167 RETPAHCIIV AU SQRNPEOMVIUITRATS ne h6w3 8 n1dieifidil oss arwev iaRuqp meU h nttonemeltt ensaeporuE tnese rfepot ie shrta eanuqp mtUr otFli uybnapm oy CasB’nosd ue Hhfstoevitatneserper .sevitan nayo e b nertfhanotemelt tdeesgaruo ctn r e eoefhfcotne s. en erohptT kylaEd dyebta l nu oa petga obeeeepbrhrato ftt, eou2 dbnb5ne8in1odn ast bareawohfT .snaciremA 151 rev iaRuqp me Uhgtno lsatnemeltt ee sh,ts05 8y1lr ad ensa04 8e1t ae lhntI .noge rnOrehtu odS naainrofil a fCsodle idfl oeg hhtt iswrentr agpnida rrtoj aemmaceb d ndao ohft iswren iem hgtniylpp u nseid a e mobetnutr osa faewre hwte nskreltt eeshT d l eoghgnti rduedvi r,hatuq p esmphe Uu tlt0iu3 mo,bgarubst t .onf rcw oeeSohbtTmit nrehtu o nShis udrl oeg hhtt i2w5 8 n1niia gnae hdt n,a94 8 n1aiinrofil a nChisur Oregon. 152 e hhtguor htt u,cauqp meU hdt naaibmul oeC h,tsrev ierlbagiv a,no wy tl nO ,htu orsehtr ue fhgt n.i yeeBll aeVttemall ie W hocttific ae Phttcenn od cneagn atRsaoC smneon onra ngifS erem rt erteuo h Ostoteta earh uus kwteoqaechSpwhitmtuUq e h,tnoitagiv aosntd ir aodfeyevr us satwsa ocCific ae Phn.te dhnWaltr oroPocsicnarF .rev iaRuqp me Uhr toe fns oanwoge rr Oodfednemmoc eersuohthg iyllno 151 ,.d e,llidb Affu RecyoJ ,scnyaiotlrgngoeuutroosOCDiH ,grubesoR(:RO .3 1 ,-)2 21,8y9t1e ilcaocSiro tysti nHsuaolCguoD 152 ,sad aeKnnair adM nnaavon oyDllaS National Register Nomination for U.S. Coast Guard Station, Umpqua River, Administration and Equipment Building ,mela S( ,. )8,2.e9 8c9ni1ofiftOavr ecsierr o Petnt soa:igtRHeSOrO 168 gnilgn atdi pdsn assuomro n n eyadbetsi w striev iaRuqp meU h otetcnart neehT e.c o)net3a r 0rue1 tghdniTreFa(wh tgunoistc e ejh h d d otftmneieruoroahshpoorttmnf rev ier hstecr o”fti phStro Ns“ i. heTla crsegr a nalto uyblralim idserugifn o scyi asBooC skcerwp irho sjt ah. mgnt i as eteaetoecehA tlo l td ttnnoupaito mf de nrtniatawahtuos gonti mloacre v,e7 s 5d0 8n5n1a8e1ew tree bvaiuR q hpef tm h oduUetteoharmtrucco . de e sttse u sc ar o,eehwonhtrr t fotisearnehpsoObgSeN ir ,hlg31cn5ro8aC1M no ifto c tu. a hrr d agt etr e uis0vaa eheqln0 iwht lpo0rRotdtmc,oteiU5f3tT13a$irporppa ll aemm hosrtre f vesihsrto r,c1 a5r8e1 bdo et1nciOa tstb aiohwp t SsrneoorNca li tsnru a eerhy etdveotairpor pdoepetbaunit n so.dc y nraueBFtsehc nttinaWemelttes noitcurts n .ooe 5ctu5 D8nn1iug eybllan is fanwoitcurtsn od cndaetcell os cahwguone ll alFit nduetanimul lti osn aewsuohthg iel h,ttsa onCoge rdOetalo sei h ntsoeitluciffid . tni IphStr ofdNon aeslbats ne uhnttoli us baewsuohthg ie lh,tyletanutr o.f 7n5U81 .re tnf oadoesspal l domncra ortes tdy nebainwimre d sneaurwutcu r et,hs1t 