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Characterization of the transport topology in patient-specific abdominal aortic aneurysm models Amirhossein Arzani and Shawn C. Shadden Citation: Phys. Fluids 24, 081901 (2012); doi: 10.1063/1.4744984 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4744984 View Table of Contents: http://pof.aip.org/resource/1/PHFLE6/v24/i8 Published by the American Institute of Physics. Related Articles A model for the human tear film with heating from within the eye Phys. Fluids 24, 062103 (2012) Bifurcation phenomena in an impulsive model of non-basal testosterone regulation Chaos 22, 013121 (2012) The hungry fly: Hydrodynamics of feeding in the common house fly Phys. Fluids 23, 091110 (2011) Stokesian peristaltic pumping in a three-dimensional tube with a phase-shifted asymmetry Phys. 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Fluids Journal Homepage: http://pof.aip.org/ Journal Information: http://pof.aip.org/about/about_the_journal Top downloads: http://pof.aip.org/features/most_downloaded Information for Authors: http://pof.aip.org/authors Downloaded 10 Aug 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://pof.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions PHYSICSOFFLUIDS24,081901(2012) Characterization of the transport topology in patient-specific abdominal aortic aneurysm models AmirhosseinArzania) andShawnC.Shaddenb) DepartmentofMechanical,MaterialsandAerospaceEngineering,IllinoisInstituteof Technology,10W32ndSt.,Chicago,Illinois60616,USA (Received17April2012;accepted19July2012;publishedonline10August2012) Abdominalaorticaneurysm(AAA)ischaracterizedbydisturbedbloodflowpatterns that are hypothesized to contribute to disease progression. The transport topology in six patient-specific abdominal aortic aneurysms was studied. Velocity data were obtained by image-based computational fluid dynamics modeling, with magnetic resonanceimagingprovidingthenecessarysimulationparameters.Finite-timeLya- punov exponent (FTLE) fields were computed from the velocity data, and used to identifyLagrangiancoherentstructures(LCS).ThecombinationofFTLEfieldsand LCS was used to characterize topological flow features such as separation zones, vortex transport, mixing regions, and flow impingement. These measures offer a novel perspective into AAA flow. It was observed that all aneurysms exhibited co- herentvortexformationattheproximalsegmentoftheaneurysm.Theevolutionof the systolic vortex strongly influences the flow topology in the aneurysm. It was difficulttopredictthevortexdynamicsfromtheaneurysmmorphology,motivating theapplicationofimage-basedflowmodeling.(cid:2)C 2012AmericanInstituteofPhysics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4744984] I. INTRODUCTION Abdominalaorticaneurysm(AAA)isapermanentlocalizedwideningoftheabdominalaorta.It ischaracterizedbydisturbedflowpatterns,includinglowandoscillatorywallshearstresswithhigh gradients,1 increased particle residence time,2 mild turbulence,3 and a decrease in wall strength.4 Moreover, most AAAs are accompanied by mural thrombus,5 due in part to flow recirculation in the aneurysm.6 Aneurysm rupture kills thousands annually, and a reliable predictor for aneurysm progression remains unknown, though maximum AAA diameter, AAA expansion rate, and peak AAAwallstresshavebeenusedwithvaryingsuccess.4 Studies into AAA hemodynamics have helped reveal possible biomechanical mechanisms underlying AAA pathogenesis and progression, and these mechanisms have been reviewed in Refs. 4,7, and 8. Early studies started from idealized models, e.g., to track the formation and propagation of vortices,and todetermine regions ofhigh shear stressesattheproximal and distal ends of an aneurysm.9 Finol et al.10 and Deplanoa et al.11 