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Characterization and multivariate analysis of Patella intermedia, Patella ulyssiponensis and Patella vulgata from Povoa de Varzim (Northwest Portugal) PDF

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Preview Characterization and multivariate analysis of Patella intermedia, Patella ulyssiponensis and Patella vulgata from Povoa de Varzim (Northwest Portugal)

© SociedadEspañola deMalacologia Iherus,2\ (2): 1-17, 2003 Characterization and multivariate analysis oíPatella inter- media^ Patella ulyssiponensis and Patella vulgata from Póvoa de Varzim (Northwest Portugal) Caracterización y análisis multivariante de Patella intermedia^ Patella ulyssiponensis and Patella vulgata de Póvoa de Varzim (noroeste de Portugal) Joáo Paulo CABRAL* Recibidoel9-IX-2002. Aceptado el13-1-2003 ABSTRACT Samples of Patella intermedia, Patella ulyssiponensisand Patella vulgatawere collected from the lowestto the highest level ofA Ver-o-Mor and Agucadoura beaches (Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal). Identification ofthe specimens was based on the morphology ofthe radula pluri- cuspid teeth and of the shell. Regressions of shell width or shell apexpos vs. shell length yielded slopes not statistically different, but slopes of log shell height vs. shell length regres- sion lines were significantly different, indicating thatthese limpets have different shell grow- ing patterns. However, canonical discriminantanalyses using onlyvariables describing shell form yielded poor discrimination between species. Analysis using onlyvariables describing radula relative size improved discriminaron, wasvery satisfactoryfor P. ulyssiponensis spec- imens, but resulted in a low identification of P. intermedia. The bestresultswere achieved us- ing both shell form and radula relative size variables, and the most discriminating variable was radula length/shell height ratio, instead of radula length/shell length as reported in the literature. fHowever, whereas correct identification of P. ulyssiponensis specimens was very good (higher than 95 %), for P intermedia and P vulgata, this valué ranged from 70 - 80 %. In light of data reported in the literature, morphometric characteristics such as those uti- lized in this work are probably useful for characterization of P ulyssiponensis as a species, but are of limited valué for P intermedia and P vulgata. Qualitative characters are thus still' indispensable for the discrimination between these two Patella species. Very good qualita- tive discriminators were, for P intermedia, the tall and broad cusp 2 and the dark marginal rays in the shell interior surface, and for P vulgata, the pointed protuberance on cusp 3, and the silvery head scar. RESUMEN Muestrasde Patellaintermedia, Patella ulyssiponensisy Patella vulgatafueron colectadasen una franja abarcando desde el nivel mas bajo al mas alto de las playas de A Ver-o-Mar y Agucadoura (Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal). La identificación de los especimenes se basó en la morfología de la concha y de los dientes pluricúspides de la ródula. Las pendientes de las regresiones entre la anchura o el apexpos (distancia entre la proyección del ápice y la parte posterior de la concha) de la concha y la longitud de la concha no difirieron estadís- *UniversityofOporto,CenterofMarineandEnvironmentalResearch(CIIMAR)andFacultyofSciences,Rúa doCampoAlegre, 1191,4150-181 Porto, Portugal,[email protected] Iberus, 21 (2), 2003 ticamente, mientras que las pendientes de las regresiones entre el logaritmo de la altura y la longitud de la concha fueron significativamentediferentes, indicandoqueestas lapas pre- sentan patrones de crecimiento distintos. Sin embargo, el análisis canónico discriminatorio utilizando solo lasvariablesquedescriben la forma de la concha tuvo un bajo poderdedis- criminación entreespecies. Al utilizarsolo lasvariables quedescriben el tamaño relativode la ródula se mejoró el poder discriminatorio del análisis, y aunque permitió una identifica- ción satisfactoria de P. ulyssiponensis, pero resultó tener bajo poder para la identificación