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Cerulean Seas, The Azure Abyss PDF

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ALP-CS04: CCCCeeeerrrruuuulllleeeeaaaannnn SSSSeeeeaaaassss TTTThhhheeee AAAAzzzzuuuurrrreeee AAAAbbbbyyyyssssssss Role Playing Game Supplement New Deep sea Guide for use with the Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game* Written by Emily Ember Kubisz, Sam G. Hing, & Matthew Cicci ! Credits ! Lead Designer: Emily E. Kubisz Artistic Director & Layout: Tim Adams Authors: Emily Ember Kubisz, Sam G. Hing, & Matthew A. Cicci Editing and Development: Ben Welsby, Jeffrey Turner & Steven O'Neal Legal Consultant: Marcia McCarthy Cover Artist: Fabio Porfidia; Interior Artists: Tim Adams, Ian Barker, Carl Beu, Caren Billings, Adam Burnier, F. Drew Chandra, Collette Curran, Edyta Felcyn, Nicole Hansche, Johannes Holm, Forrest Imel, Markus Juuso, Mathias Kollros, Emily Ember Kubisz, Setiawan Lee, Lynton Levengood, Chan Tuck Lueng, MDA art, Chenthooran Nambiarooran, Emily Naviasky, Juan Novelletto, Fabio Porfidia, Dylan J. Reader, Marissa Rivera, Cesar Sampedro, Dawne Stantien, Anna Susanne, Candis Swain, Joanna Tsui, Justinas Vitkus, Dirk Wachsmuth, Vasilis Zikos Special Thanks to Our Kickstarter Contributors: Adam Windsor, Andrew (ZenDragon), Andrew J. Hayford, Andrew Maizels, Ben Lash, Bill Birchler, Bob Runnicles, Brian Guerrero, Carl Hatfield, Annette B, Chris Kenney, Chris Michael Jahn, Craig Johnston (flash_cxxi), Curtis Edwards, Daniel Craig, Daniel P. Shaefer, Daniyel Mills, Dark Mistress, David Corcoran, Jr., Davin Perry, Dawn Fischer, Dean M. Perez, Douglas Limmer, Douglas Snyder, Ed Courtroul, Ed McLean, Endzeitgeist, Francois Michel, Frank Dyck, Franz Georg Roesel, GLNS, Henry Wong, Herman Duyker, James "Jimbojones" Robertson, James Wood, Jason "Hierax" Verbitsky, Jason "Mikaze" Garrett, Jeremy Wildie, Jon Moore, Joseph "UserClone" Le May, Julien A. 0Féraud, Karen J. Grant, Karl The Good, Kevin Mayz, Kyle Bentley, Lewis Crown, Mark Moreland, Matthew Parker Winn, Michael D. Blanchard, Mike Shannon, Nate Swalve, Niall Sullivan, Nicholas Fascitelli, Noble Hays, Paul Cavanaugh, Paul Ryan, Paul Woods, Peter Duchak, Purple Duck Games, R. A. Mc Reynolds, Rod Davidson, SAGA (Southern Arizona Gamers Association), Scott Sutherland, Sebastian Dietz, Shana Rosenfeld, Shane O'Connor, Stephen Horsley, Stephen Hutchison, Steven Vanderburg, Tetsubo, Tom Ladegard, Z. Daniel Esgate, & Zakharov "Zaksquatch" Sawyer Additional Thanks: Team Draconis & Ofelia Jean Kubisz Cerulean Seas The Azure Abyss © 2013 Alluria Publishing. All rights reserved. Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. See http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility and does not endorse this product. Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/compatibility for more information on the compatibility license. OPEN GAME LICENSE v 1.0a. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. SYSTEM REFERENCE DOCUMENT. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. PATHFINDER RPG CORE RULEBOOK™, PATHFINDER RP G BESTIARY™, PATHFINDER RPG BESTIARY 2™, PATHFINDER RPG BESTIARY 3 ™, PATHFINDER RPG ADVANCED PLAYER’S GUIDE™, PATHFINDER RPG BONUS BESTIARY™, PATHFINDER RPG GAMEMASTERY GUIDE™, PATHFINDER RPG ULTIMATE MAGIC™, PATHFINDER RPG ULTIMATE COMBAT™, PATHFINDER RPG ADVANCED RACE GUIDE™, PATHFINDER RPG ULTIMATE EQUIPMENT™. Copyright 2009-2012 Paizo Publishing, LLC; Lead Designer: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook and Skip Williams. THE BOOK OF EXPERIMENTAL MIGHT. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved. THE DEEP. Copyright 2003, Mystic Eye Games, LLC; Authors: Becky Glenn, Stefon Mears, Susannah Redelfs and Robin Wise. CERULEAN SEAS CAMPAIGN SETTING, WAVES OF THOUGHT, INDIGO ICE. C opyright 2010-2013, Alluria Publishing. All rights reserved. PSIONICS UNLEASHED. Copyright 2010, Dreamscarred Press.; Authors:Jeremy Smith, Andreas Rönnqvist and Philip Leco II. TOME OF HORRORS. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR. STRATEGISTS AND TACTICIANS. Copyright 2010, 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming; Author Ryan Costello, Jr. Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e) and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, deities, etc.), dialogue, plots, storylines, locations, characters, artwork and trade dress. (Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content are not included in this declaration.) Open Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the game mechanics of this Alluria Publishing game product are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open Gaming License version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without written permission. 2 Authors Contents Sam G. Hing Chapter 1: The Underdeep 4 Chapter 5: Azure Abyss Setting 52 Preface ....................................................... 5 The Dark Trinity ....................................... 53 Introduction .............................................. 6 Other Racial Histories ............................. 56 Common Terms ........................................ 7 Languages of the Underdeep ................. 62 Environmental Basics .............................. 8 Underdeep Religions ............................... 62 Chapter 2: Deep Sea Races 14 Chapter 6: Deep Sea Bestiary 66 Aquatic Races Revisited .......................... 15 Introduction to Deep Sea Monsters ....... 67 Asterak ...................................................... 18 Creature Glyphs ....................................... 67 Dwarf, Austorian ..................................... 19 New Sea Monsters ................................... 68 Echin .......................................................... 20 Obitu, Aquatic .......................................... 21 Appendices 90 Oculus, Viden ........................................... 22 Appendix 1: Deep Sea Monsters ............ 91 Rusalka, Abyssal ...................................... 23 Appendix 2: Pronunciation Guide ......... 91 Underdeep half-races .............................. 24 Appendix 3: Index of Tables ................... 91 Vital Statistics ........................................... 25 Appendix 4: Art Index ............................. 92 Open Game License ................................. 93 Chapter 3: Deep Sea Classes 26 Special Thanks .......................................... 94 Existing Classes ........................................ 27 Cardstock Minis ....................................... 95 Angler ....................................................... 28 Index .......................................................... 96 Prestige classes ......................................... 33 Chapter 4: Deep-craft 42 Underdeep Materials ............................... 43 Weapons .................................................... 44 Feats ........................................................... 45 Underdeep Spells ..................................... 48 Underdeep Magic Items........................ 50 3 CCCChhhhaaaapppptttteeeerrrr 1111:::: The Hungry Darkness TTTThhhheeee UUUUnnnnddddeeeerrrrddddeeeeeeeepppp 4 everal fathoms below ... Where the light of sun will never shine, the sea shall also never know the warm embrace of good or the security of peace. The cataclysms of the surface world are evident only in the increase of life-sustaining ruin that rains down into our realm. Though we are envious of the bounty of your sunlit kingdom, we know that it can never suit us. We are the creatures of the eternal night, the horrors that you warn your children about, and the reason you fear the shadows below. We are indeed vicious and you are wise to avoid these dismal places. Even that which is frightening has much to fear. Our past is stained with eons of bloodshed. Our legacy is that every race different from our own is either an enemy or a slave. Our hatred does not stop there, however. Even among our own kind, clan wars clan and every family has rivals that wish them dead. The treachery boils down as deep as the inky trenches ’ that we dwell in. One is not even safe from one s own offspring. Survival exists only for the fittest and the smartest. Our world, however, is not devoid of hope. If you allow your eyes to focus, you will see our own unique starry night. Colors of an alien spectrum will dance before you in ghostly radiance. Life, while hideous in form and function, still radiates a light that even those accustomed to rainbow-licked reefs would find awe-inspiring. Just as we have beauty here, we can also foster the forces of goodness and peace, sometimes in the most unlikely of situations. A dimly shining example of this