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Preview Chapter 1: AM Transmitters Chapter 3: FM Transmitters Chapter 4

Chapter 1: AM Transmitters Chapter 2: AM Stereo Systems Chapter 3: FM Transmitters Chapter 4: Subcarrier Transmission and Stereophonic Broadcasting Chapter 5: Television Transmitters Chapter 6: Multichannel Television Sound Chapter 7: Transmitter Control Systems Chapter 8: Frequency and Aural Modulation Monitoring 3.1 AM Transmitters George W. Woodard, P.E.* Radio Free Europe /Radio Liberty Washington, DC Broadcasting to the general public began with Modulation band of 535 to 1605 kHz in North the process known as Amplitude Modulation near America, and slightly wider in other parts of the the start of the second decade of this century. world. From almost the very beginning of broad- Then, as now, the system of modulation chosen cast technology, it was known that AM was not for transmission was heavily dependent on prac- a very efficient mode of transmission, either in tical and economic aspects of receiver technology. spectrum usage or in transmission of intelligence. The evidence is clear that amplitude detection was The pioneers in AM broadcast transmitter and the only known practical method of signal de- receiver engineering technology had a deep sense modulation when the ideas of radio communica- of responsibility toward developing this "mar- tion began to be formulated in the late 1800's velous medium" to enhance the lives of the gen- and early 1900's. It is apparent from some of the eral public with informative, educational, and en- earliest technical writings on radio communica- tertaining programs. Some of the early commu- tion that a general mathematical knowledge of nication technology pioneers in the U.S. and angular modulation, i.e.; frequency and phase abroad had great vision for both the technical modulation, did not exist until the mid 1920's.' and programming aspects of public broadcasting.' These modes of transmission and the necessary As time and technology progressed, engineers receiver technology were not to be proven prac- could no longer ignore the problems of transmis- tical until long after amplitude modulation had sion efficiency. When, in the 1930's, the telephone become the standard of the radio communication industry was planning a major switch from DSB- and broadcast technological art. Amplitude FC-AM in favor of Single SideBand- Suppressed modulation in broadcasting is today more ac- Carrier (SSB -SC) for both its long distance wire curately referred to as DSB- FC -AM, an acronym and wireless services because of its higher trans- for Double SideBand- Full Carrier- Amplitude mission efficiency and channel capacity', the Modulation, however, the abbreviation "AM" broadcast industry was necessarily committed to has been generally accepted to describe the mode the continuance of conventional AM because of of transmission currently used throughout the world in the standard broadcast Amplitude 'Inaugural Address of Dr. Lee DeForest upon becoming the President of the I.R.E. Proc. IRE, VOL. 18, No. 7, Jul. 1930, *Formerly with Continental Electronics Manufacturing Com- p. 1121. pany. "Production of Single Side -Band for Trans -Atlantic Radio 3 ' "Notes on Modulation Theory ". John R. Carson, Proc. Telephony ". R. A. Heising, Proc. IRE, Vol. 13, No. 3, June IRE, Vol. 10, No. 1, June 1925, p. 57. 1925, p. 291. 3.1 -1 3.1 -2 Section 3: Transmitters the need for economic public receiver compatibili- transmitted. Linear or quasi -linear undulations ty. Therefore, the broadcast engineers attention in the amplitude of the carrier wave, however, naturally turned to improvement of transmission are normally used to transmit the analog infor- standards such as fidelity, efficiency of transmis- mation present in speech and music. The radio sion, reliability of transmission, and co- channel carrier wave signal onto which the analog ampli- and adjacent channel interference, etc. Of these, tude variations are to be impressed is expressed as efficiency and reliability of transmission have seen and continue to see the greatest improvement in e(t) = A x Ec x Cos (coct) [1] the views of many transmitter designers and users. Transmission fidelity, always important, reached Where: a plateau in the late 1940's which has not been significantly improved upon even in today's latest e(t) = instantaneous amplitude of carrier transmitter designs; though pre- transmitter pro- wave as a function of time (t) gram processing equipment and