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Preview Chapter 1 – Spirit-U-Ally PUBLIC DISCLOSURE ON REALITY SERIES 1:28

Chapter 1 – Spirit-U-Ally PUBLIC DISCLOSURE ON REALITY SERIES 1:28 ”Establishing truth by rigorous deduction from appropriately chosen axioms & definitions.” "You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them." Quran: [17:36] Chez As Sabur ”It is not a case of man thinking he is God, it is absolutely the case of God IS man...not the other way round. God is the supreme consciousness of all that is, and it evolved a vessel for itself from the Void to still life to vegetation to animals to human to return to the knowledge of itself inside a hu vessel that called itself Man via the power of the Creator Force of Stage 4 Evolution – The word and the Voice” - Martin Popplewell “An apocalypse (Ancient Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apokálypsis, from ἀπό and καλύπτω meaning "uncovering"), translated literally from Greek, is a disclosure of knowledge, i.e., a lifting of the veil or revelation. In religious contexts it is usually a disclosure of something hidden (that makes sense of heavenly secrets)” - Wikipedia ”An allegory is a complete narrative which involves characters, and events that stand for an abstract idea or an event. A symbol, on the other hand, is an object that stands for another object giving it a particular meaning” - literarydevices.net ‘Spirituality is Science is Evolution is Creation is Consciousness is Unconditional Love’ Chez As Sabur ”Each new instalment of the ONE Upon A Time Book Series is written for YOU, by YOU – they should be looked upon as a series of accounts of everything that ever was, is and can be passed down to you for your enlightenment and to use the abilities that follow with your newfound increased awareness. The meaning of existence is to share your TRUE fingerprint with the rest of your reflections encountered in your Earth plane experience for mutual benefit” - Chez As Sabur The ONE that is everything, that represents everything that is not (that is the other ONE) Chez As Sabur 2 CONTENTS Quotes …............................................................................................................................................. 2 Contents ….......................................................................................................................................... 3 Special Thanks .................................................................................................................................... 4 Preface ..........................................................................................................................….................. 5 Chapter 1 – What is exactly is Spirituality? ….................................................................................. 9 - Human Civilization Epochs?........................................................................................ 10 - Religious and Spiritual Belief Systems ........................................................................ 31 - The Esoteric & the Occult …........................................................................................ 48 - Mythology …................................................................................................................ 63 - Emerald Tablets of Thoth …......................................................................................... 64 - Kabbalah and Sufism ................................................................................................... 65 - Evil/Darkness/Satan/Negative Emotions/Demons …................................................... 82 - Spiritual Evolution/Completion of the Tree of Life …................................................. 87 - If ”God” is the Creator, then who created God? …...................................................... 93 - Spiritual Alchemy ….................................................................................................... 95 - Sciptures - The End Times …..................................................................................... 102 - The Wheel – Spiritually …......................................................................................... 123 - Special Focus – The Ancient Sumerians …................................................................ 125 - Spiritual Quotes, Notes and Weblinks ........................................................................ 130 End of Chapter 1:Beginning of Chapter 2 …............................................................................. 135 3 Special Thanks I would like to take this moment to thank every single human being for all their conscious and spiritual efforts in order for this beautiful Universal force of unconditional love to work together through everyone to bring this book to publication. Through all of time everyone has contributed a jigsaw piece, which for the first time in history, has enabled the absolute, original truth of your existence to come forward to the conscious mind for your comprehension; and for the first time in history, it is able to be comprehended. Many of the factual comments within this book can be found on Wikipedia, from ordinary people – these facts can of course be checked against published and approved fact. The creative side has come from my alter-ego, or 'it'. Without the help of all these individuals who have taken time to research specific areas of interest and share the best known facts, and the internet, we would still be sitting in darkness with regards to the enlightenment of who we really are, and what Reality really is. Thank you 'IT' for all that it has tried to achieve through our hu-man vessels. 