studied common asymmetry in AAA, reportingtheappearanceofasymmetricvortices,andarelativehighershearingoftheposteriorwall oftheaneurysm,whichisthemostprevalentlocationofrupture.7Peattieetal.12andSalsacetal.13 demonstratedchangestotheflowpatternsbasedonbulgediameter,andEgelhoffetal.14considered theeffectsofexercise. In vivo flow conditions can be far more complex than flow in simplified aneurysm models. Patient-specificcomputationalmodelshavebeenusedtopredictpossibleinvivoflowpatternsand wall shear stress in AAA.15 Patient-specific AAA models have also been used in studies of fluid structureinteraction,16particleimagevelocimetry,17intraluminalthrombusformation,18,19andval- idationofimage-basedflowmodeling.20 VesselmorphologyhasawidevariabilityinAAAandthe a)[email protected]. b)[email protected]. 1070-6631/2012/24(8)/081901/16/$30.00 24,081901-1 (cid:2)C 2012AmericanInstituteofPhysics Downloaded 10 Aug 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://pof.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions 081901-2 A.ArzaniandS.C.Shadden Phys.Fluids24,081901(2012) geometryoftheaneurysmandsurroundingvasculatureiscriticalindeterminingthehemodynamics. Lesetal.3 compareddifferentEulerian-basedflowmeasuresinmultiplepatient-specificcomputa- tionalmodels,andSuhetal.2,21investigatedAAAflowusingaLagrangian-basedparticleresidence time(PRT)measure. The purpose of the study herein is to provide a more detailed description of blood flow in- side AAA. Specifically, this is the first study to compare the transport topology inside different patient-specificAAAmodels.PreviousstudiesinvestigatingAAAhemodynamicshavereportedon Eulerian measures, or generic transport characteristics (e.g., PRT), that are unable to convey the completeflowtopology.InstantaneousEulerianmeasuresplaceinherentlimitsoninterpretationdue toflowunsteadiness.Whileitmaybereasonabletoinferthebulkfluidmotionfromvelocitydata, inferencesintotransportmechanismscaneasilyresultinmisinterpretations.Thisisnoteworthybe- causetransportprocesses,anddisruptionofsuchprocesses,havesignificantphysiologicrelevance. Furthermore,thetransportmechanicscanbetightlyandsynergisticallycoupledtothefluidforces thatmayinfluencecellularfunction.22 Ourobjectiveistoprovidemoreprecisecharacterizationof theunsteadytransporttopologyobservedoverdifferentpatient-specificabdominalaorticaneurysms underphysiologicalconditions.WeutilizethecomputationofLagrangiancoherentstructure(LCS) fromfinite-timeLyapunovexponent(FTLE)fields.Thismethodhasbeenappliedpreviouslytocar- diovascularapplications,23 includingflownearclots,24 inthecarotidarteries,23,25 andflowthrough the aortic valve.26,27 The present study is organized as follows: In Sec. II A, the procedures for image-based flow modeling are discussed. Section II B describes the computation of FTLE and LCS.RelevantfeaturesoftheflowtopologyofthesixpatientsconsideredarepresentedinSec.III, anddiscussedinSec.IV. II. METHODS SixpatientswithsmallAAA(maximaldiameter<5cm)wereconsideredforthisstudy.These aneurysms demonstrated wide variability, which enabled comparison of flow topologies resulting from a range of morphology. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to obtain anatomical andvolumetricflowdataforimage-basedcomputationalfluiddynamics(CFD)simulation,andthe resultingvelocitydatawereusedforsubsequentFTLE/LCScomputations. A. Imagebasedcomputationalfluiddynamics Details on the image-based CFD modeling are provided in Ref. 3, and a brief review of the process is presented here. Image-based geometric models were constructed using the software package SimVascular.28 Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) was used to obtain image stacks of the abdominopelivic cavity, creating a bright-blood image of the aorta and