Channel Resolvability Theorems for General Sources and Channels Hideki Yagi Dept. of Computer and Network Engineering University of Electro-Communications Tokyo, Japan Email: [email protected] 7 Abstract—In the problem of channel resolvability, where a [4], [10]. The established general formula provides a new 1 given output probability distribution via a channel is approxi- expressionfortheδ-spectralsup-entropyrate,whichisawell- 0 matedbytransformingtheuniformrandomnumbers,character- 2 known informationquantity in informationspectrum methods izingtheasymptoticallyminimumrateofthesizeoftherandom [3].Theanalysisisalso extendedto thesecond-orderchannel n numbers, called the channel resolvability, has been open. This a paper derives formulas for the channel resolvability for a given resolvability,whichis definedas the asymptoticallyminimum J general sourceandchannelpair.Wealsoinvestigate thechannel second-orderrateofthesizeofuniformrandomnumberswith 9 resolvability in an optimistic sense. It is demonstrated that the respect to a fixed first-order resolvability rate. derivedgeneralformulasrecaptureasingle-letterformulaforthe 2 stationary memoryless source and channel. When the channel ] is the identity mapping, the established formulas reduce to an II. PROBLEMFORMULATION: CHANNEL RESOLVABILITY T alternative form of the spectral sup-entropy rates, which play a I key role in information spectrum methods. The analysis is also Let and be finite or countably infinite alphabets. s. extended to the second-order channel resolvability. Let XnXdenoteYa sequence of n random variables taking c valuesin n with probabilitydistribution P . In this paper, [ I. INTRODUCTION X Xn we identify P with Xn, and both expressions are used Xn 1 Finding the asymptotically minimum rate of the size of the interchangeably. We call X = Xn ∞ a general source. v uniform random numbers (channel resolvability) which can Also, let Wn : n n denot{e a s}tno=ch1astic mapping, and 62 approximatea giventargetoutputdistributionviaa channelis wecallW ={WXn}→∞n=1Yageneralchannel.Wedonotimpose 3 called the problem of channel resolvability. When the varia- anyassumptionssuchasstationarityorergodicityoneitherX 8 tional distance between the target output distribution and the or W. We denote by Y = Yn ∞ the output process via 0 approximateddistributionis requiredto be asymptoticallynot W due to input process X.{ }n=1 . 1 greaterthanδ [0,1),theproblemiscalledtheproblemofδ- ∈ We review the problem of channel resolvability [3] using 0 channelresolvability.Thoughtheseproblemswereintroduced 7 byHanandVerdu´ [4]morethantwo decadesago,thegeneral thevariationaldistanceasanapproximationmeasure.LetUMn 1 formula for the channel resolvability has not been known denote the uniform random number of size Mn, which is : a random variable uniformly distributed over 1,...,M . v in general. A few cases where the channel resolvability has { n} Xi been characterized are the worst input case with δ = 0 by CUonsidveiar aapdperotexrimmiantiisntgicthmeatpaprignegt dϕistr:ibu1t,io.n..P,MYn by usinng Hayashi [5] and the case of the stationary memoryless source Mn n { n} → X r and Wn. We denote by P the approximated output distri- a and channel by Watanabe and Hayashi [11]. Recently, much Y˜n bution via Wn due to the input X˜n :=ϕ (U ) (cf. Fig. 1). attention has been paid to the channel resolvability because n Mn Precisionofthe approximationis measuredbythe variational this technique can be used to guarantee the strong secrecy in distance between P and P . physical-layer security systems [1], [5]. Thus, it is desirable Yn Y˜n Definition 1 (Variational Distance): Letting P and P tocharacterizethechannelresolvabilityforagivenpairofthe Z Z˜ be probability distributions on a countably infinite set , input distribution and the general channel. Z Inthispaper,wecharacterizetheδ-channelresolvabilityfor 1 a general source and