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Za 7%: pinT Y t g ae he ~ Fi ae A Bell & Howell O F FlL MIN I N U S E D q T H E P A P E R A N D N K _ O R I GI N .A L TMY e0n eoas h _ A F F E C T ps = = > £ -_— & & ee & Se & ki ies = ae Ei as ea aa = & es _ : : = = ee ise am: oo, — 2 we me me Ss = ts -_ ‘aa & & < = e ee = Gs fase, OE Fs we : — De not ™ 2 Ke : > Se : A: in ey Ge _ om a pity he —_— Ba Se. & at 23 a - * 3 a ea Sk, aS sa & _ ee << = = betna Par at: f Bet un?2 A8 Pie ee=A an ee & SOME ae ee x. pe oe fee ie oe ‘Sh “at ne ee = Gay ie ~ one ay iy gs D~m we ee foae e 3 a CL om ts . * 0 Z fis. ff Se te ‘4 bo fa a aa arena ~<a = fe se S Sie i & me ‘ pai HO Se eee ee Ee 7 a we Gon = “Copyright i001 Northern Michigan Review inc, — AllR ights!F lenerved a Se WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2,1 991 VOL. 107° NO: 3 oO CHARLEVOIX micH.:0 20 PAGES 1 50C ENTS a“ PLJ S-ONE SUPPLEMENT Looking back at_ events from 1990. -Januaty = - approximately $175,000 total tost and plans-to include public nt. rest rooms in the bandshell w "Dev were dropped. x Authority (DBA DDA anid continued to be a frequent source .of dispute at City Council ”.-= — Peach grant: - ' Charfevoix received ‘word. that” ‘meetings. In mid-January a $215,000: grant from-the State ; ‘ council and DDA members ‘to help. fund- Ferry Beach ~ argued about fundinga s tudy for improvements ‘would be« . changes to- Bridge . Park:‘\~ approved. The grant from: the. 5 ‘Initially, the council denied Michigan Natural Resources é funding fpr the study by a md Trust Fund-"is .a 50 percent“ vote. .- matching grant. Fhe~city's- . Park funding was. part of an 3 ~ share will ‘be: paid from Tax overall debate concerning how ee Increment Financing- Sothortty = DDA funds may be spent.DDA Z members contended. that the ei. o City Council placed the’ DDA~ i tiie in a finazicial bindb y spending -. | Oe its ar cue ‘and: picnic. ee : ‘DDA funds on projects ‘which ‘Stand, new — - should have been paid for by ” new: concessii nolSsadeltes,men= o ne er d irs m city electrieal, seme fot and 5 wer lines. fo. emreve ayr e : sewer -and. serve: ¢ park. Feiry Avenue. “~--infrastructurefunds. Teta = has:“ been moved away-from the. — Eventually the < “was: asked:" FOE. an "opposed to and peoplei t approves when-it approves the. of*building an indoor swimming : '., DDA -project list. ‘The DDA« anay then undertake projects or>: _each.subimitted petitions-to the ‘that- list- without, ‘further * school board. Oppouents:) of fquacil approval. | ns “Later in the year ffie-council- and ‘DDA © “agreed to a :“eompromise in which. the DDA paid: $34;385-, rather.- than’ 3 iio _ $165, 560 for disputed. projec “The councit® also allowed D “funds to pay fora: ‘Bridge Park ae stady. The resulting study listed alternatives. for’ future changes tothe park aréa..Séme- | of those ‘alternatives 'cdtry an; ~ “Faise® monéy to build the pgol estimated price taga s high'as‘— "§1.6 million. So far no0 changes sand establish “ae ‘endowment — fund ‘to pay operational: have been initiated. re ee costs. -T hey ,- ‘grant request tL embers Jimt Potter, - Buite Bandshell. funding: FhéCity usséll anid Ke Whitley-fo “for, the. pool. They said they” © ‘Coiificil “and DDA. agteed. to” “ dowt't want-am. election, until sperid $50,000 in DDA funds on’ =~5 Ss they havé time to raise-money. “ded lock” ~S the “constructidn— of -a“new ee members “Bi The. -schaol, board tank no cantb ut looking ahead is more ~ pandshelli nE ast Park. In,1989,°.~ Hoffman: ~ the-city secured a $40,000 state. action= . és interesting. The following story © grant for the bandshell. During - . discusses some -of. the issues: - discussion regarding“both the ~ pens F & . Charlevoix: people «1m ay. .be.. + grant and DDA funds, people discussing-the “city's 1990-91 affected—by in -1994,—“ It also “speculates (andthe key word - * arguing ih favor of the funds budget City Council members - suggested the’ money’: might; ‘debated how many mills ‘to here:is-speculates)aboutsome things + wwh icke#may. happen: - “help construct public rest reoms levy.” City administrators in the bandshell.. Ultimately, initially. drafte e baaet = these issues. “the grant and DDA funds ~’ In 1990: the Charlevoix. City; j . accounted. for $90,000 of the =- ” - Continaed on page as -Couneit ‘ofter” was, Spite, on 1 detéatdd by Dd f7 P wie,p eli ak a. lite hiek 1.1990 — city millage, Csntnr Ceoureier ttWedn eisdayg; Januhary2 t 1901s-=PA) ¥ Continued ft ro page: b ‘= truck hdll== climbing “other ‘counties will. accept. “city coniichie ‘appointed a _ +March <. Mes ta2y] WEDNESDAY. _eallling for -a-total tewy.of°15.1- scompetifions, : “garbage from’ ‘Charlevoix. Hi +. i .% os ghting committee 40 look into " "mills, That broke dawn into 9.5. Six <= * - ~, County’ if the. Cedar-~Ridge = paikethall = teate ee ‘appropriate ‘lights’ for streets --mills-for general eperations,.4 °~- ‘High:Schaol. _landfill“in Charlevoix County _ and parks throughout the : Charlevoix High School: “gnills for: ‘infrastructure. (i.e. . Jason Corwin and ‘Chrissy closes. Abe ‘city level, “a curb- -community, -Late4rn the year,” varsity .basketbal) team. won... street; sidewalk- ‘and ‘sewer) °“ Dillon “were crowned 1990 ~ side: recycling pitk-up program- -the Michigan Huron Shotts f<n= > improvements and 1.76 mullfosr Winter: ‘Homeconiing: Kinga nd the councH --turnéd— down. = ~ Nutritional = fot sbnjorccisheans: Sail. be ; ~ debt retiremeént: The: 45,1 mills -Q ueen. . Sia began, but ie© Beopie have’ ommittee ‘recommendations: League title, The Rayders then -=—— lost to Boynie City by-four poinis ° . _-Servéd atthe VEW, Us. 31 North, 12:30:p,m. ~:«- bra dette " wort havebeen a. mill ; “Tegarding. witing . for: few 2 ine Hie. District Finals in- an SAVE -Supporg -Group- (Sexual Abuse: Victim. ae incréage froin 4989-90. whén the- “Sikaecat-€C liacievais “, geess" downtown street lights onthe: “*B séape) neets.C 574-4199 for more information. j “\) millage break down-was9 mills “High School: pg irls’ ski-team— "iene sti The~ weast side of MidgeS treef rat -Goaktied on page? ae --Lions,Club meets aet re Weathervane fora es for general. operations 3 mills=, :Placed-. third -in the - state - Juncheon anceting.” “for infrastructure improvements: C“bheheinyd <: Csa a i%t:l as and*T eReage ”TD C SharEleAveRix:S me e ec ) and 2.38. mills:= fors: debt * : ‘ [Pa -efirement. =~: ge. Maxtgn ‘Alilanes fo:rH anbally oe ~fAMD will meet.at 6 p.m: at the Fochtman Center os “After lengthy ‘debate which - Sad Walk:‘ Disposing af. “HOME APPUANCE . af “went into-March;:the- ‘council. Ai tepoe- continued. to" be-a Be eae gees ae 3 — “fedyced-the 199091 ene, levy back matter of concer, Atthe county. — “EB THURSDAvYY to:9:mills for'géneral operations “Tevel, Chartexuix -“ éunty: . anaes and: “3. wills. for ‘infrastractaré ~ pushed other counties {0 sign Hb price” SHOP: AND COMPARE... “reciprocal-agreements-if they” you"tr FIND MORE REASONS THAN EVER improvements. The decision: to. __ -feduced thro TO SHOP AT SE“8S! -teduce the milfage.was-made:: wished ito. continue- hauling — arZREEgNA I TH — = Janvary. 18th a Charlevoix Rod & Gun.Club meets ‘at the hab ca“ by a 3-2 vote. Council members ~“ garbage “into ChBele voix’: damper 2<r i OS nee a: ~~ house at 6:30 p.m. for dimer and meeting.~ = Cheri Hoffman. and Pat Gaskin’ County, Theagreemtatyp eayst he ; = Sai, Barnard Grange’ meets at Grange] Hail, 5 —want®dto- Jevy 9.5 pha -waills.- is Se ait _Fhey: were Qulvoted by council... Barnard Grange ni¢ets at Grates Hall-7 p.m: “members. Butch Russell, Ke --Embroiderer's Guild meets-at Cross of Christ=’ = - Whitley and Jim-Potter, ee, - Lutheran Church;.1400 E<Mitchell St.-7 pam 2s =p - Reducing the infrastructure | --. Ace Genealogy: Society meetaat She Page oy eile = © puitiage from 4 to.3 mills means-~: =. Library, 7 p.m: = Se “(proposed~ “infrastructure. = “Nutritional: meals fot geniox citizenss ervod-at | improvements will takedonget * ea “the VEW 12:30 pm: eS This ssndiel csiaetiat fasbease gitdiion center ‘at the cornét of Norwood Roda nd 2S to complete, : 5 “consent DeLiveya nexvconens = _.. Rotary ‘Chub meets atG rey Gablesf ora lynicheon, "West Carpenter wililck tiieL ge Laid wae'7y orkM eompbtel:: “$= -=Mount. McSaupa— Siew: MORE CREDIT OPTIONS ‘9 Soars higec ed on ae wilh” be ‘vmsiniating ; 3 meeting»: pes 7: ee ‘ Challe*n ges The: annuint winter. for low monthly payments, Sears Rapid sone foSre ve als edi ae= & E um’ Oddfellows ‘and.