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Preview Characterization of maximally random jammed sphere packings: Voronoi correlation functions

Characterization of maximally random jammed sphere packings: Voronoi correlation functions Michael A. Klatt Department of Chemistry, Department of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA and Friedrich-Alexander-Universit¨at Erlangen-Nu¨rnberg (FAU), Institut fu¨r Theoretische Physik, Staudtstraße 7, 91058 Erlangen, Germany Salvatore Torquato∗ Department of Chemistry, Department of Physics, 5 Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials, 1 and Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics, 0 Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA 2 (Dated: January 6, 2015) n a Wecharacterizethestructureofmaximallyrandomjammed(MRJ)spherepackingsbycomputing J the Minkowski functionals (volume, surface area, and integrated mean curvature) of their associ- ated Voronoi cells. The probability distribution functions of these functionals of Voronoi cells in 3 MRJ sphere packings are qualitatively similar to those of an equilibrium hard-sphere liquid and ] partly even to the uncorrelated Poisson point process, implying that such local statistics are rela- h tively structurally insensitive. This is not surprising because the Minkowski functionals of a single c Voronoicellincorporateonlylocalinformationandareinsensitivetoglobalstructuralinformation. e Toimproveuponthis,weintroducedescriptorsthatincorporatenonlocalinformationviathecorre- m lationfunctionsoftheMinkowskifunctionalsoftwocellsatagivendistanceaswellascertaincell-cell - probability density functions. We evaluate these higher-order functions for our MRJ packings as t a well as equilibrium hard spheres and the Poisson point process. It is shown that these Minkowski t correlationanddensityfunctionscontainvisiblymoreinformationthanthecorrespondingstandard s pair-correlationfunctions. WefindstronganticorrelationsintheVoronoivolumesforthehyperuni- . t form MRJ packings, consistent with previous findings for other pair correlations [A. Donev et al., a m Phys. Rev. Lett. 95,090604(2005)],indicatingthatlarge-scalevolumefluctuationsaresuppressed by accompanying large Voronoi cells with small cells, and vice versa. In contrast to the aforemen- - tionedlocalVoronoistatistics,thecorrelationfunctionsoftheVoronoicellsqualitativelydistinguish d n thestructureofMRJspherepackings(prototypicalglasses)fromthatofnotonlythePoissonpoint o process but also the correlated equilibrium hard-sphere liquids. Moreover, while we did not find c any perfect icosahedra (the locally densest possible structure in which a central sphere contacts 12 [ neighbors) in the MRJ packings, a preliminary Voronoi topology analysis indicates the presence of strongly distorted icosahedra. 1 v 3 I. INTRODUCTION φ, i.e., the fraction of space occupied by the spheres. 9 Other useful characteristics of the structure include its 5 0 Packings of frictionless monodisperse hard spheres in pair-correlation function [14, 21–28], the pore-size distri- 0 three dimensions serve as a simple, yet effective tool for bution [4, 29], and structure factor [3, 24, 30–32]. 1. modeling the complex behavior of such diverse many- It is also valuable to quantify the degree of ordering 0 particlesystemsascrystals,colloids,liquids,glasses,het- in a packing, especially those that are jammed (defined 5 erogeneous materials, foams, and biological systems [1– more precisely below). To this end, a variety of scalar 1 10]. Among the rich multitude of states they are known order metrics ψ have been suggested [19, 33] in which : v to exhibit, considerable interest has been given towards ψ = 0 is defined as the most disordered state (i.e. the i sphere packings that are jammed (i.e., mechanically sta- Poisson point process) and ψ = 1 is the most ordered X ble), including maximally dense packings, low-density state. Using the geometric-structure approach, one may ar crystals, and amorphous packings [11–20]. thereforeconstructan“ordermap”intheφ–ψ plane[19], In order to characterize the properties of sphere pack- where the jammed packings form a subset in this map. ings, one may employ a geometric-structure approach Theboundariesofthejammedregionareoptimalinsome in which configurations are considered independently of sense, including, for example, the densest packings (the both their frequency of occurrence and the algorithm by face-centered-cubiccrystalanditsstackingvariantswith which they are created [19]. For example, the simplest φ = π/√18 0.74 [13]) and the least dense jammed max characteristic of a sphere packing is its packing fraction packings (conjec≈tured to be the“tunneled crystals”with φ =2φ /3 [16]). min max Among the set of all isotropic and statistically homo- ∗ Electronicmail: [email protected] geneousjammedspherepackings,themaximallyrandom 2 jammed(MRJ)stateisthatwhichminimizessomeorder metric ψ. This definition makes mathematically precise the familiar notion of random closed packing (RCP) in that it can be unambiguously identified for a particular choice of order metric. A variety of sensible, positively correlated order metrics produce an MRJ state with the samepackingfraction0.64[34,35],whichagreesroughly with the commonly suggested packing fraction of RCP inthreedimensions[19]. However,westressthatdensity alone is not sufficient to characterize a packing; in fact, packingswithalargerangeofψ maybeobservedatthis packing fraction [27, 34]. In order to study the MRJ state, a precise definition of jamming is needed. Therefore, rigorous hierarchical jamming categories have been defined [36, 37]: A pack- ing is locally jammed if no particle can move while the positions of the other particles are fixed; it is collectively FIG. 1. (Color online) Maximally random jammed (MRJ) jammed if no subset of particles can