deP. intermedia. Losmejoresresultadosseobtuvieron utilizandovariablesrelacionadastanto con laformadelaconchacomoconeltamañorelativode la ródula, ylavariablecon mayor poder discriminatorio fue la razón longitud de la ródula/altura de la concha, en lugar de longitud de la ródula/longitud de laconcha, comose ha reportadoen la bibliografía. Mien- tras que la correcta identificación de especímenes de P. ulyssiponensis fue muy alta (mayor que 95 %), para P intermediay P vulgata, estevalorvarió entre 70- 80 %. A la luz de los datos publicados en la bibliografía, características morfométricas tales como las utilizadas en el presente trabajo, pueden ser de gran utilidad para la caracterización específica de P ulyssiponensis, pero tienen un valor limitado para la caracterización de P intermedia y P vulgata. Lascaracterísticascualitativas, portanto, siguen siendo indispensables para la dis- criminación ente estas dos especies de Patella. Para P intermedia, \a segunda cúspide alta yancha, asícomo los radios marginalesoscurosen la superficie interna de la concha, cons- tituyeron muy buenos discriminadores cualitativos, mientras que para P vulgata, lo fueron la protuberancia puntiaguda en la tercera cúspide, junto con la cicatriz de la cabeza de color plateada. KEYWORDS: Patella, radula,canonicaldiscriminantanalysis, morphometry. PALABRAS CLAVE:Patella, rádula,anñalisiscanónicodiscriminante, morfometría. INTRODUCTION The characterization and delimita- theAlgarve (Portugal) forP. vulgata, and tion of Patella intermedia Murray in northern África for P. intermedia. P. Knapp 1857, Patella ulyssiponensis ulyssiponensis is the species with the Gmelin 1791, and Patella vulgata Linné least variable shell (Fischer-Piette and 1758, has been a source of debate and Gaillard, 1959;Fisher-Piette, 1966). controversysincetheywereproposedas ThedifficultiesintheIdentificationof species (FiSHER-PiETTE, 1935; Rampal, P intermedia, P. ulyssiponensis and P. 1965; IBAÑEZ, 1982). This was due to the vulgata specimens based on shell mor- high shell variability commonly exhib- phology alone led to the search for new ited by these species. In regions of low characters. Dautzenberg, in the end of variability, P. intermedia, P. ulyssiponensis the 18th century, pointed out the impor- and P. vulgata shells are usually distinct tance ofradula length and pignientation from each other. In regions ofhigh vari- ofmantletentacletodiscrimínateseveral ability, however, some shells display Patella species, being therefore the first intermedíatecharacteristics, and reliable malacologist topropose alternative char- Identification of these species based on acteristics to shell morphology (Fischer- shell morphology alone is difficult Piette and Gaillard 1959; Rampal, (FiSHER-PiETTE, 1934, 1948, 1966; Evans, 1965). The work of Fisher-Piette (1934, 1947, 1958; Fisher-Piette and Gail- 1935) showed, for the first time, that the LARD, 1959). Shell variabiHty of P. morphology of the radula pluricuspid vulgata andP. intermedia is highest in the teeth could be used to characterize Basque coast of France and Spain, and severalPatella species, sincethey usually in the south limit of their distribution. display low intraspecific variability, and CabraL: Characterization and multivariate analysis oí Patellaspp.in Northwest Portugal Figure 1. Location ofsamplingsites (AVer-o-MarandAgu^adourabeaches) nearPóvoadeVarzim Inset: Localization ofthe town ofPóvoadeVarzim and Oporto districtin Portugal. Figura 1. Ubicación delazonademaestreo (playasdeA Ver-o-MaryAgugadoura) en lascercaníasde PóvoadeVarzim. Recuadro: UbicacióndelpueblodePóvoadeVarzimyeldistritodeOportoenPortugal marked interspecific differences. Fisher- morphometric characters describing the Piette initial observations were con- radula, shell,and softparts. Inparticular firmed by EsLiCK (1940) and Evans thefollowingquestionswere.raised: How (1947). In a latter paper, Fisher-Piette - variable are these species in ANDGaillard(1959)showedthatradula Póvoa deVarzim? unicuspid teeth could also be used to - Is shell form similar in these characterizeseveralPatellaspecies. limpets? Other characteristics have been pro- - Are