CENTER-UNSTABLE FOLIATIONS DO NOT HAVE COMPACT 5 LEAVES 1 0 2 F.RODRIGUEZHERTZ,J.RODRIGUEZHERTZ,ANDR.URES n a J ABSTRACT. Forapartiallyhyperbolicdiffeomorphismona3-manifold, we show that any invariant foliation tangent to the center-unstable (or 1 3 center-stable)bundlehasnocompactleaves. ] S D h. 1. INTRODUCTION t a This article deals with the integrability of invariant distributions arising m in certain dynamical systems. The integrability of tangent distributions of [ k−planes is an important problem that has been studied for more than a 1 century. Under certain hypotheses, there have been quite satisfactory an- v swers to the unique integrability problem. For instance, Picard’s theorem 5 2 in the one-dimensional case, and Frobenius’ theory in higher dimensions. 1 However,bothresultsinvolveregularityofthedistributions. 0 0 The problem is that, in general, distributions arising from a dynamical 2. system are only Ho¨lder-continuous, even if the system is smooth. There- 0 fore, other elements of analysis are required in order to establishnecessary 5 orsufficient conditionsforintegrability. 1 : Consider, for instance, the case of hyperbolic systems. Namely, diffeo- v i morphims f : M → M for which there exists an invariant splitting of the X tangent bundle into two invariant distributions, called stable and unstable: r a TM =Es⊕Eu such that, forsomeRiemannian metrick.k and all unitvec- torsv ∈Es and v ∈Eu wehave: s u kDf(x)v k<1<kDf(x)v k. s u Inthiscase,bothdistributions,stableandunstable,areuniquelyintegrable. This can be achieved by applying essentially either one of the following two methods: Hadamard’s method [8], which consists in seeing each in- variant integral manifold as a fixed point of a contracting operator acting in an appropriate space of functions, or Perron’s method [12], which con- sists in applying the Implicit Function Theorem to an operator acting in an appropriatefunctionspace. Date:February3,2015. 1 2 F.RODRIGUEZHERTZ,J.RODRIGUEZHERTZ,ANDR.URES Hereweshallfocusontheintegrabilityofsomedistributionsarisingfrom a more general kind of systems, the partially hyperbolic ones. These sys- tems involve not only a contracting and an expanding bundle as the ones mentioned above, but also a center bundle, which has an intermediate be- havior. Namely; a diffeomorphism f : M → M is partially hyperbolic if the tangent bundle of M admits an invariant splitting into 3 bundles, called respectively,stable,centerandunstablebundles,TM=Es⊕Ec⊕Eu,such that, for some Riemannian metric k.k, and all unit vectors v ∈Es, v ∈Ec s c andv ∈Eu wehave u kDf(x)v k<kDf(x)v k<kDf(x)v k and kDf(x)v k<1<kDf(x)v k s c u s u Hadamard’s and Perron’s methods can be used to show that also in this setting, the stable and unstable bundles are uniquely integrable, see for in- stance[4,11]. However,itisamoredelicatemattertodeterminewetherEc oreven Ecs =Es⊕Ec orEcu =Ec⊕Eu are integrable. Wewillsaythat f iscs-dynamicallycoherentifthereexistsan f-invariant foliation tangent to Ecs. The cu-dynamical coherence is defined analo- gously. A diffeomorphism f is said to be dynamicallycoherent ifit is both cs-andcu-dynamicallycoherent. Thisimpliesinparticularthatthereexists an f-invariantfoliationtangentto Ec. Partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms are not dynamically coherent in general. Indeed,asitwasobservedbyA.Wilkinsonin[17],anon-dynamically coherent example is given by an algebraic Anosov diffeomorphim in a six