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Characterizing departure delays of flights in passenger aviation network of United States Yan-JunWang†*,1,2 Ya-KunCao†,2 Chen-PingZhu,2 FanWu,1,3 Ming-HuaHu,1 BaruchBarzel,4 andH.E.Stanley5 1College of Civil Aviation, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, 210016, China 2College of Science, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, 210016, China 3Air Traffic Management Bureau of Northwest China, Xi’an, 710082, China 4Mathematics Department, Bar Ilan University, Lamat Gan, Israel 5Center for Polymer Studies and Department of Physics, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts 02215, USA 7 (Dated: January 25, 2017) 1 0 Flight delay happens every day in airports all over the world. However, systemic investigation 2 in large scales remains a challenge. We collect primary data of domestic departure records from n BureauofTransportation StatisticsofUnitedStates,anddoempirical statistics withthemin form a of complementary cumulative distributions functions (CCDFs) and transmission function of the J delays. Fourteen main airlines are characterized by two types of CCDFs: shifted power-law and exponentially truncated shifted power-law. By setting up two phenomenological models based on 4 2 mean-field approximation in temporal regime, we convert effect from other delay factors into a propagation one. Three parameters meaningful in measuring airlines emerge as universal metrics. ] Moreover,methodusedherecouldbecomeanovelapproachtorevealingpracticalmeaningshidden h in temporal big data in wide fields. p - PACSnumbers: 89.75.Hc,05.45.Df c o s . Flightdelayshappen everyday inthe airportsallover The statistics on empirical data of flight delays makes s c the world. Passengers in different countries suffer from uptheprimarysteponthecharacterizationofDP[1,4,6, i suchubiquitousevents,andeconomyandtrafficsofmany 8, 9]. Analytical model [2, 5, 11–15] servesas the second s y cities are largely harmed by these events. Delays of in- step on the investigation of DP. In view of successful h dividual flights seem to be random at a glance. Actu- contributionfromthese two steps,we arecalledto goon p ally, they obey certain statistical laws[1] taking a long- the further step, i.e., to make general models to explore [ term delay records for a large number of flights into ac- generic mechanisms based on airline-specific big data of 2 count. In general, some delay originating from an up- flight delays. v streamflightspreadstodownstreamflights,whichispar- 6 ticularly evident when an aircraft continues its tasks of 5 5 successive flights. This phenomenon is defined as delay 5 propagation(DP)[2–5]. To alleviate the effect caused by 0 DP [3,4, 7], we needto characterizethemquantitatively . 1 first,whichisstillabigdifficulttasknowalthoughempir- 0 ical statistics [1, 3, 4, 6, 8–10] and mechanism modeling 7 [2, 5, 11–15] have appeared recently. The key problems We start to investigate empirical laws from collecting 1 remaining challenging us lie on: what kind of statistical data of departure delays (DD). Domestic DD data in : v lawwecanlearnfromthelargescalehistoricalrecordsof all the airports over the whole United States are down- Xi flight-delay events? And what are possible mechanisms loaded from BTS of America [16], including flight num- underlying them in terms of propagation and other fac- bers,tailnumbers,scheduleddepartureandarrivaltime, r a tors? Theymotivateourpresentworkfrombothaspects and actual departure and arrival time of each flight in of empirical statistics and theoretical modeling. the American passenger network. And DD in 2014 of Thecausesofflightdelayshavebeenclassifiedintofive