surroundingvessels.Pathswerecreatedalongeachvesselofinterest,andsegmentsofthevessels wereobtainedalongeachpath.Thesegmentsweresubsequentlyloftedandblendedintoaunified geometricmodel,asdescribedinRef.29.Eachmodelnominallyincludedtheaortastartingfromthe levelofthediaphragm,andtheceliactrunk(withhepaticandsplenicarteries),superiormesenteric artery, the renal arteries, and continued through the internal and external iliac arteries. The model geometry represents the fluid domain; i.e., in some regions, the model boundary could be due to muralthrombusratherthanthenativevesselwall.ThecomputationalmodelsaredisplayedinFig.1. Each geometric model was discretized into a computational mesh that was used for CFD simulation of the blood flow. Blood was modeled as an incompressible, Newtonian fluid by the Navier-Stokesequations ∂v ρ +ρv·∇v=−∇p+μ∇·∇v, (1) ∂t where ∇·v=0, and the velocity v and pressure p are functions of space and time (x,t) and the density ρ and viscosity μ were assumed constant with values of 1.06 g/cm3 and 0.04 P, respectively. To solve Downloaded 10 Aug 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://pof.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions 081901-3 A.ArzaniandS.C.Shadden Phys.Fluids24,081901(2012) Patient1 Patient2 Patient3 Patient4 Patient 5 Patient6 FIG.1. AAAcomputermodelsderivedfromMRI. Eq. (1), initial and boundary conditions were specified. The velocity was specified at the inflow facev(x,t)=g(x,t)usingphasecontrastmagneticresonanceimaging(PCMRI)data,asdescribed below.Zerovelocity(noslip)wasspecifiedalongthewalls.Attheoutlets,aNeumann-typeboundary condition was imposed by coupling lower order models as described below using the coupled- multidomainformulation.30Aninitialvalueforvelocityv(x,t)=v0(x)wasassumedknown,which was obtained from a steady simulation. The Navier-Stokes equations were discretized using a streamline-upwind Petrov-Galerkin finite element formulation31 with same order interpolation for velocityandpressure.Thediscretizationwassemidiscrete,i.e.,thespatialdomainwasdiscretized byfiniteelements(tetrahedra),leavingasystemofordinarydifferentialequationstobeintegratedin timeusinganimplicit,second-orderaccurategeneralized-αmethod.Thefinite-elementformulation andintegrationmethodweredescribedinmoredetailinRef.32.Thesolverhasbeenextensivelyused andvalidatedforimage-basedbloodflowmodeling,includingvalidationinaorticflowstudies.20,33 Directnumericalsimulationwasusedsincetheflowconditionswereobservedtobepredom- inantlylaminarortransitional,andturbulencewastransientduetothepulsatilenatureoftheflow. Vessel wall motion was assumed negligible since the abdominal aorta becomes stiffer with AAA progressionduetoanincreaseincollagenanddecreaseinelastin,34 andoftenanincreaseofmural thrombus. Nonetheless, the incorporation of realistic variable wall properties and external tissue supportremainsanoutstandingchallenge,thoughprogressisbeingmade.35 Planar phase contrast magnetic resonance imaging was used to obtain through-plane blood flow velocities under resting condition at a cross-section of the supraceliac aorta over time. The expected error in the PCMRI measurement (≈5%) is less than typical variation of cardiac output for a given patient over a day. The inlet of each model was chosen to correspond to the PCMRImeasurementplane.ThePCMRIvelocitywasintegratedoverthecross-sectiontoprovide a time-dependent supraceliac volumetric flow, shown in Fig. 2 for each patient. The resulting 300 Patient1 Patient2 Patient3 200 Patient4 Patient5 ) s Patient6 / L m ( 100 Q 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 Time(s) FIG.2. Volumetricflowratesprescribedattheinletofthemodels. Downloaded 10 Aug 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://pof.