Madrono, Vol. 59, No. 4, pp. 169-170, 2012 POINT-OF-VIEW Changes to the Botanical Code and What clear. Article 31 states that parallel publications of They Mean for Western North printed and online material must be treated as American Botany having the same date, and that the publication date should be clearly stated somewhere in the article. If The modern botanical code is the result of the PDF format becomes outdated and another decisions and compromises made by numerous format becomes more widespread, the ICB allows individuals and committees over the past several the terms of best practice to conform to these hundred years. Its purpose is to create a standard changes. These updated methods and recommen- for the conventions appHed to the naming of dations will help botanists publish and distribute algae, fungi, and plants. The 18^'' meeting of the new botanical information in a timely, standard- International Botanical Congress (IBC) took ized, and efficient manner. place in Melbourne, Australia during the summer The most publicized and controversial decision of 2011, where several important amendments made by the Nomenclature section ofthe IBC was were made to the code. One change resulted in over the retypification of the genus Acacia, which the renaming of the code itself. To reflect a more has been shown to be polyphyletic and therefore accurate understanding of the set of rules in need of revision (Luckow et al. 2003). governed by the Nomenclature Section of the According to the code, if a genus is split, the type IBC and its voting body, the International Code specimen may be changed if the split causes too of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) will now be much disruption and renaming of species. During known as the International Code ofNomenclature the 2005 Vienna conference, the ruling was made for algae, fungi, and plants (ICN) (McNeill and to change the type specimen from A. scorpioides Turland 2011). (L.) W. Wight (formerly A. nilotica Karst.) to A. The Nomenclature Section of the IBC in penninervis Sieber ex DC. The retypification Melbourne also ruled that new species diagnosis conserved 960 species of Acacia, and caused and/or descriptions may now be written in 160 170 to be placed in the separate genera English. Previously, to validly publish a new including: Acaciella, Senegalia, and Vachellia name, a diagnosis (how the new plant differs (Luckow et al. 2005). For CaHfornia botanists, from its close relatives) and/or description (a our native catclaw {Acacia greggii) was renamed comprehensive summary of the characters) in SenegaIia greggii (Baldwin et al. 2012). The Latin was required to introduce the taxa into conservation of the genus allowed most of science. Article 36 in the revised code states that Australia's wattles to remain in Acacia, while as of January 2012, publication of a new 1, acacias in Asia, the Americas, and especially species does not have to be written in Latin, but Africa required name changes. Several botanists can be replaced with English (Smith and Figueir- challenged the ruling, believing it to be unfair edo 2011). Ultimately, the decision of whether to particularly to African botanists (Moore and write the description in English or Latin rests Cotterill 2011). with the journal or publisher (Knapp et al. 201 1). These changes and revisions make publishing This change will not affect the scientific naming new species more efficient and accessible to the of plants, which will still be done in Latin. next generation of botanists. Publishing new Articles 29, 30, and 31 of the updated code names and name changes online, along with outline the use of online publishing as an allowing new species descriptions in English, will accepted way to publish new plant names and help modernize the way botanists work. Although name changes. Prior to this change, a printed the changes made to Acacia were controversial, version was required to validly publish a new the conservation of the name was with the most species name. According to Article 29, an online speciose group in the former genus, and the publication accompanied by either an Interna- change helps us better understand the complexity tional Standard Serial Number (ISSN) or an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) in of this large group of trees and shrubs. a PDF format will suffice (Knapp et al. 2011). — The articles also list several recommendations such Taylor Crow and Matt Ritter, Biology CA as depositing printed material of new names or Department, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, name changes in libraries on several continents and 93407, [email protected] publishing in journals that are archived in several Literature Cited online repositories. Article 30 states that electronic publishing will not be recognized ifthe publication Baldwin, B. G., D. H. Goldman, D. J. Keil, R. date was before January 1, 2012, and indication of Patterson, T. J. Rosatti, and D. H. Wilken, draft and final versions of publications should be (eds.). 2012. The Jepson manual: vascular plants of MADRONO 170 [Vol. 59 California, second edition. University ofCalifornia HiRSCH, R. JOBSON, B. B. Klitgaard, J.-N. Press, Berkeley, CA. Labat, M. Lock, B. MacKinder, B. Pfeil, Knapp, S., J. McNeill, and N. J. Turland. 2011. B. B. Simpson, G. F. Smith, M. Sousa S., J. Changes to publication requirements made at Timberlake, J. G. van der Maesen, a. E. Van the XVIII—international botanical congress in Wyk, p. Vorster, C. K. Willis, J. J. Wier- Melbourne what does E-publication mean for INGA, AND M. F. WoJCiECHOWSKi. 2005. Acacia: you? Taxon 60:1498-1501. the case against moving the type to Australia. LucKOW, M., J. T. Miller, D. J. Murphy, and T. Taxon 54:513-519. LivSHULTZ. 2003. A phylogenetic analysis of the McNeill, J. and N. J. Turland. 2011. —Major Mimosideae (Leguminosae) based on chloroplast changes to the Code of Nomenclature Mel- DNA sequence data. Pp. 197-220 in B. B. Kht- bourne, July 2011. Taxon 60:1495-1497. gaard and A. Bruneau, (eds.). Advances in Legume Moore, A. and F. Cotterill. 2011. The Acacia systematics, part 10. Higher level systematics. retypification debate: perspectives of African am- Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, U.K. ateur botanists. Taxon 60:858-859. C. Hughes, B. Schrire, P. Winter, C. Fagg, Smith, G. F., E. Figueiredo, and G. Moore. 2011. , r. fortunato, j. hurter, l. rico, f. j. English and Latin as alternative languages for Breteler, a. Bruneau, M. Caccavari, L. validating the names of organisms covered by the Craven, M. Crisp, A. Delgado S, S. Demissew, International Code of Nomenclature for algae, J. J. Doyle, R. Grether, S. Harris, P. S. fungi, and plants: the final chapter? Taxon Herendeen, H. M. Hernandez, A. M. 60:1502-1503.