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Changes of Mycetocyte Symbiosis in Response to Flying Behavior of Alatiform Aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) PDF

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Preview Changes of Mycetocyte Symbiosis in Response to Flying Behavior of Alatiform Aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum)

ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 11: 731-735 (1994) © 1994Zoological SocietyofJapan Changes of Mycetocyte Symbiosis in Response to Flying Behavior of Alatiform Aphid {Acyrthosiphon pisum) Yuichi Hongoh and Hajime Ishikawa* Zoological Institute, Faculty ofScience, University ofTokyo, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan — ABSTRACT Priortomigratoryflightofalatiformaphids, theirtotalvolumeofmycetocytewasgreatlyreduced. Since inthisperiodtheyingestlittlefood,itislikelythattheydeveloptheflightmusclesatthecostoftheirmycetocytes. Inthis period, not only the size and number of the mycetocyte but also the density of endosymbionts in the cell decreased. Starvingaphidsresultedinasharpdecreaseinthetotalvolumeofmycetocyte,whichwasreversedbyrefeeding,suggesting that aphidsconsume their mycetocytes harboring endosymbionts as a nutrient source on their physiological demands. mycetocytes take place over the first several days. It was INTRODUCTION alsorevealed thatin the same periodthe densityofendosym- Most groups ofthe family Aphidoidea harborprokaryo- bionts in the mycetocyte changes considerably. We also tic endosymbionts within specialized cells, mycetocytes, in studied the effect of starvation on the condition of the the haemoceal [2, 5]. The symbiosis between aphid and its mycetocyteofthetwomorphs. Thepresentresultswilllend symbiont has so highly evolved that one can no longer do a clue to look into how the host controls the symbionts in without the other. Aposymbiotic aphids produced by treat- response to its own physiological conditions. ing with antibiotics exhibit severe defects such as retarded growth and low fecundity, while the symbionts isolated from MATERIALS AND METHODS aphids cannot multiply themselves [6]. Although some in- direct evidence suggests that the symbionts synthesize and Insectmaterials supplyvitamins, amino acids, and sterols to the host [2, 4, 5, A long established parthenogenetic clone ofpea aphids, Acyr- 10, 11, 12], there still remain many questions unanswered thosiphon pisum (Harris) was maintained on young broad bean plants, Viciafaba (L.) at 20°Cwith photoperiodof 16hr. Uniform about the relationship between aphid and its symbiont. nutritional conditions were retained in the following procedures. In order to further clarify this symbiotic interaction, it Adultapteraewereplacedonseedlingsofthetwo-leafstagetoobtain will be essential to know how the physiological conditions of nymphs with the average density of 10 per seedling. To obtain aphid affect the mycetocyte in which the symbionts are alatae, parental apterae were kept in a relatively high density. housed. Douglas and Dixon reported variations in number Under these conditions used, the 4th stage spanned from day 5 andsizeofmycetocytesofMegouraviciaeandAcyrthosiphon to 7 of birth, the final ecdysis occurred on day 7 or 8, and the pisum with age and morph in detail [3]. They revealed that larvipositionstartedonday9or 10(apterae)andday 11-13(alatae). the numberofmycetocytesdecreasesconsistentlyafterbirth, andthatthereportedrateofdeclineishigherinalataethanin Starvation ofinsects apterae. They also reported that the mycetocyte size in- Starvation of insects was conducted on 1-2 days after the final ecdysis,whentheircuticlehadnotcompletelyhardenedyet, indicat- creases over larval stages and soon after the final ecdysis the ing that the insects were before flight. median size shows a declining curve in both apterae and The aphids to be starved were transferred to petri dishes with alatae are due to the difference in growth rate, or numberof moistfilterpaperstopreventdesiccation, andreturnedtofresh host embryos which vertically receive symbionts. plants 3 days later. Unlike apterae, alatae are driven to flight a few days after the final ecdysis to settle on new host plants and start Measurementofnumberandsizeofmycetocytes larviposition [8]. During this period alatae undergo mor- The mycetocytes were isolated by dissecting insects submerged wphionlgogaincdalcuatnidclpe,hyasinodlodgeigceanlecrhaatnigoensosfutchheafslihgahrtdmeunsicnlgeso.fthe iKnCbIufafnedr2(3550mmMMTsruicsr-oHsCel),opnHpe7t.r6icdoinsthaicnoivnegre1d0wmiMthMaggaCrls,2,a2n5dmthMe We studied the changes of mycetocytes in the two number and diameter of mycetocytes