a general channel with any δ ∈ [0,1). d(PZ,PZ˜):= 2 |PZ(z)−PZ˜(z)| (1) By taking the maximum over all possible general sources, z∈Z X we can naturally obtain the general formula for the worst is called the variational distance between P and P . ✷ input case. We also investigate the δ-channel resolvability Z Z˜ in an optimistic sense. When we restrict ourselves to the It is easily seen that 0 ≤ d(PZ,PZ˜) ≤ 1, where the left noiseless channel (identity mapping), the problem of channel inequality becomes equality if and only if PZ =PZ˜. resolvability reduces to the problem of source resolvability For any given sequence of random variables {Zn}∞n=1, we introduce quantities which play an important role in informa- ThisresearchissupportedbyJSPSKAKENHIGrantNumberJP16K06340. tion spectrum methods [3]. target distribution We define S∗(δ X,W) | Approximation is measured :=inf R: R is optimistically δ-achievable at X , { } by referredto as the optimistic δ-channelresolvability (at X). ✷ The following channel resolvability theorem is implicitly proved by Hayashi [5] for general sources and channels. approximated distribution Theorem1(Hayashi[5]):Letδ [0,1)befixedarbitrarily. ∈ For any general source X = Xn ∞ and any general Fig.1. Channel Resolvability System channel W = Wn ∞ , { }n=1 { }n=1 S(δ X,W) I (X;Y), (9) δ | ≤ Definition 2 (ε-Limit Superior in Probability): For ε [0,1], ∈ S∗(δ|X,W)≤I∗δ(X;Y), (10) where we define εp-limsupZn:=inf α:limsupPr Zn>α ε , (2) 1 Wn(Yn Xn) n→∞ n→∞ { }≤ I (X;Y):=δp-limsup log | , (11) (cid:26) (cid:27) δ n→∞ n PYn(Yn) εp∗-limsupZ :=inf α:liminfPr Z >α ε . (3) n→∞ n n→∞ { n }≤ I∗(X;Y):=δp∗-limsup 1 logWn(Yn|Xn). (12) n o δ n→∞ n PYn(Yn) For ε = 0, the right-hand sides of (2) and (3) are simply ✷ denoted by p-limsupZ and p∗-limsupZ , respectively. ✷ n n Unfortunately, Theorem 1 does not provide a lower bound n→∞ n→∞ on the δ-channel resolvability. For the worst input case, in The problem of channel resolvability has been introduced contrast, a lower bound has also been given by Hayashi [5]. by Han and Verdu´ [4]. Theorem 2 (Hayashi [5]): For any general channel W = fixDedefianribtiitornari3ly.(δA-CrheasnonlvealbRileitsyolrvaatbeilRity): L0eitsδsa∈id[t0o,1b)ebδe- {Wn}∞n=1, ≥ achievable at X if there exists a deterministic mapping ϕn : supI2δ(X;Y)≤supS(δ|X,W)≤supIδ(X;Y), (13) 1,...,M n satisfying X X X n { }→X supI∗ (X;Y) supS∗(δ X,W) supI∗(X;Y). (14) 1 2δ ≤ | ≤ δ limsup logM R, (4) X X X n n→∞ n ≤ In particular, linm→s∞upd(PYn,PY˜n)≤δ, (5) supS(0|X,W)=supI(X;Y), (15) X X where Y˜n denotes the output via Wn due to the input X˜n = supS∗(0X,W)=supI∗(X;Y), (16) ϕ (U ). We define X | X n Mn where we define S(δ|X,W):=inf{R: R is δ-achievable at X}, (6) 1 Wn(Yn Xn) I(X;Y):=p-limsup log | , (17) which is called the δ-channel resolvability (at X). ✷ n→∞ n PYn(Yn) Equation (5) requires d(PYn,PY˜n) ≤ δ +γ for all large I∗(X;Y):=p∗-limsup 1 logWn(Yn|Xn). (18) n, where γ > 0 is an arbitrary constant. We may consider n→∞ n PYn(Yn) a slightly weaker constraint, which requires d(PYn,PY˜n) ≤ ✷ δ + γ for infinitely many n The following problem is the weaker version of the δ-channel resolvability, introduced by III. MAIN THEOREMS:δ-CHANNELRESOLVABILITY [9] in the context of partial resolvability. Now, we give the general formulas for the δ-channel re- Definition 4 (Optimistic δ-Channel Resolvability): Let δ solvability at a specific input X and its optimistic version. ∈ [0,1) be fixed arbitrarily. A resolvability rate R 0 is ≥ said to be optimistically δ-achievable at X if there exists a Theorem3:Letδ [0,1)be fixedarbitrarily.Foranyinput ∈ deterministic mapping ϕ : 1,...,M n satisfying process X and any general channel W, n n { }→X 1 S(δ X,W)= inf I(Xˆ;Yˆ), (19) linm→s∞upnlogMn ≤R, (7) | Xˆ∈Bδ(X,W) S∗(δ X,W)= inf I(Xˆ;Yˆ), (20) linm→i∞nfd(PYn,PY˜n)≤δ. (8) | Xˆ∈Bδ∗(X,W) where Yˆ = Yˆn ∞ denotes the output process via W due in [6, Theorem 