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions 081901-4 A.ArzaniandS.C.Shadden Phys.Fluids24,081901(2012) TABLEI. Fluiddynamicandgeometricparametersofcomputermodels. Patientno. Remax α Dmax(cm) Dmax/Dinfra Qinfra/Qsupra Patient1 2002 4.92 3.36 1.71 0.48 Patient2 2241 5.20 3.72 1.84 0.66 Patient3 2256 6.22 3.16 1.49 0.59 Patient4 1667 5.86 3.24 1.49 0.47 Patient5 1791 4.86 3.00 1.76 0.69 Patient6 1419 3.63 3.89 2.39 0.31 waveformwasusedtoprescribeatime-dependentWomersleyvelocityprofileatthemodelinlet.29 Three-elementWindkesselmodelswereusedtoimposeoutflowboundaryconditionsateachoutlet ofthemodel.Theselowerordermodelsofthedownstreamvascularbedswerecoupledtothecom- putationaldomainusingmethodsdescribedinRef.30.Thesolverwasrununtilthebloodpressure, measured asthemaximuminspaceateachtimeinstant,became periodicintime.Thesimulation was continued for an additional five cardiac cycles to produce converged velocity data that were used for post processing as described in Sec. II B. Mesh independence tests were performed for onepatient(Patient1)bycomparingresultsfrom≈2million,≈8million,and≈32millionelement meshesasdescribedinRef.3.The8Mand32Melementmeshesshowedrelativeagreementinthe flowfieldandthenominaltetrahedraledgesize(500μm)forthe8Melementmeshwasusedforall patients. The peak Reynolds number and the Womersley number based on the infrarenal artery were computedas 4ρQ Re = max, (2) max πDμ (cid:2) D ωρ α = , (3) 2 μ where D is the mean diameter at the infrarenal section, Q is the peak systolic flow rate at the max infrarenal section, μ is the dynamic viscosity, ρ is the density, and ω is the heartbeat frequency. Table I compares these nondimensional parameters, the maximum diameter of the aneurysm, the ratioofthemaximumdiametertotheinfrarenaldiameter,andthefractionofthesupraceliacflowto theinfrarenallevel,betweenthepatientmodels. B. LCScomputations ArecenttooltostudyadvectivetransportisthecomputationofLagrangiancoherentstructures. LCS are material surfaces in the flow that have distinguished attracting or repelling properties.36 While the computation of LCS originated to understand chaotic transport, LCS have been shown toorganize bothlaminarand turbulentfluidmotion.Thismethodiscompelling forunsteady flow conditions where fluid transport can be difficult to impossible to understand using traditional Eu- lerian techniques. Numerous applications have demonstrated the utility of LCS for understanding unsteady flow, including the ability to delineate boundaries of unsteady and interacting vortices, flow attachment or separation profiles, and the mechanisms underlying mixing, see Ref. 37 for a review.Computationally,LCScanbeidentifiedashypersurfacesthatlocallymaximizeafinitetime Lyapunov exponent measure.38,39 This method is relatively straightforward and robust, and hence hasbecomewidelyused. ThecomputationoftheFTLEfieldrequirestheadvectionofadensegridoffluidtracersover thedomainofinterest.Velocitydata,v(x,t),obtainedbyimage-basedCFD,wereusedtosolvethe Downloaded 10 Aug 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://pof.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions 081901-5 A.ArzaniandS.C.Shadden Phys.Fluids24,081901(2012) advectionequation x˙(t) =v(x,t), (4) x(t )=x , 0 0 over a grid of initial conditions x to provide final locations x(t +T) after an integration time T. 0 0 TheFTLEwascomputedateachinitiallocationx as 0 (cid:3) (cid:3) (cid:2)(x ,t ;T)= 1 ln(cid:3)∇ x(t +T)(cid:3) . (5) 0 0 |T| x0 0 2 Advection of the particle grid forward in time (T > 0) revealed repelling LCS in the FTLE field, whereas advection backward in time (T < 0) revealed attracting LCS in the FTLE field. As the notation in Eq. (5) indicates, the FTLE field corresponds to time t and likewise the values 0 are plotted at the initial locations x , and the integration