CENTERF ORC REATIPVHOTEO GRAPHY THEU NIVRESITOYF ARIZONAT UCSON NUMBER JULY 85721 12 1980 W EUGENSEM ITH EarWloyr k Contents DirecSttoart'esm ent 3 W.E ugeSnmei 1t9h3:8 -1951 5 byW illJioahmn son GenSem iAtP he:r sNoontael 21 byJ ohMno rris Portfolio AS eleocfPt hiootno graphs byW .E ugeSnmei th LiosfPt l ates 80 ThWe. E ugeSnmeiA trhc hive 85 AcquisHiitgiholnisg ht 86 RobFerratn k byS usEa.Cn o hen Acquisitions 88 JanutahrryoJ uugn1he9 79 W.E ugeSnmei th 97 AC hronoBliobgliicoaglr aphy 1934-P1a9Ir7 t9 , byW illJioahmn son CENTERF ORC REATIPVHEO TOGRAPHY isar esepaurbclhi coafpt rieovni uonupsulbyl oirsu hneidqm uaet e rifarlo tmh ceo lleicntt hiaeor ncsh oiftv heCese ntfeoCrrr eaPthiovteo grSaupbhsyc.ra inprdte inoenw al rat$e2:(0 U SA),($f2o5r efiofigrvn ie)s sBueasci.ks sauveasi lAadbdlreie.ns qsu iarnisdeu sb scrtiop:t ions CentfeoCrrr eatPihvoet ogrUanpihvye,or fsA irtiyz ona, 84E3a sUtn iverBsoiutlye vTaurcds,Ao rni,z o8n5a7 19. CenftoeCrrr eaPthiovteo graphy UniveorfAs riitzyo na Copyri1g9h8t0© ArizBoonaaor fRde gents AlRli gRhetsse rved PhotogbryWa .Ep uhgse Snmei th Copyri1g9h8t0© byT hEes taWt.eE uogfeS nmei th GenSem iAtP he:r sNoontael byJ ohMno rris Copyr©i 1g9h8bty0J ohMno rris PhotogbryRa opbhFesrr atn k Copyr©i 1g9h8bt0yR obFerratn k RobFerratn k byS usEa.Cn o hen Copyr©i 1g9h8bt0yS usEa.Cn o hen Thipsu bliicssau tpipoonbr yat g erdaf nrtot mh e atiEonndaolw mfeotnrhtA e r tafs e,d aegreanl cy. BACKC OVER: FRONCTO VER: W.E UGENSEM ITuHn:t icta1l.9e 3d5,. "WE.u geSnmeia tbho tahrUed. SB.uSn.kH eirl1 l9,4 3." (Nootnbe a cokfp hotog"r1a9Cp3hh1e: v y stalPlheodt ographer unknown. aetd goeflf o otdhd aets trMcoCyoeBodkr ei dge neWairc hKiatnasc,aa 1s.9, 3 5. FriEednwda Arrdm stirnco anrg. ") DirecSttoartse ment � THISI SSUOEF T HEC ENTER'PSU BLICATIONh umansiutryr ouawn odironkfag r t. Y idse vottaose edl eocfWt .iE oung eSnmei th'Isw istehox pgrreaststi Motr ehM no rris earplhyo togtrhamepa hjsoo,r fwi htiyhc ahv ew hhoa wsr itftoterhn ii sssa pu eer sroenmaelm nevbeerep nu bliosrsh ebeeednf boytr hepe u blibcr anocfhe il si feflroinegn adnswdho irpk ing ors choAl faerowsft . h iem agheasva ep pearreedl atiwointSshmh iitTphh .ec losoefnt ehsast inp rionntli ynt hoer igpienrailo fdoircr aellsa tiiorsne sflheiicnptS emdi tdhe'ssi gnation whitchhe wye rper odubceetdw1 e9e3an9n d befhoirdsee aotfMh r M.o rarsei xse coufht iosr 195E1v.ew ni tthhp eu bliocfta htpiiosor nt foelsitIoaa s thoa cknowtlhetedr geem en of9 9i magleests,hs a tnep ne rcoefSn mti thd'osuo sr ganizeafftoairnotdmn oanlt ohfrs e masteriwnto hrCeke sn taerrc'hwsii vhleal v es eawrhcihWc