‘ Masons. GiibbageT oumament di sae - festival -at Mount. McSitba ~ open water. around the: petal plest heDi scéyet. Cond Se SBS -~730 p.m. atthe Masonic ‘Temple. - ——- eet ais >“ outside perimeter ofits ~ S15 4 continued to-grow in popularity. -“ 5 ‘harbor. ttiroughout. ‘are LyTH E WIDEST PRODUCT ASSORTMENT EVEV ERO FFERED: ene Freshman Basketbatt, ees att Charlevoix; 77 To ee = Hundreds of é DL a featuring thé top names i applicncss Today;K enmore,a hein p.m: “ah : “ner ne ees :t uaicheon meeting Ses eee =n “+= participated. oi ~. Tappan, Speed Quega, dene Air seb more” ¢ aes. Cnty, EAB noon a aE a eee Thanen ahi éhovimbbile ee ae [el FRipay ~~ ACOA/Alonan. Zipped geome. willb e held:-from ie ieee ts Aegean: bs-SAnde ass ~ h SATISEACT 10N aieED ees to 8 p.m. at St. Mary's. Catholic School, -KENMORE® wee ety j oe -,Charlevoix, followed pee 3 2 ‘at“’ Wastep~ * ZontaG iab’ cists af‘ Ridcander! $,.11; 45,a .m n. Es =18-cubic foot plvigntcise® . .work book study group. ig Gra _-Downtowti Development Authority meets. atcity “Foot Clinic ‘at East }Jo rdan Senior Citizhn Genter= e~=e! ~VoHeyball; Grayling at Chitlevoix< 6 pam. eam = hall, 5:30 p.m, *. : == =e0 DAodjours ttaiabdt’e3, sshcerldvtese.h -Bfieossi bsultatnert.D -yStfaofWabgiet™e* detosee. Skiing, Boyne Invitational, 10.a.m, “%C a‘lSlpo ns5o4r7ed- 6b5y2 3t5,he " Heaalth : Department, 9a m. hoon.” : ‘School Board” MENS. 7330. A. “att he High’ Oddfellows meet atthe American Legion, 8 p-m.. -po rle abeya tyaasnh ‘,a toidr gtawintirzceedi:sp ers $>0 food teose “County Board of ‘Commissioners. meet a 9:30 am Nutritional méals: foxs enior.G itizens’‘ Seived:a t. _Satioot- } & ; : vin the couiity building: annex. in os the-VEW. 12:30 pana 4-5 Nutritional: ameals for ‘sehiior citizens Servedhat - 2: “Foot Clinic:a biiagtSéfaan Senior Citizen: Centér,-— =Se re |:e e =omth e V FW, 1230 pan... : sponsoredi by: the.L iealtt.‘ Depafiment 4 age -Doon.~ “SAVE Support: Group: ‘(Sexuat Abuse Vieliat SH = . Call 47-6523." Escape) mérts, Call-54750199-For. information = *_ eigen Basketball; Charlevoix.a t Retoskey,6 ‘ am The Northerne vinearSSu bstance Abuse Services poy csT iesaay- = 647-4341~ =B renigi ns meet:7 ‘ Paitl ~ FRIDAvY indS ATURDAY Nights:4 i mat the "Weathervanél, eg Tees Charlevoix’ at‘ EastJ ordan6: p ane Foe =Nuftitional- ‘meals for senier “citizens‘ served’ ae “ Wrestling;~ ‘Martelona= He ENEB h “Ignace cat the CFW3 12:36 p.in, i 3 i eect aa ee 2cCarlevoiy Sate. ea ‘Kiwanis Chib meets;at Grey Gables Inn’ for ae st i*e “ Pancheonstieetinig:-— tapi Sipe nes me 30° CUSTOMERS Ona ig he ‘ es = 2" sare Overeaters Saseieiearob meets in theb agemesit ofay“e =8 Tae Cotion throws if: sm The EastJ ordan SéWAibiless aresppnsoring tth eir “the United Methodist.Church; Zp : ae “alt-you #an-éat" ‘breakfast: atthe Alba Banc lub _ hae “TOPS Chaptér 440-of Charlevoix’ nieets Sate’e tsit e “Re“iAlsle- fYiooum -C7a ani‘n;E atti l RPooann-c ake--Breakfast” at ee :“ Mmeetehtoidnigs ta:t *C6 hpuarnc;h ,A nyWoeingeh -‘iinn:t eriess-taetd : i5:n30’l. o po.simn;g oo=“ Nutritional meals ‘for seniorr citizens‘ served.a t ie _tince Shippingn este Esie sc t beccaar ty»d Asceatu fsalcT ar g eal Arppep 1l9iidsa -nelc» eespse n arde- oawnh i eles0 ib atney aLcar hea t 1 - “pPetriac tuts aovr.ert $ 7.0C0 tirom =)a =f tr americanL egion,H all, eee soon:2 = vein is welctoo amtteend : ~~ 3: 6 ihe athe YEW, 42:30 p.m are “Childrens .AiqJQK M°°e.s tEUwE| AtNiENyieNN ecEMh-AsNioOeA e eRIsRE » as-advertiasid: See 1000o Tocwerraaty shuts Améritan. Association oF University: ‘Womiert” Rotary Club: meets atG rey Gablesf ora Tuncheon i:s e > Chikd¥en, @ & under)3, ‘ GETONE: FOR'SS = (KAUWY will meet “at the- home ‘of Roma a meeting. =a | =, Sebved from & pie“ 9 pam AbD GET $6 OFF” +. Walgtrom, 129 E.. Bluff, Harbor’ Springs, at:7:30 piri. ‘Oddfellows 2an d Masons Cribwaagg eP onrashe = YOURN EXTORDER,-- c.. i* Ccittihya cylCPl oa,rl8 si cpaa rniend i Ree5ect.rsa e ata t.io nh aGlolym7m piaemi.o |n eme ets ate"_ D““- oF°EPoralKrseb taf tsCuJeWhro otcyrlhade elasWrlnte 5i el3rnFs6ofao-losr2 rt 2niT0wlae6iyts l fitloioH rnned ga ia clsnCa ctlluhalis p ns5pC 4ioe7ccin- hn6twit7eil4mldr4elr 6n-e,ftbn.r’:e so- hme lli1dt- e2r:a atpt ut.rheme. =.y : e7:‘3S0 kepi.imn.g aa tt StBhc aehg uAksemdte brMaiolclua,nn tH aaLisentg, i1 Jo2onp r daHaman.l at t, C ohhar:l| e voix,pts Pe j 2 here : " “pmefaisytie iimimism seneoe dntisra ds tetIefoN e-cddSk eTeflOdioC ivKrnde . rl syit voZ*~ eer~ er;r y ~tt = w ei Nutritional meals ‘forS enior citizenss erved at ee * Lions Cab meets a Satford's Weathervane tors, : . “SBarskeeteba:ll ,R eSetk’e Ipgpnaalcte: a St Cthaartleavo.ix ,-a stt6 e Ppee.llsms. to ~n,= 3° S> voCheaerl evaanjadx.: ‘ ‘RAlieaendoen-ceelku m bee,e st1ei0 n4.gd sM a saornee, heCehl aarr’l,ee av:omt ixee, r wse ~-4P2ha0n0io Bvroitdxg,e :W Srt 4= 8 720, -RMa o n. t-eS at“_S.tGo.0r0e heonu. rs6:%: [ ie “: : ieee a SE ee Ni ce ae PAGE 4~CharlevCooiurxie r Wednesday, January2 ,19 91 <= PRES Sard cee - ee Fee ee “LR,E ASSOCNAOBTLET T "O MaE wanton eps | - Chariot Settee ‘Initiating a tax protest = Jan Class. keeping c¢a reer” wane'h- the only thing. tagaea =i Oil and water’ may.n ot mix; one day.-pondering his ‘two “but™-alcohd1 and -politi¢s favorite phrases. Orn the one _ with-higher taxes. That budget .- +=, me : ee AS have: ‘taken a “little =- Sorte a fascinating mix... 3 tand-there was’ the phrase~ - agreement ‘alsd:stuck-anéther— lotigerb,u t travel when even on ‘gir jrachool aii tcam, particalnrly Gie girlst eam, fared well in1 98T0 he : ~Charlevoix's syaverse:C ty.: With the. -new 2year, which got “hint elected. "Read ~* nickle in federal taxes on. every. agt hes tate reeet beb iog Gatiies)a nd rs : hie, af the tearid: “the Resort:S pecial traitis was? © “Additional federal: taxes.:on -my lips: No:new: taxes.” On thé gallon of gas... “aleohol. went into effet: The: : .. Tas As sires: sae Wem on.= = “other. ‘hand: there ‘was ‘that — Justw hen the rergpteociety is - so “ng planes. pl Seco == Peay hie govethment deals with =: press conference favorite, “Stay ‘making a.concerted effort.to. get. = EE oer pe es Matin, flight atten- = Tn Spiteo f thien ig cSamSin yte, wes - “ateGhol -says’.a’ lot: about the. the course.” ee -out. the message that dcinking =“ differerices in the-philosophies: dant for-United Airlines, lives* “F rancle loves her job. As a Wher it came. to.t axes, these: sand driving don'tmnix, Congress. in-Charlevoix with her a senior flight: attendant, ~(19- J of. -the —Republican~ and. two phrases -were’ mutually - ‘decides that drinking and” : t=D emocratic: parties when. it- “exclusive: ‘No new taxes: would *“ .c Gormievsi nfgo- imnicxr ejaussitn gt tiaixee wsh,e rt: it ae “Herf our-day Sights are Based° ~fyre aorms )1,9 68h ear.n pdia ysWi esrteafloree dmautecs.h «People iid entified— somes’ fo famperigg” with. w= i nee bea radical departure ‘from the SS cdo out “of Chicago, which “mheang? z People’ ¢ Hives; © <> federal «c ourse which | has been See - Earlier: this eer alcohol \. -Not: only; did’ Congiess tie: st: ae drives every,w eek ‘tor ose @tablished fora. number. of 2 “corisumption | inef-with the - years. In the end,B ush decided * dicohol: -consumption-and- Base actions aamt | q uitep aneke =! “= may-not:b e‘ ipetshtaeena=E e Se es Aggether;* they -tied: them een saegisietive 3 ‘* “The ‘girl 2nd (ist unidentified) the reneme:t hemselves: eee ree together’ inthe wrong order. Sn the: senior. ., Regarding identification -af = “is Ethel (hot EthaD Powers. *. Witt: the-tax increasé-the® gas.< 2 2os Slaw come you:d on't Fi out. <fert n “ aheadart theand I knew: some oF oes some of the~ students. of ‘the’ Winifred TrimBie and_Gertrude- ~ part ame~ before. the: alcohol: Attendants; if~ they: ay the. course.” ere fHight- = Middle: School class. of.1 924 Clark Row 3: Helen Halver-_. these children very well. “gonsumption, Tit real ‘life, i That other phrase,w oulde e ore iva:0 . strebetat” 2 ASerapbook 12-5-90) I believe *“ son, Germaine Atchison, "Row 4: Sincerely;= Sagalaat ie os ae ee have ti be modified, Now that. “alcohol consumption precedes- _ he replies: *“ The: flights-out Of “the Hiteg it S fourth from‘ ‘the. piphiaMalees: Row. i ‘Yom : Bymnece. Lamptiear Gteiteen= *a With akohot * sation,p hrase is "Read my lips.