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Charge Exchange and Chemical Reactions with Trapped Th3+ ∗ L. R. Churchill, M. V. DePalatis, and M. S. Chapman School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0430 (Dated: January 4, 2011) We have measured the reaction rates of trapped, buffer gas cooled Th3+ and various gases and have analyzed the reaction products using trapped ion mass spectrometry techniques. Ion trap lifetimes are usually limited by reactions with background molecules, and thehigh electron affinity ofmultiplychargedionssuchasTh3+makethemmorepronetoloss. Ourresultsshowthatreactions ofTh3+ withcarbondioxide,methane,andoxygenalloccurneartheclassical Langevinrate,while 1 reaction rates with argon, hydrogen, and nitrogen are orders of magnitude lower. Reactions of 1 Th3+ with oxygen and methane proceed primarily via charge exchange, while simultaneous charge 0 exchange and chemical reaction occurs between Th3+ and carbon dioxide. Loss rates of Th3+ in 2 heliumareconsistentwithreactionwithimpuritiesinthegas. ReactionratesofTh3+ withnitrogen n and argon depend on theinternal electronic configuration of the Th3+. a J PACSnumbers: 34.70.+e,82.30.Fi 3 I. INTRODUCTION ion trap. The primary modes of Th3+ loss are charge ] h exchangeand chemical reactionswith backgroundgases. p Byimprovingthebackgroundvacuumandincreasingthe - Unlike most atomic nuclei, which have excitation en- m ergies in the range of keV to MeV, the nucleus of the purity of the buffer gas used for initia3l+cooling, we were able to extend the trap lifetime of Th to minutes. By o thorium isotope, 229Th, has an excited state just several removingthebuffergasimmediatelyaftertheinitialtrap t eV above the nuclear ground state [1]. The transition a loading and laser cooling the ions, a lifetime of > 10 . between the nuclear ground state and this unique iso- s minutes was obtained [8]. meric state lies within the UV optical spectrum, where c 3+ The limited Th trap lifetime presents a significant i it can be addressed using coherent light sources. The s challenge in time-intensive experiments like measuring coherent control of the electronic states of atoms with y thehyperfinestatesof229Th3+ andsearchingforthe nu- h tunable lasers has been a major focal point of modern clear isomer transition. Furthermore, the short lifetime p atomic physics. Extending this paradigm to the control [ of nuclear states of atoms would represent a significant represents a tremendous cost in performing experiments achievement. The transition between the 229Th nuclear with229Th3+ giventheextraordinarypriceoftheisotope 2 (> $100k/mg). v states could potentially be used as a frequency reference 8 withafractionaluncertaintyapproaching10−20 [2]. Fur- To better understand the charge exchange and chem- 7 thermore, the transition may be especially sensitive to ical reaction processes and quantify their rates, we con- 5 changes in the value of the fine structure constant, al- ducted a series of experiments to determine the reaction 2 lowing up to 5–6 orders of magnitude enhancement in ratecoefficientsbetweenTh3+ andvariousgases. Asum- 2. measurements of its time variation [3]. However, this maryoftheexperimentalresultscanbefoundinTableI. 1 latter point requires further study [4–7]. Theremainderofthispaperisdevotedtodescribingthese 0 experiments in greater detail. Inordertodemonstratecoherentcontrolofthenuclear 1 A schematic of the ion trap used in these experiments state,thoriumatomsmustbeconfinedinsuchawaythat : v theycanbecontinuouslyinterrogatedandobserved. Un- is shown in Fig. 1. The trap is outfitted with a chan- i nel electron multiplier (CEM) for electronic detection of X likethelowerionizationstates,triplyionizedthoriumhas trapped ions. When used in combination with the well aconvenientlevelstructureforfluorescencedetectionand r a laser cooling [2]. The low-lying electronic states of Th3+ understood mass selection characteristics of a linear ion trap, the CEM can be used to determine if a specific and the optical