time T is considered a parameter. Thus, 0 whilecomputedfromaLagrangianframe,theFTLEvaluesaremappedbacktotheinitiallocations, and plotted as an Eulerian measure. Locally, high values of FTLE appear along hypersufaces that aregenerallyidentifiedwithLCS.Thisprocedureisrepeatedforarangeofinitialtimest toobtain 0 thetimeevolutionoftheLCS. The identification of LCS is relatively robust to changes in the integration length |T| used to compute FTLE. Nonetheless, the signature of any particular LCS in the FTLE field is dependent ontheLagrangiantimescalesofthedynamics.Ingeneral,sinceweseektounderstandinherently transient phenomena, the integration time should be chosen long enough for dominant features to berevealed,butshortenoughfortheFTLEtoberepresentativeofthetransientdynamics.Herein, the integration time for each patient was set to the respective cardiac cycle length, which is suit- able for cardiovascular applications.23 Specifically, the dominant structures become well-defined in less than one cycle and the field does not change much by further increase in integration time length since most of the tracers used to compute the FTLE become flushed from the domain. The FTLE field was sampled every t = 1/25th of the cardiac cycle. In our computations, we 0 dropped the 1/T multiplication factor in the definition of FTLE (Eq. (5)). This helps prevent trac- ers that leave the computational domain in a short time from erroneously increasing the FTLE value.37 1.EffectofaperiodicityonLCS Thepresenceoftransitionalflowormildturbulenceobservedintheaneurysmsleadstocycle to cycle variation of the flow field, and the relevance of LCS derived from a single cardiac cycle maynotbeclear.Therefore,threeadditionalmethodsforevaluatingFTLE/LCSwereexplored.We definedanensembleFTLEfromacycle-basedtemporalaverageoftheFTLEfield,i.e., (cid:4)n−1 1 (cid:4)(cid:7)(cid:5) (x,t;T)= (cid:7)(x,t +kT;T), (6) ens n k=0 where t ∈ [0, T), and n is the number of cardiac cycles considered. Second, we defined a max- ensemble FTLE as the maximum FTLE among the corresponding ensembles of the FTLE data, i.e., (cid:7)max−ens(x,t,T)= max {(cid:7)(x,t +kT,T)}. (7) 0≤k≤n−1 Finally,wedefinedavelocity-ensembleFTLE,(cid:7)vel−ens,astheFTLEobtainedfromtheensembled averagevelocityfield (cid:4)n−1 1 (cid:4)v(cid:5) (x,t)= v(x,t +kT). (8) ens n k=0 Downloaded 10 Aug 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://pof.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions 081901-6 A.ArzaniandS.C.Shadden Phys.Fluids24,081901(2012) Patient1 Patient2 Patient3 Patient4 Patient5 Patient6 FIG.3. Cross-sectionsusedfordisplayingresults. We used five cardiac cycles of FTLE data for ensemble FTLE and max-ensemble FTLE, and five cardiaccyclesofvelocitydataforvelocity-ensembleFTLEcomputations. III. RESULTS Sectionsofthe3DFTLEfieldareshownintheresultsbelow.CurvesofhighFTLEcorrespond tocross-sectionalslicesofembeddedLCShypersurfaces.Nominally,twoplanesareshownforeach patient.Asagittalplaneapproximatelybisectstheleftandrighthemispheresoftheaneurysm,anda transverseplanewaschosenslightlydistaltothelocationofmaximalbulge,seeFig.3.ForPatient4,a cross-sectionalviewoftheflowinaniliacaneurysmwasadded,andforPatient5,additionalsections of the AAA were chosen due to the complexity of the aneurysm shape. Sections of the backward andforwardFTLEfieldsarepresentedinFigs.4–11forthesixpatients.TheEulerianvelocityfield isalsoincludedforcomparison.Thecolorbarsarescaledbasedonthespecificmaximumrangeof eachcase. A. Patient1 Figure4showstheFTLEandvelocityfieldsforPatient1.Duringpeaksystole(toprow),there is a region of low backward FTLE in the proximal segment. This region indicates a penetrating inflow jet into the aneurysm. The low backward FTLE values indicate low sensitivity to initial