SCfSD ’16 Book of Proceedings Vol. 2 UNIVERSITETI NDËRKOMBËTAR I STRUGËS Book of Proceedings International University of Struga Volume 2 ISBN 978-608-4573-22-7 DOI 10.21520/C.3-2-2016 Nr.3 / Korrik, 2016 1 SCfSD ’16 Book of Proceedings Vol. 2 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Aleksander Biberaj - Rector of International University of Struga Anastas Angjeli - Rector of Mediterranean university of Albania Mevlud Dudić- Rector of International University of Novi Pazar Hilmi Ibar - Trakya University Sabahudin Komoni- University of Pristina Shyqeri Kabashi- Business University College Ligor Nikolla- University of Tirana Vehbi Ramaj- International University of Struga COORDINATORS: Armen Kadriu- International University of Struga Guximtar Rushani- International University of Struga Biljana Ciglovska – International University of Struga Senada Laçka– International University of Struga Florida Veljanoska – International University of Struga Jeton Shaqiri – International University of Struga Blerti Dauti – International University of Struga Majlinda Axhiu – International University of Struga Nazmije Merko – International University of Struga CONFERENCE SECRETARIAT Marinela Shkurta– International University of Struga Abidin Trena– International University of Struga E-mail: [email protected] 2 SCfSD ’16 Book of Proceedings Vol. 2 THE EFFECT OF CULTURE ON FIRM’S CSR ENGAGEMENT .................................................................. 6 INVESTMENTS IN THE REPUBLIC OF KOSOVO ...................................................................................... 19 HOW LEADERSHIP CONFLICTUAL BEHAVIOR AFFECTS PARTNERSHIP FROM THE PROSPECTIVE OF DECISION MAKING ...................................................................................................... 35 ENVITONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND STANDARDS FOR STORAGE OF MINERALS IN KOSOVO ............................................................................................................................................................................ 42 NJË VËSHTRIM TEORIK I TRANZICIONIT SI KONKURENCË INSTITUCIONALE ............................ 51 KONCESIONET DHE KONTRATAT KONCESIONARE NË SISTEMIN JURIDIK TË REPUBLIKËN E KOSOVËS .......................................................................................................................................................... 59 MORTGAGE LOAN CONSUMERS AND THE PROTECTION FRAMEWORK IN ALBANIA ................. 71 VËSHTRIM PËR MËNYRAT E SIGURIMIT TË PASURISË NGA VLERA E VOGËL NË VLERË MË TË MADHE .............................................................................................................................................................. 82 AGRCULTURAL TRADE REGULATION IN THE INTERNATIONAL TRADING SYSTEM ................... 90 INVESTIMET E HUAJA DIREKTE GJATË KRIZËS FINANCIARE GLOBALE .................................... 103 MENXHIMI I PËRFORMANCËS NË NVM-TË KOSOVARE ..................................................................... 116 STARTING A BUSINESS: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS BETWEEN THE REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA AND THE REPUBLIC OF ROMANIA .......................................................................................................................................................... 130 UDHËHEQJA, PERSONALITETI I UDHËHEQËSIT, VETITË DHE AFTËSITË E UDHËHEQËSIT POTENCIAË SI DHE AUTORITETI I TIJ ................................................................................................................................................ 143 RREGULLAT DHE DISPOZITAT E BAZEL III NË PËRPUTHJE ME KREDITIMIN E NVM-VE NË EUROZONË DHE NË VENDE TË TJERA .................................................................................................... 153 REFORMS, REGULATION AND COMPETITION IN THE ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION IN ALBANIA .......................................................................................................................................................................... 166 ЕФЕКТИТЕ ОД ЦЕФТА-2006 ВРЗ ЕКОНОМИЈАТА НА РЕПУБЛИКА МАКЕДОНИЈА ................... 176 MARKETINGU NDËRKOMBËTAR I VERËRAVE NË KONTEKSTIN E MSA-SË NË MES TË KE-SË & KOSOVËS ........................................................................................................................................................ 191 MANAGEMENT OF SATISFACTION AND CONSUMER BEHAVIOR IN COMMERCIAL BANKS IN MUNICIPALITY OF VUSHTRRI .................................................................................................................. 205 DIVERSIFICATION OF FUNDING AS A SOLUTION TO FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY IN A NON- FOR-PROFIT ORGANIZATION ................................................................................................................... 