transitions between them are shown in Fig. 1. Using the more common thorium isotope, 232Th, species of ion is present in the trap. our group has demonstrated the creation, trapping, and The ion trap is loaded with Th3+ via laser ablation laser cooling of Th3+ [8]. of a thorium metal target with the third harmonic of Inourearliestobservationsof232Th3+,the ionswould a pulsed Nd:YAG laser (λ = 355 nm). The target is lo- catednearthetrapaxisandorientedperpendiculartoit. remain in the trap for only a few seconds. In general, The voltage on the dc endcap nearest the ablation tar- elasticcollisionswithbackgroundmoleculesarenotlikely get is gated with the ablation pulse, dropping to ground to result in ejection of ions due to the large depth of an when the pulse is fired, and increasing to 100 V for ion confinement. Helium buffer gas is present in the system throughout ∗Permanent address: Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins the loading process. The ablated Th3+ ions are initially University,Laurel,Maryland20723 moving at speeds of 10 km/s as they approach the ion 2 Reactant k k (ε) k ×10−9 ε L NHee <<34..41××1100−−1155 <<61..02××1100−−1165 ((00..138)) 11..60 a.u.] 106 Ar(∗) 1.3×10−14 1.7×10−14 (1.3) 1.5 ce [ N(2∗) 1.6×10−13 1.6×10−13 (1.0) 1.8 scen H2 4.6×10−13 2.1×10−13 (0.46) 4.4 ore COH24 23..67××1100−−99 33..67××1100−−99 ((11..40)) 21..87 otal flu CO 2.8×10−9 4.0×10−9 (1.4) 1.8 T 2 5 10 0 50 100 150 200 TABLE I: Charge exchange and chemical reaction rate coef- Time [s] ficientsforTh3+. Reactionratecoefficientsaregiveninunits of cm3s−1. Here, kL is the calculated Langevin rate, and k FIG. 2: (Color online) Accumulated fluorescence signal for is the experimental reaction rate coefficient. The corrected determination of Th3+ loss rate. This data was taken with reaction ratecoefficient iskε =ε·k,whereεistheion gauge 5×10−5 torrofheliuminthevacuumchamber. Thelossrate correction factor for the gas in question. Experimental reac- was determined to beτ−1=0.0100(2) s−1. tion rate coefficients for helium and neon are upper bounds. The accuracy of the coefficients given here is limited by the accuracyoftheiongaugeusedtomeasurethepressureofthe Theheliumpressureiscommonlyheldbetween10−5and reactants. (*) The reaction rate for Ar and N depends on the electronic configuration of Th3+. The expe2rimental rate 10−4 torr in these experiments. Generally, the number refers to reaction from the5F ground state. of ions loaded increases with higher buffer gas pressure, 5/2 while the final equilibrium temperature of the trapped ions decreases. (a) II. HELIUM The loss of Th3+ from the ion trap in 5 10−5 torr (b) of helium buffer gas is shown in Fig. 2. Her×e, the Th3+ decayrateismeasuredbyobservingthereductioninflu- orescence over a series of images. This method can be used only when the lifetime of the ions is sufficient to allowenoughfluorescencemeasurementsforaproperex- ponential fit. 3+ When the Th trap lifetime is too short for observa- tion of fluorescence, mass selective electronic detection with the CEM is employed to measure the decay rate. Weloadionsintothetrapviaablationandwaitforsome amount of time. The rf and dc voltages applied to the FIG. 1: (Color online) (a) Th3+ energy levels and optical 3+ trapare then tuned suchthat only Th remainsstable. transitions. (b) Schematic drawing of ion trap system. A The contents of the trap are then delivered to the CEM target outsideof theion trap (left) is ablated usingthethird by lowering the voltage of the trap endcap nearest it. harmonic of a pulsed Nd:YAG laser (diagonal line). Lasers Thetimeintervalbeforethemassselectionisvaried,and used for optical excitation of the trapped ions are aligned along thetrap axis(horizontal line). A CEM located outside the data is accumulated over several iterations for each of thetrap (right) is used for electronic detection. TheCEM time interval. Many iterations are required to suppress is mounted off-axis to allow clear optical access. the variation due to fluctuations in the number of ions 3+ loaded. This