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Preview chapter 301—temporary duty (tdy) travel allowances

CHAPTER 301—TEMPORARY DUTY (TDY) TRAVEL ALLOWANCES SUBCHAPTER A—INTRODUCTION Part Page 301–1 Applicability ........................................................... 21 301–2 General rules ........................................................... 21 SUBCHAPTER B—ALLOWABLE TRAVEL EXPENSES 301–10 Transportation expenses ......................................... 23 301–11 Per diem expenses ................................................... 36 301–12 Miscellaneous expenses ........................................... 49 301–13 Travel of an employee with special needs ............... 50 301–30 Emergency travel .................................................... 50 301–31 Threatened law enforcement/investigative employ- ees ........................................................................ 51 SUBCHAPTER C—ARRANGING FOR TRAVEL SERVICES, PAYING TRAVEL EXPENSES, AND CLAIMING REIMBURSEMENT 301–50 Arranging for travel services .................................. 54 301–51 Paying travel expenses ............................................ 54 301–52 Claiming reimbursement ......................................... 57 301–53 Using promotional materials and frequent traveler programs .............................................................. 61 301–54 Collection of undisputed delinquent amounts owed to the contractor issuing the individually billed travel charge card ................................................ 62 SUBCHAPTER D—AGENCY RESPONSIBILITIES 301–70 Internal policy and procedure requirements ........... 64 301–71 Agency travel accountability requirements ........... 70 301–72 Agency responsibilities related to common carrier transportation ...................................................... 76 301–73 Travel programs ...................................................... 79 301–74 Conference planning ................................................ 81 301–75 Pre-employment interview travel ........................... 84 19 VerDate 0ct<02>2002 13:29 Oct 05, 2002 Jkt 197168 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 8008 Sfmt 8008 Y:\SGML\197168T.XXX 197168T 41 CFR Ch. 301 (7–1–02 Edition) Part Page 301–76 Collection of undisputed delinquent amounts owed to the contractor issuing the individually billed travel charge card ................................................ 87 APPENDIX A TO CHAPTER 301—PRESCRIBED MAXIMUM PER DIEM RATES FOR CONUS ..................................................... 88 APPENDIX B TO CHAPTER 301—ALLOCATION OF M&IE RATES TO BE USED IN MAKING DEDUCTIONS FROM THE M&IE AL- LOWANCE ............................................................................. 106 APPENDIX C TO CHAPTER 301—STANDARD DATA ELEMENTS FOR FEDERAL TRAVEL [TRAVELER IDENTIFICATION] ............. 109 APPENDIX D TO CHAPTER 301—GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS ......... 112 APPENDIX E TO CHAPTER 301—SUGGESTED GUIDANCE FOR CON- FERENCE PLANNING ............................................................. 112 20 VerDate 0ct<02>2002 13:29 Oct 05, 2002 Jkt 197168 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 8008 Sfmt 8008 Y:\SGML\197168T.XXX 197168T SUBCHAPTER A—INTRODUCTION PART 301–1—APPLICABILITY 301–1.3 Who is eligible for TDY allowances? AUTHORITY: 5 U.S.C. 5707. Sec. SOURCE: 63 FR 15954, Apr. 1, 1998, unless 301–1.1 What is an ‘‘agency’’ for purposes of otherwise noted. TDY allowances? 301–1.2 What is an ‘‘employee’’ for purposes §301–1.1 What is an ‘‘agency’’ for pur- of TDY allowances? poses of TDY allowances? An agency includes But does not include An Executive agency, as defined in 5 U.S.C. 101...................... A Government-controlled corporation. A military department .................................................................. A Member of Congress. An office, agency or other establishment in the legislative An office or committee of either House of Congress or of the branch. two Houses. The Government of the District of Columbia .............................. An office, agency or other establishment in the judicial branch. §301–1.2 What is an ‘‘employee’’ for 301–2.3 What standard of care must I use in purposes of TDY allowances? incurring travel expenses? 