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CHAOS IN A ONE-DIMENSIONAL INTEGRABLE QUANTUM SYSTEM 9 PETRSˇEBA1,2,3 ANDDANIELVASˇATA3,4 0 0 2 1 University of Hradec Kr´alov´e, Hradec Kr´alov´e - Czech Republic n 2 Instituteof Physics, Academy of Sciences of theCzech Republic, a Prague - Czech Republic J 3 DopplerInstitutefor Mathematical Physics and Applied Mathematics, 4 Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague - Czech Republic ] 4 Department of Physics, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, h p Czech Technical University,Prague - Czech Republic - t n Abstract. We study a simple one-dimensional quantum system on a circle a withnscalefreepointinteractions. Thespectrumofthissystemisdiscreteand u expressibleasasolutionofanexplicitsecularequation. However,itsstatistical q propertiesarenontrivial. Thelevelspacingdistributionbetweenitsneighbor- [ ing odd and even levels displays a surprising agreement with the prediction 2 obtained fortheGaussianOrthogonal Ensembleofrandommatrices. v 0 1. Introduction 3 9 Onepossibleapproachtostudythechaoticpropertiesofboundedtime-independent 2 quantum system is based on results of the Random matrix theory (RMT). Bohi- 8. gas, Giannoni and Schmit [1] conjectured that the local fluctuations of quantum 0 energylevelsofsuchsystemsdisplayuniversalproperties. Followingthisconjecture 8 the level spacing distribution of integrable systems with more than one degree of 0 freedom is expected to be Poissonian, while the distribution for systems that are : v classically chaotic is described by the random matrix theory (see [2]). (Integrabil- i ity in the quantum case means that the eigenvalues and eigenvectorsof the system X can be evaluated by solving a simple algebraicequation.) The specific distribution r a depends inthis caseonthe symmetry ofthe systemandisdescribedbythe Gauss- ian orthogonal, unitary or symplectic ensemble respectively. Nowadays there is an impressive amount of evidence for the relevance of this conjecture and so for the link between the random matrix theory and the quantum behaviour of classically chaotic systems. The assumption about the number of degrees of freedom is, however, quite im- portant since the conjecture doesn’t hold in one dimension. All classical time independent one dimensional systems are integrable. Nevertheless there are quasi one-dimensionalquantum systems (the quantum graphs)that display randomma- trixproperties. Recentpapersgiveawidetheoreticalandexperimentalevidencefor suchbehaviourinvariousinterconnectedquantumgraphs[3,4,5,6]. Thequantum dynamicis hererelatedto the nontrivialtopologicalstructureofthe graphandthe randommatrix description of the spectral statistics of the quantum graphis based on this fact. 1 2 PETRSˇEBA1,2,3 ANDDANIELVASˇATA3,4 Quantum graphs are topologically nontrivial since each node is connected with at least three neighbors. This is why these systems are regarded as quasi one dimensional. In a very one dimensional system each point is topologically related only to its two neighbors: to the one on its right and to the one on its left. Our aim here is to construct a virtually one dimensional system (i.e. each node has only 2 neighbors) displaying a random matrix behavior. The work is based on the paper [11]. However there is a great difference in results. We focus on the weak couplinglimitandshowthatinthiscase,thelevel-spacingspectralstatisticdisplay twofundamentallydifferenttypesofbehavior. Thestatisticalpropertiesoftheodd level spacings are described by the random matrix theory while the even spacings do not show this behavior. We deal with a one dimensional particle on a circle with scale free point inter- actions localized at the points 0 < x < ... < x < 2π. The scale free point 1 n interaction ([7, 8]) localized at the origin is described by a one parameter family of boundary conditions: 1f(0 )=f(0 ), αf (0 )=f (0 ). It has the amazing α − + ′ − ′ + propertythatthecorrespondingreflection/transmissioncoefficientsdonotdepend onthe particleenergy. The scale freepoint interactionis alsoexpressibleasa limit of short-range potentials, see [9, 10]. The Hamiltonian of the system is represented by the one dimensional Laplace operator d2 (1) T = α −dx2 with a set of boundary conditions: (2) f(2π )=f(0 ), f (2π )=f (0 ), + ′ ′ + − − 1 (3) f(x )=f(x ), αf (x )=f (x ), k =1,...,n, k k+ ′ k ′ k+ α − − where α (0,+ ) is a parameter. We denote the domain of T as D(T ). The α α ∈ ∞ periodic boundary conditions (2) define a circle. The second pair (3) describes the point interactions. It can be easily shown (see the theory of self adjoint extensions e.g.