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CEBTIFICATION STATUS OT HIGH SCHOOL TBACHERS XH LOUX3XAHA A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana Stato university and Agricultural and Mechanical Collage In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in The School of Education by Dennis P. Hoab B. S., Louisiana Polytechnic Institute, 1930 M. A., Y.M.C.A. Graduate School, 1935 August, 19^9 UMI Number: DP69341 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. UMT Dissertation Publishing UMI DP69341 Published by ProQuest LLC (2015). Copyright in the Dissertation held by the Author. Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code ProQuest ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106- 1346 MANUSCRIPT THESES Unpublished theses submitted for the master's and doctorfs degrees and deposited in the Louisiana State University Library are available for inspection. Use of any thesis is limited by the rights of the author. Bibliographical references may be noted, but passages may not be copied unless the author has given permission. Credit must be given in subsequent written or published work, A library which borrows this thesis for use by its clientele is expected to make sure that the borrower is aware of the above restrictions, LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 119-a 493 R2C26 ACXBOIKBDQMBSIT The writer expresses bis appreciation to each member of the graduate committee under whose guidance this study vta made. Special indebtedness la acknowledged to Or. V. A. Lawrence and Or. George H. Deer for their patient and sympathetic direction daring the progress of the thesis. Be farther expresses appreciation to the officials of the State Department of Education, especially to the personnel in the Division of Certification and Teacher Education; to the registrars and other officials In Louisiana Colleges and Universities for aocess to their records in the collection of data. TO the members of the staff, School of Education, Louisiana Polytechnic institute, the writer gives thanks for assistance in the latter stages of the study. To his wife and daughter, Mrs. Ploy S. Boah and Bell Ruth, unlimited credit Is due, for their encouragement, assistance, and inspiration. Ql,\J k XABLs or cormro ciAra* ftm i. xm w rnioa...................... x The purpose of the study ..................... . . ♦ . ........................ 5 Delimitations and lim itatio n s........................ * « 4 Sources of date ............................................ 6 Securing the s a a p le ................................. . . . . . . . . . "J ColXeotlon of date • • . . . . . . . . . . 10 Treatment of date . ................................ XX Definition of term . . . . . . . . . . . ............................• 12 preview of chapter organisation ..................... . . . . . . Ik XI. Btm tf CT BS1ATSD LXTSBATUS8 .............................................................. 15 xxx. JTOcaoansD stakbabbs pcr the ciktificatigk got 82S&-6GB0QL TBAGBKBS.......................................................................... >3 Btanry of teacher certification requirements In the salted S ta te s • 59 fisglonal Accrediting Associations standards reedsnarled for oertlfloatloa • • • ................................. 45 lev Ingland A ssociation.................................... 44 lorfeh Central Association . ........................ 45 lortbveet Association • • • • • * . . « . • • • • • « • k6 Middle States A ssociation................................................ 47 Southern Association ............................ 46 Western A ssociation................................ • 50 m oo ? O I & s o t I £ f i l l s £ i V# c & E s i g g «♦ £ »■* o 9 a 0 * 9» O A " 8 ** § £ 1 £ £ «m i g i *■* £ g ( 8 « «*■ c►**- n H a O or q £ or £ 8 § H < f * 9«n K* 5 8 ( s br* « g so g I M o6 I 8 t I & £ a £ g g g s* s 'O S' <* * NO ON VI H TS S> fs VI 10 V CHAPTER PAGE Cooparleon of certain aapeota of preparation of toaohora who hold temporary eertifloatea with certification atandarda In Louisiana * . . ♦ ...................... 201 Chapter tanar/* . . , ..................................................................... 211 ▼I. SaWABY.................................................................................................. . 213 Data rolatod lndiractly to certification atatna of blgh-aebool toaohora . . . . . . . . . . . .................... 2lk Oaaaral education of toaohora ooaparod vltb proaont atato oortlfloation otandarda . . . * ..................... . . . 21J Prafeeelanal education of toaohora ooaparod with proaont atato oortlfloation atandarda. . . . . . . . . 213 Specialised education of toacbora ooaparod with proaont atato oortlfloation atandarda.................................... 220 Preparation of toaohora who hold temporary eortlfloatoa. • 228 BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . 230 APPTOHB.................................................................................................................. 237 Appendix A . . . . . . . . ................................................................. 23& Appendix B ................................................................................................. 2H Appendix 0 .................................................................. 2t6 BIOGRAPHY ............................................................................ 2t9 LDBT Of TABIE8 KljfE Classification of Solootod Softools as to Site . . . . 8 Agss of Louisiana High-Softool Taaeftara . . . . . . . 65 Agos of Taaeftara la Aaaoolatlon Softools Ooaparod vltb Tftosa la loa-Assoclation Softools................................. 63 luahor of Curricula Offorod ft/ Softools la Bospoetivo Q m pi ..................................................... 69 Aasoolatloa Softools la Balatioa to Slso aad Xunbor of Curricula O fforod........................................................ 70 lan-Assoclatlon Softools la Bolatloa to SI to aad luabsr of Currleula Offorod........................................ . 71 Hlgftost Dogroo Bold by Toaohora in Bolatloa to Bits of 8cftool.............................................. 73 Hlgftost Dogroo Hold by Toaobors in Association Softools as Conparod to lon-Assoolotion Softools..................... 73 foacftors Sharing AdalalstratlTo aad Instruotlonal Dot loo Coaparod vltb Thoso Doing Instrnotlonal Vorlc Only, in Bolatloa to Kind of Dogroo............................. 76 Peroontagos of Toaobors la tbo Hospootlvo Group Holding Dlfforont Typos of C ortlflcatos..................... 78 Typos of Cortlflcatos Hold by Toaobors la Association and lon-Assoelatloa Softools..................... gg Typos of Llfo Cortlflootos Hold by Tsaetaors................. 89 v ii TABUS PAGE XXIX* Certificate* Issued for Lees Than L ife .................................... 86 XIT. Institutions Where Teachers Received Undergraduate Training.................................... 89 XT* Institutions from Which Teachers Reid Master1* Degrees . • 90 XTX* Preparation of Teachers of Group I In Respective General Sducatlon fields Compared With Current State Standards * . . * ............................ 99 ITU. Preparation of Teachers of Group 2 In Respective General Education fields Coopered With Current State S tandards................................ ICO XVXXX* Preparation of Teachers of Group 3 In Respective General Education fields Conpared With Current State Standards • * . • • • • * * • « • • * 101 XIX* Preparation of Teachers of Group If in Respective General Xducatlon fields Conpared With Current State S tandards.............................................................................. 102 XX* A Comparison of the Percentages of Teachers In the four Groups Who Met Current Standards of General X ducatlon................................................................. 103 XXI* Preparation In General Xducatlon of Those Teachers In Association Schools Conpared With Those In Ioa-A*soolatlon Schools * * * * * ........................................ • 103 XXII* Percentages of Teachers In Respective Groups Trained In Out-of-state Colleges Who Met Current Standards In General Xducatlon . . * * ............................................* . * 106 v iii TABU PAQS XXm. Comparison of Qomeral Xduoatlon of Teachers Trained in Out-of-state, State Public, aad State Private Institutions la Relation to Meeting Current Standards............................................................... 108 XXI?* Professional Xdueatlon of Teachers Conpared Vltb State's Current Standards................................................ 112 XX?* Ssnestsr Soars of Professional Xdaoatlon of Teaohers in Relation to Sice of Softool .................... lit XX?I. Comparison of Professional Xdaoatlon of Teaehers Xmployed In Assoolatlon and Xoa-Assoolatlon Softools • • 115 XXfll. Teaefters trained In Out-of-state Institutions Vfto Met Current Standards in Professional Xduoatlon........................ 116 XIVXII. Professional Xduoatlon of Teaefters trained la Out-of-state Institutions . ...................................... 118 XXIX* Professional Xduoatlon of Teaehers trained in State Puftllo Institutions • . . * ............................................ 120 XXX* Professional Xduoatlon of teaohers trained In State Private C o lleg es................................................................. 121 XXXI* Suanarj table: Comparison of Professional Xduoatlon of Teaohers trained In Out-of-state, State Puftllo, aad State Private Institutions ....................« . . . 125 XXXII* Summery Table: A Comparison of the Percentages of Teaefters trained in Out-of-state, State Puftllo, and State Private Colleges Vfto Met Standards for Professional Xduoatlon............................................................................................. 12b

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