransfer. However,forneutrino 5 weak-mixing angle [3–5]. It is estimated that the PDF DIS experiments [10, 11, 16, 17], the typical momentum 0 uncertainty of the strange quark alone could lead to an transferissmallandthe exactcharm-quarkmassdepen- 1. uncertaintyofabout10MeVonthe W bosonmassmea- dence must be kept [15, 18]. Recently O(α3s) results [19] 0 surement at the LHC [6]. From the theoretical point of became availablefor structure function xF at large mo- 3 6 viewitisimportanttotestwhetherthestrangePDFsare mentum transfer. 1 suppressed compared to those of other light sea quarks, In the remaining paragraphs we outline the method : v related to the larger mass of the strange quark, as sug- used in the calculation, present our numerical results Xi gested by various models [7–9], and to establish whether showing their stability under parameter variation, and thereisadifferencebetweenthestrangeandanti-strange then compare with data in the kinematic regions of the r a quark PDFs. experimental acceptance. InthisLetterwereportacompletecalculationatnext- to-next- to-leading-order (NNLO) in pertubative quan- Method. The process of interest is the production of tumchromodynamics(QCD)ofcharm-quarkproduction a charm quark in DIS, νµ(pνµ)+N(pN) → µ−(pµ−)+ in DIS of a neutrino from a nucleon. Our calculation is c(p ) + X(p ), where X represents the final hadronic c X based on a phase-space slicing method and uses fully- state excluding the charm quark. We work in the region differential Monte Carlo integration. It maintains the wherethemomentumtransferQ2 =−q2 =−(pνµ−pµ−)2 exact mass dependence and all kinematic information at ismuchlargerthantheperturbativescaleΛ2 andper- QCD the parton level. The NNLO corrections can change the turbative QCD can be trusted. The calculation of QCD cross sections by up to 10% depending on the kinematic correctionsbeyondLOrequiresproperhandlingofdiver- region considered. Our results show that the next-to- gences in loop and phase space integrals which must be leading order (NLO) predictions underestimate the per- canceled consistently to produce physical results. Meth- turbative uncertainties owing to accidental cancellations ods based on subtraction [20, 21] or phase-space slic- atthatorder. Ourcalculationisanimportantingredient ing [22] have been shown to be successful at NLO. The for future global analyses of PDFs at NNLO in QCD, NNLOcaseislesswelldeveloped,althoughseveralmeth- especially for extracting the strange quark PDFs. The ods have been proposed [23–29]. For this calculation 2 we employ phase-space slicing at NNLO [30], which is by crossing the corresponding hard Wilson coefficient a generalization of the q -subtraction concept of Catani calculated for b → uW− decay [41–44]. The two-loop T and Grazzini [25]. Specifically, we use N-jettiness vari- soft function and beam function have been calculated in able of Stewart, Tackmann and Waalewijn [31] to divide Refs.[45,46]. Aftersubstitutingthetwo-loopexpressions the final state atNNLO into resolvedand unresolvedre- fortheindividualcomponentsintoEq.(2),weobtainthe gions. Phase-spaceslicingbasedonthisobservableisalso desiredtwo-loopexpansionofthecrosssectionintheun- dubbed the N-jettiness subtraction. For recent applica- resolved region [40]. tions of N-jettiness subtraction, see Refs. [32, 33]. We Intheresolvedregion,besidesthebeamjet,thereisat define leastoneadditionalhardjetwithlargerecoilagainstthe beam. Whilewedon’thaveafactorizationformulainthis 2p ·p nµ X n τ = , p = n¯·(p −q) (1) region, the soft and collinear singularities are relatively Q2+m2c n (cid:16) c (cid:17) 2 simple. Owingtothepresenceofthehardrecoiljet,there isatmostonepartonwhichcanbecomesoftorcollinear. where m denotes the charm quark mass, n=(1,0,0,1) c A singularity of this sort can be handled by the stan- specifiesthe directionoftheincominghadroninthe cen- dardmethodsusedatNLO.The relevantingredientsare ter of mass frame, and n¯ = (1,0,0,−1) denotes the op- a)one-loopamplitudesforcharmplusonejetproduction posite direction. FollowingRef.