OCL 2017, 24(5),A502 OCL © H.Boulkroune et al.,Published byEDPSciences, 2017 DOI: 10.1051/ocl/2017026 Oilseeds & fats Crops and Lipids Available online at: www.ocl-journal.org R A ESEARCH RTICLE Characterization of sterolic and alcoholic fractions of some Algerian olive oils according to the variety and ripening stage Hasna Boulkroune1,*, Aida Lazzez2, Mokhtar Guissous1, Yuva Bellik1, Sami Smaoui2, Naziha Grati Kamoun2 and Toufik Madani3 1 Department ofBiology,Faculty of Life andNature Sciences, Mohamed ElBachir ElIbrahimi University,Bordj BouArreridj 34000, Algeria 2 Laboratory ofTechnology andQuality,Olive Tree Institute, BP1087,Sfax,Tunisia 3 Laboratory ofNatural Resources Characterization, Setif, Algeria Received 14October 2016–Accepted 25April 2017 Abstract – Thepresentstudyreportedforthefirsttimetheevolutionofsomeminorcompounds(sterols and aliphatic alcohols) composition offour Algerian olive oils according to the cultivar and the maturity stageduringtheseason(2013/2014).Olivesampleswerecollectedduringeightdifferentharvestingdates. The studied cultivars were Chemlal, Aghenfas, Buichret and Mekki. Ten sterolic compounds, triterpene dialcohols (erythrodiolþuvaol) and seven fatty alcohols were identified and characterized. The results showed a decreasing level of total sterols, b-sitosterol, triterpenic dialcohols, total aliphatic alcohols, tetracosanol (C24), and an increasing level of D5-avenasterol according to the maturity process. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) enabled the classification of the studied varieties on the basis of analytical data and a correct classification rate of 96.5% and 88.6% was achieved using the original and cross validation method respectively. The most discriminating variables have been: cholesterol, campestanol, D7-stigmastenol, D7-avenasterol, clerosterol, alcohol C22, alcohol C25, alcohol C27. Keywords:minorcompounds / olive oil /cultivar / maturity/ discriminant analysis Résumé – Caractérisation des fractions stéroliques et alcooliques de quelques huiles d'olive algériennesenfonctiondelavariétéetdel'étatdematurité.Cetteétuderapportepourlapremièrefois l’évolution de la composition en stérols et alcools aliphatiques de quatre huiles d’olive algériennes en fonction du cultivar et de la maturité au cours de la récolte 2013/2014. Les échantillons d’olives ont été collectés à huit dates de récolte différentes. Les cultivars étudiés sont: Chemlal, Aghenfas, Buichret et Mekki.Dixcomposésstéroliques,deuxdialcoolstriterpéniques(érythrodiolþuvaol)etseptalcoolsgrasont été identifiés et caractérisés. Les résultats ont montré une teneur décroissante pour les stérols totaux, le b-sitostérol, les dialcools triterpéniques, les alcools aliphatiques totaux et le tétracosanol (C24) et inversement une teneur croissante en D5-avénastérol avec l’augmentation progressive de la maturité. L’analyse linéaire discriminante (linear discriminant analysis [LDA]) a permis la classification des variétésétudiéessurlabasedesdonnéesanalytiques.Untauxdeclassificationcorrectde96,5%et88,6% aétéatteintenutilisantrespectivementlesméthodesdevalidationoriginaleetcroisée.Lesvariableslesplus discriminantesontété:lecholestérol,lecampestanol,leD7-stigmasténol,leD7-avénastérol,leclérostérol et les alcools gras C22, C25 et C27. Motsclés :composés mineurs/ huile d’olive / cultivar /maturité / analyse discriminante 1 Introduction anddieteticvalue.Itiscomposedessentiallyoftriacylglycer- ols which represent 98% of the oil and minor components Olive oil is one of the most important food products such as tocopherols, phenolic compounds, alcohols and throughouttheMediterraneanBasinduetoitshighnutritional phytosterols (Bianchi, 2003). It has been demonstrated that the unsaponifiable fraction presented a beneficial therapeutic *Correspondence: [email protected]; effect for human health (Abuajah et al., 2015; Cilla et al., [email protected] 2015; Mahaddalkar et al., 2015). ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0),whichpermits unrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. H. Boulkrouneet al.: OCL 2017, 24(5),A502 Qualitative and quantitative sterols analysis is one tool to Figure1.Thelatitudeandlongitudeoftheareaare36°2002700N characterizethequalityandthecategoryofoliveoilaccording and4°460300E,respectively.Fourrepresentativeautochthonous to the official method provided by regulation EEC No. 2568/ kabylian varieties were selected for this study: Aghenfas, 1991(EuropeanUnionCommission,2011),todetectpossible Buichret, Chemlal and Mekki. Each variety was present in a fraudulent and mixtures with other vegetable oils (Monfreda mono-varietal orchard. The four orchards were situated et al., 2012). approximately at an altitude of 400m and characterized by Moreover, sterol esters evaluation has been proposed as the same pedo-climatic conditions, subjected to the same usefulparameterinstudiesrelatedtovarietalandgeographical cultural practices and conducted without irrigation. Only discrimination(Giacaloneetal.,2015).Furthermore,alcohols healthyandfresholivefruitswerehand-pickedallaroundthe are identified as highly applicable compounds for chemical perimeter of trees. Olive samples were harvested approxi- authentification (Rivera del Álamo et al., 2004). It is well matelyonceeverytwoweeksfromtheendofSeptemberuntil documented in the literature that