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MAN/HEP/2009/5 Central Exclusive Production at the LHC J.R. Forshawa∗ 9 0 aSchool of Physics & Astronomy, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK. 0 2 Afterabriefresum´eofthetheoryunderpinningthecentralexclusiveprocess(CEP)pp→p+H+p,attention n is focussed upon Higgs bosons produced in the Standard Model, the MSSM and the NMSSM. In all cases, CEP a J addssignificantly to thephysics potential of the LHCand in some scenarios it may be crucial. 0 2 ] 1. Introduction significant amounts of pile-up) and that is often h p aidedbythefactthatthecentrallyproducedsys- Theideatoinstalldetectorsfarfromthe inter- - temispredominantlyinaJ =0,C-even,P-even p actionpointatCMSand/orATLASwiththe ca- z state. Of course having such a spin-parity filter e pacity to detect protons scattered through small h alsoprovidesanexcellenthandleonthenatureof angles has gained a great deal of attention in re- [ any new physics. For very little extra cost, for- cent years and the report presented in [1] consti- ward detectors promise to significantly enhance 1 tutes a significant milestone on the road to CEP v the physics potential of the LHC. physics at the LHC. In this talk, I should like 0 That said, CEP is not without its challenges. 4 to focus attention in particular on Higgs boson The theory is difficult, triggering can be tricky, 0 production, as illustrated in Fig. 1. For a much signal rates for new physics are often low, new 3 more extensive survey of the physics that can be detectors need building and installing, and pile- . 1 studied after installing forward detectors see [1]. up needs to be brought under control. With the 0 Detection of both protons by detectors located arrivalofdataonCEPfromCDFattheTevatron, 9 confidenceisbuildinginthetheoreticalmodelling 0 : and extensive studies have demonstrated that all v of the other challenges can be met, e.g. see [1]. i X r a Figure1. CentralExclusiveProductionofaHiggs boson. 420mfromtheIPatATLAS/CMShasthevirtue that central systems with masses up to 200 GeV canbe observedwith anevent-by-eventprecision of around 2 to 3 GeV, and adding also 220m de- tectors extends the reachto much higher masses. Figure 2. The relevant lowest order Feynman di- The clean environment of CEP generally makes agram for qq q+H +q. → for reduced backgrounds (even in the presence of ∗Talk presented at the workshop “New Trends in HERA Physics”,RingbergCastle,Tegernsee,5–10October2008. Without further ado, let us very quickly re- 1 2 J.R Forshaw view the Durham model for CEP, more details system should have a vanishing z-component of can be found in [2,3]. The calculation starts angular momentum in the limit that the protons from the easier to compute parton level process scatterthroughzeroangle(i.e. q′2 Q2). Since iT ≪ T qq q +H +q shown in Fig. 2. The Higgs is we are interested in very small angle scattering → produced via a top quark loop and a minimum this selection rule is effective. One immediate of two gluons need to be exchangedin order that consequence is that the Higgs decay to b-quarks no colour be transferred between the incoming may now be viable. This is because, for massless and outgoing quarks. The real part of the am- quarks, the lowest order qq¯background vanishes plitude is small and the imaginary part can be identically(itdoesnotvanishatNLO).Thelead- determined by considering only