[34], wecallτ 0-jettiness whichwetakefrom[47]andcrosscheckwithGoSam[48], inthis work. Werefertotheregionτ ≪1asunresolved, b) the tree-level amplitudes for charm plus two jet pro- while the regionτ ∼1as resolved. We discuss the calcu- duction [49], and c) NLO dipole subtraction terms [50] lation of cross section in these two regions separately. for canceling infrared singularities between one-loopand In the unresolved region, p · p ∼ 0, i.e., p con- X n X tree-level matrix elements. sists of either soft partons, or hard partons collinear to After introducing an unphysical cutoff parameter δ , incoming hadron, or both. Using the machinery of soft- τ we combine the contributions from the two phase space collinear effective theory (SCET) [35–38], one may show regions, thatthe crosssectioninthis regionobeysa factorization theorem [39, 40]: δτ dσ τmax dσ fact. σ = + +O(δ ). (3) dσfact. = 1dzσˆ (z) C(Q,m ,µ) 2 dτ dτ (2) Z0 dτ Zδτ dτ τ dτ Z 0 c Z n s 0 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Power corrections in δτ come from the use of factor- ×δ(τ −τ −τ )B (τ ,z,µ)S(τ ,n·v,µ) n s q n s ization formula in the unresolved region. In order to suppress the power corrections, a small value of δ whereσˆ (z)istheLOpartoniccrosssectionforthereac- τ 0 is required. On the other hand, the integrations in tions(zpN)+νµ(pνµ)→c(pc)+µ−(pµ−). C(Q,mc,µ)= both the unresolved and resolved regions produce large 1+O(α ) is the hard Wilson coefficient obtained from s logarithms of the form αkln2kδ at NkLO. The integral matchingQCDtoSCET.Itencodesalltheshortdistance s τ overτ canbe done analytically in the unresolvedregion. corrections to the reaction. Collinear radiation and soft Intheresolvedregion,thelargelogarithmsoflnδ result radiationaredescribedbythebeamB (τ ,z,µ)andsoft τ q n fromnumericalintegrationnearthesingularboundaryof functionsS(τ ,n·v,µ). AtLOtheyhavethesimpleform s phase space, resulting in potential numerical instability. A balance has to be reached between suppressing power B (τ ,z,µ)=δ(τ )f (z,µ), S(τ ,n·v,µ)=δ(τ ) q n n s/N s s corrections in δ and reducing numerical instability. τ where f (z,µ) is the PDF. s/N The factorization formula Eq. (2) provides a simpli- Numerical results. We first present our numerical re- fied description of the cross section, fully differential in sults for the total cross section. We use CT14 NNLO the leptonic part and heavy quark part, and correct up PDFs [51] with Nl = 3 active quark flavors and the as- to power corrections in τ. The 0-jettiness parameter τ sociated strong coupling constant. We use a pole mass controls the distance away from the strictly unresolved mc = 1.4 GeV for the charm quark, and CKM matrix region, τ =0. In fixed order perturbation theory, dσ/dτ elements |Vcs|=0.975and|Vcd|=0.222[52]. The renor- diverges as αksln2k−1τ/τ, as a result of incomplete can- malization scale is set to µ0 = Q2+m2c unless other- cellation of virtual and real contributions. The strength wisespecified. InFig.1weplotptheNNLOcorrectionsto of SCET approachto describing the unresolvedregionis thereducedcrosssection[16]ofcharm-quarkproduction that each individual component in the factorization for- in DIS of neutrino on iron, as a function of the phase- mula Eq. (2) has its own operator definition and can be space cutoff parameter δτ.1 computed separately. All the ingredients needed in this Letter have been computed through two loops for different purposes. Specifically, the hard Wilson coefficient can be obtained 1 Throughout this paper we do not include higher-twist effects, 3 IntheupperpanelofFig.1weshowthreeseparatecon- InneutrinoDISexperiments,differentialcrosssections tributions to the NNLO corrections: the double-virtual presentedintermsoftheBjorkenvariablexortheinelas- part (VV) contributing below cutoff region, the real- ticity y. We examined the NLO