method is typically used when the Th lifetime is a few seconds or less. trap. As the hot Th3+ ions collide with room tempera- The decay rate through any given reaction channel is ture helium atoms, they lose some of their thermal en- proportionaltothedensityofthereactantinthesystem. ergy. This process serves two critical purposes. First, This relationcan be written as τ−1 =kn, where n is the it reduces the energy of some ablated Th3+ ions as they density ofthe reactant,andk= σv is the reactionrate h i traversethelengthoftheiontrap,therebyincreasingthe coefficient for the given channel. Here, σ is the reaction likelihood they will be trapped. Secondly, it damps the cross-section and v is the relative velocity between the motion of trapped Th3+ ions, allowing them to come to reactants. For a given reaction, the rate coefficient can 3+ thermal equilibrium at some fraction of the trap depth. be determined by measuring the Th decay rate as a 3 spiralingorbitoftheionandmoleculeabouttheirshared 16 centerofmass. Ifareactionbetweentheionandmolecule 14 1] isexothermic,itisassumedtooccurwithunitprobability 3- s 12 when a spiraling orbit occurs. The so-called Langevin -10 10 cross-sectionfor reaction is then [10] e [ at 8 Ze α R ss 6 σL =2π v µ, (1) o r L 4 wherev isthe relativevelocitybetweenthe particlesand 2 µ is the reduced mass. The corresponding reaction rate 0 2 4 6 8 10 coefficient is -5 Helium Pressure [10 torr] k =2πZe√αµ (2) L FIG. 3: (Color online) Th3+ loss rate as a function of BIP The preceding equations are given in Gaussian (cgs) helium buffergas pressure. Theslopeof thelinearfitimplies a reaction rate coefficient of k = 3.4×10−15cm3s−1 (k = units, which is how they are most commonly found in ǫ 6.0×10−16cm3s−1 withaniongaugecorrection factorofǫ= the literature. 0.18), while the intercept implies a background loss rate of TheLangevinmodelisnotacomprehensivetheoretical τ−1 = 3.3×10−3s−1. It is likely that the Th3+ reacts with formulation, and therefore, it only suffices to provide an an impurity in thehelium ratherthan with thehelium itself; estimate of the reactionrate betweena givenion andre- therefore,thevaluefork setsanupperboundonthereaction actantmolecule. The model does notapply to molecules rate coefficient for helium. that possess a permanent dipole moment. In that case, the leading term in the interaction potential scales as r−2 rather than r−4 [11]. Furthermore, several experi- functionofthepressureofthe reactivegas. The reaction ments [12–14] have shown a departure from the inverse rate coefficient is extracted from the slope of a linear fit velocitydependence oftheclassicalcross-sectioninsome of this data. The intercept of the linear fit gives the loss reactions. Ultimately,theprobabilityofareactionoccur- rateduetobackgroundgasesinthevacuum. Forhelium, ring in the event of a classical interaction is dependent the data and correspondinglinear fit are shownin Fig. 3 on the combined energy state of the reactants,the avail- Helium is a noble gas, and a charge exchange reaction able energy states in the final products, andthe possible 3+ betweenitandTh isendothermicby4.6eV.Thissug- reaction pathways between them [15]. Several experi- gests that such a reaction is strongly inhibited for low ments [16–20], including our own, have found that some energy reactants. Therefore, the loss shown in Fig. 2 is reaction rates can differ significantly depending on the mostlikely due to animpurity in the helium ratherthan internal energy state of a reactant. to the helium itself. Nevertheless, the Langevin rate is useful in setting an Theheliumgasweuseinourexperimentcomesfroma upper bound onthe reactionrate between ions and non- cylinderwithabuilt-inpurifier(BIP).TheBIPheliumis polar molecules [21]. Many ion-molecule reactions do supplied by Airgas, Inc. According to the specifications, occur at or near the Langevin rate [17, 22–26]. The the BIP helium gas has an impurity level <1 ppm. The Langevinratesforthereactionsweinvestigatedaregiven data of Fig. 3 implies a reaction rate