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Chaosophy, New Edition: Texts and Interviews 1972–1977 (Semiotext(e) Foreign Agents) PDF

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Preview Chaosophy, New Edition: Texts and Interviews 1972–1977 (Semiotext(e) Foreign Agents)

TEXTS AND INTERVIEWS1 972-1977 ix uattari EditbeydS ylveLroet ringer IntrodubcyFt riaonnQ Dooisss e TranslabtyeD da viLd. S weetJ,a rreBde ckearn,d T aylAodrk ins <e> SEMIOTEXT(FEO)R EIGNA GENTSS ERIES Copyri©g h2t0 0F9e lGiuxa ttaanrdiS emiotext(e) Allr ighrtess ervNeod p.a rotf t hibso okm ayb er eproduscteodr,ie nda retriseyvsatleo mrt, r ansmibtyta endym eanse,l ectrmoencihca,n ipchaolt,o ­ copyirnegc,o rdoirno gt,h erwwiisteh,o purti poerr missoifto hnep ublisher. PublisbhyeS de miotext(e) 200W7il shBilrved S.u,i 4te2 7Lo,sA ngelCeAs 9, 0057 www .semiotexte.com Specithaanlks toR oberDte whurEsmtm,a nuelGluea ttaBrein,j amMieny ers, Frorencea nPdeD tarnii,eS lilvea don. TheI ndewxa sp reparbeyAd n dreLwo pez. CoveArrt byP auline Stella Sanchez. GonMea dB lue/CVoalcocrAi rnceh iteocr3t s utrasetc eu lptbueforree:t heev endt,u r­ intgh eev enatn,da ftetrh eev en#t4,.( Seehne rdeu ritnhgee venstt ag2e0.)0 4. Temperatucraer,t ocoonl ounre,o -plamsetmiocr igelsu,ed ,o minacnitn ema notecso,l obuarl lwso,o dr,e simne,t a-alloefag rocrhyi teacsbt oudrye. 9x 2 91 /x41 8" DesigbnyH edEil K holti ISBN9: 78-1-58435-060-6 DistribbuytT ehdeM IT PresCsa,m bridge, anMdaL sosn.d oEnn,g land Printientd h eU nitSetda toefAs m erica ontents IntroducbtyiF orna nc;oDioss se 7 PARTI :D ELEUZEIGAUTTARIO N ANTI-OEDIPUS 1.C apitaliAs Vme:r Syp eciDaell irium 35 f 2.C apitalainsdmS chizophrenia 53 3.I nF lux 69 4.B alance-Shfeoer"t D esiring-Machines" 90 PARTI IB:E YONDA NALYSIS 5.G uerriilnPl say chiaFtrrayn:c Boa saglia 119 6.L ainDgi vided 124 7.M aryB arnes"'Tsr ip" 129 8.T heB estC apitaDlriusgt 141 9.E verybody Wtaonb teas F ascist 154 10L.a B ordeA: C linUincl ikAen yO ther 176 11B.e yontdh eP sychoanalyUtniccoanls cious 195 PARTI IMII:N ORP OLITICS 12T.o H aveD onew itthh eM assacroeft heB ody 207 13T.h reBei llPieornv erotnts heS tand 215 14I.H aveE venM etH appyD ragQ ueens 225 15B.e coming-Woman 228 PARTI VC:I NEMACHINES 16C.i nemoaf D esire 235 17C.i nemFao u 247 18T.h eP oorM an'Cso uch 257 19N.o tS oM ad 268 PARTV :S CHIZO-CULTUIRNEN EW YORK 20M.o leculRaerv olutions 275 21D.e siriesP owerP,o weri sD esire 282 22G.a ngsi nN ew York 291 Bibliography 297 Notes 301 Index 311 o����1�:1s1�� 1��I����11 KUTUPHANESI 0918419 Fran�Dooisss e INTRODUCTION OSOPHY Chaosogpahthyea r sse neosf s cattetreexdtb sy F eliGxu attari accordtions ge vetrhaelm easc cesstioba nlA en glo-Sarxeoand er­ shifpi:r tshte,ra erc el arificoantt hieso innsg uloafrt