the variation in quantitative late of January. In each harvesting date, all samples varieties sterolic profiles in olive oil is related to different factors like have nearly the same maturity index (MI) which were geographical origin (Manai-Djebali et al., 2012) harvesting determinedaccordingtothe EstacióndeOliviculturadeJaén technique, oilextraction systems, storage conditions, refining (Uceda and Hermoso, 2001). This method is based on the procedures (Gutiérrez et al., 2000), agronomic and climatic evaluation of the olive skin and pulp colors, and the values conditions(ElAntarietal.,2000).Cultivarandmaturitystage rangefrom0to7.Foreachcultivar,twentyeightolivesamples are considered among the main factors affecting sterolic have been extracted separately at sampling period between composition (Lukić et al., 2013; Lazzez et al., 2008). September and January. The samples were immediately In Algeria, olive growing represents an ancient activity, brought to the laboratory for oil extraction. whichisveryimportantsectornotablyfortheruraleconomy,it occupies about 350000ha (MADR, 2014) which are located 2.2 Extraction of olive oils mainly in the Kabilia region situated in the north of Algeria. Thirty-sixvarietiesofoliveoilhadbeenidentifiedbyMendil The olive oils were extracted using an Abencor system and Sebai (2006). Chemlal is considered as the most well- (MC2 Ingeniería y Sistemas S.L. Sevilla, Spain). First, a knownvarietyinAlgeria,coveringapproximately40%ofthe representative3kgsampleofolivefruitswasusedforoliveoil totalAlgerianoliveorchard.ItisdistributedmainlyinNorth- extractionasfollows:deleafing,washing,andthencrushingin CentralAlgeria,particularlyinKabylia.Recently,ithasbeen thehammermill.Theobtainedpastewaswellmixedat25°C pointed that this variety is the predominant cultivar with the for 20min, then subjected to centrifugation at 3000rpm for highestoliveoilproduction,andtheindustrialoilyieldisabout 3min without adding warm water. The collected oil was 18L per 100kg of olives (Haddadi and Yakoub-Bougdal, separated by decanting and kept in air-tight, sealed in a dark 2010).Toourknowledge,andafteraveryadvancedliterature glass vials, and stored at 4°C until analysis. review,weareconfidentthatthefirstresearchesthathavebeen doneontheolivevarietiesinAlgeriahavebeenfocusedmuch more on the identification and characterization of these 2.3 Physicochemical analysis varietiesbasedonthecharacteristicsoffruitandthequantityof 2.3.1 Determination of acidity, peroxide value, ultraviolet oil produced by each variety. In fact, there are scarce absorption indices informations on chemical composition of Algerian olive oils Free acidity (g oleic acid/100g olive oil), peroxide value (Douzaneetal.,2012),andnopublishedinformationrelatedto (PV) (meq O /kg of olive oil) and the UVabsorption for the the effect of cultivar or harvesting period on the sterolic and 2 determinationoftheextinctioncoefficientsofK232andK270 alcoholiccompoundsoftheoliveoil.Therefore,theobjective weremeasuredfollowingtheanalyticalmethodsdescribedin ofthepresentworkisthecharacterizationofsterolandalcohol regulation EEC/2568/91. All parameters were determined in fractions of four local Kabylian olive oil varieties: Chemlal, triplicate for each sample. Mekki, Aghenfas and Buichret. The determination of the influence of cultivar and harvesting period on the profiles 2.3.2 Determination of sterols, triterpene dialcohols, and trends of these fractions is also studied. A multivariate statisticalanalysis(“principalcomponentanalysis”[PCA])as alcohols contents anunsupervisedmethodwasappliedtostudythestructureof The content of sterolic and alcoholic fraction extracted thedataandtovisualizepossiblegroups.Afterwards,a“linear from different samples was determined according to the discriminant analysis” (LDA) as a supervised method was analytical methods described in European regulation EEC applied to explain and predict an individual’s belonging to a 2568/91 and subsequent amendments (European Union predefined class based on its characteristics measured using Commission, 2011). predictive variables. Sterols and triterpene dialcohols analysis 2 Material and methods Fivegramsofoliveoilwereaddedtoa-cholestanolusedas 2.1 Plant material internalstandardandthensaponifiedwith50mlofpotassium hydroxide in an ethanolic solution (2M). After one hour of Thestudywascarriedoutduringtheharvestseason2013/ boiling,theunsaponifiablefractionwasextractedwith200ml 2014 in olive orchards located in Djaafra, department of ofdiethylether,purifiedwithwaterandthendriedbysodium BordjBouArreridj,North-EasternpartofAlgeria,asshownin sulfate and finally the diethyl ether was evaporated. Twenty Page2 of14 H. Boulkrouneet al.: OCL 2017, 24(5),A502 Fig. 1.Map ofthe studied andsampled areas. milligrams of the unsaponifiable were dissolved in 0.5ml of chromatography using a mixture of hexane and diethyl ether chloroform and then deposed on a basic silica gel plate. The (65/35,v/v),thenthebandswerescrapedoffandthesilicagel sterol fraction was separated by elution with a mixture of containing the alcohols was dissolved in chloroform and hexaneanddiethyl ether(65/35, v/v).The bandscorrespond- filtered through a paper filter. The solvent was evaporated ingtothetriterpenicdialcohols(Rf=0.21),sterols(Rf=0.25), under nitrogen and the alcohols were treated with