is the Dark Trinity.. The name itself stirs up a feeling a dread, and what it represents is indeed terrifying. In the name of continued existence, lesser factions of the deep drow, obitu, and oculus species forged an improbable alliance. Their leaders, while maniacally evil in their own right, drafted a pact signed in blood and enforced by demonic power (the concept of a simple treaty is a bit too weak for the likes of the Underdeep). This pact forces those families and factions to coexist in some semblance of peace, abolishes slavery for those sworn to uphold the agreement, and creates a unique opportunity for the concept of community and cooperation to grow amid the darkest depths. Of course, those in power are still driven by madness and ambition, and even the brightest good deeds here seem shadowy by surface standards. Still, there is hope in our dark realm. We do not hope as you do, for continued light, warmth, and well-being. Our dreams simply yearn for brief motes of respite from an ever devouring darkness. We will undoubtedly fight on, struggle against yet more unseen and unknown forces, just trying to survive the Azure Abyss. 5 Introduction entirely one of treachery and greed. Certain deep sea individuals, when given the opportunity, may The Azure Abyss, the Underdeep, the inky be capable of surprising acts of mercy and wastes, and the midnight realm are but a few generosity, and might even fight to maintain some names afforded to those depths considered too measure of home and community. deep by the common races of the Cerulean Seas. THE AZURE ABYSS works well as a stand-alone Though these pitch-black depths comprise the vast setting, an extension of the CERULEAN SEAS majority of the endless sea, these realms have been CAMPAIGN SETTING, or as a sourcebook for deep sea labeled by most as unfathomable reaches. This adventuring. Much like the subterranean realms of tome intends to shed some light on these other campaign worlds, this realm has a nefarious mysterious waters, the creatures that live there, reputation. While a campaign based around an evil and the reasons why even the bravest of the party is certainly an option here, we wanted to surface realm fear diving too far down. focus mainly on the light striving against the The Underdeep is a world unto itself: vast and darkness. The setting is certainly bleaker than the impossibly flat abyssal plains; unbelievably titanic others we have released, and would also serve you mountain ranges; and steep, gaping trenches that well if you are looking to add the element of horror plunge countless miles. All of these awe-inspiring to your underwater game. features are nestled between a midnight expanse Much like in the Cerulean Seas sourcebook, we of water above and an endless labyrinth of tunnels separated much of the campaign specific below. Lit only by an abundant supply of information into its own chapter. We wanted to indigenous life, this world derives its energy not keep the spirit of the campaign setting guide, in that from the sun but from the fiery fury of the planet’s it is also a helpful reference to undersea core or debris from above. While the creatures that adventuring. Even if the Gamemaster decides to use live here are bountiful, they are dwarfed by the his own world or an adaptation of ours, it would great expanse of empty space surrounding them. prove useful. The history of the realm has a strong Each oasis of life struggles against the dark presence but is not so closely tied to the crunch oblivion on a daily basis. presented that they cannot be easily separated. In our own world, these realms are still mostly Many will see this sourcebook as an opportunity a mystery. Only a few short years ago we to allow a bit of the Underdeep into more shallow discovered amazing features such as black waters. This is entirely possible, whether it be a smokers and brine lakes, as well as the fantastic peace-loving deep-drow escaping persecution or a life forms that live near each. Just recently we highly focused obitu vampire slayer, any of these caught a glimpse of real-life monsters such as the races or rules could be relocated to sunnier shores. giant squid and discovered remarkable animals There also comes a time in every aquatic like the white-furred yeti crab, who thrive in adventurer’s life when they simply must see what temperatures