ihtewy r iting machianses embwlietdGh i llDeesl euwzhei,c lha stferdo m1 699, whent hemye tt,o t hep ublicaitn1i o99n1o f W hatIsP hilyo?s oph Secontdh,et exftrso m1 797g ivaen i deoaf w hat ptrhiev aLtae Bordcel iniincw ,h icGhu attawroir kewda,s likeo,f h iasn d ambivarleelnatt iownisthahin pt ipsycThhiiartdtr,hy te.e xctosl lected ins ubsequveonltu m(es17 9-71895an d1 8969-291)wi lall louws tob ettuenrd ersthainisdm portraonlite nt hIet alaiuatno nomists' movemenatn,d h isr elatiownisthahi pt riumphmaondte rnity. Guattnaervie arl lowheidm setlolf a menat w orlwdh icwhe h ave lo.sR tathearl,w adyiss plaay cirnigt sipciarlhi ett ,r iteodb ounce bacikn o rdetroc hairntn ovaptaitvhlese aditnotg h meo sctr eative procesosfes suj bectificaptoisosni b'l'eI:h' ymp erpessiamnids tic hyperoptiamtti hsest aimcte i me."! D&G:A W ritiMnagc hine AfteMra y 1698D,e leuiznet endteodb rinag p hilosophical answetrot heq uestiroaniss beydL acanipasny choain.saH liyss meetiwnigt Ghu attaorfif erheidm a magnificoepnpto rtunity. Moreovienr1 ,69 9hi hse alatlhr eawdayss erioiumsplayi bryet dh e 7 operathieho and t hyee abre foMroer.e t haonn eo fh ilsu nghsa dt o ber emoveAsd a.r esuhlitts,u berculosisa nwdoc rhsreonneidc ally weakenheidrs e spirastyosrtuyen mt hield iedH.e wase xhausted int hfe ulsle nsofet het erbmy w hichhe w illla tcehra racttehrei ze worokf S amueBle ckette-xahna uswthiiocnoh f fearneod p ening anda llowfeodra trumee etinag p,r esefnocret heo thearn da fruirteflualt ioMnesehtiipGn.ug a ttwaoruil bde c rucfioarrle viving hivsi tfaolr ces. Asf orG uattahredi i,s clohsieosdw nw eaknestsohe isns ew friend, reveaolfti hniegn haisbpiewtchitioscln he tdo h i"se xtremist misfiriTnhegb .a"s2fi ostr h iwsr itidnigs orhdeea rd,m ittweadsa, lacokfc onsiswtoernaktn dt heoreticala nrdae f aedaoirfnd gisv,i ng bacikn twoh ahte h adl eftf allfoowtr o ol onTgo.t hefsaei lihneg s addead c omplicpaetresdo hniaslt owriyta hn u pcomidnigv orce, threceh ildrtehnec, l inciocn,f loifca tlskl i ndmsi,l itgarnotu ps, theF GERl ..3A. s f otrh et heoreetliacbaolr aittisoeGnlu fa,t tari conside"rceodn cempetrseu tensgialdsg,e tFso.r"e 4x amplhee, usetdh ec onceopft" vacuoglraoru pa"sa wayo fb ringoinugt somethliensogsp preswsiitvhemi inl itoarngta nizaatlisomono sr,e conductiorv eet hinskiinnggu lar phenomena. Ghuiast tari invented conceopf"t t ransveirnso arldiettrouy n"s ettle s"od-ecmaolclreadt ic centraliinfs amv"o5o fr" effectiavnedan b ersesa thing."6 Fromt hefiirr esntc ounbtoetroh,f t hemi mmediaitdeelnyt ified thecirri ttiacragl"e tthO:ee diptarli anagnldte h"fe a milrieadlu ction brougahbto ubty p sychoanadliystciocuatrlhs ece r,i tioqfwu hei ch becamteh ec oroef A ntidp-iuOspeu,b lisihne1 d79 2.F romt he beginntihnegir re latwiaosnl