the cut diagram ing order b¯b background is therefore suppressed in Fig. 2. The calculation of the amplitude is by a factor m2/m2 . ∼ b H straightforward: Returning to the task in hand, we can write (y is the rapidity of the Higgs) ImAijkl = d(PS)2 δ((q1−Q)2)δ((q2+Q)2) dσ N2 1 2 α6 G 2gq1αQ22gq2α 2Zgkq121µ 2kg2q22ν Vµaνb τicmτjcnτmakτnbl . (1) d2q′1Td2q′2Tdyd2Q≈T (cid:18)k1TcN−kc22T(cid:19)2(22πs)5 √F2 · . (4) WewriteQ=αq1+βq2+QT. Thedeltafunctions ×(cid:20)Z 2π Q2Tk21Tk22T 3(cid:21) fixthecutquarklinestobeon-shell,whichmeans thatα β Q2/s 1andQ2 Q2 Q2. We are mainly interested in the forward scatter- ≈− ≈ T ≪ ≈ T ≡− T ing limit whence As always,we neglect terms that are energy sup- pressed such as the product αβ. In the Standard k1T k2T 1 Model, the Higgs production vertex is · . Q2k2 k2 ≈−Q4 T 1T 2T T Vab =δab g k2µk1ν V , (2) As it stands, the integral over Q diverges. Let µν (cid:18) µν − k1·k2(cid:19) usnotworryaboutthatfornowaTndinsteadturn whereV =m2 α /(4πv)F(m2 /m2)andF 2/3 our attention to how to convert this parton level H s H t ≈ cross-section into the hadron level cross-section providedtheHiggsisnottooheavy. TheDurham we need. group also include a NLO K-factor correction to this vertex. We can compute the contraction qµVabqν ei- 1 µν 2 ther directly or by utilising gauge invariance, which requires that kµVab = kνVab = 0. Writ- 1 µν 2 µν ing1 k =x q +k yields i i i iT kµ kν s qµVabqν 1T 2TVab kµ kν Vab (3) 1 µν 2 ≈ x1 x2 µν ≈ m2H 1T 2T µν since 2k1·k2 ≈ x1x2s ≈ m2H. Note that it is as if the gluons which fuse to produce the Higgs are Figure 3. The recipe for replacing the quark line transverselypolarized,ǫ k . Moreover,inthe i iT ∼ (left) by a proton line (right). limiting case that the outgoing quarks carry no transverse momentum QT = k1T = k2T and so − ǫ1 = ǫ2. This is an importantresult; it general- − izes to the statementthat the centrally produced Whatwereallywantisthehadronicmatrixele- 1We can do this because xi mH/√s whilst the other mentwhichrepresentsthe couplingoftwogluons Sudakov components are∼Q∼2T/s. into a proton, and this is really an off-diagonal Central Exclusive Production 3 partondistributionfunction. Atpresentwedon’t have missed some crucial physics. The lowestor- havemuchknowledgeofthesedistributions,how- derdiagramisnotenough,virtualgraphspossess ever we do know the diagonal gluon distribution logarithms in the ratio Q /m which are very T H function. Fig. 3 illustrates the Durham prescrip- important as Q 0; these logarithms need to T → tion for coupling the two gluons into a proton besummedtoallorders. ThisisSudakovphysics: rather than a quark. The factor K would equal thinking in terms of real emissions we must be unity if x′ =x and k =0, which is the diagonal sure to forbid real emissions into the final state. T limit. That we should, in the amplitude, replace Let’s worryabout realgluonemissionoff the two afactorofα C /π by ∂G(x,Q )/∂lnQ2 canbe gluons which fuse to make the Higgs. The emis- s F T T easily derived starting from the DGLAP equa- sionprobabilityforasinglegluonis(assumingfor tionfor evolutionoffaninitialquarkdistribution the moment a fixed coupling α ) s given by q(x)=δ(1 x). The Durham approach − C α m2H/4 dp2 mH/2 dE makes use of a result derived in [4] which states A s T that in the case x′ ≪ x and kT2 ≪ Q2T the off- π ZQ2T p2T ZpT E diagonalitycanbeapproximatedbyamultiplica- C α m2 tive factor, K. Assuming