Table ofContents Introduction by ChristopherS.Hyatt, Ph.D. & S.Jason Black 11 ChapterOne The Purpose ofthis Book 25 ChapterTwo HistoryoftheGrimoires for the Practitioner 31 ChapterThree Magical Propositions and Axioms for Success and Survival 72 ChapterFour The FourthBookofOccultPhilosophy and the Heptameron-Their History, Purpose, and Power 119 ChapterFive The HeptameronOperation-PullingIt AllTogether 130 ChapterSix Handlingthe Success and Dealingwith the SlingshotEffect ~ 192 SuggestedReadingList 199 Illustrations WARNING! PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY! This warning is Figure 1 The Circle ofArt 160 given in earnest. It is not like other gimmicks meant to sell a book. You now stand at the opening of a Figure2 The Pentacle ofProtectionand portal that will lead to personal power! If you decide to Obedience 173 undertake what is written herein, you begin an incredible Figure 3 TheMagicalSigilsand Images of journeythatcan lead you to materialfulfillment and magi The Lord's Day 198 cal power. It is a book that describes the evocation of long forgotten spirits; beings who have as much objective real Figure 4 The Magical Sigilsand Images of ity as you do. But it contains much more than that. Itwill Monday 200 enable you to design your own occult system of personal development which is the only kind that can truly work Figure 5 The Magical Sigilsand Images of for the individual. You are warned thatbyfollowing these Tuesday 202 instructions you will produce the magical phenomena de Figure 6 The Magical Sigilsand Images of scribed, and can most certainly succeed in obtaining your Wednesday 203 heart's desire. In short, you, dear reader, may very well have your wishes fulfilled. But there is an old admonition Figure 7 TheMagicalSigilsand Images of concerning wishes which you will do well to heed as you Thursday 206 read and workfrom this strange text: "Becarefulwhatyou wish for, because you just mayget it!" Mark this charge Figure8 The Magical Sigilsand Images of well! Friday 208 Figure9 The Magical Sigilsand Imagesof Saturday ~ 210 9 Introduction D r. JosePh. c. Lisiewski first met with Dr. Francis Israel Regardie during the week of October 8-13, 1973.Joe flew from his home in Selinsgrove, PA to Studio City, CA to meet the world famous Occultist; this, the result of a two-year correspondence that had passed between them. They spent those days at Regardie's home at 7332 Coldwater Canyon Avenue. Among the many subjects discussed, Francis had confided in Joe (and in my self) that in all of his years in the occult, he never knew of anyone who had attempted the Abramelin Operation as it is given in the Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. Regardie went on to say that those who did attempt the operation always modified it in one way or another, causing him to be extremely suspicious of their "results." This idea of altering the magical operation left a marked impression on Joe,who told me years later that it was this one statementofRegardie's whichlaterformed the basis of his belief-and later experimental verification-that sys tems of magic must never be altered or mixed. Put quite simply, this is the basis of this wonderful book: full and completelyunaltered Magic. AlthoughJoeand Ibegan corresponding in April 1985, a month after Regardie's death, our first face-to-face meet ing did not occur until April of 1986, approximately 13 months after Francis' demise. He flew to Phoenix from the East coast. I picked him up, took him to my home in Sedona, AZ, andourintensemagical times began. During our early correspondence,Joestated to me that he was one ofRegardie's students as well as his alchemical consultant. While I normally would have been cautious of such claims from most people-even likely to reject them 11 12 Joseph C.Lisiewski,Ph.D. CeremonialMagic 13 outright)-Iknew ofJoethroughFrancis beforehe knew of As time passed, and we becamecloser in ouralchemi me, as Regardie had talked to me about him a number of cal and magical work, he finally explained that his lung condition-and the need for an oxygen tank-was not times. Indeed, Iwas presentat Dr. Regardie's home during due to his years of smoking. He told this to people as a severaloftheir marathon telephone discussions. dodge: he didn'twant to have toexplainthe real reason. Privately, Francis told me that Joe was one of the few He further told me that he did not have emphysema at students of the occult who he respected. He "knows his all.Instead,his lungconditionwas causedby an alchem stuff!" he said, "...particularly in the areas of alchemy and ical experiment gone bad. Specifically, he was calcining evocation." He also confided in me that Joseph Lisiewski AntimonyTrisulfide ore. This ore, coming directly from had attended Frater Albertus' school of alchemy, and was a mine, containsnaturally-occurringarseniccompounds one of the few students Frater Albertus respected greatly. thatmustbe removed