301–2.4 For what travel expenses am I re- An ‘‘employee’’ is: sponsible? (a) An individual employed by an 301–2.5 What travel arrangements require agency, regardless of status or rank; or specific authorization or prior approval? (b) An individual employed intermit- tently in Government service as an ex- AUTHORITY: 5 U.S.C. 5707; 31 U.S.C. 1353; 49 pert or consultant and paid on a daily U.S.C. 40118. when-actually-employed (WAE) basis; SOURCE: 63 FR 15955, Apr. 1, 1998, unless or otherwise noted. (c) An individual serving without pay or at $1 a year (also referred to as ‘‘in- §301–2.1 Must I have authorization to vitational traveler’’). travel? Yes, generally you must have written §301–1.3 Who is eligible for TDY allow- or electronic authorization prior to in- ances? curring any travel expense. If it is not This chapter covers the following in- practicable or possible to obtain such dividuals: authorization prior to travel, your (a) Employees traveling on official agency may approve a specific author- business; ization for reimbursement of travel ex- (b) Interviewees performing pre-em- penses after travel is completed. How- ployment interview travel; ever, written or electronic advance au- (c) Employees who must interrupt of- thorization is required for items in ficial business travel to perform emer- §301–2.5 (c), (i), (n), and (o) of this part. gency travel as a result of an incapaci- tating illness or injury or a personal §301–2.2 What travel expenses may my emergency situation; and agency pay? (d) Threatened law enforcement/in- Your agency may pay only those ex- vestigative employees and members of penses essential to the transaction of their family temporarily relocated to official business, which include: safeguard their lives because of a (a) Transportation expenses as pro- threat resulting from the employee’s vided in part 301–10 of this chapter; assigned duties. (b) Per diem expenses as provided in part 301–11 of this chapter; PART 301–2—GENERAL RULES (c) Miscellaneous expenses as pro- vided in part 301–12 of this chapter; and Sec. 301–2.1 Must I have authorization to travel? (d) Travel expenses of an employee 301–2.2 What travel expenses may my agen- with special needs as provided in part cy pay? 301–13 of this chapter. 21 VerDate 0ct<02>2002 13:29 Oct 05, 2002 Jkt 197168 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\197168T.XXX 197168T §301–2.3 41 CFR Ch. 301 (7–1–02 Edition) §301–2.3 What standard of care must I (c) Use of reduced fares for group or use in incurring travel expenses? charter arrangements; (d) Use of cash to pay for common You must exercise the same care in carrier transportation; incurring expenses that a prudent per- (e) Use of extra-fare train service; son would exercise if traveling on per- (f) Travel by ship; sonal business. (g) Use of a rental car; (h) Use of a Government aircraft; §301–2.4 For what travel expenses am (i) Payment of a reduced per diem I responsible? rate; You are responsible for expenses over (j) Payment of actual expense; the reimbursement limits established (k) Travel expenses related to emer- in this chapter. Your agency will not gency travel; pay for excess costs resulting from cir- (l) Transportation expenses related cuitous routes, delays, or luxury ac- to threatened law enforcement/inves- commodations or services unnecessary tigative employees and members of or unjustified in the performance of of- their families; ficial business. (m) Travel expenses related to travel to a foreign area; §301–2.5 What travel arrangements re- (n) Acceptance of payment from a quire specific authorization or non-Federal source for travel expenses, prior approval? see chapter 304 of this subtitle; and You must have a specific authoriza- (o) Travel expenses related to attend- tion or prior approval for: ance at a conference. (a) Use of premium-class service on NOTE TO §301–2.5: Paragraphs (c), (i), (n), common carrier transportation; and (o) of this section require a written or (b) Use of a foreign air carrier; electronic advance authorization. 22 VerDate 0ct<02>2002 13:29 Oct 05, 2002 Jkt 197168 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\197168T.XXX 197168T SUBCHAPTER B—ALLOWABLE TRAVEL EXPENSES PART 301–10—TRANSPORTATION 301–10.116 What must I do with compensa- EXPENSES tion an airline gives me if it denies me a seat on a plane? 301–10.117 May I keep compensation an air- Subpart A—General line gives me for voluntarily vacating my seat on my scheduled airline flight Sec. when the airline asks for volunteers? 301–10.1 Am I eligible for payment of trans- portation expenses? AIRLINEACCOMMODATIONS 301–10.2 What expenses are payable as trans- 301–10.121 What classes of airline accom- portation? modations are available? 