and NNLO QCD cor- virtual (RV) and double-real (RR) parts contributing to rections to the differential cross sectionin x for neutrino above cutoff region. Although the individual contribu- scattering on iron, observing that the NNLO corrections tion vary considerably with δ , the total contribution is are comparable to the NLO corrections in the low-x re- τ rather stable and approaches the true NNLO correction gion. When computing the LO, NLO, and NNLO cross when δ is small. The cancellation of the three pieces is sections throughout this paper, we consistently use the τ aboutoneoutofa hundred. Inthe lowerpanelofFig.1, same NNLO CT14 PDFs [51] in order to focus on ef- we show the full NNLO correction as well as its domi- fects from the matrix elements at the different orders. nant contribution from the gluon channel. Corrections Decomposing the full corrections into different partonic from production initiated by the strange quark or down channels, we found that the perturbative convergence is quark through off-diagonal CKM matrix elements, and wellmaintainedatNNLOforgluonorquarkchannelsin- all other quark flavors,are smallcomparing to the gluon dividually [40]. The NNLO correction to quark channel channel. The error bars indicate the statistical errors is much smaller than at NLO, and the NNLO correction fromMCintegrationandthesmoothlineisaleast-χ2 fit togluonchannelisalsobelowhalfoftheNLOcorrection. of the dependence of the correction on δ . As expected However,at NLO there is largecancellationbetween the τ thecorrectionisinsensitivetothecutoffwhenδ issmall. gluon and quark channels in the small x region. We re- τ Wefindoptimalvaluesofδ about10−4 ∼10−3forwhich gardthis cancellationaccidental in that it does not arise τ the powercorrectionsarenegligiblewhile preservingMC from basic principles but is a result of severalfactors. A integration stability. According to our fitted results the similar cancellation has also been observed in the calcu- remaining power corrections there are estimated to be lation for t-channel single top quark production [53]. only a few percents of the NNLO correction itself. In Fig. 2, we display the scale variation envelope of the LO, NLO, and NNLO calculations for the differen- tial distribution in x, normalized to the LO prediction 0.30 σH2L with nominal scale choice. The bands are calculated 0.20 vv σH2L by varying renormalization and factorization scales to- rv 0.10 σH2L gether, µ = µ = µ, up and down by a factor of two rr R F ed 0.00 around the nominal scale µ0, avoiding going below the r σ -0.10 charm-quarkmass. Atlow-xtheNLOscalevariationun- derestimate the perturbative uncertainties owing to the -0.20 accidental cancellations mentioned in the previous para- -0.30 νFe®cquark,Eν=88.29GeV,OHαS2L graph. The NLO scale variations do not reflect the size 0 -0.20 ΣσH2L ΣσH2L -0.0003 of the cancellations between different partonic channels. 0 i,all i,g 1 -0.22 The NNLO scale variations give a more reliable estima- ´ tion of the perturbative uncertainties and also show im- d re -0.24 provement at high-x compared with the NLO case. σ Comparisons with data. We turn to an examination -0.26 oftheeffectsoftheNNLOcorrectionsinthekinematicre- 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 gionsoftwospecific neutrino DISexperiments. Thefirst δ τ istheNuTeVcollaborationmeasurementofcharm(anti- )quark production from (anti)neutrino scattering from iron[10,16]. Theymeasurethecrosssectionsfordimuon FIG. 1. Dependence of various components of the O(α2s) re- final states, where one of the muons arises from the pri- ducedcrosssectionsonthecutoffparameterforcharm-quark mary interactionvertex and the other one from semilep- production in neutrino DIS from iron. Upper panel: double- tonic decayofthe producedcharmedhadron. Kinematic virtual(VV),real-virtual (RV),and double-real(RR)contri- butions to the full O(α2s) corrections; lower panel: the full acceptance and the