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Characterization of Vadose Zone Sediment: Uncontaminated RCRA Borehole Core Samples and PDF

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Preview Characterization of Vadose Zone Sediment: Uncontaminated RCRA Borehole Core Samples and

University of Nebraska - Lincoln Authors R. J. Serne, B. N. Bjornstad, H. T. Schaef, B. A. Williams, D. C. Lanigan, D. G. Horton, R. E. Clayton, A. V. Mitroshkov, V. L. LeGore, M. J. O’Hara, C. F. Brown, K. E. Parker, I. V. Kutnyakov, J. N. Serne, G. V. Last, Steven Smith, C. W. Lindenmeier, John M. Zachara, and D. B. Burke This article is available at PNNL-13757-1 Characterization of Vadose Zone Sediment: Uncontaminated RCRA Borehole Core Samples and Composite Samples R. J. Serne A. V. Mitroshkov J. N. Serne B. N. Bjornstad V. L. LeGore G. V. Last H. T. Schaef M. J. O’Hara S. C. Smith B. A. Williams C. F. Brown C. W. Lindenmeier D. C. Lanigan K. E. Parker J. M. Zachara D. G. Horton I. V. Kutnyakov D. B. Burke R. E. Clayton February 2002 Prepared for CH2M Hill Hanford Group, Inc., and the U.S. Department of Energy, under Contract DE-AC06-76RL01830 DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor Battelle Memorial Institute, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof, or Battelle Memorial Institute. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NATIONAL LABORATORY operated by BATTELLE for the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract DE-AC06-76RL01830 This document was printed on recycled paper. (8/00) PNNL-13757-1 Characterization of Vadose Zone Sediment: Uncontaminated RCRA Borehole Core Samples and Composite Samples R. J. Serne A. V. Mitroshkov J. N. Serne B. N. Bjornstad V. L. LeGore G. V. Last H. T. Schaef M. J. O'Hara S. C. Smith B. A. Williams C. F. Brown C. W. Lindenmeier D. C. Lanigan K. E. Parker J. M. Zachara D. G. Horton I. V. Kutzyakov D. B. Burke R. E. Clayton February 2002 Prepared for CH2M HILL Hanford Group, Inc. and the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC06-76RL01830 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Richland, Washington 99352 Executive Summary The overall goal of the of the Tank Farm Vadose Zone Project, led by CH2M HILL Hanford Group, Inc., is to define risks from past and future single-shell tank farm activities. To meet this goal, CH2M HILL Hanford Group, Inc. asked scientists from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to perform detailed analyses on vadose zone sediment from within the S-SX Waste Management Area. This report is one in a series of four reports to present the results of these analyses. Specifically, this report contains all the geologic, geochemical, and selected physical characterization data collected on vadose zone sediment recovered from Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) borehole bore samples and composite samples. Intact cores from two “clean” RCRA boreholes (299-W22-48 and 299-W22-50) near the SX Tank Farm and four, large-quantity grab samples from outcrop sediment on the Hanford Site were sampled to better understand the fate of contaminants in the vadose zone beneath underground storage tanks at the Hanford Site. Borehole and outcrop samples analyzed for this report are located outside the tank farms, and therefore may be considered standard or background samples from which to compare contaminated sediments within the tank farms themselves. This report presents our interpretation of the physical, chemical, and mineralogical properties of the uncontaminated vadose zone sediments, and variations in the vertical distribution of these properties. The information presented in this report is intended to (a) support preparation of the S-SX field investigation report prepared by CH2M HILL Hanford Group, Inc. as well as future remediation actions at the S-SX Tank Farm. The geology under the SX Tank Farm forms the framework through which the contaminants move, and provides the basis with which to interpret and extrapolate the physical and geochemical properties that control the migration and distribution of contaminants. Of particular interest are the interrelation- ships between the coarser- and finer-grained facies, and the degree of contrast in their physical and geochemical properties. For the two boreholes, lithologic sections were constructed using detailed geologic descriptions and geophysical logs. In some cases the results of laboratory analyses (e.g., particle-size distribution, moisture, calcium carbonate content) helped to refine the resulting stratigraphic and lithologic interpretations. Our conceptual model of the 67-meter (220-foot)-thick vadose zone beneath the SX Tank Farm consists of seven stratigraphic units. These include two members of the Ringold Formation (member of Wooded Island/Unit E [Rwi(e)] and member of Taylor Flat [Rtf]), two Plio-Pleistocene subunits (very fine sand to mud sequence [PPlz] and a carbonate-rich paleosol sequence [PPlc]), and three units of the Hanford formation (H1a, H1, and H2 units). Most of the Hanford formation H1a unit was removed during excavation of the SX Tank Farm and replaced with backfill to a depth of about 17 meters (55 feet). All but the Hanford formation strata dip slightly toward the southwest. (a) Draft Field Investigation Report for Waste Management Area S-SX. RPP-7884, Draft, Volume 2, Appendix D, CH2M HILL Hanford Group, Inc., Richland, Washington. ii i Sediment samples from the various stratigraphic units were analyzed and characterized in the laboratory for the following parameters: • mass water content • particle-size distribution • particle density • calcium carbonate and organic carbon contents • bulk chemical composition • mineralogy • cation exchange capacity • exchangeable base cation distribution • water leach (1:1 sediment-to-water extraction) • acid leach (8 M nitric acid extraction) • unsaturated flow apparatus- (UFA)-extracted porewater composition. Physical properties, such as particle-size distribution and moisture content, also vary according to lithology. Strata with finer particle sizes (e.g., lower Hanford formation), and the top of PPlc subunit with its high cement/clay content, retain more moisture in the vadose zone. High moisture is also associated with a subvertical clastic dike within the upper Ringold unit (Rtf) in borehole 299-W22-48. Of the two methods used to determine particle-size distribution (dry sieve and wet sieve/hydrometer), the wet sieve method is superior to the dry sieve method, especially in fine-grained sediments, which tend to cling together during dry sieving. Past studies have shown that sediments in the vadose zone are dominated by quartz, potassium- and plagioclase-feldspar, basalt, and other lithic fragments with minor amounts of mica, amphibole, calcite, and other trace minerals (Tallman et al. 1979). The x-ray diffraction (XRD) work done for this study is in agreement with past work and shows that the sediment is 25 to 95 wt% quartz, 5 to (possibly) 40 wt% potassium feldspar, 10 to 20 wt% plagioclase feldspar, and 0 to 40 wt% calcite with trace to minor amounts of amphibole, mica, and chlorite. Mineralogical and geochemical variations, some significant, exist between the different stratigraphic units, as a result of differing depositional environments and sources for the sediments. For example, calcite-rich samples are associated with the lower Plio-Pleistocene subunit (PPlc), which unlike other stratigraphic units, underwent significant pedogenic alteration. In addition to high calcium oxide the PPlc subunit is relatively high in magnesium oxide, which co-precipitated with calcium during pedogenesis. Vadose-zone sediments contain very little organic carbon (average 0.05 wt%). The organic carbon is slightly greater for the PPlc subunit (up to 0.2 wt%), compared to all the other units, which are all <0.1 wt% carbon. Calcium carbonate content, calculated from the amount of inorganic carbon present, approaches 40 wt% for the PPlc subunit; all other units are generally less than a few wt% calcium carbonate. The concentration of major elements such as silica, iron, and calcium, varies significantly because of different ratios of quartzo-feldspathic to basaltic detritus in the Hanford versus Ringold formations. Samples high in potassium oxide may reflect the relatively high illite content of the Ringold Formation and finer-grained portions of the Hanford formation. iv Clay minerals, measured semiquantitatively using XRD, include smectite, illite, chlorite, and kaolinite. Overall in the clay-sized fraction of the vadose zone sediments, smectite ranged in concentration from 10 to 30 (wt%). Illite concentrations ranged from ~10% to 50% and chlorite concentrations were a little less (~5 to 35 wt%). Minor amounts of kaolinite (~5% to 10%) were also detected. Quartz, feldspar, and amphiboles made up less than ~15 wt% of the clay fraction. The only consistent trend in the mineral content of samples is the substantial increase in calcite, relative to other minerals, for the PPlc subunit. This trend is noted in both the bulk sample as well as the ≤2-micron fraction. Base cations, displaced via ammonium acetate extraction, are dominated by alkaline earth elements (calcium and magnesium), especially within the PPlc subunit. The relative contribution of the alkali metals (sodium and potassium) to the natural distribution of exchangeable cations is small (<10%). Though some relationships can be made comparing cation exchange capacity to the lithology, mineralogy and grain-size distribution of some samples, enough discrepancies exist to make most comparisons tentative. Cation exchange capacity was measured using two analytical techniques, each of which provided significantly different results. More work is needed to establish the best way to measure cation exchange capacities on sediments from the Hanford Site. The results from the 1:1 sediment-to-water extracts are similar for samples from both of the clean boreholes. This gives credence to the