C 4 hapter A nticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures The predictions of impacts and mitigation measures have been assessed in the following four sections: Section –I: Assessment and prediction of impacts due to proposed nuclear power park at Jaitapur. Section –II: Radiological Risk Assessment & Emergency Response System Section –III: The assessment and prediction of impacts under Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) for the proposed nuclear power park at Jaitapur Section –IV: Assessment of Irreversible and Irretrievable Impacts and Significant Impacts Section -I The impacts on environment due to activities of the proposed project could be broadly divided into two parts as discussed in the chapter-1: - 1) Impact during project construction phase 2) Impact during operation phase of the project National Environmental Engineering Research Chapter 4: Anticipated Environmental Impact And Mitigation Measures Institute 3) Impact during decommissioning phase of the project 4.1 Impacts Assessment during Project Construction Phase The construction of nuclear power plant of proposed magnitude would require large input from civil, mechanical aspects including transport, labour etc. The construction activity will be carried out over rocky barren area with basaltic rock upto 20 m depth. 4.1.1 Positive Impact on Landscape There will be positive impact on existing landscape due to proper planning for landscaping, development of roads with avenue trees and green belt development around the project building making the landscape beautiful with lush green cover. 4.1.2 Impact Assessment for SPM arising out of Construction Activities Fugitive Dust Model (FDM) Impact on air due to engine exhausts and emission of dust as a result of temporary increase in number of transport vehicles and operation of heavy vehicles for transport of construction material and machinery and loading / unloading operations is envisaged. Fugitive Dust Model (FDM) is used to predict the ground level concentrations (GLCs) during construction activities. Fugitive Dust Model (FDM) is used for predictions due to construction operations. The impact on air quality due to emissions from single source or a group of sources is evaluated by use of mathematical models. When air pollutants are emitted into the atmosphere, they are immediately diffused into surrounding atmosphere, transported and diluted due to winds. The air quality models are designed to simulate these processes mathematically and to relate emissions of primary pollutants to the resulting downwind air quality. The inputs include emissions, meteorology and surrounding topographic details to predict the impacts of conservative pollutants. The Fugitive Dust Model (FDM) is a computerized air quality model specifically designed for computing concentration and deposition impacts due to fugitive dust sources. The sources may be point, line or area sources. The model has not been designed to compute the impacts of buoyant point sources, thus it contains no plume-rise algorithm. The model is generally based on the well-known 32 8 National Environmental Engineering Research Chapter 4: Anticipated Environmental Impact And Mitigation Measures Institute Gaussian Plume formulation for computing concentrations, but the model has been specifically adapted to incorporate an improved gradient-transfer deposition algorithm. Emissions for each source are apportioned by the user into a series of particle size classes. A gravitational setting velocity and a deposition velocity are calculated by FDM for each class. Concentration and deposition are computed at all user-selectable receptor locations. It should be noted that while FDM has the capability of treating 500 receptors, POSTZ can only accept 200 receptors, thus long- term sequential uses of FDM should carefully consider the number of receptors to be used. The sources can be of three types: points, lines or areas. The line source and area source algorithms are based on algorithms in the CALINE3 Model (California Department of Transportation, 1979). For area sources, the user supplies the coordinates of the center and the dimension in the x and y directions. Area sources need not be square, but rather can be rectangular, up to an aspect ratio of 1 to 5 (ratio of width to length). Area sources with the length greater than five times the width must be divided in a series of area sources, or modeled as a line source. The model divides the area source into a series of line sources perpendicular to the wind direction. Emissions from all sources may be divided into a maximum of 20 particle size classes. Prediction of Impacts due to Construction Activities Following operations are considered during construction: Drilling, Blasting, Dozing, Loading trucks, Unloading trucks, loading & unloading of Quarry waste, Dumps, Active waste dumps, Haul road dust etc. Emission factors for different operations estimated as per USEPA Emission estimation manual. Fugitive Dust Model (FDM) is used for predictions due to construction operations. Maximum incremental GLC of SPM due to construction activities at project site is predicted to be 37 µg/m3 which is within NAAQS for residential/industrial areas. Reduced level emissions were predicted considering water sprinkling and wind breaking by green belts as a mitigation measure of environmental management plan. Efficiency of