[12]) that the operator T is self adjoint for every α. Moreover, its spectrum α is purely discrete containing eigenvalues of finite multiplicity without limit points. Note that for α = 1 the Hamiltonian describes simply a free particle on a circle. Furthermoreinthelimitsα 0, α + thesystemdecouplesintonindependent → → ∞ subsystems with the Dirichlet boundary condition on one side and the Neumann condition on the other side of the subintervals (x ,x ). k k+1 2. The spectrum In what follows we will focus on the positive part of the spectrum denoting x = 0 and x = 2π. An eigenvector ϕ ,k > 0 corresponding to the energy 0 n+1 k E =k2 writes on the subinterval (x ,x ), j =0,...,n as j j+1 (4) ϕk(x)=Aj(k)eikx+Bj(k)e−ikx, with some coefficients A and B . The vector ϕ (x) belongs to the domain D(T ) j j k α if it satisfies the boundary conditions (2) and (3). This leads to a relation between the neighboring coefficients A , B and A , B j 1 j 1 j j − − A A j =Cj j−1 . B B (cid:18) j(cid:19) (cid:18) j−1(cid:19) CHAOS IN A ONE-DIMENSIONAL INTEGRABLE QUANTUM SYSTEM 3 for each j =1,...,n, with C being a 2x2 matrix: j (5) Cj = 21 1 α1α+eαi2kxj α1 −1α+eα−i2kxj . (cid:18) α(cid:0)− (cid:1) (cid:0) α (cid:1) (cid:19) The dependence between A (cid:0), B a(cid:1)nd A , B is(cid:0)given(cid:1)by the periodic boundary n n 0 0 conditions (2) and leads to a relation A A (6) 0 =C n P B B (cid:18) 0(cid:19) (cid:18) n(cid:19) with matrix ei2kπ 0 (7) C = . P 0 e i2kπ − (cid:18) (cid:19) Combining all these relations together we obtain that the coefficients A , B de- 0 0 termine an eigenvector of T iff α A (8) (C C C I) 0 =0. P n 1 ··· − B (cid:18) 0(cid:19) So the eigenvalues of T are obtained as solutions of the equation α (9) ζ (k) det(C C C I)=0. P P n 1 ≡ ··· − Since the matrices in the above determinant are of size 2 2, we can easily × determine the explicit form of (9) from (5) and (7) by induction. The secular equation becomes n (10) ζP(k)=cos(2kπ) (1 β2)n2 +β2 cos(2k(xk xl+π))+β4...=0 − − − k<l X where 1 α2 (11) β = − . 1+α2 Note that (10) is a finite series and it ends when the number of indices in the last sum reaches the highest even number m with m<n. So the last term is n (12) βm cos(2k(x x +...+x x +π)). i1 − i2 im−1 − im i1<X...<im Since the equation (10) contains only even powers of β the positive spectrum of T is invariant under the replacement α 1/α (it leads to the change β β). α ↔ ↔− In the free case (α=1;β =0) the equation (10) simplifies to (13) ζ (k)=cos(2kπ) 1=0 P − and the solutions are just (14) k =l, l N, l ∈ withtheeigenvaluesbeingdoublydegenerate(aconsequenceoftherotationalsym- metry of the system). 4 PETRSˇEBA1,2,3 ANDDANIELVASˇATA3,4 3. Statistical properties of the spectrum We start with the free case omitting its non degenerate ground state. Further we suppose that all the points 0 < x < ... < x < x = 2π are rationally 1 n n+1 independent, i.e. we suppose that the equation n+1 (15) m x =0, m Z i i i ∈ i=1 X has a solution only for m =0 for all i. i The states are two times degenerate. Since we want to compare the fluctuation properties of the energy levels with the random matrix theory we will not work directly with the eigenvalues E = k2 but with the values e = 2k . The point l l l | l| is that the values e have not to be unfolded and are of density 1. From now on l whenever we deal with the level spacing statistics we have the ”spectrum” e in l mind. The free case is trivial: e = e = 2l,l = 1,2,.... Defining the level spacing 2l 1 2l − s =e e we immediately see that the probability density P(s) consistssimply l l+1 l − of two delta peaks