4 ONE Upon A Time Preface For many thousands of years mankind has been searching for answers to the questions surrounding the complexity of existence. The answers to the questions Who Am I? Where Do I Come From? Why Do I Exist? And Why Do Things Happen? have outwitted the greatest minds in existence... or have they? Have people known throughout the ages, the answers to these deep questions, but failed to find a platform big enough to convince everyone? Were the secrets to existence second nature to ancient civilizations? After all, it would have been easier to comprehend Evolution and how consciousness relates to both Evolution and Creation when the collective consciousness had a far less complicated history to comprehend than nowadays. Evolution is expressed through everything visible – how everything works together and the answers to the deeper questions such as those listed above and to questions like 'What is Reality?' and 'Who really knows anything?' Along with understanding how YOU relate to everything, are all revealed throughout the ONE Upon A Time Book Series. The Allegorical Universe Interpretation will show every reader and every listener of the audiobook versions, the invisible Creator of all things visible. The answers to what this ever powerful invisible force of Creation AND Evolution is, will be revealed on YOUR terms and according to YOUR understanding. Who and what you are is astounding. There are seven levels or dimensions of human comprehension in relation to the knowledge of everything that ever was, is or can be. The ONE explanation of ALL things expressed, no matter how 'crazy' they may appear can be perfectly explained through allegory. Follow the book series and see the allegory within each unique expression of 'it' self via the books, audioversions and the website and services offered at http://www.oneuponatime.org./ Let us begin with the first instalment of 'ONE Upon A Time' and let us find out once and for all exactly what 'Spirituality' means. A basic understanding of the discipline of spirituality brings incredible results, when this understanding is taken into beginning to comprehend the basics of the Scientific-Ally. To your amazement the complex suddenly is not so complex and as you embrace each discipline, as shown within the Evolution Explained section of www.oneuponatime.org, you will see one by one, that underneath form and matter, and underneath the words and their expression via the voice you will see what lies beneath the layers. Conscious or spiritual intent – energy, vibrations and frequencies that project from dark matter to form anti matter. Spheres of possibility, merely waiting to be realized in order, for your observation, comprehension and subsequent interaction. The centrally focused mirror image light and colour reflections that make up form and matter are copies – visible copies of the exact same frequencies of vibration that match the original conscious intent projection. Dark matter frequencies form anti matter moulds which are filled with light and colour in order to reflect back to the individual observer, that which they expressed an intention to receive in form and matter. The first three books in the ONE Upon A Time Series – Spirit-U-Ally, Scientific-Ally and Conscious-ly break existence into three sections. You will observe for yourself that they ultimately reveal that everything is 'neither one thing, nor the other, yet the sum of the two'. 5 The next three books are a diary of the awakening of the collective consciousness and the chaos and order experienced along the way from the unique expression of Martin Popplewell from his original death to his rebirth as a new conscious entity of a higher vibrational resonance. ONE Upon A Time – Diary of a Madman:Musings of a Genius follows my speed awakening through three periods of 6 months each. They carry the journey from the original comprehension of 'something other than what we can see' to reaching an understanding and wisdom of what lies beyond everything that ever was, and how it can be explained. Every instalment of the ONE Upon A Time Series will be released in three's. A mini series within a series, if you will. The third mini installment series will look deeper within and will be released as ONE Upon A Time – Mankind's Quantum World, ONE Upon A Time – Mankind's Theories and ONE Upon A Time – Mankind's Cultural Expressions. The fourth release of books 10,11 and 12 are entitled: ONE Upon A Time – Mathematic-Ally, ONE Upon A Time – Philosophic-Ally – The Allegorical Universe Interpretation and ONE Upon A Time – Revelation 22:22. The rest of the series: Book 13 – ONE Upon A Time – How to discover the 125 elements within Book 