a Gaussian form factor = 4Aπs ln2 QH2 . (7) suppressionfor the k -dependence they estimate (cid:18) T (cid:19) T that The integration limits are kinematic except for the lower limit on the p integral. The fact that T K e−bkT2/222λ+3Γ(λ+5/2) (5) emissions below QT are forbidden arises because ≈ √π Γ(λ+4) the gluon not involved in producing the Higgs completelyscreensthecolourchargeofthefusing and this result is obtained assuming a simple gluons if the wavelengthof the emitted radiation power-law behaviour of the gluon density, i.e. is long enough, i.e. if p < Q . Now we see T T G(x,Q) x−λ. For the production of a 120 how this helps us solve our infra-red problem: as GeVHigg∼sbosonattheLHC,K 1.2 e−bkT2/2. Q 0sothescreeninggluonfailstoscreenand ∼ × T → In the cross-section, the off-diagonality therefore realemissionoffthe fusing gluonscannotbe sup- provides an enhancement of (1.2)4 2. Clearly pressed. Toseethisargumentthroughtoitscon- ≈ the current lack of knowledge of the off-diagonal clusionwerealisethatmultiple realemissionsex- gluon is one source of uncertainty in the calcu- ponentiate and so we can write the non-emission lation. The slope parameter b is fixed by assum- probability as ingthesamek -dependenceasfordiffractiveJ/ψ T production2, i.e. b 4 GeV−2. C α m2H/4 dp2 mH/2 dE ≈ e−S =exp A s T . meTnhtauso,fatfhteersicnattetgerraetdinpgrootvoenrsthweethraanvesversemo- − π ZQ2T p2T ZpT E ! (8) dσ 1 α G √2 s F As Q 0 the exponent diverges and the dy ≈ 256πb2 9 T → non-emissionprobabilityvanishesfasterthanany × dQ2Q4T f(x1,QT)f(x2,QT) 2 (6) cpoomweersofQT. InthiswayourintegraloverQT be- (cid:20)Z T (cid:21) wnehgelreectfed(xt,hQe)ex≡ch∂anGg(exd,Qtr)a/n∂svlnerQse2maonmdewnteuhmavine dQQ42Tf(x1,QT)f(x2,QT)e−S , (9) Z T the integrand. which is finite. Nowitistimetoworryaboutthefactthatour Now Eq. (8) is correct only so far as the lead- integral diverges in the infra-red. Fortunately I ing double logarithms. It is of considerable prac- 2It turns out that the typical QT 1.5 GeV for a 120 ticalimportanceto correctlyinclude alsothe sin- GeVHiggs. ∼ gle logarithms. To do this we must re-instate the 4 J.R Forshaw rqmuuenaanrnkisnsgwceoafnouαbgsehatentmdoituatlseleodw. fIonrctluhdeinpgostshibisilitpyhytshiacst Events450000 E3E.jTjee6tt 13<, 2< |> h5 g 1aGp0|e G<V e5V.9 PIEPDOxOPHMMEuWW MdaIIEGGta: + C( sEDtaxFtH.¯ uoHMn1lyE) T h jet1(2) < -0.5 F = 20.8 – 0.8 % m2H/4 dp2 α (p2) 300 excl (stat. only) e−S = exp T s T (10) −ZQ2T p2T 2π 200 1−∆ (b) dz [zP (z)+ P (z)] 100 gg qg ×Z0 q ! X 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 where ∆ = 2p /m , and P (z) and P (z) are T H gg qg R = M / M the leadingorderDGLAP splitting functions. To jj jj X correctly sum all single logarithms requires some b) Data corrected to hadron level care in that what we want is the distribution of p ExHuME gluons in QT with no emission up to mH, and cl ( 103 Exclusive DPE (DPEMC) x this is in fact [5] e jj102 s ∂ f˜(x,QT)= ∂lnQ2 e−S/2 G(x,QT) . 10 Ejet1, 2 > Emin T T T (cid:16) (cid:17) |h jet1, 2| < 2.5 The integral over Q is therefore (a) 1 3.6 < h gap < 5.9 T 0.03 < x < 0.08 stat. stat. ¯ syst. uncertainty p dQ2 10-1 10 15 20 25 30 35 Q4Tf˜(x1,QT)f˜(x2,QT) , Z T whichreducestoEq.