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Chapter 5 Experimental Apparatus II 159 160 Chapter5.ExperimentalApparatusII 5.1 Overview In this chapter we discuss several modifications to the experimental apparatus described in Chapter 3. These improvements were necessary to prepare localized atomic wave packets in phase space for the experiments in Chapter 6. The first step towards such localized initial states is further cooling of the atoms beyond what is possible in a typical MOT. We accom- plishedthis additionalcoolinginathree-dimensional,far-detunedoptical lattice, aswediscuss in Section 5.2. Further velocity selection well below the recoil limit was accomplished using two-photon, stimulated Raman transitions. We will examine the theory of stimulated Raman transitions as well as their experimental implementation in Section 5.3. It was also necessary to have control over the spatial phase of the optical lattice, so that the wave packet could be shiftedtovariousinitiallocationsinphasespace. Thisspatialcontrolwasaccomplishedthrough an electro-optic phase modulator placed before the standing-wave retroreflector, as described in Section 5.4. Finally, wetrace through the entire state-preparationsequence, usingall these atom-optics tools, inSection 5.5, andwe discuss the calibration ofthe optical-lattice potential inthemodifiedsetupinSection5.6. 5.2 Coolingin a Three-DimensionalOptical Lattice UsingthestandardtechniquesofcoolingandtrappinginaMOT,asdescribedinChapter3,we werelimitedtotemperaturesontheorderof10µKfortheinitialconditionsoftheexperiment. It is desirable, however, to have much lower temperatures for the initial conditions, especially lookingtowardsexperimentswithminimum-uncertaintywavepacketsinphasespace. Although it has been shown that temperatures below 3 µK can be achieved in cesium using a standard six-beamMOT[Salomon90],ourMOTtemperaturesweresubstantially higherduetoresidual magnetic fields from eddycurrents in the stainless steel vacuum chamber after the field coils were switched off. One successful approach to achieving additional cooling beyond that of a standardMOTis coolinginathree-dimensional optical lattice. Severalmethodsfor cooling in three-dimensionalopticallatticeshavebeendemonstrated[Kastberg95;Hamann98;Vuleti´c98; Kerman00],butthemethodimplementedherewasbasedonthesetupdevelopedbythegroup 5.2CoolinginaThree-DimensionalOpticalLattice 161 ofDavidWeiss[Winoto99a;Winoto99b;DePue99;Wolf00;Han01]. The 3D optical lattice was formed by five beams, as illustrated in Fig. 5.1. Three of the beamswereinthe horizontalplane;twoof these beamscounterpropagate, andthethird is perpendicular to the other two. These beams formed a two-dimensionalinterference pattern, consistingofalatticeofspotswithmaximumintensity. Thispatternthusformsconfiningpoten- tialwellsforred-detunedlight,butnotforblue-detunedlight,wheretheintensitymaximaform scattering barriers for the atoms, resemblingthe Lorentzgas. The use of three beamsfor this two-dimensionallatticeisimportant,inthatusingtheminimumnumberofbeamstodetermine alattice ensuresthatthe structure ofthe interferencepatternwillbestabletophaseperturba- tions[Grynberg93]. Intheoriginalimplementationofthis lattice [Winoto99b;DePue99],four beams(intwocounterpropagatingpairs)wereusedtoformthehorizontalpartofthelattice. Be- causetheinterferencepatterncouldchangeitsperiodicitybyafactoroftwoasthephaseofone of the beams varied, the authors inthat experiment implementedinterferometric stabilization ofthe beamphases[Han01]. Inthe realizationhere, wesimplyomitted oneofthefour beams to gain relatively easy stability at the expense of lattice intensity. The omission of one of the Figure5.1: Configurationofthebeamsformingthethree-dimensionallatticeforadditionalcool- ingoftheatoms. Fivetotalbeamsformthelattice, andthedirectionsofthelinearpolarizations of each beam areindicated. Each of the beams isorthogonalto orcounterpropagatingwith re- specttotheotherbeams. Thetwoverticalbeamsaredecoupledfromthethreehorizontalbeams byan80MHzfrequencyshift. (GraphicsrenderedbyW.H.Oskay.) 162 Chapter5.ExperimentalApparatusII beams was important in allowing long-term storage of the atoms in the lattice, as we describe below,aswellasrepeatableatomictemperatures. The other two beams in the 3D lattice counterpropagated in the vertical direction, andthey were approximatelyperpendicular to the three horizontal beams. These beamswere offset infrequency by 80MHz with respect tothe horizontalbeams. Inthis arrangement,the interferences with the horizontal lattice oscillate on a time scale that is very fast comparedto atomic motiontime scales, andthus itisappropriatetoregardthevertical beamsasdecoupled from the horizontal beams in terms of analyzingthe interference pattern. Hence, the vertical beamsproducedanormal1Dstanding-wavelattice,whichconfinedtheatomsvertically,andthe threehorizontalbeamsconfinedtheatomsintheothertwodimensions. Coolingin3Dlattices proceedsbyapplyingtheusualMOTbeamstotheatomsinthe lattice. There are several mechanisms by which lattice cooling achieves much lower tempera- turesthanastandardMOT.Thefirstmechanismisthatof“adiabaticcooling”[Jessen96],where the applicationofthe lattice actsasaneffective refrigeratorcycle forcoolingthe atoms. When theatomsareloadedintothelatticefromtheinitialMOT,theyareheatedbytheincreasingpo- tentialinordertogainlocalconfinementinthelattice wells. LasercoolingbytheMOTbeams proceeds asusual, coolingthe atomsfrom the heated temperature back downto normalMOT temperatures. Whenthe lattice isthen adiabaticallyshut off(together withthe MOTbeams), the temperature is further lowered at the expense of local confinement, in which we are not necessarily interested. An important feature of the lattice configuration implemented here is thatbecauseallthelightislinearlypolarizedandfar-detuned,themagnetic(Zeeman)sublevels allexperiencethesameenergyshiftduetothelight,andsub-Dopplercoolingmechanismsthat rely onsuch degeneratelevelstructure (polarization-gradientcooling[Dalibard89])proceedas in the free-MOT case. This mechanism was especially important for the setup here, as the atoms could be storedin the lattice until after the magneticfields decayed, allowingfor much betterpolarization-gradientcoolingthanwecouldachieveinthestandardMOT.Itwasalsoim- portanttoextinguishtheMOTbeamsadiabatically,astheylikewiseproducedanopticallattice duetothesix-beaminterference. Thesecondmechanismforbettercoolinginthelatticerelates 5.2CoolinginaThree-DimensionalOpticalLattice 163 to suppressionof the absorptionof rescattered light inthe MOT.The second-handabsorption of photons that have alreadybeen spontaneously scattered by MOT atoms, or “radiationtrap- ping,” leadstotemperature anddensitylimitations infree-spaceMOTs[Sesko91; Ellinger94]. These rescattering events are particularly problematic in that they may be much more likely to be absorbed than regular MOT photons, because their cross section for absorption is inde- pendentofdetuningduetothe possibilityoftakingpartinatwo-photonstimulatedscattering event [Castin98; Wolf00]. Inthefestinalenteregime[Castin98], however, where the photon scatteringrate(duetolatticephotons,aswewillmentionbelow)issmallcomparedtothetrap oscillation frequency (andthus the vibrational-level splitting), the recoil heating due to these reabsorption eventsis suppressed[Castin98; Wolf00]. This is