214 ЗГОЛЕМУВАЊЕ НА КАПАЦИТЕТИТЕ НА ПРЕТПРИЕМАЧИТЕ ВО ФУНКЦИЈА НА ОСТВАРУВАЊЕ НА ПОГОЛЕМ РАСТ И РАЗВОЈ НА БИЗНИСОТ ..................................................... 220 SPECIFIKAT E SJELLJES SË KONSUMATORËVE NË TREGUN PËR KONSUM PERSONAL ........... 234 VENDIMARRJA NË NDËMARRJET AFARISTE ........................................................................................ 252 THE APPLICATION OF E-COMMERCE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM ENTERPRISES IN STRUGA,OHRID AND BITOLA .................................................................................................................... 260 3 SCfSD ’16 Book of Proceedings Vol. 2 FISCAL DECENTRALIZATION – PREFERENCE OR STAGNATION IN LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT IN MACEDONIA ............................................................................................................................................. 270 NJOHJE ME MODELET E MBAJTJES SË REZERVAVE NË NDËRMARRJE DHE ZBATIM PRAKTIK I TYRE ............................................................................................................................................................. 278 FORMAT E ORGANIZATËS AFARISTE NË KOSOVË DHE RREGULLAT E DETYRIMEVE TATIMORE PËR SECILEN ORGANIZAT ................................................................................................... 284 SISTEMET E INFORMACIONIT NË MENAXHIMIN E NDËRMARRJEVE TELEKOMUNIKUESE ... 295 THE ROLE OF INTERNET MARKETING AND THE EFFECT ON ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT .. 308 THE IMPACT OF MARKETING IN DEVELOPING OF SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPISES OF MARKET ECONOMY IN KOSOVO ............................................................................................................. 328 MODELET E MENAXHIMIT TË BURIMEVE NJERËZORE NË NDËRMARRJET PUBLIKE DHE PRIVATE TË QYTETIT TË SKENDERAJT ................................................................................................. 344 THE NOTION OF CORPORATE SECURITY IN THE SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE ............................... 349 CHALLENGES OF ENTERPRENEURSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CORPORATE FINANCE AFTER THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF POST-ECONOMIC CRISIS OF 1930 ................................................................................................................................................................... 362 MARKETINGU DHE ZHVILLIMI EKONOMIK NË NDËRRMARJET E VOGLA DHE TË MESME NË KOSOVË .......................................................................................................................................................... 370 LIGJI I ZBATUESHËM MBI INSTITUTIN E TRASHËGIMISË REFERUAR RREGULLORES (EU) NR 650/2012 ............................................................................................................................................................ 381 PROVA E KUNDËRT NË PROCESIN PENAL ............................................................................................. 395 EUROPIAN INTEGRATION PROCESS AND THE JUDICIARY: THE ALBANIAN JUDGE ROLE ...... 408 TRAFIKIMI NJERËZOR DHE KRIMI I ORGANIZUAR ........................................................................... 415 KRIMI I ORGANIZUAR DHE TRAFIKIMI I PERSONAVE NË BALLKANIN PERËNDIMOR ............. 427 NEVOJA DHE PRITSHMËRITË PËR REFORMËN NË DREJTËSI NË SHQIPËRI ................................ 438 LIRIA DHE BARAZIA NË BALLKANIN PERËNDIMOR .......................................................................... 448 РАЗВОЈ НА ДЕЛОВНОТО ПРАВО ............................................................................................................. 458 REFORMAT NË PROCEDURËN PENALE NË REPUBLIKËN E MAQEDONISË DREJT STANDARDEVE EVROPIANE ...................................................................................................................... 472 СЕМЕЈНОТО ПРАВО КАКО ДЕЛ ОД ПРАВНИОТ СИСТЕМ НА ЕДНА ДРЖАВА ........................... 486 TRAFIKIMI ME NJERËZ NË TERRITORIN E GJYKATËS THEMELORE TË MITROVICËS - 2010-2014 .......................................................................................................................................................... 502 TERRORIZMI, DISA PËRKUFIZIME, LLOJET DHE MASAT LIGJORE QË DUHEN MARRË PËR PARANDALIMIN DHE LUFTËN NDAJ TIJ ................................................................................................................................................ 