(9)inthedoublelogarithmic Figure 4. CDF data on CEP dijet production. approximation. Figures from [7]. Beforewecangoaheadandcomputethecross- section we need to introduce the idea of gap sur- vival. The Sudakov factor has allowed us to en- sure that the exclusivenature ofthe finalstate is not spoilt by perturbative emission off the hard wheredσ(p+H+p)isthedifferentialcross-section process. What about non-perturbative particle computed above. The task is to estimate S2. production? The protons can in principle inter- Clearly this is not straightforward since we can- actquiteapartfromtheperturbativeprocessdis- not utilize QCD perturbation theory. That said, cussed hitherto and this interaction could well dataonavarietyofprocessesobservedatHERA, lead to the production of additional particles. the Tevatron and the LHC can help us improve We need to account for the probability that such our understanding of “gap survival” and to date emission does not occur. Provided the hard pro- theHERAandTevatrondatadosupporttheidea cessleadingtotheproductionoftheHiggsoccurs of gap survival. For the purposes of this talk we on a short enough timescale, we might suppose will presume to know the gapsurvivalfactor and that the physics which generates extra particle that S2 = 3% for CEP at the LHC, e.g. see [6] production factorizes and that its effect can be for an overview. accountedforviaanoverallfactormultiplyingthe Recently, the CDF collaboration has observed cross-section we have just calculated. This is the a 6σ excess of CEP of dijets at the Tevatron [7]. “gap survival factor”. The gap survival, S2, is The agreement with the theory (as implemented thus defined by intheExHuMEmontecarlogenerator[8])isvery good,asillustratedinFig.4. CDFalsoseesasup- dσ(p+H+pno soft emission)=dσ(p+H+p) S2 pressionofquarkjetsintheexclusiveregion(high | × Central Exclusive Production 5 R ), in accord with theoretical expectations. and the potential to measure the hbb Yukawa jj coupling is a strong selling point for CEP and 2. Higgs: SM and MSSM a pre-requisite to determining any Higgs-boson coupling at the LHC (rather than just ratios of Fig. 5 shows how the cross-section for produc- couplings). Fig. 6 shows the region of parameter ingaSMHiggsbosonvarieswithHiggsmass(and space3 in which one could observe h b¯b using for different gluon distribution functions). The → CEP[10]withdifferentamountsofintegratedlu- cross-sectionissmallandleadstolowproduction minosity. Asimilarpairofplotscanbe produced rates. That said, a SM Higgs with mass above for H b¯b, see [10]. Fig. 7 shows the result of 120GeVshouldbeobservableintheWW∗ chan- → anin-depthanalysisofoneparticularpointinthe nelwith300fb−1 ofdata(whichisaround3years m tanβplane(tanβ =40andm =120GeV) A A ofhighluminosityrunning)[1,9]. Thegold-plated − [13]. Thedetailsofthetwoanalysescanbefound fully leptonic channel has very low backgrounds in [1,10,13] but the key point is that they are in and has the advantage that one can still use the general agreement forwarddetectors to measure the mass. The curves in Fig. 7 correspond to different Theb¯bchannelismuchmorechallenging. Trig- triggerscenarios. Theyalsoindicatetheinfluence gering in this case would certainly benefit from of pile-up and, in particular, the overlap back- having220mdetectorsinplacebuteventhenone ground(OLAP),inwhichthe signalisfakedbya relies on optimistic scenarios for the production coincidence of events, one that produces the cen- cross-section,detectoracceptanceandtriggereffi- tralsystem(whichfakestheHiggsdecay)andone ciency. Nevertheless,itoughtto be bornin mind ormorediffractiveeventsthatareabletoproduce