coefficient between in Table I with the experimental results. theBIPheliumandTh3+ ontheorderof10−16 to10−15 cm3s−1. Thus, the reaction between Th3+ and the con- taminant within the BIP helium responsible for its loss III. GASES WITH LOW REACTION RATES proceeds with a reaction rate coefficient on the order of 10−10 to 10−9 cm3s−1. Loss rates of Th3+ in the presence of neon and ar- Areactionratecoefficientof10−9 cm3s−1 isconsistent gon are shown in Fig. 4, while loss rates in the presence with the value predicted by a classical collision model of nitrogen and hydrogen are shown in Fig. 5. For all introduced by Langevin [9] and refined by Gioumousis of these decay measurements, a partial pressure of 10−5 and Stevenson [10]. This model is helpful in estimating torr of helium was added to the system to cool the ions the reaction cross-sections between ions and molecules. for fluorescence imaging. As can be seen from Fig. 3, We assume the ion is a point particle with charge Ze, this quantity of helium does not add significantly to the and that the molecule is spherically symmetric with po- backgroundlossrateofTh3+. The reactionswithargon, larizability α. The primary interaction between the ion nitrogen,andhydrogenallproceedrelativelyslowly,with and molecule is due to the electric field of the ion and reaction rate coefficient orders of magnitude below the the field-induced diploe moment of the molecule. The corresponding Langevin rates. Since our interest was in interaction potential scales as r−4. gases that react with Th3+ near the Langevin rate, we Below thresholdvalues of the relative velocityand the did not attempt to identify the products of these reac- impact parameter, the interaction potential leads to a tions. 4 to rf micromotion could conceivably contribute to over- 7 come anotherwise endothermic energygap[27–29], such 1] 6.5 as with helium and neon. However, such micromotion- 3- s 6 enhanced reactions would require micromotion ampli- -0 5.5 tudes much larger than is likely. While some contri- 1 e [ 5 bution of the micromotion to the loss rates is possible Rat 4.5 forendothermicreactions,ourresultsareconsistentwith ss 4 quoted impurities [30]. Lo 3.5 Neon Argonis also a noble gas,but a charge exchange reac- 3 Argon 3+ tion between it and Th is exothermic by 4.2 eV. The 2.5 3+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 Th reactionrates with argonand nitrogen were found 3+ -6 to depend on the electronic configuration of the Th . Test Gas Partial Pressure [10 torr] The data in Fig. 4 represent loss rates from the 5F 5/2 3+ ground state of Th . The 5F state was isolated for 5/2 FIG. 4: (Color online) Th3+ loss rate in the presence of study by shuttering the 690 nm laser between fluores- neon and argon. A partial pressure of 10−5torr of he- cencemeasurements. ThisallowsTh3+intheΛ-manifold lium was added to the test gas to cool the ions for fluores- (see Fig. 1) to be pumped back into the ground state by cence observation. The reaction rate coefficient for neon is k = 4.1×10−15cm3s−1 (k = 1.2×10−15cm3s−1 with an the984nmlaser. Bykeepingthe timebetweenmeasure- ǫ ment sufficiently long, the systematic effect introduced ion gauge correction factor of ǫ = 0.30). The decay rates shown for argon represent Th3+ loss from the 5F ground during measurement was held below 10%. 5/2 state. Thereaction ratecoefficient isk=1.3×10−14cm3s−1 (k =1.7×10−14cm3s−1 with an ion gauge correction factor ǫ of ǫ=1.3). IV. Th3+ EXCITATION EFFECTS ON REACTION RATES 100 State dependent effects on electron capture in colli- Hydrogen sions between neutral atoms and multiply charged ions 1] 80 Nitrogen have been studied extensively (see, e.g., [31–34]). The 3- s effectofTh3+ opticalexcitationonits reactionratewith -0 60 1 argon can be seen clearly in Fig. 6. In one set of mea- ate [ 40 surements,the 690nm laserwas shuttered between fluo- R rescencemeasurements. This is the samedata setshown s os 20 inFig.4. Inthe othertwosetsofmeasurements,the 690 L nm laser was left on continuously. Increasing the