conditionswhenparticlesinthisregionareintegratedbackwardintime.Thisimpliesthattheinflow jetiscoherent.TheindicatedaLCS1markstheboundaryofthejet.Thejetpenetratesdeepintothe aneurysmandasitenterstheexpansionregion,itrollsupintoalargevortexring.Thecoresofthis vortex ring on the sagittal cross-section are clear in the backward FTLE during mid-deceleration. Thejetimpingesontheanteriorwalljustdistaltotheregionofmaximalbulgeasindicatedbythe arrowintheforwardFTLEfieldduringmid-deceleration.Specifically,intheforwardFTLEfield, there is an accumulation of repelling LCS orthogonal to the anterior wall, indicating the flow is directlyimpingingandrollinguponeithersideofthislocation. As the jet penetrates into the abdominal aorta, it separates from the anterior aortic wall, as indicated by the separation profile marked aLCS2. This separation induces vortical motion along the proximal anterior aspect of the bulge and, along with the vortical motion induced from the roll up of the inflow jet, contributes to a persistent region of recirculation in the proximal an- terior bulge. The aLCS3 and aLCS4 are separation surfaces from the posterior wall that are formed by the jet and roll-up. The distal separation from the posterior wall persists during much of the cardiac cycle. In both anterior and posterior regions of separation, there are dense sets of LCS, indicating well mixed separation regions, as opposed to stagnant. During the diastolic phase, both the forward and backward FTLE indicate several coherent vortices spanning the en- tire aneurysm, which indicates strong stirring/mixing during diastole from mechanisms described inRef.40. Downloaded 10 Aug 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://pof.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions 081901-7 A.ArzaniandS.C.Shadden Phys.Fluids24,081901(2012) Backward Forward Transverse plane Velocity Forward (top) jet e ol FTLE st FTLE FTLE 6.91 Vel(cm/s) sy 7.33 7.11 56.69 6 ak 6 6 Pe 4 4 4 40 2 20 2 2 0 0 0 0 n aLCS4 tio aLCS2 a r e aLCS3 el FTLE c 7.43 Vel(cm/s) de FTLE FTLE 34.73 d 7.42 7.49 6 Mi 6 6 4 20 4 4 2 10 aLCS1 2 2 0 0 0 0 e ol t as FTLE di FTLE FTLE 7.6 Vel(cm/s) rly 7.6 7.6 6 28.18 a 6 6 E 4 20 4 4 2 10 2 2 0 0 0 0 FIG.4. SagittalandtransversesectionsoftheforwardandbackwardFTLEfields,andsagittalsectionofvelocityfieldfor Patient1atdifferenttimesofthecardiaccycle.Thetwopointsinthetoptransverseplaneshowwherethesagittalplane intersects. B. Patient2 TheresultsforPatient2areshowninFig.5.Forthispatient,theinflowjetdoesnotpenetrate intothemainaneurysmbulge.Whileavortexringcanbeseenintheproximalabdominalaortain thebackwardFTLEfieldduringsystole(topleft),thevortexbreaksup,andresultsinmixingand dissipationintheproximalsegment,andrelativelylowflowinthemainbulge.Thisappearstobea self-sustainingprocess;thebreakupofthevortexandsubsequentdissipationduringdiastoleleads todenseLCSintheproximalregionthatcausestheearlybreak-upofthesubsequentsystolicinflow jet/vortex.Thisleadstostrongermixingproximaltotheaneurysmthanintheaneurysm.Largeflow separationisobservedfromtheposteriorwall(aLCS1).TheindicatedattractingandrepellingLCS (aLCS1andrLCS1)togetherformaboundarytoalargevortexformedintheseparationregion,cf. Ref.41foradiscussionontherelationshipofLCStovortexrings.However,thisseparatedregion iswell-mixed,asindicatedbyhighFTLEinsidethevortex.Itisthesheddingofthisposteriorwall Downloaded 10 Aug 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://pof.