through a special calcinationpro In fact, Joe had completed the entire seven year cycle of cess. He did this same experimentmany timesbefore in alchemicalinstructionin sixyears (1975-1980). his small shed; but this time, instead of leaving during Thus, Joe became part of the inner alchemical circle the lengthypurificationprocess and only checking on it intermittently, he remained inside. The arsenic vapors which included some of the Dallas people (such as Hans causedhim tonearlypassout. He was unable to breathe Nitzel), along with Dr. Regardie, and of course, Frater as well.He made his way the few feet backto his house, Albertus himself. All of them communicated regularly andcalled for medicalattention. with each other, sharing the results oftheir secret alchemi In the hospital, his lungs were determined as having calexperiments. been "burned" badlyby "some caustic agent," as he ex As you may know, Dr. Regardie became a strong plained to me. The condition deteriorated as he got supporter for physical alchemy. That is, he simply didn't older. Not only was he adamant about not explaining see it as Jung and others saw it-as a form of archetypal this to othersbut,for somereasonIcouldneverfathom, psychology-even though Regardie's earlier book on he wouldnot publiclyadmittohis involvementin phys alchemy did originally support that view. Time and direct icallaboratory alchemy either. Hence he made up the experience changed Regardie's stand on the matter. Like storyofhavingemphysemaasaresultofsmoking. Joe, Francis also had his own alchemical laboratory, in Returning to Jung's work and physical reality: While which he carried outa number ofbothbasic and advanced Regardie respected [ung's work, insights, and metaphori alchemical works. In fact, as Regardie personally told me calmodel,in the endhe abandonedJung's methodologyas and a few others, it was actually an alchemicalexperiment being extremely flawed, and chose Reich's psychotherapy thatputhiminto the hospital, and was the causative factor methods instead. Here, again, we see Regardie accepting behind his emphysema. Joe later criticized Regardie to his the physical overthe metaphysical-a.nd this is one reason face for doing this dangerous experiment in closed quar he admired Joe. For not only was Joe performing magical ters withoutproperventilation. evocation and doing real alchemical experiments, he was Beyond this, Regardie later confided to Joe what actu also being educated as a physicist at university while yet ally happened as a result of that experiment. This is what carrying on his own scientific work: applying what he Joetold me, as Regardie explaineditto him: learned to his ownideas in physics. Francis'lungconditionwasnotduetohis yearsofsmok Both Dr. Regardie and Dr. Lisiewski did agree on the ing, as he first told me andeveryoneelse. The fact of the fundamental issues underlying the practice of magic. One matteris,he quitcigarette smokingin his 40's, and took point that was extremely important to both was that there up apipethroughouthis 50's,whichhe thengaveup. is no such thing as "Magick Without Tears." To them, 14 JosephC.Lisiewski,Ph.D. CeremonialMagic 15 ~agic is serious business; and considering how difficult it given over to the pomp and pageantry that underlies IS to perform a genuine ritual, and how exact results of Golden Dawn initiations. Francis was. It is important to even serious ritual and ceremonial work are in large mea remember, however, that both Regardie and Joe agreed sure unpredictable, both Regardie and-joe felt thatwhat completely that the old grimoires were the key to func most people called.a ':magi~~l ritual" is, in fact, nothing tional, practical,and verifiable magic. more than an exercise m futility and ego gratification. Joe, Regardie would always tell me howbeautifulhe found Regar~,ie, a~d} would <:>ften smile at what most people the ritualsof the GoldenDawn, boththe initiations and the called Magic, and that mc1uded Crowley's Gnostic Mass religious-type rituals such as Corpus Christi. (Joecouldn't and adorations. In our view, these performances are not have cared less. His position was, and is, intensely practi true magic but: r~ther,mysticism interlaced with religion, cal, always lookingfor the underlyingprinciples-just as a and placed within a framework meant to elicit a scan physicist should!) However, when it came to practical dalous reaction from the general public. Regardie, Joe, and magic and the accomplishment of a given end, Regardie I felt-an~ J~e .and I still do.