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Characterization of high Tc materials and devices by electron microscopy PDF

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This page intentionally left blank CHARACTERIZATION OF HIGH T MATERIALS c AND DEVICES BY ELECTRON MICROSCOPY This is is a clear and up-to-date account of the application of electron-based microscopiestothestudyofhigh T superconductors. c Written by leading experts, this compilation provides a comprehensive reviewof scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and scanning transmission electron microscopy together with details of each tech- nique and its applications. Introductory chapters cover the basics of high- resolution transmission electron microscopy, including a chapter devoted to specimen preparation techniques, and microanalysis by scanning transmission electron microscopy. Ensuing chapters examine identification of new super- conducting compounds, imaging of superconducting properties by low- temperature scanning electron microscopy, imaging of vortices by electron holography and electronic structure determination by electron energy loss spectroscopy. The use of scanning tunneling microscopy for exploring surface morphology, growth processes and the mapping of superconducting carrier distributions is discussed. Final chapters consider applications of electron microscopytotheanalysisofgrainboundaries,thinfilmsanddevicestructures. Detailedreferencesareincluded. This text will be an indispensable reference for graduate students and researchersinmaterialsscience,physicsandengineering. CHARACTERIZATION OF HIGH T MATERIALS AND DEVICES c BY ELECTRON MICROSCOPY Editedby NIGEL D. BROWNING UniversityofIllinoisatChicago STEPHEN J. PENNYCOOK OakRidgeNationalLaboratory,Tennessee           The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom    The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA 477 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207, Australia Ruiz de Alarcón 13, 28014 Madrid, Spain Dock House, The Waterfront, Cape Town 8001, South Africa http://www.cambridge.org ©Cambridge University Press 2004 First published in printed format 2000 ISBN 0-511-03966-2 eBook (netLibrary) ISBN 0-521-55490-X hardback Contents Listofcontributors x Preface xiii 1 High-resolutiontransmissionelectronmicroscopy (byS.HoriuchiandL.He) 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 TheoreticalbackgroundforHRTEM 1 1.3 TechniquesrelevanttoHRTEM 9 1.4 HRTEManalysisofhigh T superconductors 10 c References 20 2 Holographyinthetransmissionelectronmicroscope(byA.Tonomura) 23 2.1 Introduction 23 2.2 Electronholography 24 2.3 Applications 26 2.4 Conclusions 35 References 36 3 Microanalysisbyscanningtransmissionelectronmicroscopy (byL.M.BrownandJ.Yuan) 39 3.1 Introduction 39 3.2 ElectronopticsofSTEM 39 3.3 ImaginginSTEM 47 3.4 MicroanalysisinSTEM 50 3.5 X-rayfluorescencespectroscopy 57 3.6 Microdiffraction 59 3.7 Resolutionattainableinanalysis 59 vi Contents 3.8 Radiationdamageandnanolithography 62 3.9 Suggestionsforfurther reading 64 3.10 Summary 64 3.11 Postscript 65 References 66 4 Specimenpreparationfortransmissionelectronmicroscopy (byJ.G.Wen) 69 4.1 Introduction 69 4.2 Crushingandcleaving 70 4.3 Ionmilling 73 4.4 Cross-sectionsamplepreparation 77 4.5 