516 4 SCfSD ’16 Book of Proceedings Vol. 2 ECONOMY 5 SCfSD ’16 Book of Proceedings Vol. 2 THE EFFECT OF CULTURE ON FIRM’S CSR ENGAGEMENT Rigersa KONOMI Mediterranean University of Albania E_mail: [email protected] Sonila NIKOLLA Mediterranean University of Albania E_mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT This paper presents the relationship between the organizational culture and CSR. To test the hypotheses, we employ regression with the sample firms collected from the top 1,500 companies of the MSCI’s Intangible Value Assessment (IVA) program, DJSI and Compustat Global Vantage databases. Cultural dimensions are frequently found to have effects on CSR when using different samples and measurements of CSR. This research suggests that all of Hofstede’s four cultural dimensions can predict firm’s CSR activity. It explore antecedents of CSR, most of them emphasize the impacts of formal institutions, such as law, on CSR and pay little attention to informal institutions, such as culture. We contrast different views on how political institutions can function on corporations’ tradeoff between shareholder rights and stakeholder rights, which is the main underlying mechanism for them to influence CSR. Our empirical evidence suggests that political institutions, democratic rules and constraints to political executives are not preconditions for CSR and sustainability, and sometimes even hinder CSR implementation. Our results are shown after controlling for, culture, firm-level financial performance and constraints, and different indices of political institution. Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, organizational culture, corporate sustainability. INTRODUCTION Growing social and environmental issues like global warming are the underlying factor of growing importance of corporate social responsibility both in academic literature as well as in business world. 6 SCfSD ’16 Book of Proceedings Vol. 2 There are empirical evidence that corporate social responsibility can contribute to social progress and stakeholder wealth. But what forces drive companies to behave as good citizens in the society is still under debate. This research poses some conceptual issues. One key issue is what we are actually measuring. Various studies have attempted to model and measure CSR from only one perspective, such as employee satisfaction, environmental protection (Konar & Cohen, 2001), corporate philanthropy (Seifert, Morris, & Bartkus, 2004), and consumer satisfaction (Servaes & Tamayo, 2013; Larkin, 2013). CSR is a multidimensional concept, as it captures various stakeholders’ interests. In this sense, the most comprehensive concept of CSR is defined as and measured by a firm’s engagement and compliance in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. It addresses concerns for the environment (such as climate change, hazardous waste, nuclear energy, etc.), society (social diversity, human rights, consumer protection, consumer consciousness, etc.), and corporate governance (including management/board structures and representation, employee relations, executive compensation, anti-corruption measures, etc). Friedman (1970), and most recently Chen, Hong and Shue (2012), have shown that CSR is a activity that does not contribute to aggregate social welfare and sustainability. In this paper, we quantify this CSR sustainability relationship by showing that comprehensive firm- level CSR scores are significantly correlated with country-level sustainability ratings in many dimensions. Some papers have studied the profit motives for CSR can explain why stakeholders require that corporations engage in socially responsible behavior and thereby be willing to sacrifice profit for a good cause. The most profitable are firms the most able are to afford the expenses of adopting a CSR policy. In answering our research question, we structure the rest of the paper as follows. In the next section we briefly review key literature that has investigated and highlight those relate to our research question, and develop our hypotheses building on these literatures. We then introduce the methodology of this study, and then report the empirical results and finally we will draw a conclusion based on our finding and sketch avenues for future research. LITERATURE REVIEW Many research on corporate social responsibility have shown that it is strongly influenced by the cultural and socio-economic environments in which firms operate (Carroll, 1979, 1991; 7 SCfSD ’16 Book of Proceedings Vol. 2 Matten & Moon, 2008). Studies in relate CSR practices to a country’s national business system , such as political institutions, market competition, and cultural orientation (Campbell, 2007; Ioannou & Serafeim, 2012). In particular, the research has considered CSR as a culturally embedded organizational behavior, and empirically tested cultural influences on CSR using the renowned Hofstede cultural dimensions as well as survey-based cultural data such as GLOBE’s national cultural dimensions and the World Value Survey. While these analyses have shown