dimensional manifold, that was presented in the well-known survey by S. Smale [16] and is attributed to A. Borel. In this example, the sub-bundles ¥ areC , thecenterbundleis4-dimensionalanditcannotbeintegrablesince theFrobenius conditionisnot satisfied. Is the lack of Frobenius condition the only reason for non-integrability of the center bundle? What about the case of one-dimensional Ec, where Frobenius condition is always trivially satisfied? The question of whether a partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism existed for a one-dimensional non- integrable center bundle remained open since the 70’s. In [15] the au- thorsansweredthequestionnegatively. Theyconstructedexamplesofnon- dynamicallycoherent partially hyperbolicdiffeomorphismson T3. In [15], it is also given (using the same methods) an example of a dynamically co- herent diffeomorphism with non-locally uniquely integrable center folia- tion. The existence of such examples contrasts with the result obtained by M. Brin, D. Burago and S. Ivanov [2] proving that diffeomorphisms on T3 satisfyingamorerestrictivedefinitionofpartialhyperbolicity(theabsolute partialhyperbolicity)aredynamicallycoherent. CENTER-UNSTABLEFOLIATIONSDONOTHAVECOMPACTLEAVES 3 Anaturalquestionisthen: aretherenecessaryorsufficientconditionsfor dynamicalcoherence? Inthispaperweprovidesomenecessaryconditions: Theorem 1.1. Let M be a closed 3-dimensional manifold and f :M →M be a cu-dynamically coherent partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism. Then, thecenter unstablefoliationhas nocompact leaves. Let us note that any compact leaf tangent to Ecu must be a torus, by Poincare´-Hopf, due to the fact that is is foliated by lines. We shall call cu-torusany2-torustangent toEcu. As a matter of fact, the non-dynamically coherent example [15] was in- spiredinthisresult. Sinceanycenter-unstablefoliationcannothaveatorus leaf,weconstructedaplanefieldthatwas uniquelyintegrableoutsideacu- torus in such a way that if a foliation existed, it should contain the torus as a leaf. The fact that this is not possible provided the first example of a non dynamically coherent partially hyperbolicdiffeomorphismwith one- dimensionalcenterbundle. Observe that Theorem 1.1 does not prevent the existence of tori, even invariant,tangent to Ecu. Theorem 1.1 asserts theimpossibilityof theexis- tenceofsuchtoriaspartofaninvariantfoliationtangenttoEcu. Indeed,in [15]wealsoprovideanexampleofadynamicallycoherentpartiallyhyper- bolicdiffeomorphismofT3 withan invariantcu-torus. Theorem 1.1 then states that if there is a center-unstable invariant folia- tion,no leafcan beatorus. Weconjecturetheconverseisalsotrue: Conjecture 1.2. If a partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism f : M3 → M3 is notdynamicallycoherent,then itadmitseithera cu-oran sc-torus. In Section 2 we prove that, in fact, not every manifold can contain a cu- oran sc-torus: Theorem 1.3. Let f :M →M be a partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism of an orientable 3-manifold. If there exists a torus tangent to either Es⊕Eu, Ec⊕Eu orEs⊕Ec, thenthemanifoldM iseither: (1) the3-torusT3 (2) themappingtorusof−id :T2 →T2 (3) themappingtorusofa hyperbolicautomorphismA:T2 →T2 This follows essentially from Proposition 2.3, where we prove that the dynamics on any invariant torus tangent to Ecu, or Esc is isotopic to the one generated by a hyperbolic linear automorphism. When a manifold M admitsan embedded 2-torus and a global diffeomorphismg:M →M such that g(T) = T and g| is isotopic to an Anosov diffeomorphism, then we T saythat M admitsan Anosovtorus. 