6y8r1aurbeF .retsa seeihrdto free b wemo hotdtrefvo msteahr w ge,ihyltletanutroF 153 esuoht h. ge eishLuToht ht guaiolh teoi ddwsatmo l,ispr an0e a3yeh rtroomF .r e nt dee o t desv e i oedluurnth4egtgbrugoeiat6peaaaorhs8arhro wat1CtABahgil fyomono cee hgtnitr uehli hyw asBo o fCnooitaut icsimono cee hdtepl e,hesru o fc,osihT ganisahcr u yp,b88 8r1ebot c n2Odoet csasergn o,Cylla n. iyFell arVev iaRuqp meUht kc ar badfnalda e w hnoaaoluqp me U hfetod ihstu oe s hndton aellba tftsonuo meagral t,ssorcotcar t hnsto mic .ewn 1l an9 bngi8ooe1ribPtc u.rrt e sndvn aniomeearCohcrtof 153 ,sbbiG sesuo htts hasgo’icnLaoegSerO , 81-82, 88. 169 emro Ln6ne w9 oD ao9,sh1naSog e,r yOraeBtsehc nnfiooWi t. a3 ec0ro1uLgiF cihpargo.ppoaTM 170 rebmec e 1Dl3it nduetanimul lgini embo rtfhg iel http eskror rneoitcurtsn odc n,asnurrevo 1894. 154 noita tgSnivaS-ef irLev iaRuqpmU ruc conotag esbkcerwpi h,s16 8nd1iespall oecsuohthg irLev iaRuqp me UhrtetfA sedi s. esBretsas icdiga r ftgonir tgsn owa lass07 8e.1 hyTcneuqe rgfnisaerc nhitiw .noita tgsnivas-ef idaletseuq eors leacalup olpac oel h,tesuohthg iw l era nogfnihsup ylr an0ei00, 8fn$ooitairporp pndaaetseuq enrnamr erHegn ieBvitatneserp enRogerO .rev iaRuqp meU h fthotu oem hrta ennoita tgsnivas-ef ihalsilbat s oe8t881 155 ehT gnivas-e friel h ntheo ttginw o,l1a 8n1o8itulo seesR uoo tHdneil l sonarowit adtessoporp .n oit a r tt esse0pas0 w 0t f5i,o $mraielve w;o8h 8 y 8 dln17euo1vJor p dp,nasanoitats a yun tmq otsrpfreAmo owUdFh etoetuthc o tenssloa ei w estrAetaohitftss ,lliH 156 dneota c so,talyiwltnein e.v) n 4oe0Cr1ug ieFs(uohth g7i 5l e8tfh1sotaeht ron .s05 8e 1hetcn itsnemnrev o.GS .e Uhydtben wdonal 157 gnivaS-efi Lrevi Rauqpm Ue h T y l lu1iJt nt u os. n antweIv efwsoe recmit-l l huatf i,w19 8r1ebmetp endSiene pnooitatS .namf rhutsh gdnieaeriu qncoait a etths at3h9t81 158 gontidro ctcl a isnuaob wit aethsT 154 ,.dibI ,58-28.88 155 Congress, House, 50th Cong., 1st sess., H.R. 1766, 1888. 156 d eyetbh ctaeur qe tp hermdthoUeitFtwaic oastsuaos qwna tpsrmioUhFT ekh rt6oa 5tmtn8li1 i sutab iwhptS ranouoNq p tm. rUy eonhFaTp m yosaC’BnosduH . 26 8nd1ieltnams is. d antwoIitavres enRaid nzItel ie S hfytoradnu onbrehtuos 157 . 5,1 s .nad8adnvaaoKnoD 158 ,ecivr egSnivaS-ef i.LS.U 1894 Annual Reports , 13. 