control methods is considered as per the USEPA standards for emission factors. With proper EMP, maximum incremental GLC of SPM due to construction activities at project site is found to be 15 µg/m3. There will be a decrease of more than 50% of SPM concentration after employing control methods at various activities within the study area. 32 9 National Environmental Engineering Research Chapter 4: Anticipated Environmental Impact And Mitigation Measures Institute The ambient 98th percentile value of SPM levels in Winter (2006-07) is 122 µg/m3. The resultant ambient concentration due to construction activity will be 159 µg/m3 without implementation of EMP, while the same will be 137 µg/m3 after implementation of EMP measures of dust control. as given in following table. Thus the SPM will be reduced by 86.16% by implementation of EMP. The resultant values of SPM are well below the stipulated standards for industrial and residential, rural & mixed use area. Moreover, the construction activity is a temporary phase and the dust levels will come down again after the construction phase would be over. Ambient Without EMP With EMP NAAQS,1994 SPM Level (98th Resultant Predicted Resultant Predicted Residential, Site percentile) SPM Concent- SPM Concent- Industrial rural & Winter Concent- ration of Concentra ration of area mixed use Season ration with SPM tion SPM area EMP (2006-07 Proposed project 122 37 159 15 137 500 200 site. * All values in µg/m3 Impact Assessment for Gaseous Vehicular Emissions Caline 4 model is used for predicting the contribution of vehicular/transport activities during construction phase of the project at project site. The impacts due to proposed Line sources i.e. vehicular emission during construction activity are predicted by using CL4 model. CL4 (Caltrans, 1989) is a dispersion model that predicts concentrations of pollutants emitted by vehicles i.e. Carbon Monoxide (CO), Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) and hydrocarbons (HC) near roadways. CL4 is a simple line source Gaussian plume dispersion model and predicts air pollutant concentrations for averaging periods of 1 hour and 8 hour. The user defines the proposed roadway geometry, worst-case meteorological parameters, anticipated, traffic volumes, and receptor positions. The user must also define emission factors for each roadways link. CL4 is a graphical windows-based user interface, designed to ease data entry and increase the on-line help capabilities of CL4. The purpose of the model is to assess air quality impacts near transportation facilities in what is known as the microscale region. Given source strength, meteorology, site geometry, and site characteristics, the model can reliably 33 0 National Environmental Engineering Research Chapter 4: Anticipated Environmental Impact And Mitigation Measures Institute predict pollutant concentrations for receptors located within 500 meters of the roadways. In this modeling exercise, 8 hourly concentrations of CO, NO , are x predicted for the duration 10-17 Hrs, 18-01 Hrs and 02-09 Hrs. CL4 divides individual highway links into a series of elements from which incremental concentration are computed and then summed to form a total concentration estimate for a particular receptor location. The receptor distance is measured along a perpendicular from the reactor to the roadway centerline. The first element is formed at this point as a square with sides equal to the line source width. Thus, as element resolution becomes less important with distance from the receptor, elements become larger to permit efficiency in computation. The choice of the element growth factor as a function of roadway-wind angle (PHI) range represents a good compromise between accuracy and computational efficiency. Finer initial element resolution is unwarranted because the vertical dispersion curves used by CL4 have been calibrated for the link half – width (W2) distance from the element center point. Each element is modeled as an “equivalent” finite line source (EFLS) positioned normal to the wind direction and centered at the element midpoint. A local x-y coordinate system aligned with the wind direction and originating at the element midpoint is defined for each element. The emissions occurring within an element are assumed to be released along the EFLS representing the element. The emissions are then assumed to disperse in a Gaussian manner downwind from the element. The length and orientation of the EFLS are functions of the element size and the angle (PHI, φ) between the average wind direction and highway alignment. Values of PHI = 0 or PHI = 90 degrees are altered within the program an insignificant amount to avoid division by zero during the FELS trigonometric computations. CL4 treats the region directly over the highway as a zone of uniform emissions and turbulence. This is designated as the mixing zone, and is defined as the region over the traveled way (traffic lanes – not including shoulders) plus three meters on either side. The additional width accounts for the initial horizontal dispersion imparted to pollutants by the vehicle wake effect. Within the mixing zone, 33 1 National Environmental Engineering Research Chapter 4: Anticipated Environmental Impact And Mitigation Measures Institute the mechanical turbulence created by moving vehicles and the thermal turbulence created by hot vehicle exhaust is assumed to predominate