trimethyl- andaliphaticalcohols(Rf=0.42)werescrapedandthesterols silyletherstoobtainthetrimethylsilylderivativesby50mlofa recovered from the plate were dissolved in chloroform and pyridine/hexamethyldisilazane/trimethylchlorosilane mixture filteredthroughapaper filter. Asafinalstep,thesolventwas (9/3/1, v/v/v). evaporated under nitrogen and the obtained sterols were trans- The separation and quantification of the trimethyl silyl formed into trimethylsilyl ethers by 50ml of a pyridine/ alcoholfractionwascarriedoutusinggaschromatography,on hexamethyldisilazane/trimethylchlorosilanemixture(9/3/1,v/v/v). a Shimadzu set 17 A chromatograph using an HP-5 capillary Separation and quantification of the trimethylsilyl sterol column(30mlength x0.32mmi.d),coated withastationary fraction was carried out using capillary gas chromatography, phase formed by 5% of biphenyl and 95% of dimethylpoly- on a Shimadzu set 17 A chromatograph using an HP-5 siloxane (0.25mm thickness). In the following conditions: capillary column (30m length x 0.32mm i.d), coated with a the column was held at 180°C for 8min then programmed stationary phase formed by 5% of biphenyl and 95% of to increase at 5°C/min until 260°C and stabilized at this dimethylpolysiloxane (0.25mm thickness). The working temperature for 15min. The type of detector is FID, injector conditions of the chromatograph were as follow: type of temperature:280°C,detectortemperature:290°C,gasvector: detector: flamme ionisation detector (FID), injector tempera- nitrogen, flow rate: 1ml/min, volume injected: 5ml. ture: 280°C, isothermal column: 260°C and detector Thequalitativeanalysisofthesterolicandalcoholicfractions temperature: 290°C. Theinjection volumewas5mlata flow was performed after the determination of the retention time rate of 1ml/min using nitrogen as carrier gas. of their pure compounds, which had been analyzed in the sameconditions. Alcohols analysis Fivegramsofoliveoilwereaddedto1-eicosanolusedas 2.4 Statistical analysis internalstandardandthensaponifiedwith50mlofpotassium hydroxide in an ethanolic solution (2M). The unsaponifiable All assays were carried out in triplicates and results were matter was extracted with ethyl ether. The alcoholic fraction expressedasmean±SD.Statisticalanalysiswascarriedoutby wasseparatedfromtheunsaponifiablebyelutiononthinlayer using SPSS statistical package software (SPSS for windows, Page3 of14 H. Boulkrouneet al.: OCL 2017, 24(5),A502 version 20, SPSS INC, and Chicago, USA). The analysis of presented a decrease in the values of PV. This diminution is variance(ANOVA)wasappliedonvariablesstudiedtodetect significant only in Buichret and Mekki olive oils in which significant differences between varieties and maturity stages. thevaluesvariedfrom9.24and10.07to5.34and6.50atthe Tukey’s t-test was then carried out to detect significant first and last sampling, respectively. This behavior is most differences between values (P < 0.05). likely related to the increasing of enzymatic lipoxygenase Thenamultivariateanalysiswasperformedonthedataset activity. Likewise, K232 values decreased as ripening byapplyingPCAandLDAtakingintoconsiderationonlythe progressed,thisresultdisagreetheresultsfoundbyDesouky variables with P < 0.01. et al. (2009). PCA,acommonlyusedmultivariatemethod,wasapplied K270isconsideredasanindicatorofsecondaryoxidation, to reduce orgroup the largenumber of variables to a smaller asshowninTable1thisparameterpresentaslighttendencyto numberofnew,derivedvariables(calledprincipalcomponents decrease during maturity process but not significantly in all [PCs]). PCs are the linear combinations of the primary studiedoliveoils,whichcanbeenexplainedbytheabsenceof variables that are more conducive to making the samples secondary oxidation during olive maturation. different from each other. They determine which variables contribute the most to such differences. 3.2 Impact of variety and maturity stage on sterolic While LDA is a multivariate probabilistic classification compound trends method based on the use of multivariate probability distribu- tionwiththehypothesisofnormaldistributionwiththesame The sterolic composition of olive oils of the studied variance–covariancematrixinalltheconsideredclasses.This varietiesisgiveninTable2.Figure2showsachromatogramof chemometric technique can be used only with well-defined the sterol components obtained for one of Chemlal olive oil datamatrices,i.e.thosehavingahighratiobetweennumberof samples. Ten sterolic compounds were identified, which are objects and number of variables inside each category (Field, cholesterol, campesterol, campestanol, stigmasterol, cleros- 2009). terol, b-sitosterol, D5,24-stigmastadienol, D7-stigmastenol, D7-avenasterol, and D5-avenasterol. From Table 2, it can be seenthatallstudiedoliveoilsvarietiespresentedhigherlevels 3 Results and discussion of sterol contents when comparing to the minimum limit 3.1 Chemical quality criteria: acidity, peroxide value, (1000mg/kg) established by the International Olive Oil ultraviolet absorption indices Council for Virgin Olive Oil (IOC, 2016). In the present study, the mean of total sterol contents ranged between Table 1 shows the chemical quality criteria of olive oils 1187mg/kg to 2304mg/kg among the four varieties. The from the four cultivars (Chemlal, Aghenfas, Mekki and obtainedresultsweresimilartootherMediterraneanvarieties, Buichret). All