6]. Comparing the two characterizations, the to the input{proce}sns=X1ˆ = Xˆn ∞ , and we define following inequality is obvious for all δ [0,1): { }n=1 ∈ Bδ(X,W):= Xˆ ={Xˆn}∞n=1 :linm→s∞upd(PYn,PYˆn)≤δ , Xˆ∈Biδn(Xf ,W)I(Xˆ;Yˆ)≤Xˆ∈Biδn(Xf ,W) εs≥u0p, Dε(W||Z|Xˆ). (cid:26) (cid:27) Z∈B˜ε(Yˆ) B∗(X,W):= Xˆ = Xˆn ∞ :liminfd(P ,P ) δ . (25) δ n=1 n→∞ Yn Yˆn ≤ (Proof) The nproof i(cid:8)s giv(cid:9)en in Sec. IV. o✷ because D0(W||Yˆ|Xˆ) = I(Xˆ;Yˆ). Also, we have for all δ [0,1): Remark 1: The right-hand sides of (19) and (20) are ∈ nonincreasing functions of δ. Furthermore, these are right- inf I(Xˆ;Yˆ) inf sup D (W Z Xˆ). ε continuous in δ [0,1). ✷ Xˆ∈B∗(X,W) ≤Xˆ∈B∗(X,W) ε≥0, || | Remark 2: A∈s is mentioned in Theorem 1, Hayashi [5, δ δ Z∈B˜ε(Yˆ) (26) Theorem4]hasimplicitlyshownthatanyrateR>I (X;Y) δ isδ-achievableataspecificinputX.Therefore,weobtainthe These relationships are of use to prove Theorems 3 and 4. ✷ following relation between the right-hand side of (19) and δ- spectral sup-mutual information rate I (X;Y): IV. PROOF OF THEOREMS 3AND 4 δ inf I(Xˆ;Yˆ) I (X;Y) (δ [0,1)) (21) A. Finite-Length Bounds δ Xˆ∈Bδ(X,W) ≤ ∈ As we take an information spectrum approach to prove the and analogously general formulas in Theorems 3 and 4, we will use finite- length upper and lower bounds on the variational distance, inf I(Xˆ;Yˆ) I∗(X;Y) (δ [0,1)). (22) Xˆ∈B∗(X,W) ≤ δ ∈ which hold for each blocklength n. δ Intheproofofthedirectpart,we usethe followinglemma. We canfindexamplesofX andW forwhichtheinequalities in (21) and (22) are strict. This statement is also true even in Lemma 1 (Finite-Length Upper Bound [5]): Let Vn be an the case δ =0. ✷ arbitrary input random variable, and its corresponding output viaWn isdenotedbyZn.Then,foranygivenpositiveinteger Although the formulas established in Theorem 3 are suffi- cienttocharacterizeS(δ X,W)andS∗(δ X,W),itrequires Mn, there exists a mapping ϕn : 1,2,...,Mn n such { }→X | | that atedioustasktoderiveasingle-letterformulaforthestationary memoryless source and channel pair. We give alternative d(P ,P ) formulas in the following theorem: Zn Y˜n Theorem4: Letδ [0,1)be fixedarbitrarily.For anyinput 1 Wn(Zn Vn) 1 enc ∈ Pr log | >c + , (27) process X and any general channel W, ≤ (cid:26)n PZn(Zn) (cid:27) 2rMn S(δ X,W)= inf sup Dε(W Z Xˆ), (23) wherec 0isanarbitraryconstantandY˜ndenotestheoutput | Xˆ∈Bδ(X,W)Z∈εB≥˜ε0(,Yˆ) || | via Wn≥due to input X˜n =ϕn(UMn). ✷ In the proof of the converse part, we use the following S∗(δ X,W)= inf sup Dε(W Z Xˆ), (24) lemma. | Xˆ∈Bδ∗(X,W)Z∈εB≥˜ε0(,Yˆ) || | arbLietrmarmyapr2ob(aFbiinliittye-dLiesntrgibthutiLoonwoenr Bno.uTnhde):n,LfoertaPnZynunbifeoramn where Yˆ = Yˆn ∞ denotes the output process via W due randomnumberU ofsizeM anYdadeterministicmapping to input proc{ess X}ˆn==1 Xˆn ∞ , and we define ϕ : 1,2,...,MMn n wenhave { }n=1 n { n}→X Dε(W||Z|Xˆ):=εp-linm→s∞upn1 logWPnZ(Ynˆ(nYˆ|Xnˆ)n), d(PZn,PY˜n)≥Pr(n1 logWPnZ(Yn˜(nY˜|Xn˜)n) ≥c)− Mennc, (28) B˜ε(Y):=(cid:26)Z ={Zn}∞n=1 : linm→s∞upd(PYn,PZn)≤ε(cid:27). twohXe˜ren,X˜annd=c iϕsna(nUMarnb)it,raY˜ryncdoennsotatenst sthaetisofyuitnpgutMvina Wenncd.ue ≤ (Proof) The proof is given in Sec. IV. ✷ (Proof) First, we define Remark 3: Theorems 3 and 4 provide two formulas for the enc δ-channel resolvability S(δ X,W). Although the characteri- T := y n :P (y) P (y) . (29) | n ∈Y Y˜n ≥ M Zn zationin(23)ismorecomplicated,thisexpressioncanbeseen (cid:26) n (cid:27) as a counterpart of the alternative formula for the channel Then, by the definition of the variational distance, it is easily capacity given by Hayashi and Nagaoka [7, Theorem 1] verified that established for quantumchannels. The correspondingformula d(P ,P ) P (T ) P (T ), (30) fortheδ-channelcapacityoverclassicalchannelscanbefound Zn Y˜n ≥ Y˜n n − Zn n wherethesecondtermontheright-handsidecanbeevaluated Let V = Vn ∞ be a general source satisfying V { }n=1 ∈ as B (X,W) and δ M M