ihl lJioahmn dseovno ttote hde beepnr esefnoatrpe pdr eciation Samnidat rhec vhiainolv ruedat etomri a oktneh. pi usb lication Thissi mpmelaytn hsta htre e seaanrsdct hu dpyo ssAisabr leeso.uhf li rtse sehaehr acwshr itten ofW .E ugeSnmei atsah n a rthiabssat r beelya fi nees soanSy m ith'csa reieanper hrlo yt ogra gu,na ntdh oantoe ft hCee ntperri'oswr iiltlip ehsya ndc ompitlhemedo setx tenSsmiivteh bet aoi sdc hoalnasdrt su dienant thso raonudg hb ibliotgor adTpahhtiiyess . so ufte hC ee nter's compilnetvee stoifSg maitatinhohd ni w so rkp ubliicnactlituohdfineer hssa tol ftf h bei bliog ovtehrce o miynegaI rnas d.d ittoui noknn owrna pwhhyi pcehr ttatoih ynees a crosv ebryte hde imagtehSsem, i atrhc hailvcseoo n taaniu nnsp ortafnotdlh ieeos sTahyer. e maionftd heer surpansusmebodefo r f tuenni qeuxea mpolfe bsi bliowgirblaelpp uhbyl iassash uedp plement Smitmho'swste lkln owpnh otographst.oaf utiusrsoeuft e hC ee ntpeurb'lsi cation. Thaet tenmdaitnegri inta halers c hsiuvceh Thiiss siusoe,fc ourssueb,s talnatrigaelrl y asn egatciovnetssah,cec teo trsr,e spaonndd tehnamcnoe s,it s soufoe uspr u blicaaswt aitsoh ne, notperso vainud nee quoaplpeodr tausdn oi tpyr,e viisosduuesev ottoe dM arMgartehtIehnre . eacohft hCee ntaerrc'hsti osv teuspd,ey r sobnoatlch a saeg sr afnrto tmh Nea tioEnnadolw attiatnuwddo ersk mientgh iondr se lattoi moenn ftot rh Aer tmsa dteh eex panded format finiswhoerdkA slt.lo oof twerni thtiesnt oproys sWihbilsleue.cs hi zeiasbswluieerl sel m ain musdte petnoacd e retxatiuenpn octno ntemtphogeo afloo ru pru blicbaatsoienodo n ust side rarcyo njeocfpt eurrsemo ontailiv nre esl atfiuonnd ainndsg u bsitdhieweyis la,ll sroe main toas urvifvaoicront bg j neoctttom , e nttihoene xcepwtiitohtnihssne e ries. sorteelsytt eemdp toaftb iootcnhr itaincdi smF inaIlw loyul,li dtk oee x praepspsr eciation histtoomr aykt eh eev idfiettn hcteeh eoArry.t oM inneBtutregP eusb,l ications Coordinator, chisvuecashst hWe. E ugeSnmei ctohl lecwthigoou ni tdhecidos m pilsesoxufo e up ru blication shosuulbds talnetstishaepelno l tyef notsriu aclht hropurgohd ucctoimopnl ettoi on. problwehmipslr,eo viadttih sneag mt ei mdeoc umentfaotarini o nnc reased ocfto hnes iderationJ AMESL .EN YEART 3 AUTHORN'OST E w. of EugeSnmei tahra'tns od fh ipsu blic ONE OF THE CRUCIAALS PECTS carweaehsri i sn sitshthaeitnws ca ens o atna rotfb rililnidainvptih doutaol grabpuhatsna rotft hceo herent Hpihison tsoi-osenttse hsneac yer. i ghts and responosfit bhiel ipthioettsooc gornattprhfhoeoel rro m ft hper esentation of hiosw pnh otogiprsaa orpfSth m si th'sa npdha iorsfStt m oirtlyhe 