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C h a r c u t e r i e Sausages, Pâtés, Accompaniments Fritz Sonnenschmidt C.M.C C h a r c u t e r i e Sausages, Pâtés, Accompaniments Fritz Sonnenschmidt C.M.C Australia • Brazil • Japan • Korea • Mexico • Singapore • Spain • United Kingdom • United States Charcuterie: Sausages, Pâtés and © 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning Accompaniments ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright Fritz Sonnenschmidt herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored, or used in any form Vice President, Career and or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not Professional Editorial: Dave Garza limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, taping, Web distribution, information networks, or information storage and retrieval Director of Learning Solutions: Sandy Clark systems, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 Acquisitions Editor: James Gish United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of Managing Editor: Larry Main the publisher. Product Manager: Nicole Calisi For product information and technology assistance, contact us at Editorial Assistant: Sarah Timm Professional & Career Group Customer Support, 1-800-648-7450 Vice President, Career and Professional For permission to use material from this text or product, Marketing: Jennifer McAvey submit all requests online at cengage.com/permissions Marketing Director: Wendy Mapstone Further permissions questions can be e-mailed to [email protected] Marketing Manager: Kristin McNary Marketing Coordinator: Scott Chrysler Library of Congress Control Number: 2008934851 Production Director: Wendy Troeger ISBN-13: 978-1428319912 Production Manager: Stacy Masucci Senior Content Project Manager: ISBN-10: 1428319913 Glenn Castle Art Director: Joy Kocsis Delmar Technology Project Manager: 5 Maxwell Drive Chirstopher Catalina Clifton Park, NY 12065-2919 USA Production Technology Analyst: Thomas Stover Cengage Learning products are represented in Canada by Nelson Education, Ltd. For your lifelong learning solutions, visit delmar.cengage.com Visit our corporate website at cengage.com Notice to the Reader Publisher does not warrant or guarantee any of the products described herein or perform any independent analysis in connection with any of the product information contained herein. Publisher does not assume, and expressly disclaims, any obligation to obtain and include information other than that provided to it by the manufacturer. The reader is expressly warned to consider and adopt all safety precautions that might be indicated by the activities described herein and to avoid all potential hazards. By following the instructions contained herein, the reader willingly assumes all risks in connection with such instructions. The publisher makes no representations or warranties of any kind, including but not limited to, the warranties of fi tness for particular purpose or merchantability, nor are any such representations implied with respect to the material set forth herein, and the publisher takes no responsibility with respect to such material. The publisher shall not be liable for any special, consequential, or exemplary damages resulting, in whole or part, from the readers’ use of, or reliance upon, this material. Printed in the United States of America 1 2 3 4 5 XXX 12 11 10 09 I dedicate this book to Albert Metz, CMC A Mentor to Many Master Sausage Maker and Master Chef 1912–1988 A master is a person who thinks. An assistant is a person who makes it work. But everybody is an apprentice. Albert Metz C o n t e n t s Foreword vii Chapter 8 Sliceable Raw Sausages 95 Preface viii Acknowledgements ix Chapter 9 Poached Sausages 131 About the Author x Chapter 10 Bratwurst 157 Chapter 1 Equipment Selection, Sanitary Care, and Usage 3 Chapter 11 Pâtés and Terrines 207 Chapter 2 Meat, The Raw Base of Sausage Making 11 Chapter 12 Aspics, Headcheese, and Savory Jellies 237 Chapter 3 Seasonings, Binders, and Curing Salts 19 Chapter 13 Curing and Brining 257 Chapter 4 Sausage Casings 29 Chapter 14 Introduction to Salsas 283 Chapter 5 Smoking Sausages and Meats 41 Chapter 15 Specialty Recipes 313 Chapter 6 Cooked Sausages 51 Appendix A 341 Appendix B 344 Appendix C 345 Chapter 7 Spreadable Raw Sausages 83 Glossary 346 Index 351 vi Fo r e w o r d The art of making sausages is as old as the art of us on a journey into one of the most delicious and cooking itself. Throughout Europe this art has tasty sides of the culinary experience. enjoyed a rich history and tradition and to this day Born and raised in his beloved Bavaria, a hot- the practitioners of this art are among the most bed of sausage making, Fritz learned this art very respected professionals in the world of food. early in his training. This experience has left an From the rustic Alpine regions of Austria, incredible impression on him and he developed a northern Italy, Switzerland, and Bavaria to the great passion for preserving his art. Throughout his northern regions of Central Europe, the “butcher” esteemed career he continued to refi ne and hone not only provided the primary cuts of meat but also his skills and became an internationally respected developed a very refi ned regional tradition of pro- chef, educator, and consummate professional. We viding an almost unlimited array of recipes utiliz- are fortunate to be able to enjoy this book as a testa- ing ground