PZn(Tn)=yX∈TnPZn(y)≤ ennc yX∈TnPY˜n(y)≤ ennc. (31) I(V;Z)≤Xˆ∈Biδn(Xf ,W)I(Xˆ;Yˆ)+γ, (40) To evaluate the first term on the right-hand side of (30), we whereZ = Zn ∞ denotestheoutputprocessviaW dueto { }n=1 borrow an idea given in [11]. Since the input process V. Setting M =en(I(V;Z)+2γ), it follows n from (39) and (40) that Mn 1 PY˜n(y)=Xi=1 MnWn(y|ϕn(i)) (y ∈Yn), (32) linm→s∞upn1 logMn =I(V;Z)+2γ ≤R. (41) denoting Wn (y)=Wn(y ϕ (i)), we have ϕn(i) | n Lemma 1 with c = I(V;Z)+γ guarantees the existence P (T ) of a deterministic mapping ϕ : 1,2,...,M n with Y˜n n n { n} → X the uniform random number U satisfying Mn 1 enc Mn = i=1 MnWϕnn(i)(cid:26)PY˜n(Y˜n)≥ MnPZn(Y˜n)(cid:27) linm→s∞upd(PZn,PY˜n) X 1 Wn(Zn Vn) Mn 1 Mn 1 enc limsupPr log | >I(V;Z)+γ = M Wϕnn(i) M Wϕnn(j)(Y˜n)≥ M PZn(Y˜n). ≤ n→∞ (cid:26)n PZn(Zn) (cid:27) n n n Xi=1 Xj=1 =0, (42) Here, noticing that where Y˜n denotes the output via Wn due to the input X˜n = 1 M Wϕnn(i)(y)≥encPZn(y) ϕn(UMn). Then, the triangle inequality leads to n =⇒ M1 Wϕnn(j)(y)≥encPZn(y), (33) linm→s∞upd(PYn,PY˜n) n j we obtain the folloXwing lower bound: ≤linm→s∞upd(PYn,PZn)+nl→im∞d(PZn,PY˜n)≤δ, (43) Mn 1 where the last inequality is due to the fact V ∈ Bδ(X,W) P (T ) Wn Wn (Y˜n) encP (Y˜n) . and (42). Combining (41) and (43) concludes that R is δ- Y˜n n ≥ M ϕn(i) ϕn(i) ≥ Zn Xi=1 n n o achievable, and hence (35) holds. (34) To prove (36), for any given γ >0 setting Thus, plugging (31) and (34) into (30), we obtain (28). ✷ R= inf I(Xˆ;Yˆ)+3γ, (44) B. Proof of Theorems 3 and 4 Xˆ∈Bδ∗(X,W) The relations shown in (25) and (26) imply that to prove we show that R is optimistically δ-achievable. Let V = Theorems 3 and 4, it suffices to show Vn ∞ bea generalsourcesatisfyingV B∗(X,W)and { }n=1 ∈ δ S(δ X,W) inf I(Xˆ;Yˆ), (35) I(V;Z) inf I(Xˆ;Yˆ)+γ, (45) | ≤Xˆ∈Bδ(X,W) ≤Xˆ∈Bδ∗(X,W) S∗(δ X,W) inf I(Xˆ;Yˆ) (36) where Z = Zn ∞ denotes the output process via W | ≤Xˆ∈Bδ∗(X,W) due to input{V.}An=lo1ng the same line to prove (35), it in the direct (achievability) part and is easily verified that there exists a deterministic mapping ϕ : 1,2,...,M n satisfying (41) and (42). Then, S(δ X,W) inf sup D (W Z Xˆ), (37) n { n} → X | ≥Xˆ∈Bδ(X,W) ε≥0, ε || | the triangle inequality leads to Z∈B˜ε(Yˆ) liminfd(P ,P ) S∗(δ X,W) inf sup D (W Z Xˆ) (38) n→∞ Yn Y˜n ε | ≥Xˆ∈B∗(X,W) ε≥0, || | liminfd(P ,P )+ lim d(P ,P ) δ, (46) δ Z∈B˜ε(Yˆ) ≤ n→∞ Yn Zn n→∞ Zn Y˜n ≤ in the converse part. where the last inequality is due to the fact V B∗(X,W). ∈ δ 1) Direct part: First, fix γ >0 arbitrarily. Setting Combining (41) and (46) concludes that R is optimistically δ-achievable, and hence (36) holds. ✷ R= inf I(Xˆ;Yˆ)+3γ, (39) Xˆ∈Bδ(X,W) 2)Conversepart: Weshallprove(37)and(38)toestablish we show that R is δ-achievable, which means (35). the converse part of Theorems 3 and 4. Let R be δ-achievable. Then, there exists a mapping ϕ : The following relation can be obtained from Theorems 3 and n 1,2,...,M n satisfying (4) and (5). Let γ > 0 be 5, which gives a new characterization for H (X) and n δ { } → X fixed arbitrarily. From (4), we have H∗(X):=δp∗-limsup 1 log 1 . (55) 1 logM R+γ (47) δ n→∞ n PXn(Xn) n n ≤ for all sufficiently large n. Fixing an ε [0,1) arbitrarily, we Theorem 6: For any general source X, ochuotpoustevainayWZ d∈ueB˜tεo(Y˜in)p,uwt Xh˜ere=Y˜{X˜=n∈{=Y˜ϕnn}∞n(U=M1 nd)e}n∞no=te1s. tBhye Hδ(X)=Xˆ∈iB˜nδf(X)H(Xˆ), (56) using Lemma 2 with c= 1 logM +γ and (47), we have n n H∗(X)= inf H(Xˆ) (57) δ d(PZn,PY˜n) Xˆ∈B˜δ∗(X) for all δ [0,1), where 1 Wn(Y˜n X˜n) ∈ Pr log | >R+2γ e−nγ (48) ≥ (n PZn(Y˜n) )− B˜δ(X):= Xˆ = Xˆn ∞n=1 : linm→s∞upd(PXn,PXˆn)≤δ , (cid:26) (cid:27) for all sufficiently large n. Since Z B˜ (Y˜), we obtain (cid:8) (cid:9) ∈ ε B˜∗(X):= Xˆ = Xˆn ∞ : liminfd(P ,P ) δ . 