-that this is particularly true always fell back on the older, more complete systems as of those individuals who Identify themselves with the representedby the olderGrimoires. New Aeon-where magic is nothing more than a watered There existed yet another basic disagreement between down form ofChristianity. In fact, neitherCrowleynor the Regardie and Joe, and that was the nature of the beings so-called "New Aeon" provide much credence for hard evoked to physical manifestationthrough the act of evoca core Magic. Dr. Regardie would often say to me that the tion. Regardie felt thenature ofthe demonbeingevoked to New Aeo~ and the New Age were co-extensive, and manifestation was psychological, thus favoring Crowley's referred to Itas "CosmicFoo Foo." view as givenin the Goetia. He also preferred the use of the This view did not make Dr. Regardie popular with full Qabalistic theory in an evocation, once again, as many ?f the Wicca people nor with the OTO, which Crowley gave in the Goetia. For example: that the number Regardiesupported,nonetheless, outofhis commitmentto of candles, the color of the candles, etc., must correspond his.m~mory of his Guru, Crowley. In fact, to this day, to the planet the demon is under. Joe, however, never while .Itwas Regar~iewho helped bring Crowley and his favored this, arguing that the Old System-the grimoires work mto the public eye, most high-ranking members of themselves-very rarely call for any such significance. In the OTO despise Regardie for 'having psychologized fact, Joe argued that the Grimores have their own require Crowley, ~s~e did in his biograp~y, The Eye intheTriangle. ments, and very few of them are Qabalistically-based. An WhIle It IS true that Joe practiced Golden Dawn Magic example of this canbe found once again in the same Goetia for many years under Regardie's direct tutelage, and was concerning the times for evoking a demon of a given rank. both a member and officer of Crowley's A:.A:., he found In this scheme, Qabalistic Planetary Hours are not used. ?oth systems of magic to be utterly lacking in accomplish Instead, a different set of times for evoking a being of a mg what he wanted: reliable results. This is where Dr. given rank are presented. In both my opinion and Joe's, Reg~rdie and Joe disagreed, as Regardie was highly sup Francis' stancehereagainwas a reflection ofhis dedication portive of the Golden Dawn. Yet their disagreement only to Crowley. strengthened their friendship. It did not end it, as the his At other times, however, Regardie told Joe and me that toryof Magic hasshownis almostalways thecase. he was actually uncertain as to the nature of the evoked My view is that whatever disagreement there was beings; and yet still there were other times when he felt between them was due to a confusion between initiation theywere objectivebeings. Putsimply,Joe did-and still ritual and the techniques of practical magic. Joe is not views the beings manifested through evocation as being 16 JosephC.Lisiewski,Ph.D. CeremonialMagic 17 purely objective in nature, and refutes their psychological IfThere AreSpiritsInYourHead, basis completely. IHaveABridgeInBrooklyn ForSale, Cheap Regarding alchemy, Joe explained to me that Francis was responsible for getting him into the in-residence, "Any sufficientlyadvanced technology seven-yearcycleofalchemical instructionat the Paracelsus isindistinguishable from magic." ResearchSociety.A.sJoeexplained, - ArthurC.Clarke ItwasinOctober1974thatRegardieandI discussed the One of the most recurrently frustrating features of my issue of alchemy, and my interestin it. I told him of the involvement in esoteric groups for the past thirty years is basic experiments in alchemy that I had already con the irritating,and seeminglyinevitable, tendencyofpeople ducted at that time-which came from Rosicrucian to simplifyesoteric practiceto the pointofevisceratingit. Order AMORC instructions. Francis insisted that as I In largely Protestant America, even Christianity-a was a physicistin the making, it wasvitalthat alchemy religion already simple well past the boundary of stupid be brought under the aegis of the Hard Sciences, and strongly lamented the fact that he had not gone this ity-has been reduced from the elegant ceremony of routehimself(he wasveryinterestedin chemistry,andI Catholicism and the Episcopal church, to congregations sensehe wouldhaveliked to havebecomea chemistin which merely sit in pews to be yammered at or, at most, steadofpursuingthecareerhe chose.) As aresult,he in driven into (often fake) hysterical fits in a Pentacostalist formed me ofFraterAlbertusandPRS,and askedme ifI hall. wouldbe willingto enterthe seven-yearcycle ofinstruc In a culture already used to lazy superstitious religious tion. I immediately agreed. Regardie then contacted his traditions, and almost completely alienated from ancient verygoodfriend FraterAlbertus, and made the arrange esoteric practice, it is no surprise that even the most seri ments for me to begin with the Prima Class (first year ous occult streamshave suffered from this tendency. class) in February1975.Icompleted the seven-yearcycle Since I began by studying alone in the Midwest, find in October 1980 after 6 years, having taken two, two ing classic sources only with great difficulty, I was week classes back-to-hack in 1978 (the Quarta and Qunitaclasses.) shielded