4 F.RODRIGUEZHERTZ,J.RODRIGUEZHERTZ,ANDR.URES In[13],weprovedthattheonlyirreduciblemanifoldsadmittinganAnosov torusaretheoneslistedinTheorem1.3. Butontheotherhand,ifM admits a partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism, then M is an irreducible manifold. SeeSection 2 formoredetails. As a consequence of Theorem 1.3, if Conjecture 1.2 were true, then the only manifolds supporting non-dynamically coherent diffeomorphisms wouldbetheoneslistedinTheorem1.3. InProposition2.2weshowthatthe existenceofacu-torusimpliestheexistenceofaperiodiccu-torus,whichis attracting. An analogous statement holds for sc-tori. Therefore, were Con- jecture1.2true, allpartiallyhyperbolicdiffeomorphisms f withW (f)=M would be dynamically coherent. Hammerlindl and Potrie have proven that Conjecture 1.2 is true for manifoldswith solvablefundamental group [10]; namely,forthemanifoldsthatarefinitelycoveredbytheoneslistedinThe- orem 1.3. This is the greatest advance in Conjecture 1.2 so far. Theorem 1.1isused intheirproof. A foliation is taut if there is an embedded circle that transversely inter- sects each one of its leaves. Taut foliations play an important role in the descriptionof3-dimensionalmanifolds. In Section 3 weshow: Theorem 1.4. Let Es be the strong stable bundle of a partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism of a closed orientable 3-dimensional manifold M. If F is a foliationtransverse to Es that is not taut, then there exists a periodic cu- torus. In particular,M admitsan Anosovtorus. A foliation F like the one mentioned in Theorem 1.4 always exists, due to Burago-Ivanov [3], see more details in Theorem 3.1. As a consequence of Theorem 1.4, all manifolds supporting partially hyperbolic diffeomor- phismsarefinitelycoveredbymanifoldssupportingtautfoliations. Perhaps thetheoryoftautfoliationscouldgivesomeenlighteningtothedescription ofpartiallyhyperbolicsystems(see, forinstance,[5]). 2. DYNAMICS ON cu- AND sc-TORI In this section, we shall proveTheorem 1.3, which will follow from cer- taindynamicalpropertiesofcu-and sc-tori. As we said in the Introduction, a manifold M admits an Anosov torus if thereexistsadiffeomorphismg:M→M andanembeddedg-invarianttorus T such that (g| ) :p (T2)→p (T2) is hyperbolic. Admitting an Anosov T ∗ 1 1 torusisaglobalproperty. In [13], weprovethatveryfew3-manifoldshave suchaproperty. Theorem2.1. [13]LetMbeanirreducibleorientable3-manifoldadmitting anAnosovtorus,thenM is either: CENTER-UNSTABLEFOLIATIONSDONOTHAVECOMPACTLEAVES 5 (1) the3-torusT3 (2) themappingtorusof−id :T2 →T2 (3) themappingtorusofa hyperbolicautomorphismA:T2 →T2 A 3-manifold admitting a partially hyperbolicdiffeomorphismis always irreducible,see[6,Lemma6.3]. Theorem1.3thenfollowsfromthefollow- ingpropositions: Proposition 2.2. The existence of a cu-torus implies the existence of a pe- riodiccu-torus. Proposition 2.3. The dynamics on an invariant cu-torus is isotopic to hy- perbolic. Proposition2.4. Amanifoldadmittingansu-torus,admitsanAnosovtorus. Proposition2.3isadirectcorollaryofLemma2.5below. SeealsoPropo- sition2.1of[1]fora similarresult andproof. Lemma 2.5. Let W be a foliation of T2 with continuous tangent bun- dle TW and invariant by a diffeomorphism g. Suppose, in addition, that ||dg| ||>1. Then, g :p (T2)→p (T2) ishyperbolic. TW ∗ 1 1 Proof. By