'gse nd. Durihnilgsi feStmiimwteahn,s e vaebrtl ope u bltihfseuh pl hlo etsos ays ahs ep hotogtrhaeapmnh tdeh de rtehfleoa rrepg oersttoi fho ipnsh otographs arneo ktn elt lhp eu bliasnuhdne pdu blpihsohteodgi rnta hpeh s W.E ugeSnmeiA trhc haittvh Ceee nftoeCrrr eaPthiovteo gwreardperh ayw n togeatnhsdee rae sanb odoyfw orske vfearcatls becaFmiert shatep, p arent. "kno(win."e . publisahreaedt )i fnSryma icottfthi h otenio mtbaaoglde ys ofh iesx celleInnot t hwweoorrr Sdkms.i, dt ihnd o mta kaef edwo zen "beau tiful" pahnotdth oogursoaafpin hndsds i ffpehroetnotg Srmaipmthahsd .e manhyu ndorf"e bdesa utiful-"m apnhoyofw t hoihgcarhvna eep vhbeser e n sepeunb licly. Thweo rokfa rftoS rm iwtahts h ees saanynd,o a tn pya rtiicmualgaers v iosuosmelesy s,aa rfyeasm r o reex teannddes/dou rc ctehsasnf ul othbeurhtsev , e sreyl tdhoomu igtnh etro mtfsh " es inigmlaeag"net d;h n eu m beor"f i soilmaatigehnedi s"ws o ritks i incnyo mpatrtoih sseio oznhfe i o se uvre. Smidtihhda avh ei gdhelvye lnoaprersdae tnaisnvhedeec ouplutdto gether numboefir msa gaerso uapn adr titcoupilinaacm r a nntehrwa atcs o herent, meanianngedfx uplr,e Tshsimisev aetn.hsh a etc outladpk heo togorfta hpeh s gralnadn dasncodaft p hete e ldleitnaagswi elal,spl h otogorfta hpeh sp articu laorfes v eanntadsc ttihowanetsrp el aoyueitdnt hsep abceet wteheotnsw eo extrTehmgeer so.ou fpp sh otogtrhaSapmthi csth ho tsoee n laarnmgdeo unt frohmit so tal ocfon lelgeaoctntia vinpeoyasn r titcoupdliouac sr u aclolnys ti tuatp eo werfullcyo memxeupnprotetn sh tsaoitpv Fieoc mr.a jeosrs haey s, ofteennl aarngmdeo du nsteevdhe urnadlpr heodt ogtrorae pphrhsei scseo nnt ceptoifto henas ts Iawtya .ns o utn usfuoSarml i ttoch o nsmiadnecyrr opping variaantmdia onnlysa yd-eosuiftgo enras oc fhh iess sTahyaesm .o uonfmt a te ritahlraset m aiintn hsAer chdievmeo nstthrhaaetht aesdsp ehnutn droef ds houirncs a repfauiln satsaskeisnosgfmm aennoytft hpeo ssviabrliea tions of presenotfea atceihso sna y. WheInm entaip oanr tipchuoltaor-t ehsaisrsat yIiu csilunear lelfye rence thpeu blivsehresodift o hnea sts Haoyw.e vmeycr o,m meanrbteas s oentd h e experoifte hnleca er mgoerrce,o mprehaenn(dsi minyv o ep,i ngiroena)t er esstahySa mti htihm,s peulttfo ,g ether. W.J. 4 W EugenSem it1h9:3 8-1951 altehriissno gc,si taalst huisf ftrionmmgi nor crafttsomm eadnsi taa r. �IN THELb AyTWE i1 9l3ltJ0ihosUae hn min tsSetodanw t aess Undetrh epsree sstuhvreoe csa,b tuhlaatr y � comionugot ft hdee epeecsotn odmeipcr edsefintehsdet yolfte r adinteiwposhn oatlo gra siionin t hsi stAonrdwy,h. i le opfdo icsktertpeshs ybs e gtaonfl uxa