119 CHAPTER 4 EFFECTS OF ACTIVE LAYER THICKNESS AND THERMAL ANNEALING ON P3HT-PCBM PHOTOVOLTAIC CELLS 4.1 INTRODUCTION With a steady improvement in energy conversion efficiency during the past decades, organic photovoltaics (OPV) has evolved into a promising technology for renewable energy made possible by the first report of planar donor-acceptor heterojunction [1] where efficient exciton dissociation takes place. The device efficiency got another boost with the introduction of bulk heterojunction OPV (BHJ- OPV) [2] comprising blends of donor and acceptor materials that phase-separate into nanoscale interpenetrating networks to dramatically increase the donor-acceptor interface per unit volume. The most promising BHJ-OPV devices to date consist of conjugated polymers, such as poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT), blended with soluble fullerene derivatives, such as [6,6]-phenyl C butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM). 61 Both thermal annealing [3, 4] and solvent-vapor annealing [5, 6] have been performed to optimize phase separation between P3HT and PCBM and to induce crystallization in the P3HT domain with an objective of improving device efficiency. In addition, 120 thermal annealing of completed devices has been reported to improve charge collection efficiency by promoting active layer/electrode interaction [4]. The active layer thickness has been limited largely to 100-200 nm, although a thicker active layer should absorb more incident light to be more efficient in power conversion. Thick-film polymer BHJ-OPV devices, however, have been found to be less efficient than thin-film devices because of inadequate mobility for supporting charge transport to electrodes for collection.[7, 8] There have been no systematic studies of how chemical purity of conjugated polymers affects device efficiency. Using a copper phthalocyanine:C active layer, Hiramoto et al. have reported the effects of chemical 60 purity via repeated sublimations and of active layer thickness up to microns on BHJ- OPV device efficiency.[9] In this study we have examined the thickness-dependent device characteristics of BHJ-OPV with a P3HT:PCBM layer thickness from 130 to 1200 nm. In particular, it will be demonstrated that thick-film devices can be made as efficient as their thin- film counterparts through thermal annealing. Furthermore, the observed OPV device characteristics can be accounted for by vertical phase separation in the active layer and Li+ diffusion from the Al/LiF cathode into the neighboring active layer. 4.2 EXPERIMENTAL Device Fabrication 121 Pre-patterned indium tin oxide (ITO) substrates (1.5 × 1.5 inch) with surface resistance of 15 Ω / square were cleaned and treated with oxygen plasma prior to the deposition of a thin MoO layer by thermal sublimation at 0.03 nm/s. Regioregular 3 P3HT (Rieke Metal) and PCBM (Nano-C) at a 1:1 mass ratio were dissolved in o- dichlorobenzene by stirring at 50 oC under nitrogen atmosphere overnight. The active layers were spin-coated from 0.2 g of the solution onto the MoO -coated ITO 3 substrates at 300 rpm for 10 s plus 600 rpm for 60 s, and kept in a covered petri dish for solvent vapor annealing for 3 h to create bulk heterojunctions [5]. The solution concentration was varied to adjust the film thickness measured with an optical interferometer (Zygo NewView 5000). The devices were completed by successive deposition of LiF and Al at 0.01 and 1 nm/s, respectively, through a shadow mask to define an active area of 0.1 cm2. The finished device has the structure: ITO/MoO (3 3 nm)/P3HT:PCBM(x nm)/LiF(0.8 nm)/Al(100 nm), where x is varied from 130 to 1200 nm. Incremental thermal annealing was conducted by placing the tested device on a hotplate set at 110oC for a pre-determined period of time before quenching to room temperature on an aluminum block for the next round of measurement. Spin coating and thermal annealing were performed in a nitrogen-filled glove box with a oxygen level less than 1ppm, and the thermal evaporation was performed at a base pressure less than 4 × 10−6 torr. Device Characterization 122 Devices were characterized in ambient atmosphere without encapsulation. The current density (J) – voltage (V) characteristics were recorded with a Keithley 2400 under the illumination of white light at 100 mW/cm2. The white light was generated using an Oriel xenon lamp solar simulator equipped with an AM 1.5 G color filter, and the intensity is calibrated with a silicon diode traceable to National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Defined as the ratio of maximum