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BRILL'S STUDIES IN INTELLECTUAL HISTORY General Editor A.J. VANDERJAGT, University of Groningen Editonal Board M. COLISH, Oberlin College J.I. ISRAEL, University College, London J.D. NORTH, University of Groningen H.A. OBERMAN, University of Arizona, Tucson R.H. POPKIN, Washington University, St. Louis-UCLA VOLUME 61 CENTRES OF LEARNING L·arning and Location in Pre-Modern Europe and the Near East EDITED BY JAN WILLEM DRIJVERS AND ALASDAIR A. MACDONALD • s '68 V EJ. BRILL LEIDEN · NEW YORK · KÖLN 1995 The paper in this book meets the guidelines for permanence and durability of the Committee on Production Guidelines for Book Longevity of the Council on Library Resources. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Centres of learning : learning and location in pre-modern Europe and the Near East / edited by J.W. Drijvers and A.A. MacDonald p. cm. — (Brill's studies in intellectual history, ISSN 0920-8607 ; v. 61) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 9004101934 (cloth) 1. Education, Ancient—Europe—History. 2. Education, Ancient- -Middle East—History. 3. Education, Medieval—Europe—History. 4. Education, Medieval—Middle East—History. 5. Learning and scholarship—History—Medieval, 500-1500. 6. Islamic learning and Scholarship—History. 7. Schools—Europe—History. 8. Schools- -Middle East—History. I. Drijvers, Jan Willem. II. MacDonald, A. A. (Alasdair A.) III. Series. LA31.C46 1995 370'.93—dc20 94-46806 CIP Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme Centres of learning : learning and location in pre-modern Europe and the Near East / ed. by J. W. Drijvers and A. A. MacDonald. - Leiden ; New York ; Köln : Brill, 1995 (Brill's studies in intellectual history ; Vol. 61) ISBN 90-04-10193-4 NE: Drijvers, Jan Willem [Hrsg.]; GT ISSN 0920-8607 ISBN 90 04 10193 4 © Copyright 1995 by E.J. Bull, Leiden, The Netherlands All rights reserved. No part of thu publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use is granted by E.J. Bull provided that the appropriate fees are paid directly to The Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Suite 910 Danvers MA 01923, USA. Fees are subject to change. PRINTED IN THE NETHERLANDS CONTENTS Acknowledgements vu Notes on Contributors ix Abbreviations xi Preface χιιι FROM AN ANTIQUE LAND H.LJ. Vanstiphout On the Old Babylonian Eduba Curriculum 3 M.E. Vogelzang Learning and Power during the Sargonid Period 17 Jan N. Bremmer The Family and Other Centres of Religious Learning in Antiquity 29 Roelof van den Broek The Christian 'School' of Alexandria in the Second and Third Centuries 39 HanJ.W. Drijvers The School of Edessa: Greek Learning and Local Culture ... 49 EX ORIENTE LUX John W. Watt Eastward and Westward Transmission of Classical Rhetoric 63 G.J. Reinink 'Edessa grew dim and Nisibis shone forth': The School of Nisibis at the Transition of the Sixth-Seventh Century ... 77 Fred Leemhuis The Koran and its Exegesis: from Memorising to Learning 91 Geert Jan van Gelder Arabic Didactic Verse 103 Wolfhart Heinrichs The Classification of the Sciences and the Consolidation of Philology in Classical Islam 119 George Makdisi Baghdad, Bologna, and Scholasticism 141 VI CONTENTS CLOISTERS AND SCHOOLS Mayke de Jong Old Law and New-Found Power: Hrabanus Maurus and the Old Testament 161 Jan W.M. van Zwieten Scientific and Spiritual Culture in Hugh of St Victor .... 177 F.A. van Liere Andrew of St Victor (d. 1175): Scholar between Cloister and School 187 I. van 't Spijker Learning by Experience: Twelfth-Century Monastic Ideas 197 Marcia L. Colish The Development of Lombardian Theology, 1160-1215 . . . 207 J.M.M.H. Thijssen Academic Heresy and Intellectual Freedom at the University of Paris, 1200-1378 217 Dick E.H. de Boer Ludwig the Bavarian and the Scholars 229 Anneke Β. Mulder-Bakker The Reclusorium as an Informal Centre of Learning .... 245 Peter Binkley John Bromyard and the Hereford Dominicans 255 EXPANDING HORIZONS A.J. Vanderjagt Classical Learning and the Building of Power at the Fif­ teenth-Century Burgundian Court 267 Anne Marie De Gendt Aucuns Petis Enseignemens: 'Home-made' Courtesy Books in Medieval France 279 A.A. MacDonald The Renaissance Household as Centre of Learning 289 Theo van Heijnsbergen The Scottish Chapel Royal as Cultural Intermediary be­ tween Town and Court 299 Catrien Santing 'Liberation from the Trivial Yoke' : Dutch Renaissance Edu­ cators and their Cultural and Socio-Political Objectives 315 F. Akkerman: Latin Literature in Early Modern Groningen 329 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The editors wish to record their gratitude to the following: The Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences (KNAW), the Board of Governors ('College van Bestuur') of the University of Groningen, the Faculty of