P(s) = (δ(s) +δ(s 2))/2. The peak at 0 comes from the − degeneracy of the eigenvalues. Thequestioniswhathappensinthecaseα=1,i.e. whenthepointinteractions 6 areswitchedon. Thedegeneracyvanishesandthetwodeltapeaksturnintosmooth distributions. To see whathappens inthat caselet us assume a smallchangeofthe parameter α : α=1+δ with δ 1. The relation (11) leads to | |≪ 1 α2 2+δ β = − =( δ) δ. 1+α2 − 2+2δ+δ2 ≈− Sothe secularequation(10)canbe solvedperturbativelysupposingthe rootsk j in the form (16) k =j+βλ , j N 0 j j ∈ ∪{ } with βλ 1. Substituting it into the equation ((10)) and using the properties j | | ≪ of goniometric functions we get 4π2β2λ2 n 1 j +... 1+ β2+ − 2 − 2 n 4β2λ2(x x +π)2 +β2 cos(2j(x x )) 1 j k− l +... k l − − 2 !− k<l X n β2 sin(2j(x x ))(2βλ (x x +π) ...)+β4...=0. k l j k l − − − − k<l X The absolute term drops out and we get (in the order of β2) n n 2π2λ2+ + cos(2j(x x ))=0. − j 2 k− l k<l X CHAOS IN A ONE-DIMENSIONAL INTEGRABLE QUANTUM SYSTEM 5 The solutions λ are given by j n 2 n 2 1 (17) λ±j =±2πvu cos(2jxk)! + sin(2jxk)! . u Xk=1 kX=1 t The degenerate eigenvalues split and become (18) k2j−1 =j+|β|λ−j , k2j =j+|β|λ+j j =1,2,... So the unfolded level spacings are (19) s =4 β λ+, s =2 2 β (λ+ +λ+). 2j−1 | | j 2j − | | j+1 j The odd spacings s contribute to the widening of the δ peak localized at 0 2j 1 − − while the even spacings s broaden the δ peak localized at 2. We will now show 2j that the peak at 0 is not only broaden but it acquires a shape prescribed by the random matrix theory. The positions x and π are altogether rationally independent. Hence x /π are i i also rationally independent irrational numbers. The periodicity of cosine leads to the relation cos(2jx )=cos(2jx mod 2π)=cos(2π((jx /π) mod 1)), i i i where mod means the remainder after integer division. From the theory of dis- tribution of sequences modulo one (see [13]) we know that when j changes the arguments of cosines and sines in (17) behave like independent random variables uniformly distributed in [0,2π). From this fact follows that the distribution of the sequence {cos(2jxi)}+j=∞1 has a probability density function 1 , x ( 1,1), (20) f(x)= π√1 x2 ∈ − 0, − x R ( 1,1). (cid:26) ∈ \ − Moreover for different positions x , i = 1,...,n these sequences behave like in- i dependent random variables. The same holds for sin(2jx ) . So the sums k j { } n cos(2jx ) , n sin(2jx ) normalized by the factor √2/√n converge { k=1 k }j { k=1 k }j with increasing n to two normally distributed random variables. P P In fact there two variables are statistically independent. To see this we sketch the proofofthis fact. It isbasedonthe observationthatthepair(cos(X),sin(X)), with X being uniformly distributed along (0,2π), can be equivalently represented in the form sgn(cosX) cosX ,sgn(sinX) 1 cosX 2 . | | −| | As one can easily(cid:16)prove, random variables sgn(cposX),sgn(sin(cid:17)X) and cosX are | | stochastically independent. So the statistical dependence of the cosine and sine is fully contained in their absolute values, while their signs are statistically inde- pendent. This observationtogetherwiththe characteristicfunction technique used in the standard proof of the Central limit theorem shows finally the statistical independence of the above sums. Summarizing we see that in the weak perturbation limit the distribution of the oddspacingss isgivenbyasquarerootofasumofsquaresoftwoindependent 2j 1 − and normally distributed random variables. Properly normalized it is nothing but 6 PETRSˇEBA1,2,3 ANDDANIELVASˇATA3,4 the Wigner distribution P approximating the spacing distribution P of the W GOE Gaussian orthogonal ensemble of random matrices (GOE): (21) P (s)= πse πs2/4. W − 2 Rememberthatduringthelimitingproceduretheperturbationcondition βλ j | |≪ 1 has to be fulfilled for everyn. Together with the structure of the formula (17) it leads to a condition β 1/n. Since the exact Wigner distribution is obtained in | |≪ the limit n the parameter β has to decrease to 0. It is an open question how →∞ this distribution behaves for increasing n and fixed β. We suppose that for fixed β the difference to