each flight is calculated as the difference between actual categoriesbytheUSBureauofTransportationStatistics departure time and the scheduled one. Then we obtain (BTS) [16]: (1)Air carrier; (2)extreme weather; (3)na- thestatisticalresultsofprobabilitydistributionfunctions tional aviation system(NAS)referring heavy traffic vol- (pdf) of DD time for each airline, respectively. Fig.1 in ume and ait traffic control; (4)security; (5)late arriving SupplementaryInformation(SI) illustrates the pdfs aircraft. Just as cited by Baumgarten et al. [17], the for14mainairlinesofAmerica. Furthermore,integrating propagationfactor(PF)(delaypropagationcausedbylate pdffromcertainDDtoinfinitymakesupcomplementary arrivaloflastflightofthesameaircraft)occupies35per- cumulativedistributionfunctions(CCDFs)[26]forevery cent in this classification. In sense of propagation, we airline. These CCDFs are shown with color filled circles can roughly divide them into just two categories: PF inFig.1andFig.2,respectively. Eachofthem issetup a and non-propagationfactor(NPF). model to understand the underlying mechanism. 2 RESULTS able l be equal to the median of each interval, we plot empirical results in Fig.2 of SI. 1. Model 1 As assumption (2), we suppose that propagation- causedfractionofdelayedflightsperdelayintervalkeeps a constant k, so that we have As a roughapproximation,we start to describe DD of flights in a unified way, i.e., to account the effect from n (l)=k ∗n(l) (3) B NPF by converting them into that equivalent to PF. Then, we merely consider the effect of PF in the deriva- Comparing formula (1) with (3), we see tionofCCDFsofairlines. Atfirst,wemaketwoassump- n (l)=kn(l)=q(l)N(l) (4) tions based on data observation from the spirit of mean B fieldapproach. Asassumption(1),currentDDcausedby that is, k ∗(N(l)−N(l +dl))/dl =q(l)N(l) , we have PF is assumedsmaller than last DD of the same aircraft in general cases over one-year statistics, which takes ac- dN(l) q(l) count of the DP and the efforts against it made by the = N(l) (5) dl −k staffsofthemanagementandoperation. Inpracticalma- nipulation, we take DP as follows: for a flightwith DD l When the tentative transmission function q(l) is sub- (in minutes), if last flight operated by the same aircraft stituted into it, we obtain is largerthan l weassume thatthe currentDD is caused dN(l) α byPF.ThisisbecauserealdelaysincurredbyPFarenot = N(l) (6) discernableatpresent[12]. Basedonsuchanassumption, dl −k(l +β) weletthenumberofflightswithDPintheunitdelayin- Therefore, tervalnearl bedividedbythetotalnumberoftheflights with the delay larger than l, and define this ratio as the N(l)=c(l +β)−α0 (7) probability of delay transmission q(l). Then where α =α/k. And the CCDF of flight DD reads 0 ∞ nB(l)=q(l)Z n(l)dl (1) P(l0 >l)= N(l) =c0(l +β)−α0 (8) l N 0 where n (l) is the number of delayed flights in the unit whereN isthetotalnumberofflightsofanairlineovera B 0 interval near l caused by DP, and n(l) is the total num- year. Therefore, we obtain shifted power-law (SPL)[22– ber of delayedflights per delay interval near l, therefore, 24] to describe the CCDFs of DD of flights. ∞ cumulated number of delayed flights N(l) = n(l)dl. Formula (8) in phenomenological Model 1 is checked l By formula (1) we account the number of prRopagation- for 14 airlines(See Fig.1 of SI). It is valid for AA, MQ, caused delayed flights in the unit interval of (l as the F9, DL, HA and AS airlines with each pair of two pa- transmission result of all delayed flights with from l to rametersβ andα welladjusted to fit the primarydata 1 0 ∞. In the present phenomenological model, the form of from a specific airline, where β means adaptive β and 1 the function