radula and shell characteristics posed for specific discrimination in the equally important for the separation of genus Patella: the foot colour, the breed- thesespecies? ing seasons, and the ratio of the radula - Can these species be discriminated length / cubic root of the shell volume by morphometric characters alone, (FiSHER-PiETTE, 1935, 1941, 1948; Evans, rather than by morphological character- 1947, 1953, 1958; Fisher-Piette and istics? Gaillard, 1959; Rampal, 1965; Powell, 1973). Inthisstudy,samplesofP. intermedia, MATERIALAND METHODS P. ulyssiponensis and P. vulgata from Póvoa de Varzim (northwest Portugal) Collections were made at A Ver-o- were examined and compared with Mar and Agu^adoura beaches, two very respect to several morphological and similar and exposed shores situated Iberus, 21 (2), 2003 — \X^;J,u < Height > "\ y^ 11 y^ r Apexante \. ^ ' S 1 1 { \ Apeícpos / { Length Figure2. Shell measurementsused incanonicaldiscriminantanalysis. Figura2. Medicionesdelaconchautilizadasenelanálisiscanónicodiscriminatorio. near the town of Póvoa de Varzim (Fig. the animáis in each área removed from 1). The upper shore is composed of dis- the rock. The total number of collected persed and heavily eroded graniteboul- animáiswas608. ders. Barnacles {Chthamalus) cover most Specimens were analysed for foot, ofthesurfacesandP. imlgata is the dom- radula and shell characteristics. In the inant limpet. Some mussels and gas- laboratory,theanimáiswereobservedfor tropods live in the crevices. The middle thefoot colour, and then immersed fora shore is composed of horizontal granite few minutes inboiling water to sepárate platforms, very eroded, with small the shell from the soft part. The radula sandy beaches in between. P. intermedia was removed from the visceral mass by and P. inilgata are common in middle dissection, immersed in household shore. P. ulyssiponensis is restricted to bleach to remove mucilaginous sub- lower shore levéis, where P. intermedia stances, washed in distilled water, and and P. vulgata also occur. Most of the P. measured to the nearest Imm using a idyssipoiiensis shells are covered with ruler. After air-drying, pluricuspid teeth abundant Gelidiiim pidchelum (Turner) werefirstobservedusingabinocularmi- Kützing. Common macroalgae in the croscope, with 80 x final magnification. middle and lower shore include Bifiir- Structural details of the teeth were ob- caria bifiircata R. Ross, Chondrus crispiis served by scanning electrón microscopy, Stackhouse, Codium tomentosiim (Hud- in selected specimens. The samples were son) Stackhouse, coralline rhodophytes, gold coated (in a JEOLJFCllOO model; Cystoseira sp., Enteromorpha spp., Gi- film thickness less then 20 nm), and ob- gartina pistillata (Gmelin) Stackhouse, served in a JEOLJSM-35C model scan- Gracilaria vernicosa (Hudson) Papenfuss, ning electrón microscope, working at 15 mm Lythophylhim spp., Mastocarpiis stellatns keV,with39 workingdistance. (Stackhouse in Withering) Guiry and The external and internal shell sur- Sargassmn muticiim (Yendo) Feusholt. faces were examined and their charac- Sampling tookplace inJanuary and No- teristics were recorded. Shell length, vember2000,atlowtide. width, height, apexante and apexpos Specimens were collected from the (Fig. 2 and Table I for the definition of lowest to the highest level of the shores. these measures) were then determined Squared áreas with ca. 30 x 30 cm were to the nearest 0.01mm using a digital marked at random in each level, and all calliper (Mitutoyo, modelCD-15DC). Cabral: Characterization and multivariateanalysis o^Patellaspp.in Northwest Portugal Table 1. Characters usedin thecanonical discriminantanalysis. TablaI. Caracteresusadosenelanálisiscanónicodiscriminante. Acronym Description SL Shelllength:greatestdistancebetweenanteriorandposteriorends SW Shellwidth:greatestdistanceperpendiculartotheanterior-posterioroxis SH Shellheight:greatestverticaldistancefromapexoftheshelltotheplañeofaperture SAA Shellapexante:greatestdistancebetweenapexandanteriorend SAP Shellapexpos:greatestdistancebetweenapexandposteriorend SV Shellvolume= (tt/S) x (SW/2) x (SL/2) xSH RL Radulalength