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Chapter 5: The Three Female Archetypes PDF

90 Pages·2014·2.68 MB·English
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Preview Chapter 5: The Three Female Archetypes

Table of Contents Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04 Chapter 1: Why Break Up? --------------------------------------------------------------- 08 Chapter 2: Come To Terms With The Breakup -------------------------------------- 16 - Exercise 1: Write A Relationship Obituary - The Magic Power of Your Breakup - Surgery Visualization Exercise Chapter 3: Do I Still Have A Chance? ------------------------------------------------- 24 - Truth One: Men Are Emotionally Insecure - Truth Two: Every Man Is A Protector - Truth Three: Men Are Lazy - Never Destroyed Only Transformed Chapter 4: The Reason Men Leave Women ------------------------------------------ 28 - Inadequate And Pressured - He Felt Like He Was In A Competition - Unsupported Chapter 5: The 3 Female Archetypes -------------------------------------------------- 34 - The Despised - The Discarded - The Desired Chapter 6: What is He Thinking? ------------------------------------------------------- 44 - Cold and Distant - Hot and Cold - Present but Non-Committal Chapter 7: Get Him To Chase You ------------------------------------------------------- 49 - The Power Pause - The Text Chapter 8: Run Away ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 55 2 2 2 Return to the Table Of Contents Chapter 9: Becoming The Desired ----------------------------------------------------- 58 - What He Wants More Than Love - Values Exercise - Truly Seeing Him - Ways To Demonstrate Respect Chapter 10: What It All Boils Down To ------------------------------------------------ 74 - Being More In Touch With Your Body - Other Ways To Pamper Yourself And Foster Self-Love Chapter 11: Let Him Capture You ------------------------------------------------------ 82 - Text Him - No Need To Fear His Anger - Take Responsibility For The Breakup Closing Thoughts --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 89 Trouble Shooting --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90 3 3 3 Return to the Table Of Contents Introduction “I would have never believed this was possible for me. Thank you.” My friend Leah had her share of relationships ups and downs. After her husband died in a car accident, she was widowed, left with two kids, and an empty space in her heart. She and I became dear friends shortly after her husband’s death, and have stayed intertwined in each other’s lives. Over the years, I witnessed her ride a relationship roller coaster with different men. She was always on the receiving end of the breakups and felt like there was just some secret that she had missed out on in life that held the key to unlocking a fulfilling and deeply loving rela- tionship. She was at her wits end and on the edge of accepting life as a single mother when finally she came and asked for my help. We had a sit-down at a coffee shop where she spilled her heart out to me, and for the first time confessed just how lost she felt with men. Leah was absolutely sure it would never happen for her – that that magical, seemingly elu- sive perfect relationship with “the one” just would never be hers. She thought she wasn’t pretty enough, she was insecure about those extra few pounds, and she felt like she was different than other girls, even admitting to having abandonment issues as a youngster. We had a 3 hour conversation, which ended up being a turning point in her life. About eight months later, I drove to Missouri to attend her beautiful wedding that was held in an old barn in the country where she married the perfect guy for her. As I sat there and watched her exchange her vows with her husband-to-be, I was touched deeply. As they stood there, looking deeply into each other’s eyes, they were so enamored with each other it seemed they didn’t even hear the minister’s words. 4 4 4 Return to the Table Of Contents Leah realized that all of the pain, heartbreak, and frustration she had gone through were just stepping stones to her meeting and marrying the man of her dreams... This is my goal for you in this book. You deserve just as happy of an ending as she has… or, should we call it, the “beginning”? In the pages of this book, I’m going to share with you every secret about how to get back with the man you love and keep him forever. Yes, I’m going to tell you how to re-attract the guy that you love, but more importantly, I’m going to reveal the specific secrets to finally feeling loved by a man and knowing how to make him want you and only you. I’m also going to uncover the biggest pitfalls so you don’t fall into the same traps that can- make a relationship stall, sputter, and eventually unravel. And don’t