171 93 9 n1aie rnAoita tgSnivaS-ef irLev iaRuqp meU h ftooto hlPai r. e4 A0e1rugiF .)noisi v5e8R 9 p1Sa( GM,SnUog e,r yOraeBtsehc n eirhW etdveOsopmirepuS 172 . S:.e Uc.r3 u2,o9nS1oit agtnSivaS-e frieL va iu.R q5 ep0rm1uUgiF .)e lrie FvaiuRqp msUr(etrauqd ader HatusGaoC denbii r ) ce5ssr0aeu1d geisFu(oh teapoybt- t h n nt tieaiarotlwoPtpFeu qdrraaMd neahtts '00 8,1li oeslba tfasoe rlal a ndmaoestac os laxwelpm oncoit a .te I shIrTIetpahC ' 0 y3'b 0e5 h,tlare n .e nhgIca erbev ier h otttnecaj d,all iyHm r fAeos aeb h fttosewhtuos repe eek hrt odfevres efrl athhg ier hhtt irwia tds nyaawll alhartn e yacdbediv isd aewsuoh nehct i,kecif f,omo ogrniv isl’repe eek h,troo lnfi aem h. ntwOe rec hrt offl athf eel hdtna .sretr a dumnq oagonri vsi’lw e er shct.at ftw eehnh lg O teieohr rttyerwt ndanpa s atwf ee l h. ntyOlim asf idh nraepe eek hrt osfmoord edbeniatn ofcl athhg ier h,tsriatspU e hs t’rwe ek.rcmcoolor ehT esuohtaob saw a troF epyt-tnioP .esuohtaob ehT dradnats troFtnioP seaswuoht aroeb vaiuR q. p I emrIhUeITtp adnheiCbirc syeldhguor oeshsituohtaob g.sntaisw de l wetyi ' hhua ue0otT owebs6tunbah uooattos in hoteetach tatdsjedtaacol 173 :ec r.u 3o2 S9,1noita tgSnivaS-ef irLev iaRuqp mdUn i.h 6 e0eB1rugiF .) er leaivuFiq RpsmrUe(trauq dd arte asH.uaSGo.CU d ntaaobfr udasl eyh ae.b npOe e'd 0 y4ebd i'w 4d2erusa edm nsay aob whtt iywrots-eno e hmto rdf eslrebm ietgr amlo refd asmedi u rgsokca rltaus u. ntUaobef iya larbeh teoht kc a.e bhhnctOnu ayls anr eaogfnik ayma w'a0 0t4uo beag dse’rev ie rhoettsuohtaob .no itcurt ssn’oncoi trea ehtettsmfiat edm eoods tds-aa nwaael ,e gs d’.erse d tentahuA wtonrogit asentehosrtutcu rytrsaili xy unea aremerwehT neew ta.e egb ernnhaiItd n eatohl xttdeon oet lsko cp. ef errhw aTlh lw s aeaamrwseht ec nderf a d odiyb elbadonsuor rnue s ds eraasaw ugnoohit a dtenssauoht aeohbt e r.u)g6i0F1( tA erhetnr ofco tensheetds rooaltgc e httnor ffo n eoehisttu aosthaswna tno re.f hyTcnegre m n enawie rec hntomm u osdte ssu alwl ee.b hdTna tlsl eebtarobale nnoiit ar.tees hco tnNdoerf ad o idby lebaodsnuor rou ss sleaasw unoohit a etdfhsrotay yallaicep seer eswdn agsnitfi rtda hgtnitsegg uescn edfil oda saehv a ohstraep pnaogerO 174 ,noita tgSnivaS-ef irLev iaRuqp mdUnih egBnidli upB o. h7S 0e1rugiF .32 9 a1 sur .:rqe)ee pvect.m ilrrSUtR iua.(sdFouUarSqoadCuaGeH esu onhoita te s hfktoc ae bhmto rsfdnet xoes leacn ed fi. la ouAsqp mtmUaelborp ladima r hyat piewrutcu r d tanesal ogpa lsf’noita te s hopgttunitcenn olcl ie hhdtrawot t s,oomt-n ah etelirwutcu rf to es osle rabsa waungoohit aedthnsti hyelb t.cfe oroirD ed itssaehtr osn t nigonidli upbo hes h otdtehca t. t)A7 0e1rugi Fg(nidli upbo hes hytlekil eoerw ret ,ewe7h r0tg u1nog iti.dFer c od tnceyeecsb kfAoac li acpken cresoaa dwadap ndinu osfesr onhoita tf)so329 1n(g itsseilr ae eh,tlarr osci hntiht idweniatn oscesroh nylrl labaabam bs,ol ratp rsferaohoetch tdr ooeonrtustc u freot l osrb.reanhgo tgoenrAO e hfttosewh