were determined under a morphsofA. pisum afterthefinalecdysis. Thedatashowed stereoscopic microscope (15x6.3). In this method, mycetocytes, that the marked changes in number, size, and color of unless very small in size, were easily discriminated from other fat bodycellsandembryos. Thenumberofmycetocyteswasexpressed asmean+SD. Thevolume ofmycetocyteswascalculatedfromthe Accepted September 8, 1994 diametermeasuredwithamicrometerandexpressedasmean±SDof Received March 29, 1994 median values of about 30 round-shaped cells per individual. The To whom all correspondence should be addressed. totalvolumeofmycetocyteswascalculatedbasedonthenumberand 732 Y. HONGOH AND H. ISHIKAWA mean diameter for each individual and expressed as mean+SD. between day and day 3) and rapidly in alatae (32%, P< Relative growth rates ofthe aphids and their mycetocytes were 0.01, between day and day 3) (Fig. 1). In alatae, the calculated from the fresh body weight and volume, respectively [1]. decrease in number stopped on the re-settling on the host The statistic analysis was conducted on Welch's method. plant on day 4, and the number of mycetocytes somewhat increasedthereafter(P<0.05, betweenday3 andday9) (Fig. Density ofendosymbionts 1), though no dividing mycetocyte was detected throughout The density ofendosymbionts in the mycetocyte was estimated this period under a microscope. measuring the number of symbiont in 0.5^m-thick sections of The median size of mycetocyte was changed with age, mycetocytes under a light microscope. The isolated mycetocytes also in a different manner between in apterae and in alatae were fixed in the phosphate-buffered (pH7.6) 1.5% formaldehyde (Fig. 2). In apterae, the size increased regularly over 4th —1.5% glutaraldehyde fixative, then dehydrated, cleared, and instar stage to the beginning of larviposition (P<0.01, be- embedded in resin (Technovit 7100, Kulzer). The sections were tween day and day 3). The relative growth rates (r.g.r) stained with Toluidine blue or hematoxylin-eosin. from day —1 to 2 were 0.29mm3 mm_3day_1 and 0.30 mgmg- day-1 for mycetocyte and insect, respectively. RESULTS Afterward, the size of mycetocyte was kept unchanged or slightlydecreased(Fig. 2). Bycontrast,inalatae, thesizeof Number andsize ofmycetocyte mycetocyte decreased steeply between day and day 3 (P< The changes in number and size ofthe mycetocytes with 0.01), r.g.r. being -0.57mm3mm~3day_1 and -0.18 age and morph are shown in Fig. 1. mgmg_1day_1 for mycetocyte and insect, respectively. Most alatae used in this study exhibited the flight be- Thenthesize turnedto asharpincrease torestorethatonday havioron day2-4 offinal ecdysis. Theywere usually found (P<0.01, between day 3 and day 4; P<0.01, r.g.r.: 0.28 walkingonthewall oftheexperimentalcage, andreturnedto mm3mm~3day_1 0.15mgmg_1day_1 between day 3 and the host plants within a day. For convenience's sake, only , , day 9,) (Fig. 2). the insectsbeforeflightwere referredtoday 1, thoseshowing Figure3 shows the change in total volume of myceto- the flight behavior were referred to day 3, and those settling cytesperaphid. Inapterae, the totalvolume increaseduntil on host plants after flight were referred to day 4. the onset of larviposition (P<0.01, r.g.r.: 0.21 per Aafptheirdtdheecfrienaalseedcdyssliosw,ltyheinmeaapntenrauemb(e—r1o5f%m,ycePt<o0c.y0t1e,s cmrmea3smedm~th3edraeyaf_t1er,.0.U3n0lmigkemgi_n1dapatye_r1ae),, ainndalagtraaeduatlhleytodtea-l volume decreased rapidlybetween day and day 3 (P<0.01, £ 3 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Days after final ecdysis Days after final ecdysis Fig. 2. Changes in median volume of mycetocytes (circles) and Fig. 1. Changes in number of mycetocyte per insect individual. fresh body weight (triangles). Each value was expressed as Each value was expressed as mean+SD. Closed symbols, mean±SD. Closed symbols, apterae, n=10 to 25; open sym- apterae, n=10 to 25; open symbols, alatae, n=10 to 56. bols, alatae, n=10 to 56. Horizontal bar designates the flying Horizontal bar designates the flying period. period. Changes of Mycetocyte Symbiosis 733 «£ -500 60 X <n +(<D o>. o o *< O4) E 50 >i E 30 >o•- i_ £ 3 10 2 4 6 8 10 12 Days after final ecdysis Fig. 3. Changes in total mycetocyte volume per insect individual. 