nds hiPfrte.v itohuesl y, ancd hasotsei xlils tthecedo ,u nwtarsfiy l lerdi gocroomumsi ttmope rnetst ehsneut b jaesc t witahb rawlsiennogsfe e n erTghyes. u ddeinn formcaotuipotlnote, hdl e i mitoaft itohnes exploisniptouonb liocfal tairognep -iscitzuaerw ek wacrudm,b erpsroecmsaesm etrhaaesvn a il magazsihnaersae nddr efletchtaeetdn ergayb.lh eap,dr oduadc ierdre ecctso trydSl ueb.j ect Lifien'ssta anandmt a zpionpgu sluacrcw easss w aasl -li tpsr esenatssa itmipaoslpn eo ssible. quicfkollyl boywa fle odo odfs imipluabrl iOcnaea spoefcc ht anwgaets h ien jeocftt ihoen tiosnusca hsL ooFkl,a sFho!c,uP so,tC ol,i cks,t yolfce o mmeprhcoitaolg irnattphophe ry e vi KenP,i Pei,c tSuereae,nso ,dt hwehrissc oho no usmluyn danneewp sh otogArnadsp thyi.ln e launicnhpterodi nt. thbee csotm meprhcoitaolg orfta hdpeah wyya s Thebsrea rsahwd,,e mocarnaedtx itcr aoarh diigsht yalsep,it raoir antng fld a vowriettdhh e narviiltmyaa lg azwienrpeeas c kweidth hu nspiocfEe u ropCeoanns truscptuoinuv itin s m dreodfps h otog-rpahpohtso gorfaa npyhtsh aeb ruapntg,uc lrairas,npa d,b oavl"elm od thiannged v eryPtohliinttgui.rc maiolnti hle e rnp"r esenotfa t"tiNhoeenw s- Objectivity" FaEra sact h,o rmiankee's-seu cprt ehlteas t,e msotv emoeftn hte 1T9h2eb0 escs.ot m mercial discoovfse crii-eenascl wele rhee ludpt ot hep hotogruaspithnhegsir tssy i lnte h ciosu ntry publeinct'rsag naczeed. werEed waSrtde icAhnetnoB,nr uePhalu,l Ana vrieda d(oe rpr e,r hmaoprasec curaOtuetleyr barnMidad rgMteui nnk aMcuscoihft. h e ana vildo okceorup)lr do bsaebwele ylo lv ear photogirnta hpehnsyee wm agazwiandsey s thoupshaontdo geraacmphoh ns1t T hh.eislel unsamiecx,c iatnifidnl gl,we idtt hhm eo vement tramtaegda zwienreaesl stoa kionnag n ew necetsocs aatrtcyheh ey a en hdo ltdha et tention. dimenistnih goeen n esroacslit arlu cwtiutrheisnM argaBroeutr ke-aWy hoiutnpegh,eo rt og thceo unTthreywy.e rpei ckuipna cg e rtarianp whhedori sptlhamiyiseox dff orimnatle rest ene-rgbye com"ihno-gta "n wde reev olvainnndge wswosrutbhjiyenh c eetra rwloyrd ke, inftoor caegfeunlwc iitehtsih sneo cmiaatlr ivxe loipneotdnoo e fp hotojou"rsntaoalfri ss"m 's thtahtre eyp ourptoeVnde. rq yu icLkilfpyeh o thadte caAdnee .v eyno unpgheort ographer tograapnhodet rhswe oruslc do mmaantdt ennameWd.E ugeSnmei atlhps roe sepnhtoetdo tion, coaonepdve eronab teidoifner notcmhe e g raopfmh isn gclreids apnnadec ststi hosanot o n wortlhdta hter yep oarbtoeIudwtt a .as n a ctiavtet raatctteenwdti itthoh net ierc hnpiecraflec scefinlel,we idtt hhp eo tefnotcrih aalna gned tiobne,a uctoimfpuols aintsdie ononsfm e o ve expanTshiero