that CEP may be the only way to explore this protons in the forward detectors, e.g. a three- channel at the LHC. fold co-incidence of two single diffractive events with app b¯bX event. Use offast-timingdetec- → tors allows a significant reduction in the OLAP background, as the primary vertex can be pin- b) pointed to high accuracy. Improvements in the (f CTEQ6L fast-timingcouldpotentiallyeliminatetheOLAP s CTEQ6M background completely and allow a 5σ discov- MRST2002NLO ery with 3 years of high luminosity data taking 10 (the mass peak is illustrated in the upper plot in Fig. 7). 3. Higgs: NMSSM 1 To conclude, I would like to take a slightly morein-depthlookatthepossibilitiesforCEPof 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 M (GeV) NMSSMHiggsbosons. Moredetailscanbefound h in[14]. TheNMSSMisanextensionoftheMSSM thatsolvestheµ-problem,andalsothelittlehier- archy problem, by adding a gauge-singlet super- Figure 5. CEP cross-section for Standard Model field Sˆ to the MSSM suchthat theµ termis now Higgs producton. Figure from [1]. dynamicalinorigin,arisingwhenthescalarmem- ber of Sˆ aquires a vev. The µ problem is solved sinceµisnolongerfundamentalandthereforeno Incontrast,theb¯bchannelbecomesmuchmore longernaturallyofordertheGUTscale(asisthe case if it is the only dimensionful parameter in exciting in certain MSSM scenarios. Rates are strongly enhanced at large tanβ and small mA, 3IntheMhmax scenariowithµ=+200GeV. 6 J.R Forshaw btan 233445505050 LLLL ==== 66660000 00 Mffb bffh--bb 11= --,11 , e1 e3ff1f.f .·G · e2 V2 34-1-2)scmnts (3 years at 10 11111220246802 1250 Mh = 130 GeV N eve 68 10 4 5 Mh = 115 GeV Mh = 125 GeV 2 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 0 mA [GeV] 100 110 120 130 140 1M5 0(GeV) 50 btan 344505 LLLL ==== 66660000 00 Mffb bffh--bb 11= --,11 , e1 e3ff1f.f .·G · e2 V2 nce (3 years)5.565 FFFRRRTTT221550 +++ MMMUUU661 0(OLAP) 30 nifica4.5 FRT10 + MU10 (OLAP) 25 Sig 4 20 3.5 15 Mh = 130 GeV 3 10 2.5 5 Mh = 115 GeV Mh = 125 GeV 2 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 mA [GeV] 1.5 2 4 6 8 10 Luminosity x1033 cm-2 s-1 Figure6. 5σdiscoverycontours(upperplot)and contoursof3σ statisticalsignificance(lowerplot) Figure 7. Upper: Typical mass fit for the for the h b¯b channel in CEP in the M - tanβ 120 GeV MSSM h b¯b for 3 years of data tak- planeofth→eMSSMwithintheMh,maxbenAchmark ing at 1034 cm−2 s→−1 after removing the over- scenario for different luminosity scenarios as de- lapbackgroundcontributioncompletely withim- scribed in the text [10]. The values of the mass proved timing detectors. The significance is 5σ of the light CP-even Higgs boson, M , are indi- for these data. Lower: Significance of the mea- h cated by contour lines. No pile-up background surementofthe120GeVMSSMHiggsbosonver- assumed. The dark shaded (blue) region corre- sus luminosity, for two different combinations of sponds to the parameter region that is excluded muon (MU6, MU10) and fixed-jet-rate (FRT25, by the LEP Higgs boson searches [11,12]. Figure FRT10)triggersandwithanimproved(baseline) from [1]. FP420timingdesign(OLAPlabels). Figurefrom [1]. Central Exclusive Production 7 the superpotential). The little heirarchyproblem draw attention to: 1. a light Higgs is preferred is also solved because a lighter Higgs is allowed, by the precisionelectroweakdata (recallthe best thereby taking the pressure off the stop mass. fit