Morphometric analysis of the shell liability of previous findings (using a and radula was carried out using the posterioriprobabilities). For each species, variables commonly utilized in studies specimens were re-ordered randomly of patellogastropoda (Ibañez, 1982; using Excel 2000 program RAND func- Ibañez and Feliu, 1983; Feliu and tion. Each group (species) was then di- Ibañez, 1984; Hernández-Dorta, 1992; vided in two subgroups. For P. interme- SiMisoNANDLindberg, 1999). Themean dia, these contained 152 specimens each, and coefficient of variation of the mean forP. ulyssiponensis, 33 and 32, each, and was calculated for each variable and for P. vidgata, 119 and 120. The first species. Linear regression analysis using group (the analysis sample containing the least squares method was applied to the training or calibration data) was pairs of shell or radula variables. These used to derive the discriminant func- calculations were carried out using tions, coefficients, and loadings. The Microsoft® Excel 2000 program. Com- second group (thehouldoutsamplecon- parison ofthe slopes was carried outby taining the test data) was used to test analysis of covariance using the statisti- the discriminant functions, by classify- calproceduredescribedbyZar (1984). ing each specimen into one ofthePatella Canonical discriminant analysis on species. This process was repeated ten shell and radular morphometric vari- times. At each run, a percent correct ables was used to reveal differences Identification to species was evaluated. among the populations, and to identify The means of these valúes were com- the variables that were responsible for pared with those obtained by using a the majority of separation between posteriori probabilities. Discriminant species. Discriminant analyses were car- analyses were performed using the ried out in several steps. Firstly, using a NCSS (NCSS Statistical Software, Utah, posteriori probabilities and no selection USA) and XLSTAT 5.1 (Addinsoft, Paris, of variables, four discriminant analyses France) softwarepackages. were carried out, two using only shell characters, one with only radula charac- ters, and one using simultaneously shell RESULTS and radula characters. Secondly, using a posteriori probabilities, and simultane- I. Delimitationofspecies ously shell and radula characters, dis- criminant analysis was carried out with Based on radularand shellmorphol- stepwise selection of variables. Signifi- ogy, the collected specimens were cance level "to enter" and "to stay" the divided into three groups. Within each variables was set at 0.15. Thirdly, cross- group, radula pluricuspid teeth dis- validation analysis (usinga priori proba- played low variability, and shells exhib- bilities) was undertaken to assess the re- ited limited morphologicalvariation. Iberus, 21 (2), 2003 Figure3. Morphologyofpluricuspidteethoftheradula.Numberingofthecuspsbeginsfromleftto theright(correspondingtotheouterandinnersidesoftheradula).Top:Patellaintermedia. Cusp2is taller and broader than cusps 1 and 3. Middle: Patella ulyssiponensis. Cusp 2 is directed to cusp 3. Cusp 3 iswitherthan cusp 2. Cusp 3 has aprotuberanceon its outerside. Bottom: Patella vulgata. Cusps2and3subequal.Cusp3hasapointedprojectiononitsoutersidebordenScalebars 100}im. Figura3.Morfologíadelosdientespluricúspidesdelaradula. Lanumeracióndelascúspidescomienzadesde la izquierda hacia la derecha (correspondiendo a los lados externos einternosde la radula). Superior: Patellaintermedia. Lasegundaciíspideesmásaltayanchaquelaprimeraytercera.Medio:Patellaulys- siponensis. Lasegundacúspideestádirigidahacialatercera. Estaúltimaesmásanchaquelasegunda. La terceracúspidetieneunaprotuberanciasobreelladoexterno. Inferior:Patellavulgata. Lassegundayter- ceracúspidessonsubiguales. Laterceratieneunaproyecciónpuntiagudaenelbordeexterno. Escalas100fon. The three groups displayed the fol- (left) and 3 (right). Margin of the shell lowingfeatures: rimóse, with pointed extensions con- Group L Three unequal pluricuspid nected to the rays (Figure 4). External teeth (Figure 3, top). Cusp 2 (centre) surface with few and prominent ribs. much taller and