important differences between cultures in CSR practices, they also yield conflicting findings. Cultural dimensions are found to have effects on CSR when using different samples and measurements of CSR. For example, power distance an important Hofstede cultural dimension is found to have both negative ( Ioannou & Serafeim, 2012) and positive (Wang, & Vitell, 2012) relations with CSR engagement. Theoretically, the findings in the literature likely reflect the obscurity of the underlying mechanisms by which national cultural variation affects CSR (Matten & Moon 2008). Institutional theory has found that business organizations are embedded in broader social structures, which attempt significant influence on their strategies and governance (DiMaggio and Powell, 1983). National institutional contexts have been shown to shape the cognition and motives of managers, shareholders, and other key stakeholders, which further shapes the way corporations are governed and managed ( Jackson & Deeg, 2008). Drawing on these insights, the global CSR literature suggests that the social responsibilities of corporations reflect the historically determined institutions that shape durable and embedded national business systems (Carroll, 1979, 1991; Matten & Moon, 2008). A common denominator across these studies is that national cultures have an important effect on organizations’ CSR practices this happen as cultures uniformly affect different aspects of organization behavior compared with more context-specific regulations and rules. These empirical studies on cultural dimensions rely on the renowned Hofstede cultural dimensions: power distance, individualism, masculinity vs. femininity, uncertainty avoidance, and long-term orientation (Hofstede, 1980; Hofstede & Hofstede, 2005). Regarding Hofstede’s power distance dimension, Ringov & Zollo (2007), and Ioannou & Serafeim (2012) find a negative relationship with CSR, which they attribute to business leaders’ 8 SCfSD ’16 Book of Proceedings Vol. 2 use of power for the pursuit of personal benefit, whereas Wang, & Vitell (2012) find a positive relationship, which they attribute to societies’ unlikeliness to tolerate questionable environment- related business practice due to already strict environmental regulations. For individualism, while Ioannou & Serafeim (2012) find a positive relationship,Waldman et al. (2006), Ho et al. (2012) and Parboteeach et al. (2012) find a negative relationship, and Ringov & Zollo (2007) find no significant relationship. For masculinity, a positive relation is found in Ho et al. (2012) but the opposite is found in Ringov & Zollo (2007). While uncertainty avoidance is found to be a positive predictor of CSR in Ho et al. (2012) but a negative one in Parboteeah et al. (2012). Social and environmental issues like are the underlying factor of growing importance of corporate social responsibility both in academic literature as well as in business world. CEOs all over the world declared sustainability as an very important factor for their organizations success. In the field of management, most of literature on CSR examines the influence of CSR on firms’ financial performance and vice versa, while there is only a problem of studies that focus on exploring the antecedents of CSR. Among of these studies, the determinants of CSR can be national-level factors such as laws, societal culture. The current paper compares the findings of Ringov & Zollo, (2007) and Ho et al., (2011) by employing a different methodology to shed some lights on the new directions of the impact of national culture on firm’s CSR for the future studies. Whereas some papers have studied the profit motives for CSR (Hong, Kubik and Scheinkman, 2011, Chen, Hong and Shue, 2012), others concentrate on the question as to how delegated philanthropy and the stakeholder theory (Tirole, 2001; Benabou. Stakeholders require that corporations engage in socially responsible behavior and thereby be willing to sacrifice profit for a good cause. The most profitable firms are most able to afford the expenses of adopting a CSR policy. While some evidence is found for both the theoretical arguments underlying a causal relationship cannot be identified or is statistically insignificant (Margolis, Elfenbein and Walsh, 2007). Some recent studies go one step further to investigate the governance determinants of CSR (Barnea and Rubin (2010 and Lopez-Ithurriage & Lopez de Foronda (2009)). However, these are mostly single-country analyses and not really analyze the factors but rather another set of endogenous firm-level variables. Ioannou & Serafeim (2012) investigated the association between national institutions and the score on the CSR index. While opponents to CSR claim to be outside the shareholders interest and that the only social responsibility a firm has is to maximize profit for its owners 9