that would melt lead. These are new dwells in the darkness beneath their fins. This book and cutting-edge discoveries, and we have yet to will prove an invaluable resource to populate these explore the vast majority of the deep sea. This waters to the satisfaction (or perhaps demise) of tome, the first of its kind, will attempt to these curious explorers. New enemies, monsters, incorporate these latest discoveries as well as build terrain, and possibly even allies and treasure awaits a complete realm of its own. in the countless fathoms below. In the fictional world of Cerulean Seas, those Lastly, in true Allurian style, we present a who dwell in the realms above seek to explore the comprehensive deep sea bestiary. We were able to world beneath, trade with its inhabitants, and tap the genius of our two best monster makers, Sam plunder the riches of its strange waters. For the Hing (CREEPY CREATURES) and Mathew Cicci (FEY very same reasons, some who dwell in the Azure FOLIO) to bring you some truly fearsome fathomless Abyss occasionally venture to the surface. The foes that will add both terror and adventure to the races of THE AZURE ABYSS are what most crushing depths. Of course, we tied it all together surface dwelling races would consider to be with our award winning artists to bring you the villainous or evil. While many are indeed the stuff high quality material that you have come to expect of nightmares, their story need not be from Alluria Publishing. 6 Using This Book Buoyancy Units (bu.): These reflect an item’s buoyancy and are described in the CERULEAN This book is divided into six chapters with SEAS CAMPAIGN SETTING. several helpful appendices. The first chapter is a Cerulean Seas: The known world which is simple introduction designed to explain our divided into nine sections (or seas). design process, set the tone for the tome and Cold Seep: A cold seep (sometimes called a introduce some environmental basics such as cold vent) is an area of the ocean floor where climate, terrain and perils. Chapter two describes hydrogen sulfide, methane and other deep sea adaptations for a few Cerulean Seas core hydrocarbon-rich fluid seepage occurs, often in races, as well as six new races (asterak, austorian the form of a brine pool. dwarf, echinn, aquatic obitu, viden oculus, and Deep Ice: This is also known as methane ice, abyssal rusalka). Chapter three examines how or methane clathrate. It occurs at moderate to existing aquatic classes fit into an abyssal world deep depths and plays a vital role in some and presents a new class (the angler) as well as a aglootech items. trio of prestige classes. New materials, Depth Tolerance: The maximum depth a equipment, feats, spells and magic items are creature can safely traverse. See the CERULEAN outlined in chapter four. Chapter five offers SEAS CAMPAIGN SETTING for more details. details of the setting itself, including specific Feykith: Any variety of water fey racial histories and other such information. The descendants, including rusalka, deep drow and last chapter is a complete deep sea bestiary. nixies. Common Terms The Great Flood: A catastrophe that raised the ocean level several hundred feet, drowning most Words listed below are often referred to of the land and those that inhabited it. This throughout THE AZURE ABYSS and are defined happened over five centuries ago. here for clarification. More advanced definitions Merfolk: A creature with a humanoid torso can be found either in the Cerulean Seas core and fish-like lower half. Nommos, seafolk and rulebook, or later in this tome. asterak are all merfolk. Aglootech: Complex devices typically Trueform: An intelligent species of non- invented by aglooliks (who dwell in the polar humanoid form. Estrel (trueform starfish) and regions of the realm) that mimic arcane effects by squibbons are trueforms. While not standard PC using natural science. races, they do contribute to the overall society of Anthromorph: A humanoid sea-animal. the setting. Karkanaks and echinn are anthromorphs. Warp Pool: A naturally occurring mystical Angler: A class that specializes in trapping gateway between two distant regions of the and hunting its enemies. Underdeep. They appear as highly reflective Black Smoker: A black smoker or sea vent is a brine pools. Most warp pools are unstable and type of hydrothermal vent found on