meats. This book, Charcuterie: Sausages, ment to his skills, passions, and most importantly, Pâtés, and Accompaniments, captures this art for gen- his ability to produce and enjoy the recipes. erations to come. I believe this book is a must for any serious culi- With true culinary passion and dedication, narian, but it will also serve as a great resource for “Fritz” Sonnenschmidt not only introduces us to a all those who simply enjoy cooking. In addition, host of tasty recipes but also educates the reader on educators will fi nd this book to be a most valuable the techniques of making sausages without diffi - tool to assist them in their effort. culty. He explores the history and traditions of the art from bratwurst to weisswurst (the traditional Thank you, Fritz, for your continued passion. Bavarian sausage), mettwurst to salami. Even the Karl J. Guggenmos elegant pâtés and terrines are explored. Fritz takes vii P r e f a c e For some time now I have felt the need for a com- Each chapter gives you a thorough explanation prehensive and detailed book on preparing sau- of how and why. I have broken down the art of sages, pâtés, aspics, and salsas the easy way, as my charcuterie, in other words sausage making, into masters taught me. Most chefs, cooks, and hobby categories of cooked sausages, raw spreadable sau- culinarians are afraid to tackle these delicious mor- sages, and raw sliceable sausages, (mettwurst, sels, because they have not been taught and are salami, cervelat, poached sausages, bratwurst, therefore unsure and have forgotten that the same pâtés and terrines, headcheeses and savory aspics, culinary principles as used in cooking or baking are curing and brining of whole meat muscle, and applied in sausage making. My formulas follow fi nally salsas to accompany these delicious foods. this principal, are easy to calculate into small or I am sure you will learn, enjoy, and have fun fol- large batches, and the preparation methods are lowing the formulas and recipes and taste your cre- simple and easy to follow. ations at breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, and at The art of sausage was established when man family gatherings. The aromas will be tempting started to hunt and domesticate animals, especially scents from far away and the beautiful textures and the pig. When pigs were slaughtered, the tribal colors will excite and tempt the appetite. elders invited all friends and neighbors and together Have fun, but always remember that cooking, they cooked, smoked, and prepared all parts of the baking, and sausage making are an art, a science, a animal. Then they celebrated for days, enjoying the service, and a way of sharing. fruits of their labor. My recipes and methods are built on these early preparations, and I have, with Have a fl avorful experience. the help of my 50 years’ experience, edited them from the use of hand tools into today’s machine Fritz age. Either at home, in the classroom, or in the pro- fessional kitchen, these recipes are easy to execute and the end result is spelled success. viii A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t s Thank you To my wife Debbie for her patience, the sharing To Judy Serra Lieberman for her assistance in of her taste buds, and cleaning the kitchen after setting up the photos and shopping for all the sausage production. little last things needed. To Maryann Monachelli, still the only person To Patricia Osborn for her advice and getting who can read my handwriting for typing this the book started. book. To Jeremy Grubard, Jim’s assistant, for his To Chef Noble Masi for his help and d edication and his help to keep Jim’s lighting encouragement. steady and making sure all picture colors were vibrant. To Brent Frei for his help in fi nding the right publisher. To Nicole Calisi for her dedication and input to make this book a success. To Fenni for letting me try out all the recipes and formulas at their conferences. To Rick Perez for his support and dedication to me and our food industry. To Cutco Cutlery for the quality and sharpness of their knives. To Cengage Learning for bringing the great art of sausage making to the forefront and publish- To Jennie O Turkey Store for their encourage- ing a fantastic educational book. ment and having the best turkey. To Teresa Christie for coordinating the produc- To my mother-in-law Jane Prislopsky for tion of the book. demanding the best kielbasa. To the copyeditor Martha Williams for correct- To my Masters Joseph Stumpf and Pierre Ruette ing the words and sentences and making a who gave me discipline and knowledge. humble immigrant look good. To Adam Mikenberg for opening my mind to And to my colleagues Fred Von Husen and new ideas and concepts. Jacques De Chantaloupe for their dedication and To all my former students for sharing their teaching our trade to future chef charcutieres. ideas, dreams, and concepts with me and mak- The American Culinary Federation (ACF) for ing me what I am today. promoting and giving purpose to all American To Jim Smith and his crew who made the pic- chefs. tures look alive and tasty. ix

CHARCUTERIE: SAUSAGES, PATES AND ACCOMPANIMENTS teaches readers how to prepare sausages, pates and other cooked processed foods. These skills are invaluable to a culinarian, as they constantly come into play while in the kitchen. This product is a useful guide for someone working in Charcuterie, but
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