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INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GANDHIN AGAR AANNNNUU AALL RREEPPOORRTT 22001133-- 22001144 INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GANDHINAGAR ANNUAL REPORT 2013 - 2014 CONTENTS FROM THE DIRECTOR’S DESK 08 ACADEMICS 10 INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES 34 FACULTY ACTIVITIES 52 STUDENT ACTIVITIES 86 STAFF ACTIVITIES 96 EXTERNAL RELATIONS 98 SUPPORT FOR IIT GANDHINAGAR 112 ORGANIZATION 118 VISION, MISSION AND VALUES 156 08/ FROM THE DIRECTOR’S DESK 10/ ACADEMICS Programmes Offered (2013-14) • TARJUMA: Festival of Translators • Undergraduate (BTech) • CalTech-IITGN Course Collaboration • Postgraduate (MTech, MSc, MA, and PGDIIT) • 149th Meeting of the Director’s of IITs • Doctoral • IEEE-IITGN Faculty Development Programme Programmes which will be started from 2014-15 • Summer Research Internship (SRIP) 2013 Developments at IITGN Scholarships for Students • IIT Gandhinagar Wins Educational Innovation • Merit-cum-Means Scholarships Award 2013 • Scholarship for Excellence • Academic Advisory Council Meeting • Gita and Prithwish Goswami Scholarship • Leadership Conclave Roddam Narasimha Distinguished Seminar Series • Second Convocation Conferences/ Symposia/ Workshops/Seminars • Young Researchers Conclave (YRC) Short Courses • Foundation Programme 2013 Invited Lectures • IITGN Incubation Centre (IIC) Panel Discussions/ Conclaves Activities at IITGN Continuing Education Programmes • India Ki Khoj: An Inter-Institutional Interaction Kanwal Rekhi on Entrepreneurship • DST PAC meeting Distinguished Honorary Professors • Field Theoretic Aspects of Gravity (FTAG) Meeting Guest Professors 34/ INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES Permanent Campus Development • Real-time Power Engineering Simulation Computer Centre (RTPES) Test Bed Research Facilities • Semiconductor Device Characterization facility • Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory • Solar PV Plant facility • Cognitive Science Laboratory • VLSI Design Lab • Fuel Cell Systems Research Laboratory Laboratory Facilities • High-performance Computing Laboratory • Chemical Engineering • Intelligent Affective Computing and Biometric • Chemistry Laboratory • Civil Engineering • Materials Electrochemistry Laboratory • Electrical Engineering • Molecular Biology Laboratory • Materials Science & Engineering • Particle Engineering and Powder Processing • Mechanical Engineering Laboratory • Physics • Particle Formation and Characterization Library Laboratory Medical Centre • Power Systems and Renewable Energy Physiotherapy Centre Laboratory Day Care Centre • Photonic Sensors Laboratory 52/ FACULTY ACTIVITIES Sponsored Projects Other Faculty Activities • Projects Sanctioned during 2013-14 • Visit to Dholavira • Ongoing Sponsored Projects Publications Consulting Projects • Books Edited • Projects Sanctioned during 2013-14 • Book Chapters • Ongoing Consulting Projects • Journal Papers Internally Funded Projects • Conference Papers • Projects approved during 2013-14 • Posters Presented • Ongoing Projects • Magazine/Newspaper Articles Awards and Recognition • Book Review Honorary Work • Pre-Prints (e-Print Archives) Academic Lectures by Faculty 86/ STUDENT ACTIVITIES Co-curricular Activities • UDAAN - A Musical Evening • Campus Placements • Avant Garde 2013 • Summer Internships • Winter Carnations • Researchers’ Ferret Confab 2013 • Aero Modeling Workshop and Air Show • Researchers’ Ferret Confab 2014 Special Occasions • Life Skills Series • Independence Day Celebrations • Mechanism Mock-Up Display • Republic Day Celebrations • UL-IITGN Electric Vehicle Project Awards and Recognition • UL-IITGN Water Challenge 2013 • IITGN Annual Sports Awards Extra-curricular Activities • Students on Dean’s List Felicitated • Amalthea ‘13 • TinkerTank wins 5th ISB iDiya National Social • Blithchron 2014 Venture Competition • Summer Camp 2013 • Other Student Achievements • Student’s Patents Filed • Gujarat State Athletics Championship 2014 Sports News • Justice League ‘14 • Halla Bol 2014 • PDPU Petro Cup’14 • 49th Inter-IIT Aquatics Meet 2013 • Inter Department Tournament • Concours’13 Other Student Activities • Intra-College Sports Tournament • Field Trip to Kudasan Water Treatment Plant • Open Badminton Championship • Trip to Jamnagar Refinery