the analyzed oils showed values falling within suchasChemlaliandChetouioliveoilsfromTunisia,withan the ranges established for “extra virgin olive oil” category averagecontentsof2580mg/kgand1522mg/kg,respectively (acidity (cid:2)0.8%; PV (cid:2)20meq O /kg; K270 (cid:2)0.22; K232 (Lazzez et al., 2008; Ben Temime et al., 2008), and Italian 2 (cid:2)2.5),asstatedbyInternationalOliveCouncil(IOC)(2016). oils with values ranging from 979 to 1830mg/kg (Giacalone At the first harvesting date (the end of September), olive et al., 2015). oilripeningindex(RI)ofallstudiedvarietiesrangedbetween Moreover,thetotalsterolcontentsinthestudiedvarieties 1.16and1.31inBuichretandAghenfasvarieties,respective- showed significant variations among olive cultivars and ly. On the seven subsequent dates, the ripening index maturity stages (P < 0.0001). We noticed that the level of markedly increased at 4.02 to 4.47 in Aghenfasand Chemlal sterols decreased when the ripening stage increased and the varieties, respectively. These results indicate that the four contentsdropbetween9.59%forMekkicultivarto16.80%for varieties were characterized by the same trend of ripening Chemlalcultivar,whenthefirststage wascomparedwiththe process, while harvesting dates affect significantly ripening last. index (P < 0.0001). ForChemlal,thelevelofsterolsdecreasedfrom2170mg/kg The percentage of free acids is an important used to 1744mg/kg between September and December. Whereas, parameterusedtomeasuretheoliveoilacidity.Asignificant for Mekki, the levels decreased from 1933 to 1747mg/kg increaseinfreeacidityalongthestudiedvarietiesasripening betweenSeptemberandJanuary.Aghenfasoliveoilpresented progressed (P < 0.0001) and stage of ripeness (P < 0.005) the highest quantity of total sterols in comparison to the (Tab.1).Duringthedifferentharvestingdates, theacidityof other varieties, which exceeded 2000mg/kg until the end oliveoilsvariedfrom0.1%to0.2%inChemlalandBuichret ofNovember.ThehighestvaluewasregisteredinSeptember olive oils, and from 0.1% to 0.3% in Aghenfas and Mekki (2304mg/kg), whereas the lowest content was recorded in olive oils. A similar slight increase in acidity during the January (1972mg/kg). The low levels of sterols were maturation period was found by Bengana et al. (2013). In observed in Buichret olive oil by comparison to other fact,duringtheoliveripening,thereisanincreaseinlipolytic varieties. activity which hydrolyses some triacylglycerols and gives With respect to ripening stage, there was a tendency for fattyacids,monoacylglycerolsanddiacylglycerols(Martinez the sterol levels to decline with increasing ripeness index. Suarez, 1973). Thishasbeennotedbyotherworkers(Gutiérrezetal.,1999; MeasurementsofPVandabsorbanceat232nmintheUV Mariani et al., 1991), and is understood as being due to the region are used to provide information on the primary synthesis of the sterols occurring in the first stages of oxidationoftheoliveoils.AsitisshowninTable1,theoils development of the fruit: with ripening, the sterols become obtained from olives at more advanced ripening stages diluted as more oils are produced. Page4 of14 H. Boulkrouneet al.: OCL 2017, 24(5),A502 Table1. RipeningIndex(RI)andmeans±SDsofchemicalqualitycriteriaofAghenfas,Buichret,ChemlalandMekkioliveoilsatdifferent olivesharvest dates. End Sep Mid-Oct EndOct Mid-Nov EndNov Mid-Dec End Dec Mid-Jan RI Chemlal 1.19 ±0.06a 1.85 ±0.14b 2.07 ±0.09b,c 2.49± 0.15c 3.38± 0.20d,e 3.30 ±0.13d 3.72 ±0.18e 4.47± 0.19f Aghenfas 1.31 ±0.19a 1.97 ±0.18b 2.30 ±0.11b,c 2.53± 0.15c,d 3.07± 0.22e 3.63 ±0.19e,f 3.44 ±0.44e,f 4.02± 0.27f Buichret 1.16 ±0.13a 1.70 ±0.25b 2.46 ±0.09c,d 2.39± 0.34c 3.41± 0.40d 3.67 ±0.29d,e 3.82 ±0.19d,e 4.35± 0.21e Mekki 1.26 ±0.17a 1.74 ±0.14b 2.17 ±0.26c,d 2.10± 0.23c 3.20± 0.19d 3.45 ±0.22d,e 3.76 ±0.23e,f 4.14± 0.08g Acidty (%) Chemlal 0.10 ±0.02a 0.11 ±0.01a 0.12 ±0.03a 0.11 ± 0.04a 0.16± 0.02a 0.19 ±0.02a,b 0.22 ±0.05a,b 0.29± 0.06b Aghenfas 0.19 ±0.04a 0.20 ±0.03a 0.22 ±0.02a 0.20± 0.03a 0.21± 0.04a 0.25 ±0.02a,b 0.30 ±0.01b,c 0.32± 0.01c Buichret 0.13 ±0.02a 0.11 ±0.02a 0.12 ±0.01a 0.22± 0.02b 0.30± 0.06c 0.24 ±0.04b 0.28 ±0.03b,c 0.20± 0.05b Mekki 0.18 ±0.03a 0.22 ±0.02a 0.21 ±0.04a 0.23± 0.05a 0.23± 0.04a 0.29 ±0.06a,b 0.32 ±0.04b,c 0.37± 0.06c PV(meq O /kg) 2 Chemlal 8.46 ±1.21a,b 9.17 ±2.11b 8.45 ±2.11a,b 8.17± 1.82a,b 7.82± 1.84a,b 6.18 ±0.90a 5.02 ±0.80a 5.51± 0.17a Aghenfas 10.06 ±0.33b 8.13 ±2.32a 9.82 ±0.73a,b 8.55± 2.26a 8.17± 1.09a 8.58 ±3.03a 6.89 ±0.97a 6.10± 0.60a Buichret 9.24 ±0.43c 8.39 ±1.69b,c 8.21 ±0.93a,b 6.92± 0.85a,b 6.09± 0.28a 5.33 ±0.30a 5.42 ±0.53a 5.34± 0.22a Mekki 10.07 ±0.73b 11.92 ±0.72b 10.12 ±0.78b 9.89± 0.59b 10.47± 1.42b 8.99 ±1.78b 6.70 ±1.51a 6.50± 1.58a K 232 Chemlal 1.83 ±0.12b 1.75 ±0.30a,b 1.55 ±0.22a,b 1.31± 0.15a 1.22± 0.08a 1.32 ±0.14a 1.12 ±0.21a 1.08± 0.12a Aghenfas 1.73 ±0.18b 1.82 ±0.24a,b 1.74 ±0.25a,b 1.57± 0.16a,b 1.26± 0.31a 1.13 ±0.26a 1.27 ±0.11a 1.14± 0.22a Buichret 2.22 ±0.33a,b 2.23 ±0.11b 2.14 ±0.18a,b 2.10± 0.28a,b 1.99± 0.19a 2.03 ±0.21a,b 1.72 ±0.12a 1.65± 0.09a Mekki 2.29 ±0.11b 2.22 ±0.29a,b 2.22 ±0.32a,b 2.10± 0.25a 2.15± 0.15a 2.03 ±0.05a 1.75 ±0.12a 1.82± 0.06a K 270 Chemlal 0.18 ±0.04b 0.16 ±0.03a,b 0.17 ±0.04a,b 0.15± 0.03a 0.14± 0.01a 0.15 ±0.02a 0.11 ±0.02a 0.12± 0.02a Aghenfas 0.16 ±0.03a 0.15 ±0.03a 0.15 ±0.01a 0.13± 0.02a 0.11 ± 0.06a 