the seabed, temporary features. typically in the abyssal and hadal zones. They Whirlpool (or Vortex): A specific appear as black, chimney-like structures that emit environmental hazard that creates a funnel of a cloud of black material. water and strong currents. Please refer to rules The Bloody War: A war that ended over 400 presented in the CERULEAN SEAS CAMPAIGN years ago between sahuagin and the good SETTING for more information. denizens of the sea. White Smoker: White smoker vents emit Brine Pool: A brine pool is a large area of lighter-hued minerals, such as those containing brine on the ocean basin that often forms due to a barium, calcium, and silicon. These vents also cold seep. These pools are bodies of water that tend to have lower temperature plumes have a salinity three to five times greater than the than black smokers. surrounding sea, and often appear as lakes of water underneath the ocean. Larger brine pools are known as brine lakes, and they will even occasionally run in river-like formations known as brine rivers. 7 Environmental Basics Terrain Climate The deep sea has many types of terrain, each Weather and temperature variations in the with its own challenges and features. Aquatic deep sea, unlike other regions of the ocean, is versions of common terrains, such as deep caverns primarily influenced by geological features such as black smokers and cold seeps. Surface weather or towering mountains, exist here. Listed below are has little or no effect on these waters, though a some examples that might be encountered in a deep particularly powerful storm may result in larger sea setting. accumulations of “marine snow,” a continuous shower of mostly organic detritus falling from the ABYSSAL PLAINS upper layers of the water column. An abyssal plain is an underwater plain on the Aside from these features, the deep sea has a deep ocean floor. The majority (98%) are found in relatively consistent environment when the abyssopelagic zones (depths between 10,000 and compared to other oceanic regions. It is 20,000 feet). Abyssal plains cover more than 50% of universally dark, under incredible pressure, and the planet’s surface. They are among the flattest, maintains a steady temperature between 32º and smoothest and least explored regions in the world. 37º F (just above freezing). There are no seasonal They are home to several invertebrates, rare fishes, temperature changes, nor are there any annual and a small number of sentient races including the changes. No other habitat on the planet has such echinn, benthic karkanak, and the estrel. Features a constant temperature. of the abyssal plains vary slightly, depending on if Much of the Underdeep also occurs in a vast subterranean network of caves and tunnels. they occur in abyssopelagic zones or the hadal zone These expanses are more susceptible to geologic (depths of more than 3½ miles or 20,000 feet). influence and therefore may harbor their own Table 1-1 describes in general terms how likely it localized climate and weather-like features. Many is that a given square has a terrain element in it. It is are typically warmer than the surrounding divided into the abyssopelagic and the hadal zone. waters due to deep hydrothermal vents. Some, Note that these percentages (and those on other known as cold caves, feature vast deposits of terrain tables) will often add up to more than 100%, deep ice on their ceilings which often chill the as many features may exist in the same square water below standard freezing temperatures. simultaneously. Normal ice, however, does not typically form under these extreme pressures. 8 TABLE 1-1: ABYSSAL PLAIN TERRAIN they are identical to brine pools found near cold Abyssal Hadal seeps. Feature Zone Zone Ocean Trench: Occasionally, an abyssal plain Cavern Entrance 1% 2% will terminate in a gigantic chasm or oceanic trench. Cleared Bedrock 5% 10% These can span anywhere from a few feet to Isolated Black Smoker 1% 2% hundreds of miles across, and may be thousands of Isolated Brine Pool 1% 2% Loose Sediment 90% 85% feet deep. Often (especially in areas of thick Ocean Trench 2% 0% sediment) there is a gradual slope before an abrupt Quicksilt 2% 1% drop off. Whale Fall 1% 1% Quicksilt: Quicksilt is formed in a process similar to a brine pool. It almost always occurs in Loose Sediment: The majority of the abyssal areas