ocataettd h eh earotft heoretical stakbeass,e odn a ni mmedifartiee ndasnhdii pn telleacftfuianli ty witahn e qual ornib gootrsh i deHso.w evetrh,if sr iendwsohuilpd nevebref usioannadlt ,h eu seo fv owuosu ladl wabyesd er ieguur betwetehne ma,l thoutghheo yt herwriesaed uisleytd h et ufo rm. Cominfgr otmw od iffergeanlta xeiaecsrh,e specitnte hde diirff erence thoet haenrd shiinsgn uewltorakro f relWahtamitao dntesh .e succoefts hsej iionrit n telelnedcetpauovasolsrw i asbt lhmeeo bi­ lizaotfei voenr ytthhamitan dgte h epierr sondaielffrietnite,s sharpceonnitnrga sltoso kfriroaan tnagh r etrio fsimco.iB saohilt s haadv erhyi gh ofifir deenad Gsuhaitpht.aa adrd im itbteeednl y apprevheoe mfne seitwitinhg Deflcaeeu-azteceoH. -e wf amso raet eawsoek rinwgti hg rouapnswd,o u lrda thhaevrie n vohlivse d firenfdorsmt hCeE RFF and inttehgeirmnta hteceiodrl labora­ tioPnu.t ttihnefgii rr st boeoskp letlcomyigo,aes ittnhlveyor l,v ed ane xchaonflg eet tTehriwssri. t8i pnrgo tuopcsoGelut a ttari's everlyeida,fan yhd e h atdoi mmehrismesi enalk fi nds oolfi tary wokrh ew asnu'stet doD .e leeuxzpee hcittmeo gd o t o whoikrs tabalsse o oansh ew oke juopht,ii sd edaosw n poine cpaea poefr (hhea tdh reea m iidneuaatnsewd )ti, h oeuvter ne reiatds,ie nngd hitmh per odoufhc itrssee fcltiiontn hser iorus gtha Dteel.e uze thussu bjGeucattettdoa k riain d of wahiscchheeb t eilciiesvme d necefsrosh airtmyoo vercowmrei tphirinosgb . lG eumastftlualryi wenta longl oacnhkdie mds uepil nft oo fchfewii,sok rinlgi ke a hortsote hp eio notf gewtrittiecnrrgsa 'm p.o sfIp nesnthdeiiasnd g timdei rehcitgsir noguh pefs uo,n hdi msceolnffit noe dlh oilnsye stuedvyed rayuy n t4pi l.. mH e ownenltty oL aB odrei nt hlea te afternaolowinana,y sr bucesahuh seae l wahyatsdob eb ack to his houisnDe h uiazroonu6 pn d. Tmh.de i reocftt hocerl iJneiacn, Ourye,x pertihecinhsca enadgsa e ni ntoldeersaebrUltseiu oanl.l y omniprients hdeean iltlei oy ff Ldae G,Bu oarthtaatdror i e omve himsforemla flt lha ec tiavttih tceil eiasnn iddec v hoitmest eohl ifs wokrw tihD eleuze. Accortdoti hnwegri tianrgr angemaednotpf trotAe hndiet ­y OepduisG,u atwtoualrsdie npdr epatreaxtwtohsri yDc ehl euze woulrde owrk paonldii nstthho e fiirnv aeslri o"nDesl:e suazied thFaetl diixs cotvhederi eadm oanndhdse w asc utttihnefgmro himG.u atotnahlrayit d os enhidtm h tee xatshs ew rotteh em and /9 Delewuouzlead r ratnehgmTe.h ahto'iwsa t l l acbatom9.uTe "h eir jiontta sk oetri hnevroetlfhvmeee dd iaotfti eoxfnta msro rseo thadni aloorlg iuevexe c haenvgetenhs o,uG guha totcacrails liyo na mewtti hD eleiunPz aero inTs ue sdaatfye ronnoastf,e Dre leuze gavheic sl aastts hV ei nceUnnnievsei rnts himeto yr nIinnt gh.e summmeorn t,i hitsDs e lewuhzwoee nttoG uattianord riet'ros