taking g2 if necessary we can suppose that g preserves the ori- entation of TW. Since g preserves a foliation without compact leaves, g : Z2 → Z2 (we identify p (T2) with Z2) has an eingenspace of irra- ∗ 1 tional slope. This implies that either g is hyperbolic or g = Id. In the ∗ ∗ second case g has a lift g˜ : R2 → R2 such that g˜ = Id+a where a is a periodic, and in particular bounded, function. As a consequence we ob- tain that there exists a constant K >0 such that given any subset of R2, X, diam(gn(X))≤ diam(X)+nK. Let g be an arc contained in a leaf of W. Then, the length of g grows exponentiallywhileits diameter grows at most linearly. Thisimpliesthatgivenasmalle >0thereexistsaniterateofg that contains a curve of length arbitrarily large and with end points at distance less than e . Using Poincare´-Bendixon we obtain a compact leaf. This is a contradictionand then,g ishyperbolic. (cid:3) ∗ ProofofProposition2.2. Let T be a cu-torus, and consider the sequence f−n(T). Since the family of all compact subsets of M, considered with the Hausdorff metric dH, is compact, there is a subsequence f−nk(T) converg- ing to a compact set K ⊂M. Therefore, for each e >0 there are arbitrarily largeN >>L>0such thatd (f−N(T), f−L(T))<e . H Since T is transverse to the stable foliation, the union of all local stable leaves of T forms a small tubular neighborhood of T, U(T). Since stable leavesgrowexponentiallyunder f−1,ifN >>Lasabovearelargeenough, then f−L(U(T))⊂ f−N(U(T)). Thisimpliesthat fN−L(U(T))⊂U(T). 6 F.RODRIGUEZHERTZ,J.RODRIGUEZHERTZ,ANDR.URES ThesetT =∩¥ fk(N−L)(U(T))isaperiodiccu-torus. Indeed,itiseasy 0 k=0 to see that T is periodic and homeomorphicto a torus. On the other hand, 0 for each point x of T , its tangent space is limit of the tangent spaces of 0 pointsx in fk(N−L)(T),which arecu-tori. HenceT T =Ec⊕Eu. (cid:3) k x 0 x x ProofofProposition2.4. Assume f admits an su-torus, and consider the laminationL ofallsu-toriof f. Thisisacompactlamination[9]. Therefore, thereisarecurrent leaf.,thatis,thereisatorusT andaniteraten,suchthat d (fn(T),T) < e for small e . There exists a dipheotopy i on M, taking C1 t fn(T) into T. Then f = fn◦i fixes T and f |T is isotopic to an Anosov 1 diffeomorphism. (cid:3) 3. WEAK FOLIATIONS OF PARTIALLY HYPERBOLIC DIFFEOMORPHISMS In this section we prove Theorem 1.4. For any partially hyperbolic dif- feomorphismofa3-manifoldsuchthattheinvariantbundlesareorientable, BuragoandIvanov[3]haveprovedthatthereare(notnecessarilyinvariant) foliationsthat“almost”integrateEcs =Ec⊕Es , s =s,u. Theorem 3.1(KeyLemma2.2,[3]). Let f beapartiallyhyperbolicdiffeo- morphism of a closed 3-manifold and let E∗ be orientable for ∗ = s,c,u. Then, for every e >0 there is a foliation Fecs such that TFecs is a contin- uous bundle and the angles between TFcs and Ecs are no greater than e , e s =s,u. In this section we prove that these foliations, if the manifold is different fromtheoneslistedinTheorem1.3,aretaut. Recallthatacodimensionone foliation is taut if there exists an embedded S1 that intersects transversely, andnontrivially,everyleaf ofthefoliation(see[5]). LetF beacodimension-onefoliation. Adead-endcomponentisanopen submanifold N M which is a union of leaves of F, such that there is no properly immersed line transverse to F. That is, there is no a :[a,b]→M transversetoF suchthat a (a,b)⊂N, a (a),a (b)∈¶ N. A Reeb component is a solid torus whose interior is foliated by planes transverse to the core