from the moralizing and "blandizing" that was already taking place in movements like Wicca by the late There is much, much more that Ican say and reveal, as 1970's. Joe was-and is-part and parcel of the modernhistory of One of my first encounters with this phenomena came magic. At the time of this writing, he is 55 years old; and early in my involvement with an occult order after my like myself, has been involvedwith serious magic for well move to SouthernCaliforniain 1978.Amanwasin conver over forty years now. However, as I have stated, he is sation with another about the Gaetia (the Lesser Key ofSolo absolutely unlike most practitioners. He is for real. He mon) and Ioverheardhim explainingthat "themagic circle knows his material, and practices what he writes in this, can be anything you wantit to be. Pretend you've laid out the first of his many books to come from his publisher the circlewhileputtingon yourbeltifyou wantto." New Falcon Publications. I will now pass the ball to my And this was in aCrowleygroup, at that time, aboutas associate S.Jason Black. hard-edged as you could get short of one of the Satanist orders. This same group, however, for some considerable - ChristopherS.Hyatt,Ph.D., time, met twice a week to experiment with John Dee's June 2004 Enochian system, so there was still serious practice occur- 18 JosephC.Lisiewski,Ph.D. CeremonialMagic 19 ring for years to come. This, unfortunately eroded over half-assed evocations ever done. Within 90 days, all three time. Much of this deterioration can be laid at the door of ofus hadlost ourjobs. Alei~ter C~owley himself. In 1903, when "editing" the Goeiia, which he would eventually publish (it has been One very important thing about Dr. Lisiewski's book, suggested he stole it from MacGregor Mathers), he wrote Ceremonial Magic, that one rarely finds in occult books in the introduction: "The spirits of the Goetia are portions (other than books about ghosts) is the author's emphasis ofthe humanbrain." on materialmanifestationofthe spirit. This single remark has mislead thousands of sincere In the surviving grimoires that have been published, seekers, and created an excuse for even more thousands of which are by and large, merely outlines of ceremony, not dilettantes. Never in his life did Crowley have any real philosophy or, indeed, teaching, the manifestation of the familiarity with psychology (this is demonstrated by his spirit is a given, and not elaborated on. Since Crowley's fear ofhypnosis), and he himselfcitesnumerous occasions "brilliant" remark, recent-generation "magicians" have in his biographical writings when he has experienced spent.theirtime ponderingwhat the writers "really" meant pI:y~icalphenomena in connection with the conjuration of by this, In a talk I gave awhile back, a girl asked me if I spirits. thought the instructions of the old books were "really He also says, in the same introduction: "Our Ceremo blinds"; my response was: "For what purpose? And have nial Magic fines down, then, to a series ofminute, though you tried following the instructions?" The first question ofcourseempirical,physiologicalexperiments, and who so she couldn't answer, the second, of course, was "No." Dr. will carry them through intelligently need not fear the Lisiewski, being a physicist, and trained in scientific result." method, as well asbeingthe personalstudentoftwo ofthe The only true thing in this remarkable bladder of hot greatestoccultists ofthe twentiethcentury, and notbeing a air is the word "empirical." As far as the practitioner not lazy man, made no such assumptions. He followed the needing to fear the result,nothingcouldbe further from the instructions, and got the results indicated by tradition, as truth. Fundamentalist churches are full of converts who did I, as Iwillshow later. Incidentally, Dr. Lisiewski is not were told spirits are psychological, and found out other the only physicistthat Iknow ofinvolved in the practice of wise. I'vebeen acquainted withmany. ceremonial magic. There is little in the traditions of magic In nearly thirty years of active practice, I have wit thatcontradictsmodemphysics. nessed poltergeist phenomena, apparitions (usually in This flit's all psychology" thing has not been such a broad daylight), andsuccessfuldeathspells as the result of problem until now, as earlier writers, such as Dion ceremonial evocation. The result of mishandling or inepti Fortune, werefamiliar with the publishedworkon psychic tude can be disastrous so far beyondbelief, that onlyother research, as well as traditional spiritualism. Ironically, people who have had the experience are likely to believe Fortune really was also a mental health care professional, yourstoryshouldithappen to you. but had no problem whatsoever in the literal existence of As a particularlymild example, many years ago, Ipar spirits. One of my abiding gripes from day one of my ticipated in Aleister Crowley's Rite of