because most ofthe rescattered photons in this regime are scattered elastically in the tight-confinement (Lamb-Dicke) limit, andtheprobabilityofanatomchangingitsvibrationallevelbyscatteringsucharescatteredpho- tonissmall. Thissuppressionofrescatter heatingisfurther enhancedbyathirdmechanismin lattice cooling,wherethecoolingproceedsinanalogytoadarkMOT[Ketterle93]. Thismech- anism obtains because the normal repumping light used in the regular MOT is extinguished after the initial cooling phase in the lattice. Most of the atoms are thus in the dark(F = 3) hyperfinelevel,andsothecoolinglightonlyaffectsasmallfractionoftheatomsatagiventime. Thefar-detunedlatticelightprovidesslowrepumpingtothetrappingtransition. Thus,thelife- timeforagivenvibrationallevelissetbythescatteringrateofoptical-lattice light, andnotthe near-resonantMOTlight. Finally,coolinginthelatticehastheadditionalbenefitthatatomsare separatedinindividuallattice sites, andthus light-assistedcollision losses andothercollisional effects aresuppressed,resultinginanearlydensity-independentcoolingrate[Winoto99a]. Fortherealizationhere,thelightwasproducedbythesameTi:sapphirelaserthatpro- videdthe1Dtime-dependentinteractionlattice. An80MHzAOMpickedofflightforthe3D lattice justbeforethesimilarpickoffAOMforthe1Dlatticelight. Another80MHzAOMsplit this beam into two parts, the first order (+80 MHz) having about 1/3 of the light, with the remainder in the unshifted zeroth order. These two beams were spatially filtered by focusing through 50µmdiameterpinholes. Theupshiftedlight formedtheverticallattice beams,while 164 Chapter5.ExperimentalApparatusII the unshifted portion was further split in two with a half-wave plate and a polarizing beam- splitter cube to form the horizontal beams. These three beams were all focused onto retrore- flectingmirrorsontheoppositesidesofthechambersothatthe beamwaistw was500µmat 0 theirintersection;oneofthehorizontal,retroreflectedbeamswasblockedtoformthefive-beam geometrydescribedabove. Each ofthe beamshadapproximately90mWof power. The lattice had a typical detuning of 50 GHzto the red of the F = 3 −→ F(cid:1) transition multiplet (or 40 GHzto the redof F = 4 −→ F(cid:1)), leadingto anoscillation frequency in the vertical direction of around170kHz(intheharmonic-oscillator approximation)andascatteringrate ofaround1 kHzatbeamcenter. Theprocedureforlatticecoolingbeganwithabout5sofloadingtheregularMOTfrom the background vapor. The optical molasses light intensity was then lowered to 60% of the loading value, andthe detuning was increased to 37 MHz (from the 13MHz used during the loading phase). At the same time, the 3D lattice was turned on adiabatically to minimize the heatingof theatoms. Theintensity followedthetemporalprofileI(t) = I (1−t/τ)−2 (for max −800 µs< t < 0)[Kastberg95; DePue99], where the time constantτ was 30µs. Duringthis lattice-loadingphase,theanti-Helmholtzfieldsandrepumplightwerebothleftontoencourage rapid binding of the atoms to the 3D lattice. After a total of 22 ms in this loading phase, the magneticfieldsandrepumplightwereextinguished, andthe molasseslight wasraisedbackup to 100%intensity. The 3D lattice wasmaintained atfull intensity duringthe subsequent 298 msstoragetime, but the molasseslight wasrampedlinearly downto77%intensity bythe end ofthisperiod. Thislongstoragetimewassufficienttoallowthemagneticfieldstodecaymostly away(to70mGorbetter,whencompensatedproperlybytheHelmholtzcoils),althoughaslowly varyingmagneticfieldwasstill detectable usingthe stimulated Ramanspectroscopydescribed below. Then the MOT and 3D lattice beams were ramped down adiabatically according to a similarprofile,I(t) = I (1+t/τ)−2(withthesametimeconstant),over800µs. Themolasses 