301–10.3 What methods of transportation 301–10.122 What class of airline accommoda- may my agency authorize me to use? tions must I use? 301–10.4 How does my agency select the 301–10.123 When may I use first-class airline method of transportation to be used? accommodations? 301–10.5 What are the presumptions as to 301–10.124 When may I use premium-class the most advantageous method of trans- other than first-class airline accom- portation? modations? 301–10.6 What is my liability if I do not travel by the selected method of trans- USEOFUNITEDSTATESFLAGAIRCARRIERS portation? 301–10.131 What does United States mean? 301–10.7 How should I route my travel? 301–10.132 Who is required to use a U.S. flag 301–10.8 What is my liability if, for personal air carrier? convenience I travel by an indirect route 301–10.133 What is a U.S. flag air carrier? or interrupt travel by a direct route? 301–10.134 What is U.S. flag air carrier serv- ice? Subpart B—Common Carrier Transportation 301–10.135 When must I travel using U.S. flag air carrier service? 301–10.100 What types of common carrier 301–10.136 What exceptions to the Fly Amer- transportation may I be authorized to ica Act requirements apply when I travel use? between the United States and another AIRLINE country? 301–10.137 What exceptions to the Fly Amer- 301–10.106 What are the basic requirements ica Act requirements apply when I travel for using airlines? solely outside the United States, and a U.S. flag air carrier provides service be- USEOFCONTRACTCITY-PAIRFARES tween my origin and destination? 301–10.107 When must I use a contract city- 301–10.138 In what circumstances is foreign pair fare? air carrier service deemed a matter of 301–10.108 Are there other situations when I necessity? may use a non-contract fare? 301–10.139 May I travel by a foreign air car- 301–10.109 What is my liability for unau- rier if the cost of my ticket is less than thorized use of a non-contract carrier traveling by a U.S. flag air carrier? when contract service is available and I 301–10.140 May I use a foreign air carrier if do not meet one of the exceptions for re- the service is preferred by or more con- quired use? venient for my agency or me? 301–10.110 May I use contract passenger 301–10.141 Must I provide any special certifi- transportation service for personal trav- cation or documents if I use a foreign air el? carrier? 301–10.111 When may I use a reduced group 301–10.142 What must the certification in- or charter fare? clude? 301–10.112 What must I do when different 301–10.143 What is my liability if I improp- airlines furnish the same service at dif- erly use a foreign air carrier? ferent fares? 301–10.113 What must I do if I change or do TRAIN not use a common carrier reservation? 301–10.160 What classes of train accommoda- 301–10.114 What must I do with unused Gov- tions are available? ernment Transportation Request(s) 301–10.161 What class of train accommoda- (GTR(s)), ticket(s), or refund applica- tions must I use? tion(s)? 301–10.162 When may I use first-class train 301–10.115 Am I authorized to receive a re- accommodations? fund or credit for unused transportation? 301–10.163 What is an extra-fare train? 23 VerDate 0ct<02>2002 13:29 Oct 05, 2002 Jkt 197168 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\197168T.XXX 197168T §301–10.1 41 CFR Ch. 301 (7–1–02 Edition) 301–10.164 When may I use extra-fare train minal while I am away from my official service? station? 301–10.309 What will I be reimbursed if I am SHIP authorized to use common carrier trans- 301–10.180 Must I travel by a U.S. flag ship? portation and I use a POV instead? 301–10.181 What is my liability if I improp- 301–10.310 What will I be reimbursed if I am erly use a foreign ship? authorized to use a Government auto- 301–10.182 What classes of ship accommoda- mobile and I use a privately owned auto- tions are available? mobile instead? 301–10.183 What class of ship accommoda- tions must I use? Subpart E—Special Conveyances LOCALTRANSITSYSTEM 301–10.400 What types of special convey- 301–10.190 When may I use a local transit ances may my agency authorize me to system (bus, subway, or streetcar)? use? 301–10.401 What types of charges are reim- Subpart C—Government Vehicle bursable for use of a special conveyance? 301–10.402 What will I be reimbursed if I am 301–10.200 What types of Government vehi- authorized to use a special conveyance cles may my agency authorize me to use? and I use a POV instead? 