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Central High School Yearbook 2001 PDF

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CENTRAL HIGH S C H O O L NEWARK, NEW JERSEY COG'N PEN 2001 Clockwise from top left. Pg. 2. Marvin Martin says cheese far the camera Kevin Green pays attenttan n class M1chael Sma lwaad works a math problem for the class an the overhead proJector lstla Rodriguez pays attention n class Gerard Mart1nez opens hiS locker to get h1s books Pg. 3. Rtpon Choud huryworks hard In class h'{la Mallory prepares for Mr Ashby's qu1z Puscilla Amponsah ratses her hand to respond to her eacher's question. Enca Swtndell and Stmone Ray study In Mr Ashby's class. Larry Odlg1e ftntshes h1s assign ment 1n Mr. Hers ovtts' class Gerardo Mar ltnez. Hakeem Floyd, Rajohn While and Jahad Jacobs lake a m1nute In the hall to pose for a ptcture. 2 Clockwise from top left. Pg. 4. Aracety Esp nel reads out loud wh1le Lupa Begum hs· tens Mansoor Rahmani helps Antwa n Walters with h1s classworl< Mut1udeen Ajad1 works hard In English class Ezech1el M1!fort works on his group act v1ty In Mr Herbster's class Kimberly Bruton works on her ass gnme G · 'Y hery checks her notes In ma h clas Pg. 5. • rtany Miles. Chanda Allen, Alicia Wal~ er and No eeya Easter! ng pose for the camera Lynard Morhn pays attention n h s Graph cArts class. Gustavo Osorio loo s up wh1le read1ng h1s ass1gnment Zaak1ra Ward and Jameel Ingram work In Mrs Scrp o's Eng I sh class leo cardy Cadet f1n1shes her assignment In Ms Leveque's math class Clockwise from top left. Suz e Do us a w moth c1oss Laurene completes her osstgnment Tonyole Robtnson enJoys her class. Wtlhom Turner looks up from his assignment Kenold Robenson. Lrvenscht loterl on and Hevere COJUSte work as a group tn Algebra II class Camille finds the answer. Destre Btgg ers smtles for the camera

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