-N o. “gas. “Anybody -other- ae af awe. cea that. 7% Dales taxes." oe »politician knows: that. “Traverse City: are” too unde- = Many of: mjrtriends have been! left in-Row-2- is-Daisy. Dutcher.— ~_Finucahie ; ‘Stein’ ~pendable.. I fibd-if mentally” “There ‘are, Rowever, “some son These. corrections. ins pelling “Lite Keak,K kS pee “telling - me for. years that: they ne An the 1700s it’w an easier:0 . =. But? with: tex “pliching: n “much: éasier-fo. e= e dieakt: axi ncreases Ify ou got. longer-an-option,.how-do ‘we. “Rapits :a nd taked-roinvee.: o tfo t hGer fanidv e_: d onot chasse to ‘flyout of" = Voicsee military eee SS ~~ - “Traverse. City: They; foo, mych- — —Aififed: about taxés,- you could “Protest?_We: must: “find. 4 ; Geshe IEE£ 0ig hts.tt o-Chieago. T haven't - prefer driving to either. Mid=" ‘Local ¥ “Demo atic—-~ reelalative:= “fustgod‘ dawn*te the: cee and uitable- pretest; A pretest see ae seesi ne - philosophy. That “philosophy tear apartat‘ tea-boats-e S owhick tells”l egislators that we 5 coftimuted ont of Traverse City’ - -Jand-or Grand Rapids.to catch ai... re ; s~ tseéeinne'ts ™p ipnnes invasion of a shay ‘cores: That issurtf bestpor ea a a or four years. When. Republic’ “sonnecting “Aight: And lately, ° Editor, : saisn: ee Gfr al aei “says that-people can dédideto it's not ké thatanym ore ee ‘don't want’ increased taxes’t ~flew thete. DC9's;-the ‘planes. retirees” ave telling, ime that“: "To: Gur American Servicemed. snéarly: -defenséless _Kuwait, isc sitien— -405-0b tain»e ither oa 2 -spend their money-on: glcahetor:’ “begin with, -{ t's = almost “alcohol, gas.cr-anything. else. “ased: tobe. fulf. There's betr a” Ther “andW omen.> : : ee -hisamistake, not ouks,a “peacéfat, ‘sohition or: “wina . aoe they. are staying put: right" Te “Bebmas swatits PostT aat is“ eewee yloln l =sSi iree? ne WPiN ts.* : a e:a iSfai tyaolue vtearx eelnsoeu. gthh eyW:t-bwfaithyt .a w‘aBuyt. Ssiwmiitpho cteebal. eE:vt eon f iinfda y.o suh-idpo: f iflilnedd : fo“rTme moigfh ptr-ontoétst-, “ bbeut ‘-tthhei ps-eirsf etcht é=— sepa eee decline in service. ° ie in*the:nortk-wooooddss . Travel- is= Chrartevoler MI 1153, “mPorsets iadfe tnhte ‘MBiudsdh lea n“dEa slte'andaetriso nosf= ‘| mSiliintcarey wcoen flbieclti, ev=e “that ‘what SDE Fy i “from them, hat'decision won't: -one,you-¢an't-throw tea around one I'm: trying.. The hext time SE *Boday we who live-in the" too uncertain, too stressful io go have’ sought ©‘ and “received: = OUR, president: is" ‘doing ®= i ~ “dgIent oto hmaeu oche o fr uan b,i trhdaetr;p: r obably := tike they Used: to. You start — drink ab eero r ¢an of pop, I'm ¢S-haorret fnio htarvaiét-sn,o n Coh ofirceeesw.a y‘s Thaenrde”* a a~n ey wathteernde a* ‘w feord dpilnega.su re; ee s- uppWoew ratn yto uy o“tuottal ley.a ir i tshhea tj woeb.™ “world wide Support: forthe very smecessary ame: proper; we be- eg icimeaen ie ‘ E ‘throwing | teai nt he water these going to Tip off the putlab land = = “Rojets! 27 : ~ you have been sent to do inthe action you afe_a vital: part-of: - lieve you can.and will do what > . ice -What as urprising: trend! soe ‘amd _the. Department Of * Sstick in. an, enyelope. That , > Middle East” We are onlayf e w “Thos. of “us-who-have~been “nese fe“ be,‘ donez “just assmany- Natur ources wilt, pe Ai_eneetaps will not_be’ sealed aa She's ‘igh.a bout fiat! Ie one. there “before are: hearteried to. “others: have done. Before you; ; Tk “the, very wear eutaneee of many Americans who feel Democrat. Ote grou Moesive- wer You c with a-kiss, but wittca belch. - «ants to fly to. Chitago out-of ~ _ see that President Bush is not We will coptinue to.do-o ur att: Spy “ Francie “tells me. thaf she wale -the same way. ~ eel ‘prople~ are capable. ésome kind. Then I'm sending:t hat pull tab. ” Peaverse City, "the choice isto indulging in hal-way, half- Ged blessy ou. havea | coniputer-at home.and it.» _ Many -o f;y a. arem“ already way to protest tax incfeases. — and. “envelope -: OF: “to + take-a 3p5a ssenger. plaice, ATE,- hearted measures, Hut-instead,— _=- MEW Post 1 _woni't ben ecessaryffo or cher to- -Vetera ngsof pverseas service,~ _ Come ra yiink fe afoot —W ashington,= a) +5-passenger ptane, callee d: sclncra Poses ey aiden aT Ses— check: inat the’f etminal,. Ss ~=shavirg been called «pon to Short. ‘The latter has #0 reclin== be:fully Preparedf or suything =. “= To the editor <= Butly tor. hert “What- about _Serve-your country: in either —- ra a ing Seats, “Tétop it off, the price~ ~peaceful duties orcc ombat Even~ <= - for-a round’ trip. per.person ‘ts ist That :we need —is for eee ae “Coutier welcomes. letters ‘from: our” “9251-0 course if you: conmect io:_ Someone's ‘computer td reasstire™s ome -of- the peaceful aduties. = ‘FeWahdierlse- otnh-éerveei nst sr iaomn adxc ienncaeurmt ilse nogft lho,ca wle iantserkets th.a..ll et=t er be =2 . OF Emajor city like San Franciséo;- - us-that-therej g ai plane for us on tu“rTnheed toouutr atgoe b,e -roefhseoruwricseef. ulness_ i ie reset‘ hough, to make: sore - Kept ass hort apso:ss ible.-We also reserve'the tight to edit : ae “New York or Phoenix,-then the the munway ¥F for take-off, >“ and determination-ofthe. Amer- _—Axgat trom today, at Evne a scapno eae out what . ==s es, fess as weiktso:s b eEmdie teotr , lCehgaalr’l eevnoitxs Cour ‘ aN saaSt epriace osf-oChincag o eleegoo fthe tripZ z tchoantt roltlheerrse ina rteh e-.a lterotw=e rt,r atfhfaitc . “Sbiccoaatnn= h pebtdphleei rt o-hseormvee jaanndd d ef“eanndd -~ _ “SPOU.B -SBéCx 1R9I2,P CThaIrOleNvo ix,B MiL.4 9A72N0 2K i ; ~ their leader's ‘Position isc. astes =. 11,C harlevoix, Mich. 49726, ae » there are-no bombs aboard, that “Another option is to fy. Great al —oversegs thas. keen meceskaty.'* ; eed & “Supportit. each passenger if assigned #—~ ~The deadline for letters iis 5 pm. Frida f -Lakes Air-out of. Reliston: to, -robot/porter to-¢ ‘pur tug-: from the earliest colonial times- ~ Elsewheié ; Charlevolé,:“ Antrim ; George Bush,s»a tt inh isof fice Wednesday’ s paper: “=, ase 2 © gradn eat =<C hicago: ‘Off season, they-have aps to today~And, those: sale: z 2 $2900. & Emmet Courity. ar oa year. cs “three round. trips.a “day ima eage;park AE ary whisk oem. did whatever. had: to be-dine;: Sree Ss we eeae,d a 5 ues turbo prop; twin-engine, 19 pas- a nearby gate; and bed. usdown .o s low, it's:your tunto.do a job-- 1 Year, ~~ $23.00 - <== “6 arionths”: $14:50 — batlevoixy‘ Courier= : ~Buescnro* wates — $80 ra“shyeasnsg .err e BcBilégié ndciehnacglr’f a sfIetna tt1hse9 :0 as0n!ud m Tmsheeiras,.t- . —““ ct g ioienonnangt ;ecl:no éim“ afptloror entfseaesob rmlateebho,el.n yre ev.co |Alim:icnnn eeid xn tog™v i en’pfrsoo a stfitah,~ e~- 2atd iiodnsest;rr aea’‘x nltgorneegm :e wllaya,yn ddif.frf oiWmce t.lh.to. mcc eho;naidvnie- ®= i "FS =e ~e‘6-3 amonth sS = $=)Ta 155!0§ ° s aattear sw e= monti hsae 2 - $ 27o. 2*e8 s = z eels Case quaes assem. — fn = pecs ae ~ 9$71.4.2580: © é tphreoyp eunseg.ian e:lP arB gaAenrRe,s « 4 52 oe P” “aehses ee ne eer . :“ ~ Jiunst ea crheoomi cweo uolfd.d esloioctahciinesg,l y:T hoaftf'esr . “cwohnaftiedpeéntc rei,e.eidns- t-oyboeu ,d.otnoe-,. evdeon. Byi kl} Renewal: ““4P0h5o.en eB:r i(dg6e1 = 6S)tM 5ree4em7t,b- e6P.5rO6 .o8 f B Mo‘xiF:c AhX1 :1 7(,n 6 C1hP6a)ri l5ee4v7o A-ix4e,9s 9n2ca iica-h nig an ‘osoFrz 09117-2 =: a:. cain _.~~- A"ClS1lp8sSe:KoucE bri paancolrts iatprattatigoeoe nnf sepo rnap'aissied dna =iti:o nr C- hceaidrtvilazanevonasst-. .y‘l .Pi uvbMilinicgsyh heiegda.:a r h’w.t e etindo in n ChWae 9rat emveoeitn jims o$$m11i99.n.0g000s .:p. e.S teyc eoanrd=’:: = an EtlrjIatdv'iesel liirWnogin lilcd iutahrmaitsn oFgrn a-;tn hcedi ee’2ss0o”'r sai ubareindtd™, o© thFeo srt utfhffd er e‘taimmse ‘abteyin- ma“dBer aosifctie * = -diWfea-nnacltel' . “ yihneo-luuls ,t,ob rcrheSaavk esw .e,.tbl hoaeoc sckeo .ny'foWiue-~'” Js ~ : ae o‘AedSv ertti rnegeR e prtesntatvesF remeocaonm N ewsbebes iFna a=~ e~ = le feaaeyeh ibr he e ae so Or Allad vertcisiingn aar rs acl annoy astiveertiasemanat. 