301–10.201 For what purposes may I use a 301–10.403 What is the difference between a Government vehicle other than a Gov- Government aircraft and an aircraft ernment aircraft? hired as a special conveyance? 301–10.202 What is my liability for unau- thorized use of a Government vehicle? TAXICABS, SHUTTLESERVICES, OROTHER GOVERNMENTAUTOMOBILES COURTESYTRANSPORTATION 301–10.420 When may I use a taxi or shuttle 301–10.220 What requirements must I meet to operate a Government automobile for service? official travel? 301–10.421 How much will my agency reim- burse me for a tip to a taxi, shuttle serv- GOVERNMENTAIRCRAFT ice, or courtesy transportation driver? 301–10.260 When may I use a Government RENTALAUTOMOBILES aircraft for travel? 301–10.261 What requirements must I meet 301–10.450 When can I use a rental vehicle? to operate a Government aircraft? 301–10.451 May I be reimbursed for the cost 301–10.262 What is my liability for unau- of collision damage waiver (CDW) or thorized use of a Government aircraft? theft insurance? 301–10.452 May I be reimbursed for personal Subpart D—Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) accident insurance? 301–10.453 What is my liability for unau- 301–10.300 When may I use a POV for official thorized use of a rental automobile ob- travel? 301–10.301 How do I compute my mileage re- tained with Government funds? imbursement? AUTHORITY: 5 U.S.C. 5707; 40 U.S.C. 486 (c); 301–10.302 How do I determine distance 49 U.S.C. 40118. measurements for my travel? 301–10.303 What am I reimbursed when use SOURCE: FTR Amdt. 70, 63 FR 15955, Apr. 1, of a POV is determined by my agency to 1998, unless otherwise noted. be advantageous to the Government? 301–10.304 What expenses are allowable in Subpart A—General addition to the allowances prescribed in §301–10.303? §301–10.1 Am I eligible for payment of 301–10.305 How is reimbursement handled if transportation expenses? another person(s) travels in a POV with me? Yes, when performing official travel, 301–10.306 What will be reimbursed if I am including local travel. authorized to use a POV instead of a taxi for round-trip travel between my resi- §301–10.2 What expenses are payable dence and office on a day of travel re- as transportation? quiring an overnight stay? 301–10.307 What will I be reimbursed if I use Fares, rental fees, mileage payments, a POV to transport other employees? and other expenses related to transpor- 301–10.308 What will I be reimbursed if I tation. park my POV at a common carrier ter- 24 VerDate 0ct<02>2002 13:29 Oct 05, 2002 Jkt 197168 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\197168T.XXX 197168T Temp. Duty Travel Allowances §301–10.107 §301–10.3 What methods of transpor- §301–10.7 How should I route my trav- tation may my agency authorize me el? to use? You must travel to your destination Your agency may authorize: by the usually traveled route unless (a) Common carrier transportation your agency authorizes or approves a (e.g., aircraft, train, bus, ship, or local different route as officially necessary. transit system) under Subpart B; §301–10.8 What is my liability if, for (b) Government vehicle under Sub- personal convenience, I travel by part C; an indirect route or interrupt trav- (c) POV under Subpart D; or el by a direct route? (d) Special conveyance (e.g., taxi or Your reimbursement will be limited commercial automobile) under Subpart to the cost of travel by a direct route E. or on an uninterrupted basis. You will be responsible for any additional costs. §301–10.4 How does my agency select the method of transportation to be Subpart B—Common Carrier used? Transportation Your agency must select the method most advantageous to the Government, §301–10.100 What types of common when cost and other factors are consid- carrier transportation may I be au- ered. Under 5 U.S.C. 5733, travel must thorized to use? be by the most expeditious means of You may be authorized to use airline, transportation practicable and com- train, ship, bus, or local transit sys- mensurate with the nature and purpose tem. of your duties. In addition, your agen- AIRLINE cy must consider energy conservation, total cost to the Government (includ- §301–10.106 What are the basic re- ing costs of per diem, overtime, lost quirements for using airlines? worktime, and actual transportation The requirements for using airlines costs), total distance traveled, number fall into three categories: of points visited, and number of trav- (a) Using contract carriers, when elers. available; (b) Using coach class service, unless §301–10.5 What are the presumptions premium class or first-class service is as to the most advantageous meth- authorized; od of transportation? (c) Using U.S. flag air carrier or (a) Common carrier. Travel by com- (ship) service, unless use of foreign air mon carrier is presumed to be the most carrier or (ship) is authorized. advantageous method of transportation [63 FR 15955, Apr. 1, 1998; 63 FR 35537, June 30, and must be used when reasonably 1998] available. (b) Government automobile. When your USEOFCONTRACTCITY-PAIRFARES agency determines that your travel §301–10.107 When must I use a con- must be performed by automobile, a tract city-pair fare? Government automobile is presumed to You must always use a contract city- be the most advantageous method of pair fare (an Internet list of city-pairs transportation. is available at http://pub.fss.gsa.gov/serv- §301–10.6 What is my liability if I do ices/citypairs), if you are a civilian em- not travel by the selected method of ployee of an agency (see §301–1.1 of this transportation? chapter), unless one or more of the fol- lowing conditions exist(s): If you do not travel by the method of (a) Space or a scheduled contract transportation required by regulation flight is not available in time to ac- or selected by your agency, any addi- complish the purpose of your travel, or tional expenses you incur will be borne use of contract service would require by you. you to incur unnecessary overnight 25 VerDate 0ct<02>2002 13:29 Oct 05, 2002 Jkt 197168 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\197168T.XXX 197168T §301–10.108 41 CFR Ch. 301 (7–1–02 Edition) lodging costs which would increase the §301–10.109 What is my liability for total cost of the trip; or unauthorized use of a non-contract (b) The contractor’s flight schedule is carrier when contract service is inconsistent with explicit policies of available and I do not meet one of your Federal department or agency the exceptions for required use? with regard to scheduling travel during Any additional costs or penalties in- normal working hours; or curred by you resulting from unauthor- (c) A non-contract carrier offers a ized use of non-contract service are lower fare available to the general pub- borne by you. lic, the use of which will result in a lower total trip cost to the Govern- §301–10.110 May I use contract pas- ment, to include the combined costs of senger transportation service for personal travel? transportation, lodging, meals, and re- lated expenses. No. NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (c): This exception §301–10.111 When may I use a reduced does not apply if the contract carrier offers group or charter fare? a comparable fare and has seats available at that fare, or if the lower fare offered by a You may use a reduced group or noncontract carrier is restricted to Govern- charter fare when your agency has de- ment and military travelers on official busi- termined on an individual case basis ness and may only be purchased with a GTR, prior to your travel that use of such a contractor-issued charge card, or centrally fare is economical to the Government billed account (e.g., YDG, MDG, ODG, VDG, and will not interfere with the conduct and similar fares); or of official business. (d) Rail service is available and such service is cost effective and consistent §301–10.112 What must I do when dif- ferent airlines furnish the same with mission requirements; or service at different fares? (e) Smoking is permitted on the con- tract flight and the nonsmoking sec- When there is no contract fare, and tion of the aircraft for the contract common carriers furnish the same flight is not acceptable to you. service at different fares between the same points for the same type of ac- [FTR Amdt. 84, 64 FR 29162, May 28, 1999] commodations, you must use the low- est cost service unless your agency de- §301–10.108 Are there other situations termines that the use of higher cost when I may use a non-contract service is more advantageous to the fare? Government. You may also use a non-contract fare such as a through fare, special fare, §301–10.113 What must I do if I change commutation fare, excursion fare or re- or do not use a common carrier res- duced-rate round-trip fare in the fol- ervation? lowing circumstances: If you know you will change or not (a) Your agency determines prior to use your reservation, you must take your travel that this type of service is action to change or cancel it as pre- practical and economical to the Gov- scribed by your agency. Also, you must ernment; and report all changes of your reservation (b) In the case of a fare that is re- according to your agency’s procedures stricted or has specific eligibility re- in an effort to prevent losses to the quirements, you know or reasonably Government. Failure to do so may sub- can anticipate, based on the travel as ject you to liability for any resulting planned, that you will use the ticket. losses. 