onol.fet hpeh otojowuarsn d miorfMe arr tMiunn kaScmsiit,h 5 wass kilelaegaden,ra d c tiHvitesa. l weanst h ew orkaesad f reeplhaontcoeg rapher associ obvihoiuessn ,e ragmya zainnhdgi esn thuastiewdi tthhB el aSctkPa hro atgoe nIcwtya .s aswma isn fecBtyti hoteui smh.eew atsw entayt imoefh ecatcitci evniotryme,on uesra gnyd, onhee,w assu cceasnsmdfo,ur le over, ibmemgeidnsinuaictnfcegeo Ssrms i Wtiht.h tiwnyo e ars tobe d iscwuistswheo dn dbeyhr ip se e2 rs. hiwso rwka psu blishmeodr tehw aifintf ht y Smibtehg pahno togrwahpihalithen i gs a rtiicntl heUesn itSetda tCeasn,aS doau,t h WichKiatnash,ai sgs hc hiotnoh lee a rtlhyi ncEdau rope. Hew orkpeadr t-ftotirhm Weei chnietwas Thiwso rokf taepnp eaasras e idn igmlaeg e papaenridsn 1 93w4h,eh new a1s6 h,ip sh otoora sas maglrlo oufpp h otoglroaopcshlesul sy graoptfhh sde r ouagphpte iatnrh eNede wY orkt eraerdo uasn idm tphleemT ehn.ea touftr hee TimBeyst .ht ei hmeeh agdr adufartohemid g ha ssignamnetdnh tes fooftr hmpeau tb lications schhoeow laa sl refiaxdeoydn a p hotogrparpehviecacn toehdef roecniutnhs iw so rakn tdh e careAefrts.ei rmx o ntahtts h Uen iveorfs idtoymi nsatnrtei nnhg itesah r wloyri kts h e sense NotDraem weh,e hreme a dseo m1e, 4p0h0o toofv itality antdh watateds ci hsnpilcaayle ds kill grapthhisen, i tial opfLu ibdflreie hcwia mt iwointt hhiienn diviimdaugTaealsk .ae sang roup, tNo ewY orVke.rq yu ichkebl eyg taown o raks howeavv eerlr,ay r agncedo mpbloedoxyfw ork an ewpsh otogrHaipsh Ntre wswamsa ddeu ritnhgpi esr iIotwd l aimed weewka bsr iaenffdr olma1 t9et3 8h ro1u9g4h3t hahtem adaep proxi5m0a,tn0ee0lg0ya tives befWoorrelW da rI 3I . In1 93h9es, i ganr eedt acionnettrrwo ao crtk fotrw woe eokusot fe acmho nftohLr i fWeh.i le workfionLrgi fceo nfeernroerdmp oruess tige anmdu shta vper oviSdmeiwdti ht ahs trong feeloifsn agt isftahwceot riikoni n t,s wealsf rather limitpirnigm,ao rfsic ilonyng slies ting imaogrem si neosrs Dauyrsi.1n 9g4S 1m,iw tahs alloaws eldi gbhrtolasydc eoorpf ae c tainodn heb egtaopn r odauf celewa rsgteorsr uicaehss "PriTsuorntnsoS poPrrtosg r(aLmisMf,ae"y, 51,9 4a1n)"d W omePnr'iss o(nLsiO,fc"et6 ,., 194H1o)w.e vtehres,st eow reirseetsr i ellla tively minaonrwd e roef tmeinx weidts hm alslpeor, radaiscs ignAmfettnehtries n .i fltuisaohfle x citefmreonamtc tuwaolrlkyai tnL gi fhea d fadSemdi,st ehe tmohs a vseo ognr orwens tless witthhl ei mitoafht iidsou nttsih eesr e. Fro1m9 4t10o9 4t2hw,eo rSkm iptrho duced foArm eriMcaagna zainnide,np artiCcoullar, liMeargsa zwiansie,na, s enmsoer,ce o herent SeS,e8p-t1.129,3 9. thana Ltti hmfaaetg azIinfn i,st ehe ms 6 toh avbee