philosophy, A = a factor of amplitude modulation of which influence perceived reception fidelity, con- the carrier wave tinue to change. ac = angular frequency of carrier wave In the early 1980's, stereo transmission on the (radians /second) AM band became a widespread reality on the Ec = peak amplitude of carrier wave North American continent. This mode of trans- mission has become known and is referred to as If A is a constant, the peak amplitude of the AM- Stereo. Some AM broadcasters see AM- carrier wave is therefore constant and no modula- Stereo as a necessary means to compete with FM- tion exists. Periodic modulation of the carrier Stereo which continues to gain increased public wave exists if the magnitude of A is caused to acceptance for all types of programming. AM- vary with respect to time as, for instance, a sinu- Stereo transmission was approved on a general soidal wave, i.e.; basis by the FCC in 1981, but unlike FM- Stereo or Color Television, the FCC did not adopt a A = 1 + (Em /Ec) x Cos (omit) [2] transmission standard for this potentially revolu- tionary development in the standard broadcast Where: band. Instead the FCC allowed any commercial- ly developed AM- Stereo transmission system, Em /Ec is the ratio of modulation which will pass FCC type approval requirements amplitude to carrier amplitude regarding mono compatibility and interference, to compete for the broadcasters and consumers therefore; favor in order to establish a de -facto standard for AM- Stereo transmission. Some receiver e(t) = Ec x (1 + (Em /Ec) x Cos (wmt)) manufacturers have decided to build mass pro- x Cos (coct) [3] duction receivers for only one of the various pro- this is the well known basic equation for periodic posed systems based on their public and private amplitude modulation and when all multiplica- study of the systems merits and market poten- tions and a simple trigonometric identity are per- tial. Other receiver manufacturers have decided formed the result is to build mass production receivers which will automatically and /or manually decode any of the e(t) = Ec x Cos (act) + several proposed systems. Which receiver market- (M/ 2) x Cos(act + amt) + ilnogn gp hteilromso ipnhteyr ewsitl l opfr tehvea illi satnedn inwgh aAt Mis ipnu tbhleic baerset (M /2) x Cos (act -amt) [4] yet unknown. Several AM- Stereo systems are pre- Where: sented in the chapter following this one. M = the amplitude modulation factor Em /Ec AMPLITUDE MODULATION Equation [4] can be represented graphically THEORY three familiar ways; in the time domain represen- tation as shown in Fig. 1, in the frequency do- Amplitude modulation of a radio signal occurs main as shown in Fig. 2, and as relative vectors in at least two basic forms, coded (digital) and as shown in Fig. 3. The graphical representations linear (analog). The first amplitude modulation shown are for a single tone modulation index (M) processes for long distance communication in- of 0.7, i.e.; the peak modulating voltage is 70% volved on /off keying of a radio carrier wave. The of the peak carrier wave voltage (Em /Ec = 0.7). pattern or "code" of the on /off keying process Fig. 2 shows the occupied bandwidth of an AM determined the content of the information being signal with single tone modulation. From this Fig. Chapter 1: AM Transmitters 3.1 -3 ( +1 VOLTAGE IOR CURRENT) ENVELOPE OF E= Em Em En = PEAK CARRIER VOLTAGE Etim M=O DPUELAAKT IMOOND U= LA(ETmINrGE d*V O10L0T AGE ( -I VOLTAGE MR CURRENT) Fig. 1. Time domain representation of a carrier wave signal amplitude modulated by a sinusoidal audio signal to a peak modulation depth of 70%. - Ec = 1.0 MODULATION = Em = ELSE + ELISE Em x 100 = 70% Ec f 1 Em = 0.35 2 0.354 ELSB = EusB = 0.35 J (i-)re>que ncy 1L - J fCARRIER fAUDIO CARRIER CARRIER + fAUDIO MINIMUM OCCUPIED BANDWIDTH = 2 X fAUDIO (ASSUMING NO TRANSMISSION DISTORTION) Fig. 2. Frequency domain representation of an amplitude modulated signal showing the carrier wave signal and two resultant modulation sidebands at 70% modulation. f fL UPPER SIDEBAND -LOWER SIDEBAND EUSB = 0.35 ELSE = 0.35 Ec = 1.0 % MODULATION = ELSe + EUSB x 100 Ec Em = ELSE + EUSB Fig. 3. Vector representation of an amplitude modulation signal showing the carrier wave signal and two resultant modulation sidebands at 70% modulation. 