Examples 83 4.6 Ion-shadowmethod 90 4.7 Low-energyplasmacleaning 92 4.8 Artifacts 93 4.9 Casestudies 95 References 100 5 Low-temperaturescanningelectronmicroscopy(byR.P.Huebener) 103 5.1 Introduction 103 5.2 Electronbeamasalocalheatsource 104 5.3 Thinfilms 109 5.4 Superconductingdevices 116 5.5 Cryoelectroniccircuits 122 References 123 6 Scanningtunnelingmicroscopy(byM.E.Hawley) 125 6.1 Introduction 125 6.2 Tunnelingtheoryandhistoricalperspectiveontunneling spectroscopy 126 6.3 Generalinstrumentaldescription 131 6.4 SpecificdetailsforSTMdesign 135 6.5 Relatedtechniques 139 6.6 Thestudyofhigh T materialsbySTM 142 c 6.7 Artifacts 154 6.8 Summaryandfuturedirections 154 References 156 Contents vii 7 Identificationofnewsuperconductingcompoundsbyelectron microscopy(byG.VanTendelooandT.Krekels) 161 7.1 Introduction 161 7.2 OxygenvacancyorderintheCuOplaneofYBa Cu O 161 2 3 7(cid:255)(cid:228) 7.3 OxygenorderingandBa-displacementsintheYBCO-247compound 175 7.4 OxygenvacancyorderinginY Sr MCu O compounds N 2 2 5(cid:135)2n(cid:6)x (M (cid:136) Co, Ga, Al) 178 7.5 NewHg-basedsuperconductingmaterials 182 References 189 8 Valencebandelectronenergylossspectroscopy(EELS)ofoxide superconductors(byY.Y.WangandV.P.Dravid) 193 8.1 Introduction 193 8.2 Experimental 195 8.3 Anisotropicdielectricfunctionofcuprates 196 8.4 Momentum-transfer(q) resolvedelectronenergylossspectroscopy 201 8.5 Conclusions 212 References 213 9 InvestigationofchargedistributioninBi Sr CaCu O andYBa Cu O 2 2 2 8 2 3 7 (byY.Zhu) 215 9.1 Introduction 215 9.2 Bi Sr CaCu O 217 2 2 2 8 9.3 YBa Cu O 225 2 3 7 9.4 Conclusions 232 References 232 10 Grainboundariesinhigh T materials:transportpropertiesand c structure(byK.L.Merkle,Y.GaoandB.V.Vuchic) 235 10.1 Introduction 235 10.2 Grainboundarystructure 237 10.3 Oxidegrainboundaries 243 10.4 GrainboundariesinYBCO 247 10.5 Directcorrelationbetweengrainboundarystructureandelectric transportproperties 254 10.6 Discussion 258 10.7 Summaryandconclusions 260 References 261 viii Contents 11 Theatomicstructureandcarrierconcentrationatgrainboundariesin YBa Cu O (byN.D.Browning,M.F.ChisholmandS.J. 2 3 7(cid:255)(cid:228) Pennycook) 263 11.1 Introduction 263 11.2 Imagingandmicroanalysisofboundarystructures 263 11.3 Structuralmodels 270 11.4 Predictingbulkstructure–propertyrelationships 275 11.5 Conclusions 281 References 283 12 MicrostructuresinsuperconductingYBa Cu O thinfilms(byA.F. 2 3 7 Marshall) 285 12.1 Introduction 285 12.2 Grainboundaries 285 12.3 Boundarymicrostructuresandfacetting 293 12.4 Stackingfaultsandantiphaseboundaries 299 12.5 Aligned a-axisfilms 300 12.6 Synthesisandproperties 303 12.7 Singlegrainboundaries 309 12.8 Summary 316 References 317 13 InvestigationsonthemicrostructureofYBa Cu O thin-filmedge 2 3 7 Josephsonjunctionsbyhigh-resolutionelectronmicroscopy 319 (byC.L.JiaandK.Urban) 13.1 Introduction 319 13.2 Experimental 320 13.3 MicrostructureofYBa Cu O 320 2 3 7 13.4 InterfacesinYBa Cu O multilayeredgejunctions 337 2 3 7 13.5 Summary 353 References 353 14 Controllingthestructureandpropertiesofhigh T thin-filmdevices c (byE.Olsson) 355 14.1 Introduction 355 14.2 Single-layerfilms 356 14.3 Bufferlayers 361 14.4 Mechanicalinteractions 363 14.5 Grainboundaries 367 14.6 Patternedandmodifiedsurfaces 378

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