2 4 6 8 Total mycetocyte volume was calculated based on the number and mean diameter of mycetocytes for each individual. Each Days after final ecdysis value was expressed as mean±SD. Closed symbols, apterae; Fig. 4. Effects of starvation on number of mycetocyte per insect open symbols, alatae. individual. Solid anddottedlinesrepresentchangesinfedand starved aphids, respectively. Each value was expressed as mean+SD. Closed symbols, apterae, n=5 to 12; open sym- = r.g.r.: -0.70mm3mm3day \ -0.18mgmg May x), then bols, alatae, n 5 to 10. increased between day 3 and day 9 (P<0.01, r.g.r.: 0.30 mm mm 3day \ 0.16mgmg xday *). Density ofendosymbiont Intheflyingstageofalatae,whenthesizeofmycetocytes marked the lowest value, the density of endosymbionts was also lowered. On re-settling, the density recovered 78% of the value on day (Table 1). Table1. Variationinsymbiontdensitywithbehaviorinalatae density day (age) behavior n (*10^/mm2 ) (4th instar) settling 3 2.7+0.2 3 (adult) flying 8 1.5+0.1 6 (adult) settling 4 2.1+0.1 Density was calculated by counting the total symbionts within several squares (15xl5/^m) on a 0.5//m seciton around a median line of mycetocyte, and expressed as mean±SD. 'n' Represents cell number surveyed. The values obtained were significantly (/><0.05) different from one another. 2 4 6 8 Interestingly, the color of mycetocytes also changed at Days after final ecdysis the flying stage in alatae. In apterae and larval stage of alatae, mycetocytes were usually colorless and transparent. Fig.5. Effectsofstarvationonvolumeofmycetocyte (circles), and As the mycetocytes in alatae became smaller in number and fresh bodyweight (triangles). Solid and dottedlines represent changes in fed and starved aphids, respectively. Each value size after the final ecdysis, the cells took on the condensed was expressed as mean+SD. Closed symbols, apterae; open green. On settling of the insect, the condensed green re- symbols, alatae. 734 Y. HONGOH AND H. ISHIKAWA mained only partially on mycetocytes, then faded away after of mycetocytes after refeeding was also significant (P<0.01, all. between day 4 and day 7) (Fig. 4). Effects ofstarvation on total volume ofmycetocyte DISCUSSION Apterae starved for 2 days did not much reduce their body weight (—12%), but the number and size of their The present result on the changes in number and size of mycetocytes declined by 45% and 75%, respectively (Figs. 4 the mycetocyte in apetrae with age largely confirmed the and 5), and the total mycetocyte volume per aphid decreased results ofthe previous study [3]. In addition, our results on rapidly down to 12% of the mean value on day 2 (P<0.01, alatae provided several new findings with respect to the r.g.r.: —1.2mm3rnm_3day_1 0.18mgmg_1day_1 for 3 change of mycetocyte in response to their flight and feeding , , days' starvation) (Fig. 6). behavior. Changes in number and size ofthe mycetocyte after the final ecdysis were quite different due to morph (Figs. 1 and .--500 2). As a result, the change in the total volume of the co, mycetocyte was also remarkably different between the two morphs (Fig. 3). The most marked difference was repre- sented by a steep decrease in size ofthe mycetocyte in alatae over 3 days after the final ecdysis (Fig. 2). This period exactly coincides with the period in which alatiform aphids X 100 develop their flight muscles to take off for migratory flight. w Our previous studyrevealed that over the first two days after Q) the final ecdysis alatae decrease their body weight, and the g 50 protein content of their indirect flight muscle increases in <ou inverse proportion to their body weight [7]. >. In this period, alatae ofA. pisum, like those of Tuber- E I olachnussalignus, are not likelytoingestappreciable amount o offood [7, 9], which suggests that their flight muscle goes on Ea> developing without supply ofnutrients by feeding. And the _o2 10- fact that the sharp decrease of total mycetocyte volume had > started when the whole body weight was not much reduced imply that this change is controlled selectively. In this ,o context, thepresentresultssuggestedthattheputativesource of nutrients for the developing muscle is the mycetocyte containing endosymbionts, since in alatae the rise and fall of the totalvolumeofmycetocytesforthefirstseveraldaysafter the final ecdysis was in exact inverse relation to that of the protein content ofindirect flight muscle [7]. The result that not only the total volume ofmycetocytes but also the density 2 4 6 8 ofendosymbionts in the mycetocyte decreased in this period Days after final ecdysis (Table 1) may indicate that the endosymbionts rather than Fig. 6. Effects ofstarvation on total mycetocyte volume per insect the mycetocyte itself serve as major nutrient sources. individual. Solid anddotted linesrepresentchangesin fed and The possibility that the mycetocyte harboring endosym- starved aphids, respectively. Closed symbols, apterae; open biontsserve asanutrientsource tothehostwasalsosustained symbols, alatae. by the experiments in which aphids were kept starved (Fig. 6). As far as aphids were kept