q(l)is unknownandneeds to be dug out by α in formula (8)(see Fig.1). However, it fails to cover 0 data-mining later. As a simple result of direct observa- the remaining 8 airlines, which demands other types of tion, the probability of large delay obviously decrease mechanisms. In the panels of Fig.1,realCCDFs ofthese with l monotonously, so the probability q(l) of delay 6airlinesareplottedwiththefilledcirclesinblack,green, transmission per delay interval should be a monotonous blue, wine red, dark yellow and purple, red lines repre- decreasing function as shown in Fig.2 of SI, for instance sentinganalyticresultsinformula(8)withcorresponding oftherealdataofairlineAA.However,itshouldbefinite shift parameters β = 40,50,90,40,30 and 90 fit linear 1 in the limit l → 0. Therefore, it is a reasonable choice partsofempiricaldatawell. Whilethetransmissionfunc- to set tion q(l) is checked in its integrated form F(l) following formula (2) with realdata,where β means β in formula α 2 q(l)= (2) (8) adaptive to fitting integrated q(l) (F(l) = l q(l)dl) l +β 0 in Fig.3(also collected in Table (1) of SI). RThe tail- asitstentativeform,withα,β asairline-specificparam- derivations of red lines from filled circles in both Fig.1 eters determined by data-mining according to formula and Fig.3 are discussed in SI. In fitting these CCDFs (2). In our phenomenological model, the parameters in from primary data with the present mechanism of DP, q(l)havetobeobtainedfromthedata. TakingtheAmer- we are actually converting the effect from NPF into an icanAirlines (AA) as anexample,we calculate the value equivalent one from PF, since the CCDFs illustrated by of q(l) for 237 aircrafts in the whole year of 2014 using coloredsymbolscontaineffectfromallkindsofdelayfac- formula (2). By taking ∆l = 10 min and select (0,10) tors,while the red lines are basedon the all-PFassump- (10,20) ..., as statistical interval, then letting the vari- tion potentially. 3 0.1 A A 0.1 M Q 0.1 F 9 - - - P(l>l)010E.0-13 P=c0(l+ ) P(l>l)100E.0-13 P=c0(l+ ) P(l>l)010E.0-31 P=c0(l+ ) 1E-4 1E-4 1E-4 1E-5 c0 (cid:215) 1E-5 c0 (cid:215) 1E-5 c0 (cid:215) 100 1000 100 1000 100 1000 l+ l+ l+ 0.1 DL 0.1 H A 0.1 AS - - - P(l>l)010E.0-13 P=c0(l+ ) P(l>l)010E.0-13 P=c0(l+ ) P(l>l)010E.0-31 P=c0(l+ ) 1E-4 1E-4 1E-4 1E-5 c0 (cid:215) 1E-5 c0 (cid:215) 1E-5 c0 (cid:215) 100 1000 100 100 1000 l+ l + l+ Figure 1. Log-Log plots of CCDFs of 6 airlines in US. Empirical data decay with delay l plus shift parameter β1 linearly in themain bodyfortheregion withsmalll,whereβ1 meansfittingCCDFsusingβ informula(8). Filled circlesinblack,green, blue, wine red, dark yellow and purple illustrate CCDFs integrated pdfs from real data in Fig.1 of SI for airlines AA, MQ, F9, DL,HA and AS,respectively. Redlines illustrate theCCDFs in formula (8) of Model 1. By adaptingparameters (α0,β1) in Model 1 with the mechanism of DP, we fit the empirical data. The shift parameters are β1 = 40,50,90,40,30, and 90 for airlines AA,MQ, F9, DL,HA and AS, respectively. ∆l =10 min. 0.1 c2 0.1 c2 0.1 c2 0.1 c2 P(l>l)0 10E.0-13 r P(l>l)0 10E.0-13 r P(l>l)0 10E.0-13 r P(l>l)0 10E.0-31 r 1E-4 1E-4 1E-4 1E-5 B6 -l/ -r 1E-4 VX -l/ -r 1E-5 UA -l/ -r 1E-5 US -l/ -r 1E-6 P=c2e (l+ ) 1E-5 P=c2e (l+ ) 1E-6 P=c2e (l+ ) 1E-6 P=c2e (l+ ) 10 100 1 10 100 1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 l (min) l (min) l (min) l (min) 0.1 c2 0.1 c2 0.1 c2 0.1 c2 P(l>l)0 110EE.0--143 r P(l>l)0 10E.0-13 r P(l>l) 010E.0-13 r P(l>l) 010E.0-31 r 1E-4 1E-4 111EEE---765 WP=Nc2e-l/ (l+ )-r 11EE--65 EPV=c2e-l/ (l+ )-r 11EE--54 FPL=c2e-l/ (l+ )-r 11EE--65 OP=Oc2e-l/ (l+ )-r 1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 10 100 1000 l (min) l (min) l (min) l (min) Figure 2. Log-Log plots of CCDFs of airlines in US. Empirical data decay with delay l plus shift parameter β1 monotoni- cally in truncated exponential function e−l/λ, where β1 means fitting CCDFs of Fig.2 using β in formula (14). Filled circles in black, blue, green, dark yellow, purple, olive, wine red and orange illustrate CCDFs from real data (Fig.1 of SI) of air- lines B6, VX, UA, US, WN, EV, FL and OO, respectively. Red lines illustrated the CCDFs in formula (14). By adapting parameters (λ,β1 and r) in Model 2 with modified mechanism of DP, red lines from formula (14) fit empirical data with λ=81.97,10.92,97.09,87.72,82.64,79.37,113.90 and 86.21 for these 8airlines, respectively. ∆l =10 min. 2. Model 2 k for the propagation-caused fraction of delayed flights per delay interval in model 1 can not be valid for com- plex cases. Actually, formula (5) would be still valid if k To understand the CCDF data from the remaining 8 behaves in an infinitesimal in the same order of q(l) as airlines, we need a new mechanism other than what is l → ∞ according to L′Hospita rule. Therefore, we can for those 6 ones. At first, the assumption of a constant 4 1.0 1.0 1.2 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.8 F(l)0.6 F(l) 0.6 F(l)0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 AA MQ F9 0.2 F(l)= ln(l+ -ln 0.2 F(l)= ln(l+ -ln 0.2 F(l)= ln(l+ -ln 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 100 100 200 300 400 500600 l+ l+ l+ 1.0 1.0 1.4 1.2 0.8 0.8 1.0 F(l) 0.6 F(l)0.6 F(l)0.8 0.4 0.4 0.6 DL HA 0.4 AS 0.2 F(l)= ln(l+ -ln 0.2 F(l)= ln(l+ -ln 0.2 F(l)= ln(l+ -ln 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 100 100 200 300 400 500600 l+ l+ l + Figure 3. Log-Linear plots of the functions F(l) which represent the integrated form of transmission function q(l) in formula (2). Colorsymbolsinblack,blue,green,darkyellow,purple,olive,wineredandorangeillustratetheresultsdirectlycumulated from empirical data based on the definition (formula (2)) for airlines AA, MQ, F9, DL, HA and AS, respectively. While red linesareresultsintegratedfromq(l)informula(2)withtheirparametersβ2approachingparameterβ1inFig.1correspondingly. ∆l =10 min. 1.6 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.4 =0.52 =0.33 1.2 =0.41 =0.48 1.2 =8.70 1.4 =0.52 =8.45 1.4 =9.25 lF() 01..80 lF() 11..02 lF() 01..80 lF() 11..02 0.6 m = 15 0.8 m = 15 0.6 m = 8 0.8 m = 10 0.4 B6 0.6 VX 0.4 UA 0.6 US 0.2 F(l)= ln(l+ -ln 0.4 F(l)= ln(l+ -ln F(l)= ln(l+ -ln 0.4 F(l)= ln(l+ -ln 0.2 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 l l l l 1.8 1.6 1.8 2.0 1.6 =0.74 1.4 =0.53 1.6 =0.55 1.8 =0.75 1.4 =16.77 1.2 =6.86 1.4 =12.39 1.6 =11.94 lF() 11..02 lF() 01..80 lF() 11..02 lF() 111...024 0.8 m = 6 0.6 m = 21 0.8 m = 7 0.8 m = 24 000...246 FW(Nl)= ln(l+ -ln 00..24 EFV(l)= (ln(l+ -ln 00..46 FFL(l)= ln(l+ -ln 000...246 OF(Ol)= ln(l+ -ln 0.0 0.2 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 l l l l Figure 4. Functions F(l) represent cumulated form of transmission probability q(l) based on formula (2) with compensation intervalm shown for each airline. Color symbols illustrate theresults below λ directly cumulated from real data based on the definitionbutwithspecificcompensationintervalmforairlinesB6,VX,UA,US,WN,EV,FLandOO,respectively. Whilered linesareresultsintegrated from formula (2)with theirparametersβ2 approachingtheparametersβ1 inFig.2 correspondingly. ∆l =5 min. expect that k has a similar form of q(l). Tentatively, we where g and h are both phenomenological constants. let Substituting it into formula (5), we obtain 1 dN(l) −α(gl +h) k(l)= , (9) = N(l) (10) gl +h dl l +β 5 then sameaircraftforallflightswithlargerlastdelaysineach airline. From direct statistics