near the ground. Prediction of Impacts Following vehicles movement is considered for impact due to vehicular emissions: Trucks – 125; Excavator – 2; Loaders – 6; Drills – 3; Water Tanks – 3; Jeeps – 5; Dozer – 2; Grader – 1. Diesel is the main fuel used in these vehicles. US EPA emission factors are used for computing the pollutant emission rates. Prediction of impacts for CO and NO was made on 8 hourly bases up to a distance of 500 m on x either side of the roads of project site. The GLCs of CO and NOx are found to be less than 10 µg/m3 and 5 µg/m3 respectively. Thus, there is no significant impact due to vehicular emissions within the study area against stipulated standards of 80 µg/m3 and 2000 µg/m3 for NO and x CO respectively. The background concentration of NO at project site is 8 µg/m3, so x resultant concentration of NO would be 13 µg/m3 which is well below the stipulated x standards (MoEF, 2009). Impact due to Noise Pollution during Construction Phase The movement of heavy vehicles and machinery and construction activity may contribute to noise pollution during construction phase. There will be impact of noise on construction workers, however the village people will not be affected due to long distance between plant and village. Mitigation Measures The machinery, vehicles (all types), blasting and construction activity may contribute to the noise level in the area for on-site workers, who will be provided noise protective ear muffs in high noise level zone. The green belt will be developed in exclusion zone in construction phase which will act as barrier to noise and dust generated during construction. The nearest village is at 2 km distance for the project site and the noise levels reaching the village will be very low and the impact due to above will be insignificant. The regular maintenance and up keeping of construction machinery, heavy vehicles, dumpers, and trucks will be helpful in reducing gaseous emissions and noise. On site workers near noise producing source shall be provided ear muffs and the workers near construction site will be provided with helmets. The depth, charge and the matrix of the holes, delaying and decking of shots for blasting will be optimized to minimize and noise. 33 2 National Environmental Engineering Research Chapter 4: Anticipated Environmental Impact And Mitigation Measures Institute 4.1.3 Impact on Environmental Sanitation Temporary labour colonies, if not properly planned, may create environmental pollution, unsanitary conditions and health problems. Mitigation Measures The temporary labour colonies with adequate sanitary measures will be planned to minimize pollution of soil, water and public health problems. 4.1.4 Impact of Construction Activity on Coastal Ecology The whole project site is plain rocky land with Basaltic rock available at a depth of about 20 m from the ground surface. The overburden will be mostly in the form of rock pieces, boulders etc. This will result in insignificant amount of turbidity in coastal water which will be diluted rapidly due to northward or southward currents of sea water during the year. As the coastal area is poor in biodiversity and no sensitive habitat is present in coastal water, the biological impact will be insignificant. Limited dredging will be carried out for maneuvering of small ships and barges at RoRo jetty and for laying down underground CCW discharge channels. Inter tidal habitat area is too narrow near the project site due to elevated rocky land for marine organisms to develop leading to low biodiversity of benthic fauna, Low fish catch, except presence of a few sea weeds. Biodiversity is better on northern and southern direction away from the project site (Vol II EIA Report, Annexure-VIII). Thus due to activities during construction phase in CRZ would not affect coastal ecology. The patches of mangrove flora is present at a distance of 5-6 km from the project site in the estuary of Kodavali River. The estuary is far away from site and will not be affected in any way by the project activity. Mitigation Measures The whole quantity of rocky overburden will be utilized for leveling of land in project area as well as in the construction of the project and break water structure. The overburden will be securely stored till it will be utilized as construction material. 33 3 National Environmental Engineering Research Chapter 4: Anticipated Environmental Impact And Mitigation Measures Institute The dredged sediment material will also be utilized in construction as well as for land filling and excess silt will be disposed off in deep sea. The construction of water intake structure and proposed Jetty will be carried out by specialized engineering technology which does not produce turbidity in the coastal waters and marine flora, fauna and fisheries would not be affected. Though, the patches of mangrove flora is present at a distance of 5-6 km from the project site, they will not be affected by the project activity, yet, special efforts will be made for the conservation and propagation of mangrove vegetation at suitable sites around the project area. 4.1.5 Impact of Construction and Operation of Jetty As mentioned that the coastal area around the project site is not very productive and devoid of presence of any sensitive species. The proposed jetty, which will be of very small in size and will be situated inside the breakwater wall, therefore, Construction of Jetty will not have any adverse impact on the coastal environment. Moreover, the jetty, which will be used occasionally, will provide safe habitat for the marine organism in long span of time. Small ships and barges will visit the site during construction period only to carry the imported instruments and equipments and will not be a continuous shipping activity and may not have impact on the coastal environment. 