1 Wn(Y˜n X˜n) δ n=1 n→∞ Xn Xˆn ≤ linm→s∞upPr(nlog PZn(Y˜|n) >R+2γ)≤ε. (49) Equations(5n6)and(cid:8)(57)i(cid:9)ndicatethatH (X)andH∗(X)oca✷n δ δ Since ε [0,1) and Z B˜ (Y˜) have been fixed arbitrarily, be viewed as “smoothed” 0-spectral sup-entropy rates. These ε (49) imp∈lies ∈ equationscanalso beprovendirectlyfromthepropertyof the ∗ δ-spectralsup-entropyratesH (X)andH (X),respectively. R+2γ sup D (W Z X˜). (50) δ δ ε ≥ ε≥0, || | VI. APPLICATIONOF GENERAL FORMULAS TO Z∈B˜ε(Y˜) MEMORYLESSSOURCE AND CHANNEL Since γ > 0 is arbitrary and X˜ B (X,W) follows from Now, let us consider a special case, where and are δ ∈ X Y (8), we obtain finite sets and for each n = 1,2, , both Xn and Wn are ··· memoryless with joint probability R inf sup D (W Z Xˆ), (51) ε Xwˆhe=re YXˆˆn=.≥{TYˆhXˆnu∈}s∞nB,=wδ(1Xed,oWebnt)oaZtien∈sε(B≥˜t3hε07(e,Y)ˆ.o)utput vi|a|W| due to input fPoXrnx(x=)W(nx(1y,.|x..),=xn(cid:26)) QQ∈nini==X11nPPXXan21d((xxyii))WW=21(((yyyii1||xx,.ii))..,ffyoonrr)eovd∈ednYnnn, Bδ∗T(hXe{,pWro})o,fcoofm(p3le8t)inigstahneaplorgoooufsofbtyheuscionngvetrhsee pfaacrtts.X˜ ✷∈ rWwehspe=erect{XivWejlnya}.n∞ndT=hW1eajrse(ojucro=cme1p,Xle2t)el=dyecnh{oaXteranac}tes∞nor=iuz1recdaenbadyndPthXae1cWchha1anninfneenll, V. SOURCE RESOLVABILITY: REVISITED is odd and by PX2W2 if n is even and are known as one of WhenthechannelWnisanidentitymapping,theaddressed the simplest examplesfor which S(δ|X,W) and S∗(δ|X,W) do not coincide in general [3]. Let Y denote the output via problem reduces to the problem of source resolvability [3], j where the target distribution is the general source Xn itself. Wj due to input Xj for j = 1,2. The alternative formulas (23) and (24) are of use to prove the converse parts. In this case, we denote S(δ X,W) simply by S(δ X). | | Theorem 7: For any δ [0,1), For this problem, Steinberg and Verdu´ [10] have shown the ∈ followingtheorem,whichgeneralizestheresolvabilitytheorem S(δ X,W)= max inf I(Xˆ ;Yˆ ), (58) j j established by Han and Verdu´ [4] for δ =0: | j=1,2Xˆj∈B0(Xj,Wj) Theorem 5 (HanandVerdu´ [4], SteinbergandVerdu´ [10]): S∗(δ X,W)= min inf I(Xˆ ;Yˆ ), (59) For any target general source X, | j=1,2Xˆj∈B0(Xj,Wj) j j S(δ|X)=Hδ(X) (δ ∈[0,1)), (52) where Yˆj denotes the output via Wj due to the input Xˆj, where I(Xˆj;Yˆj) denotes the mutual information between Xˆj and Yˆ , and we define B (X ,W ):= Xˆ :P =P . Hδ(X):=δp-linm→s∞upn1 logPXn1(Xn) (53) (PjrIotosfh)ouTlhdebperonooftiicse0dgivthejantitnhjeAc.on(cid:8)stanjt δ dYojes noYˆtja(cid:9)ppear i✷n is the δ-spectral sup-entropy rate for X. ✷ formulas (58) and (59). This result indicates that the strong When the channel Wn is an identity mapping, we have converse holds for the memoryless source and channel pair. I(X;Y)=H(X) because Precisely, for any 1 logWn(Yn|Xn) = 1 log 1 a.s. (54) R< min inf I(Xˆj;Yˆj), (60) n PYn(Yn) n PXn(Xn) j=1,2Xˆj∈B0(Xj,Wj) anymappingϕ : 1,...,M n satisfying(7)produces Hence, only the case R = S(δ X,W) is of our interest. n n { }→X | tY˜hen vdaernioattieosntahledoisuttapnuctevdia(PWYnn,dPuY˜ent)o→inp1ut(Xn˜n→=∞ϕ),(Uwher)e. sSoimlvialbairlliyt,y,wthheencadseiscRus=sinSg∗(tδheXo,pWtim)isisticou(rδp,Rrim)-acrhyaninnteelrerset-. For an i.i.d. sourceX with X =X =X and a sntatioMnanry | ✷ 1 2 memoryless channel W with W = W = W , we obtain the Now, we establish the general formulas for the second- 1 2 following corollary from Theorem 7, which has been proved orderresolvability.Thefollowingtwotheoremscanbeproven by Watanabe and Hayashi [11]. analogously to Theorems 3 and 4 in the first-order case. Corollary 1 (Watanabe and Hayashi [11]): For any i.i.d. Theorem 8: Let δ [0,1) and R 0 be fixed arbitrarily. ∈ ≥ input source X and any stationary memoryless channel W, For any input process X and any general channel W, S(δ X,W)=S∗(δ X,W)= inf I(Xˆ;Yˆ) (61) T(δ,RX,W)= inf I(RXˆ;Yˆ), (67) | | Xˆ∈B0(X,W) | Xˆ∈Bδ(X,W) | for every δ [0,1), where Yˆ denotes the output via W T∗(δ,RX,W)= inf I(RXˆ;Yˆ), (68) induced by in∈put Xˆ. ✷ | Xˆ∈Bδ∗(X,W) | where Yˆ = Yˆn ∞ denotes the output process via W due VII. SECOND-ORDER CHANNEL RESOLVABILITY to the