a Chaplin’s Barbet Lybius chaplini— bibliography P.M. Leonarda andR.J. DowsettL — Le Barbican de Chaplin Lybius chaplini une bibliographic. Afin d’aider les futurs chercheurs, une bibliographic annotee est presentee. C A haplins Barbet Lybius chaplini is the only Brooke, R. K. 1966. preliminary list ofthe birds of species of bird truly endemic to Zambia. It theKafueNationalPark.Puku4: 57-86. [Localities was first described by Clarke (1920) and was only: Meshiteshi, Ntemwa, Moshi.] named after Sir Drummond Chaplin Clarke, S. R. 1920. [Lybius chaplini, sp. nov.] Bull. Br. (1866-1933) who was the Administrator of Ornithol. Cl. 41: 50-51. [Describes and names the Southern Rhodesia at the time. new species, collected by Col. Stephenson R. Although its distribution, general habits and Clarke, no date, on Kafue Riverat 16°S 26°E.] breedingbehaviourarefairlywellknown, compar- Clarke, S. R. 1921. An account ofthe birds met with during a two-months shooting trip in Northern atively little research has been undertaken on the Rhodesia. Ibis(11) 3: 611-621. [Adescriptionofa species, which is somewhat surprising given its hunting trip from Monze to Namwala in 1920; a endemic status, that it is considered Near few words on collecting a single specimen of the ThreatenedbyBirdLife International andthatitis barbet. Colour plate by Gronvald ofL. chaplini, L. relatively easily observed in its range. Given that leucocephalusandL. rubrifacies Zambiahassoleresponsibilityforthespecies’ con- Colebrook-Robjent, J. E R. & St.]jernstedt, R. 1976. servation, it is hoped that more thorough studies Chaplins BarbetLybiuschaplini: firstdescriptionof will be carried out in the near future. Such eggs, a new host record for the Lesser Honeyguide research invariably commences with a literature Indicator minor. Bull. Br. Ornithol. Cl. 96: search, thus theaimofthisbibliographyis tocom- 109-111. [A description of the eggs and nest, plete such a first phase. details ofparasitism byI. minorand description of In the following list ofreferences, short sum- calls.] maries ofthe contents ofeach entry are included. Dowsett, R. J. 1966. A preliminary list ofthe birds of the Kafue Flats. Puku4: 101-124. [Notedas being Bibliography associatedwith figtrees, localisedand resident.] Aspinwall, D. R. & Beel, C. 1998. A Field Guide to Dowsett, R. 1980. Comments on some ornithologi- J. Zambian Birds not Found in Southern Africa. cal type-localities in Zambia. Zambia Mus. J. 5: Lusaka: Zambian Ornithol. Soc.. [A conventional 7-16. [On p.10, points out that coordinates given fieldguide entry.] by Clarke are vague and not on the Kafue, so Benson, C. W. & White, C. M. N. I960. restricts typelocalityto Maala.] Discontinuous distribution (Aves). Proc. 1 Fed. Sci. Goodwin, D. 1964. Some aspects of taxonomy and Congr. (Salisbury): 195-216. [Treating L. chaplini relationships of barbets (Capitonidae). Ibis 106: as a race of L. leucocephalus, remarks on its geo- 198-220. [Discusses in some detail, on p.216, the graphical isolation.] suggestion that L. chaplini, a species, may be as Benson, C.W. &Irwin, M. P. S. 1964. Someadditions close toL. rubrifaciesas to L. leucocephalus.] and corrections to a Check list of the birds of Keith, G. S. & Vernon, C. J. 1969. Bird notes from Northern Rhodesia. No. 5. Occ. Pap. Nat. Mus. S. northernandeasternZambia.Puku5: 131-139. [A Rhod. 27B: 106-127. [AspecimencollectedbyTree sighting on 2 December 1964, 105 miles from on the Kafue Riverat 14°05’S 27°23’E.] Livingstone on the Lusaka-Livingstone Rd. An & Benson, C.W., Brooke, R. K., Dowsett, R.J. Irwin, adult and two juveniles, the latter with a plain M. P. S. 1971. TheBirds ofZambia. London, UK: white face and paler bill. No figtrees visible in the Collins. [Asummary ofhabitat, distribution, ecol- immediate area.] ogy and breeding, treating L. chaplini as a sub- Pitman, C. R. S. 1932. Notes on Chaplin’s Barbet species ofL. leucocephalus.] {Lybius chaplini)- Ibis (13) 2: 304-308. [Following thesingle type-specimen, Pitman foundthespecies ChaplinsBarbet—abibliography: Leonard&Dowsett BullABCVol12No 1(2005)-53 . on the NansengaRiverin 1931, insmall-fruited fig commenton thelocalitywherespecimen in Benson & trees; fourcollected.] Irwin 1964 collected, = Chilenga (j/r).] Pitman, C. R. S. 1934. Report on a Faunal Survey of Warren, R. L. M. 1966. Type-specimens ofBirds in the Northern Rhodesia. Livingstone: Govt. Printer. [On British Museum (NaturalHistory). Vol. 1. London, p.229 there is a note stating that five were collect- UK: Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.). [On p.57givesdateof ed, notfouras in Pitman 1932, atShamabanza’son collection from label of holotype as 30 August Nansenga River.] 