3.1 -4 Section 3: Transmitters and its defining equation [4], it is clear that the and high efficiency is the vacuum tube class `C' bandwidth of an AM signal is equal to twice the amplifier. Class `B' RF power amplifiers, very highest modulating frequency if no system distor- popular in early transmitters, are still used occa- tion is present. High quality music reproductions sionally at lower power levels and for driver stages include frequency components as high as 15 kHz of final class `C' or `D' stages. Solid state class or higher and therefore the required theoretical `D' amplifiers up to 5 kilowatts are becoming bandwidth of a DSB -FC -AM signal capable of more common as driver stages for final vacuum high quality music reproduction is at least 30 kHz. tube amplifiers and for the final power amplifier Harmonic and inter -modulation system distortion modules in transmitters of up to 10 kW carrier have the effect of widening the effective occupied power. As stated in the introduction, the most bandwidth of the system. However, most modern common major concerns for both manufacturers transmitters have sufficiently low distortion and users of modern AM broadcast transmitters characteristics that bandwidth stretching is not is operating reliability and efficiency, hence normally a significant problem. The occupied operating cost. To achieve high overall operating bandwidth characteristics of an AM broadcast efficiency, the stages which consume the most transmitter are discussed in more detail in the sec- power, the modulator and /or the final RF power tion on "Factory Tests." amplifier stages must be designed for highest possible operating efficiency. RADIO FREQUENCY The basic tuned anode vacuum tube amplifier POWER AMPLIFIERS is described in graphical form in Fig. 4. The vacuum tube can be either a triode, tetrode, or A common AM transmitter major system com- pentode. Tetrode final amplifiers are most com- ponent is the power amplifier circuit. High power mon in modern high power transmitter designs. amplifiers that produce 0.25 to 50 kilowatts (kW) The RF excitation voltage is supplied to the grid of carrier power are common for AM broadcast of the power amplifier tube and the ratio of dc transmitters in North America. Carrier power grid bias voltage -to -peak RF excitation voltage, levels up to one megawatt and higher are com- shown sinusoidal in Fig. 4, determines the con- mon in other parts of the world for medium wave duction angle of anode current, given as broadcasting. Transmitters delivering these high power levels should be designed for highest - 0, = 2 x Arc Cos(Ecc /(Eg EcJ) [5] operating efficiency within the circuit constraints of the particular manufacturer and /or modula- tion system used. The most common amplifier where the exciting grid signal is sinusoidal as used to meet the demands of high output power shown in Fig. 4a. -X- = OPERATING POINT IP FOR CERTAIN TUBE TRANSFER CLASSES OF CURVHE eg)/ i AMPLIFIER OPERATION. IP = I ! ..A" Fig. 4b Fig. 4e OF "AB" - - ANODE 1AREDIASSIPA TION "C" OR "D" e P(min) eg II - 0 + 60 N (DEG0 REES) 60 60 B(DEG0 REES) +60 + EBB iP -- RESONANT ANODE LOAD CIRCUIT RESISTANCE ÿW Ór- lCY¢7 Ú'i dfi Flg. 4d - (2 EBB - ep(min)) Oi U< + Eg2 EBB ay (ark.) Fig. 4a BELOW CUTOFF ABOVE CUTOFF Ecc Eg,\ I Fig. 4. Classical vacuum tube Class "C" Amplifier with sinusodial grid drive, 120° anode current conduction, and resonant anode load. Chapter 1: AM Transmitters 3.1 -5 The shape of the anode current pulse is deter- DISCUSSION OF mined by the vacuum tube transfer characteristics BASIC AM SYSTEMS and input waveshape. The pulse of current thus generated, Fig. 4c, is supplied by the dc power High Level Anode Modulation supply, EBB, and passed through the resonant The first practical method of generating the anode tank circuit shown in Fig. 4d. The reso- amplitude modulation signal was Heising constant nant anode tank circuit is assumed to have suffi- current modulation4, 5, a method of applying cient operating Q to force anode voltage, ep, to audio modulation to the anode supply voltage of be essentially sinusoidal and of the same periodic a class `C' RF amplifier. This general class of frequency as the RF excitation voltage and resul- modulation has since been known as high level tant anode current pulse. The instantaneous anode (or plate) modulation. The Heising modu- anode dissipation, shown in Fig 4e, is the prod- lator was used at least as early as 1920 and was uct of instantaneous tube anode voltage drop and usually used to modulate a low power RF ampli- anode current. The tube transfer characteristic is fier or master oscillator stage which was followed a variable dependent upon many tube factors as by several linear amplifier stages