4.1.6 Impact of Construction on Sea Water Currents As per the study carried out by CWPRS, the flow in the open sea near project site is unidirectional, either northerly or southerly. During non-monsoon period (March-May) and SW monsoon period (June-September), the flow is southward while during NE monsoon period (November-January), the flow is northward. In October- February, the flow is in transition. The seaward boundary of the project construction is well aligned with the existing shoreline. Moreover, the discharge canals for disposal of condenser cooling water will be underground. Therefore, the project structures will put minimum resistance to the ocean currents which are parallel to the coast. 33 4 National Environmental Engineering Research Chapter 4: Anticipated Environmental Impact And Mitigation Measures Institute 4.1.7 Impact Assessment due to Radiological Releases during Project Construction Phase There will not be any radiological releases during the first phase of the twin unit construction of JNPP. Therefore, there will not be any impact on the environment due to radiological parameters during construction of the first phase of JNPP. However, during second & third phase of the twin unit construction, the first phase twin units and second phase twin units, already constructed will be under operation and hence will have radiological impact which has been described in the Section, and 4.1.8 Improvement of Communication Facilities During construction phase, the infrastructural facilities like roads, telephone, public transport will be improved in the area. 4.1.9 Availability of Direct Employment Many local people including youths, contractors and small entrepreneurs would get direct / indirect employment during construction phase. 4.2 Impacts during Project Operation Phase This section describes the environmental impact, considering phased construction and operation of all the six units of 1650 MWe in twin unit mode 4.2.1 Air Environment The Air Environment will have impact due to conventional Air Pollutants and Radioactive Pollutants. Impact Assessment due to Conventional Air Pollutants As such, there is no possibility of emission of conventional air pollutants from nuclear power plants except during construction phase. Hence, the impacts of the proposed nuclear power plant on ambient air quality due to conventional air pollutants in that region will be insignificant. There will be marginal increase in conventional air pollutants levels due to increase in vehicular traffic and urbanization, which can be attributed to indirect impacts of the project in that region. However, these concentrations shall be within the prescribed limits of CPCB / MPCB as the 33 5 National Environmental Engineering Research Chapter 4: Anticipated Environmental Impact And Mitigation Measures Institute proposed nuclear power project is not the source of conventional air pollution and present levels of conventional air pollutants are very low. Prediction of Impacts of DG sets There are two Diesel Buildings (DBs), each house two Emergency Diesel Generators (EDGs) and one Station Black Out (SBO) Diesel Generator sets along with their diesel fuel storage tanks. Each DB houses two DGs of 1000 KVA (DB1- DG1 & DB1-DG2 in DB1 and DB2-DG1 & DB2-DG2 in DB2) and one DG of 7000 KVA (DB1-DG3 and DB2-DG3) rating. These two diesel buildings are located on opposite sides of the plant, providing physical separation for protection against external hazards. Each DB contain two redundant trains comprised of the main diesel generators for emergency power supply and one SBO diesel generator, fuel storage tanks (within a dedicated fire compartment), air cooling equipment and roof level silencer for diesel engines. A common stack of 30 m will be provided to vent out the flue gases from the DGs of each DB. The stack height is estimated as per MoEF Notification GSR 489 (E) July, 2002 for estimation of stack height of DG set depending upon the KVA rating 1000 KVA to 7000 KVA. The diesel consumption will be from 270 to 1900 litres/hr depending on KVA rating and test run of DG is carried out for one hour once in a week. In order to predict impacts on ambient air quality due to DG sets operation on regular and emergency basis proposed at JNPP site, data on emission scenario and micrometeorology data collected by NEERI and along with historical data collected from India Meteorology Department (IMD) were used to predict Ground Level Concentrations (GLCs) of SO , NOx and SPM. 2 Micro Meteorology The hourly wind speed, solar insulation and cloudiness during the day whereas in the night, wind speed and cloudiness parameters were used to determine the hourly atmospheric stability Class A to F (Pasquill and Gifford). The hourly stabilities were determined based on the technique suggested by Turner. Turner’s system used for determining the stability classes is as follows: For day or night: If total cloud cover (TC) = 10/10 and ceiling <7000 ft NR=0 33 6