input{proce}sns=X1ˆ = Xˆn ∞ , and we define { }n=1 We turn to considering the second-order resolution rates 1 Wn(Yn Xn) [11]. First, we define the second-order achievability. I(RX;Y):=p-limsup log | nR . Definition 5 ((δ,R)-Channel Resolvability): Let δ [0,1) | n→∞ √n(cid:18) PYn(Yn) − (cid:19) ∈ ✷ and R 0 be fixed arbitrarily. A resolvability rate L is said ≥ We give alternative formulas in the following theorem, to be (δ,R)-achievable at X if there exists a deterministic whichcorrespondtoTheorem4onthefirst-orderresolvability mapping ϕ : 1,...,M n satisfying n { n}→X rates: 1 Theorem 9: Let δ [0,1) and R > 0 be fixed arbitrarily. linm→s∞up√n(logMn−nR)≤L, (62) For any input process∈X and any general channel W, linm→s∞upd(PYn,PY˜n)≤δ, (63) T(δ,R|X,W)=Xˆ∈Biδn(Xf ,W) εs≥u0p, Jε(R|W,Z,Xˆ), where Y˜n denotes the output via Wn due to the input X˜n = Z∈B˜ε(Yˆ) (69) ϕ (U ). We define n Mn T∗(δ,RX,W)= inf sup J (RW,Z,Xˆ), ε T(δ,RX,W):=inf L: L is (δ,R)-achievable at X , | Xˆ∈B∗(X,W) ε≥0, | | { } δ Z∈B˜ε(Yˆ) which is called the (δ,R)-channel resolvability (at X). ✷ (70) As in the first-order case, we addressthe relaxed constraint where Yˆ = Yˆn ∞ denotes the output process via W due on the variational distance. to input proc{ess X}ˆn==1 Xˆn ∞ , and we define Definition 6 (Optimistic (δ,R)-Channel Resolvability): Let { }n=1 δ [0,1) and R 0 be fixed arbitrarily. A resolvability J (RW,Z,Xˆ) ∈ ≥ ε | rate L is said to be optimistically (δ,R)-achievable at X if there existsa deterministicmappingϕ : 1,...,M n 1 Wn(Yˆn Xˆn) n { n}→X :=εp-limsup log | nR . satisfying n→∞ √n PZn(Yˆn) − ! 1 ✷ limsup (logM nR) L, (64) n→∞ √n n− ≤ When the channel is an identity mapping, the problem addressed here reduces to finding the second-order δ-source liminfd(P ,P ) δ, (65) n→∞ Yn Y˜n ≤ resolvability[8].Inthiscase,wedenoteT(δ,RX,W)simply | by T(δ,RX). Nomura and Han [8] have established the fol- where Y˜n denotes the output via Wn due to the input X˜n = | lowing fundamental theorem, which generalizes the theorem ϕ (U ). We define n Mn on the first-order δ-source resolvability given by [4], [10]: T∗(δ,RX,W) Theorem 10 (Nomura and Han [8]): For any target general | source X, :=inf L: L is optimistically (δ,R)-achievable at X , { } S(δ,RX)=Hδ(RX) (δ [0,1)), (71) | | ∈ called the optimistic (δ,R)-channel resolvability (at X). ✷ where Remark 4: By definition, it is easily verified that 1 1 H (RX):=δp-limsup log nR . T(δ,RX,W)= +∞ for R<S(δ|X,W) (66) δ | n→∞ √n(cid:18) PXn(Xn) − (cid:19) | for R>S(δ X,W). ✷ (cid:26) −∞ | Since the channel Wn is the identity mapping, we have whereV = Vn ∞ andZ = Zn ∞ . On the otherhand, { }n=1 { }n=1 I(RX;Y) = H(RX). The following relation can be ob- because it obviously holds that V B (X,W), we have δ | | ∈ tained from Theorems 8 and 10, which gives a new represen- inf I(Xˆ;Yˆ) I(V;Z). (79) tation for Hδ(R|X) and Xˆ∈Bδ(X,W) ≤ H∗(RX):=δp∗-limsup 1 log 1 nR . Sinceγ >0isanarbitraryconstant,(75),(78)and(79)imply δ | n→∞ √n(cid:18) PXn(Xn) − (cid:19) inf I(Xˆ;Yˆ) inf I(Xˆ ;Yˆ ). (80) 1 1 Xˆ∈Bδ(X,W) ≤Xˆ1∈B(X1,W1) Theorem 11: For any general source X, n (ii) For an arbitrary fixed γ > 0, let X be n i.i.d. samples Hδ(RX)= inf H(RXˆ), (72) from source P satisfying X B(X2,W ) and (75) with | Xˆ∈B˜δ(X) | X2 n 2 ∈ 2 2 j = 2. Also, let X be n i.i.d. samples from source P H∗(RX)= inf H(RXˆ) (73) satisfying I(X ;Y )1= 0, where Y denotes the output vXi1a for all δ [0,1)δ an|d R Xˆ0∈,B˜wδ∗h(Xer)e we d|efine H(RXˆ) = Wan1d (dVuen,toZnin)p=1ut(XX11n2.,YSen2t)(fVorn,eZvenn)1n=. T(hXenn1,,Ywen1)obfotarinodd n H0(R|Xˆ)∈and H∗(R|Xˆ)≥=H∗0(R|Xˆ). | ✷ E 1 logWn(Zn|Vn) I(X ;Y ) for all n. Equation (73) as well as (72) can be provendirectly from the (cid:26)n PZn(Zn) (cid:27)≤ 2 2 definitionofthequantitiesonbothsides.Aswasshownin(56) Again, by the weak law of large numbers, we have and(57)inthefirst-ordercase,so-calledsmoothingoperations ∗ appear here; both H (RX) and H (RX) are characterized 1 Wn(Zn Vn) bB˜y∗(HX(R) |cXeˆn)teorefdaagteXδne,rar|lesspoeucrtcieveXlˆy.