value is somewhat below 100 GeV); 2. a 100 Morespecifically,thelightestscalarHiggscande- GeV Higgswith a reduced(10%)branchingratio cay predominantly to two pseudo-scalar Higgses to b-quarks naturally accommodates the existing andthebranchingratiotob-quarksiscorrespond- 2.3σ LEP excess in e+e− Zb¯b [16,17]. → ingly suppressed, thereby evading the 114 GeV bound from LEP4. Having a lighter Higgs means that the stop mass does not need to be so large, and that is preferred given the value of M . Z The Higgs sector of the NMSSM extends that of the MSSM by adding an extra pseudo-scalar Higgs and an extra scalar Higgs: crucially Sˆ is a gauge singlet and hence h aa can domi- → nate with a light a (i.e. below the threshold for a b¯b). Freedoftheheavystop,itismostnatu- → p a h a p Figure 9. Γeff in units of 10−4GeV2 versus mh for tanβ = 3. Point coding: (red) diamonds = 2m < m < 7.5GeV; (green) squares = τ a Figure 8. CEP of an NMSSM Higgs. 7.5GeV ma < 8.8GeV; (black) pluses = ≤ 8.8GeV m <2m . Figure from [14]. a b ≤ ral to have a light Higgs with a reducing branch- ing ratio to b-quarks, as illustrated in Fig. 9. F To detect the four-tau decay of an NMSSM and G are measures of fine-tuning, so the points Higgs using CEP, we need first to trigger the inthisscatterplotaresupposedtorepresentmost event and to that end demand that at least one natural scenarios in the NMSSM. Our attention of the taus decays to produce a sufficiently high will focus on one such point, with m = 93 GeV h p muon. The muon then defines a vertex which and m = 9.7 GeV with BR(h aa) = 92% T a → canbeused,inconjunctionwiththe(picosecond) and BR(a ττ) = 81% [15]. The lightness of → fast timing of the 420m detectors, to reject pile- the pseudo-scalara means that the h decays pre- up related backgrounds. The detailed analysis is dominantly to four taus. Should such a decay outlined in [14], here we shall just highlight the mode be dominant at the LHC, standard search keyfeatures. Table1showshowthesignal(CEP) strategieswouldfailand,asweshallsee,CEP(as andbackgrounds(DPE,OLAPandQED)areaf- illustrated in Fig. 8) could provide the discovery fected by the cuts imposed. The top line of the channel. This “natural” scenario of the NMSSM tableisthecross-sectionafterimposingthatthere hastwoadditionalbonus featuresthatonemight be at least one muon with p >6 GeV, which is T 4Itdropsto86GeV. the nominal minimum value to trigger at level 8 J.R Forshaw dN1 NdNc0.04.55 Hbbfi(CAEAPfi)4t ments 8 0.4 gbbg((DCPEEP)) ure 7 0.35 bb(OLAP) as me 6 0.02.53 calar 5 0.2 o-s 4 d 0.15 eu 3 s p 0.1 of 2 0.05 ber 1 m 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Nu 00 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Number of Charged Tracks M (GeV) Figure 10. The expected number of charged Figure 11. A typical a mass measurement. tracks reconstructed by the ATLAS inner detec- tor with p >6 GeV and η <2.5. T | | Accurate measurement of the proton energies 1 in ATLAS5 and the condition that both pro- allowsonetoconstrainthekinematicsofthecen- tons be detected in the 420m detectors. There tral system (in particular its invariant mass and is also a loose cut on the invariant mass of the mean rapidity are known). We can also extract central system. Of the remaining cuts, I would the masses of the h and the a on an event-by- like to single out the “Nch = 4 or 6” cut. The event basis. The mass of the h is straightforward