and Narara Island • Cricket Combat League (CCL) 2013-14 96/ STAFF ACTIVITIES Other Staff Activities Excellence Award to Staff 21st Inter-IIT Staff Sports Meet 98/ EXTERNAL RELATIONS • International MoUs in 2014 • National MoUs • Class of 2014 Graduates expected to pursue • Summer/ Winter Internships in 2013 Higher Studies Abroad/in India • Students Scheduled for Summer Internships Reaching Out 112/ SUPPORT FOR IIT GANDHINAGAR Major UL Grant for Safety Initiatives Support by Mr Avi Nash Richo Comapny, Ltd Swabhanu Challenge Grants to Encourage GMDC Chair Excellence in UG Research Nielsen Donors list 118/ ORGANIZATION Board of Governors Faculty (2013-14) Finance Committee Non-teaching Staff against Regular Positions Building and Works Committee PhD Scholars Senate • PhD Scholars under IITGN-PRL MoU Standing Committees of the Senate The 2013 Batch of MTech Students • Senate Academic Performance Evaluation The 2012 Batch of MTech Students Committee (SAPEC) The 2013 Batch of BTech Students • Senate Academic Programmes Committee The 2012 Batch of BTech Students (SAPC) The 2011 Batch of BTech Students • Senate Scholarships and Prizes Committee The 2010 Batch of BTech Students (SSPC) The 2009 Batch of BTech Students • Senate Student Affairs Committee (SSAC) The 2008 Batch of BTech Students • Senate Library Committee The 2013 Batch of PGDIIT Students Academic Officials The 2012 Batch of PGDIIT Students Student Leadership The 2013 Batch of MSc Students 156/ VISION, MISSION AND VALUES Goals Values Vision Principles Mission FROM THE DIRECTOR’S DESK IIT Gandhinagar is preparing to graduate its third batch of BTech, second batch of MTech and its first batch of PhD students. The Institute PROF SUDHIR K JAIN experienced rapid growth in the first six years and has arrived at a level of stability and DIRECTOR, IIT GANDHINAGAR maturity that has positioned it exceptionally for The Institute’s construction worker’s welfare the next step in its evolution. There is growing programme was also recognized with the evidence that the numerous innovations and national award for “Best Practices to Improve initiatives undertaken by the Institute have been the Living Environment 2013-14” by the extraordinarily rewarding. IITGN has come to be Housing and Urban Development Corporation widely recognized by its peers for its vibrant and (HUDCO). innovative environment and culture. • The Institute’s innovative undergraduate curriculum and Foundation Programme for Among the highlights of the past year: new students was conferred with the World • Numerous innovations in planning, design, Education Award 2013 for innovations in and construction have been implemented higher education at the World Education in the development of our permanent Summit, organised by the All India Council campus, which began during the year. The for Technical Education, Elets Technomedia, safety and welfare policies established National Council for Education Research by the Institute for construction workers and Training (NCERT), and United Nations were recognized by the IIT Council, which Educational Scientific and Cultural directed that “the exemplary practices of IIT Organization (UNESCO). Gandhinagar should be introduced in all IITs.” • About a third of our BTech students are graduating with international exposure in was followed by a joint course conducted the form of internships, conferences and simultaneously at IITGN and CalTech, in other educational opportunities, during which students from the three institutes their tenure at IITGN. The trend to pursue participated in collaborative learning and higher education remains strong among projects. our graduates. More than sixth opted for • The Institute has built a rigorous fund-raising graduate studies, many at reputed overseas programme to support its novel initiatives. institutes, including Carnegie Mellon, Brown Major corporate supporters of the Institute and Texas at Austin, and others in India at during the year include Underwriter’s IITs, IIMs, NID and TISS. Industry placements Laboratories, Ricoh, and Gujarat Mineral are growing with several prestigious Indian Development Corporation. and multinational companies recruiting IITGN students. IITGN will take the next major step in its • The Institute thoroughly revamped its PhD evolution when it moves to a new campus next curriculum with numerous