1920.] Short, L. L. & Horne,J. F. M. 1983.The relationships Winterbottom, J. M. 1932. On Chaplin’s Barbet. Ibis of male Lesser Honeyguides Indicator minor with (13) 2: 722-723. [Notuncommon nearMazabuka, duetting barbet pairs. Bull. Br. Ornithol. Cl. 103: fivespecimens collected.] 25-32. [The results ofsome tape playback experi- Winterbottom, J. M. 1939. Miscellaneous notes on ments in Kenya with Lybius leucocephalus and L. some birds of Northern Rhodesia. Ibis (14) 3: torquatus] 712-734. [Mentions presencein Mazabukaareaon Short, L. L. & Horne,J. F. M. 1983. A reviewofduet- p.721, nothing new] ting, sociality and speciation in some African bar- Winterbottom, J. M. 1944. The avifauna of the Old bets (Capitonidae). Condor 85: 323-332. [Mainly Jeanes School station, Mazabuka, Northern East African studies, but a table reviews duetting, Rhodesia, 1941—42. Ostrich 15: 114-129. [Mostly sexual dimorphism and systematics of all African a census ofother species, but on p.119 mentions species. In passing, treats L. chaplini as a species, that in the 1940s numbers of the L. chaplini at but no reasons given. Mentions some vocal differ- Mazabukadeclined noticeablywhen figtreesdied.] ences between populations ofL. leucocephalussensu Winterbottom, J. M. 1951-52. Some notes on stricto] Northern Rhodesian birds. N. Rhod. J. 1 (4): Short, L. L. & Horne, J. F. M. 1985. Social behavior 24-30; (6): 32-40. [On pp.34-35,some newlocal- and systematics of African barbets (Aves: ities are given: Nambala, Namantombwa, Capitonidae). Proc. Int. Symp. Afr. Vert. Bonn: Mwembeshi River, Kalomo, Munzuma River, 255-278. [Mentions aspects ofbehaviour, includ- Musa-Kafue confluence, Mapangazya, ingvocal (sonogram),ofL. chapliniin discussionof Chalimbana, Lusaka, 15 miles north of Lusaka, thewhole complex, pp.268-271.] Kabanga.Three occupied nests in fig trees.] Short, L. L. & Horne, J. F. M. 1988. Lesser Winterbottom,J. M. 1953. On the bird population of Honeyguide Indicator minor interactions with its theOldJeanesSchoolstation, Mazabuka, Northern barbet hosts. Proc. VIPan-Af Orn. Congr.: 65-75. Rhodesia, 1948—49. Ostrich 24: 174-181. [A brief [On pp.71-73 there are detailed descriptions of mention on p.176, but nothing new.] honeyguide and L. chaplinibehaviourat nests near Choma.] In addition to these titles, the Newsletter of Short, L. L. &Horne,J. F. M. 1988. Lybiuschaplini. In the Zambian Ornithological Societyhas published Fry,C. H., Keith, S. &Urban,E. K(eds.) TheBirds many sightings ofthe species and several breeding ofAfrica. Vol. 3. London, UK: Academic Press. [A records. summaryofknowledge.] Short, L. L. & Horne, J. F. M. 2001. Toucans, Barbets Acknowledgements andHoneyguides. Oxford: Oxford University Press. We thank John Colebrook-Robjent and Lester [Adetailedsummaryofknowledge.] Short for theirhelp in preparing this bibliography. ShorCt,apiLt.oniLd.ae&(baHrboertns)e.,InJ.delF.HoMyo.,J2.,00El2l.iottF,aAm.il&y a84H6G,TrUeKnc.haEr-dmaCillo:sep,leNoenwatrdo@nc,arNeo4tftreien.gnheatm NG13 Sargatal,J. (eds.) HandbookoftheBirdsoftheWorld. Vol. 7. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions. [A concise sum- b12 rue des Lavandes, Ganges F-34190, France. maryofcurrentknowledge.] E-mail: [email protected] Snow, D. W. (ed.) 1978. An Atlas ofSpeciation in African Non-Passerine Birds. London, UK: Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.). [Amap anddiscussion ofdistri- bution and taxonomy of L. chaplini, L. leuco- cephalusandL. rubrifacies.] Tree, A. J. 1966. Some recent bird observations from the north Kafue basin. Ostrich 37: 30-36. [A brief 54-BullABCVol12No 1(2005) ChaplinsBarbet—abibliography: Leonard&Dowsett