move without de- sphere packing and its Voronoi diagram. Among all jammed forming the system boundary; and if also a deformation sphere packings (roughly speaking, the mechanically stable of the system boundary is not possible without increas- packings), the MRJ state is the most disordered one. ing its volume, the packing is strictly jammed, i.e., it is stableagainstbothuniformcompressionandsheardefor- mations[38]. StrictlyjammedMRJspherepackingsoften sity for finding two sphere centers separated by a ra- containasmallfractionofrattlers(unjammedparticles), dial distance r, where ρ is the number density, i.e., the but the remainder of the packing, i.e., the mechanically number of particles per unit volume) [25], the bond- rigid backbone, is strictly jammed [39]. orientational order metric Q and the translational or- 6 Determining the contact network of a packing is a der metric T∗ [34, 39], the cumulative pore-size distri- subtle problem requiring high numerical fidelity. The bution F(δ) [29], and the statistics of rattlers [39]. In Torquato-Jiao (TJ) sphere packing algorithm [25] meets addition, MRJ sphere packings exhibit disordered hy- this challenge by efficiently producing highly disordered, peruniformity [29], meaning that they are locally disor- strictly jammed packings with unsurpassed numerical fi- dered, but possess a hidden order on large length scales delity as well as ordered packings [25, 40]. The algo- suchthatinfinite-wavelengthdensityfluctuationsofMRJ rithm achieves this by solving a sequence of linear pro- packings vanish, i.e., the structure factor vanishes at grams which iteratively densify a collection of spheres the origin: lim S(k) = 0 [43, 44]. Disordered hy- k→0 in a deformable periodic cell subject to locally lin- peruniformity can be seen as an “inverted critical phe- earized nonoverlap constraints. The resulting packings nomenon”with a direct correlation function c(r) that is are, by definition, strictly jammed and they are with long ranged [43, 45]. highprobabilityexactlyisostatic(meaningthattheypos- In this paper, we characterize the MRJ sphere pack- sess the minimum number of contacts required for jam- ings generated in Ref. [39] using Voronoi statistics, in- ming) [39, 41]. The TJ packing protocol is intrinsi- cluding certain types of correlation functions. We com- cally capable of producing MRJ states with very high pare these computations to corresponding calculations fidelity [25, 39]. The MRJ state can be regarded as a for both a Poisson distribution of points and equilibrium prototypicalglassbecauseitismaximallydisordered(ac- hard-sphere liquids. In the second paper of this series, cording to a variety of order metrics) while having infi- wewillinvestigatedensityfluctuations,thepore-sizedis- nite elastic moduli [19]. Atkinson et al. [39] recently car- tribution, and two-point probability functions of MRJ riedoutadetailedcharacterizationoftherattlerpopula- packings. tion in these MRJ sphere packings. They found a rattler Manystudiesfordisorderedspherepackingshavebeen fraction of 1.5% (substantially lower than other packing devoted to computing the volume distribution of the protocols,suchasthewell-knownLubachevsky-Stillinger Voronoicells[e.g.,15,17,20,46–52];seeFig.1foraMRJ packing algorithm [42]) and that the rattlers were highly sphere packing and its Voronoi diagram [53]. However, spatiallycorrelated,implyingthattheyhaveasignificant such statistics are incomplete in that they only quantify influence on the structure of the packing [29]. Moreover, local structural information. For example, with appro- as in previous studies [41], it was shown [39] that the priately rescaled variables, we will show that the distri- backbone of the MRJ state is isostatic. We include rat- butions of the Voronoi volumes, surface areas, and inte- tlers in our analysis unless stated otherwise. gratedmeancurvaturesfortheMRJspherepackingsare MRJ packings have been characterized using a vari- qualitatively similar to the distributions for an equilib- ety of statistical descriptors, including the radial pair- rium hard-sphere liquid and partly even for the spatially correlation function g (r) (ρ2g is the probability den- uncorrelated Poisson point process. 2 2 3 TABLE I. Mean (cid:104)W (cid:105), standard deviation σ , and correlation coefficients ρ of the Minkowski functionals W of single µ Wµ µ,ν µ VoronoicellsinthePoissonpointprocess,inasystemofhardspheresinequilibriumatapackingfractionφ=0.48,andinthe MRJ state. The unit of length is λ=1/ρ1/3, i.e., the number density ρ is set to unity. (cid:104)W (cid:105) σ ρ ρ µ Wµ µ,1 µ,2 Poisson Volume W 1.0005(3) 0.4230(2) 0.98161(3) 0.94486(8) 0 Surface area W 5.823(1) 1.4798(7) 0.98701(2) 1 Integ. mean curv. W 9.1623(8) 1.0941(5) 2 Equilibrium Volume W 1.00000(7) 0.07434(5) 0.97700(5) 0.9282(2) 0 Surface area W 5.4488(3) 0.2681(2) 0.98136(5) 1 Integ. mean curv. W 8.6477(2) 0.2163(2) 2 MRJ Volume W 1.00000(3) 0.04335(2) 0.96976(4) 0.9035(1) 0 Surface area W 5.4043(1) 0.1695(8) 0.97248(5) 1 Integ. mean curv. W 8.5894(1) 0.1470(7) 2 Toquantifynonlocalstructuralinformation,weformu- trivial) Minkowski functionals: the volume, the surface late and compute correlation functions of the volume of area, and the integrated mean curvature. They are ro- Voronoi cells at a given distance and cell-cell probability bust and versatile shape descriptors which are widely density functions of finding a given sized Voronoi cell at usedinstatisticalphysics[55–57,59]andinpatternanal- a given distance of a sphere with another sized Voronoi ysis [60–62]. We use voro++ [63, 64] to construct the cell. Because the volume is only one of a large class of Voronoi diagram of Poisson point patterns (about 1000 versatile shape measures, namely, the Minkowski func- patterns,eachwith2000points),equilibriumhard-sphere tionals [54–57], we devise and