Additions to Alkenes Chapter 8 Alkenes and Alkynes II: Generally the reaction is exothermic because one πand one σ Addition Reactions bond are converted to two σbonds Alkenes are electron rich (cid:141) The carbocation produced is an electrophile (cid:122) It can react with a nucleophile such as a halide The πelectrons of the double bond are loosely held and are a source of electron density Alkenes are nucleophilicand react with electrophiles such as H+from a hydrogen halide to form a In addition reactions the alkene is a nucleophile in the first carbocation step and an electrophilein the second X-H X H < + C C + X- 1 Addition of Hydrogen Halides to Alkenes: Markovnikov’sRule Mechanism for hydrogen halide addition to an alkene Addition of HBrto propeneoccurs to give 2-bromopropane (cid:141) The reaction has a highly endothermic first step (rate determining) and a highly exothermic second step 1. (cid:122) Markovnikov’sRule (Original): addition of HX to an 2. alkeneproceeds so that the hydrogen atom adds to the carbon that already has the most hydrogen atoms Theoretical Basis of Markovnikov’sRule Addition of HBrto 2-methylpropene gives only tert-butyl bromide Product with the more stable carbocationintermediate predominates Transition state for the rate determining step (first step) resembles a carbocationand is stabilized by factors which stabilize carbocations (cid:141) Modern Statement of Markovnikov’sRule: In the ionic addition of an unsymmetrical reagent to a double bond, the positive portion of the adding reagent attaches itself to a carbon atom of the double bond so as to yield the more stable carbocationas an intermediate (cid:141) RegioselectiveReaction: When a reaction that can potentially yield two or more constitutional isomers actually produces only one or a predominance of one isomer 2 Stereochemistry of the Ionic Addition to an Alkene Addition of Sulfuric Acid to Alkenes If the addition of HBr to buteneyields a chiral Addition of concentrated sulfuric acid to an alkene leads to molecule, a racemicmixture is produced because an alkyl hydrogen sulfate. the intermediate carbocation is achiral. The addition follows Markovnikov’srule (cid:141) The sulfate can be hydrolyzed by heating with water (cid:122) The net result is Markovnikov additionof water to the alkene Addition of Water to Alkenes: Acid-Catalyzed Hydration The reaction of alkenes with dilute aqueous acid leads to Markovnikovaddition of water The mechanism is the reverse of that for dehydration of an alcohol (cid:141) The hydration of alkenes and the dehydration of (cid:206)The first step in which a carbocationis formed is rate determining alcohols are simply reverse reactions of one other (cid:122) The reaction is governed by how you push the equilibria. (cid:122) Hydration is favoredby addition a large amount of water and a low concentration of acid. (cid:122) Dehydration is favoredby concentrated acid with the removal of water. 3 Hydration of Alkenes Through Oxymercuration-Demercuration Carbocation rearrangements are possible A third, alternative way to add water to an alkene: •Uses Hg+2as the initial electrophile •Removal of mercury with sodium borohydride(a reducing agent) CH3 OH CH3 H2O CH3 C CH CH2 H+ CH3 C CH CH3 CH3 CH3 3,3-Dimethyl-1-butene 2,3-Dimethyl-2-butanol Hydration of Alkenes Through Oxymercuration-Demercuration Mechanism involves formation of a bridged mercuriniumion •High yields •No carbocationrearrangements •Follows Markovnikovaddition Why do we say it involves a bridged ion? No rearrangements = no free carbocation BUT Markownikovaddition means it must be a partial carbocation. 4 Mechanism involves formation of a bridged mercuriniumion After reduction with NaBH , net result is the addition of water 4 •High yields Water then attacks the bridged ion at the Markownikovcarbon •No carbocation rearrangements •Follows Markovnikov addition A Fourth Way to Make Alcohols from Alkenes Step 1 : Hydroboration Hydroboration: Synthesis of Alkylboranes Hydroboration-Oxidation (cid:122) In this addition reaction, one is adding boron (B) and hydrogen (H) (cid:206)BH is an electrophile. It actually exists as its dimerBH. An important method because it is: 3 2 6 1. an anti-Markovnikov addition H B H H H H B B H 2. a synaddition H H H Borane Diborane 5 Mechanism of hydroboration Mechanism of Hydroboration (cid:141) In reality, each boranemolecule adds successively to three molecules of alkene. R δ δ H C C H H δ H B H δ H 1. The B and the H add in a concerted fashion. Boron becomes attached to less substituted carbon of double bond (cid:122) Bulkier boron group approaches the less hindered carbon more easily 2. The B is δ+; the H is δ- (cid:122) This orientation also allows a δ+ charge in the transition state to reside at the most substituted