Jupiter, one of his association with occult groups, is that, aside from, say, the series of "Rites of Eleusis." I was one of the three major Edgar Cayce people, their ignorance of 130years of scien male characters in the drama (though I no longer remem tific research into the paranormal is as vast as the Arabian ber which one) and along with some others, I placed a desert so, as with the Bible,any opinion is of equal worth. Jupiter talisman under whatever passed for the central And speaking of the Bible,the major desire of the current altar. Well, all in all, it must have been one of the most crop of "magicians" is religion. They twist the definitions 20 Joseph C.Lisiewski,Ph.D. CeremonialMagic 21 progressed, it became clear that the man's religious orien of magic in any direction required to accommodate this tation was not the only factor in his reaction. It was also need, while still referring to themselves as magicians. The the notionofdirect, individual contactwith the supernatu ultimately ridiculous example of this has occurred in the ral. Ifconfronted,the man might evenhave claimed not to Crowley groups where a church service~the "Gnostic believe in it, but the tone ofhis voice said otherwise. Isus Mass"~is now referred to as a "magical ritual." Well, pect that most "nee-pagans" of one kind or another, hav Crowleyalwayswanted to be a Bishop. ing been raised in white, Protestant environments, have Soperhapsnow is the time for abasic definition.Magic the same deep-down reaction. They are willing to do any is the manipulation of hidden forces or intelligences to thing, so long as it doesn't work. The reasons for justifying produce a desired result. A church service produces no such inaction are also ingenious-.Many are the initiates results except for, at best, hypnosis, and more usually, thatIhave metoverthe years whodo no practice-s-and are boredom. My morning tarot reading is more magic than damned proud ofit. twenty years of this kind of nonsense. It is expected to The main solution to this problem is disciplined anti forecast the immediate future, and before the day is over, I nomianism, which ismore difficult than it sounds, and has will knowifit worked. little place in a book on the evocation of spirits, except for The tarot example aside, magic is frequently hard the fact that the successful practice of this Art requires the work. While there are enough lazy people in the occult acceptance on a gutlevel ofthe falsity ofthe accepted real whowantto avoid this outright, still, overthe years, Ihave ity that our culture teaches us-e-which is no easy thing. So known many involved in the sort of thing I have just criti difficult is it, that persons who start as sincere students of cized who were adept at both the martial arts and some of magic art often feel compelled to adapt that art to middle the more demanding forms of yoga; and indeed, the Rites class suburbanviewsofthe universe... ofEleusis that Imentioned abovecan take days ofphysical preparation. Yet,most of these samepeoplewouldn'tlift a FloatingLights and ExplodingToilets finger to draw a magic circle, while still wanting to be calledmagicians. One wonders whatthe problemis. One of my earliest experiences in evocation occurred I think the answer is twofold. To begin with, people around 1979.Ihad moved to Southern California from the become deeply and emotionallyattached to dogmas that Midwest, and was living alone, so Icould experimentfully give them personal status. If a person is inducted into a for the first time withoutfear ofinterruption. group or tradition that says spirit evocation is creative Iconstructed a circle (from a design in Francis Barrett's visualization, they can practice in thatvein, and call them TheMagus)from a painter'sdrop cloth thatcouldbe folded selves "initiated magicians." If presented with the data up and put away when not in use. I had decided on a that such is not the case, but "spirits" literally exist, then ritual from one of the Grimoires (it was either The Key of theyare justanotherfailure. Solomon,or Goetia, Ino longerrememberwhich) andbegan Once, some years ago, justafter New Falconpublished to do a full evocation around five nights a week. WhatIdo either Pacts With the Devil or Aleister Crowley's Illustrated remember is that it was connected with the Sun. Early on, Goetia, Ihad the chance to overhear a conversation about perhaps the third or fourth night, I was in the middle of the book (which one, I don't remember, and it isn't impor the conjurationwhenIwas stoppedcold byaphysicalsen tant) where an obviously Protestant Christian man was sationemanating from the (outside) doorway. Therewas a reading an account of drawing a magic circle, and calling buzzing sensation on the surface of my skin, probably up a spirit. Inan almost panicked voice he kept repeating, what the spiritualists used to call "vibrations," and an "I'd never do that! I'd neverdo that!" As the conversation