compute the correlation packings [3, 4] at a packing fraction φ = 0.48, which is functionsofalloftheMinkowskifunctionals[58]. Besides slightly below the freezing transition (100 packings, each characterizing MRJ packings in this way, we also carry with10000spheres),andMRJspherepackingsproduced out analogous calculations for the Poisson point process by the TJ algorithm [25, 39] (about 1000 packings, each and the equilibrium hard-sphere liquid for purposes of with 2000 spheres). The program karambola [65, 66] comparison. We show that these Minkowski correlation then computes the Minkowski functionals of each cell. functions contain visibly more information than the cor- We first determine the distributions of the three responding standard pair-correlation functions, even in Minkowski functionals (W , volume; W , surface area; 0 1 the case of the Poisson point process. andW ,integratedmeancurvature)ofthesingleVoronoi 2 In Sec. II, we analyze the distributions of the cells. Table I provides the mean, the standard deviation, Minkowski functionals of the single Voronoi cells for and the correlation coefficients ρ = (cid:104)WµWν(cid:105)−(cid:104)Wµ(cid:105)(cid:104)Wν(cid:105) the Poisson point process, equilibrium hard-sphere liq- µ,ν σWµσWν uid configurations, and MRJ packings. In Sec. III, we of the three different Minkowski functionals. As a unit define the aforementioned two different types of correla- of length, we use λ=1/ρ1/3 with ρ the number density, tion functions. In Sec. IV, we determine the volume- i.e., we compare the Poisson point process, the equilib- volume correlation function numerically for the three- rium hard-sphere liquid, and the MRJ state at the same dimensional Poisson point process, equilibrium hard- numberdensityρ=1(theunitvolumecontainsonepar- sphere systems, and the MRJ state; we also calculate ticle on average) [67]. thecorrelationfunctionsforthesurfacearea, andthein- Because the number density is set to unity, the mean tegrated mean curvature. For a further investigation of cell volume is also one. The average surface area and thenonlocalstructurefeatures,wecalculateinSec.Vthe integrated mean curvature of a Voronoi cell in the MRJ cell-cell probability density functions mentioned above. state or in the equilibrium ensemble are slightly larger In Sec. VI, we make concluding remarks. than those of a Poisson Voronoi cell because the latter is less regular, i.e., more aspherical. The Voronoi vol- umefluctuationsandthestandarddeviationsoftheother II. MINKOWSKI FUNCTIONAL Minkowskifunctionalsaremuchstrongerintheirregular DISTRIBUTIONS OF A SINGLE VORONOI CELL Poisson point process than in the hard-sphere packings, where the MRJ state has significantly smaller Voronoi While there are many detailed studies of the vol- volumefluctuationsthantheequilibriumhard-sphereliq- ume distribution in disordered sphere packings [e.g., uid. The Minkowski functionals of a single Voronoi cell, 15, 17, 20, 46–52], here we analyze in a logarithmic plot e.g., its volume and its surface area, are strongly cor- the volume distributions of true MRJ packings as de- related, i.e., the correlation coefficients ρ are at least µ,ν scribe above and extend the analysis to all three (non- 0.9. ThenumericalestimatesforthePoissonVoronoites- 4 Poisson Poisson Poisson meancurvatures. Thedistributionsofthesurfaceareafor 10 1 Equil. Equil. Equil. both the MRJ and the equilibrium hard-sphere packings − MRJ MRJ MRJ arenotonlyqualitativelysimilartoeachotherbutalsoto the uncorrelated Poisson point process. So, besides the ) µ W10 2 quantitative difference in the mean and the standard de- − ( viations of the Minkowski functionals, the distributions f Wµ of the Minkowski functionals of single Voronoi volumes σ10−3 are qualitatively similar for the equilibrium hard-sphere liquidandtheMRJstateaswellasevenpartiallyforthe Poissonpointprocess. ThedistributionoftheMinkowski 10 4 − Volume Surfacearea Int.meancurv. functionals of a single cell only incorporates local infor- -4 0 4 -4 0 4 -4 0 4 mation and is rather insensitive to global structural fea- W0−hW0i W1−hW1i W2−hW2i tures such as hyperuniformity of the MRJ state [29, 45]. σW0 σW1 σW2 Figure3showsthejointprobabilitydistributionofthe FIG. 2. (Color online) Distributions of the single Minkowski volume and the surface area of a single Voronoi cell in functionals W of a three-dimensional Voronoi cell in a Pois- a Poisson point process, an equilibrium hard-sphere liq- µ son point process, an equilibrium hard-sphere system at a uid, and a MRJ sphere packing. The joint probability packing fraction φ=0.48, and a MRJ sphere packing: µ=0 distributions for the equilibrium hard-sphere liquid and volume (left), µ = 1 surface area (center), and µ = 2 the MRJ state are also relatively similar. integrated mean curvature (right). The distributions are Both for the Poisson point process [70] and for rescaled—like in Ref. [47]—by their mean (cid:104)W (cid:105) and their µ many different numerical and experimental sphere pack- standard deviation σ (see Table I). The lines in the plot Wµ ings [15], the volume distribution follows well a γ distri- of the volume distributions are γ distributions; generalized γ distributionsarefittedtothedistributionsofthesurfacearea bution [71]. We also find, for the volume distributions and the integrated mean curvature. for the Poisson point process and the equilibrium hard- sphere liquid, an excellent agreement with γ distribu- tions [72]. However, for the MRJ sphere packings there sellation are in agreement with the analytic values and is a slight but statistically significant deviation for very numerical estimates in Ref. [68] and references therein. small cells for which the frequency of occurrence is too high. Thesurfaceareaandtheintegratedmeancurvature The high fidelity of the MRJ sphere packings pro- distributionsarewellapproximatedbygeneralizedγ dis- duced by the TJ algorithm allows one to study the rela- tributions [73], which was already found for the Poisson tion between the number of contacts of a sphere and the point process by Refs. [51, 74]. However, the distribu- Minkowski functionals of its Voronoi cell. As expected, small cells have a higher number of contacts on average because a high local packing fraction [69] implies that there are many close neighbors. In units of λ, the mean Voronoivolumeofarattler,i.e.,anunjammedparticle,is 1.04 and that of a particle with 11 contacts is 0.88. The mean surface area of the Voronoi cells of rattlers and of backbonesphereswithupto11contactsvariesfrom5.50 to 4.92, respectively, and the average integrated mean curvaturevariesfrom8.65to8.17,respectively. However, becauseofthesmalldifferencebetweennearcontactsand true contacts, the distributions of the Minkowski func- tionals for rattlers are only slightly shifted compared to thedistributionsofatypicalcell. Thereare,forexample, very small cells containing rattlers, which is consistent with previous findings [39]. Starr et al. [47] and, similarly, Aste et al. [15] showed that by shifting the volume distribution by its mean and rescaling with its standard deviation, the volume distri- FIG.3. (Coloronline)Jointdistributionofvolumevandsur- butions of many different sphere packings collapse. Fig- faceareaS ofasinglethree-dimensionalVoronoicellinalog- ure 2 shows the rescaled distributions of the Minkowski arithmic scale for a Poisson point process and a MRJ sphere functionalsforthePoissonpointprocess,theequilibrium packing;thejointdistributionfortheequilibriumhard-sphere hard-sphere liquid, and the MRJ packing. As expected, liquid is represented by the blue contour plot. The unit of the volume distributions of the equilibrium hard-sphere lengthisλ=1/ρ1/3,whereρisthenumberdensity. Samples packings and the MRJ packings are qualitatively very of aMRJ sphere packing andan overlapping sphere packing, similar, while the distribution of the Poisson point pro- where the sphere centers follow a Poisson point process, are depicted together with their Voronoi diagrams. cessdeviates. Thesameistrueforthedistributionofthe 5 tions for the MRJ sphere packings deviate slightly but ThecorrelationfunctionsoftheotherMinkowskifunc- statistically significantly from a generalized γ distribu- tionals are defined analogously to Eq. (1), replacing vol- tion for cells with small surface area or small integrated ume (µ=0) by surface area (µ=1) or integrated mean mean curvature, respectively [75]. curvature (µ=2): W (r )W (r ) W (r ) W (r ) C (r ,r ):= (cid:104) µ 1 µ 2 (cid:105)−(cid:104) µ 1 (cid:105)(cid:104) µ 2 (cid:105) III. CORRELATION FUNCTIONS AND µµ 1 2 σ σ PROBABILITY DENSITY FUNCTIONS OF Wµ(r1|r2) Wµ(r2|r1) (2) MINKOWSKI FUNCTIONALS with σ the standard deviation of the Minkowski Wµ(ri|rj) InordertoquantifytheglobalstructureoftheVoronoi functionalW oftheVoronoicellatr giventhatthereis µ i diagram,correlationfunctionsoftheMinkowskifunction- anotherpointatr . Forastatisticallyhomogeneousand j alsofcellsatadistancerandcell-cellprobabilitydensity isotropic point process, the correlation function of the functions are introduced and defined here. Minkowski functionals is again a radial function, which we denote by C (r). In general, C (r) will be discon- µµ µµ tinuous for r 0, as noted above for the volume-volume A. Correlation Functions of Minkowski Functionals → correlation function. In the Appendix, we calculate the volume-volume cor- We define the volume-volume correlation function relation function analytically for the one-dimensional C00(r1,r2)oftheVoronoicellsofanarbitrarypointpro- Poisson point process. In Sec. IV, we determine the cessasthecorrelationbetweenthevolumeoftwoVoronoi correlation functions for the three-dimensional Poisson cells given that the corresponding centers are at the po- point process, the equilibrium hard-sphere liquid, and sitions r1 and r2: MRJ sphere packings. A different type of correlation function, a pointwise v(r )v(r ) v(r ) v(r ) C (r ,r ):= (cid:104) 1 2 (cid:105)−(cid:104) 1 (cid:105)(cid:104) 2 (cid:105) (1) Voronoi correlation function, assigns to arbitrary points 00 1 2 σ σ v(r1|r2) v(r2|r1) the volumes of the Voronoi cells in which they lie [52]. Correlations between Voronoi volumes have also already where . denotes the ensemble average given two points (cid:104)(cid:105) been studied by finding a nonlinear scaling in the ag- at r and r ; and σ is the standard deviation of 1 2 v(ri|rj) gregate Voronoi volume fluctuations as a function of the the volume v of the Voronoi cell at r given that there is i sample size [49]. anotherpointatr . Notethatbecauseofthiscondition, j both the mean and the standard deviation of a single Voronoi volume are functions of the positions r and r : 1 2 B. Cell-Cell Probability Density Functions of the e.g., knowing that there is a point in close proximity, Voronoi Volume very large volumes are less likely and the mean volume decreases. For a statistically homogeneous and isotropic point process, the volume-volume correlation is simply The volume-volume correlation function C00(r2,r1) is a radial function, which we denote by C (r), where defined conditionally on the fact that the centers of the 00 r = r2 r1 . ThecorrelationfunctionC00(r) [ 1;1] two cells are at r1 and r2. The full two-point informa- meas(cid:107)ure−s th(cid:107)e correlations, both positive and∈neg−ative tion about the Voronoi volumes is given by the cell-cell (anticorrelations),betweenVoronoivolumesofcellsgiven probabilitydensityfunctionp(r2,v,r1,v∗)offindingtwo that their centers are at a distance r. points in the point process at two arbitrary positions r2 TheVoronoitessellationassignstoeachpointavolume andr1 withassociatedVoronoivolumesvandv∗,respec- of its corresponding Voronoi