attainable electrical power to the incident light power (P ), the power conversion efficiency (η) was calculated as in J V FF/P , where J , V and FF are short circuit current density, open circuit SC OC in SC OC voltage, and fill factor, respectively. The reported η values are accompanied by an error of ±5%. For the measurement of spectral response, a beam of white light is passed through a monochromator before being focused onto the devices with photocurrent recorded by the Keithley 2400. The monochromatic photocurrent was recorded at a step size of 10 nm. The external quantum efficiency (η ) is calculated EQE as the ratio of collected electrons to incident photon with a typical error of ±5%. For the measurement of spectral response under applied field, the dark current under the same applied field was subtracted from the recorded photocurrent. 4.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Depicted in Figure 4.1 is the schematic diagram of device architecture together with the chemical structures of P3HT and PCBM. Recently, there has been a growing interest in adding a metal oxide layer on the ITO anode, such as MoO , [10] 3 to improve hole-collection efficiency. The bulk heterojunction between P3HT and 123 PCBM were created by solvent vapor annealing. [5] To facilitate electron collection, a thin LiF layer was inserted between the active layer and the Al cathode. [11] ee−− AAll ((110000 nnmm)) LLiiFF((00..88 nnmm)) PP33HHTT::PPCCBBMM ((xx nnmm)) MMooOO ((33 nnmm)) hh++ 33 IITTOO GGllaassss PP33HHTT PPCCBBMM Figure 4.1. Schematic diagram of the BHJ-OPV device architecture and chemical structures of P3HT and PCBM. 2 15 J, mA/cm Unannealed 10 Annealed 5 −1.0 −0.5 0 0.5 1.0 V, V −5 −10 Figure 4.2. J-V characteristics under 100 mW/cm2 light illumination before and after thermal annealing at 110oC for 20 min of 130-nm BHJ-OPV devices without the LiF layer to improve electron collection-efficiency over Al cathode alone. 124 As the baseline experiment, a BHJ-OPV device with a 130-nm active layer but without a LiF layer was fabricated and characterized to yield the J-V relationship as displayed in Figure 4.2. It was found that η = 1.3 and 0.9% before and after thermal annealing at 110oC for 20 min, respectively, both inferior to η = 2.9 and 1.1% from devices with a LiF layer processed under the same conditions as to be shown below. Therefore, a LiF layer was consistently adopted in all the BHJ-OPV devices in the present study. 20 J, mA/cm2 130 nm 220 nm 15 370 nm 540 nm 10 830 nm 5 1200 nm −1.0 −0.5 0 0.5 1.0 V, V −5 −10 Figure 4.3: J-V characteristics under 100 mW/cm2 light illumination of BHJ-OPV devices with varying active layer thicknesses before thermal annealing. A series of OPV devices with an active layer thickness varied from 130 to 1200 nm were fabricated and characterized. Their J-V curves before thermal annealing are plotted in Figure 4.3, and the relevant performance parameters are compiled in Table 4.1. Note that all the devices exhibit a weak dependence of photocurrent on the 125 applied field with virtually the same FF values around 0.62. As the film thickness increases from 130 to 1200 nm, J decreases sharply from 8.4 to 1.3 mA/cm2 SC accompanied by a V decreasing from 0.58 to 0.50 V. The weak dependence of OC photocurrent on applied field for thick-film device precludes recombination as a possible cause for the low J . [12] SC 55 00..88 ((aa)) ((bb)) 44 113300 nnmm 113300 nnmm 00..66 222200 nnmm 222200 nnmm ee cc 337700 nnmm nn33 337700 nnmm aa EE 554400 nnmm sorbsorb22 585843430000 nnnnmmmm ηηEQEQ00..44 1 1 228800330000 nnnnmmmm AbAb 11220000 nnmm 11220000 nnmm 00..22 11 00 00 440000 550000 660000 770000 880000 440000 550000 660000 770000 880000 WWaavveelleennggtthh,, nnmm WWaavveelleennggtthh,, nnmm Figure 4.4: (a) UV-vis absorption spectra of P3HT:PCBM blend films with varying active layer thicknesses before thermal annealing, and (b) Spectral responses from BHJ-OPV devices with varying active layer thicknesses before thermal annealing; the dotted curve represents the spectral response from a 1200-nm device under illumination through the semitransparent cathode. The absorption spectra of P3HT:PCBM films with varied thicknesses are presented in Figure 4.4a. All the films show a main peak at 515 nm with two shoulders at 560 and 610 nm, which originates from the highly crystalline P3HT domains with improved stacking. [4, 5] As the film thickness reaches 830 nm, essentially all incident light between 350 and 610 nm is absorbed in one optical path. The spectral responses 126 of the devices under short circuit conditions