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Preview CfA Request TX Auditor 5 23 17

CAMPAIGN FOR ACCOUNTABILITY May 23, 2017 By Emil: publicinformation(a o.tenas Office vt General Course ‘Texas State Auditor's Office 10, Box 12067 ‘Austin, TX 78711-2067 Re: Public Information Act Request Dear Si ar Madam: ‘Couspaign for Accountabifiy ("CIA") makes this request foe tevords, regardless of Formal, medium. ar physical charucteistes, and including electronic records and infomation, uuudiolages, videotapes and photographs, pursuant to the Texas Public Information Aci. TX Gov't Code sH 552.001 er sea. Firs), C08 seeks ony and all communicatfons 1o, stom, ar between the State Auditor's Office und ny employee or representative of the Heidi Group anor the nams under which it sometimes operates, the Welliss Coalition! including hut not Kmiled tails leader, Catal Everett, Secumd, CFA seeks any communications to, from, or between fhe Stale Auditor's Olfice regnriing the Heidi Guoup, the Welluess Coalition. and‘or Caral Fveret ‘This request is for records Irom January’ 1, 2015 tothe present, Ty way af hackground, in March 2012, Governor Rick Perry announced thal the state of ‘Texas would provide funding for a frnily planning program that had previously been funded largely by the federal government? Me. Rveret supported Gov. Perry's proposal? In August 2016, Texas Hleulib und Tluman Services (HHS") aisacded the Heidi Group $1.6 milion Uhrough the Flelthy Texas Women program.’ Also in August, Rep. Jessica Purar, and the ‘nunprafic Progress Texas, called on the Stale Auditer's Ollice ta investigate te Leidi Group's eoauact." On March 14, 2017, the Associated! Press reported the Lleidi Group had largely failed 10 deliver the services ulin n is contract with HHS." ‘edgar Walters, Ant Aboctinn voces Gronm Receives Wonan's Health Grant, Tho Peas Tbe, ABU 1D, ‘I, nual os et egebns.e!20 Etro ees Leal $TEmiy Romsbow nd Unb Ta, sin lading fr Women Healt Program, The Tesae Data, Macch 15201), senla bteow ashrbone og 2012035 Les alum one seals. 2 Thanh Tan Ani-Sbociun Adsustes Count Manned Parenthond Mada Bite, The Tex Tibor, March. 2012, avalible ar ins tesasrbune or 201 20568 abort ss -lansed al chan ‘alr, Phe Trae tae, fe 0, 201% 5 knieo Zolncs, Laweae ale for probe nan! an-burion enw, Hinson Cheeni Angus 5, 2016, nbs pis con. cone spottios wxasarleWomeahe G60 Penmylvania ave, $2 + Suits 302 + Washingran, 0.6. 70003 + (702) 780 6750 aw campargnlaraucourlebililyarg tebsinsemman cals fr insestearon State Auditor's Otte May 23, 2017 Yage 2 ‘Where possible, plense produve rexands eleeinamically, in PRU ar THF format an a CD- ROM, CA sccks mevords vf nny kind, ineluding electronic records, audiotape, videotapes, aca photographs. Lhis reqnest includes any letters, emails, fResimiles, telephone mensages, voice ruil messages, and ieanscripls, notes, of ainutes of any mectings,rlephons conversations, or Hfiweossinns. This request alsa Includes any attachatencs co these terards. Firs yoor position that uny portion af the requested records is exempt from disclosmre, please slate the busis ofthe exemplian. TX Gov't Code § 552.101. Please explain ia writing and wilh particularity the reasons Ibe any detesmination that a record is exempt from disclosure. Ie the event that a portion ofa requested record is properly exenapt from disclosure, please relcl ual portion and produce die remainder of the requested record, If you deny this request in whele ‘or in pat, please speclly cach exemption on which sau are relying to withbold infoemation. CfA is anon-profil angunivution and seeks the cocuested information to inform and ‘eiunte the public about the state's aversight responsibilitcs regarding public funding For private Drganizations. Accordingly, beesuss CEA socks lle infgrmation ta benefit the general public, we equest thar the information be provided withoul charge. TX Gost Code § SS2.267. Ifa fee ‘waiver is not available, plewse infirm me ifthe cust will exceed $200. TX Gov't Code § 58.2615) Please prumptly produce the requested infomation. Tl, however, production can ‘cour within 10 business days, pleuse certify that fant to us and provide atime when the information will be available. TX Gov" (Code § 552.221. Ifyou ace unable to meet this stafulorily require time period, or foresee any prableans in releasing the requested revords in ‘whole or in part, please contact me at 202-780-5750. Finglly, Iwweleomte the opportunity to disonse with you whether aud to whl extent this request ean be narrowell vr madisied to beter cusble the State Auditor's QMice to process it possible, please email the rscords to me at dhtevens(¢.campaientoraccountability.org le eeeards are wailed, please send them to: Campaign for Accomntability, 660 Penny! varia Ave SEE, Suite 303, Washington, D.C. 20003. 913667 pip, Mary Tua, AnicLhaiee Circe ecive SIA Mii Heath Gant, The Aun Chronicle, Avan 13,2816, vated o gel ww antinchonicte comin DL 6.Ra] Va shoko-wa-teeesie-5- snlia-hasl grant pul Weber, at bs witout Planned Fererthood? One Tes ele sual Avscte Pen, Match 14. 2015, raltable hp oe pupa: APDEAL T3028 cl aDGb4n0082 ie Sanh Sice 2017-22-44 S— “retro Plaate® 20Parenthood-Texns'd-e Tx SUI2chefcohlfcd228T 28S, Stale Auditor's Otice May 23, 2017 Page 3 ‘Thank yout Far your atentinn bo this mates. Sinccrshy, LF bs Daniel B. Stevens Excoutve Diteelor

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