cell. This is a special case tively. It quantifies, for example, how likely it is to find of a marked point process where the constructed mark nearapointwithasmallVoronoicellanotherpointwith assigned to each point is determined by the positions of either a large or another small Voronoi cell. Integrat- thepointsintheneighborhood. Inthissense,thevolume- ing over the volumes yields the standard pair-correlation volumecorrelationfunctioncanbeseenasaspecialtype function, of a marked correlation function [56, 68, 76]. (cid:90)(cid:90) p(r ,v,r ,v∗) The volume-volume correlation function does not, in g (r ,r )= dvdv∗ 2 1 . (3) general, converge to perfect correlation for vanishing ra- 2 2 1 ρ(r2)ρ(r1) dial distance lim C (r)<1 because for all r >0 the r→0 00 This relation clearly indicates that the Minkowski prob- correlationfunctionC (r)providesthecorrelationofthe 00 ability density function p(r ,v,r ,v∗) contains more in- Voronoi volumes of two different cells with volumes v(0) 2 1 formationthang (r ,r ). Moreover, thevolume-volume and v(r). Because the cell is perfectly correlated with 2 2 1 correlation function C (r ,r ) from Sec. IIIA follows itself, i.e., C (0) = 1, the correlation function C (r) 00 2 1 00 00 from calculating the moments vv∗ , v , and v∗ of is discontinuous at the origin. If there is no long-range order, the correlation function tends to zero for infinite p(r2,v,r1,v∗) and the corres(cid:104)pond(cid:105)ing(cid:104) (cid:105)standard(cid:104) d(cid:105)evi- ρ(r2)ρ(r1)g2(r2,r1) radial distance limr→∞C00(r)=0. ations σv and σv∗. 6 For a statistically homogeneous and isotropic point 0.6 Int. meancurvature µ=0 process, the cell-cell probability density function is a ra- µ=1 dial function, i.e., it only depends on the radial distance ) 0.45 Surfacearea µ=2 r = r2 r1 : p(r,v,v∗)istheprobabilitydensityoffind- (r ingt|wo−poin|tswithVoronoivolumesv andv∗ ataradial µµ 0.3 C distance r. If there is no long-range order, the cell-cell 0.15 Volume probabilitydensityfunctionp(r,v,v∗)convergesforlarge radii r to ρ2f(v)f(v∗), with ρ the number density 0 → ∞ and f(v) the distribution of the Voronoi volume v of a single cell (see Sec. II). 0.36 For a better visualization and comparison of different ) r volumes, we divide the cell-cell probability density func- ( 0.24 0 tion by its long-range value; the cell-cell pair-correlation C0 Volume-volumecorr. function function is defined as 0.12 p(r ,v,r ,v∗) 0 g (r ,v,r ,v∗):= 2 1 (4) vv 2 1 ρ(r )f(v)ρ(r )f(v∗) 2 1 ) 3 r and, for a homogeneous and isotropic system, ( g2 Paircorrelationfunction g (r,v,v∗):= p(r,v,v∗) . (5) 1 vv ρ2f(v)f(v∗) 0 1 2 3 4 r/λ If g (r,v,v∗) > 1, it is more likely to find a pair of vv Voronoi cells with volumes v and v∗ at a distance r than FIG. 4. (Color online) Correlation functions for a three- to find them at a large distance, i.e., uncorrelated. If dimensional Poisson point process: pair-correlation function g (r,v,v∗) < 1, the occurrence of a point in the point g (r) (bottom); volume-volume correlation function C (r) vv 2 00 process with a Voronoi volume v at a distance r of an- (center), which is the correlation function of the volumes other Voronoi center with a Voronoi volume v∗ is sup- of two Voronoi cells given that their centers are at a dis- pressed. Analogous cell-cell pair-correlation functions tance r; the mark correlation functions of the three different Minkowski functionals (top): µ = 0 volume, µ = 1 surface can be defined for the other Minkowski functionals. area, and µ = 2 integrated mean curvature. The radial dis- We analytically calculate the cell-cell probability den- tance r is normalized by λ = 1/ρ1/3, where ρ is the number sity function for the one-dimensional Poisson point pro- density. cessintheAppendix. InSec.V,wedeterminethecell-cell pair correlation function for the three-dimensional Pois- sonpointprocess,theequilibriumhard-sphereliquid,and A. Poisson Point Process MRJ sphere packings. It is evident that in the infinite-system limit, the pair- correlation function g (r) is a constant (unity) for the 2 Poisson point process, i.e., the points are completely un- IV. CORRELATION FUNCTIONS OF correlated. Because a Voronoi cell is determined by the MINKOWSKI FUNCTIONALS neighbors of its center, the volume will obviously be cor- related; see Fig. 4. There are large Voronoi volume fluc- In order to sample the correlation functions of the tuations for the Poisson point process. Very large cells Minkowski functionals, the distances of all pairs of par- lead to a strong correlation of the Voronoi volumes even ticles [77] are computed and assigned to a bin. For each for distances up to four times the mean nearest-neighbor radial distance, i.e., for each bin, the correlation coef- distance. Thisistobecontrastedwiththestandardpair- ficient of the Minkowski functionals of the two Voronoi correlation function g (r), which is trivially unity for all 2 cells is determined. radial distances. Figures 4–6 compare the correlation functions of the Figure4comparesthecorrelationfunctionsC (r)for µµ Minkowski functionals for the Poisson point process, allMinkowskifunctionalsµ=0,1,2. Allfunctionalshave equilibrium hard-sphere liquids, and MRJ sphere pack- approximately the same correlation length. For r 0, → ings. ItisseenthattheseMinkowskicorrelationfunctions the surface areas are more strongly correlated than the contain visibly more information than the corresponding volumes because at small radial distances, the cells will standard pair-correlation functions, even in the case of most likely share a face. In the Appendix, we calculate the Poisson point process. C (r)analyticallyfortheone-dimensionalPoissonpoint 00 7 0.3 Int. meancurvature µ=0 Int. meancurvature µ=0 Surfacearea µ=1 Surfacearea µ=1 0.15 r) µ=2 r) µ=2 ( 0.15 Volume ( µµ µµ Volume C C 0 0 0.15 0.1 0.1 ) Volume-volumecorr. function ) Volume-volumecorr. function (r (r 0.05 0 0.05 0 0 0 C C 0 0 -0.05 -0.05 ) 3 Paircorrelationfunction ) 3 Paircorrelationfunction r r ( ( 2 2 g g 1 1 r=D r=D r=√3D r=2D 0 0.97 1.94 2.91 3.88 0 1.07 2.14 3.21 r/λ r/λ FIG. 5. (Color online) Correlation functions for equilibrium FIG. 6. (Color online) Correlation functions for MRJ sphere hard spheres withdiameterD atapackingfractionφ=0.48; packingsofsphereswithdiameterD;theaveragepackingfrac- for details, see Fig. 4. tion is φ≈0.64. For details, see Fig. 4. The pair-correlation function g (r) is in agreement with previous results for MRJ 2 sphere packings [39]. process. large Voronoi volume fluctuations. B. Equilibrium Hard-Sphere Liquid At the top of Fig. 5, the correlation functions of the other Minkowski functionals are compared. Similar to Figure 5 shows the pair-correlation function and the the Poisson case, the integrated mean curvature is more correlation functions of the Minkowski functionals for strongly correlated at contact r = D than the surface equilibrium hard-sphere liquid configurations at a pack- area which, in turn, is more strongly correlated than the ing fraction φ = 0.48. Because the hard spheres are im- volume. There is no double anticorrelation peak in the penetrable, the correlation functions of the Minkowski integrated mean curvature. For large radii, the correla- functionals are only defined for radial distances larger tion functions are shifted against each other despite the or equal to the diameter D of a sphere; in this case, strong correlation of the different functionals for a single D 0.97λ. Voronoi cell. The surface area and the integrated mean T≈here is a strong correlation of the Voronoi volumes curvature are slightly less (anti)correlated. of spheres that are in near contact because the Voronoi neighbors are correlated by construction of the Voronoi diagram. However, the maximum correlation is reached C. MRJ Sphere Packings for noncontacting spheres at r 1.3λ; a large cell has ≈ many neighbors and a Voronoi neighbor with a sphere Thepair-correlationfunctiong (r)andthecorrelation 2 not in contact will be, on average, larger than another functionsoftheMinkowskifunctionalsoftheMRJsphere neighbor cell with a contacting sphere. packingsareshowninFig.6. Thediameterofthespheres Between 1.8λ and 2.4λ, there is a double peak of an- in the MRJ sphere packings is D 1.07λ. The most ≈ ticorrelation and, for larger radial distances, there is an striking differences in the pair correlation of the jammed oscillating anticorrelation and correlation similar to the packings to the equilibrium packings are the two discon- pair correlation function g , but nearly inverted. The tinuities at r =√3D and r =2D, the split-second peak, 2 correlation length of the Voronoi volumes in the hard- which corresponds to configurations of two edge-sharing sphere liquid is larger than in the uncorrelated Poisson equilateral and coplanar triangles (r =√3D) or a linear point process, where the correlation was only due to the chainofthreeparticles(r =2D),respectively[78]. There 8 isalsoasignificant(seeminglynonanalytic)featureofthe v =0.37,v=0.37 ∗ volume-volume correlation function C (r) at r = √3D: 00 2 g2(r) a dip in the anticorrelation. However, at r = 2D, the Small–Small feature is statistically insignificant. At least two double 1 anticorrelation peaks are clearly resolved. The most important qualitative differences in the volume-volume correlation function are the much 0 v =1.55,v=0.37 stronger anticorrelations in the MRJ packings compared ) ∗ to the equilibrium packings. The correlation with the v∗2 g2(r) , nearest neighbors is weaker and the first anticorrelation v Large–Small r, double peak is more than twice as strong as for the equi- ( 1 v v librium hard-sphere packings. The MRJ sphere pack- g ings are hyperuniform [29, 45], i.e., large-scale density 0 fluctuations are suppressed. Therefore, strong Voronoi v∗=1.55,v=1.55 volume anticorrelations are necessary such that Voronoi 2 g (r) 2 cells with a high local packing fraction are accompanied Large–Large bycellswithratherlowpackingfractions,andviceversa. 1 Another difference between MRJ and equilibrium 0 packings is a stronger shift of the correlation func- 0 1 2 3 4 r/λ tions of the other Minkowski functionals. For the MRJ packings, there are radial distances, e.g., r = 2.51λ,atwhichtheintegratedmeancurvaturesareanti- FIG. 7. (Color online) The cell-cell pair-correlation function g (r,v,v∗) for a three-dimensional Poisson point process for correlated [C (2.51λ) < 0] but the volumes are corre- vv 22 either two large cells (bottom), a large and a small cell (cen- lated [C (2.51λ)>0], and vice versa. 00 ter), or two small cells (top). As examples of large or small So,incontrasttothelocalVoronoianalysis,theglobal cells,thevolumeswerechosensuchthattheirprobabilityden- Voronoi analysis of the MRJ packing reveals qualita- sityisequalto1/3ofthemaximumofthevolumedistribution; tive structural differences to the equilibrium hard-sphere seeTableIandFig.2. Thecurvesarecomparedtothestan- liquid. dardpair-correlationfunctiong (r)(dashedblackline),which 2 is trivially unity for the uncorrelated Poisson point process. Theradialdistancer isnormalizedbyλ=1/ρ1/3,whereρis the number density. V. CELL-CELL PROBABILITY DENSITY FUNCTIONS However, at slightly larger distances, where g shows an- The sampling of the cell-cell probability density func- 2 ticorrelation and the small cells are even more strongly tion p(r,v,v∗) is very similar to that of the pair- anti-correlated, the large cells are positively correlated. correlation function g (see, e.g., Ref. [4]); only an ad- 2 For distances larger than twice the diameter, the cell- ditional binning with respect to the Voronoi volumes is cell pair-correlation function for a large and a small cell needed. Figures 7–9 show the cell-cell pair-correlation