broader than cusps 1 Interior with alteniating dark and light CabraL: Characterization and multivariate analysis o{I^itellaspp.in Northwest Portugal Figure4. Patellaintermedia bhclls tromAVer-o-Mar andAguijjdüura bcaches. Figura4. ConchasdePatellamizirat^VÁprovenientesdelasplayasdeA Ver-o-MaryAgugadoura. rays,inthelowerpart. Headscaryellow- (Figure 5). External surface crowded by orange,butcreamyinafewspecimens. numerous, closely spaced, well-marked Group II. Three unequal pluricuspid ribs, of unequal size. Interior homoge- teeth (Figure 3, middle). Cusp 1 (left) neous, porcelanous white. Head scar very small. Cusp 2 (centre) bent to cusp white,creamyorpaléorange. 3 (right). Base ofcusp 3 widerthancusp Group III. Three unequal pluricuspid 2. Cusp 3 with a protuberance on its teeth (Figure 3, bottom). Cusp 1 (left) outer side - a vestigial fourth cusp. small. Cusps 2 (centre) and 3 (right) Margin of the shell finely crenulate subequal. Cusp 3 with a pointed protu- 7 Ibems, 21 (2), 2003 berance on its outer sideborden Margin II. Morphometric delineation of of the shell entire or slightly indented species (Figure 6). External surface smooth at the apex, with fíat and spaced ribs For all three Patella species, SW and below. Interior with transparent nacre, SAwas a linear function ofSL (Table II). often with a green or blue iridescence. However, SH was a curvilinear function Silveryheadscar. of SL, indicating that as these limpets Based on shell and radula morpho- increaseinsize, therelativeheightofthe logical characters reported in the litera- shell increases by a power function. tureforPatella spp. (Fisher-Piette, 1934, Similar relationship between SH and SL 1935;FiSHER-PiETTEANDGaillard, 1959; has been reported for several Notoacmea Evans, 1947, 1953; Rolan, 1993; Rolan (Lindberg, 1982) and Patella species AND Otero-Schmitt, 1996), groups I, II (DAVIES, 1969; Muñoz and Acuña, and III were unequivocally identified as 1994). Correlation between SH and SL belonging toP. intermedia, P. idyssiponen- increased after log transformation of sisandP. indgata,respectively. SH, indicating that an exponential fit Radula pluricuspid teeth of P. inter- was a better approach than a linear media from Póvoa de Varzini is similar function. to P. intermedia type B of Evans (1953), Regressions of SW or SAAvs. SL for and to those reported by Fisher-Piette P. intermedia, P. idyssiponensis and P. (1934, figure 2), Fisher-Piette (1935, vulgata specimens yielded slopes not figure 9, figure 17-2) and Fisher-Piette statistically different (Table II). ANDGaillard(1959,figure 11 AandB). However, slopes oflog SH vs. SLregres- Radula pluricuspid teeth of P. sion lines were significantly different uli/ssiponensis from Póvoa de Varzim is (Table II), indicating that the relative similar to P. idyssiponensis type A of increaseinheightas theshellgrowswas Evans (1953), and to those reported by not uniform in these Patella species. Fisher-Piette (1934, figure 2), Fisher- Slopes increased in the order P. ulyssipo- Piette (1935-figure 10, figure 17-9) and nensis,P. vulgata,andP. intermedia. Fisher-Piette and Gaillard (1959 - ForallthreePatella species, RLwas a figure 14B). linear function of SL and of ''V(SV) Radula pluricuspid teeth of P. (Table II). Similar relationship between vulgata from Póvoa de Varzim is similar RLand SLhas been reported for several to P. vulgata types A and B of Evans Patella species (Brian and Owen, 1952; (1953), and to those reported by Fisher- Davies, 1969; Sella, 1976). Slopes ofthe Piette (1934, figure 2), Fisher-Piette regression lines were significantly dif- (1935, figure 8, figure 17-1) and Fisher- ferent, and increased in the order P. PietteANDGaillard(1959,figure9A). idyssiponensis, P. intermedia, and P. P. intermedia, P. idyssiponensis and P. vidgata (TableII). vuJgata shells from Póvoa de Varzim are In P. intermedia, P. ulyssiponensis and morphologically similar to those found P. vulgata, radula relative size displayed in Caliza (northwest Spain) (Rolan, higher variability than shell form. 1993; Rolan and Otero-Schmitt, 1996) Whilst the coefficient of determination and at Cardigan Bay (Wales, Great