are presented in Figure 4.4b. The η EQE spectrum of the 130-nm device tracks the P3HT:PCBM absorption spectrum quite well as expected. Table 4.1: Performance parameters of BHJ-OPV devices with varying active layer thicknesses before and after thermal annealing at 110oC for 20 min. UUnnaannnneeaalleedd AAnnnneeaalleedd TThhiicckknneessss JJ VV FFFF ηη JJ VV FFFF ηη ((nnmm)) SSCC OOCC SSCC OOCC ((mmAA//ccmm22)) ((VV)) ((%%)) ((mmAA//ccmm22)) ((VV)) ((%%)) 113300 88..22 00..5588 00..6611 22..99 44..44 00..5577 00..4422 11..11 222200 77..66 00..5588 00..6611 22..77 55..33 00..6600 00..5544 11..77 337700 66..44 00..5588 00..6622 22..33 66..77 00..6611 00..5577 22..44 554400 33..99 00..5555 00..6611 11..33 88..77 00..6611 00..5533 22..88 883300 11..66 00..5522 00..6655 00..55 1111..33 00..6611 00..4455 33..11 11220000 11..33 00..5500 00..6644 00..44 99..22 00..6611 00..4400 22..33 As the film thickness increases from 130 nm, the relative η around EQE absorption peak decreases and eventually dwindles to a valley for film thickness beyond 540 nm with the maximum η shifted to the absorption edge. This inverse EQE spectral response indicates that photons that are more strongly absorbed by P3HT are less likely to be converted into collected charge carriers, as observed in planar heterojunction devices with a layer thickness much greater than exciton diffusion length. [13] The apparent filtering effect arises from excitons created in the neighborhood of ITO electrode have limited donor-acceptor interface within their diffusion length to dissociate efficiently. We propose that vertical phase separation in 127 a thick film yield a separated P3HT layer on ITO as inspired by numerous recent reports. [14-16] This P3HT layer absorbs most of incident photons to produce excitons that fail to diffuse sufficiently deep into the region rich in P3HT:PCBM interfaces for dissociation into charge carriers, resulting in a low photocurrent density. On the other hand, photons with wavelength in the weakly absorbing region can penetrate deeper into the active layer where more abundant P3HT:PCBM interfaces are available for efficient exciton dissociation. Meanwhile, the resultant holes and electrons are transported in spatially separated P3HT and PCBM domains, respectively, without encountering significant recombination, thereby achieving FF values in thick-film devices comparable to those in thin-film devices. Furthermore, the reduced exciton dissociation efficiency in vertically separated films is also responsible for the inferior V in thick-film devices.[17] Overall, η decreases steadily OC from 2.9% for the 130-nm device to 0.4% for the 1200-nm device before thermal annealing. To confirm the presence of a separated P3HT layer on ITO as an explanation for the inverse spectral response in thick-film devices, Al(100 nm) was replaced with a semitransparent Al(2 nm)/Ag(10 nm) having a transmittance of about 70% in the 350 to 650 nm spectral region. As shown in Figure 4.4b, illumination through the semitransparent metal electrode of a 1200-nm device yielded a spectral response consistent with its absorption spectrum with a much improved J = 3.8 SC mA/cm2. The finished devices with a 1200-nm active layer were further subjected to thermal annealing at 110oC over incremental durations. The J-V characteristics as a 128 function of annealing time are plotted in Figure 4.5, and their performance parameters are summarized in Table 4.2. The J increases steadily upon thermal SC annealing, reaching the maximum value of 10.1 mA/cm2 after annealing for 40 min, accompanied by V rising from 0.50 to 0.62 V and FF decreasing from 0.64 to 0.40, OC corresponding to an improvement of η from 0.4 to 2.5%. The maximum η of 2.6% was achieved with thermal annealing for 90 min, beyond which the η value decreases slightly to 2.2% because of the deteriorated J . SC 15 J, mA/cm2 0 min 40 min 10 4 min 60 min 10 min 90 min 5 20 min 120 min −1.0 −0.5 0 0.5 1.0 V, V −5 −10 Figure 4.5: J-V characteristics under 100 mW/cm2 white light illumination of a 1200- nm BHJ-OPV device thermally annealed at 110oC up to 120 min. Similar to what has been reported previously, [5] thermal annealing of solvent-vapor- annealed films did not significantly alter the absorption spectra, as shown in Figure 4.6a. However, the η around the absorption maximum is substantially improved EQE upon thermal annealing, thus reversing the inverse spectral response (Figure 4.6b) through morphological modification of the separated P3HT layer on ITO. It has been reported that thermal annealing of polymer/fullerene bilayer films induces the