δin t|he δ-ball B˜δ(X) and nl→im∞Pr(cid:26)nlog PZn(Z|n) >I(X2;Y2)+γ(cid:27)=0(,81) δ APPENDIX A indicating that PROOF OF THEOREM7 I(V;Z) I(X ;Y )+γ. (82) 2 2 ≤ 1) Direct part: On the other hand, it holds that V B∗(X,W) because Without loss of generality, we assume that ∈ δ inf I(Xˆ1;Yˆ1) inf I(Xˆ2;Yˆ2). (74) linm→i∞nfd(PYn,PZn)≤likm→i∞nfd(PY2k,PZ2k)=0. (83) Xˆ1∈B(X1,W1) ≥Xˆ2∈B(X2,W2) Then, we have n (i) First, fixγ >0 arbitrarily.Forj =1,2,letX beni.i.d. j inf I(Xˆ;Yˆ) I(V;Z). (84) samples from source PXj satisfying Xj ∈B(Xj,Wj) and Xˆ∈Bδ∗(X,W) ≤ I(X ;Y ) inf I(Xˆ ;Yˆ )+γ, (75) Since γ > 0 is an arbitrary constant, (75) with j = 2, (82) j j j j ≤Xˆj∈B(Xj,Wj) and (84) imply (wVhner,eZYn)j=de(nXotn1e,sYthn1e) foourtpoudtdvniaaWndj(dVune,Zton)in=put(XXn2j,.YSn2e)t Xˆ∈Biδ∗n(Xf ,W)I(Xˆ;Yˆ)≤Xˆ2∈Bi(nXf2,W2)I(Xˆ2;Yˆ2). (85) for even n. Since the random variable 2) Converse part: 1 logWn(Zn|Vn) = 1 k logW(Zi|Vi) (76) As was argued in [11], we shall use the method of types n PZn(Zn) n i=1 PZi(Zi) [2]. The following notation is introduced. is a sum of independent randomXvariables, where Vn = • Let Px denote the type of x ∈ Xn, i.e., Px(a) denotes the number of occurrence of symbol a in x. v(Val1u,eV2sa,,eVsn) and Zn = (Z1,Z2,...,Zn), its expected • Let Pxy denote the joint type of (x,y)∈∈XXn×Yn. E(cid:26)n1 logWPnZ(nZ(nZ|Vn)n)(cid:27)≤I(X1;Y1)+γ for all n. •• dLDieesttfirnPibexuWtthioe(nbs)oetn:s=Yof.Pε-atyPpxic(aal)Wseq(ub|ean)cedsenasote the marginal The weak law of large numbers guarantees TYn,ε:={y∈Yn :|Py(b)−PY(b)|≤ε, ∀b∈Y}, (86) 1 Wn(Zn Vn) nl→im∞Pr(cid:26)nlog PZn(Z|n) >I(X1;Y1)+γ(cid:27)=0, TWn,ε(x):={y∈Yn :|Pxy(a,b)−Px(a)W(b|a)|≤ε, (77) ∀(a,b)∈X ×Y}, (87) which indicates that AY(ε):={P ∈P(X):|PW(b)−PY(b)|≤2|X|ε, I(V;Z) I(X1;Y1)+γ, (78) ∀b∈Y}. (88) ≤ Now, we are in a position to prove the converse part of We invoke the method of squeezing a subsequence of good Theorem 7. We again assume (74) without loss of generality. types in the information spectrum approach as in [12]. Equa- In view of Theorems 3 and 4, we shall show tion (95) implies that there exists some d >0:d >d > n 1 2 { δ satisfying inf sup D (W Z Xˆ) ···→ } ε Xˆ∈Bδ(X,W) ε≥0, || | 1 Wn(Yˆn Xˆn) inZf∈B˜ε(YˆI)(Xˆ ;Yˆ ), (89) dn ≥Pr(nlog PYn(Yˆ|n) >R+2γ) (97) 1 1 ≥Xˆ1∈B(X1,W1) for all n=1,2, . Since ··· and 1 Wn(Yˆn Xˆn) Pr log | >R+2γ inf sup Dε(W Z Xˆ) (n PYn(Yˆn) ) Xˆ∈B∗(X,W) ε≥0, || | δ Z∈B˜ε(Yˆ) = P (x)Wn 1 logWn(Yˆn|x) >R+2γ , inf I(Xˆ2;Yˆ2). (90) x∈Xn Xˆn x (n PYn(Yˆn) ) ≥Xˆ2∈B(X2,W2) X where we use Wn to denote Wn( x) for simplicity, (97) (i) To show (89), we first fix an arbitrary indicates that therexexists some x ·| n satisfying n ∈X R>Xˆ∈Biδn(Xf ,W)Z∈εsB≥˜uε0p(,Yˆ)Dε(W||Z|Xˆ), (91) dn ≥Wxnn(n1 logWPnY(nYˆ(nYˆ|xn)n) >R+2γ). (98) and we shall show that R is not smaller than the right-hand It is important to use the fact following from (98) that there side of (89). For simplicity, we define existsa sequenceofoddnumbers n <n < and 1 2 { ···→∞} P ( ) such that 1 if n is odd γ ∈P X j(n)= (92) 2 if n is even. limsupd δ, lim P =P , (99) (cid:26) i→∞ ni ≤ i→∞ xni γ Then, we can write Xn = Xn and Wn = Wn and the j(n) j(n) where P denotes the type of x n (cf. [12]). The corresponding output is Yn = Yn . Letting γ > 0 be arbi- xn n ∈ X j(n) existenceofsuchaconvergentpointP ( )followsfrom atrnadrilsyetfitxheed,fowlleowdeinfignepγro′b:a=bi|lXity|γd,iτstnri:b=utiPorn{Yonn ∈nT:Ynj(n),γ′} thefactthatP(X)isacompactsetforγfi∈nitPeXX.Fornotational Y simplicity, we use k to denote (odd number) k = n1,n2, ··· P (y)1 y Tn so that (98) and (99) can be rewritten as PYn(y):= Yn {τn∈ Yj(n),γ′} (y ∈Yn), (93) 1 Wk(Yˆk x ) d Wk log | k >R+2γ (100) where 1{E} is the indicator function for the event E. Then, k ≥ xk(k PYk(Yˆk) ) from the property of the set of γ′-typical sequences Tn , Yj(n),γ′ and we have τ 1 