of deep sediment and is usually 1d10 plain is covered in thick layers of loose sediment squares long by 1d10 squares wide. Visually, it is and is perfectly flat. This ooze-like mud can go indistinguishable from loose sediment terrain. down several hundred, even thousands of feet However, after spending a round in direct contact before terminating in hard volcanic bedrock. Any with this terrain feature, one notices the mud to vigorous activity in a square containing loose be extremely sticky and much more permeable sediment (including any sort of combat) will result than the surrounding sediment. At this point, the in a cloud of murk encompassing the melee range of creature often realizes that he is not only stuck in a creature one size category larger than the creature the quicksilt, but is rapidly being pulled down that is disturbing the sediment. This murk obscures into it. all vision and persists for 3d12 minutes after the Characters trapped in quicksilt may make a activity ends. The sediment is fairly easy to dig DC 15 Escape Artist check in order to move 5 feet through, though deep pits are prone to collapse. in any direction (up is usually the best choice). Cavern Entrance: The Underdeep is riddled with Failing this check means the character cannot subterranean passages, and the abyssal plains are move from his current location, and failing by 5 no exception. Entrances to these cave systems will or more means he will sink below the surface. not exist in areas of loose sediment that is over 100 Characters submerged in quicksilt must hold feet deep, though may reside at the bottom of their breath or they will suffocate. quicksilt. The apertures vary in diameter from 1d12 haracters below the surface of quicksilt may inches (10%), 1d6 feet (70%), 1d6 + 5 feet (15%), up burrow back to the surface with a successful to 10d10 feet (5%). Escape Artist check (DC 15, +1 per consecutive Cleared Bedrock: Certain small areas of abyssal round of being under the surface). plains have been cleared of sediment by natural or Rescue: Pulling out a character trapped in artificial means. They are typically level with the quicksilt can be difficult. A rescuer must swim surrounding sediment, and are actually the tops of over the victim and make a DC 15 Strength check buried seamounts and plateaus. The forces which to successfully pull the victim up. If the check keep the area free of sediment (usually deep ocean succeeds, the victim is pulled 5 feet closer to currents) have scoured the surface of the bedrock to safety. Alternatively, the rescuer can use a pole or be flat and featureless. In some cases, these areas are a rope, though the victim must also succeed on also perfectly smooth, and can be very difficult to DC 10 Strength check to hold on to this item. If use as anchor points. the victim fails to hold on, he must make a DC 15 Isolated Black Smoker: Sometimes a lone Escape Artist check immediately to stay above smoker chimney will work its way up through the the surface. sediment, even if there are no other thermal vents Whale Fall: Whale fall refers to the fallen corpse for hundreds of miles. These smokers seldom last of any Gargantuan or larger creature. Miniature more than a couple of decades, and are statistically ecosystems will arise surrounding these corpses, identical to those found near thermal vents. About from those feeding directly on the remains, to those 10% of these features are actually white smokers. preying on those who are feasting. These areas often Isolated Brine Pool: Shallow brine pools can be have an increased amount of sea life, including found scattered among the abyssal plains. These dangerous predators and voracious parasites. pools are usually 10d10 feet in diameter and 1d10 The increased activity may last several years, feet deep. They rarely provide enough nutrients to ending only when the bones have been support a typical cold seep ecosystem. Otherwise, completely stripped of all their nutrients. 9

subject to the effects of a soften earth and stone spell. BIOLIGHT. School transmutation (polymorph); Level alchemist 2, siren 2, magus 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, summoner 2, witch 2. Casting Time 1 standard action. Components V, S, M (a glow-bulb or gland from a bioluminescent creature). Range personal
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