30's in-her delightful” book,-- nah@ t he-rest-of ts will gladhy Ps all the way. 2 827 Washington Avé.; Lansirig,-Michigart 48906 - : Sey pater eSsor rection iih id rhewai furnish check.n teha Setteo fc orveption * = e=sh en. “We Went First Class" settle for reliahle. jet service ‘Granted; our FSicenmert: lof: = =Peos maateie : SSeenad ABdder e“sBso xG haarnege Ss ttoe-Ch:ad eWvoilox aCrou pear,0 0a1 7“,j as: ‘ __ icotst eanr2 Dp8eCae.t itnt w ehi eh Tei ead.cLlabrilltoy fror-edrNroro sihralel neotene xc eefd= a <“PSyhlei n‘aFnen-t ifnaitssc-e-se: aachb ooupte ptraimvaetde sseovnearball®e -tpirmiecsé “ tapu “itd atya. t.caT te aav erresae s t“qhreis t‘apkeassst A iHna vpeo liimcaidees~ tnso tmhee”» of eseen othe may ey namiRte gist It = = tty Peis | Middle East ur-Sadam tosa be Sr Nya ns Sh “my _=* 2 carer PAGE 6—Charlevolk: Courier Wednesday, danuaty %s oot oh PS Se ne a * ChavoC ourierW earesday sever2. 199P1 AGE2 ie os Sad Yur a “Acting: class.o ffered | ~Continaed fori page Pa Seite: re ai eimalng gat ata vcighttea nd ‘pinth grade.t eamss peaker. pne sega BillC rooka nd = “Kelly =M ontene - the “elementary - school. -. _ from Schools of all sizes from, om Mennes~=: exciting game before x packed all across the state. The. ~ - Swimming pool proponents had. =~ ope _shonié eit pena ae ‘ ~ planned to repeat a requestf fo r. “Charlevoix team was: coached Chailevoix's Boys ake team * Terinis teams fourth inis late: ~ Riisting MiK elly apd Keith : ec Area ‘student ‘communify sented on1 Mach 2. ies ie Se “the school Board to sponsor-a- b Tam Senet5 - placed. third among Class C* Charlevoix's high*schoo! team’ - z ats i ‘Méntonerexchanged - mar--— fheater-and professional actors « The workshops will ‘focus.o n) * grant ‘application. However, “schools at the state finals track” “finished fourth among Class C+ ~ late Bab: ‘Carey, a Charlevoix: S riage’ vows on Sept. 29, 1990 at will have an opportunity to ~ body movement, voice, diction,=- = after questions were raised thet _lly.S - ee eet méét:= Participating ‘front’: _ D’ schools” at thé-state finals =~ . Nativé, was’ elected tothe, * fie. St. Frances. Xavier. Catholic : improve their skills gta series concentration, the Actof's: “imag. proponents | chose ‘not to make ~ ~ ae . “, “€hartevoix'~ were™ Tony meét, Eatlie® in the season the-~ - ‘Michigan Sports Hall of Fame, - Church in ‘Petaskey. before+200:. * of acting. workshops: sponsored ination, audition and.reheatsal. 2 Carey earned Adk:State- honors: the request in 1990, Later. inthe - sie laa aolara bate ile? -Warchol,_ Brian:-.Livingston, Rayders won their: sixth. = ._g uests. The altar-was decorated- by the Jordan - River. ‘Arts “techniques and aH of thie-facets- year, pool, proponents began a Charlevoix High «School's “Scott “Miller, Matt..Gibbons; ~ staighbregional-fithe. “ =. in Football, basketball and _- with candets anid white es -eouneil. The workshops will* -~ 0F ‘character development, Ae S59T nim fund raising drive to. Siente: a -performting arfs.team captured © Matt Smith;. bake:p yb eBlansee ate palin: on. page track .af- “Charlevoix High-* “as Father = take place Saturday, Jan. 22 “Jim -McKinney, atid experi- a - Pool endowment oea _ the! Class. c-‘ D.Individuat ae Schoor in. thelate 1940s,:He : ~and26 and Feb, 9.and-23 from: 10 = “enced professional-stage direc-_— Events: state. tifle. The*team’ | —~- _-then: went er toMichigan State PER im — bid “Aun. t0°4:30 pan, at the Jordan. % tor,’ will: “conduct “thes aic aPe Jast won theeo si theid g1 986." “University. ‘where he was an” workshops. ~*~ . River: Arts: Center, 205-Main Alb American, football. olin. & = Detbert’ pasM ary hie Kelly” 5 :. Stieet, East‘ Jordan. A PETERFE. A fee of $25° will.b e chased ~ and. earned: nine: "athletic Sa SofC harlevotx. sare parents pit: mance of material developed in: bo cover class “mnatetials *a nd the. “city first qeivestioc’:f otY . ratae Oy: “pidnaper® rita: letters, He--tater played. the bride. The ;gr oom is the-son. <] the workshops = ahia be pre: refresliments. sa ED ; Seprotaatioisy ‘fopfbalt: for the. bids: to construct. a. “hew ~ Wiesner sought ;fo_W ave “Ris. Cone FOIRM MEDIATE PICKU P: of Dennis "and Elsie Montone of -a =; ‘bandshell, the: bids care: ‘pack base salary - increased “from - West Blaomfield:: st eer és - Los Angeles Rams and Chicago: ‘auch higher than.a nticipated. $39,000 per year: to: $52,000. BATTERIES FOR YOUR — ~ Given in marriage by-her “£ 4 Artc lass ‘ae ~ Bears untila knee injury enee That incréase Was blocked by “ CAR, LIGHT-TRUCK OR VAN1 a [After revising building plans;-~ “fisl s-g ihleticp ee ia te " parents - the bride *w ore: a~ the icity 4 ain. advertised-for, “councilmen. Jim Potter, Butch - fe en winter White ‘satin. TI y “pids. ‘NO fds were submitted. * “Russell and -Ken “Whitley. ~ Now. fic onyy battery-you nes. ony time:y ou,d ati t, cand. Tace “floor, Jength-dow A watercolof classc ontisting tion’“ and- ‘sdditionat daPormas ie; ” Ralidgad wit feaowal ‘The -Atthough’the lack ‘of -bids’set _-Wigsrter ended-up réceiving a-| Sears:O ur battery head ventas, pee ere “with Tong sleéves--and..a ie. Of fives Sessions beginning. ‘tion’ about the classes-may be ~ ~ Chatlevoix City: Council voiced =the -“ project ‘batk*several- fo ie percent ii dcrease which was. “}.’ ‘of. Sgweetheart : neckline: - The = as Weasd nesday, Jan. 9 andruttning. oblained by: calling 536-3447 or” ie . disapproval ‘to= “Eansitig~ monriths, the city worked outan® ts ; Sattte -rate’ given to other . ‘bodice’ was encrusted. withrses~ : through: Feb. 3 willbe offered~ 1 536-7654 ee eee legislators. regarding, a decision™ “arrangement with-a ’‘ Praverse ©“ chy employees Sees ee quins and pearls. The: softly ~ to-area- residents by.t iteJordan - fo tear -up~ railroad tracks— C ity based construction firm to. Sess 5 oa ia, - gathered full’ -skirt~-had~ “River Arta. Council. at its The: fas. ‘is one: af feverai between: Charlevoix -and x get-the: ‘bafidshell-built: by the- “-jéwélled ‘hem aiid flowed toa” > Gpproved: “TTh e city’ couneil in Wateree . building. on Main Streeti n East: “that will be offered during the- Petoskey. Later in-the yearjtlie-~ "end i ial : ; cathedrab- length ‘train’ with Jordan; Pat Tinney, well known --¥ear AS part of. the education. éouncil went as far. asd iscussing .i k ie ey sea. approved_a contract ‘allowing 2] & detailed’ tulle inserts etched in letal-artist and-teacher: in‘the= programy of ‘the Jordan. River— » ay AL action. “invt he ertda ‘group. in stdct dle Following- ,second.air charter gervice to be. :s beading. The: bride's” chapel — "Middle: School. of East Jordan Arts Council: Formed just-two ~~ = iP = = Of state legislators attended a” debate before both the Planning. seapttate 3Ls t heE:y . les aeerta ““tength bouffant veil- was “ate. and North- Central Michigan “years ago, the €ouneil, weeks tora. fs *- public hearing: ‘in ‘Charlevoix, = Comumnilssion. aid City-Council, tached toa beaded crown. Her ; College, 'w ill be the instructor ~encourage and~enrich ‘the “Legislators attempted to’« >t he council voted to, shift the: = eascatie bougitet featuréd white “appreciation of the- arts-in the mayor? Farther “mayor: Ken? 7 asses will meet from 6 p.m: toy smooth over the decision to tear‘Da n. end of Elim. Street 125 feet ~ “roses, Ted tose buds’ ana Breen’, p.m. The fee: ‘will be.$40 fo communities of- Charlevoix... “gut: the tracks” by. ‘saying: a south. to tallew the: ‘Staley. ‘and former: planning + ivy trimmed in white Tace:- A non-members and $36 for mem- -_ County: and Noythern Argel recreational, ‘trail would ;‘ be ts ity Reforined | Church commissjon chairman Dave-_|- ‘Fhe-cotrpte -‘s elected ‘special Bers’ ‘of. the Counell Bebisttar BoA Sees > “constructed between the two... ~to.remode? “at expand. peels . Noyathy.. ‘filed - veléction’= “songs which were performed by, ~eommiunities.Later in the: ear “petitions ““te- _sheltenge '- DIEHARD’GOLD Dave’ Bezotte; ‘orgamist,’ ‘Sandy . the tracks were jorn::O ut and it Sa oly Saigo: maya GaryP robert. - OUR.M OSTPOWERFUL BATTERY! = Johnston; --vocalist; and Jeff == “=L*eDeO 'YOUP eH AVE snow:. “appears ‘that if -p ! “tPtte 3 =u team. “of: four une 2 ae =)D elivers-up to BA% more. power thao Lambert, trumpeter-Readings ~ WHITE ELEPHANTS ~ recreational trail is ever. Charlevoix” “seventh grade ~_standaxtDieHard -- : : by Katy Schuster and. ; as te Hngteaec:? ‘sey, ‘Ohis,=; “New. “York; : _tN YOUR HOUSE? : x constructed, much of iitt:w ill = “students: won the Michigan--- ‘2 i =S . dua eee ; 4900 ‘powerful cold;- crankirig amp ae % - DIEHARD® = Mark Montone, brother of thé~ P ennsylvania, Connecticut, — alone the shoulder of Us&: 31, StateFuture Problem Solvers.’ - --Exclysive Electro: Flow ayves you" ws - Kelly - attended- ‘groom, served as: best. man. - Massachusetts. -and several , ae Ny: A CEASSIFIED* ~open-class«: title. — The- Commencement ceremonies for ui _fpaximunt,n .St arting.p p ower: . “4 BesP RICED LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE! - “AD WILEPUT= Up to iss min; fesetve Capacity~ ;. hBerri dessimstaeird s. -as imnacildu-doefd- hoHneoirdi.. -»Gbfroootmhesrn ieonf.- twheer e brDiadne, K eLleloyn,— — Mi- chigan tities wf ear ie Se ; es THEM TO.WORK.-a ta =, an=re ctrToSyweyd wosre e ‘iiled thei h Ai>gh .. ‘ HCehanrnlee,vsoRiyx an teiSammi.t h;o.f :M “aParukl“~ Ctlhaes;s -Cohfa r1l9e9v0o itxo.o kH ipigsht e JScuhnoeo3l .— : ~-ilnclundes E REE:C}l-u ybf) "j uamp slat plan,s er B= ; hUpe nfo '650 “cdoniedn-u cireas n‘koilnr gessaemrpvée eaanpda-c 1i2l6y; “Masterson; cousin of the bride, : Karpinski-cousin of the groom, my Proteby eum a— ‘ aCALL 547-6958. _ es * gthddl, study hall. for’ a sctiool Schairbaum and Chris LeButt.~ Detroit News columnist Nickie , ann $4“B9O-MO.NT iH9, WARR9ANT Y= ~Michetie—-Montine, Celeste. —}jmirwine; Paul Mannino-and= =b oard meeting ated the —a pobipered Senay “seventy, —-M eWkitter served: as— guest— “Montone, sisters of'the groom, " Mike-Steenwyk, ‘Ushers were ~ 5 * Shippifig ¥ rai. ‘nigluded. S: eep eceinc ludedr a - ‘Phyllis, VanOcker-and. Sherry ~ Gary Drew; Terry Drew, uncles ~ : = ae EPEAT ES OTTER OES poeee P68 Pe Ts - Stéenwyk.. They wore red “of the. bride, and Ken Brumniel.-... += JSears 60 month battery : sashede taffeta flopr length~: Harty: -Mastersor I ‘terved: rT ge ==. Ingludes long 60fnonih. warranty a) eM “"gowhs.. The off thé.shoulder ~_ altar ‘boy. : 2 plus Up tO 42% More. Stating” — = _sleéves -were. _ adorned, with ‘The parents :“ of “the -bride “2+. power tart our Sears.45.5 2° “taffeta roses. The Sweetheart’ hosted ae reveption,” ‘followitig= -W hii heC okles ofe n Heatt = L.is e$ B03iMO9NTH. W8ARR8ANT,Y necklines. were accerited with +—t he. ceremony, and-the Holiday~ a, hoi eres The: ered Inn in Petogkey- Attending the:. fh ya eee _ ‘Fiaiads WicaMrreierd: orebo wuqeuetes:n o ffr ee y est boeok wereé Mar garet Mas- uit out Winker ‘Woolie Sale. eae — Se gaee that ‘and Kage: n.inicluded = : Sears 45-S mcinth battery. -*\ trimined with red and ‘White, “rehedtsal.dinnér, given by-the- P= Cweatory. : : ; ; Even att his fow price, ‘you get.= “ee “bon. 32 See = = groom's parents,-was hela.a Se eee en =D, Pas ample staring power.a nd: aang = Catherine. SMastersar: Bridget” Stafford's'Perry Hatel. St ee See neees Sa eee + ‘ASI$ MO3NT2H W.AR9RA7NTY.. Masterson and-Amy Drew, Following a hanaygGune 10. ae re Se Bee Coats. <4 =. cousitis of ye served'as ~Caricun, Mexito; the newlyweds | (pees raphe Oe aAdev emritainstee da s 6. ‘SHippug and trade ip Included: * flower: girls. They wore white oate yésiding in West Bloom- ~ f° - ? -£=)Shippina diacluded . ters (Ska: “gotton and tare floor length °‘ yifield.-The-groonr is-a‘product ~; m=x- e,B enaiee dresses trimmed with -red "design enginger for Ford Mator- sashes... They” ‘carried petite ©. Ce:-and the- bride - tsca=s eae a ee Gloves: fs ee - straw. baskets filled with* eS al Ca earn Be ee = rosebuds- andy baby's~breath. * Rialogicat =) eee ees = Puitees. kes, ete. ete... het e __, Similar flowers were used.for. | Wedding “guésts attended ha Now Reduced. 90 2% "to: 56 %- ~. “their wreaths which they- wore; ©f rom London, England, Califoré: in -theit hair, Brendon Kow- “nia, “Texas, -“W isconsin, --W est- nes £907P udge Sk - Charleroi ) SS eS ee si ; z 1200:Bidge stee e ag- M ad,c ousino rt heZ ttions erved:a atesT ehnedsee; N2e w Jer,; sa yb? Ooshnnese Sacoeda ipa Melis ‘Genidtiue‘ iliden oft heY ear: : Charlevoix, Ml 48720" ‘ ie Ne ne a ace iS Hug! oom a ——. Nw . se : — = ’ : 4 ; - : > : =. : 7 .’ - s ; ~ : - re - . = . i . - - : * -_~s —~ iw se = we ov? me - <a a ~ a : =) : = a . — Oo ees ee ee oe a * oth aes SRLS Se ~ > oa ~ . “24 = Sar in “ (F n= r = = ° 7 = = Xiah : - - ——< “s : ~ = 4 - ~ 4 y > tt 2 FS ie ae , . o ott - 4 : - - - : ee — " - “3 ee “= * = > & 7’ , . * ‘ - . . — = - “¥ ——s . 2 ~~ 7 = ~ ki : - - =! ; ee es ae as ney ; ore — so en rebate . Me “eo 25 ia : ‘ ‘ wh Shee ‘ ; <5 , = : y tr eae! See . PA” GE 6—Charlevoi5x-2 Sn CElomg rier Wedn+ esdafa y, January 2, “ 19941 - te dee t+ e as : : Seaat eo. k * - ~- ——e e “as ae % «. aif CZ» a x ee , eee Sceeoe m, : - e ei? a o eP S7 Peeele eee pe ee- e a * i,=7 2% e: r . : " new" shSaayi p nwe elcBeos: m eChd " ie Courier tWeodn esdayp Joernti ‘ n 2,1 961P-ARE 9 Nia sale Seen ey oeA 990 1re view: new s ip e ea to ‘po ¥ = SC ie Conte tsp ge.a e <i sa: at = pedees The Gfandvue Medical ~P rhewsinds of ‘art l5o vers “visited boa lays g2r amnpps._ to the . a ate Se Sm oo ee a, ae - ~ Care: Eacility celebrated a Charlevotx as the city hosted . Four presently”2a t et Beak 2 ; : ee . : ‘Venietian Guee ennifer Bonar: both the Charlevoix failed, City council members © ~ “Ruth E.‘ Browe ; Sh, a rlmasr ‘o-t- ee : Split: One millage Therease won the Venetian Queen century of sertvoi Chacrleevo ix “waterfront Art*Fair-and‘tire --voted to leave-the number‘at:—- Cc The urchased. 5 ig -passed by.a single vote and'a - pageant..and =r eigned over -a aa > be coantyp upae Castle Farms. Art Festival. Py four, arguing that additional: — Formér “Ellsworth resident = hae in Charelvots until 1973 Charlevoix Mrs.. Donald -Aiaurch Service ; fs * =. second -was-turned down’ by"a_ Charlevoix's 60th —aniutal* : dan in 1885, «. variety of artists’ from across ‘Jaunich ramps might infringe on ~ ~ ath E.Br owe,29, died Dec.2 7, wheri-they-movad- to. Banks: (Noamicy” Kollenhagéns of 2 al BR SD aa ee ree a0 ES large: margin in- the annual Venetian Festival. ae ps fone the the country sold their-works at the beach -area. They also = 1999, at her Charlevoix home. . Township. Mr. Browe preceded -M uskgon, Mrs. Alfred (Mary) pee : ' ._<- School-election. A-proposal to - forerunner toG randvue opened the two shows. . « -- @ontended that things.will run” - A*requiem mass was cele? ~her death -in 1989-and Mrs. Corp.of Elisworth, Mrs: Robert eee aren Bratas, i ~esowerpide’ .t he — Headlee... ~August =; : “itsd oots in1 890. : ets Petes Ses /. more smoothly following: . brated-Monday, Dec. 31, at Browe-.then- moved. to “(Ruth Anny Marley of. 7 can ey ; > £00 a.m,—— . Soo allow toe ends = at -- rBoaatm lpausnc-hd ebated: «= rs = Lfeers ‘Sacred “Heart Chapel: in - Charlevoix.“ - -- “PasadenaM,d , and Mrs.D aniel Pe GOOD we = -inctease rnb hier gags ‘Srandvae_selsnatss_ 100 Art_ fair- and stival: “An attempt to-add two more "~~ -Cdhlinued.ompaget@— _ Mancelona. The ‘Rev, Peirre—.. se a TRebecca) Lester of .Biloxi, po eae ega a ee ie 00 pat passed 592-591. A proposal for > TERT eso a : EB et gg re ta ee ee SS “aelapiaue. was: the “celebrant Sue wasa member 0 Sere Miss.; 41 hildren; 3 “Evening Worship TOD pane, MRE Senne SEONG:s renersescecre PT Be se ea. 4 of amill increase for -_ 5 Heaft- Chapel -in-Mancefona’- ™15S-7 ~grandchildren; 34° Bi- WeinEevensingd (Oaet-yMay y 7-00 pm... + = “ Se ; i with butial inS t Mary's Come: and. VFW. Auxiliary, P at1 153 | great-grandchildren; ‘several | . . : ~2800 a . = niger i 3‘ operational expenses _ and: Pi~gT h&e Cfhoarrlmeevro ixR.u"t h- Ez W:i lson: ‘Charlevoix: cwea SeRrYy o deg s : nieces and nePp hews. - : roe “@:E > ‘1a e y CRHURGH.o e ; OFG : S~a$gTe.i AMARY'Sg CATH OLSItCre eCt_H<U—t RaCHs e3a° gh B: e> pee=ar e :c ompiters failed 663-503. | oe“ was born: Dec.8 ,1 911, atC en-"' Survivors irictadé five’sons;” -- ‘She wasp recededi nde ath by. bBo cerca SRS star orto OE Tie Sees eel ~ rCietnyt:e leteapziniding: Dus-- StealEake;~the daughter’ of: ¥Fheddore: Jr.’ of Charlevoix,” a-son,- William, Begnieg wore ownage ct s pastor: slemes Gardiner,..,.. i= pes to intake. problems _at the city Samuel and’“ Martha (Pickard): Wilfred of Hoffman Estates, The family suggests Secs =) greeny a ay nee 7-2078 ot -4860 cs a paguinersuies “fh = - - water plant, the City Couzicil— Wilson,o=*4 axes lik,- James, of. Ellsworth,, als. to Sacred Heart ‘Chapel. ~ BARNARD UNITED 1 a an >. Fegtricted lawir sprinkling” On Dec. 14, 1929, she married ‘Thomas and Raymond, both of - Envelopes for that purpose are ” “EVANGELICAL LUTHERANj enn =o 2 Beer a rs Soe ciara tego months: * (E.L.C:A.) A Theodore Browe at Central: -“Charlevoix;:_five’ daughters, . available- at the. Hastings”. ; Se ones : Sa met The: Souple-made bein._ Mrs.. earn weity). White of - Funeral tee Bilewortic: and = _ “oe eee seit (OF elias “Acacia welcimed: Hundreds OF: people turned: outfor*a* - c@remeny_ to:w elcome the US. - cae se = bates = Za* “ rin eay e (Carey) ‘Weller 2== P ENS:S RO a ORIRST7. CONGREGATIONAL ERORCeH wes tre e10-r00 ach 7 t = * 5 : asa sa — = ae | -_—=— = = eyes aE ee « ae i “aeemenee ‘ eae eee b Sone ons “her new home port of= ' > Bema: (!C arey: ) Weller, ‘the: nieces: asdneptiews cand *" lvei n the Women's Christian “Eh A pSaaeneas eaeaacieliaan pcB ea at ee tole : 7:00pm. BeS ina Pee =CHartevoix.: ‘The = Acacia— ._ daughter of Charles and Emma ~ grandnieces:= = = ~~ -. ‘Temperance Union (WCTU) and : sacl aon te Spagna San pen boo epee the Mesquite ‘si , ~. Carey, waa, born in ChatléVeix —.