innovations. Our year. The 400-acre campus on the banks of the efforts to attract top quality PhD students Sabarmati River draws inspiration from traditional have been rewarding and the institute’s Ahmedabad architectural styles, such as internal vigorous outreach efforts are yielding about courtyards, colonnades, gates, jaali systems, and 200 applications for every PhD admission the like. slot. The Start-Early Programme is proving very successful in attracting top students All this could happen only because of from the best undergraduate colleges in the tremendous support and participation of country to pursue their PhD at IITGN. numerous friends, well-wishers, and donors of the • IITGN started 4-year BTech in Civil Institute, enthusiastic participation of the faculty, Engineering and 2-year MSc in Chemistry, staff and students in all its endeavours, and an Mathematics, and Cognitive Science. extremely supportive Board of Governors. We • The Centres on Safety, Design and Innovation, have received tremendous warmth and support Biomedical Engineering and Archeological from our hosts at Chandkheda: the students, Sciences have begun undertaking significant faculty and Principal Dr A M Prabhakar of the initiatives, including conducting workshops VGEC. The Central and the State Governments and conferences for professionals, projects have continued to be most generous in their and research initiatives. support and encouragement. • The Institute continues to build its career faculty strength through aggressive It is a rare privilege for all of us associated recruitment efforts both in India and abroad. with IITGN to contribute to the creation of As of March 31, 2014 the Institute has a top-of-the-class university. Exciting new recruited 62 career faculty. The Institute’s challenges await us in strengthening IITGN’s top-up compensation model supported by culture of teamwork, excellence, and scholarship; donor funds enables the institute to attract internationalisation of the Institute; building exceptional faculty talent. The Institute also strong partnerships with the industry; enhancing attracts dozens of visiting scholars from all the external financial support to bolster over the world, contributing to the diversity programmes and reputation; fostering high and vibrancy of the campus. quality research and scholarship; building and • A number of novel global partnerships cultivating leadership, etc. have now started to mature. One group of undergraduate students from the California We recognise the tremendous expectations of Institute of Technology visited IITGN for an societal impact that our countrymen have at us in immersion workshop on Indian society and view of the huge investments being made on the culture, titled “India ki Khoj” while another Institute. We are committed to prove ourselves group of undergraduates from CalTech worthy of their confidence in us. and from the Art Centre College of Design, Pasadena visited the Institute to work with Professor Sudhir K Jain our students on frugal innovations. This Director 9 ACADEMICS PROGRAMMES OFFERED 10 PROGRAMMES WHICH WILL BE STARTED FROM 2014-15 11 DEVELOPMENTS AT IITGN 11 ACTIVITIES AT IITGN 17 SCHOLARSHIPS FOR STUDENTS 20 RODDAM NARASIMHA DISTINGUISHED SEMINAR SERIES 21 CONFERENCES/ SYMPOSIA/ WORKSHOPS/SEMINARS 21 SHORT COURSES 23 INVITED LECTURES 24 PANEL DISCUSSIONS/ CONCLAVES 28 CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMMES 28 KANWAL REKHI ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP 28 DISTINGUISHED HONORARY PROFESSORS 29 GUEST PROFESSORS 30 PROGRAMMES OFFERED (2013-14) MSc Programme Chemistry UNDERGRADUATE (BTech) Cognitive Science Chemical Engineering Mathematics Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering PGDIIT Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering POSTGRADUATE Electrical Engineering MTech Materials Science and Engineering Chemical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Doctoral Materials Science and Engineering Biological Engineering Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering

The award was presented by Mr Mantriprasad Naithani, minister, . robotics during April 19-20, 2013. K Jain, Prof Amit Prashant and Prof Ajanta . Crafts of India by Ms Meera Goradia, director for chemical transformation by Prof Anju .
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