carbon (cid:141) The boron and hydride add with synstereochemistry Mechanism of hydroboration Mechanism of hydroboration Recall that boron compounds are Lewis acids, and in this case readily complexes with the electron pair of the alkene Transfer of B and H must be concerted to account for the synaddition Process repeats to form a trialkylborane 6 Step 2: Oxidation and Hydrolysis of the Alkylborane Hydroboration: oxidationgives the anti-Markovnikov Once the alkylboraneis formed by the addition reaction, product with synaddition of the elements of water oxidation to the alcohol takes place with retention of stereochemistry at the carbon bonded to boron. HR C C HH H2HO22O/HO HR C C HH + B(OH)3 H B H OH the alkylborane the alcohol boric acid MECHANISM: Addition of Bromine and Chlorine to Alkenes Comparison of alkene Hydration Procedures (cid:141) Alkenes readily accept Br or Cl to form vicinal dihalides 2 2 1. Acid-catalyzed hydrolysis: Markovnikov addition, reversible, possible rearrangements 2. Oxymercuration/Demercuration: Markovnikov Note: antiaddition addition, no rearrangement (cid:141) Used as a test for alkenes because the red color of the bromine disappears when an alkene (or alkyne) is present. (cid:122) Alkanesdo not react with bromine in the dark 3. Hydroboration-Oxidation: anti-Markovnikov and synaddition, no rearrangement 7 Mechanism of Halogen Addition (cid:122) Stereochemistry of the addition of Halogens to Alkenes (cid:206)The net result is antiaddition because of S 2 attack on the (cid:141) Mechanism must explain the exclusive anti-addition bromoniumion intermediate. N (cid:141) A bromoniumion intermediate holds the geometry (cid:206)For example, when cyclopentene reacts, the product is a racemic mixture of trans-1,2-dibromocyclopentane enantiomers. Br H b Br b H H Br Br2 H a H Br Br a Br H trans-1,2-Dibromocyclopentane (enantiomers) Halogenation of double bonds is stereospecific HalohydrinFormation (cid:122) A reaction is said to be stereospecificif a particular If halogenationis carried out in aqueous solvent, the water stereoisomer of the starting material reacts in such a way that molecule can act as a nucleophileto open the haloniumion it gives a specific stereoisomer of the product (cid:122) Example: cis-and trans-2-butene give stereoisomericproducts when halogenated Reaction 1 H3C C H Br2 H3C CH Br H C CH3 CCl4 Br CH CH3 Same first step ((2R,3S)-2,3-Dibromobutane (a meso compound) Water competes as nucleophile 8 Reaction shows regioselectivity Divalent Carbon Compounds: Carbenes (cid:141) In unsymmetrical alkenes, the bromoniumion will have some of its δ+ (cid:141) Carbeneshave a divalent, neutral carbon charge density on the more substituted of the two carbons (cid:141) Carbenesare highly reactive C (cid:122) The most substituted carbon can best accommodate δ+ charge (cid:141) Structure and Reaction of Methylene (CH) (cid:141) The water nucleophile will tend to react at the carbon with the most δ+ 2 charge (cid:206)Methylenecan be made by heat or light initiated decomposition of diazomethane (cid:43) Loss of a molecule of the stable gas nitrogen drives this reaction (cid:206)Methylenereacts with alkenes to form cyclopropanes R R R R R R Br Br Br s i g nciofnictrainbtu rteosronance m i ncoorn rterisbountaonrce Reactions of Other Carbenes: Dihalocarbenes Carbenoids: the Simmon-Smith reaction Carbenesadd to double bonds in a stereospecific manner A carbene-like species is formed which then reacts with alkenes transalkene = transcyclopropane For example: Dihalocarbenesformed by αelimination of compounds such as chloroform H CCl3 + CH3 CCCHH33O K CCl3 + CH3 CCCHH33OH dichlCoCrolc2arb+e n Cel CZnH(2CI2u) 9 Oxidations of Alkenes Mechanism for SynHydroxylation of Alkenes 1. Syn1,2-Dihydroxylation (cid:122) Either OsO4 or KMnO4will give 1,2 diols(glycols) A cyclic intermediate results when an alkenereacts with MnO4- A synadditionof the oxygensoccurs resulting in a cis-diol after the oxygen-metal bonds are cleaved with the base. Oxidation 2 of Alkenes: Oxidative Cleavage Useful to identify location of double bonds (cid:141) Reaction of an alkenewith hot KMnO4results in cleavage of the (cid:122) Example: double bondand formation of highly oxidized carbons. (cid:206)An unknown alkenewith formula CH yields only the following 7 12 (cid:122) Unsubstitutedcarbons become CO2, monosubstitutedcarbons product on oxidation with hot KMnO4: become carboxylic acids, and disubstitutedcarbons become ketones. (cid:206)Answer: Since no carbons are missing and the product contains two carbonyl groups, the original alkenemust be a ring. (cid:141) This reaction can be used as a chemical test for alkenesin which the purple color of the KMnO disappears and forms brown MnO residue if 4 2 an alkene(or alkyne) is present. 10