until the desired well as maximum drive signal, Eg. The exact power level was attained. In some cases the Heis- shape and magnitude of the current waveform ing modulator was used to modulate the final RF is normally obtained from a load -line plot on con- amplifier stage of lower power transmitters. The stant current characteristic tube curves supplied Heising shunt modulator operated in the class `A' by the tube manufacturer. The resonant anode mode and therefore was low in operating effi- load impedance is chosen and adjusted to allow ciency. The early linear amplifiers were tuned ep(min) to be as low as possible without causing class `B' amplifiers operating with carrier level excessive screen grid (in the tetrode case) or con- anode efficiencies of 30% maximum. The Heis- trol grid dissipation. Some manufacturers increase ing and similar systems of audio amplification anode efficiency beyond the limits for typical were also used to modulate the grid bias level of Class `C' amplifiers by using a circuit employing RF amplifier stages in order to obtain the AM a third harmonic resonator between the output signal to be used for further linear amplification. anode connection and the fundamental resonant Heising constant current anode modulation was circuit. This has the effect of squaring up the very popular in military and aviation radio sets anode voltage waveform (ep) thus causing the in- used through the end of World War II. tegral of the ep x ip product, or anode dissipa- tion, to be smaller; resulting in lower anode dis- sipation for a given RF power output. An ampli- Class `B' High Level Anode Modulation fier employing the third harmonic anode trap is Historically the most popular method of ap- commonly referred to as class `C -D'; suggesting plying the audio modulating voltage to the anode an efficiency rating somewhere between conven- circuit of a class `C' RF power amplifier was by tional class `C' operation (nominal 120 degree a high power push -pull class `B' audio amplifier. conduction angle) and true class `D' operation This type of modulation was first used to improve with rectangular anode or collector voltage wave- the operating efficiency and to increase the out- forms. Anode efficiencies can be increased put power of AM broadcast transmitters. Class typically to values of 90 percent for transmitters `B' push -pull audio amplification was first used up to approximately 10 kW carrier power and approximately 85 percent for transmitters higher than 10 kW carrier power by using the third har- 4 "The Equivalent Circuit of the Vacuum Tube Modulator ". monic trap technique. Table 1 shows a compari- John R. Carson, Proc. IRE, Vol. 9, No. 4, Aug. 1921, p. 243. son of anode efficiency for six classes of high 5"Modulation in Radio Telephony ". R.A. Heising, Proc. power tuned RF amplifiers. IRE, Vol. 9, No. 3, June 1921, p. 305. TABLE 1. Comparison of Tuned RF Amplifier Anode Efficiencies Conduction Anode Amplifier Angle Efficiency Defined Conditions Class (degrees) ( %) of Operation A 360 30 Eb(min) = 0.10 X EBB A-B 240 60 Eb(min) = 0.10 X EBB B 200 67 Eb(min) = 0.10 X EBB C 120 84 Eb(min) = 0.05 X EBB C-D 120 90 Eb(min) = 0.05 X EBB D 120 95 Eb(min) = 0.05 x EBB 3.1 -6 Section 3: Transmitters to improve distortion and output power of tele- the modulator output circuitry, and the dc cur- phone transmission amplifiers. The invention was rent to the modulated RF amplifier anode flows soon recognized by broadcast engineers and ap- directly through the secondary of the output plied to high level anode modulation. With the modulation transformer. Elimination of these C final RF power amplifier operating at approxi- and L components is necessary for optimum mately 8007o anode efficiency and the class `B' operation of modern AM stations. With the ex- audio modulator total static currents approxi- tra C and L components, the modulator output mately one -tenth that of an equivalent Heising is effectively a three pole high -pass filter which modulator, total anode efficiencies at carrier level causes low frequency transient distortion to be rose to approximately 72% compared to 3707o for generated when driven with the complex the Heising system and 30% for conventional waveforms that are produced by many modern linear amplification. A simplified drawing of a and popular program audio processors. typical high level class `B' anode modulation Eliminating the C and second L component, system is shown in Fig. 5. The vacuum tubes causes the output modulator circuit