Arts of the University of Groningen, Groningen University Fund (GUF) and the organisers of the 'Centres of Learn ing' conference (Dr. W.J. van Bekkum, Dr. P.A. Binkley, Dr. Jos.M.M. Hermans, Prof. S.L. Radt, Dr. C.G. Santing). Special thanks to Marij Becking, Norrie Horlings-Brandse and Justa Renner-van Niekerk for their technical and secretarial assistance. The 'Centres of Learning' conference is the first of two conferences to be held as part of the Encyclopaedia Project of the COMERS Research Centre; this project is supported by a subsidy from the Central Policy Reserves ('Centrale Beleidsruimte') of the Univer sity of Groningen. NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS Fokke Akkerman is Senior Lecturer in Latin, University of Groningen Peter Binkley is Research Fellow in Medieval Studies, University of Groningen Dick de Boer is Professor of Medieval History, University of Groningen Jan Bremmer is Professor of History of Religion, University of Groningen Roelof van den Broek is Professor of History of Christianity, University of Utrecht Marcia Colish is Professor of the History of Philosophy, Oberlin College Han Drijvers is Professor of Semitic Languages, University of Groningen Jan Willem Drijvers is Lecturer in Ancient History, University of Groningen Geert Jan van Gelder is Lecturer in Arabic, University of Groningen Anne Marie De Gendt is Lecturer in Medieval French, University of Groningen Theo van Heijnsbergen is Lecturer in Scottish Literature, Univer sity of Glasgow Wolfhart Heinrichs is Professor at the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University Mayke de Jong is Professor of Medieval History, University of Utrecht Fred Leemhuis is Senior Lecturer in Arabic, University of Groningen Frans van Liere is Junior Research Fellow in Medieval Studies, University of Groningen Alasdair MacDonald is Professor of Medieval English Language and Literature, University of Groningen George Makdisi is Professor of the History of Islam, University of Pennsylvania Anneke Mulder-Bakker is Lecturer in Medieval History, Univer sity of Groningen X NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS Gerrit Reinink is Senior Lecturer in Syriac, University of Groningen Catrien Santing is Lecturer in Medieval History, University of Groningen Ineke van 't Spijker is Lecturer in Medieval History, University of Groningen Hans Thyssen is Lecturer in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, Catholic University of Nijmegen Arjo Vanderjagt is Professor of the History of Ideas, University of Groningen Herman Vanstiphout is Senior Lecturer in Assyriology, University of Groningen Marianne Vogelzang is Research Fellow in Assyriology, University of Groningen John Watt is Senior Lecturer in Syriac, University of Wales, Cardiff Jan van Zwieten has a doctorate in Medieval History, University of Amsterdam ABBREVIATIONS AASS—Acta Sanctorum AHDLMA—Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du moyen âge ANRW—Auf stieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt, ed. H. Temporini (Berlin 1972- ) AS—Assyriological Studies BSOAS—Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies CCCM—Corpus Ghristianorum, Continuatio Mediaevalis CIMAGEL—Cahiers de VInstitut de moyen-âge grec et latin, Université de Copenhagen CRAI—Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles- Lettres CSCO—Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium DThC—Dictionnaire de théologie catholique EETS—Early English Text Society JCS—Journal of Cuneiform Studies JEH—Journal of Ecclesiastical History JAOS—Journal of the American Oriental Society JSS—Journal of Semitic Studies MGH Epp.—Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Epistolae MGH SS—Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Scriptores NK—W. Nijhoff, M.E. Kronenberg, Nederlandsche Bibliographie van 1500 tot 1540 (The Hague 1923-1966) OrChr—Oriens Christianus OrChrA—Orientalia Christiana Analecta PG—Patrologia Graeca (ed. J.P. Migne) PL—Patrologia Latina (ed. J.P. Migne) PO—Patrologia Orientalis (ed. R. Graffin et al.) RAC—Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum (ed. T. Klauser et al.) RE—Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (ed. A. Pauly, G. Wissowa et al.) SAA—State Archives of Assyria (Helsinki University Press) SC—Sources Chrétiennes STS—Scottish Text Society TRE—Theologische Realenzyklopaedie (ed. G. Krause, G. Müller) ZDMG—Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft

Centres of Learning deals with the relation between learning and the locations in which that learning is carried out. It is the editors' belief that the character (and, in part, the content) of a particular aspect of learning is determined -- or at least influenced -- by the circumstances in which t
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