is equal to the standard pair-correlation function within function g = p(r,v,v∗)/(ρ2f(v)f(v∗)) for exemplary vv statistical significance. However, both the cell-cell pair- large or small cell volumes v,v∗ in the three-dimensional correlationfunctionsoffindingtwoshortoroffindingtwo Poissonpointprocess,inanensembleofequilibriumhard largecellsatlargeradialdistancer areshiftedcompared spheres, or in the MRJ sphere packings. As examples of to the standard pair-correlation function. large or small cells, the volumes were chosen such that These features can also be found in the MRJ sphere their probability density is equal to 1/3 of the maximum packings. Moreover, the anticorrelations of two small of the volume distribution; see Table I and Fig. 2. cells are much stronger. The split-second peak even For the Poisson point process, the small cells are separates in two stronger peaks with anticorrelation in strongly correlated at short distances because, by con- between, where the standard pair-correlation function struction, there must be points at close distances, and shows positive correlation. In contrast to this, the peak the neighbor cells of a small Voronoi cell are more likely at r = √3D completely vanishes for two large cells to be small as well. However, the probability of finding g (√3D,1.06,1.06) = 1, and the peak at r = 2D is a point with either a corresponding large or a small cell vv significantly weaker. at a short radial distance of the center of a large cell is strongly suppressed because it is unlikely for the center of a large cell to have close neighbors. At intermediate distances, two large cells are correlated, as expected, be- VI. CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSIONS cause of the Voronoi construction. In the equilibrium hard-sphere liquid, the large cells We have characterized the structure of MRJ sphere at near contact are less correlated than the small cells. packings by computing the Minkowski functionals, i.e., 9 v =0.89,v=0.89 v =0.92,v=0.92 ∗ ∗ Small–Small Small–Small 2 g2(r) 2 g2(r) 1 1 0 0 v∗=1.10,v=0.89 v∗=1.06,v=0.92 v)∗2Large–Small g2(r) v)∗2 Large–Small g2(r) v, v, r, r, (1 ( 1 v v gv gv 0 0 Large–Large v∗=1.10,v=1.10 Large–Large v∗=1.06,v=1.06 2 g2(r) 2 g2(r) 1 1 0 0 0 0.97 1.94 2.91 3.88 0 1.07 2.14 3.21 r/λ r/λ FIG. 8. (Color online) The cell-cell pair-correlation function FIG. 9. (Color online) The cell-cell pair-correlation function gvv(r,v,v∗) for equilibrium hard spheres at a global packing gvv(r,v,v∗)oftheMRJ sphere packings;theaveragepacking fraction φ=0.48; for details, see Fig. 7. fraction is φ≈0.64; for details, see Fig. 7. the volume, the surface area, and the integrated mean rium hard-sphere liquid and MRJ sphere packings, there curvature,oftheassociatedVoronoicells. Thelocalanal- are correlations and anticorrelations. In contrast to the ysis, i.e., the probability distribution of the Minkowski qualitatively similar local Voronoi structure, the global functionalsofasingleVoronoicell,providesqualitatively Voronoi structure of the MRJ hard-sphere packings is similarresultsfortheequilibriumhard-sphereliquidand qualitatively quite different from that of an equilibrium the MRJ packings and partly even for the uncorrelated hard-sphere liquid. We find strong Voronoi volume anti- Poisson point process. correlations, which is consistent with previous findings In order to study the global structure of the Voronoi that MRJ sphere packings are hyperuniform [29, 45], cells, we have improved upon this analysis by introduc- i.e.,large-scaledensityfluctuationsaresuppressed. MRJ ing the correlation functions C (r) of the Minkowski µµ spherepackingsareprototypicalglassesinthattheyhave functionals and the cell-cell probability density func- tion p(r,v,v∗). The correlation function C (r) mea- no long-range order but they are perfectly rigid, i.e., the µµ elastic moduli are unbounded [19, 37, 79]. The global sures the correlation of the Minkowski functionals W µ analysisintroducedhereshowsthedifferenceinthestruc- of two Voronoi cells given that the corresponding cen- ture of the Voronoi cells of the MRJ state and those of a ters are at a distance r. The cell-cell probability den- sity function p(r,v,v∗) also incorporates the probability hard-sphereliquid,whichfurtherindicatesthatthestruc- ture of a glass is not that of a“frozen liquid”[45, 79, 80]. that there are two particles at a distance r. For an eas- ier interpretation and better visualization, we have de- An already known distinct structural difference be- fined the dimensionless cell-cell pair-correlation function tween the hyperuniform MRJ sphere packings and equi- g =p(r,v,v∗)/(ρ2f(v)f(v∗)), where f(v) is the proba- librium hard-sphere liquids is that while in the equilib- vv bility of the Voronoi volume v. The generalization of the rium packing the total pair-correlation function h(r) = pair-correlation to the cell-cell pair correlations provides g (r) 1 is exponentially damped, the total correlation 2 − powerful theoretical and computational tools to charac- functionoftheMRJstatehasanegativealgebraicpower- terize the complex local geometries that arise in jammed law tail [29, 45, 79]. It is an interesting question as to disordered sphere packings. whethertheasymptoticbehaviorsofthecorrelationfunc- Because the faces of a Voronoi cell are bisections be- tion of the Minkowski functionals C (r) or the radial µµ tween a point in the point process (whether a packing or cell-cellcorrelationfunctionsg (r,v,v∗)aredifferentfor vv not) and its neighbors and, moreover, because Voronoi the MRJ state and the hard-sphere liquid. However, a neighbors share a face and edges, the Minkowski func- direct observation of the power-law tail has, so far, not tionals of neighboring Voronoi cells are correlated by beenpossible[29,45,79];muchlargersystemsareneeded construction. This leads to a