representativeness of the results. Also, most, but not all, results yield a reasonable charge balance among cations and anions. There is one sample in borehole 299-W22-50 near the base of the coarse-grained Hanford formation H1 unit that shows high pH, electrical conductivity (EC), and water-leachable cations and anions, but it appears to be natural and perhaps was caused by dissolution of natural evaporates (see below). Porewater in the vadose zone was evaluated via a comparison of a few actual UFA-extracted porewater samples with a larger data set of 1:1 sediment-to-water extracts. Water extracts are in agreement with actual porewaters for only a limited number of constituents and the water extracts generally produced higher chemical concentrations than those found in the actual porewater sampled from the same interval and thus the water extracts should be considered maximum values. The concentrations of many constituents in the water extracts of the four composite sediment samples are similar to those in the two sampled boreholes. A few exceptions are higher calcium, chloride, magnesium, sodium, and sulfate in the sediment composite samples relative to the clean borehole samples, probably as a result of natural near-surface recharge and leaching, which does not occur at depth within borehole samples. As expected, the calcic PPLc subunit yielded significantly different water extract results than the Hanford or Ringold formation samples. Water leachate from the PPlc produced relatively higher EC, alkalinity, cations (silicon, calcium, magnesium), anions (nitrate and sulfate), as well as trace elements (selenium, strontium, copper, manganese, and uranium). Elevated concentrations of these parameters, combined with depleted aluminum, are a reflection of the pedogenic origin for the PPLc subunit. Differences among samples from the Ringold and Hanford formations are generally small (except water-extractable magnesium and potassium, which are higher for the older Ringold Formation) and not consistent among all samples. This is not surprising considering the wide range in mineral and physical properties for these samples. v Most noteworthy in the water extract profile for borehole 299 W22-50 is high water-leachable pH, alkalinity, EC, calcium, chloride, chromium, strontium, and sulfate at the base of the coarser-grained facies (Hanford formation H1 unit) of the Hanford formation. In general, acid extraction is effective at removing from sediment samples, in decreasing order, 25% to 70% of the total trace metals, 40% to 60% of the iron and manganese, about 25% of the major alkaline earth metals (calcium and magnesium), about 15% of the aluminum and titantium , about 10% to 15% of the minor alkaline earths (barium and strontium), 1% to 10% of the alkali metals (potassium and sodium). In contrast, negligible amounts of silicon (<0.03%) are removed during acid extraction. The amount of any element removed from the coarse-grained Hanford formation H1 unit by acid digestion is less than for the other stratigraphic units, perhaps due to the larger particle sizes, which have overall less surface area and are thus less prone to leaching. Acid extraction within the calcic PPLc releases almost all the calcium and strontium and slightly more of several of the other elements when compared to other non- calcic sediment samples. Most calcium and strontium in the PPlc subunit are combined with carbonate, which readily decomposes in contact with acid. Calcium in the other units is associated with silicates (e.g., pyroxene, plagioclase, etc.), which do not readily react with the acid leach. The high concentrations of these parameters may be natural from past pedogenic/evaporitic processes or perhaps they represent lateral spreading along the H1/H2 contact of fluids disposed to nearby facilities or fluids from pipe leaks. v i Acknowledgements This work was conducted as part of the Tank Farm Vadose Zone Project led by CH2M HILL Hanford Group, Inc., in support of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of River Protection. The authors wish to thank Anthony J. Knepp, Fredrick M. Mann, David A. Myers, Thomas E. Jones, and Harold A. Sydnor with CH2M HILL Hanford Group, Inc. and Marc I. Wood with Fluor Hanford for their support of this work. We would also like to express our gratitude to Robert Yasek with DOE’s Office of River Protection. We would especially like to thank Kent D. Reynolds (Duratek Federal Services Inc.) for his efforts in design and construction of the sampler breakdown table and core extruder, and Kevin A. Lindsey (Kennedy Jenkes Consultants, Inc.) for his insights on the geologic nature of the materials penetrated by this borehole. Finally, we would like to thank Bruce J. Bjornstad and Duane G. Horton for their technical review of this document, Launa F. Morasch for her editorial and document production support, and Kathy Neiderhiser and Rose M. Watt for publication design support. vi i

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