for the regressions describing shell form Britain;EVANS, 1947). (SW vs. SL, log SH vs. SL, and SAP vs. The foot showed no constant SL) ranged between 0.597 and 0.952, colouration within each group, and those describing radula relative size (RL therefore was not used in the Identifica- vs. SL, and RL vs. ^VíSV)) varied tion. P. intermedia foot was dark, from between 0.472 and 0.767 (Table II). grey or yellow to black. P. idyssiponensis Whilst the coefficient of variation of the foot was light, yellow or, most often, means describing shell form (SW/SL, orange. The colourofP. indgata footwas SH/SL, SAA/SAP, and SAP/SL) varied very variable, from light yellow to between 5.4 and 22 %, those describing black. radula relative size (RL/SL, RL/SH, CabRAI,: Characterization and mulrivariateanalysis oíPatellaspp.in Northwest Portugal Figures 5, 6. Patella shells from AVer-o-Mar and Agu^adoura beachcs. ^; /.' ulyssipoiiciisis; b: P. vulgata. Figuras5, 6. ConchasdeVa.te\\a.provenientesdelasplayasdeA Ver-o-MaryAgugadoura. 5:P. ulyssipo- nensis; 6: P. vulgata. Iberus, 21 (2), 2003 Table II. Slopes ofregression lines for morphometric characterization ofthe species, and rheir sta- tisticalcomparison. TablaII. Pendientesdelasrectasderegresióndelacaracterización morfométicadelasespecies,ysucom- paraciónestadística. Comparisonofslopes Regression P.intemedia P.ulyssipoilensis P.Vlilgato (DF=2,604) Slope r^ Slope r^ Slope r^ F Shell SW1/5.SL 0.859 0.952 0.791 0.918 0.821 0.929 3.719^5 LogioSH \is.SL 0.0241 0.744 0.0149 0.597 0.0182 0.754 23.1*** SAPys.SL 0.608 0.859 0.570 0.834 0.627 0.939 2.311^5 Rodula RL^s.SHL m 1.29 0.472 0.712 0.625 1.40 0.501 8.557*** RL1/5. 2.89 0.485 1.89 0.767 3.15 0.556 5.690*** "^Notsignificantat0.02level ***Significantat0.005level RL/SAA, and RL/^VíSV)) varied 9.6and tion between species, and the variables 28 % (Table III). Concerning the radula with the highest loadings were RL/SH relative size, P. iih/ssiponensis was the followed by RL/^'V(SV) (data not leastvariablespecies (TableIII). shown) The simultaneous use of vari- ables describing shell form and vari- III.Discriminationbetweenspecies ables describing radula relative size (Analysis IV) was better than the use of In order to determine which vari- one of these groups of variables alone ables provided the best discrimination (Table IV). However, the improvement between species, several canonical dis- of Analysis IV over Analysis III was criminant analyses were carried out limited. Aposterioricorrectidentification using different techniques and different of P. uli/ssiponensis specimens was sets of radula and/or shell characteris- unchanged (and very good), but identi- tics. Results are displayed in Tables IV - fication of P. intermedia and P. viilgata VIL specimens was lower than 80 7c (Table Analysis I and II, using only vari- IV). The first canonical variable ables describingshell form, resulted in a accounted for the great majority of the very poor discrimination between variation between species, and the species,with only65 % ofthespecimens second canonical discriminant variable a posteriori correctly identified to species accounted for only 23.7 % of the vari- (Table IV). The first canonical variable anee (Table VI). The variables that pro- accounted for 91 % of the variation vided the highest contrast between the between species, and the variable with three Pateüa species were RL/SH fol- the highest loading was SH/SL (data lowed by RL/3V(SV), and then RL/SL not shown). Analysis III, using only (Table VII). Individuáis were plotted variables describing radula relative size, along the two canonical variables was better than analyses I and II, and (Figure 7). There was a considerable was very satisfactory for P. ulyssiponen- overlap between P intermedia and P. sis, but resulted in a low a posteriori vulgata specimens, but a reasonable dis- correct identification of P. intermedia crimination ofP ulyssiponensis individu- specimens (Table IV). The first canonical áis. Stepwise selection of variables variableaccounted for 76 % ofthevaria- describing shell form and radula rela- 10

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