large correlation length but are not available at the moment. Still, the global for the Voronoi cells in a Poisson point process because characteristicsC (r)andg (r,v,v∗),introducedinthe µµ vv of large Voronoi volume fluctuations. In the equilib- presentpaper,allowforaninvestigationoftheunderlying 10 geometrical reasons for the negative algebraic tail in the the preliminary topological analysis indicates that more total pair-correlation function: the suppressed clustering detailed studies of probably strongly distorted icosahe- of regions with low and high local packing fractions [45]. dra could be interesting. For example, also in metallic Moreover, they also allow for a quantification of the glasses, significant numbers of distorted icosahedra have global structure of other cellular structures, e.g., foams, been found [87, 88]. where the centers of mass of the single cells can be used Inthesecondpaperofthisseries,wewillfurtherinves- ascentersofthecellsinsteadoftheVoronoicentersused tigatetheglobalstructureoftheMRJspherepackingsby here. lookingatdensityfluctuations,thepore-sizedistribution, and the two-point correlation functions. Afrequentlydiscussedquestioniswhetherornotthere are local icosahedral configurations in jammed pack- ings [14, 20, 21, 31, 81], i.e., a central sphere with 12 spheres in contact where the centers of the touching ACKNOWLEDGMENTS spheres form a regular icosahedron. The Voronoi cell of the central sphere in such an icosahedron is a regu- M.K. thanks Klaus Mecke for continuous support and lardodecahedron,whichhasthemaximumpossiblelocal guidance and valuable discussions and advice. We thank packing fraction ( 0.76). There is growing evidence, ≈ Steven Atkinson, Sebastian Kapfer, Adil Mughal, and that there are no regular icosahedral arrangements in Gerd Schr¨oder-Turk for valuable discussions and sugges- hard-sphere packings, e.g., see Refs. [14, 78, 82]. In- tions. This work was supported in part by the National deed,wefindinourMRJspherepackingsnoregularand ScienceFoundationunderGrantsNo. DMR-0820341and hardlyanynearlyregulardodecahedralVoronoicells. All No. DMS-1211087. We also thank the German Science spheres out of more than two million have less than 12 Foundation(DFG)forGrantsNo. ME1361/11“Random contacts. There are local packing fractions up to 0.75, Fields”and ME1361/12“Tensor Valuations”awarded as but only 4.2 10−5 of all cells have a local packing frac- × part of the DFG-Forschergruppe“Geometry and Physics tion greater than 0.74. of Spatial Random Systems.” Inapreliminaryapproachtolookforpossiblystrongly distorted dodecahedral Voronoi cells in the MRJ sphere packings, weexaminedthetopologyoftheVoronoipoly- hedra, i.e., the number of faces and the corresponding Appendix A: Correlation Functions of the Voronoi cells in the One-Dimensional Poisson Point Process types of polygons, following Refs. [81, 83, 84]. In a com- pact notation, the topology of a polyhedron is given by theso-calledpvector(n n n n ),wheren isthenum- As an introductory example of the global Voronoi 3 4 5 6 3 ber of triangles, n of quadrilaterals, n of pentagons, statistics introduced in this paper, we analytically calcu- 4 5 and n of hexagons. The dodecahedron is formed by 12 late the correlation functions of the Voronoi cells in the 6 pentagons, i.e., its topology is denotedby(0 0 12 0). Al- one-dimensionalPoissonpointprocess. Therefore,weuse though these polyhedron characteristics are discontinu- the probability density functions H (n ) and H (n ) of p l p r ousandinadequatelymetricfordefiniteconclusions[85], the nearest neighbor on the left-hand side at a distance they can provide a first insight into whether there could n orontheright-handsideatadistancen ,respectively. l r be a significant number of distorted dodecahedra. In the Two points x and x at a distance r are given. 1 2 MRJ sphere packings, 1.1% of all cells have the topol- Without loss of generality, we assume in the following ogy of a dodecahedron (0 0 12 0) [86]. The average local x = 0 and x = r. The nearest-neighbor probabil- 1 2 packing fraction of those distorted dodecahedra is 0.69 ity density functions of x1 are Hp(nl) = ρe−ρnl and and is thus significantly greater than the total mean lo- Hp(nr)=ρe−ρnrθ(r nr)+e−ρrδ(r nr), where θ(x) is − − calpackingfractionwhichis0.64. However,only0.4%of the Heaviside step function and δ(x) is the Dirac delta the distorted dodecahedra have a local packing fraction distribution. For x , the distributions for the right- and 2 greaterthan0.74. Thedistorteddodecahedraalsohavea the left-hand side simply exchange. The probability dis- higheraveragenumberofcontacts, 7,comparedtothe tributionf(v∗ r)ofthevolumev∗ ofthecellcorrespond- typicalcell, ≈6, butasstatedabove≈thereisnotasingle ing to x1 =0 i|s given by the average of δ(nr+2nl −v∗): sphere with 12 contacts in this high-quality MRJ data. There are 25 other topologies in the Voronoi diagram (cid:40)4v∗ρ2e−2v∗ρ if v∗ < r of the MRJ sphere packings that occur more frequently f(v∗ r)= 2 (A1) | 2ρ(rρ+1)e−2v∗ρ if v∗ r . than the dodecahedron. With 5.2% of all cells, the most ≥ 2 likely topology is (0 3 6 5). However, by adding one or twofaces,thedodecahedroncantransformtothefollow- Given a volume v∗ of the cell corresponding to x : If 1 ing polyhedra [81]: 1.1% of all cells in the MRJ sphere v∗ < r/2, there will be at least one additional point y packingsare(1093),3.1%are(01102),and4.4%are between x and x . Its distance z to x is uniformly dis- 1 2 2 (0 2 8 4). The latter is the second most common type in tributedbetweenr 2v∗ andr. Withh(z r,v∗)denoting − | the MRJ sphere packings. So, while we find no regular theprobabilitydensityfunctionofthisdistance,thecon- icosahedral configurations in the MRJ sphere packings, ditional probability distribution of the volume v of the

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