14 - ONE Upon A Time – Evolution Stage 1,1 Movement, Still Book 15 – ONE Upon A Time – Evolution Stage 2 Vegetative Book 16 – ONE Upon A Time – Evolution Stage 3 Animate Book 17 – ONE Upon A Time – Evolution Stage 5 Consciously Aware Book 18 – ONE Upon A Time – Evolution Stage 8 Infinity Awareness Book 19 – The Bible Allegory Explained Book 20 – The Quran Allegory Explained Book 21 – The Vedas Allegory Explained Book 22 – The Tibetan Book of the Dead Allegory Explained Book 23 – The Guru Grunth Sahib Allegory Explained Book 24 – The Torah Allegory Explained Book 25 – The Tao Te Ching Allegory Explained Book 26 – The Konjiki Allegory Explained Book 27 – The Tipitaka Allegory Explained Book 28 – The Fourteen Purvas Allegory Explained Each book will be released every three months and over a period of seven years. That may seem like a long time, but in relation to the information of all things that ever were, are and can be – it is a very short period in relation to Evolution Epochs. Each reader will achieve their own 'inner epoch' as they progress through to a complete understanding of the connection between everything that has ever had a lasting impression on the world. Let your journey begin, the journey towards enlightenment. What is enlightenment? It is simply the awareness of everything that ever was, is and can be according to a basic understanding of everything that ever was, is or can be. This is also known as Evolution. To start you off straight away with regards to allegory, this process can be allegorically expressed in mathematics, an aliquot sequence is a sequence of positive integers in which each term is the sum of the proper divisors of the previous term. If the sequence reaches the number 1, it ends, since the sum for 1 is 0. 6 Further mathematical allegory can be seen in the Fibonacci sequence (Creation) and the Padovan Sequence (Creator) and within the Aleph Number. Also the Aliquot Sequence - there are thousands, nay millions of allegories – each discipline is entire allegory for the pattern of Creation, as expressed from different perspectives. This you will come to fully understand. Aleph-naught. (aleph-naught, also aleph zero or the German term Aleph-null) is the cardinality of the set of all natural numbers, and is an infinite cardinal. The set of all finite ordinals, called ω or ω (where ω is the lowercase Greek letter omega), has cardinality. 0 This is just a small example within a totally supposed non-related discipline in relation to Spirituality – there is more to come, much much more. Welcome to the beginning of a new way – a new way that was always available to those who were seeking. This new way is here... ONE Upon A Time is more than just the name of a book series investigating reality – it is a foundation that represents a new way, a new perspective of seeing the same things that always were, yet embracing a conscious evolution that is opening up new awareness. An awareness of what already is but to a much higher degree of understanding and wisdom. The book series is a series of different perspectives all pointing to the same thing. The Allegorical Universe Interpretation. Everything in existence that is visible in form or matter is an allegorical representation of a desired outcome of potential. Potential first perceived within the formless dimensions of consciousness. Foundation of spirit, attainment of splendour and glory, victory over self expression and the freedom to be, beauty, awe, compassion, mercy, discernment, higher knowledge, understanding and wisdom are all paths within the tree of life, or Sefirot. Many spiritual practices and religions refer to a tree of knowledge or tree of life. This very concept is filled with formless attributes of the subconscious, unconscious and conscious awareness of existence itself. Through a speed awakening I came to comprehend everything that ever was, is and can be. Every single revelation came from within, which in turn was reflected in form and matter, in the form of evidence and allegorical proofs of that which I had simply come to 'know'. It was clear that the only thing to do upon such profound understanding, was to write a series of books explaining who you are, where you came from, why you exist and why ALL things happen – ie the causes of ALL effects and the effects of ALL causes. As awareness leads to the evolution of conscious comprehension and an increased awareness of all aspects of 'spirituality' all I can do is assist you to become aware – aware of what already is. 'There is nothing new under the sun' indeed... The initial ONE Upon A Time Series will highlight the connections and allegorical relationship between the 'ego' and the 'alter-ego'. As you read you will become more and more aware of the obvious. The first three books will explain the absolute truth of YOUR creation and be allegorically represented through the three main perspectives of all that is. Formless (Spirit) Form (Science) and the 'Neither ONE nor the other, yet the sum of the two' concept that reveals the Truth of Creation – Consciousness. Opening my mind to the fact that there must be something else other than what I knew provided the catalyst for my incredible journey of awakening. I slowly removed layer after layer of incorrection and miscomprehension that smothered pure DNA impulses, thus removing the 'junk' from within my own ability to follow my DNA instructions 100%. 