charged track (Nch) cut is noteworthy because it of course (it is measured directly by the forward canbeimplementedatthehighestLHCluminosi- detectors) and a precision below 1 GeV can be ties: we cutonexactly4 or6 chargedtracksthat obtainedwith justa handfulofevents. The mea- point back to the vertex defined by the muon. surementofthepseudo-scalarmassismoreinter- Pile-up events do add extra tracks (to both the esting and potentially very important. The pro- signal and background), but they do not often tonmeasurementsfixp andp 0forthecen- z x,y coincide with the primary vertex (i.e. within a ≈ tral system. In addition, the tau pairs are highly 2.5 mm window) and do not spoil the effective- boosted, which means they are collinear with ness of this cut. The number of charged tracks theirparentpseudo-scalars. Thatmeansthatthe in signal and background events is illustrated in four-momentumofeachpseudo-scalarisapproxi- Fig. 10. The ability to make such hard cuts on mately proportionaltothe observed(track)four- charged tracks could be of a much wider utility momentum. The two unknown constants of pro- than this analysis (e.g. in defining a jet veto in portionality(i.e. themissingenergyfractions)are Higgs plus two jets production). The four or six overconstrained, since we have three equations trackeventis then analysedinterms ofits topol- from the proton detectors. The result is that we ogyandthetopologycutexploitsthefactthatthe can solve for the pseudo-scalar masses, with four chargedtracksoriginatefromfourtausinthesig- measurements per event. Fig. 11 shows a typical nal, which themselves originate from two heavily distributionofamassesbasedon180fb−1ofdata boosted pseudo-scalars. To avoid the effects of collected at 3 1033 cm−2s−1. pile-up, the analysis is heavily track-based with × In Table 2 I show the bottom line numbers for almost no reliance on the calorimeter. three different trigger scenarios and three differ- 5Itwillturnout that ahigher cutof 10GeV ispreferred ent instantaneous luminosities. The key point is inthesubsequent analysis. that, although we can expect only a handful of Central Exclusive Production 9 Table 1 The table of cross-sections for the signal and backgrounds. All cross-sections are in femtobarns. The overlap(OLAP) background is computed at a luminosity of 1034 cm−2 s−1. CEP DPE OLAP QED Cut H b¯b gg b¯b b¯b 4τ 2τ 2l pµT0, ξ1, ξ2, M 0.442 25.14 1.51×103 1.29×103 1.74×106 0.014 0.467 Nch = 4 or 6 0.226 1.59 28.84 1.58 102 1.44 104 0.003 0.056 × × Q =0 0.198 0.207 3.77 18.69 1.29 103 5 10−4 0.010 h × × Topology 0.143 0.036 0.432 0.209 1.84 - <0.001 pµ, isolation 0.083 0.001 0.008 0.003 0.082 - - T p1,6µ 0.071 5 10−4 0.004 0.002 0.007 - - T × m >2m 0.066 2 10−4 0.001 0.001 0.005 - - a τ × signal events, the background is under control. Table 2 Remember, we need only a few events in order Expected number of signal (S) and background (B) events for the three trigger scenarios assum- to extract the masses of both the a and the h. The statistical significance of any discoveryis es- ing that the data are collected at a fixed instan- timated in Fig. 12. The lower plot might pertain taneous luminosity over a three year period. We assume the integrated luminosity acquired each ifthesignalrateweredoubled(recallthetheoret- ical uncertainty permits it) or if data from AT- yearis10fb−1,50fb−1and100fb−1ataninstan- taneous luminosity of 1 1033 cm−2 s−1 (row 1), LASandCMSwerecombinedorifotherleptonic triggers are used [1]. 