power 0 ofthe984nmlaserincreasesthepopulationofthe6D 5/2 0 1 2 3 4 5 excited state, and hence the reaction rate, until the ex- Partial Pressure [10-6 torr] citedstateis saturated. The correspondingsaturationof theargonandnitrogenreactionratesareshowninFig.7. Ifthe5F –6D manifoldisapproximatedasatwo- FIG. 5: (Color online) Th3+ loss rate in the presence of hy- 7/2 5/2 level system, the excited state population obeys the re- drogen and nitrogen. A partial pressure of 10−5torr of he- lation lium was added to the test gas to cool the ions for fluores- cence observation. The reaction rate coefficient for hydrogen I/Isat,eff isk=4.6×10−13cm3s−1(k =2.1×10−13cm3s−1withanion σ . (3) ǫ ∝ 1+I/Isat,eff gauge correction factor of ǫ = 0.46). The decay rates shown fornitrogenrepresentTh3+ lossfromthe5F5/2 groundstate. whereIsat,eff istheeffectivesaturationintensity. Thera- The reaction rate coefficient is k=1.6×10−13cm3s−1. tiooftheeffectivesaturationintensitytothenaturalsat- uration intensity, Isat = 2π2hcΓ/3λ3, is approximately equal to the ratio of the Doppler-broadened linewidth, Like helium, neon is a noble gas with a high ioniza- Γ , to the natural linewidth, Γ. Therefore, D tion energy that inhibits charge exchange reactions with 3+ 2π2hc eTVh.A.sScaunchbreesaecetnioinnsFairge.i4n,tThhis3+calsoessenradtoetshienrmneiconbyw1er.6e Isat,eff ≈ 3λ3 ΓD. (4) never significantly larger than what could be attributed By fitting the data in Fig. 7 to a function in the form tothe presenceofthe heliumbuffergas. Inaddition,the of Eq. (3), we find an effective saturation intensity of rceoancstisiotnenrtawteithcoreeffiacctieionntowcecudrertienrgmbientewdefernomthethTehd3+ataanids sIpsaot,nedffs∼to40amDWop/pclmer2-b.rAoacdcoenrdeidnglintoewEidqt.h(4o)f, Γthis cor3r0e0- D 0.5 ppm impurity in the gas. MHz, which is consistent with an independent me∼asure- 3+ It is worthnoting that the kinetic energy of Th due ment of the transition linewidth. 5 30 40 P = 20 µW, P = 0 mW -3-110 s] 30 PP999888444 == 2400 µµWW,, PP666999000 == 11..2255 mmWW 3-1 s] 2205 e [ 20 -10 Rat e [ 15 Loss 10 ss Rat 10 o L 0 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 -6 0 Argon Partial Pressure [10 torr] 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 FIG. 6: (Color online) Effect of atomic excitation on Th3+ 90 loss rate in the presence of argon. The data that was taken without 690 nm light represents loss from the Th3+ 5F5/2 -1s] 75 ground state. Increasing the power of the 984 nm laser in- -30 60 creases the reaction rate by increasing the number of ions in 1 the6D5/2 excited state, from which reaction is more likely. ate [ 45 R s 30 s o P = 1.25 mW The reaction rate from the 5F7/2 electronic state was L 15 P669900 = 300 µW found to be equal to within experimental error to the 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 reactionratefromthe 5F stateforbothargonandni- trogen. The5F7/2 statew5a/s2isolatedformeasurementby P984 [µW] shutteringthe984nmlaserbetweenmeasurements,while continuously applying the 690 nm laser. In this way, the FIG. 7: (Color online) Saturation of Th3+ reaction rate in long-lived 5F7/2 state was continuosly repopulated. To the presence of (top) 3×10−6 torr argon and (bottom) 3× further demonstrate that optical excitation to the 6D5/2 10−6 torrnitrogen. Ineach case, 1×10−5 torrhelium is also state wasresponsible forthe increasedreactionrates,we present. verified that detuning the lasers far from resonance had the same effect as shuttering them. Byopticallyexcitingwiththe1087nmlaser,wefound selective CEM detection. For these measurements, 2 that reactions with nitrogen were also faster from the 10−8 torr of the test gas and 10−4 torr of helium buffe×r 6D state than from the 5F state. No quantitative gas was introduced into the system. The ion trap was 3/2 5/2 comparisons were made between the reaction rates from loadedanumberoftimes. Eachtimethetrapwasloaded, the 6D state and the 6D state. The reaction rate we waited a short period ( 1 s) for reactions to occur, 3/2 5/2 ∼ betweenTh3+ andargonwith1087nmopticalexcitation performedamassselection,andcheckedforthepresence was not measured. of ions. Since the rf power supply for our trap could not provide high enough voltage to perform rigorous mass selection on singly ionized molecules, we were able to identify only doubly ionized molecules. V. GASES WITH HIGH REACTION RATES When either carbon dioxide or oxygen was present in the system, Th2+ and ThO2+ were found in the trap. Loss rates of Th3+ in the presence of carbon dioxide, Althoughthoriumdioxideischemicallystable,noThO2+ 2 methane, and oxygen are shown in Fig. 8. All of these was detected with either gas. In a previous work with gases react relatively quickly with Th3+ at rates com- singly-ionized thorium, Johnsen et al. [22] found that parable to the Langevin rate. Even at partial pressures oxidation occurs via the sequential reactions below10−8torr,reactionsoccurringinthespacebetween the ablation target and the trapping region significantly Th++O2 ThO++O (5) reducedthenumberofTh3+ ionsloaded. Toensuresuffi- + → + ThO +O2 ThO2 +O (6) cientloadingandanadequateSNRforfluorescencemea- → surement, 10−4 torr of helium was added to the system Theyfoundthatthefirstreactionproceededquickly,with foreachmeasurement. Thelossratesmeasuredherewere a rate coefficient of 6 10−10 cm3s−1, while the rate of × in all cases significantly higher than the loss rate with thesecondreactionwasmorethananorderofmagnitude only 10−4 torr of helium present. lower, with a coefficient of 2 10−11 cm3s−1. The products of reaction between Th3+ and carbon Reactions between Th3+ a×nd methane, CH4, resulted dioxide,methane, and oxygenwereidentified using mass in Th2+ and ThCH2+. Special care was taken to prop- 2 6 5 100 208 ThCH22+ (a) -1oss Rate [s] 234 (a) U [V]dc 220004 TThhOO222++ 468000 M Counts [a.u.] L 1 E 20 C 0 196 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 1200 1215 1230 1245 1260 CO Partial Pressure [10-8 torr] V [V] 2 rf 4 100 208 ThCH22+ (b) -1oss Rate [s] 123 (b) U [V]dc 220004 TThhOO222++, ThCH42+ 468000 M Counts [a.u.] L E 20 C 0 196 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 1200 1215 1230 1245 1260 CH Partial Pressure [10-8 torr] V [V] 4 rf 6 100 5 208 ThCH22+ (c) -1oss Rate [s] 234 (c) U [V]dc 220004 TThhOO222++ 468000 M Counts [a.u.] L E 1 20 C 0 196 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 1200 1215 1230 1245 1260 O Partial Pressure [10-8 torr] V [V] 2 rf FIG. 8: (Color online) Th3+ loss rate in the presence of (a) FIG. 9: (Color online) Doubly-ionized thorium molecules. carbon dioxide, (b) methane, and (c) oxygen. Measurements Ions are identified by comparing the voltage space in which weremadewith10−4torrofheliumbuffergas. Thedatapoint they are stable to the theoretical stability region. (a) The atzeropressureisthelossratewhenonlyheliumat10−4torr reaction between Th3+ andcarbon dioxideproducesThO2+. is present. Reaction rate coefficients for each case are listed (b)ThereactionbetweenTh3+ andmethaneproducesTh2+, in Table I. which in turn reacts with methane to produce ThCH2+. (c) 2 ThereactionbetweenTh3+andoxygenproducesTh2+,which in turn reacts with oxygen to produceThO2+. erly identify ThCH2+. Andrews and Cho [26] were able 2 to create ThCH4 by ablating thorium in a methane en- vironment. However, Marc¸alo et al. [35] found that the were stable, we were able to achieve the resolution nec- onlyreactionchannelbetweensingly-ionizedthoriumand essary to correctly determine the product (see Fig. 9). methane is Once the reaction products were identified, we were Th++CH4 ThCH+2 +H2. (7) abletomeasurehowTh3+ evolvedovertime inthe pres- → ence of each of these gases. The results are shown in Only 1 amu/e separates the mass-to-charge ratio of Fig. 10 for carbon dioxide, methane, and oxygen. Each ThCH2+ from ThCH2+ and ThO2+. By carefully map- data point in these graphs represents the average and 2 4 ping the voltage space in which ThO2+ and ThCH2+ standard deviation of six measurements. For each mea- 2 7 However, by ramping the rf to its maximum