to become shown in Fig. 5 may be either triodes, tetrodes, a single pole high -pass filter, greatly reducing low or pentodes. The output circuit of the class -B frequency transient distortion. modulator shows the output modulation trans- Another problem with transformer coupled former (MT), an audio coupling capacitor (C), high level class- B anode modulation is with high and a dc shunt feed inductor (L). frequency audio transient distortion. Stray inter- This arrangement was used in all high level nal winding capacitances and leakage inductances class -B high power broadcast transmitters until form multi -pole low pass filtering at the high fre- about 1960 because of a transformer design con- quency end of the audio spectrum. This equiva- straint that would not economically allow un- lent multi -pole low pass filter generates transient balanced direct currents to magnetize the overshoot distortion when driven by the same transformer core material without poor low fre- type of processed complex program waveforms quency distortion. Advanced technology core mentioned above. Transient overshoot up to 1207o materials and careful magnetic transformer design is typical for squarewave modulator input signals allowed elimination of the coupling capacitor and and results in a required modulation level reduc- the dc feed shunt inductor, first in some 100 kW tion of the same 12% in order to maintain peak European transmitter designs in the early 1960's, modulation levels within FCC allowed limits. This and in an American shortwave transmitter design high frequency transient overshoot distortion can in the later 1960's. Many of the more advanced be effectively minimized by filtering the audio in- modern AM broadcast transmitter designs still put to the transmitter with linear phase filters, using high level class -B anode modulation have resulting in somewhat lower high frequency audio eliminated the extra C and L components from response, and/ or by careful control of the MT= MODULATION TRANSFORMER C = AUDIO COUPLING CAPACITOR L = SHUNT AUDIO REACTOR MODULATOR FEEDBACK SAMPLE C I 1.i DRIVER AMPLIFIER(S) R.F. VACUUM TUBE LOAD OR T RESISTANCE SOLID STATE A.F. INPUT ïi f DRIVER AMPLIFIER(S) r VSAOCLUIDUO MRS TTAUTBEE VOHLITGAHG E BYPRAFS S CRLFA SDSR IV"CE" SIGNAL D.C. POWER MODULATOR SUPPLY FEEDBACK INPUT SAMPLE PUSH -PULL AMPLIFIERS CLASS "B" MODULATORS Fig. 5. High level anode modulation employing transformer coupled push -pull Class -B modulators . Chapter 1: AM Transmitters 3.1_7 modulation transformer equivalent circuit yielding Besides causing switching losses, the high stray more linear audio phase characteristics for the capacitance to ground is also a cause of major entire modulator circuitry. Balanced modulator modulator distortion at high negative modulation negative feedback is used to reduce modulator indices.? The circuit shown in Fig. 6b is one in- non- linear distortion and noise. Negative feed- genious way to overcome the stray modulator back, however, usually worsens high audio fre- capacitance problem. It is identical to the circuit quency transient distortion characteristics. in Fig. 6a, in principle, except that the high Pulse Width High Level Anode Modulation voltage pulse modulated wave is at a point in the circuit where the shunt capacitances to ground Pulse width modulation (PWM) of the dc are inherently minimized. The circuit in Fig. 6c anode voltage of a class -C RF amplifier was first is basically the same as in 6b except the system used in commercial high power broadcast ground has ingeniously been placed at another transmitters in Europe in the early 1960's. It was point in the circuit. PW Modulator anode effi- the first commercially successful attempt to ciencies approach 92% in some higher power significantly improve upon the efficiency of the transmitter designs yielding a combined modula- popular high level class -B modulation system by tor and carrier tube anode efficiency of approxi- applying and improving basic PWM concepts that mately 74% at all levels of modulation. An added were described decades earlier.6 Since this first efficiency advantage over high level class -B anode success, pulse width modulation has become a modulation is that a PWM transmitter may have preferred method of high level anode modulation only two high power vacuum tubes, one modu- by many broadcast engineers, and is employed lator and one final RF amplifier, thus eliminat- in several broadcast transmitter designs by several ing the filament heating power of