worry, if you do have any questions to clarify, check out the FAQs here. If you want to get further help, with personalized coaching, click here. In Chapter Three, you’re going to learn why you still have a chance with your ex. Even if you’ve made a ton of mistakes after the breakup, why there is still hope. You’ll see that no situation is unfixable and that it is possible to move forward and create a new relationship with him. In Chapter Four, I’m going to reveal the real reason he left you, and once you know this se- cret, you’ll never repeat the same mistake again. In fact, you’ll learn how to give him some- thing that no other woman can. In Chapter Five, you’ll learn about the three female archetypes that makes the difference be- tween the women men marry, and the women men use as stepping stones to find “the one”. I will also uncover exactly what’s going on in his mind right now. Is he distant? Playing hot and cold? Maybe the two of you are talking, but you feel like you’re stuck in molasses or per- haps you feel like you’re on thin ice and with the wrong move you’ll plunge to an icy grave. Don’t fret, because in Chapter Five you’ll get a behind-the-curtain look into his mind so you’re not left questioning his intentions anymore, and learn exactly how to handle him so you can rebuild trust and attraction. 5 5 5 Return to the Table Of Contents And then, we’re going to dive into exactly what you need to do to move things forward and create a new relationship with him, free of the old sabotage and patterns that destroyed the first relationship. By the end of this book, you’ll have knowledge that less than 1% of women know. You’ll be empowered to use this breakup as an opportunity, a doorway, to a rich and fulfilling love life that will allow you to give your deepest gift as a woman to the man who marries you. Going through a breakup is one of the most emotionally devastating things a person can go through in their adult life. And as a woman, it’s even harder because you may see questions surface like, “Am I going to get married?” “Am I going to be able to have a baby?” “What is wrong with me?” “Does he like someone else more?” All these questions may be running laps in your mind and often trying to answer them just dig you in a deeper pit of despair. It can be kind of scary. But don’t worry, because in the pages of this book we’re going to throw those questions away that aren’t helping you, and answer the most pressing ones so you can move forward. And the first answer is this… There is NOTHING wrong with you. Certainly, there are some mistakes that you made, things you didn’t do correctly, but that’s to be expected because the truth is, we’re all just figuring this out. Here is a big secret: Nobody knows what the hell is going on around here. 6 6 6 Return to the Table Of Contents And everyone is trying to act like they do. So you can feel okay about your mistakes, because you’re not the only one that’s made them. A lot of times after a breakup, you can be really hard on yourself thinking about all the errors that you made. Consider this… The fact is ALL people that are in happy relationships make mistakes too. Maybe you think that the women who are loved, accepted and appreciated, do everything right… That’s just not true. Those women make just as many mistakes as anyone else. The difference is how they recover from those mistakes. And that’s what we’re going to reveal in this book. So first, realize it’s not your fault. Maybe right now there are a hundred, maybe even a thousand accusations going through your head about why he left you, or why you think you’re not good enough, or maybe you feel completely clueless. However, even if you made a ton of mistakes, it’s okay. In the next section, you’ll see that you’re standing at the threshold of something your soul has been waiting for… 7 7 7 Return to the Table Of Contents Chapter 1: Why Break Up? ight before a break up, people will say… “I just can’t do THIS anymore…” But what do they mean by “this”? “This” means feeling like they are all alone in that relationship; that they are the only one who’s really working to make it better. It is the feeling of isolation that people refer to as “this”. And that feeling is one of the worst feelings in the world. To be alone in a relationship is to be trapped. No one signed up for a relationship with the intention that one day they’d break up. People fall in love because they want it to last. But it’s better to be alone than in a boat with dead weight. Especially if no one is paddling and there’s actually someone punching holes in the hull! In that situation it’s all work and no benefits. Getting your ex boyfriend on the same side again means seeing clearly that you’ve messed things up between the two of you and taking responsibility for it…. and not just saying ad- mitting fault because you want him back. You’ve got to see the breakup from his perspective and the impact your behavior had on the relationship. “I thought it was stress at his work or that he was just in a bad mood. I didn’t think he was serious this time. He had ‘wanted space’ before but he always came back. I guess…this time it was dif- ferent.”