0.13 ±0.01a 0.12 ±0.04a 0.13± 0.04a Buichret 0.20 ±0.02b 0.19 ±0.02a,b 0.17 ±0.04a 0.18± 0.01a,b 0.15± 0.03a 0.13 ±0.01a 0.15 ±0.02a 0.14± 0.03a Mekki 0.14 ±0.01a 0.14 ±0.03a 0.15 ±0.01a 0.14± 0.03a 0.15± 0.02a 0.13 ±0.05a 0.15 ±0.04a 0.13± 0.03a a,b,c,d Values with the sameletter in the sameline are not significantly different at a 95%confidencelevel (P(cid:2) 0.05). In all studied oils, b-sitosterol was the most abundant The obtained results showed a significant differences phytosterolbeingfoundanditslevelrepresentsmorethan75% related to the maturity stage in all evaluated samples of total sterols. These results are similar to those reported by (P < 0.0001). A significant increase of D5-avenasterol was Lukić et al. (2013). Nevertheless, it is worth noting that all recorded during the maturity process with a maximum level samples contained b-sitosterol with considerable quantities. inJanuaryforBuichret(174mg/kg),inthelateofNovember Thevaluesrangedfrom966.7mg/kgto2123.6mg/kg(Tab.2). for Chemlal and Aghenfas (246mg/kg and 315mg/kg, Statistical analysis showed that the variety and harvesting respectively), and at the beginning of December for Mekki period had a significant effect on the trend of b-sitosterol (344mg/kg) (Tab. 2). amounts in the studied varieties (P < 0.0001). The data This increase in D5-avenasterol is followed by a regular reported in Table 2 showed a concomitant decrease of both decrease until the end of maturity, except for Buichret. The componentsandtotalsterolsduringtheprocessofmaturity.In increase of D5-avenasterol contents observed in the present thecaseofChemlal,b-sitosteroldisplayedaregulardecrease study is in agreement with the results reported in other from 1976.1mg/kg in September to 1468.4mg/kg at the end previous study (Lazzez et al., 2008). of December. As well, the same profile tendency is observed Anegativecorrelationwasnotedbetweenb-sitosteroland for the other varieties: Aghenfas (from 2123.6mg/kg to D5-avenasterol in all studied oils: r=(cid:3)0.78 for Chemlal, 1556.2mg/kg), Mekki (from 1738.0mg/kg to 1362.1mg/kg), r=(cid:3)0.87, for Aghenfas and Buichret, r=(cid:3)0.84 for Mekki. and Buichret (from 1462.2mg/kg to 996.7mg/kg). This This inverse relationship was previously reported for spanish reduction of b-sitosterol level during ripening stage was also varieties (Gutiérrez et al., 1999). Fernández-Cuesta et al. observed by Vekiari et al. (2010). (2013) have explained this phenomenon to the fact that TheD5-avenasterolisthesecondmajorsterolfoundinthe D5-avenasterol is the precursor of b-sitosterol. sterolic fraction. The D5-avenasterol and b-sistosterol are the Aghenfas showed the highest value of b-sitosterol typical components of the pulp of the olive (Christopoulou (92.15%) and low level of D5-avenasterol (2.06%), whereas etal.,1996).TheconcentrationofD5-avenasterolisimportant Mekki presented the lowest percentage of b-sitosterol for olive oil quality, as it confers important antioxidant (76.46%) and important level of D5-avenasterol (18.49%). properties at high temperatures (Rossell, 2001). Buichret and Chemlal presented high levels of b-sitosterol Page5 of14 H. Boulkrouneet al.: OCL 2017, 24(5),A502 a0.2b0,0a0.4b0.5 a4.0a2.4a,b3.1a2.71 d0.5c0.4c0.4c0.4 b2.7a2.0a1.6c3.0 a0.1b1.4a1.2a1.3 a59.7a44.3b,c15.1a45.4 d10.8e7.9f9.5d9.8 n ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± a 4532 2386 4470 2501 1521 0041 2603 Mid-J 558.608.051.362. 1111 a0.3a,b0.2b0.2a0.3 b3.8b3.5a,b2.7a1.49 d0.2b0.1c0.1b0.2 a1.3a,b1.5a1.3c1.7 a1.4b0.2a1.9a2.0 a45.8a26.3a14.1a35.1 e8.9d3.2d2.7e5.3 ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ec 8210 8890 5852 9802 7232 4075 0587 D d 3 4694 1212 n 11 1 E b age. a0.2a,b0.4b0.2b0.1 b3.3a2.5a2.2a,3.09 c0.2a0.3c0.3b,c0.4 2.1b0.9a0.9b1.4 b,c1.2a1.6a,b0.6a1.0 a80.8a56.0b8.4a18.6 f2.8d11.0e,f8.6g6.8 st ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± y ec 8146 6423 9956 6155 7252 4289 5606 maturit Mid-D 1558.1556.1004.1420. e h t during b0.4a0.3b0.3c0.0 c2.6b3.7a2.3a5.31 d0.3a0.3b0.3a,b0.0 a,b2.2a,b1.2a1.8b3.1 c2.2c2.7a,b0.8b2.1 a,b40.0a55.7b24.7a41.7 g14.0f13.9e,f7.4f12.08 s ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± oil ov 9303 8504 7553 4236 0087 7829 0082 olive EndN 1584.1631.1033.1411. 246.315.162.321. n gi kkivir a0.5a,b0.6b0.3c0.3 b2.3c3.2a,b3.7a4.6 c0.3a,b0.2a0.1b0.1 a,b1.1a1.0a,b1.2a1.1 a,b0.6b,c1.2b1.3a1.7 a,b52.6b38.1c27.2b44.5 e12.1e7.2e3.2f4.4 e M v ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± o aland Mid-N 17.219.417.811.9 1667.01758.41128.21544.0 184.3268.5161.0318.0 ml ret,Che b0.2a0.1a,b0.1d0.1 b3.4b2.1a3.7b2.0 b0.3a0.2a0.2a0.1 a1.4a,b1.4b3.4b1.7 a,b0.6b0.5b1.9a,b1.2 b,c35.3b42.6d12.7c12.3 c8.8c3.5c9.8c8.70 h uic Oct 3±1±8±7± 9±2±7±2± 4±5±7±8± 6±1±8±9± 1±2±1±5± 7±0±4±2± 2±2±2±7± as,B nd 722.812.265.612. nf E 1111 2 e h g oil)ofA ct a±0.2a±0.3a,b±0.3c,d±0.1 c±4.1d±2.9b±2.4a,b±4.3 a±0.1a±0.1a±0.3a±0.2 a,b±2.3a±0.9b±2.5a±2.2 a,b±0.5b,c±0.6b±2.2a,b±2.1 c±49.1c±50.5f±17.3c±30.1 a±5.4b±11.2b±4.1b±4.4 ol/kg Mid-O 65.872.746.845.2 17.810.914.07.2 15.719.918.618.1 849.8951.4462.6650.6 56.1101.596.8133.9 n 1111 a st e gchol b0.3a0.3a0.4c0.5 c5.2e6.6a2.4b4.1 a0.2a0.3a0.20.4 a,b1.3a1.6b1.6a1.2 a,b0.8b0.9b1.6a,b0.6 d21.7d10.9e23.7d15.6 b4.6a6.7a2.7a3.4 m p ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± sition( EndSe 61.780.832.856.2 16.616.217.915.7 1976.12123.61398.91738.0 73.047.552.788.0 o p m o c c Table2.Steroli CholesterolChemlalAghenfasBuichretMekkiCampesterolChemlalAghenfasBuichretMekkiCampestanolChemlalAghenfasBuichretMekkiStigmasterolChemlalAghenfasBuichretMekkiClerosterolChemlalAghenfasBuichretMekkib-sitosterolChemlalAghenfasBuichretMekkiD5-avenasterolChemlalAghenfasBuichretMekki Page6 of14 H. Boulkrouneet al.: OCL 2017, 24(5),A502 b1.3d0.3a,b1.4b1.1 b0.2a0.3a0.8a0.3 b1.2a,b1.4a0.5b,c1.0 a69.9b46.7b,c27.7b74.7 a1.1a0.7a1.2a2.8 n ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± a 5800 0282 0302 8138 4310 Mid-J 8.512.5.10.9 805.972.307.747. 