coamlem aod setf acsttoap ffh otogSmisttha ttome edi nc onvertshahatitis o n rapfhoeCrro lldiuerri1sn9 g4a 1n 1d9 4p2r,o timaetP arawdaaesh aptpiymf eoh ri ma,n d ducipnhgo togfroatrph hamsta gazailnmeo stth awta tsih tet rheha etl earhnoewtd op utto weekTlhyel. i mitwaitttihho ainrs r angegmeetnahtc e orh eprheontto Tehfesa scsateyse.t m o watsh Caotl liefrrse qmuuoessneottdn l loyyn e,b eltihseee choanoldftf h set ateamshe ehn atd, orab te asv te freypw h otogfroearap achrhs t icaller.ep ardoyd uanc uemdb oefcr o hesrteonrti es Thepsheo togwrearupesh epsdr imaarsii lllyuf soLri afneCd o llNieevresr.t ihmtea lyhe asvse, trattioto hnCeso lltieexartnsssd e ldom bceoetnnh aattP arahdese e nmsoerdoe ft hcer e veymeudc whe ighmte aonrwi intght ihne matipvoes sibtihlatitht peih eost ogrhaapdh er, ea touftr heae r tiicllleuss twriattthehicdeno ntoefmx atk iapn hgo sttooA rnyd. weroef treant mhuenrd atnoep,it crailv,i ahle c earntdha aiadnm luyc h ffionrefuromt r hd ei s ultimiartreilttyoaS tmiintgh . ploafhy i wso rski,nh cewe a asb tlopeu blains h extennduemdbo effir f teteotn w enpthyo to grapohnos n seu bjweecldtli, s plaalymeods t bi-weienafik vloeyrs ipxa glea yion1u 9ta4 n2d duritnhfiger psator ft1 943. Duritnhgfie r sftey we aorfis te sx istence, Paramdaeg azuisnepedh otogmruacmphoh rye frequaennwdti ltayhm ucghr eaetmeprh asis thaidnto teosd Aat yy.p iiscswauoleu c lodn tain onoer t weox ten"dneadr rpahtoistvtoeo "r ies oft etnto w enpthyo togarntadhp rehes m ainder oft hsep awcaefis l lweidts hh orptheosrtt oo ries ors inigmlaeg es. Morseot hamna noyft hoet hmearg azines, Paraadcec eapv teerhdyi glhe voefml a nipula tioofin t fse atsutroeTr hieessste.o wreirfeers e quenitnle yff,es chto,nr atr rasttipivilecl t ure "filsmc riupstusab"la lsoyena dt heor"erteiacla l lisfiet"u Aas ttioocrnoy.n cweoputbl ewd r itten anbdl ocokubetyda ne diotfotrpe,rn o fessional modewlosu bledh iraendod,n o ccaesvieonn ColliMearrsc,1h 9 472,. exaschtoa tn gwloeusbl edw orkoeudbt e fore thpeh otogwreantpttoh helero caTthipeoh no. Att his point, pwriothbhia sbt loyg rfwaropuuhtslshtd ebr neae tdeidat siet fdh ,ew ye rae junsitoarat Ltu isfa enc,de rtbaeicnolmdyii nsgfi lmf,om ra ximvuims iumaplan catr,r caotive satiwsifittehhda e u thoritaroifta hna ths etrreuancnctddyur ,ra emp arteisce ntation. magazSimnieqt,uh iL ti fien1 94I1na. s hortA tP araSdmei,lt eha rtnove adrh yis photo timheeb, e gtaown o rfkot rhn ee welsyt ablgirsahpeshdti aicnno c redt edore vehlivosop c abulary weekmlayg azPianrea de. ofi magfiersmu, ph ipsa cianngid,n crheiass e 7 ParaJdue5l,1,y9 42. f1fi\1· ·UIMiiI