on empirical data, we find dN(l) −r =(−gα+ )dl (11) thatthe relationfor the absorptiontime Lversusβ1 is a N(l) l +β negatively correlated linear function. One can see from Fig.5(a) that the relation L(β ) follows where, r =α(h−gβ). We have 1 lnN(l)=−gαl−rln(l+β)+c =lne−gαl+ln(l+β)−r+c L(β1)=43.52−0.15β1 (15) 0 0 (12) for6airlines(AA,DL,MQ,F9andAS)exceptHAwhich where c is a constant. Therefore, 0 hasthelowestrateofdelayinthe14airlinessoitisnotin N(l)=c1e−λl (l +β)−r (13) lSinPeLo,fthotehneergaaitrilvineelys.cFoorrreMlatoeddelli2newairthfutnhcetiroensu(lFtsigo.f5E(bT))- where λ= 1/gα, c = ec0 . And CCDF of DD of flights L(β1) follows 1 reads L(β )=38.83−1.32β (16) 1 1 N(l) P(l0 >l)= =c2e−λl (l +β)−r (14) for8airlines(B6,UA,US,WN,EV,FLandOO)except N 0 VXwhich hasthe lowestβ (0.53)andthe smallestnum- 1 where c = c /N . Different from SPL in formula (8), berofflightsexceptHAhence anignorablepropagation- 2 1 0 in this mechanismwe havea CCDF in the formof expo- delay effect so that its CCDF can decay more exponen- nentially truncated shifted power-law (ETSPL) [25] for tially than that of any other airlines. From both Fig.2 the remaining 8 airlines. When we fit empirical results and Fig.4, we reckon that the airline with smaller β1 is with parameters in analytic functions based on DP, we much more effective to reduce the delay from last delay converteffectbyNPFintoequivalenteffectbyDPfactor to current ones, i.e., it has a larger ability to absorbDP, just as in the way of Model 1. whichleads to the number offlights with smalldelay ac- Inlastmodel,weassumedthatlastDDofthesameair- count for a larger proportion in all the delayed flights craftisgreaterthancurrentone. Inreality,however,the (See Fig.6). For examples behind, from Table 1 in SI, effects of NPFs including cancellationsmay overlapwith among 6 airlines characterized by Model 1, F9 and AS PF. At present, we are not able to separate two kinds behaveless effective inthe absorptionoflastdelayswith of factors in the empirical data[12]. Therefore, the em- their larger β1 compared with others. pirical statistical results for 8 airlines in Fig.2 definitely In comparison with CCDFs of 6 airlines fit by SPLs, contain effect from all kinds of delaying factors, includ- integrated CCDFs of 8 airlines drop down steeper as in- ing that of lastdelay smaller than the currentone of the creased delay l, and they have smaller β1, which means same aircraft. Obviously, assumption (1) in last model thatthe factor(l+β1)−r behavesroughlyas l−r for the leads to a smaller value of nB(l) than the actual one. cases l >λ because λ>β1 (see Table 2 in SI) is always Based on this consideration, we modify the definition of satisfied. Actually,sincesmallerβ1 meanslargerabsorp- nB(l)inModel1: thetotalnumberoftheflightswiththe tionL(β1),thereforetheprobabilitytohavepropagation- delay near l per delay interval, but transmitted by last causeddelayfromlargerl decreaseswithl quickly. While flight’sDDgreaterthan(l−m),wheremdescribesaver- thechanceforNPFtoactondelayincreases. Inthiscat- age additional DD affecting current flights. By counting egory of delay cases, λ acts more importantly than β1. largerintervalaseffective oneaffectingthe currentdelay Thesmallerλanairlinehas,thesmallerintervalforitto offlightsfromequivalentDP,wecompensatethedeficient haveapropagation-induceddelaywithlongerdelaythan countingofcontributionfromallfactors. We demandβ thatofcurrentone. Among8airlines,VXbehavesasthe 2 approaching values of β1 in Fig.2, where β2 means β in typical case since it has both small β1 and λ. While FL formula (14) adaptive to fitting F(l) in Fig.4. Airline- has larger probabilities with the effects of DP than oth- specific parametersm