1111 a0.9e0.8a1.0c2.5 b0.2b,c0.8a,b0.5a,b0.7 a,b0.5a1.5a0.8b1.4 a61.9b20.2a15.6a43.0 a0.9b1.4b2.1b1.8 ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ec 1480 1751 3556 6944 8178 D 4.874.87.28. d 4918 n 7111 E 1 b b,c1.5b1.5a1.0a1.2 b0.4b0.3b,c0.3a,b1.0 a0.5a0.8a0.3a0.5 a,75.60a71.7b17.2b29.7 a1.7b2.5b1.4c1.9 ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± c e 6475 6850 7651 0373 7419 Mid-D 890.41882.1247.1858. 1 b b0.6c1.5a,b0.6a,b1.6 a,b0.1c0.1a,b0.3a0.4 a,b1.3a,b0.5a,b0.4c2.0 a,32.03c35.3b29.9b29.0 a2.0b,c1.5b,c2,6c2.5 0.05). v ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± (cid:2) o 4043 1080 7672 5091 2455 N 4.864.69.35. (P End 195201218 evel l e a0.8d1.6b,c0.1b0.2 b0.2a0.4a0.2a,b0.5 a,b0.3a0.3a0.1b1.0 a,b37.8c,d38.0d31.4b,c41.6 a1.2b2.5b1.7c,d2.5 findenc ov ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± co Mid-N 9.616.812.815.1 960.6152.9377.1952.6 19.831.932.242.7 95% 1211 a at Oct b,c6±2.2d5±1.1a0±0.6b7±1.2 a2±0.4b4±0.34a3±0.3a,b0±0.3 a0±0.7a2±1.0a4±1.3b4±0.6 a,b3±25.8c8±38.7e7±29.75c7±24.1 a0±2.3c2±4.2c2±2.3d9±3.4 ydifferent End 1944.2117.1462.1984. ficantl ni g c0,5c1.4a,b1.1b0.9 a,b0.5b0.7a0.3b0.2 b0.8a,b0.7a,b0.9b,c0.4 b,c47.0c,d35.0g14.0b,c30.3 a1.2c3.2c1.9b1.5 notsi ct ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± ±±±± are O 8237 1471 6409 4297 7697 Mid- 039.188.663.896. line 2211 e m a a1.1a0.7c1.8a0.8 a0.3b,c0.8c0.4a0.9 a0.4b2.9b0.1b1.3 c34.6d13.2f29.3b,c18.5 b2.6d1.1d1.8b2.5 nthes i dSep 10.3±4.5±13.6±9.7± 2.7±4.7±5.9±5.1± 6.2±15.2±7.5±7.9± 70.2±04.6±45.3±33.2± 31.0±57.9±29.1±32.3± letter n 1359 e E 2211 m a s d). ol ol he e n a t Table2.(continu D5,24-stigmastadieChemlalAghenfasBuichretMekkiD7-stigmastenolChemlalAghenfasBuichretMekkiD7-avenasterolChemlalAghenfasBuichretMekkiTotalSterolChemlalAghenfasBuichretMekkiþErythrodiolUvChemlalAghenfasBuichretMekki a,b,c,dValueswith Page7 of14 H. Boulkrouneet al.: OCL 2017, 24(5),A502 Fig. 2.Chromatogram of the sterol andtriterpenic dialcohol components ofoneof the Chemlalanalyzed samples. (90.53–91.06%) and low levels of D5-avenasterol (3.41– high acidity and low organoleptic quality of oil (Gutiérrez 3.36%) (data in percentage not shown in tables). etal.,2000).Astatisticallysignificantdifferencebetweenthe Among identified sterols, campesterol showed a low studiedvarietieswasobserved(P<0.0001),Chemlalvariety, content compared to the threshold established by the IOC presented the highest value (21.2mg/kg), whereas, Buichret regulations (4%) in all samples (IOC, 2016). As shown in presentedthelowestconcentration(5.5mg/kg)ofstigmasterol. Table 2, the amounts of campesterol varied significantly Duringthematuritystages,thelevelsofstigmasterolseemto accordingtothecultivar.Furthermore,itcanbeobservedthat be relatively stable, excepted for the last and sixth samples campesterol is significantly influenced by the maturity stage respectively in Chemlal and Aghenfas oils, which represents and ranged from 29 to 81mg/kg. highcontents. Aswell, stigmasterol wasconstant inBuichret As well, campesterol showed a clear downward trend but decreased from the beginning of November. during the maturity process except for Buichret oil. The Similarly, a significant difference was observed for the amounts of campesterol decreased from 80.8 to 41.3mg/kg, contentsofclerosterol,whichisrelatedtothevarietyandthe from 65.8 to 39.2mg/kg, and from 56.2 to 34.5mg/kg for maturity (P < 0.001). Moderate amounts of this compounds Aghenfas, Chemlal and Mekki olive oils, respectively. Lukić were found, the values ranged from 7.3 to 20.0mg/kg. The et al. (2013) have also noted a diminution in campesterol contentsofclerosterolfoundinAlgerianoliveoilwerehigher during maturation in Croatian autochthonous olive varieties. thanthosefoundbyLazzezetal.(2008),forChemlalioliveoil. Regarding stigmasterol amounts, all cultivars presented Furthermore, small amounts of cholesterol, campestanol, verylowcontentsofstigmasterol,andthevalueswerelessthan D5,24-stigmastadienol, D7-stigmastenol and D7-avenasterol campesterol percentages, as specified by IOC regulations were also identified in all analyzed olive oils. Cholesterol (2016). It is well-known that stigmasterol content evolved and D7-stigmastenol were under the limits established by the unlike the quality ofoil, In fact, high level is associated with IOC regulations (0.5%) (IOC, 2016). Page8 of14 H. Boulkrouneet al.: OCL 2017, 24(5),A502 3.3 Impact of variety and olive maturity stage on from 44.2mg/kg to 291mg/kg, respectively. Mariani et al. Triterpene dialcohols compounds trends (1991) outlined that high content of total aliphatic alcohols in some olive oils is mainly due to the presence of aliphatic The triterpenic dialcohols, which are the erythrodiol and