26 VerDate 0ct<02>2002 13:29 Oct 05, 2002 Jkt 197168 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\197168T.XXX 197168T Temp. Duty Travel Allowances §301–10.123 §301–10.114 What must I do with un- AIRLINEACCOMMODATIONS used Government Transportation Request(s)(GTR(s)), ticket(s) or re- §301–10.121 What classes of airline ac- fund application(s)? commodations are available? You must submit any unused GTR(s), (a) Coach-class—The basic class of unused ticket coupon(s), or refund ap- accommodations offered to travelers that is available to all passengers re- plication(s) to your agency in accord- gardless of fare paid. This term applies ance with your agency’s procedures. when an airline offers two or more §301–10.115 Am I authorized to re- classes of accommodations, which in- ceive a refund or credit for unused cludes tourist or economy. transportation? (b) Premium-class—Any class of ac- commodations above coach, e.g., first No. You are not authorized to receive or business. a refund, credit, or any other nego- (c) First-class—The highest class of tiable document from a carrier for un- accommodations on a multiple-class furnished services (except as provided airline flight. When an airline flight in §301–10.117) or any portion of an un- only has two classes of accommoda- used ticket issued in exchange for a tions, the higher-class, regardless of GTR or billed to an agency’s centrally the term used for that class, is consid- billed account. However, any charges ered to be first class. billed directly to your individually (d) Premium-class other than first- billed Government charge card should class—Any class of accommodations be credited to your account. between coach-class and first-class, e.g., business-class. [63 FR 15955, Apr. 1, 1998; 63 FR 35537, June 30, (e) Single-class—This term applies 1998] when an airline offers only one class of §301–10.116 What must I do with com- accommodation to all travelers. pensation an airline gives me if it denies me a seat on a plane? §301–10.122 What class of airline ac- commodations must I use? If you are performing official travel For official business travel, both do- and a carrier denies you a confirmed mestic and international, you must use reserved seat on a plane, you must give coach-class accommodations, except as your agency any payment you receive provided under §§301–10.123 and 301– for liquidated damages. You must en- 10.124. sure the carrier shows the ‘‘Treasurer of the United States’’ as payee on the §301–10.123 When may I use first-class compensation check and then forward airline accommodations? the payment to the appropriate agency Only when your agency specifically official. authorizes/approves your use of first- class accommodations under paragraph §301–10.117 May I keep compensation (a) through (d) of this section. an airline gives me for voluntarily (a) No other coach-class or premium- vacating my seat on my scheduled airline flight when the airline asks class other than first-class accommo- for volunteers? dation is reasonably available. ‘‘Rea- sonably available’’ means available on Yes: an airline that is scheduled to leave (a) If voluntarily vacating your seat within 24 hours of your proposed depar- will not interfere with performing your ture time, or scheduled to arrive with- official duties; and in 24 hours of your proposed arrival (b) If additional travel expenses, in- time. curred as a result of vacating your (b) When use of first-class is nec- seat, are borne by you and are not re- essary to accommodate a disability or imbursed; but other special need. A disability must be (c) If volunteering delays your travel substantiated in writing by a com- during duty hours, your agency will petent medical authority. A special charge you with annual leave for the need must be substantiated in writing additional hours. according to your agency’s procedures. 