one large manufacturers world wide. The basic pulse width vacuum tube required in push -pull modulator modulation system and two ingenious improve- designs. A significant disadvantage of PWM as ments to the basic system are shown in Fig. 6. described in Fig. 6b and 6c is that the cathode The circuit in Fig. 6a graphically describes the and grid circuits of the modulated RF amplifier basic principle of PWM. An inherent practical are operated at high voltage levels off ground, deficiency in the basic concept, Fig. 6(a), is caused adding complications to the circuitry in these by the relatively high shunt circuit capacitance areas that are avoided with the classical PWM of the modulator tube filament transformer plus circuit of Fig. 6a and conventional high level stray capacitances. Though special low - class -B anode modulation. Another major disad- capacitance isolation transformers can be used to vantage of PWM in any form is that of transient supply modulator filament and auxiliary power distortion caused by the phase non- linearity of to minimize capacitive switching losses, typical the multi -pole PWM filter, similar to that realizable values of capacitance can cause exces- previously discussed for high level class -B anode sive switching losses and audio distortion in lower modulation. The switching frequency is typically power transmitters. 70 kHz for most transmitters manufactured in For example, the switching losses at carrier level North America. This frequency is chosen to ease of a typical PW modulator for a 5 kW transmit- compliance with FCC regulations which requires ter can be higher than the quiescent modulator all spurious radiation more than 75 kHz removed losses of an equivalent power class -B modulator from the carrier frequency to be 80 dB or more even when the stray modulator tube capacitances below the carrier level. Present FCC regulations are as low as 100 pF. The power lost per modu- require transmitter spurious output between 30 lator switching cycle is kHz and 75 kHz removed from the carrier to be only 35 dB below the carrier level. To meet Pmodsw = (CV2/2) + Ptd [5] these spurious requirements (most manufactures of PWM transmitters far exceed these require- Where: ments), a very steep cutoff lowpass filter is re- C is the shunt modulator filament quired at the output of the PW modulator. Most transformer plus stray capacitance manufacturers of PWM transmitters make a to ground and; valiant attempt to maintain linear phase charac- V is the pulse switching voltage to teristics in this filter to as high an audio frequen- ground at the cathode of the tube. cy as possible, but the laws of nature prevent re- Ptd is the saturated tube and diode quired linear phase characteristics to the highest losses during the respective on and third audio harmonic to be achieved within the off conduction states major attenuation constraints noted above. As 6"Transmission System ". R. A. Heising, U.S. Patent No. 7 "Distortion in Pulse Duration Modulation ". Ernest R. 1,655,543, Jan. 1928. Kretzmer, Proc. IRE, Vol. 35, No. 11, Nov. 1947, p. 1230. 3.1 -8 Section 3: Transmitters LOW CAPACITANCE CATHODE AND OUTPUT SWITCHING DRIVER ISOLATION CAPACITANCE = TRANSFORMER C.FYR + COW. + CSTP -U -- U-J - Eirowunow SERIES PULSE WIDTH MODULATOR V,Eon /// LOAD GREFSISTA NCE CLASS "C. RF POWER ISOLATED AMPLIFIER P.W.M. SIGNAL DRIVER (FIBER OPTICS) RF DRIVE SIGNAL Fig. 6a. Basic classical high level anode pulse width modulation of a vacuum tube Class "C" amplifier. SYSTEM GROUND QRF OAD ISOLATED DRIVE SIGNAL (FIBER OPTICS) FLOATING MSOWDIUTCLAHTINOGR RSF IGDNRAIVL E OUTPUT CAPMACINITIMANIZCEED (C) CATHODE OFF 0.0 AND AUDIO GROUND MODULATOR CATHODE Mr TRAIANSNDOS LFDAOTRROIVMRE ERR MOSDTEUURLBIAEETS O R MNOEDGUEALeeTA ITVEED Fig. 6b. Collins Radio /Continental Electronics patented modification to basic high level PWM System to minimize modulator losses by minimizing switching modulator output capacitance. RF CLASS "C RF OUTPUT AMPLIFIER FLOATING SWITCHING RE DRIVE MODULATOR SIGNAL OUTPUT CAPACITANCE ICI MINIMIZED CATHODE OFF D.C. AND AUDIO GROUND SYSTEM GROUND SERIES NEGATIVE MODULATOR MODULATED TUBE Eae Fig. 6c. Harris Corp. patented modification to basic high level PWM System to minimize modulator losses by minimizing switching modulator output capacitance.

Chapter 4: Subcarrier Transmission and Stereophonic . basis by the FCC in 1981, but unlike FM- Stereo .. lent multi -pole low pass filter generates transient.
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