alcoholsinthefree(non-esterified)formratherthanaswaxes. uvaolareconcomitantlyanalysedandevaluatedwiththesterol This phenomenon is attributed to adverse climatic conditions fraction because they are also a part of the unsaponifiable (prolonged drought). fraction. Results of the quantitative analysis of triterpenic According to the obtained results, it should be noted that dialcohols (erythrodiol and uvaol) of the different olive oil thetotalaliphaticalcoholscontentsweresignificantlyaffected samples are given in Table 2. All values of triterpenic diols by the ripening process (P < 0.0001). Aliphatic alcohols were in conformity with the limit established by the decreased significantly from early harvest period (September InternationalOliveOilCouncil’sregulationfor“ediblevirgin and beginning of October) to advanced stage of maturity olive oil”, which must not exceed 4.5% of the total sterols (DecemberandJanuary).Thehighestvalueswere238.1mg/kg, (IOC, 2016). 302.6mg/kg, 315.1mg/kg and 283.6mg/kg for Chemlal, We noticed a significant difference among the studied Aghenfas, Mekki and Buichret, respectively. During the varieties (P < 0.0001) which is in quite agreement with the maturation of olives, these values decreased progressively to findings of other studies (Sánchez-Casas et al., 2004; Manai- reach82.3mg/kg,86.0mg/kg,81.4mg/kgand115.7mg/kgin Djebali et al., 2012). The Aghenfas variety presented the the same order. highest levels that can reach 58mg/kg especially in early Hexacosanol (C26) is the most important compounds maturity stage, while the lowest levels were observed in found in the alcoholic fraction in all analyzed samples. The Chemlalvariety,theothertwovarieties,namelyBuichretand evolutionofC26duringmaturitystagesfollowpracticallythe Mekki showed similar levels in most of maturity stages. evolution of total alcohols which decreased significantly Withrespecttothelevelsoferythrodiolanduvaolduring during maturity. The concentrations of C26 decreased maturityprocess,wegenerallynotedadownwardtrendwhen progressively, from 122.4 to 23.7mg/kg and from 138.0 to ripeness index increase. Understandably, it can be concluded 20.2mg/kg for Chemlal and Mekki, respectively. Is it the thatthematurityprocesshasasignificantinfluenceonthelevel same for the other two varieties, in fact, a downward trend of the triterpenic dialcohols. These findings agree the results wasalsorecorded,asshowninTable3.Inadvancedstagesof of Yorulmaz et al. (2013) and disagree with the outcomes maturity,thecontentofC26seemstobestableespeciallyfor foundby Sánchez-Casasetal.(2004)intheirstudyonSpanish thevarieties,Mekki,ChemlalandAghenfas.Accordingtothe olive oils. variety,wenotedthatthehighlevelswererecordedinMekki oil especially at the first stages of maturity, whereas, the 3.4 Impact of variety and olive maturity stage on lowest contents were observed in the oil of Buichret. In alcoholic compounds trends contrast, Giuffrè (2014) showed that C26 compound is not influenced by cultivar. The aliphatic alcohols compositions of the four varieties, Tetracosanol(C24)isconsideredasthesecondorthethird Chemlal, Aghenfas, Buichret and Mekki are reported in mostabundantalcohol,dependingtothevariety.Theobtained Table 3. Figure 3 shows a chromatogram of the aliphatic results showed that C24 varied significantly according to the alcohol components obtained for one of Chemlal olive oil cultivar (P < 0.0005) and the harvest period (P < 0.0001). samples. Seven aliphatic alcohols were identified, which are, Mostcultivarsshowedadecreaseintetracosanolcontentsover the docosanol (C22), tricosanol (C23), tetracosanol (C24), theripeningperiod.Aghenfascontainedthehighestquantities pentacosanol (C25), hexacosanol (C26), heptacosanol (C27) of C24, which was observed from September until the end and octacosanol (C28). C22, C24, C26 and C28 arethe main of November and the concentration decreased progressively aliphatic alcohols found in all olive oils, however, C23, C25 from 94.3mg/kg in September to 18.8mg/kg in January. For and C27 are detected in little quantities. Indeed, these Chemlal, Mekki and Buichret olive oils, the concentrations compoundsarelocatedinsidetheolivestone,asconsequence of C24 decreased from 29.3mg/kg to 23.1mg/kg, from theirextractionisverypracticalbysolventextractionmethods 44.8mg/kgto37.2mg/kg,andfrom65.1mg/kgto25.1mg/kg, than mechanical processes (Aparicio et al., 2013). Further- respectively (Tab. 3). more, the determination of these minor aliphatic alcohols is With respect to the content of octacosanol (C28), veryimportantfortheaccurateknowledgeofalcoholicprofiles statistical analysis showed a significant differences related with other parameters (erythrodiol, uvaol and wax content) tocultivar(P<0.0001)andmaturitystage(P<0.0001).The during the detection of possible fraudulent addition of olive level of C28 decreased clearly during maturity process for pomace oil to VOO. ChemlalandBuichretoliveoilswhichthecontentrangefrom In the present work, the total aliphatic alcohols content 56.7mg/kg to 11.4mg/kg and from 44mg/kg to 15.7mg/kg varied significantly according to the variety (P < 0.05). The respectively. Whereas, the concentration showed a different mean values of the total aliphatic alcohols ranged from behavior for the other two varieties, the content of C28 81.4mg/kg to 315.1mg/kg. The maximum and the minimum increased during the first stages of maturity from 38mg/kg averagevalueswereobservedforMekkioliveoil(Tab.3).Our to 80.5mg/kg and decreased until the last stage of maturity results are similar to those found by Lazzez et al. (2008) in for the case of Aghenfas variety. For the variety Mekki, Chemlali olive oils, who reported values ranging between C28 increased until reaching a maximum in October 70mg/kgand317mg/kg,butveryhigherthanthoseobserved (83.8mg/kg) and then decrease until the end of maturity. byRiveradel Álamoetal.