inclusive branching ratio to a muon correction (solid line) and the contribution from the gluon are applied to convertthe dimuon crosssections to cross channelshifted bya constant. sections of charm (anti-)quark production at the parton level. These dimuon data from NuTeV have been in- cludedinmostoftheNNLOfitsofPDFsandhaveplayed animportantroleinconstraningstrangenessPDFs. The data are presented as doubly-differential cross sections nuclear corrections, electroweak corrections, or target-mass cor- in x and y. In Fig. 3 we show a comparison of theoreti- rections. Theyshouldbeconsideredwhencomparingtoexperi- mentaldataandcanbeappliedseparatelyfromtheperturbative calpredictionswiththedataforneutrinoscatteringwith QCDcorrectionsshownhere. y =0.558,for severalvalues of x. As expected, the NLO 4 2.0 tion measurement of neutrino scattering from iron [11]. LOHµL(cid:144)LOHµ=µ0L They present ratios of dimuon cross sections to inclusive 1.8 x NLOHµL(cid:144)LOHµ=µ0L charged-current cross sections Rµµ ≡ σµµ/σinc instead (cid:144)d 1.6 NNLOHµL(cid:144)LOHµ=µ0L of converting the dimuon cross sections back to charm- d σre 1.4 quarkproduction. The measurementisdone withaneu- d 1.2 trino beamofcontinuousenergypeakedaround20 GeV. of A Q2 cut of 1 GeV2 has been applied. In Fig. 4 we show o 1.0 ati our comparisons of predictions to data as a function of R 0.8 x. Here weconsistently usethe NNLOresults forσ in inc 0.6 νFe®cquark,Eν=88.29GeV,ybin=@0,1D thedenominatorofthe ratio,obtainedfromtheprogram 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 OPENQCDRAD [54, 55]. By LO, NLO, and NNLO in thefigurewerefertoourcalculationsofthedimuoncross x sections in the numerator of the ratio. The NLO calcu- lationsgenerallyagreewithdataalthoughthesedataare not included in the CT14 global analyses. The NNLO FIG. 2. Scale variations at LO, NLO, and NNLO of the dif- corrections are negative and can reachabout 10% of the ferentialdistributioninxforcharm-quarkproductioninneu- LOcrosssectionsinthelow-xregioncoveredbythedata. trino DIS from iron, normalized to the LO distribution with the nominal scale choice. The solid line shows corresponding At high x the NNLO corrections are only a few percent central prediction with thenominal scale choice. and become positive. The NNLO corrections in Fig. 4 are generally larger than the experimental errors. Thus, they can be very important for extracting strange-quark calculationsgenerallyagreewiththedatasincethesame PDFs in analyses with NOMAD data included. We also data and the same NLO theoreticalexpressions are used plot the scale variation bands in lower panel of Fig. 4. inthe CT14globalanalyses[51]. TheNNLO corrections The trends are similar to ones in Fig. 2. The NLO pre- arenegativeintheregionofthedataandcanbe aslarge dictions underestimate the perturbative uncertainty. It as 10% of the NLO predictions, as shown in lower panel can still reach ±5% at NNLO in the low-x region and ofFig.3. Basedonthis comparison,weexpectthatonce can be reduced once even higher order corrections are theNNLOcorrectionsareincludedintheglobalanalyses included. fits, the preferred central values of strange-quark PDFs will be shifted upward. The shift represents one of the theoretical systematics that has not yet been taken into NNLO account in any of current global analyses. 20.0 NLO LO 3 0 1 15.0 NOMAD ´ NNLO 0.20 NLO σinc 10.0 LO (cid:144) dy 0.15 NuTeV σµµ 5.0 x d (cid:144)d 0.10 0.0 e NOMAD,νFe®cquark σr 2d 0.05 atio 1.4 NNLO(cid:144)LO R 1.2 NLO(cid:144)LO 0.00 1.0 νFe®cquark,Eν=88.29GeV,y=0.558 o 0.8 Rati 11..12 NNNLOLO(cid:144)L(cid:144)OLO 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 1.0 0.9 x 0.8 0.7 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 FIG.4. Comparisonoftheoreticalpredictionsforratiosofthe x dimuon cross section to the inclusive charged-current cross section measured by NOMADfor neutrinoDIS from iron. FIG.3. 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