-She -was a member of. the: served:as its President and-had§“""" dears = cept esipeadtas ay cad aren! Soe feces. Sup Ess a 2 a: 7A ug, 29; 1906:and died Decem- Hthaca Baptist Church. since’: sprvgd-in several other-offices, BETHANY LUTHERAN: ccHuRCA “<= Sunday School’ o30em oe A ears ete 20'S SS ; fs- 6 ber. 20, 1990, «in Perrinton, _ 1942 where she taught Sunday - including. President of the” §.-.-- = * : Sc “Mering wert |e a RAS Michigan. “"_.. School, ang-in the choir and- Ithaca Parent T Wee ARNG Bm Wednesday. Evening {° 7:00:10, { Se “Trout Toumanient: Moret han“ < eae Guy ‘Waldo. --was: a Feit soloist on. nu-_ pe ite ea ae ek | Witrace eee cote ered sree Te eyes ma reat neers 700 fishermen competed inthe = Wetter: May -2 0, 1932. ‘He; “merous: occasions for many. A’ memorial axelc e will. Be- La ae es ecaliee IRONTON CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Se pe Sixth Annual Lake Sates : -_p receded her in death April 19; ~ years: eh », held orra-date to be arinounced. : SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH - = auiilay eh p52, am. ay Ea fica Teowe-Teummaiient eran Bi ees “cz _ -Shé.was one oft he fouriding "~The fainfly sake thatm emo- “WN smmpae re eo esa ek acc a ee ee eters son ‘Nea~ daughter-in- _infltiences of ‘the: Ithaca. Band. -rials if her name be directed to ke ee sree NONE. Kruse. eee ee :f ee Re os : “pigs ea die a: Boosters: and served’ as its. the I¢haca Baptist Church-in - Cs Panes tei Seed Geter ts v-, child, se- Weller ‘alt —o: _ President’ in ‘its. formative Ithaca or to the First Presbyte- f ye . BAST UPRIGH7T CRURCH OFB on ithaca .suryive he. She “is also... years: hia Tian: Church: Building | Bf Binf ont lB com as ~ Satvived bym any. nephews and. She also had been very,a ce Restoration Fund in Ithaca. => BS ig eae pied Sete ag WORD - Same = = ce ee Pee ay ie ~4 os un os rat seed a HAT, 4 " , iS i eS <= at ee s Ses rae reer a2 hoe PN gen Fores hy Sasa Ge man of negligent homicide in - “Lawrence E: Streeter ° ee ot eee | Be ier iog ier Fn IE WedneFsamdilya Nyig ht © 700-p.m,*) ape : Se mat meer or eae : lees Hh Be the Sept. 1989 traffic accident re > CHRIST. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Say - Comeri lchigan & Weukazo Sy pre <~Drenth of Charlevoix, OS cle gerne % ‘Brdeur, = ‘pleckrician. ‘for:L exaNiar con ‘Streeter ofS anta Anna; Calif: | "State StrsetC elindton: .. uy a doraarB ah _gareran Be Be Charlevoix, died Tice. 23, 1990,° in Boyne ‘City from 1986-87. “Donald- -E. “Stréeter ~ of “Ze 5 10:00- a.m. Da nh Sera ig er Pecos , emer eee ‘at his home.<- =. -.On Sept-23,°1979, he married Charlevoix ‘and Joseph L. fF “see yt —_1 86 pm i lane age, #00 pm ~~ Charlevoix Commons shoppirg ‘, <3 “Funeral was aay Dee B =the former Maudie Young, — “~~ Streeter.of Charlevoix;-three | =" nares scinreg ATRIA complex, anchorbeyd aK at .Christ Episcopal Chiirch, ..~“Mr, Streeter was. amember of. grandchildren, Kristen, J — © =i - “UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Dap: Gees “Store; opened’ oon Mise 2008. of ~ Charlevoix, The Rev. Lander “Christ Episcopal. Church: in”. Shannon _,a nd: Matthew; his- = CHRISTIAN SCIENCE.C HURCH : SR Si aan ean am. —P oS town.sse : : ee lee at tee eee : E “arter Offitiated. with Purial arlevoix; a-mremiber of.the mother, Leona “Zanher-.of ff sugday schoo, . aod aim < SundevsWorship "= 00am c The 1991, Ford Esconi ncorporates driatictechnologicdh advancementsi n Brookside. Cemetery, Chats ~AlanoinCC hiafulebvoi x.._— Thavetsé” Citys"two brothers, J MORMOsNy ying. _12G0Em_ Pectordemton Mewir.-se7deed ume BS ity aiasecigg pgeuciog hts.) =" design, engineering and manufacturing. "Ard-nowa 1 991 Escort LX-with:- _ ~Aevoix, | = 2° Mr.S treeatnedr h isw iféhad William “of Wyoming, Mich; § .. sty ont a “=. — worwoon unites” ff» ” debating the extensoifo n sewer” =". <= Qptiog Package:320A including power stéering, AM/FM stereo, tear — ~<a Mr, Streeter. was born Oct. 19; “servedas foster“parents for .:and Richard of Grangville; one ‘ UNITED METHODIST CHURCH _ = (METHODIST CHURCH = j fie service to property owners in — “wiridow deffoster and much, much more can.be leased as lowa s $198:70a ‘ 1932; in. Petoskey, ‘the son of. more: than 40:children. <>. {Sister Janet Brown of Traverge a, Old U.S. 31 North ee “Norwood (= ee ee -: Charlevoix Township, Mayer ee SS mownitht 43 h6 mon ttrlease. Addt ot hatthe fact that you pay’ Saaree ‘ Bdward.. and Légna: M. : Survivets include his wife City. ~- ~~: - aan eee 1 Ficioe!B ob Bellairs Te see te ae |: Gary Probert suggested: Saving Fe aD rier only $393.70" (refuridable gécurity deposit and first month's. “ (Toogood) Streeter. He grew up: ¢“ Maudie; two-daughters; Mrsi_~ . The: family, suggests memori- - Pestor: Benton Helaler,....547-2656W r-5 168 eee SS ae **” the city annex the parcels: of © SiN ls See yment) fo drive. away-in.a new. Eécort LX. and you've: got — rng tn ea hehe edN ae ae dae of oe to the American Cancer ~ : ">. “property. No need by thea aoe ee ‘tneo l the best deals going: So-the bottomline, see your _ «from: East Jordan: chdel antag, Ga,,..an Ts Rod - aciety Envelopes f a. ae ; dpéerty. was annexe e = eee ae . in 1950: He served as a Sergeant. (Carol) Hilton -of- Charlevoix; cameo are Aenibabiivcns a Ae Charlevoix Church. Services Bey ae | city. ed 2 se “Sh pee : ge pba woes Eo ees Soc. = and radio’ technician -in: ‘the “for sons; DavidW . Streeter of Winchester Funexal--Home, § °°... : “Sponsored by; os aor pepe LS aren Seer ey : ; es = "A ePRES a ie ~Y.Sy Air Force from -1952-72;-He» - Atfanta;* Gay ‘Michael ES = Charlevotx. a ; Charlevoix. County’ State Bank: : a ee er ee Fi AT : Z ETT <FSE PR Calinated MPG ae _-- Salse served ee eS pT SDS age hy Tae SS gate te ; “First’Stat B k ( i Se aoe ste 4s PRS Re ea ae 4 ae a en eae ook Wat. 2S es ppm eaeeeena Sener Serves nee a irst"State Bank of Charlevoix fo i Mer eros lighting Tominltter- : : ae -.. in“ 1952, he mated ‘the SS Oe ef se BO ¥OU HAVE. , ~ Winchester Funeral Home roam fh app pointed . --February- = ce RE OT I ae ower Hiatt 2 re ee ee sae former Marilyn gt Wells.i . Be ee i Nae Se ah kata ; “Sete rapid: teh Wages a “p SY ronment ing DDA : Se - oe sic Ne Salen ae er _ wiC<hnMa r,-l ieva- oiiSnxtt.r eeinen,at 1en9rc7.e2 “amnBodSv weoLdires k te‘dht ee: = i ese atm,a VA: i5 e s ee s—e =+ nSas A ge xeia ae . AI NCYLAOSUSRI FHIOEUDS: E? = : —> .a } % ! Pe eeea . = _ Charlevoix: Co3; urier . a ge oor Ssaeer e 4 “acsitodurele.dg k oblefi g-‘ hitBnsrs itsadolg leet dh roaStnt trfehoeeott ienagisstn : : <- > fis ) 2 ot? 4 MF o gLraetn-sfei d j9parFtaie irtuspet d u lpirbmioileioctehenst: LfuoeSnas stahNe heG aprAae ysPmipe on7nnte3s liGo ibtln0.eg $ 1 mf9ido3lre e-ss7et,0i x ncaEaetxnisctose n sw $see2 ah0tam0 ri gajroneesda f guelhn edacardhbs alvar egla eesi senTc1uu.1rg'i pettea yru ,dbmei aTplioe tl sgi,‘t tLA ebfsSaosrnDe esAa i t mioatbaPyel te dro faeM ve$dt"G3o n9p3Cot wi7 ao0nt.c daUub eurHtta lInl ol e oaMbsolBeniS gt iahSnticiieMo/pntl Oieo(anGos.