5 1033 cm−2 s−1 (row2×)and10 1033 cm−2 s−1 × × (row 3). L MU10 MU15 MU10 (2 ps) 4. Concluding remarks S B S B S B Central exclusive production is a very attrac- 1 1.3 0.02 1.0 0.01 1.3 0.02 tive prospect for the LHC. A very broad pro- 5 3.7 0.14 2.9 0.08 3.7 0.07 gramme of physics can be pursued for very little 10 3.3 0.36 2.5 0.20 3.3 0.11 additionalexpenditure. MeasurementsfromCDF attheTevatronareveryencouragingandsupport the validity of the theoretical calculations: the theoryisprobablynottoofaroffthemark. More- their very generous hospitality. oever, one of the highlights of the past couple of yearshasbeenthedemonstrationthathighlumi- REFERENCES nositybackgroundscanbebroughtundercontrol. This talk has focussed only upon Higgs physics 1. M. G. Albrow et al. [FP420 R&D Collab- and has placed particular emphasis on the possi- oration], “The FP420 R&D Project: Higgs bility that CEP could be the only way one could andNewPhysicswithforwardprotonsatthe observe at the LHC a Higgs boson that decays LHC,” arXiv:0806.0302[hep-ex]. predominantlytofourtaus: somethingthatcould 2. V. A. Khoze, A. D. Martin and be fairly generic feature of SUSY models with an M. G. Ryskin, Eur. Phys.J. C 23 (2002)311 enlarged Higgs sector (such as the NMSSM). [arXiv:hep-ph/0111078]. 3. J.R.Forshaw,“DiffractiveHiggsproduction: Theory,” arXiv:hep-ph/0508274. Acknowledgements 4. A. G. Shuvaev, K. J. Golec-Biernat, Ishouldliketothankthe workshoporganizers, A. D. Martin and M. G. Ryskin, Phys. Rev. both for inviting me to deliver this talk and for D 60 (1999) 014015[arXiv:hep-ph/9902410]. 10 J.R Forshaw (2003) 61 [arXiv:hep-ex/0306033]. ears) 5.56 MU10 12. S. Schael et al. [ALEPH Collabora- 3 y 5 MU15 tion], Eur. Phys. J. C 47 (2006) 547 nce ( 4.5 MU10 (2ps) [arXiv:hep-ex/0602042]. a nific 4 13. B.E.Cox,F.K.LoebingerandA.D.Pilking- g 3.5 ton,JHEP0710(2007)090[arXiv:0709.3035 Si 3 [hep-ph]]. 2.5 14. J. R. Forshaw, J. F. Gunion, L. Hodgkin- 2 son, A. Papaefstathiou and A. D. Pilking- 1.5 2 4 6 L 8(x1033 cm1-02 s-1) ton,JHEP0804(2008)090[arXiv:0712.3510 [hep-ph]]. 3 years) 89 MMUU1105 15. pUu.t. ElPlwhayns.gerCoamnmdunC. . 17H5ugo(n2i0e0,6)Co2m90- e ( MU10 (2ps) [arXiv:hep-ph/0508022]. anc 7 16. R. Dermisek and J. F. Gunion, c nifi 6 Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 (2005) 041801 g Si 5 [arXiv:hep-ph/0502105]. 17. R. Dermisek and J. F. Gunion, Phys. Rev. D 4 73 (2006) 111701 [arXiv:hep-ph/0510322]. 3 2 4 6 8 10 L (x1033 cm-2 s-1) Figure12. Upper: Thesignificanceforthreeyears of data acquisition at each luminosity. Lower: Same as (a) but with twice the data. 5. A. D. Martin and M. G. Ryskin, Phys. Rev. D 64 (2001) 094017[arXiv:hep-ph/0107149]. 6. A.D.Martin,V.A.KhozeandM.G.Ryskin, “Rapidity gap survival probability and total cross sections,” arXiv:0810.3560[hep-ph]. 7. T.Aaltonenetal.[CDFCollaboration],Phys. Rev. D 77, 052004 (2008) [arXiv:0712.0604 [hep-ex]]. 8. J. Monk and A. Pilkington, Com- put. Phys. Commun. 175 (2006) 232 [arXiv:hep-ph/0502077]. 9. B. E. Cox et al., Eur. Phys. J. C 45 (2006) 401 [arXiv:hep-ph/0505240]. 10. S. Heinemeyer, V. A. Khoze, M. G. Ryskin, W. J. Stirling, M. Tasevsky and G. Wei- glein, Eur. Phys. J. C 53 (2008) 231 [arXiv:0708.3052[hep-ph]]. 11. R. Barate et al. [LEP Working Group for Higgs boson searches], Phys. Lett. B 565

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