– Sandy, Connecticut Many women share Sandy’s story. Sad but true; lacking insight into his needs, ignoring the warning signs or using the relationship as an emotional dumping ground are sure fire ways 8 8 8 Return to the Table Of Contents to lose him… Well, the excuses are off because I am going to cover how to see your relationship in a new light – one where you can see the warning signs of a breakup before it happens, and learn your patterns of self-sabotage. Once you see how you are contributing to the negative situ- ation, you can change your actions to truly co-create your relationship. We’ll be diving into more specific reasons men leave women in Chapter 4. How “Serious” is Serious? In any relationship, there are good days and there are bad days. You’ll argue like cats and dogs about what to watch on Netflix. Maybe he spends too much time with his friends. Maybe you spend too much time getting ready, or he feels constantly on edge around your parents. It’s part of the package of being a couple. But when people become familiar with each other, sometimes boredom, distrust and resent- ment set in. And you eventually may find that your differences may lead you into darker territory – terri- tory that goes beyond a lover’s spat and into a full breakdown of the relationship. In order to get him back you need to shake up the old routine by stirring his emotions, surprising him, and appealing to a deeper part of his masculinity that you may have ignored up until now. Offer him something different than what you’ve offered him before, and more importantly, take your time doing it. Offer him the side of you that he saw a future with. Offer him the side of you that made his heart race and his body sweat… you’ll learn more about this soon. Resist the urge to hurry the relationship up in or- der to feel like it’s making “progress”, because that will just put pressure on him. And the pressure to 9 9 9 Return to the Table Of Contents get him back into a relationship makes men slink into the shadows and disappear out of sight. You’ll learn why in the coming chapters. Your haste comes from the insecurity that if you don’t win him now, he’ll find someone else. Trouble wasn’t created instantly so it can’t be solved instantly either. The trouble in your relationship built up momentum long before the actual split happened. Perhaps there was a recurring issue that always upset him, or some behavior of yours you unwittingly didn’t think needed changing. Sooner or later, the severity and/or the frequency of these incidents or personality conflicts took its toll on your boyfriend and it was time for him to cut his losses. So in order for you to know whether it was a “serious” split (chances are if you’re reading this, it was), follows are the top ten warning signs you may not have acknowledged. Signs Leading To A Serious Break Up D iminished Contact: In the early days you’d both always know what the other was doing. You’d text, call, email constantly. You just couldn’t get enough of him. As the months or years rolled by, you became complacent and took less of an interest in his life. You can’t be both- ered to text sweet nothings, let alone call “just because”. Moreover, when he calls you, the two of you talk about serious stuff that doesn’t leave either of you in a better mood. Y ou Stopped Trying: When you got together he always planned dates, elaborate ways to surprise you, he showed you how much he was thinking about you. Perhaps spontaneous getaways or perfectly planned escapes were frequent. Then that began to wane. It became a once-a-week date night,and eventually not being able to commit to that, the two of you listlessly tried to keep engaged by watching a film together at home (during which he fell asleep). You cared less about spending time together and slowly the emotional temperature between the two of you dropped. Likewise, the quality of the time spent together dropped. Y ou Got Personal: Every guy has an Achilles’ heel whether it’s height, the money he makes, his relationship with his mother, etc. Sure, little fights are common but when you start using his weak spots to hit below the belt, just because you know how, you’re fighting dirty. That makes him retaliate similarly. He laughs at your clothes, starts innocently talking to other girls on Facebook, or closes down emotionally. It’s a vicious circle of attacks leading to larger 10 10 10 Return to the Table Of Contents

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