(2004)inSpanisholiveoils,infact For all cultivars the concentration of octacosanol decreased thelevelsobserved,rangedfrom35.0mg/kgto52.6mg/kgand at the end of the maturity process (Tab. 3), this diminution Page9 of14 H. Boulkrouneet al.: OCL 2017, 24(5),A502 Table3. Alcoholiccomposition(mgeicosanol/kgoil)ofAghenfas,Buichret,ChemlalandMekkivirginoliveoilsduringthematuritystage. End Sep Mid-Oct End Oct Mid-Nov EndNov Mid-Dec EndDec Mid-Jan C22 Chemlal 9.5±1.5a 15.5± 2.5b 17.8 ±2.4b 23.7 ±0.8c 17.9± 1.5b 16.5 ±1.7b 15.0 ±2.1b 15.1± 3b Aghenfas 6.3±0.4e 5.5± 0.8d 4.9±0.2d 2.8 ±0.6c 1.8± 0.4b 0.9 ±0.4a 1.9 ±1.1b 1.11 ± 0.3a Buichret 16.3 ±2.2a,b 11.9± 2.0a 16.0 ±1.6a,b 22.3 ±1.8b 21.1± 1.2b 10.6 ±1.5a 9.5 ±1.0a 13.5± 1.2a,b Mekki 22.7 ±1.7c 28.8± 2.1d 27.1 ±1.9d 33.0 ±3.3e 15.8± 1.2b 5.5 ±0.8a 4.7 ±1.4a 3.5± 0.9a C23 Chemlal 5.1±0.1e 4.2± 0.1c 1.9±0.0a 3.7 ±0.0b 5.8± 0.3f 2.1 ±0.1a 2.1 ±0.0a 4.6± 0.0d Aghenfas 9.4±0.1d 5.5± 0.5c,d 4.9±0.1c 5.7 ±0.4c,d 5.3± 0.6c 1.9 ±0.1b 1.9 ±0.1b 1.1± 0.0a Buichret 5.6±0.2b 2.1± 0.0a 3.62 ±0.1a,b 5.1 ±0.7b 5.3± 0.4b 3.5 ±0.3a,b 3.1 ±0.4a,b 2.5± 0.0a Mekki 8.2±1.1d 7.1± 0.1c 6.3±0.2c 7.1 ±0.7c 4.7± 0.2b 2.3 ±0.1a 1.7 ±0.1a 1.7± 0.2a C24 Chemlal 29.3 ±2.7b 31.5± 2.6b 38.2 ±2.9c 42.5 ±1.7d 32.8± 2.2b 25.1 ±2.1a 23.4 ±1.9a 23.1± 2.1a Aghenfas 94.3 ±2.9f 76.4± 2.4e 62.5 ±3.0c 69.5 ±3.3d 54.1± 2.9b 16.1 ±0.8a 17.0 ±1.0a 18.8± 1.9a Buichret 65.1 ±3.8d 45.1± 4.4c 31.2 ±3.4a,b 30.4 ±3.0a,b 34.1± 1.5a,b 29.1 ±2.9a 37.0 ±1.6b,c 25.1± 1.9a Mekki 44.8 ±3.8c 34.1± 2.5b 26.1 ±2.5a 44.3 ±3.8c 37.4± 1.5b,c 34.6 ±1.8b 32.6 ±1.6b 37.2± 2.3b,c C25 Chemlal 9.6±1.5b 8.3± 1.2b 3.7±0.2a 5.0 ±1.1a,b 4.7± 0.8a 3.1 ±1.0a 3.7 ±0.6a 3.6± 0.4a Aghenfas 31.5 ±1.4c 33.0± 1.6c 32.2 ±1.8c 48.6 ±2.5e 37.6± 2.1d 20.3 ±1.2b 15.2 ±1.0a 15.4± 0.8a Buichret 27.2 ±2.7c 14.3± 1.7a,b 12.5 ±1.0a 14.3 ±1.3a,b 11.1± 1.6a 13.8 ±1.4a 15.3 ±1.2a,b 18.0± 1.4b,c Mekki 29.3 ±2.7c 31.4± 2.1c 17.5 ±1.8b,c 15.4 ±1.9b 12.4± 1.4b 6.1 ±1.2a 4.8 ±1.4a 5.5± 1.2a C26 Chemlal 122.4 ±5.6e 94.3± 4.3d 69.4 ±2.3c 57.8 ±3.0b 31.5± 2.8a,b 31.3 ±1.9a,b 26.5 ±2.2a 23.7± 1.2a Aghenfas 113.4 ±5.0f 89.1± 3.9e 61.3 ±2.3d 63.7 ±1.5d 43.3± 0.8c 17.5 ±1.8a 16.9 ±1.5a 26.5± 1.3b Buichret 116.5 ±8.0d 56.2± 2.0c 34.5 ±1.7b 25.1 ±2.8a 34.3± 1.7b 38.3 ±2.6b 39.8 ±2.9b 40.5± 3.0b Mekki 138.0 ±6.7f 121.8± 7.6e 99.4 ±5.3d 91.7 ±5.9d 66.2± 3.8c 34.5 ±3.1b 21.4 ±2.4a 20.2± 2.3a C27 Chemlal 5.3±0.2d 6.3± 0.6e 3.1±0.1c 3.4 ±0.2c 2.3± 0.1b 2.6 ±0.3b 0.5 ±0.0a 0.8± 0.0a Aghenfas 9.4±0.1f 8.3± 0.0e 7.4±0.1d 8.6 ±0.5e 3.1± 0.1b 1.9 ±0.1a 2.8 ±0.0b 4.4± 0.1c Buichret 8.8±0.2d 7.5± 0.5c 5.2±0.1b 4.0 ±0.1a 3.7± 0.1a 5.2 ±0.6b 8.5 ±0.4d 9.3± 0.2e Mekki 9.1±0.1g 8.0± 0.2f 6.4±0.1e 4.5 ±0.1d 3.3± 0.5c 2.1 ±0.1b 1.1 ±0.1a 1.4± 0.0a C28 Chemlal 56.7 ±1.4f 52.7± 1.7e 37.5 ±2.2d 28.6 ±1.4c 15.3± 0.7a 18.3 ±1.5b 13.8 ±0.9a 11.4± 0.9a Aghenfas 38.1 ±1.7b 48.5± 2.1c 64.1 ±3.7e 80.5 ±4.2f 54.6± 2.6d 31.1 ±1.8a 30.2 ±2.0a 29.8± 1.7a Buichret 44.1 ±3.7c 24.5± 2.3b 11.5±1.0a 11.6 ±1.9a 23.2± 2.0b 15.0 ±1.8a 13.7 ±1.5a 15.6± 1.0a,b Mekki 47.9 ±3.6b,c 83.8± 3.6d 64.7 ±4.1c 43.7 ±3.3b 42.2± 3.0b 18.2 ±1.4a 15.1 ±1.5a 15.7± 1.5a Total alcohol Chemlal 238.1 ±13.2d 212.8± 12.8c 171.7 ±10.1b 164.8 ±8.2b 110.4± 8.5a,b 99.1 ±5.5a 85.1 ±7.8a 82.3± 9.8a Aghenfas 302.6 ±11.7e 266.4± 11.3d 237.4 ±11.0c 279.4 ±8.1d 199.9± 7.7b 89.7 ±6.3a 86.0 ±3.6a 97.1± 6.1a Buichret 283.6 ±4.9c 161.6± 12.8b 114.6 ±8.9a 112.9 ±8.4a 132.9± 8.5a,b 115.7 ±10.5a 127.0 ±9.1a 124.6± 8.7a Mekki 300.2 ±11.9b,d 315.1± 18.2d 247.6 ±15.5c 239.9 ±15.2c 182.1± 11.2b 103.3 ±8.3a 81.4 ±8.5a 85.2± 8.5a a,b,c,d Values with the sameletter in the sameline are not significantly different at a 95%confidencelevel (P(cid:2) 0.05). was also reported in previous studies (Lazzez et al., 2008; Mekki and Buicheret, whereas in the oil of Aghenfas, which Giuffrè, 2014). presentedthelowestlevels,wenotedadecreasefrom6.3mg/kg Concerning the docosanol C22, all samples showed a at the first stage of maturity to a low content about 1mg/kg content inferior to 33mg/kg. The concentration of docosanol at the end of maturity. In contrary, Giuffrè (2014) has found (C22), ranged between 0.9mg/kg and 33.0mg/kg. Rivera that in general samples presented a constant docosanol level del Álamo et al. (2004), in his study reported values ranging through the maturity process. between8.2mg/kgand72.5mg/kgfortheC22.Theobtained RegardingtheC25aliphaticalcohol,theresultspresented results,showedasignificantdifferencesaccordingtomaturity in Table 3 showed that Chemlal olive oil contained the low (P<0.0001)andcultivar(P<0.0001).Duringthematuration quantitiescomparedtotheothervarieties,whichdon’texceed process the content of docosanol C22 increased and then 10mg/kg in all maturity stages. However, the high quantities decreaseduntiltheendofmaturity,especiallyfortheChemlal, were found in Aghenfas variety which reached 49mg/kg Page10of 14