voltage, we 1 couldisolateionswithmass-to-chargeratiosgreaterthan 0.8 156amu/e. Theonlyionsinthetrapabovethatmass-to- n o charge ratio would be singly-ionized thorium molecules. ulati 0.6 Th23++ These are represented as ThX+ in Fig. 10. p Th o (a) Direct comparison of the CEM signals of the various P ThO2+ ative 0.4 ThX+ iforonms iisoonftloimiointe.dIovnasluweisthinhceigthheergchaianrgoefsataCteEsMexcpaenrivenarcye el 0.2 R a greater acceleration in the field created by the high negative bias at the entrance of the dynode. These ions 0 strikethedynodesurfacewithgreaterenergy,resultingin 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 ahigherinitialemissionofelectrons. TheCEMgainalso Time [s] depends on mass, as lighter ions tend to cause a larger response than more massive ones. The chemical nature 1 of the ion can also play a role. 0.8 We verified several times that the Th3+ CEM signal n o was linear with measurements of total fluorescence over ati Th3+ ul 0.6 2+ the dynamic range of both instruments. However, the p Th Po (b) ThCH2+ specific slope of the relationship at any given time was ative 0.4 ThX+2 hsyigsthelmy.senCsuitritvaeintsowtheerebaecmkpglrooyuenddtloigshttalbeivliezleaaronudnmditnhie- Rel 0.2 mize background light; however, small shifts in the cur- tains incurred while the system was prepared for data 0 collection still had a noticeable effect. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 In order to compare the relative populations of the Time [s] various ions in the trap over time, we adopted a simple method for scaling the CEM data. The method is based 1 on two assumptions. We assume first that ions are not lost from the trap over the period of investigation. This 0.8 n o is reasonablegiventhatthe trapdepth is onthe orderof ulati 0.6 Th23++ 100eVfortheionsinquestion,whiletheexothermicityof op (c) Th thereactionsisonlyontheorderofafeweV.Wefurther P ThO2+ ative 0.4 ThX+ aidsesnutmifieedthiantotuhreeoanrllyieriosnesarpcrhesfeonrtthinetrheaecttrioanpparroedtuhcotsse. el 0.2 Since our method of searching for reaction products fo- R cusedonlyonproductsresultingfromfastreactions,this 0 assumption could lead to error when considering longer 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 time scales. However,here we focus our attentiononthe Time [s] rapid chemical kinetics that occur on short time scales. To scale the data we consider the sum FIG.10: (Coloronline)232Th3+ inthepresenceof(a)carbon dioxide, (b) methane, and (c) oxygen. The data is scaled N(t)= α n (t), (8) i i according to the values given in Table II. The data sets are i fit to thesystem of equations given in Eqs. (15)–(18). X where N is the total trap population, and n and α are i i the fluorescence normalized CEM signal and the CEM surement, the trap was loaded, and Th3+ was mass se- scaling factor for ion i, respectively. The sum is over all lected. A fluorescence measurement would be taken im- ion species present in the trap. The scaling factors are mediately after the mass selection. After the specified determined via a least-squares algorithm that attempts waittime, the ionofinterestwouldbe massselectedand to make N(t) = 1 for all t. The data shown in Fig. 10 thecontentsofthetrapdeliveredtotheCEM.Theresult- was scaled using this method. The scaling factors are ing CEM signal was normalized according to the initial given in Table II. fluorescence measurement. By normalizing the signal in It is clear from Fig. 10 that the dynamics responsi- this way, the impact of loading fluctuations on the data ble for the appearance of ThO2+ in the presence of car- was minimized. bon dioxide are different from the dynamics that cause As was mentioned previously, the rf power supply for ThO2+ toariseinoxygenandthatbringaboutThCH2+ 2 our trap could not provide high enough voltage to per- inthepresenceofmethane. Basedontheidentifiedprod- formrigorousmassselectiononsinglyionizedmolecules. ucts,thepossiblereactionsbetweenTh3+andthesegases 8 Species Carbon Dioxide Methane Oxygen Branching Ratio Carbon