7 This entire complex process of first discovering Reality for what it really was and then my subsequent increased awareness, little by little, step by step. Awareness leads to more than just 'awareness' – an awareness of all that was before, is and can be is an essential attribute to Evolve within the current Epoch – from Stage 4 of Creation – The Word and the Voice to Stage 5 of Creation – Conscious/Spiritual Awareness. The secrets of Creation reveal the next step for conscious evolution. What you call junk DNA is not junk at all, infact, once understood it reveals what lies beyond animal/human conscious comprehension. As it can be a slow, long process and layers must be removed one by one, it is recommended that you simply follow the book series and ride the wave of your own revelations and Evolution of Creative Consciousness. ”God” is a word, it was created by the Voice of human beings. There was no concept of ”God” before the ability to use the word and the voice. Only what was – only through Evolution reaching a comprehension and structuring of language and the voice was consciousness able to split into two as it were, with the ego and the alter-ego. A subjective view and an objective view of 'itself'. Everything in existence is connected and is a product of the same thing – conscious possibility. This first book explains the Evolution of Consciousness or of the formless creative intent, as allegorised through the discipline of Spirituality. The website www.oneuponatime.org reveals a basic look at the main disciplines that all express themselves in the same way as each other, but simply with different allegorical costumes covering the same equations. This book symbolizes the first public release of actual known reality from the highest dimensional perspective. There are infinite dimensions of conscious expression and the animal/human consciousness that is within almost all human beings contains seven seperate dimensions of comprehension. The ability to fully comprehend these 7 dimensions leads to ascension beyond that which is currently known to human comprehension. This is the next stage of Evolution – the revelations of what lies underneath the 'junk' in your memory or DNA. Each Evolution Epoch is for the survival of the fittest – each shift in Evolution comes from conscious comprehension of all that came before, before one can begin to comprehend what can be. Enjoy the enlightenment of all that is – let us begin with a look at Civilisation Epochs and the mysterious disappearances of various groups who were ALL considered very spiritual, or extremely consciously aware. The more aware you are, the higher the atomic resonance frequency of the observer. Did they all disappear 'out of frequency range'? 8 Chapter 1 What Exactly is Spirituality? Well 'U' actually! (Spirit-U-Ally): Spirituality may refer to almost any kind of meaningful activity, personal growth, or blissful experience. Traditionally, spirituality refers to a process of re-formation of the personality. Ally (verb): combine or unite a resource or commodity with (another) for mutual benefit. (noun): of a species, in biology, another species belonging to the same biological family. Spiritual ”medium” Darryl Anka, who is known in New Age circles for 'channeling' an 'entity' called 'Bashar' is quoted as saying the following in relation to frequencies and physics: ”Everything is here and now, but in various states of visibility and invisibility depending upon the frequency that you are operating on, and that means the belief system, the definitions that you buy into most strongly.” ”Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is physics.”- This quote has been misquoted as being from Einstein! Albert Einstein did speak about the relationship between matter and energy. The following quote is from a 1948 film called “Atomic Physics”. ”It followed from the special theory of relativity that mass and energy are both but different manifestations of the same thing — a somewhat unfamiliar conception for the average mind.” EXACTLY Albert – mass AND energy are different manifestations of the same thing – a projected creation of matter stemming from the Creator consciousness within, products of the subconscious mind brought forward into the conscious mind. Mass is material energy. In Physics mass is a property of a physical body. In Physics, energy is a property of objects which can be transferred to other objects or converted into different forms. Yes - it IS a somewhat unfamiliar conception for the average mind, but this is Evolution Albert, and this time we are successfully evolving as per the 'Divine' intention; that is that we were always meant to consciously ascend our current level of understanding the origin of our being. For this is the 'Second Coming'. A return to ONE consciousness, shared within a collective – trillions of seperate projections and reflections of the same original conscious being. Basically we are all the same one consciousness that became seperated from