the Wigner distribution first decreases with increasing n. Than, for some value of n, it reaches a minimum and starts to increase when n violates the condition β 1/n. | |≪ Theevenspacingss behavedifferently. Substractingtheconstant2therelation 2j (19) contains a sum of two variables with a Wigner distribution. So the spacing probabilitydensitybehavesas s3forsmallsandhenceinawaythatisnotrelated ≈ to the random matrix theory. The next section shows that the distribution of the odd spacings follows the random matrix prediction even in the non perturbative regime. The topology of the system (a circle) is of fundamental importance. To show this we investigate an analogous system on a line segment. All the parameters of the system remain unchanged. The only difference is that the periodic boundary conditions (2) arereplacedby the Dirichletones: f(0)=f(2π)=0. The spectrum is again purely discrete and the eigenvalues are determined by the roots of the secular equation n ζ (k)=sin(2kπ)+β sin(2k(x π))+ L k − k X n n (22) +β2 cos(2k(x x +π))+β3 ...=0 k l − k<l k<l<m X X The free case (β = 0) leads to unfolded energies e = l,l = 1,2,... and the proba- l bility density P(s) of the level spacings s =e e is just P(s)=δ(s 1). l l+1 l − − For weak coupling one applies the perturbation methods. With the assumption k =j/2+βγ +O(β2), j N the result is given by j j ∈ n 1 (23) γ = sin(jx ). j k 2π k X The distribution of γ tends (after rescaling by the factor 1/√n) to a normal j distribution with zero mean as n . So the unfolded level spacings, s = j → ∞ 1+2β(γ γ ), are in the weak coupling limit normally distributed and not j+1 j − related to the random matrix theory. 4. Results We solvedtheequation(9)findingitsfirst106 rootsfordifferentvaluesofαand n. The interaction positions have been chosen as 2π√pk (24) x = , k =1,2,..n k √pn+1 CHAOS IN A ONE-DIMENSIONAL INTEGRABLE QUANTUM SYSTEM 7 with p denoting the k th prime number. This choice is obviously rationally in- k − dependent and (15) holds. The presented results are, however, not influenced by this particular choice. For different positions satisfying (15) the results remain unchanged. In the perturbative regime the odd spacings follow the Wigner distribution whereas the even spacings not. Interestingly enough the spacing statistics behave similarly also beyond the weak coupling limit. Tocomparetheobtainedlevelspacingdistributionswiththeresultsknownfrom the random matrix theory we have evaluated the difference functions + ∞ (25) ∆F = (F(s) F (s))2ds W W − Z 0 + ∞ (26) ∆F = (F(s) F (s))2ds GOE GOE − Z 0 where F and F is the integrated spacing distributions for the Wigner and W GOE the exact GOE result respectively: s s (27) F (s)= P (u)du; F (s)= P (u)du. W W GOE GOE Z Z 0 0 As an approximation of the exact distribution P we used the Taylor ex- GOE pansion up to the power 42 for small spacings and the Dyson asymptotic result otherwise. This approach is described in [2] chapter 4.9. It leads to a difference between the Wigner surmise and the GOE result: + ∞ (28) ∆(F F )= (F (s) F (s))2ds=3.9280 10 5. GOE W GOE W − − − · Z 0 The distribution F(s) of the odd level spacings s N is defined in a usual { 2j−1}1 way, N 1 (29) F(s)= Θ(s s ), 2j 1 N − − j=1 X withΘ being the Heavisidestep functionand N the number ofspacingstakeninto account. Its derivative (in the limit N ) is the level spacing density. →∞ A typical result is shown on the figure 1. The solid line marks the Wigner probability density, (21). Stars show the a the level-spacingprobability density for GOE as published in [14], Table A.15. The dependence of the differences ∆F and ∆F on the parameter α is W GOE shown in the figure 2 It is not a surprise that for the weak coupling α 1 the sequence s follows 2j 1 ∼ − the Wigner distribution(21)more closelythanMehta-Gaudin(GOE)distribution. This is just the consequence of the arguments presented in the previous section. It remains true, however, also for α up to 1.35 i.e. far outside the weak coupling ≈ limit. Even more: there is a distinct minimum of ∆F for α 1.275. With W ≈ increasing α the distribution starts,however, approach