of the solid torus, such that each leaf limits on the boundary torus, which is also a leaf. Observe that the interior of a Reeb component is a dead-end component. Other examples of dead-end compo- nents are obtained by taking a Reeb foliation of the annulus, multiplying by the interval and gluing the two boundary annulus using a rotation that preservestheReebfoliation. Observethatinbothcasestheboundaryofthe dead-end component consists of tori. This is a general fact that is stated in thefollowinglemma. CENTER-UNSTABLEFOLIATIONSDONOTHAVECOMPACTLEAVES 7 Lemma3.2(Lemma4.28,[5]). LetMbea3-dimensionalorientableclosed manifold. A foliation F of M is taut if and only if it contains no dead-end components. If N is a dead-end component, then the restriction of F to N is transversely orientable and N\N consists of a union of tori leaves of F. Moreover,boundaryleavesofN cannotbejoinedbyanarcinN transverse toF. Observe that the last assertion implies that the boundary leaves of any dead-end component of a foliation have half-neighborhoods in N with size uniformlyboundedby below. It is an obvious corollary of Lemma 3.2 that foliations without compact leaves are taut. For instance, the weak stable and weak unstable foliations ofAnosovflowsof3-dimensionalmanifoldsare taut. ProofofTheorem 1.4. Partialhyperbolicityimpliesthattheforwarditerates ofTF convergeto Ecu. Let N bea dead-end ofF and let T bea boundary component of N. Hence T is a torus, transverse to Es. All iterates f−n(T) are tori transverse to Es. The proof follows now exactly as in Proposition 2.2. (cid:3) 4. PROOF OF THEOREM 1.1 Letussupposethatthereexistsan invariantfoliationFcu tangenttoEcu, and that Fcu has a compact leaf, which must be a torus. (Then M must be oneofthemanifoldslistedinTheorem1.3). ByProposition2.2,thereexists aperiodiccu-torusT. Bytakinganiterate,wecanassumethatisfixed. The dynamics on T is isotopic to hyperbolic, due to Proposition 2.3. In [13] it is shown that cutting M along T we obtain a manifold with boundary, that isdiffeomorphictoT2×[0,1]. Moreover, f induces adiffeomorphismgof T2×[0,1] isotopic to A×id where A is a hyperbolic automorphism of T2 and id is the identity map of the interval [0,1]. Then, [7] implies that there existsasemiconjugacyh:T2×[0,1]→T2,betweengandA,homotopicto theprojection p:T2×[0,1]→T2. Observealsothat h(T2×{0})=T2. The torus T2×{0} is foliated by a foliation Su by lines that are integral curves ofthestrong unstablefoliation. Call S˜u thelift ofSu to R2, theuni- versalcoverofT2×{0}. It isnotdifficultto seethatifx, yarein thesame leaf Su of S˜u the fact that dist (x,y) goes to infinity implies that dist(x,y) u goes to infinity (dist (x,y) is the length of the arc of Su joining x and y). u Let h¯ be a lift of h| to R2. Since the diameters of the sets h¯−1(y) T2×{0} are uniformly bounded and f(h¯−1(y)) = h¯−1(Ay), we obtain that the map h¯ is injective when restricted to strong unstable manifolds. Recall that the 8 F.RODRIGUEZHERTZ,J.RODRIGUEZHERTZ,ANDR.URES imageofan unstablemanifoldby h isan unstablemanifoldofA. Let usshowthattheimageofacentercurvebyh iscontained inastable manifold of A. For this, it is enough to show that the length of the forward iteratesofthecurvearebounded. Letg bea(small)centercurveandletd be suchthatWu(x)∩Wu(y)=0/ forallx6=y∈g . LetWu(g )=S{Wu(x);x∈g }. d d d d Since f expandstheunstablebundlewehavethatWu(fn(g ))⊂ fn(Wu(g )). d d But since the angle between the center bundle and the unstable