as n and hence n → →∞ limsupd δ, lim P =P , (101) nl→im∞d(PYn,PYn)=0. (94) k→∞ k ≤ k→∞ xk γ respectively. The following lemma is of use. Now, we can see that by (91) there exists an Xˆ Bδ(X,W) satisfying ∈ (10L0e)mamnad3(1:0A1s)swumithe tshoamtexkδ∈X[0,k1()ka=ndnP1,n2,··(·))s,awtishfieeres γ ∈ ∈P X R> sup Dε(W Z Xˆ) γ k = n1,n2,··· denotes either odd or even numbers. If k ε≥0, || | − denotes odd numbers, then Z∈B˜ε(Yˆ) P A (2γ), (102) D (W Y Xˆ) γ, (95) γ ∈ Y1 δ ≥ || | − whereas if k denotes even numbers, then where Yˆ = Yˆn ∞ denotes the output via W due to input XYˆ =B{˜Xˆ(nYˆ}∞n){=w1h,i}acnnhd=f1toolldoewrisvefr(o9m5)XwˆehaBve(uXse,dWth)atafnadct(t9h4a)t Pγ ∈AY2(2γ). (103) with∈theδtriangle inequality: ∈ δ (Proof) Let k = n1,n2,··· denote odd numbers. Suppose that P A (2γ). From the right inequality in (101) we γ 6∈ Y1 linm→s∞upd(PYˆn,PYn) o[1b1ta,iLnePmxmka6∈2]AhYa1v(eγ)shfoowrnaltlhalatrigfeyk∈. WTWakt1a,nγa(bxek)a,ntdheHnayahi ≤nl→im∞d(PYn,PYn)+linm→s∞upd(PYn,PYˆn)≤δ. (96) y 6∈TYk1,γ′. (104) Further, if y Tk , then P (y) = 0 by definition, and the weak law of large numbers and under the conditional thus 6∈ Y1,γ′ Yk probability distribution Wk , yielding xk k1 logWPkY(ky(|yx)k) >R+2γ, (105) likm→s∞upWxkk(k1 logWPkY(kYˆ(kYˆ|xk)k) >R+3γ) Therefore, for all y k we have 0 if D(W P P )<R+3γ, ∈Y = 1|| Y1| γ (111) 1 if D(W P P )>R+3γ 1 Wk(y x ) (cid:26) 1|| Y1| γ 1 y Tk (x ) 1 log | k >R+2γ . ∈ W1,γ k ≤ (k PYk(y) ) and from the left inequality in (101) and (108), we obtain (cid:8) (cid:9) R+3γ D(W P P ). (112) Since the set of γ-typical sequences TWk1,γ(xk) satisfies ≥ 1|| Y1| γ Since γ >0 is arbitrary, taking the limit γ 0 for both sides, Wxkk Yˆk ∈TWk1,γ(xk) →1 (k →∞), (106) we obtain ↓ n o this inequality and (100) leads to R limD(W P P ) ≥ γ↓0 1|| Y1| γ kl→im∞dk =1, (107) =D(W1||PYˆ1|PXˆ1)=I(Xˆ1,Yˆ1) (113) which is a contradiction, and hence (102) holds. with some Xˆ B(X ,W ), where Yˆ denotes the output 1 1 1 1 In the case of even numbers k = n ,n , , (103) can be via W due to ∈input Xˆ . Here, we have used the fact that 1 2 1 1 proven analogously. ··· ✷ P A (γ) by Lemma 3 and A (γ) B(X ,W ) as γ ∈ Y1 Y1 → 1 1 Since P (y) P (y)/τ for all y k, we can bound γ 0. Thus, we have Yk ≤ Yk k ∈Y ↓ the right-hand side of (100) from below as R inf I(Xˆ ;Yˆ ), (114) 1 1 1 Wk(Yˆk x ) 1 1 ≥Xˆ1∈B(X1,W1) d Wk log | k >R+2γ+ log k ≥ xk(k PYk(Yˆk) k τn) completing the proof of (89). (ii) To show (90), we first fix an arbitrary 1 Wk(Yˆk x ) ≥Wxkk(k log PYk(Yˆ|k)k >R+3γ) (k ≥k0), R>Xˆ∈Bi∗n(Xf ,W) εs≥u0p, Dε(W||Z|Xˆ). (115) (108) δ Z∈B˜ε(Yˆ) where the second inequality holds for all large odd numbers Recall that we can write Xn = Xn and Wn = Wn j(n) j(n) k. Since the random variable and the corresponding output is Yn = Yn with definition j(n) (92). Let γ > 0 be arbitrarily fixed. We define γ′ := γ, 1 logWk(Yˆk|xk) = 1 k logW1(Yˆi|xk,i) (109) τn :=Pr{Yn ∈TYnj(n),γ′}andsetPYn againasin(93).T|Xhe|n, k PYk(Yˆk) k i=1 PY1(Yˆi) from the property of the set of γ′-typical sequences TYnj(n),γ′, X we have (94). is a sum of conditionallyindependentrandomvariables given Now, for any general source Xˆ = Xˆn ∞ it is easily Xˆk = x = (x ,x ,...,x ), its expected value can be verified that { }n=1 k k,1 k,2 k,k evaluated as sup D (W Z Xˆ) sup D∗(W Z Xˆ), (116) 1 Wk(Yˆk x ) ε≥0, ε || | ≥ ε≥0, ε || | E(k log PYk(Yˆ|k)k Xˆk =xk) Z∈B˜ε(Yˆ) Z∈B˜ε∗(Yˆ) (cid:12) (cid:12) where Yˆ = Yˆn ∞ denotes the output via W due to input 1 k (cid:12) W1(bxk,i) Xˆ and we d{efine}n=1 = W (bx )log | 1 k,i k | P (b) Xi=1bX∈Y Y1 D∗(W Z Xˆ):=εp∗-limsup 1 logWn(Yˆn|Xˆn), 1 W1(bxk,i) ε || | n→∞ n PZn(Yˆn) = kP (a) W (bx )log | k xk 1 | k,i P (b) aX∈X bX∈Y Y1 B˜ε∗(Y):= Z ={Zn}∞n=1 : linm→i∞nfd(PYn,PZn)≤ε =:D(W1||PY1|Pxk), (110) since for all εn>0 and Z it holds that o whereD(W P P )istheconditionaldivergencebetween 1|| Y1| xk D (W Z Xˆ) D∗(W Z Xˆ). 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