emergeout asthe new metrics see ers since it has both larger r as the power in SPL and Fig.4). larger parameter λ emphasize DP dominating tendency. However, such a picture does not mean smaller fraction offlightswithDPsincetheactualdistributionforaflight 3. Aviation meanings of key parameters to delayis onaveragebiasedto the side withl <λ, even with the fraction as high as 90 percent, which is shown Shift parameters β in fitting CCDFs can serve as the in Fig.6 for 8 airlines covered by Model 2. The delayed 1 feature quantities in minutes characterizing specific air- numberN (l)meansthe flightnumbercausedbyPFis B1 line with the aviation meanings. We define the average basedondirectcountingofflightswith largerlastdelays flight delay absorption[27, 28] time L (in minutes)(See than the currentone, without the compensation interval Table (2) of SI) of propagationdelay as the averagedif- m in Model 2, for the comparison among airlines with ferences between last delay and the current one of the equal conditions. while the width of the histograms is 6 40 30 20 L AA MQ 10 F9 DL HA 0 L=33.94-0.13 AS -10 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 40 30 B6 L VX 20 UA US WN EV 10 FL OO L=38.83-1.32 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 Figure 5. (a)The aviation transportation meaning of shift parameter β1 in Model 1 with the mechanism of DP. Average absorption time L to DP is a negatively correlated linear function of β1 except airline HA. L= 39.4,36.0,12.0,36.1,32.3 and 28.4 for airlines AA, DL, HA, MQ, F9 and AS, respectively.(b)The aviation transportation meaning of shift parameter β1 in Model 2 with the modified mechanism of DP. Average absorption time L to DP is a negatively correlated linear function of β1 except airline VX. L = 27.4,30.3,28.3,26.3,24.5,24.7,22.5 and 16.6 for airlines VX, EV, UA, B6, US, OO, FL and WN, respectively. 7 2000 20000 12000 1800 18000 18000 1600 16000 16000 10000 B6 1400 VX 14000 UA 14000 US N(l)B1 8000 N(l)B1 11020000 N(l)B1 1102000000 N(l)B1 1102000000 6000 l= 800 l= 8000 l= 8000 l= 4000 600 6000 6000 400 4000 4000 2000 200 2000 2000 00 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 00 25 50 75100125150175200225250275300 00 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 00 50 100 150 200 250 300 l (min) l (min) l (min) l (min) 120000 5000 80000 30000 100000 WN 70000 EV 4000 FL OO 25000 N(l)B1 6800000000 N(l)B1 456000000000000 l= N(l)B1 3000 N(l)B1 1250000000 40000 l= 30000 2000 l= l= 10000 20000 1200000000 1000 5000 00 50 100 150 200 250 300 00 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 00 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 00 50 100 150 200 250 300 l (min) l (min) l (min) l (min) Figure 6. Number distributions NB1(l) of flights with DP in 8 airlines are biased to the side with l < λ. Histograms are assigned with equal width ∆l = 1λ. Arrows indicate the positions of critical value λ separating the dominant range PF from 4 NPF for DD of airlines B6, VX, UA, US, WN, EV, FL and OO, respectively. The functions NB1(l) means the flight number caused byPF isbased on direct countingof flightswith larger delaysthan thecurrent one,without thecompensation interval m. setto be 1λfor clearlookinFig.6,with the arrowsindi- into an equivalent propagation one before extracting its 4 cating the positions ofcriticaldelay λ separatingthe PF quantitativeaviationmeaningverifiesitsvalidityindeal- dominating range from that of NPFs. ingwithtemporalbigdata,whichishopefullyapplicable to many topics in wide other fields. CONCLUSIONS In the present work, two new mechanisms are pre- [1] Fleurquin P, Ramasco J J, Eguiluz V M. 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