27 VerDate 0ct<02>2002 13:29 Oct 05, 2002 Jkt 197168 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\197168T.XXX 197168T §301–10.124 41 CFR Ch. 301 (7–1–02 Edition) If you are authorized under §301–13.3(a) mium-class other than first-class ac- of this chapter to have an attendant commodations if you require the at- accompany you, your agency also may tendant’s services en route; or authorize the attendant to use first- (d) Security purposes or exceptional class accommodations if you require circumstances as determined by your the attendant’s services en route. agency make the use of premium-class (c) When exceptional security cir- other than first-class accommodations cumstances require first-class travel. essential to the successful performance Exceptional security circumstances are of the agency’s mission; or determined by your agency and in- (e) Coach-class accommodations on clude, but are not limited to: an authorized/approved foreign air car- (1) Use of other than first-class ac- rier do not provide adequate sanitation commodations would endanger your or health standards; or life or Government property; (f) The use results in an overall cost (2) You are an agent on protective de- savings to the Government by avoiding tail and you are accompanying an indi- additional subsistence costs, overtime, vidual authorized to use first-class ac- or lost productive time while awaiting commodations; or coach-class accommodations; or (3) You are a courier or control offi- (g) Your transportation costs are cer accompanying controlled pouches paid in full through agency acceptance or packages. of payment from a non-federal source (d) When required because of agency in accordance with chapter 304 of this mission. title; or (h) Where the origin and/or destina- NOTE TO §301–10.123: You may upgrade to first-class at your personal expense, includ- tion is OCONUS and the scheduled ing through redemption of frequent flyer flight time is in excess of 14 hours. In benefits. this instance you will not be eligible for a rest stop en route or a rest period [FTR Amdt. 70, 63 FR 15955, Apr. 1, 1998, as amended by FTR Amdt. 104, 67 FR 17947, Apr. upon arrival at your duty site; 12, 2002] (i) When required because of agency mission. §301–10.124 When may I use premium- class other than first-class airline NOTE TO §301–10.124: You may upgrade to accommodations? premium-class other than first-class at your personal expense, including through redemp- Only when your agency specifically tion of frequent flyer benefits. authorizes/approves your use of such accommodations under paragraphs (a) [FTR Amdt. 70, 63 FR 15955, Apr. 1, 1998, as amended by FTR Amdt. 87, 64 FR 67670, Dec. through (i) of this section: 2, 1999; FTR Amdt. 104, 67 FR 17947, Apr. 12, (a) Regularly scheduled flights be- 2002] tween origin/destination points (includ- ing connecting points) provide only USEOFUNITEDSTATESFLAGAIR premium-class accommodations and CARRIERS you certify such on your voucher; or (b) No space is available in coach- SOURCE: FTR Amdt. 74, 63 FR 63419, Nov. class accommodations in time to ac- 13, 1998, unless otherwise noted. complish the mission, which is urgent and cannot be postponed; or §301–10.131 What does United States (c) When use of premium-class other mean? than first-class accommodations is For purposes of the use of United necessary to accommodate your dis- States flag air carriers, United States ability or other special need. Disability means the 50 states, the District of Co- must be substantiated in writing by a lumbia, and the territories and posses- competent medical authority. Special sions of the United States (49 U.S.C. need must be substantiated in writing 40102). according to your agency’s procedures. If you are authorized under §301–13.3(a) §301–10.132 Who is required to use a of this chapter to have an attendant U.S. flag air carrier? accompany you, your agency also may Anyone whose air travel is financed authorize the attendant to use pre- by U.S. Government funds, except as 28 VerDate 0ct<02>2002 13:29 Oct 05, 2002 Jkt 197168 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\197168T.XXX 197168T

occurs. §301–11.5 How will my per diem ex- penses be reimbursed? Per diem expenses will be .. ceeds $75. Your agency may require re- ceipts for other allowable per diem ex- penses, but it must 301–74.19 What records must we maintain to document the selection of a conference site? Subpart
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