wokrw tihh im. Ons eveorcacla sDieolneasun,zGd eu atdteasrcirt ihbeeidr jionwto rakni dts si nrgiuAfttleyar.t hpeu bliocAfan ttOiieo-dunips , Guatstaaoirftdi h ewirirt idnu:go" n Iitiiwatals ll eyas q su estion ofp oolkinnolgwe dtgheao nfa ccumuoluaurtn icnegr taanidn ties, eveacn e rtain ditshtteru eorsefnsv eranefttgMesaar ry 'd 6.1i8"0n g Deleaulzcseoo m men"tOdedldiy:wf, e t riteogd ob eyotnhdi s tradidtuiayoli,n itpat rlie sc biesceawluewys r eoi tnte a ndNeemi.t her onoefu sw atsh mea dmoartn h pes ychiiwtaa tnsre icseytts ,obs ea r twtoor elae apsre.o T.che.pes r so ciwesh sawste acf alxl"u.lll Frotmh eixsc haang geen,uw ioknrm ea chwianbseo rann,d formt ehno ni wta ism postsoii dbelnet ibfye lwohtnaoogt ne ed or tot hoeht ebrce autshemi asc hwiasnn eo ats imspmul oef t wo indiviIdtu aoslnesle.ymt eord e siinad " et owo fu s" tthhea t cosigonftah tbeuo roeekv okeisft,nu cyteimtoo nrpsero oufnidnl y a" ebtweenc-atpwaoobfc"l r ee aotfain necgwo cltlisevuebt jitevyci. Int hemiarc hbiiunfricca tthiteor nsu,ee n osfte h ensoet ions liients hi en vtaeolrtf h eriersv pepe ectraistloyiTn.ot ry iadnedn tify thfeta hoefrs ucahns du ccho ncaesSp tte,p Nhaadna wurodet , woulbde c"otmop ldeirtseeglayre ds salecn no tnicaientp hte ir workt:h oafat s sem.bl2"Tl haegeienrtw irirteim nagc hrienloein e s poistioanc ionclgtl ieavses emobfle anguen ciaastt hiteor nu e ftahoefrt hceo ncienpvtesnD toeeidstf. r,oa ltlh alte,ta odt he creaotfait ohnim radwn hwoo ulrde sfuorlmtt h ceo aleosfc ence boht,aF elix-oGra"i lGulaetst,aa rste huceza er"t oLoanuizsite r hacso ined? 10/. Thiisd oefaa s semibfslnu adgaem efnrout nadle rstthaen ding singyu olfat rhDieel teuzaet-tGmauordioe fw ritiDnegl.e uze explatihtnioehs di J sa patnreasnesK lunaitiUocnroh :i "iWsh at enuncdioaentsoer tdee frt o suab jTehcetir.se ennou nciating sujbetco,n ly assTehmibsl atmgheeaaistnn.a,s n ays semblage, thearr"eep rocoefss uesbcejtsi fiwchiactwhili oalns "sv iagrni ous suebcjtssoe,ma si magaenosdt haessr is.g "nIs1it3ws ti hU noa, fromer sttuurdfneirenedtnt dh,Da etl ewuouzleod p eunpm ost expliacbiottuhltsey p iefciocfti hteyj iiornw to kr.H ep resents Guatatsaa gr rio up a"nsodftf eararsb " e aiufmtuel tapthoo r exprensast outftrh heee b iornt dh,oa ftt h see sai nkoinan h gi ll­ sid"eFl:ei cxo ublecd ompatroae s deo au twairncd olnys tant movemwetinhct o,n tiflnausoohufels si gHhet m.jp ufsor mo ne actitvoai ntoyth hese lre,le ipthste tl rela,sva e,nh de n evsetro. ps Hen evpearu sHeems o.v aetes xtraosrpededi.Asn sat romy e I, woulbder atherhl ilIlm: io kvee lav ietartmyul nea,tb olc ea rry outtw por eocjatots nc em,yi deaarised fiexeeass nt dh fee mwo ve­ menwthisc Ihd oh avaeri en te.rT.nog.ae lt Fhleeirax,nI dw olud havmea daeg oodS umwore