t.u norS ae b hotttx es nagwnidli ufbo olradimar yl pl. as meAssr oe hhrtof ret aswuotiuqi beu hst atwa hdtni h. egBnidli ufbo oerlb algla msas agwnidli upbohs .s gdne i t e d c thrlse e.utei kgenkowuslahnnkobaarToaot wwocto ndtlersdaooobW 175 .3 2,9n1oit agtnSivaS-e frie Lvaiu Rq t ptu. mao8eUk 0ro1uogLiF .ar) ueesqvlrpiiemRFtUr( a: ue.tdqcSsrdr.aaauUoueoCGHS noita te shmto ryfa we al tiaumo braev iaRuqp me Uhfhtotu oe mhortteso ldcetacol .e)r8 u0 eg1siuFo(h rev iaRuqp meU hgtnik a nmgonikr onwe edb ashreenig n fEsopr oyCm reAhT e. h0T7 8 n1 tidieyevr utssr iyfe hetcn icsiffa rrtev i orgtnitadommoc cear odm nraefas eeth nat sogadnwih t to,unrbevi rdpeuvo msenroitcurt s dbdnoeanep e seladewnnahc d t leasooiseatounr w tb eg tedp.ahex ah twehut y otqfeehup ovh som6rtAmU9u8s1 k.r tos Woe chytfits uohjtguo npdeuekc iepcremm o,cyll a.n eicFnart ne ehtstaeittej . auAqp mftUor oe Phd tntanemnrev olgared ee fhydtbedn u,f32 9d1nuo rnaug esbaw fe od ihstu oe shny.tot 7t 2 eA9ndj1ietelpm os carwev ie rhfetod ihstr oe nhnytottej 176 rev ie rhetd asmeit t .ee sjh0T3 9e1t ae lhndtietelpm od cn0a3 9nd1ietra ts sarwev ierht .ymono cleac oel hdt nsatseret nliaicremm ogcnitso osbu hetlbagiv aenrom 159 noita ttSaobef irLev iaRuqpmU gnivas-ef ieltauqeda nei hetcalp e or9t3 9 n1dietce rse anwoita ttsaobef iwl eAn rev iaRuqp meU h ntnoug esb ak wr. o1W9 8 n1rieilr asera e 0yy5lra etnli uebsu onhoitats ylr an,eiynapm onCoitcurtsn ooCbell i,Lrotcartn olcaren ee g hyntboita ttSaobefiL 1939. 160 esuoht h r gtena ixvou oLei iq eet nRdtpeht eamht aodtU ttctissIocalewd e hdtetce rd ennaoss es ltdienra ed ladhra oeBsuohthg ie Lh,treilr adeenoi t.n )es4mA981( ecnart nreev iaRuqp meU h fteod ihstu oes h ntdon a flfole heslba t naseosuohthg iwlen eatadommoc cyalis adelu od cnsaer c0 a9s 1aewvres eersuohth g .ie )lh9 T0e1rugiF( .gnille wsd’repe eeksuohthg ie lhfhtotr oe nhorttobhgien s tno lnoteioibu tbeaptyst-tleve sd ronfe u o oohnosRectofaheiwts tewahetTns edyhebtpole vne addlrpad nd aeatwsol lsonfoit ae.ts)s e0eh1rT1ug itFs( anooCg eerhOt noitartsinim dsa’tleveso onRilkna rgFnir utdli utbr atps oe mhr toefr ed wndara utGsaoC .)54-3391( ekiL eht rem reotfteu qnroaiMtats esuoh ta htroN ,tipS eht wen noitatsesuoh detneserp esr agwniliat eldaviv elRaino l. otCno ref hstsor claacirtemm yysletelpm oscaw ,sdra orbenr olcacissa leCgr a,lsrettu heslbare p yodbekna lsfwodn iewnap-itl uymb lacissa l nCsignili alrat edm n,ap ahct iewlb artet a,awsnrut eerv a,esnmul oncacsuT .e ehndtOartsu l haat bidwemm is rahwcr oyprt ne ehfftoo odretcirts ee rhn.te svfEitom 159 . 1,1 s .nad8adnvaaoKnoD 160 ,.dibI.1.7