0 lightbeganitsrampingdownabout20µsbeforethe3Dlatticebeams,givingtheoptimumfinal temperature. Thislattice-coolingprocedureledtoanatomicpopulationintheF =3levelwitha1D 5.3StimulatedRamanVelocitySelection 165 temperature(inthehorizontaldirection)of400nK,orσ /2(cid:1)k =0.7.Between50%and90%of p L theatomsremainedtrappedinthelatticeduringthecoolingcycle,dependingsensitivelyonhow wellthelatticewasaligned. Theverticaltemperatureof500nK(σ /2(cid:1)k =0.8)wassomewhat p L higher;thetemperaturecouldbemademoreisotropicbychangingtherelativebeampowers,but attheexpenseofthehorizontaltemperature,whichwastheonlyimportanttemperatureforthe experimentshere. Thelatticeworkedwelloverdetuningsof25-70GHz(fromF =3 −→F(cid:1)); for closer detunings the final temperature began to rise, and at larger detunings, the fraction retainedinthelatticedroppedoff. For some experiments, it wasnecessary to prepare the atoms in the F = 4 hyperfine level. This could be conveniently achieved by pulsing on the repumping light for 100 µs af- ter the lattice andmolasses fields wereextinguished, at the expenseof temperature (the final temperature wastypically 700nKafter repumping). Toimplementstimulated Ramanvelocity selection, as we discuss in the next section, further optical pumping to the F = 4,m = 0 F Zeemansublevelwasnecessary,aswediscussinSection5.3.5. 5.3 Stimulated Raman Velocity Selection Now we consider the implementation of two-photon, stimulated Ramantransitions in cesium forsubrecoil (i.e., smallerthanthe single-photonmomentum)velocity selection. After givinga generaloverview of the theory behind stimulated Ramantransitions andvelocity selection, we willgivethedetailsofourimplementationaswellasadiscussionofopticalpumpingandinternal stateselectionnecessaryforacleanvelocity-selection method. 5.3.1 StimulatedRamanTransitions: GeneralTheory Weconsidertheatomicenergylevelstructure showninFig.5.2,wheretwogroundstates|g (cid:4) 1,2 are coupled to a manifold of excited states |e (cid:4) by two optical fields. Our goal is to show that n under suitable conditions, the atomic population can be driven between the ground states as in a two-level system. We restrict our attention to the case where the fieldspropagatealonga 166 Chapter5.ExperimentalApparatusII commonaxis. Inthecounterpropagatingcase,thecombinedopticalfieldhastheform E(x,t)=(cid:15)ˆ E cos(k x−ω t)+(cid:15)ˆ E cos(k x+ω t) 1 01 1 L1 2 02 2 L2 (5.1) =E(+)(x,t)+E(−)(x,t) , whereE(±)(x,t)arethepositiveandnegativerotatingcomponentsofthefield,givenby (cid:1) (cid:2) E(1±)(x,t)= 12 ˆ(cid:15)1E01e±ik1xe∓iωL1t+(cid:15)ˆ2E02e∓ik2xe∓iωL2t , (5.2) andˆ(cid:15) arethe unit polarizationvectors of the twofields. The results that wewill derivealso 1,2 applytothecopropagatingcaseaswelluponthesubstitution k →−k . 2 2 ThefreeatomicHamiltoniancanthenbewritten (cid:3) p2 H = +(cid:1)ω |g (cid:4)(cid:5)g |+(cid:1)ω |g (cid:4)(cid:5)g |+ (cid:1)ω |e (cid:4)(cid:5)e | , (5.3) A 2m g1 1 1 g2 2 2 en n n n andtheatom-fieldinteractionHamiltonianis H =−d(+)·E(−)−d(−)·E(+) , (5.4) AF wherewehavemadetherotating-waveapproximation,wehaveassumedthatω :=ω −ω (cid:7) 21 g2 g1 ω :=max{ω }−ω ,andwehaveinmindthatthe|e (cid:4)arenearlydegenerate.Additionally, egj en gj n } den |e(cid:150)æ w eg 2 w eg1 w L2 w L1 |g“æ w 21 |g`æ Figure 5.2: Energy level diagram for stimulated Raman transitions. Each ground level |g (cid:4) is j coupled to the excited-state manifold |e (cid:4) via two laser fields, which are tuned so that their n detuningsfromtheexcited-statemanifoldarenearlythesame. 