one another at birth. Spirituality is what YOU make it – as Talk Talk sang in 1986 'Life's what you make it' – it really is that simple. Spirituality is the formless, Science the form. One is in-visible, as in IN 'visible' – it is within the 'visible' meaning that spirituality is the discipline of the formless intention that rises to the manifestation of material matter which is subsequently studied and called 'Science'. I will take a very early opportunity to explain the word 'kundalini' to eradicate all the nonsense surrounding the word: ”Kundalini” is just a word - massively miscomprehended - kundalini is a sanskrit word meaning "circular, annular". It does occur as a noun for "snake" in the sense "coiled", as in "forming ringlets" Base of the spine means YOU - it is YOU that builds the vertebrae of your soul. IT is the base of all growth - YOU. Everything is YOU - every single sub atomic particle in existence and every single formless conception - it is all YOU. Even I am YOU. Now, as you were! 9 Human Civilization Epochs? The earliest emergence of civilizations is generally associated with the final stages of the Neolithic Revolution, culminating in the relatively rapid process of state formation, a political development associated with the appearance of a governing elite. This neolithic technology and lifestyle was established first in the Middle East (for example at Göbekli Tepe, from about 9,130 BCE), and later in the Yangtze and Yellow river basins in China (for example the Pengtoushan culture from 7,500 BCE), and later spread. But similar "revolutions" also began independently from 7,000 BCE in such places as the Norte Chico civilization in Peru and Mesoamerica at the Balsas River. These were among the six civilizations worldwide that arose independently. Mesopotamia is the site of the earliest developments of the Neolithic Revolution from around 10,000 BC. It has been identified as having "inspired some of the most important developments in human history including the invention of the wheel, the planting of the first cereal crops and the development of cursive script, Mathematics, Astronomy and Agriculture." The Neolithic Revolution in turn was dependent upon the development of sedentarism, the domestication of grains and animals and the development lifestyles which allowed economies of scale and the accumulation of surplus production by certain social sectors. The transition from "complex cultures" to "civilisations", while still disputed, seems to be associated with the development of state structures, in which power was further monopolised by an elite ruling class. Towards the end of the Neolithic period, various Chalcolithic civilizations began to rise in various "cradles" from around 3300 BCE. Chalcolithic Civilizations, as defined above, also developed in Pre-Columbian Americas and, despite an early start in Egypt, Axum and Kush, much later in Iron Age sub-Saharan Africa. The Bronze Age collapse was followed by the Iron Age around 1200 BCE, during which a number of new civilizations emerged, culminating in the Axial Age transition to Classical civilization. A major technological and cultural transition to modernity began approximately 1500 CE in western Europe, and from this beginning new approaches to science and law spread rapidly around the world. There are no recorded epochs as such, after all what would a human epoch be, and how would it be recorded in history? But we can see from the above information alone, that approximately 10.000BC and again in 1500BC ”something very major happened that caused a separation between two 'problems'. X and Y had equality issues, you could say. A maths problem indeed, an equation that became not possible to balance...at that time. The actions of the projected Creator Consciousness versus the reactions of the reflected Creator Consciousness caused the Great Floods that followed the thawing from the Ice Age end. For civilizations to progress from humble hu-man origins, there would have been a lot of 'monkey see, monkey do' behavioural traits, quickly learning from each other, creating new neural networks and connections, thus furthering their conscious comprehension of the elements, and how to interact with them. mirror neuron is a neuron that fires both when an animal acts and when the animal observes the same action performed by another. Thus, the neuron "mirrors" the behavior of the other, as though the observer were itself acting. Such neurons have been directly observed in primate species. So, monkey see monkey do then! Everytime a large section of peoples become suppressed, something happens in existence, and evolution to protect the area of 'collective consciousness' that is being surpressed. This is the Second Coming of awareness and conscious comprehension of new things and new ways – thinking 'outside the box' if you will. 10

The meaning of existence is to share your TRUE fingerprint with the rest of .. already is but to a much higher degree of understanding and wisdom Spirituality may refer to almost any kind of meaningful activity, personal growth, .. and access your DNA 'records' or 'Akashic Records' (Akashic being
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