Dioxide Methane Oxygen Th3+ 9.0 4.6 3.6 [α,β,γ] 0.36 0.89 1.0 1 Th2+ 23.4 26.2 14.7 [α,β,γ] 0.78 0.0 0.09 2 ThO2+ 36.8 – 12.7 [α,β,γ] 0.10 0.0 0.08 3 ThCH2+ – 53.9 – [α,β,γ] 0.44 0.94 0.83 2 4 ThX+ 20.5 30.0 39.3 TABLE III:Branching ratios for thorium reactions. TABLE II:CEM scaling factors for Th3+ reaction data. Gas Minimum Purity CO2 O2 Hydrocarbons can be written generally as Argon 99.9997% <0.5 <0.2 <0.2 Hydrogen 99.999% <0.5 <1 <0.5 Th3++CO2 ( −αα→21 TThhO2+2+++COC+2O+ (9) Neon 99.999% <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 −→ TABLE IV: Purity specifications for research grade argon, Th3++CH4 ( −ββ→21 TThh2C+H+2+C+H+4H+ (10) ureltarcathioinghexppuerirtiymehnytdsr.ogVena,luaensdlisrteesdearacrhe ginradpepmn.eonAlulsegdaseins −→ 2 2 werepurchasedfromAirgas,Inc. andspecificationsarelisted Th3++O2 ( −γγ→21 TThhO2+2+++O+2O+ (11) in the Airgas 2009 Product Catalog [30]. −→ enforced on subsequent fits. The branching ratios that Here,α , β ,andγ representtherelativeprobabilitiesof i i i were determined in this fashion are given in Table III. the reactionchannels. Thepossiblesubsequentreactions 2+ The values given in Table III can only be considered with Th can be summarized as roughestimatesoftheactualbranchingratiosbecauseof 2+ α3 ThX++ theuncertaintiesinherentintheCEMscalingprocedure. Th +CO2 ( −α→4 ThO2++·C··O (12) They are given only to illustrate3+the general reaction −→ dynamics. While reactions of Th with methane and 2+ β3 ThX++ oxygen proceed predominantly via charge exchange, si- Th +CH4 ( −−β→→4 ThCH22++···H2 (13) mdoumltiannaenotubsrcahnacrhgeinexrcehacatnigoensanbdetcwheeemnicTahl3r+eaacntidoncaisrbtohne 2+ γ3 ThX++ dioxide. Sincemethanehasthehighestionizationenergy Th +O2 ( −γ→4 ThO2++·O·· (14) and lowest polarizability among hydrocarbons [36], the −→ charge exchange reaction rates between other hydrocar- 3+ No decay in the quantity of ThO2+ or ThCH2+ is seen bons and Th are likely as high as those of methane. 2 Itisworthconsideringwhetherimpuritiesofthesefast overthe time scalesinvestigated,so these canbe treated 3+ reacting gases could explain the Th losses in the pres- as stable final products. Thus, from the above reaction equations,wecanwriteasystemofdifferentialequations ence of argon, nitrogen, and hydr3o+gen. CO2, O2, and describingthechemicalkineticsineachgas. Forexample, CH4 each react strongly with Th at rates very close to the calculated Langevin rates. In order for these in carbon dioxide, molecules to account for the observed loss rates in the d other gases, they would have to be present as impurities n Th3+ = k1n Th3+ (15) atthe10−4 levelreactingattheLangevinrate,consider- dt − ably higher than the levels specified by the gas supplier d (cid:0) 2+(cid:1) (cid:0) 2+(cid:1) 3+ n Th = k2n Th +α1k1n Th (16) (see Table V). Furthermore, none of these molecules ex- dt − hibited different reaction rates due to optical excitation dn T(cid:0)hO2+(cid:1) = α2k1n(cid:0)Th3+(cid:1) +α4k2n(cid:0) Th2+(cid:1)(17) ofTh3+,sotheirpresenceasimpuritiescouldnotexplain dt the reaction rates observed for argon and nitrogen. For dn(cid:0)ThX+(cid:1) = α3k2n(cid:0)Th2+(cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1)(18) these reasons, it is unlikely that impurities of the type dt measured to react at the Langevin rate are responsible (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) for the losses observed for the slowly reacting gases. Similar systems of equations can be written to describe the reaction dynamics in methane and oxygen. To estimate the relative probabilities of the various reactionchannels,the dataofFig.10wasnumericallyfit VI. CONCLUSION todynamicequationsoftheformshownabove. Fitswere performed in the order of the above equations. Once a We have determined the effect of various gases on the 3+ valuewasobtainedforafittingparameter,thatvaluewas trap lifetime of Th . Reactions involving carbon diox- 9 ide,oxygen,andmethaneproceedatarateneartheclas- Acknowledgments sicalLangevinlimit. 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