- ep uTprBcaohyyamt sOeenr atec b aorfa at$ m1o9I3foe a ps7Suae0ey- enem1'ne0tydn° ot 3 usa6tr : <~ 5 er ‘AreaA Tospital.,| a “AD WILL.e e aif Charlavebcarea “se col conjngction saalin ea = ee : —— - a ete a Gs = Se fens : $. ae "from 1972: ee oe ae -THEM-TO WORK> | Sei 2s pidewallie works Miter: mutes? A a on pk canna tpt ene etek ceded as ee ‘SS =H e worked -‘ for LexaLite” eek gt, ao ‘CALL 547.6568 a - Charch Services ““ * — debate, the council chose notte ~~ : Bg at 2 a RE oea ce: & SE ES eet og ee Gags AS ‘nlternational “aa rtds--as” tux 3 acter =7 SaaS =e = oa se eee a a aaaiae aah a SE ae eee Gin SS ee inn SE Se oe ay Sst oo Sees fundsf ort hef ootings 4 rs _ natives Couiter edresday, Janua 2:i 6ej—page ti "PAGE.1 0—Crarovoit Courier Wedneséey,a ng eee ls ba ea vase Sasi? a —_ Pees Se aa6 hs oe oe ’ 4> — —— Seip pe cate ASah 3 ee. ek cae “e. — re arias i eee : A -_—— Christmas. Wishes. “answered by many"= F CHRIS-CARSON~ oF EVERGREEN io hs = ~ PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ° “- Every: October. tlie” Depart-. “Christmas Project"; the ‘air -- Ment of Sacial- Services sends Jordan group 7Care and Share = pBoldenContraktor= “et Keeping Chartevoix Beautiful’ -Holiday Gift Program forh:s to* Program’; and new this:year, ° Lawn’ Mainiérrari“sc e ie clients tor completion: if they "K-Mart of Charlevoix; the blilk - Licensed-= -- Building | mS + Tanascaping ~- would like’ to participate.in-the= - of the-700 Jndividuals would _}2 Flower Beds Ge: Nursery- Stock. sinsures: foes food .and gift program for. _ hot have a very apy Rotiday : “g47-9 881 | ge se | -* Caretaking - ° Snow Removal: - - Thanksgiving. and Christmas. - ~ Beason. - oes ——— “This year 196 families returned— , an addition, to. the: niajor"= 04031 Sequanota Rd. Phone: ~ Srequests totaling- 704 indfvidu- —g'r oups. there« were: smaller ~ 10396 FifthS t. _ Charlewix 616-547-6723 | . ~-|'-Charlevoix, Ml 49720 “als. : “groups Such as “offices, - pei Ars 2 ~~ How. are tae requests: attorney groups, schools; work- frti 4k is filled?: Vasco: Zucchiatti;vol-. shops, Brownies, ‘churches, 3 _ ginteer Services Coordinator for= sorvrities; “community.- - the’ Charlevoix -C ounty De-" ~¢hubs/organizations, and many, 61 6)547-659 . * partment: of>Svucial” Services - “Many. indfyidaais and: OMS _<T hink how gon, wold feel without yous catA fo uire a lid, ab ik ley our awe ests. = a “800-348-421 v. “Easitc Serdnte.: Offices of -- pitice said, °“ Without the. ‘teers. ~ - Thess bikes were donated to a Charlevoix. man. who reconditioned them. They were are en = "2.44, Family Health. Center! “Reld Freidinger, M.D.- community. help,’ there -‘ would ~ =The ‘large.g roups:s tart plan er repainted by ‘ea ity shop,a nd distributed for.S hristutes Bifts to-p ounty.. : 601 Bridge Street 724,Park Avenue be no feed to: send. the Gift. ihiidven.= " ,uvo Paris BIORES net J ‘pania ero? ape MI 49720: CHARLEVOIX CARQUEST._ a = Forms to.our clients’ as” the: The’ "Coats For Kids" . by: “forT hanksgiving. Se dé. ‘One.i ndividual. gathered. “of donatea- time Helping in K- AGENCY ANG, department doés riot have its WIMt afd the’*Catned Food -. . Individual families. ‘fave - more.than 70 stuffed animals .g roups, to donating a cUat. or Ces -RODERIC-EE .T INNEY, M.D. : own holiday program,” __ ..D rive" by WKHQ anid Olesonn 's~ Nelped for:V arious reasons such ~ ally ear: long. and donated them: canned: goods, to_ families I VWAUAAMNLE = eTHE.R IGHT PLAGE TO BUY AUTO PARTS _m¥ a“jEovrer y gryoeaurp.s thwerheo- ar“eh’e ltph riene hFooloidd=a yS tosreea:s ona:d dAendd-i vtidoutahles ”v a awsa. nthianvgi ng-:t heeixrt ‘rac h il-dtree_n g: ivet;o w“:f or ee shies api=e e ve -" lhaerlgpei ngg:r ofaumpisl iehse,l ption gs’m aslelve arraild “~D Loonuraiel dA: TRoVtohi, sAinA . _ MCIHZACLRIENETVOONI-XS: MROI,4 9B7O20X5 = * 7190530 Weekday- s A<N5D MOReEnt “Adhoa reen. iocete st sae}| | - DiBplyo mAaptpe,o Aimnetriicnaen nBto ard5:3of6 P-e2di2a0tr6ic s sia providing food and/or gifts for ~ donated-used coats to new coats © “understand - helping” their “Zucchiatth "Onb ehalf of the families, Without the small: (616) 547;4 4a) ~ CHARLEVOIX, Mi.48720 ©. Thanksgiving and Christmas. - with ©pr ice: tags: over $100.~ ‘ community;.they have -been * Charlevoix County Pepartment— pieces’ the-whole: Would not be “Without the Boyne City group. -Canned: goods were collected- A ielped-in thé past andnow _- of Social Services“ staff, we possible.. Thanks. for the- ,;» Community Christrias"; the ©an d, added’ to. other. donated ‘want té:‘Kelp someone ‘else;.a nd: want. to thank. thase whor succesful ‘holiday season: that - ~ Charlevoix Broup. "Charlevoix _i tems A make, up food baskets: it's just spmettron: theyw ant t=A s psd.crttether, it was aft howka e so many, happy’. Sais =1 991: budget work begins — tees = 2“1008 ‘Br idge Stroefetf «i cCheawrlaevyoslx:™ *Cacli Cop =Kbdovtesrttéirisnign.g ai s:b‘ uas iBnfeossv.e—n m Ceontseidst eonkt : advertising: inyour focal newspaper . ~ Contintied: from:‘ page t= <<. wark.. woiild. take:l oniger- te gre other éity aston: SG : - -Basinéss Interiors ¢ Supplies ‘ ACCESSORIES. |: > 4°p uts .your..name ard: dvipsv gs # ‘BRIDAL-BOQKS: aides Novotny wilLlikely. be iin : , Somplgte: ; ta" received, Haggard, Hoffman: : 547-6891: "FAX. 547-0200. : 2 at Dee: public. Speke Se * NAPKINS rn (alae ae “support ‘of. the. néw. lights, but : and Gaskin favored either an ‘ Piccargnre ~ SAT-6588 © 7 ~ probably won't have to’v ote.‘ to ~mTehntei onseadm ea:b o“vYeo tmianyg rpeastutletr inn ; ~ ainn crienacsree asteo $o5f2 ,m0o0r0é- odri taant lfeoausrt ° Public. Fax -- ® Custom ‘stdmpe Boe » RECEPTION ITEMS | . break a tie, aoe ° Copy Service . ~& Signs the-infrastructure millage b eing ercent, Si the aya ~ = voDtoinn'gt bpaet tesrunr porni sseedv etroasle ei stshueast raised:back up to 4 mills’ for the vPot e’ on aimnceen dingt he-tmahyeo’r ctani'tt,y = Berg¢ hInmN pertihn ttehde gBtuysaitnne psrse d‘iiFto Mrcmse1 974 i | oe " “| CHARLEVJeO IXF CO$UaR IERo,o 405siia eienB riddgiete aSnt,. p.a Prhtioen e 5c4a7n- 655: 8].a n —* 4,3 Cit¥s_1991-92 fiscal year. “City: ““throtighout thé year, — nianager’s contract, the: council” FEY -The city ‘budget ‘and how * operatiortal auliage may also was. deadlockeH. -Wiien jit .Hf many mills fo levy: is another “bedncreased. ; ; *becanie evident-that no Council. ~ ff ~ AfT he Biid in Charlevoix io a Se es _-istsheu coeiit i early + The city manager's Salary-is ; “action: thieant no iItn trease-at all— tS 1O verlooking ne Rivér Channel |- ‘DRENTE BROTHERS INC =i the: year. -For~the 4990-91 “another~ ‘issue likely— to Gaskin and’ Hoffinan charged: f 547-a ke LITTLE TRAVERSE METALS : Serving Lune , Dinner & Cocktails BAY SHORE AUTO PARTS - i - figeat-year, the city levied 9 “Fesutface’ éarly in 1991--Last~ Heir votes in favor ofa four =mills for general opérations anit “year Wiesner. geught ‘an~ -pereent inctease. baci 45 57 otoskey.AA yetiue = [ 16FineRivYteaear reC?,‘ a Roruind strasnit " Since 1948 * _ YOUR AUTO” 8-SNOWPLOW 9 I= STAINLESS ALUMINUALBRASSpeA VELDING ©i s REP 3.-mills- for infrastrueture*>- increase: in basé Salary from- 5 mal Coe, ROAD BUILDING. = aRARTS HEADQUARTERS ~- JP = i iy SU PREY 3 “With Potter and Whittey-nn o : _ repaits,( A mill is:$1 for every:.; EXCAVATING bot "$1,000 ofa property's state— P$o3t9t,e0r0,0 "W ht0i tl$e5y2, 0“0a0i.d- Ruessrell ,~ “Tonegerl or rf-othret choeiu ntcyi.lm, ainf aa gsaelrar iy s} % CASUAL| = r me4 y LAND LEVELING.’ 3 [a - * Marine * Structural steel equalized*- value<- State favored “Ro. nore ‘than “four. --—— PS «on = - CLEARING: 547-9963. ay ** FStoeoedl Service ** SBtraaisnsl ess Sicel 5 7% equalized vale is half of a” me maples‘ increase which” was — "Continaed onn pagea.l m 4 “SAND - GRAVEL - TOPSOIL;= FULLD IRT WASHED pTORE * Aluminum 063575. 34 South = ~ property's: theoretical ntarket’* a {-* LARGE STONE RiP RAP® BALL DIAMOND DUST oo Mae ps ™ value. Infrastructure is.a. big 4s i Z 3 oe «|Beafood* Steak-Chickend- " Bisworth,M ichigan 49729 816-588-2345a : Alfie to: Dry-Harbour Marina) ‘word for the--city's “street, * Breast Lunch-» Ginec ecronieyv OIX” 06807 Marion Center Rd. {Cellular Car Phones ~ We're: ‘always: open. Charle 49720 “°* sidewalk, sewer” and water + Lurich &-DinniersTues.Sun, systems.) © aides, 547-0618. 219° FERRY *.CHX. ~ Last year city ‘anager Mile : _ Wiesnet submitted a proposed ~ =~ aréhere! | 54E7e-e 29a6 0...= —— Se budget which, called fot higher.” g}ALL-YOU CAN. bye operational and infrastructure = : _ BAT DINNER - ~ NORTHERN mena WELLD RILLING. drteevdiuecs.e d Htohwee lveevri est hte’o 9c oaunncdi l3 . aeAe ae= es = WEe e. "SPECIALS 3 ‘Mi“ meniber:s Of, | “GAUNYDOETR SOFNU.C KS ~~ ALL are mills, ‘, American Optometric Association : “Se ASSOK APEdS ING Poos P aes “To6m1 6_-Di2u6z0in-e5w5s8ki5 ee = oe ‘og This year Wiesner!6 proposed budget is ‘likely to-once again: * Fag" ing St: "Opes Thats,~ ‘Sat, 5:9 pent. Linch & bi\ na x “DR. ‘ROBERT W. “ANDERSON, P. Ge ae Commercial Dr. STEVENM. .