starved, their total myceto- Unlike apterae, alatae decreased the number, volume cyte volume wasconsistently decreased at a much higherrate and total volume of their mycetocyte spontaneously for the than that of the decline of their body weight, suggesting that first one day after the final ecdysis even without starvation, under the nutritionally adverse conditions aphids will reduce and the starvation did not much reinforce the relative declin- theirendosymbiotic system unfalteringly in order to preserve ing rate of the volume. In alatae, the decrease in the total their own life at the cost of the endosymbionts. This situa- mycetocyte volume was more gentle than in apterae (P< tion has been most typically demonstrated with alatae at the 0.01, r.g.r: —0.60mm3mm~3day^', 0.20mgmg~'day-1, for teneral period. Starving them, on one hand, induced a 3 days' starvation). When the starved alatae were transfer- sharp decline of their total mycetocyte volume (Fig. 6), and, red back to host plants, the total volume of mycetocytes and on the other hand, prevented theirindirect flight muscle from the aphid body weight began to increase rapidly, and 2 to 3 breaking down [7]. When the nutritional conditions were dayslatertheystarted larviposition. The increase in number improved by refeeding, their total mycetocyte volume im- Changes of Mycetocyte Symbiosis 735 mediately restored the original value, suggesting that the REFERENCES change is reversible in nature. It had been rather unexpected that upon settling and AdamsJB, vonEmdenHF(1972) Thebiologicalpropertiesof refeedingofalataetheirmycetocyteweretunedtoincreasein aphidsandtheirhostplantrelationships. In"AphidTechnolo- not only total volume (Fig. 3) but also cell number (Fig. 1). gy"EdbyvonEmdenHF,AcademicPress,London,pp. 48-104 Refeeding after the starvation also resulted in increase in Buhner P (1965) "Endosymbiosis of Animals with Plant Mic- number of mycetocytes (Fig. 4). It is likely that under the roorganisms", Interscience, New York. nutritionally adverse conditions part of mycetocytes are de- DouglasAE, DixonAFG (1987) Themycetocyte symbiosisof aphids: variation with age and morph in virginoparae of creased in size to the extent in which they are hardly Megoura viciae andAcyrthosiphonpisum. J Insect Physiol33: distinguishable from fat body cells surrounding them, and 109-113 that theyrestore the originalsize onrefeeding. In anycase, Ehrhardt P (1968) Einfluss von Ernahrungsfaktoren auf die our conclusion that aphids survive the nutritionally adverse Entwicklung von Safte saugenden Insekten unter besonderer conditionsatthecostoftheirendosymbiontswillnotbehurt. Berucksichtigungvon Symbionten. Z Parasitkde 31: 38-66 Itisinterestingtoknowwhatmechanismsmakeitfeasiblefor HHoomuokptEeJr,a.GriffAitRhsevGEWnt(1295:80)161-In1t8r7acellular symbiotes of the thecellstochangetheirsizesoextremely, andyet,reversibly. Ishikawa H (1989) Biochemical and Molecular Aspects of Finally, it should be described that the present results Endosymbiosis in Insects. Int Rev Cytol 116: 1-45 concern only the maternal symbiosis. For the present, it is Kobayashi M, Ishikawa H (1993) Breakdownofindirectflight just a matterofconjecture whether ornot underthe adverse muscles of alatae aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum) in relation to conditions aphids reduce the totalsymbiosis including that of theirflight,feedingandreproductivebehavior. JInsectPhysiol their embryos. It would be very interesting to know under 39: 549-554 which circumstances, ifat all, aphid embryos cooperate with Kring JB (1972) Flight behavior of aphids. A Rev Ent 17: 461-492 their mother by reducing their own symbiosis. Mittler TE (1958) Studies on the feeding and nutrition of Tuberolachnussalignus (Gmelin) 3. The nitrogen economy. J ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Exp Biol 35: 626-638 10 Mittler TE (1971) Dietary amino acid requirements of the This research was supported by Grants-in-Aid for General aphidMyzuspersicaeaffectedbyantibioticuptake. Jnutr101: Research (No.03454020) andforScientificPriorityAreas, "Symbio- 1023-1028 tic Biosphere: Ecological Interaction Network promoting the 11 Sasaki T, Ishikawa H (1991) Growth and reproduction ofthe Coexistence ofMany Species" (No. 04264103) from the Ministry of symbiotic and aposymbiotic pea aphids, Acyrthosiphon pisum Education, Science and Culture ofJapan. maintained on artificial diets. J Insect Physiol 37: 749-756 12 Srivastava PN, Auclair JL, and Srivastava U (1983) Effect of nonessentialaminoacidsonphagostimulationandmaintainance ofthepea aphid,Acyrthosiphonpisum. CanJ Zool61: 2224- 2229

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