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions 081901-8 A.ArzaniandS.C.Shadden Phys.Fluids24,081901(2012) Backward Forward Transverse plane Velocity Forward (top) vortex aLCS1 FTLE ole FTLE FTLE 7.42 Vel(cm/s) st 6.86 6.14 6 61.88 y s 6 6 4 Peak 4 4 2 40 20 2 2 0 0 0 0 on aLCS1 rLCS1 ti a r cele 6F.9T5LE 6F.T34LE 7F.T5L3E Ve5l5(.c5m9/s) e d 6 6 6 d 40 Mi 4 4 4 20 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 e ol diast 6F.9TLE 6F.4T6LE 7F.5T5LE Ve2l6(.c0m5/s) y 6 arl 6 6 4 20 E 4 4 2 10 2 2 0 0 0 0 FIG.5. SagittalandtransversesectionsoftheforwardandbackwardFTLEfields,andsagittalsectionofvelocityfieldfor Patient2atdifferenttimesofthecardiaccycle.Thetwopointsinthetoptransverseplaneshowwherethesagittalplane intersects. vortexduringdiastolethatleadstothemajorityofthemixingobservedinthemainbulge,i.e.,the mixingappearslessduetothebreakupoftheinflowjet,andmoreduetothedistalvortexformation anddissipation. C. Patient3 Figure6showstheresultsforPatient3.ThereisalackofcoherentstructuresintheforwardFTLE fieldduringmostofsystole,whereasthereareseveralLCSindicatedinthebackwardFTLE.This indicates relatively low mixing in the aneurysm itself but high mixing proximal to the aneurysm. Indeed, at the end of systole, there is significant retrograde flow in the abdominal aorta for this patient and a vortex forms at the proximal segment and propagates upstream resulting in vortex pinchoff42asindicated.Thisvortexpinchoffeventandsubsequentdissipationintoseveralvortices duringthediastolicphasecontributestothesubsequenthighbackwardFTLEvaluesandprevalent coherentstructuresobservedduringsystoleinthebackwardFTLEplots.Specifically,thevortices Downloaded 10 Aug 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://pof.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions 081901-9 A.ArzaniandS.C.Shadden Phys.Fluids24,081901(2012) Backward Forward Transverseplane Velocity Forward(top) stole 6F.T65LE 6F.T3L2E F6T.7L3E Ve5l0(c.5m6/s) sy 6 6 6 ak 4 4 4 40 e P 2 2 2 20 0 0 0 0 n o ti a r FTLE ele FTLE FTLE 6.39 Vel(cm/s) c 6.6 6.23 36.72 e 6 d d 6 6 4 Mi 4 4 20 2 2 2 10 0 0 0 0 rLCS1 pinchoff e ol t FTLE dias 6F.T5L8E 6F.T1L8E 6.66 Ve3l4(c.m28/s) y arl 6 6 4 E 4 4 20 2 10 2 2 0 0 0 0 FIG.6. SagittalandtransversesectionsoftheforwardandbackwardFTLEfields,andsagittalsectionofvelocityfieldfor Patient3atdifferenttimesofthecardiaccycle.Thetwopointsinthetoptransverseplaneshowwherethesagittalplane intersects. formed in the proximal segment due to the retrograde flow get pushed into the aneurysm during systole.TherearefewandsparseLCSintheforwardFTLEfield,whichindicatesthatthevortices originating from the proximal segment rapidly dissipate as they are advected into the main bulge. Therefore, relatively low mixing occurs in the distal segment. For example, the indicated rLCS1, whichpartitionsfluidflushedfromtheaneurysm,showedveryslowrateofchangeinitsstructureor movement. D. Patient4 Figure 7 shows the results for Patient 4. The aLCS1 is the boundary of a proximal inflow jet totheaneurysm,whichformsawell-definedvortexring.Thevortexringimpingesontheproximal anteriorwalloftheaneurysmattheendofsystole.Thevortexsubsequentlybreaksupanddissipates during diastole, but maintains a relatively coherent large scale vortical structure over much of the cardiac cycle. As with Patient 3, because of the strong dissipation in the proximal segment, and relatively smooth aneurysm geometry, there is a lack of coherent structures in the forward time FTLEfieldinthemajorityofthedistalsegment,leadingtolowmixing.Thispatientdemonstrated verylittlechangeintheFTLEfieldwithtimeinbothplanes(cf.rLCS1);infact,theforwardFTLE Downloaded 10 Aug 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://pof.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions

the unsteady transport topology observed over different patient-specific abdominal aortic aneurysms under physiological conditions. We utilize the .. Sagittal and transverse sections of the forward and backward FTLE fields, and sagittal section of velocity field for. Patient 1 at different times of
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