bundle is bounded by below, we have that the area of Wu(fn(g )) goes to infinity as d thelengthof fn(g ) goesto infinity whichis a contradiction. Moreover,this impliesthatEc isuniquelyintegrablefor f| . Ifthiswerenotthecasethere T wouldexist,intheuniversalcover,twocentercurvesg , g beginningatthe 1 2 samepointxand cuttinga nearby unstablemanifoldat two different points y,z. By forward-iterating this “triangle” we would obtain that the distance between fn(y) and fn(z) goes to infinity. Then, either the length of g or 1 the length of g goes to infinity, which contradicts what we have proved 2 before. Summarizing, f| has two invariant foliation by lines, one tangent T to the unstable bundle and the other one tangent to the center bundle; the semiconjugacysendstheunstableleavestounstablelinesofAand thecen- terleavesto stablelines ofA. Againthedistancebetween twopointsin the same center leaf in the universal cover of T goes to infinity as the length ofthe center curve goes to infinity. It is not difficult to see that this implies that,foranyy∈T2,h−1(y)∩T isaconnectedarccontainedinacenterleaf. Let p∈T be a periodic point. We may assume that J =h−1(h(p))∩T p is a very small arc. This is easy to obtain since there are infinitely many periodicpointsin differentcenter curves. LetU ⊂T2×I bea smallneigh- borhood of J , and let y∈h−1(h(p))∩U. We will prove that y∈Wcs(p). p loc On one hand, if y∈/ Wcs(p) then z=Ws (y)∩T is not in the local center loc loc manifold of p. On the other hand, h(z)∈h(Ws (y))⊂Ws (h(p)) is in the loc loc local stable manifold of h(p) for A, which contradicts the fact that it is not inthelocalcenter manifold(in T)of p. Let us focus onWcs(p). Theintersectionofthecenter unstablefoliation loc FcuwithWcs(p)foliatesWcs(p)bycenterarcs. Bycontinuity,anyofthese loc loc centerarcs,closeenoughtoT,hasapointofh−1(h(p)). Certainly,thesame is true for p¯, a lift of p to universal cover. We choose x ,...,x ∈Wcs(p¯) 1 N loc points that are in h¯−1(h¯(p¯)) and in different center curves. Let C > 0 be such that diam(h¯−1(y))<C for every y∈T and e >0 so small that if two points are at a distance less than e , then they are in a trivializing chart of Fcu. Now, we choose N in such a way that if N points are contained in a setofdiameterC then,at leasttwoofthemareadistancelessthane . Since CENTER-UNSTABLEFOLIATIONSDONOTHAVECOMPACTLEAVES 9 x j a ⊂Ws(x ) 2 j a ⊂Wc(x) 1 i x i J p¯ FIGURE 1. Wcs(p¯) f¯n(h¯−1(h¯(p¯)))=h¯−1(h¯(f¯n(p¯))) we have that diam{f¯n(x ),..., f¯n(x )}< 1 n C, ∀n ∈ Z. Then, there exists a subsequence n → −¥ and two different k points xi and xj such that dist(f¯nk(xi), f¯nk(xj))< e , ∀k >0. Now, take an arc a joiningx and x that consistsof two sub-arcs, a beginningat x and i j 1 i tangent to the center bundle and a ending at x and tangent to stable one 2 j (seeFigure1). For k large enough we obtain that f¯nk(a 2) is a very long stable curve, f¯nk(a 1) is contained in a leaf of F˜ cu and the extremes of f¯nk(a ) are a dis- tancelessthan e (seeFigure2). f¯n(a ) F¯cu(f¯n(x )) 2 1 f¯n(a ) 1 f¯n(x ) 1 f¯n(x ) 2 FIGURE 2. f¯n(a ) Standard arguments offoliationtheory implythat there is a closed curve transverse to F˜ cu which implies the existence of a Reeb component which is, as it is well known (see for instance [3, 14]), impossible. This finishes theproofofTheorem1.1. 10 F.RODRIGUEZHERTZ,J.RODRIGUEZHERTZ,ANDR.URES REFERENCES [1] M. Brin, D. Burago, S. 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