st"l1e4r . DeleaunzdGe u atstd aierffrie'pnetrn saoliitnideustc weod rhytohftm esm poy,ars aoloriftttw o -sternogki"enWe en :e ver had thsea mrehh ymtF.e lriexpc rhoemadef ron orte acttoti hlneeg t ters hes etnotm e: siimttp'hlsIay w t as n oitns taettp h tei mIwe a.s onyl capoafmb alkeis nogm etohuiotnft g h elma ,t eorne or two monhtsa fterwwahrednFs e,l ailxr ehaaddmy o vesdo mewhere el"s1Oe5n.t hoet hhearni dnt, h ewirre stliwnogrs-kem sasticohn s, eacchh alltehnoegt ehtdeog r oa sfra a sh ec ouulndtt ihleb yo th hatdo teaxlhlayu tshteseitdrr eonrug nttthih dlee baatnedddi s­ putceodn cceoputtla dk fel,-e oafivtinsg bs ehheailnngldda iniitnsg indepennodtteh nrcoaeuw gokhro f stainodbnau,rtt dh irzoautgh prloeirtfainod,i ssem"inInm ayot piionnFi:eo lni,tx r fluhaeas dh es, whiIlw ea ask inodf ligchotnndiuInch gti odrt ,hig enr ound. intlociuct:on C1--:1h aosophy / WhateIgv reoru wndoleudld e uapp atgraaionnrs,mf eadnF,de lix wouplidic utkp a gaeictn.a,,n d wtekh eugsp ot ianhgde" .a16 TogethDeerl,ea unzGdeu atctoanrcie oiftv heewdi rirt ing enter"pcSrriasmeba:llt ilhnc ego diensso atne asy task, even on thsei mplleevoseftwl r itainnldga ng.uI"aT?gh eet waou thors suogwhtay so efs caapnifyron mg coofd biyne gx potshienmgs elves tot hfero coeftsh oeu tssioad ste od emotlhieess ht abflroim.ss hed Int hsiesn tsheneo, m hado riazlorned aedfyia nsae nid d ewaollud befl ulcya roruiitent d h see cvoonldu me piun1b 89l0wi,is thhe d A ThousPalnadut sAe.saf roA nteidp-iuOisn,1 792i hta bde eann extraoerddiitnsoacurrcsiyesa T.lh efi srtpi rntoifnt ghb eo ok soorna nt a oniudht a tdob eq uicrkerlpiyn atnerdde edwitithe d thaed diotfai noa nppn edxi8.O 1nt hoeht ehra nDde,l eaunzde Guatttahrenise'evswse e rret rudleyb aattLe aBd o drea,n1td9h ey kepbte iinggn obryte hdce o rpoorfpa styicohno awniattlhhy es ts, notaebxlcee potfSi eorLnge ec laire. 197M7o:l ecRuelvlaourt ion Pritooir ta ss socwitiahGt uiaotn0a t rh"remi o,l2erceuvloalru tion" waGsr amcsrceia'atsni 1do79 n7t,,h p eu blidcaaottfGei u oant tari's bokow,a s ap ekreiiynIo tda hliisadtnuo rrwiyhn igac m ho vement develwohpoesde raandvdii coalalelinmtcroyees lte Fgraatene'cds May' 6t8ot hrea nks toufdp ernatnGsku'sa .tw taavsre isr tynr goly impealnliden dv owlivttehhd e esveea nstt hswe eyr et akpilnagc e. Hea nd fihreinsed xsp ertihe"enI cteaSdlp iraiannsa gv "e ritable fuontoayfio nu Ttenhy .e aarftsbe eri dnegei pnlvyo wlivttehhMde a y '6m8o vemtehneftuoy,n tdh emsientl hvseet sr oefeB tosl ogna lookoinnn,og n plsutsuspeedafis,te hmdeo, l ecruelvaorlo uft ion thediers iurnuefrsl aem do,v emaegnatib nusrte auocfr aaclile s kinedxsp,r iensc soeamd p ellneyet lwa ngaunawdgti ehm ethods unheaurndtt-iholef n . 1/2

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