5.3StimulatedRamanVelocitySelection 167 wehavedecomposedthedipoleoperatordintoitspositive-andnegative-rotatingcomponents, d=d(+)+d(−) (cid:3)(cid:1) (cid:2) (cid:3)(cid:1) (cid:2) (5.5) = a (cid:5)e |d|g (cid:4)+a (cid:5)e |d|g (cid:4) + a† (cid:5)e |d|g (cid:4)+a† (cid:5)e |d|g (cid:4) , 1n n 1 2n n 2 1n n 1 2n n 2 n n wherea :=|g (cid:4)(cid:5)e |isanannihilationoperator.Substituting(5.5)into(5.4),wefind jn j n (cid:3) (cid:1) (cid:2) HAF =− 12(cid:5)en|ˆ(cid:15)1·d|g1(cid:4)E01 a1neik1xe−iωL1t+a†1ne−ik1xeiωL1t (cid:3)n (cid:1) (cid:2) (5.6) − 12(cid:5)en|ˆ(cid:15)2·d|g2(cid:4)E02 a1ne−ik2xe−iωL2t+a†2neik2xeiωL2t . n Inwritingthis expression,wehaveassumedthedetunings∆ := ω −ω arenearlyequal; Lj Lj egj hence, to make this problem more tractable, we assume that the field E couples only |g (cid:4) to j j the |e (cid:4). After solving this problem we will treat the cross-couplings as a perturbation to our n solutions. IfwedefinetheRabifrequency −(cid:5)e |ˆ(cid:15) ·d|g (cid:4)E Ω := n k j 0k , (5.7) jkn (cid:1) whichdescribesstrengthofthecouplingfromlevel|g (cid:4)throughfieldE tolevel|e (cid:4),wearrive j k n at HAF =(cid:3)(cid:1)Ω211n(cid:1)a1neik1xe−iωL1t+a†1ne−ik1xeiωL1t(cid:2) +n(cid:3)(cid:1)Ω222n(cid:1)a1ne−ik2xe−iωL2t+a†2neik2xeiωL2t(cid:2) (5.8) n asaslightlymorecompactformfortheinteractionHamiltonian. Now, before examining the equations of motion, we transform the ground states into therotatingframeofthelaserfield,asinChapter2: |˜gj(cid:4):=e−iωLjt|gj(cid:4) (5.9) E˜(±) :=e±iωLktE(±) . k k Also, forconcreteness, wewilltakemax{ω }= 0. Thentherotating-frame,free-atomHamil- en tonianis (cid:3) p2 H˜ = +(cid:1)∆ |˜g (cid:4)(cid:5)˜g |+(cid:1)∆ |˜g (cid:4)(cid:5)˜g |+ (cid:1)δ |e (cid:4)(cid:5)e | , (5.10) A 2m L1 1 1 L2 2 2 en n n n 168 Chapter5.ExperimentalApparatusII whereδ :=ω −max{ω }(i.e.,δ ≤0).TheinteractionHamiltonianintherotatingframe en en en en is H˜ =−d˜(+)·E˜(−)−d˜(−)·E˜(+) AF =(cid:3)(cid:1)Ω211n(cid:1)˜a1neik1x+a˜†1ne−ik1x(cid:2)+(cid:3)(cid:1)Ω222n(cid:1)˜a1ne−ik2x+a˜†2neik2x(cid:2) , (5.11) n n wheretheannihilationoperatora˜ isdefinedinthesamewayasa ,butwith|g (cid:4)replacedby jn jn j |˜g (cid:4). j Turningto the equationsof motion, wewill manifestly neglect spontaneousemission, since ∆ (cid:11) Γ, where Γis the decayrateof |e (cid:4), byusingaSchro¨dinger-equationdescription Lj n oftheatomicevolution. Thenwehave i(cid:1)∂ |ψ(cid:4)=(H˜ +H˜ )|ψ(cid:4) , (5.12) t A AF wherethestatevectorcanbefactoredintoexternalandinternalcomponentsas (cid:3) |ψ(cid:4)=|ψ (cid:4)|˜g (cid:4)+|ψ (cid:4)|˜g (cid:4)+ |ψ (cid:4)|e (cid:4) . (5.13) g1 1 g2 2 en n n Thenifψ (x,t):=(cid:5)x|ψ (cid:4),weobtaintheequationsofmotion α α p2 (cid:1)Ω (cid:1)Ω i(cid:1)∂tψen = 2mψen + 211ne−ik1xψg1 + 222neik2xψg2 +(cid:1)(δen −∆L)ψen p2 (cid:3)(cid:1)Ω i(cid:1)∂tψg1 = 2mψg1 + 211neik1xψen +(cid:1)(∆L1−∆L)ψg1 (5.14) n p2 (cid:3)(cid:1)Ω i(cid:1)∂tψg2 = 2mψg2 + 222ne−ik2xψen +(cid:1)(∆L2−∆L)ψg2 , n where we have boostedall energies by−(cid:1)∆ , with ∆ := (∆ +∆ )/2(i.e., weappliedan L L L1 L2 overallphaseofei∆Lttothestatevector). Sinceweassumethat|δen|(cid:7)|∆L|and|∆L2−∆L1|(cid:7) |∆ |, itis clear that the ψ carry the fasttime dependenceat frequencies oforder|∆ | (cid:11) Γ. L en L We are interested in motion on timescales slow comparedto 1/Γ, andthe fast oscillations are dampedbycouplingto thevacuum ontimescales of 1/Γ,sowecanadiabatically eliminate the ψ bymakingthe approximationthatthey dampto equilibrium instantaneously(∂ ψ = 0). en t en Also,weusep2/2m(cid:7)(cid:1)|∆ |,withtheresult, L Ω Ω ψen = 2(∆ 1−1nδ )e−ik1xψg1 + 2(∆ 2−2nδ )eik2xψg2 . (5.15) L en L en

of David Weiss [Winoto99a; Winoto99b; DePue99; Wolf00; Han01]. The 3D optical lattice was . state selection necessary for a clean velocity-selection method.
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