closer the GOE result then its Wigner approximation. For α 1.4 the difference ∆F displays a clear GOE ≈ 8 PETRSˇEBA1,2,3 ANDDANIELVASˇATA3,4 0.8 f(s) 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 s Figure 1. Theoddlevelspacingdistributionofs for47point 2j 1 interactions with α=1.001 and N =1 105 is comp−ared with the · Wigner distribution (solid line) and the exact GOE result (stars). x 10−4 1 ∆FGOE ∆FW 0.8 0.6 ∆F 0.4 0.2 0 1.001 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35 1.4 1.45 1.5 α Figure 2. Plotted are the differences ∆F and ∆F for 24 W GOE point interactions andN =106. The dashedhorizontalline repre- sents the difference between true GOE and Wigner - (28). minimum with ∆ = 3.6457 10 7. For this coupling the spacing distribution GOE − · of the model very close to the true GOE statistic. For α > 1.5 the agreement however deteriorates step by step. This is understandable since the system with many non-periodically placed interactions is influenced by localization effects for strong enough coupling. For α the spectrum becomes a sum of n mutually → ∞ embeddedequidistantsequencesandbecomesPoissonianforrationallyindependent points x - see [15]. k On the other hand the distribution of even spacings s never becomes random 2j matrix like, see figure 3. The level spacing statistic depends only on the neighbouring levels. More sensi- tive statistical properties, like for instance the number variance, describe the cor- relation of larger level sets. In our case, such large correlations are dominated by CHAOS IN A ONE-DIMENSIONAL INTEGRABLE QUANTUM SYSTEM 9 1.5 f(s) 1 0.5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 s Figure 3. The even level spacing probability density for 9 point interactions with α = 1.9 and N = 1 105 is compared with the · Wigner and the GOE distributions. the simple geometric structure of the model and by the relatedperiodic orbits (see [16]). This leads finally to oscillatory pattern like the one observed in the number variance and plotted on the figure 4. 1 µ2 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 s Figure 4. The number variance µ = n n 2 evaluated for 2 h −h ii 24 point interactions with α = 1.4 and N = 1 106. The solid · and dashed curves correspond to the predictions for the Gaussian orthogonal(GOE)and the Gaussianunitary (GUE) ensembles re- spectively. The spectralpropertiesofthe modelarecloselyrelatedtoits topology. Remem- ber that the odd spacings originate from the splitting of the two times degenerate eigenvalues for the free case and are in such a way linked to the fact that the sys- tem has a topology of a circle. If we change the topology and replace the periodic boundarycondition(2)withtheDirichletonesf(0)=f(2π)=0(i.e. weworkona line segment insteadof ona circle) the spacingdistribution changes fundamentally and never follows the random matrix theory. In this case the distribution of all 10 PETRSˇEBA1,2,3 ANDDANIELVASˇATA3,4 spacings (odd and even) is the same. Their common distribution is displayed on the figure 5. 1 f(s) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 s Figure 5. The levelspacingdistributionofs for9pointinterac- j tions on a line segment with α=1.8 and N =1 105 is compared · with the Wigner and GOE distributions. To summarize: we have discussed a simple one dimensional quantum model that displays a level spacing statistics being in a surprising agreement with the predictions of the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble of random matrices. We show that this agreement is related to the topology of the system (circle) and vanishes when the topology is changed (circle is replaced by a line segment). Acknowledgement: TheresearchwassupportedbytheMinistryofEducation, Youth and Sports within the project LC06002 and by the project of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic No. 202/08/H072. The stimulating discussions with T.Cheon and P.Hejcik are gratefully acknowledged. We also thank to the anonymous referee for valuable remarks. References [1] Bohigas.O,Giannoni, M.J.,Schmit, C. 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