- HUFFORD: ‘ - "propose 4. “mils for Aistrim St,(A cross from Oleson's} = = Dayal: “THE: INSURANCE... sceal = Residential - -, infrasfructure repaiss..In-the { _tAeross,from-Big. By) ~ 547-2799. Be ye SETOUETAISTS. - SOURCE’ nigga pte 24” first-year df the program, the - 347-606 i. apts a »°5 47-6925 tot a wells - -Ccoiuthyé"idli d reledvuyc e4d mtihlel sl. evLya tferro ntrh4e - = a "95:30. Mon-Sat > = ae; W ant to Advertise in-our:D ining Guide?«- "YOSCALLIENVOTIOXN, e"Mtk 97g n ang sa 207 feces- Aweniie *~ 587-4062..= wy , oy cng ps _ to 3..mills which, ‘meant the - Le =| CAML 547-0898 §} C harlevoix Courier Brongs(636) SiP2O0y sf ppoininents a iae e = 800 * SCONE Pati, slevoix Courier | eek a ve ae ~ <a - Ls att a eer 7 Sh ‘ a” - Phar Gouriet Weird, Jeni2 1901—PAGE .. age asea d 5 rAf’e awe VOLLEYBALL... So ae | ~ Varsity coach -= Bierris/Bryan ae ass, Geren erste Te = ae Oe #-—--geinetine Campbell of dp a RR uv. coach -G regg Swangon..., = = : “abe a oe ian oe altar procter snes, i. Charlevoix.finished third and, ase ‘S 2 ae Jan: eee: te : 2. 00am, --Detoskev Tobie mr gs Pimento Wpm - yg _ fifth: in two_-recent ivomen's . 2 See tee 33 ; SKey JOUNeY Fabs 13 Wed. se 6:00 pam. --AT Kalkaska as “Slalom races at Sugar Loaf: ~ Ur ee “Jan, 7 = {= Mon. diene > 6:00. pm: - HERE Grayling -° =F 9b: 16 te Sat. 1000 am... LAE =E ast:- dordan; >. Resort. ° “Flies races < were. on - e 4 25. & pf =dan. 9 ~ . : aa “Wed, See ru = Sem ar AT East Jofdan- “ gi ap = a AUD, “S os “tie = = Cras “conf) iow “sponsored by. the. Central @_ Cees > game | ANIA Mon. = = = 6:00pm 7 "HERE Cheboyaat 5a 18 Mon. §800-p in.” _ HERE Central Lake. Division of theU nited States os Be | ane 96> Wed. 2. 6:00 pm: HERE TCSF. = 7 Feb. 20°" Wed. > -600pm-~ — “HERE™ ‘Harbor oSki Association (CUSSA).. ees . —fiiaeasee e = RPae Bsa JaJnaen. 2248 °e e p86S: 00BpOOm p.e == «AT ACTe nPtertoaslkbeyL.a ke~~~ <--= tFeebs, 25° e°a- *" eae Moens as= : 76,00 p.m. a Pas "ASTpr inGgrs e~i g jing -for. th : ; Z a re ee ge ou Ya eee : Specs S: ab wi te ta | ee ee a ot Wed. o> 8:00pm. “~~ AT, Elk Rapids- Mang Soe Sdn aii. A> DISTRICTS. —- Mar O54 idiveision e‘race, Sehe isa lsoa.. | aTyeg =OS ' m: aeee eeb. 2 > Sea rbeee atsS or -Se e, eaen e e9:00 a.m. -< -s-s SElk Reapids Tourney. a2 y reFeeoe SSepea e eTN e 3 TRPEGIOGNA LS. »- Mar. 16. [Iada Rej t R BESE _ High School ski-team :which _ (UaUAs ae yt Se ~ : a 2 ‘8P893 l 2a .a sctae Pan ~ begins‘its season 3.with an. whet art "b> Den ae fs Se chatae sg cies Kh a rT 4 aea rd = Fan&e a aaH age ~ invitational: ‘at Ho’ day Se aE therinie C 2 ee e S , = . + eey es° —_, s oS °M ere oRBeR .e epein*t” ho+e r enms » bwe, | ae i CELEBRATE LIFEI N. pa.3en re se or ‘used vehicle. sesie = . . Wes | Be ae “TAELBERG {>= | ee en izx :. ae Sscnueesw e care5 about:s eu ‘uate don’t ‘drink and ave” ~ BAU. nisle” ] SHEVROLET-OLDSMOBILE.GEO-. {| 3: et This:m essage is. brgught 2to you a onS otnsnentng-rakented: ‘sponsors.*. “basketball: $1000p"a y.eV iew Ad.,-Peétoskey, MI4 e9770 aa 5 core roa <A compilation of praises won by Charlevoix. ppe o. ee eee Cee ee ae. ‘ple for-good deeds, 800d work-and hard work.” ai team. : So as eee ates CHARGING eee | | bed cate 1p oe —, i% e aei biRs aS eAG, , — ss “i : >” UntilT T a.m. Matthew" ‘Dixon of Charlevoix was ruamed: t6 “Hie fallisemester tryouts - Boe : a ae = a! ‘SYSTEM. prttie | SS iS ie | ; 7” “News Year's Day>. 8 CHARLEVOIX COUNTY: STATE, BANK”. a Dean’s ..List-at Michigan Téchnological University: witha perfect eee oF antes | G12 beets craton’ _ MORE THANLA CENTURY OF COMMUNITY INTEREST E 4:0 grade point average. Dison isa Senior in the Mechanical ‘Engi-_ scheduled ° , WEDDING® fei _ SERVICE © = ; = , ae S RIG. UP VYG UR MCA-D.O. = neering program. In addition to-being named:to the Deait's List, he ” ‘was inducted into ‘the Michigan Chapter of Tau Beta Pi Dec. 2, a pest 3 ' ;M e o>f 3 oae oe we taoee ae RIBBONS AT OUR-C OUNTE: R| ge Bafens tmlN Hr Me a a, z Seay mn = sie = : neatsi oneasl peamg iannede reixnegm pfloanroyg cshoacriaecttye rw hiitrc uhn dreecroggrialdizueast ed iBsteinaguitshsed . uei melee pa=c era PSREfP APRLAITFIIOEDN.S “$4495. sey,e e See; n SOO an aa p- a SEAORF S- am Breas ; eles. evel4 ELZINfGatAm BIurNeaSu UaRANC E GAroGuEpN~ CYy< | e-D s ‘ia“t:xpNoeort nheMrsanrt thiMenig co6hnf1 ie 0glCfah,h neJ a orhUlnne iavvneozrdi sSx iw itaye,sB jaMexmaorontn-iognef tCrhheea cr“ emtiievdve-odyb e<a a:rB agcrhaeeed luoart eosfa e e “‘tANessoasemroi .tc hiebaTrthn ie o naa rie(ta“cAM phiAcr giUhoia)gg a rna abmeaA si kiies ttiebnet iaitilarc tsls s | P|- eS -e~! SeMee nm— aas f aoe r ". eeeee y : ee beAeeEed2 .e© e eere“, e e“ e T eTeseTstette s xoGttleg brtaeieto rtrine earletyiu:ogi nha ttsee =r <p4 a~ ~"ee =t“e=F ? o Beg Gme ees eCeh :e Ze ; = i "42: 0a0,e Bsr id5g4e7 ; -St9.9,4 5a= " SeOaanx e! | > aaeS“ a -n : sBPtahruirtsy9 ‘-w1S3t oar©e Pe Ar. Rfi eSlaopdu- are °° 2ne =. aeee-= | 0SP acae aBsT=u dAg55te “ C—thSSyat8r. .Tl Te-AUsIogn eIipEnt3lat zS ois#6n8e g,a p -~c.--.e ha» aert feeadsv a aeiesxgear adSE [=~ ee . Selene degtee wilge major inH istory ce pit third . year and is ‘based: in ; PE atison Crate _- imhwdRi- inohn.OAlvNime i paDl aeDtdee1evpaior9cp ryoo8ahey nr7tmm ‘-l tPisfb ogeeoeoeaftrrrdlonn rcav tode itKt1si yynuDu n9h gaOeRw s 8tMfesaieee7afneia M ictb.rtiydecoot da epaA-fdaVr rSl n oHi. C3edhdseGrh -r i toatdetHnlhrol atyFar,dlC dshlemseit e aa.mv at. ioiiS o‘ i Tntisft’shhxr-o —s, e ’ia'tu H mgMShpoaoiaepiebtpu gogceesoedrh ’fhirtt ea ‘a auhSkAtc cso.aoriihfaeosJf o bOeCn oi . thDali aEpo. ,dsrl h elimhepmneeei ,vr orr jo:seosi asioMxaapnnD,oeoe e ntnndiossstt feet gcir uWtohtoroim orfeSlfNee hi nlUarnaitiSlylve.aly,l y ¥~m d=. : !, ”- ‘S“Pp(KNtmGlrS“oraaaa1okPrayyy7eegltj le) rahn ropay7esibravlme3 rdaeagr2. nk c-s we -aee7rgs ibl- 7Relrhity3leaooinhn 2 cgnuu o.hitpJlbu eeooasedg rdtnf . h<e h i ee7dc:tD°tri‘ o'ire bvn7r°dyyilt. .eooda.- pcucecK thtadtirosot .nari n“ jo imi AannJnatnsAei ght.yfaU.e of . = .f« | | s’wo|=. e he_ t=--A~ 2= _< T RIT ETNPCHEVR“Ei+INUAASUPeT DTTsNNAROA IN TAKONP:TePN Tt Oy I7VS NeSIJ SGTON OE:ESM UTUMS a STleSa te7it 5 2 e} sa t|p R fee|e etse:1 eS CSa oFseeerSsi eea e arRge eBptmiooAenoiDAp6eneaerg . v1 0 eae0m ncyiaTani enEaeeg e4~ n su Bea|ew[Minen2osea:2< e a eesee seS A gae| BS at5 y| b eat A eoeoee Hine “37 le|ea| e!: a TEve|S h arneegaean ZvaemeS eneg= aaa t=: Sagea ra 0. a aePre a.PA eIeAe eLeo<A Hpi fE eHeO ixe apA=“po 3 ou aspe“a W3oae1hh== : n S ao9auent dhe, tSe h ofae iecairehys a cee rkgeta ae esmeKrvee emeesseet ”. 4 sPt §“ “waoor wrwat~c k.ou nkonEoC_ NoSkaSCisoh n acr rela: e1v Pe8o8ei3xre- r ce o oum— ena|t|ey A cet cs me 2 a-7 ~ . Epi “7 Seem . = —-- > " ‘3%e ." ie ol : . = 4 Ps : — Pr re * z £% : nee 7 a ie - = ey+ . ae Giislne ces 2 ~ eoee e. x y— r ae —— = <> Ss> eb % ‘sIsenetlreevgcirctieit.yo ,n aand W e. =F-= = " =: : ea—: zy Sh : — ats : : 44 i‘c fee t . tanc; e ch hias ee A Bese B UEN , ‘CU"SJTOA CK STEBoEe os; oe nae ~2$ i | te A:; O3i Te a= NaAcotecs3n a a r 5 1 eC‘ aeea ee; County oCbh,a pMtI1e r4:9 720.a c = JS*tA“C Tha rSleteaIvvtoIe'o T GS t, 0 e* SR sRe—SueMS eta. inJa TlwSeTst a Sn <uFa B5o8yN2.n -Je3 a3kC0ie0t y S=t h , asavr . ey i t“Pheones: ~( C6h1aa6)r lee5v oi4x:7 2M-i7c h2oSitgFo9a5v ne43 r74 -991R6o70a 23d0 5 | : aOftf eTr.a lmlorbee.r g “P[rf o "- SHARLEVODC CrOUoNsTYe f| o = a. ¢= Buildinug )C ARPENpe TRpYas.e fee ro. ie SEon } WcAeRbRiANnIaSrEM”E aNIpS era emra l cee -|| ey MANTHE! PEVELOPMENT| aChnedv.y,G EoO.e s— f ¢ §e x4e C EeNTiU RY=f oSFT CAOTMEM UBNAILNYK -I NZT ER=E S= E:5- .a of- \ Aiak e r nd e‘ le ‘ TiPSY RAT F|. Riedmiondge elitn Sge:e 5 y- SS : ‘, ti=e 2re eiea : eb e ; &so = : 4 ziaa i &2 CHsiAgotR fLgeEtsV SOeaI =X= ’ FLORAL * ° ~ PLUMBING &H EATING ea-s e , CONSCTORURCPTOIROAN TI: SOENA VIE-E S Hkf s = “GHA: RLEVOIX(x61 6>) 5M4I7C-H6 IGAN + 49730 oGs or 52387e50e Sar cS Sie Sokepe j ; 20 ane a ae = = >. : x . Ba em aS OF eeT and SERVICE;p i \CHARLEVOTX,M I (616) 547-0595” Sitn saregtead mee OaRANeEH{ ofFlcSeisi dihe e«sCiH ARILETVOSIX, seal Ee SAna m, ere.. " ——i279 ? ChalOeR TV iS B0iv6. Care, a ea =a 4—-—t— 96298,U—8-_41_:_$,_- — ¢ Saranac 4—

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