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Cenocoelius huggerti, the First Record of the Subfamily Cenocoeliinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from Africa PDF

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Preview Cenocoelius huggerti, the First Record of the Subfamily Cenocoeliinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from Africa

HYM. RES. J. Vol. 14(1), 2005, pp. 92-95 Cenocoelius hitggerti, the First Record of the Subfamily Cenocoeliinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from Africa Kevin M. Pitz and Michael Sharkey J. S-225 Agricultural Science Center North, Department of Entomology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40546, USA; email: [email protected] — Abstract. A new species of cenocoeliine braconid, Cenocoelius huggerti Pitz and Sharkey sp. n. is described from a single specimen collected in the Gambia, Africa. This represents the first species of Cenocoeliinae described from the Afrotropical region. The subfamily Cenocoeliinae is relative- key, diagnoses, and descriptions must be ly small with approximately 65 described used to understand his generic concepts. species (Achterberg 1997, Braet and Ach- Preliminary phylogenetic analyses (Pitz, terberg 2001). The few cenocoeliines with in prep.) suggest other genera within the known biologies are koinobiont endopar- subfamily, though morphologically dis- asitoids ofxylophagous Coleoptera larvae, tinct, render Cenocoelius and Capitonius mainly in the Cerambycidae and Curcu- paraphyletic. We place the African species lionidae (Scolytinae) but to a lesser extent in Cenocoelius based on the lack of char- in the Buprestidae and other Curculioni- acteristics that would place it in Capitonius dae (Saffer 1982, Shaw and Huddleston (vertex depressed medially and ratio of M 1991). Species of cenocoeliines had been veins +Cu:l-M of hind wing 1.2-2.1) or recorded from all continents of the world any of the other small, morphologically with the exception of Africa (Achterberg distinct genera of Cenocoeliinae. 1994) until the discovery of Cenocoelius MATERIALS AND METHODS huggerti Pitz and Sharkey sp. n. Although cenocoeliines are now known to be cos- Generic identification was accom- mopolitan, they are predominantly found plished using Achterberg's (1994) key to in the neotropics. the genera ofCenocoeliinae. The specimen Placement of this African species was was compared to original descriptionsand hindered by the poorly defined genera of determined specimens of Cenocoelius to es- Cenocoeliinae. Most species of Cenocoeli- tablish that it represents a new species. inae are placed in the genus Cenocoelius. In Morphological terminology used fol- the most recent revision of the genera, lows that of Sharkey and Wharton (1997). Achterberg (1994) re-instated the genus All photographs were taken using a JVC Capitonius; he formally transferred two KY-F75 3CCD digital camera attached to a species to this genus, though he asserted Leica MZ-16 stereoscope and were pre- that a majority of New World cenocoeli- pared using an Auto-Montage® imaging ines belong to Capitouius (Achterberg system. With no 1997). phylogenetic analysis pre- sented, Achterberg (1994) proposed suites Cenocoelius huggerti Pitz and Sharkey of characters to differentiate the genera, — sp. n. but he did not posit autapomorphies for Etymology. Named after Lars Huggert, the genera. Without this framework, his the recently deceased Swedish entomolo- Volume 14, Number 1, 2005 93 Figs 1-3. Cenocoelius huggerti holotype female. 1, lateral habitus. 2, dorsal view of head. 3, lateral view of head. gist and collector of the only known spec- broken, 15 flagellomeres remaining on left imen of this s—pecies. and 11 on right, each flagellomere with Description. Holotype Female (Fig. 1). two to three rows of longitudinal plac- Length: 4.9mm. Color: body mostly me- odes; median ocellus in antenna] scrobe, lanic except testaceous as follows: fore tib- lower than lateral ocelli; vertex smooth, ia, fore tarsus, mid and hind tibiae apical- with moderately dense weak punctures ly, mid tarsus except basal tarsomere; and setae laterally; antennal scrobe deeply wings hyaline. Head (Figs 2-4): antennae impressed, extending to lateral ocelli, ver- 94 Journalof Hymenoptera Research tex flat to convex; lateral carina bordering antennal scrobe reduced, ending immedi- ately anterior to lateral ocellus; median la- mella of antennal scrobe sharp anteriorly and posteriorly, flattened over mesal third, protruding slightly above scrobe; face and clypeus smooth with moderately dense punctures and setae; ventral margin of clypeus with one medial tooth. Meso- soma (Figs 5-6): pronotum with small oval pronope, subpronope absent, rugo- sopunctate anteriorly, with rugose trans- verse depression across entire width with numerous longitudinal carinae, smooth Fig. 4. Cenocoelius huggertiholotype female,anterior with moderate punctation posteriorly;me- view of head. soscutum punctate to foveate on anterior Figs5-7. Cenocoeliushuggertiholotypefemale. 5,lateral viewofmesosoma.6,dorsal viewofmesosoma.7,wings. Volume 14, Number 1, 2005 95 surface, medial lobe with large irregular ACKNOWLEDGMENTS fovea and moderately dense setae, lateral lobes mostly smooth with sparse setae; We thank J. Huber of the Canadian National Col- lection for loaning us this specimen. This research notauli meeting slightly anterior to trans- was funded by NSF grants DEB-0205982 and EF- scutal articulation, with perpendicular ca- 0334945 and supported by the University of Ken- rinae that create mostly large oval cells in tucky, Department of Entomology. Thanks to D.A. notauli; scutellar sulcus with four fovea; Potterand twoanonymousreviewersfortheircritical scutellum smooth with moderately dense remarksonpreviousversionsofthismanuscript.This setae; propleuron rugosoareolate with is paper number 04-08-138 of the Kentucky Agricul- ture ExperimentStation. moderately dense setae; mesopleuron with fovea on posterior border and dor- LITERATURE CITED somedially, otherwise smooth with mod- erately dense setae; sternaulus complete, Achterberg,C. van. 1994. Generic revisionofthesub- composed of single row of large fovea; family Cenocoeliinae Szepligeti (Hymenoptera: metapleuron and propodeum irregularly Braconidae).Zoologische Verhandelingen292: 1-52. rduegnosseoasreetoael;atmee,diwailthfamcoedoefrahtienldycodxeansweittho AchteMPrp.b.eJ.r1g8S,5h-a1Cr.9k2evyia,nn:.eWdsh1.9a9rM7ta.onnuS,uablRf.oafAm.it,hleyP.NCMee.wnoMcWaooerrlslidhingaaenned-. well defined depression angled anteroven- era oftheFamily Braconidae (Hymenoptera).Special trally, ending ventrally just anterior to publication of the International Society of Hy- middle of coxa, without carina anteriorly; menopterists. No.l. 439 pp. tarsal claws each with quadrate basal lobe. Braet, Y. and C. van Achterberg. 2001. New species Wing (Fig. 7): crossvein r-m of forewing oifnateh)eagnedneCrhaelFooneunsomPoarnpzhearS(zCehpelligoentiina(eC)en(oHcoyemlei-- present, seconMd submarginal cell present; noptera: Braconidae), from French Guiana, Suri- ratio ofveins +Cu:l-M ofhind wing3.3. name, and Brazil. Zoologische Mededelingen 75: Metasoma: first median tergite with two 103-118. strong carinae basally, otherwise smooth; Saffer, B. 1982. A systematic revision of the genus second and third median tergites smooth; Cenocoelius (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) in North length of first median tergite 1.5 times its Amomleorgiicczanein52c:lu7d3i-n1g67.Mexico. Polskie Pismo Ento- apical width; length of ovipositor:length Sharkey, M. and R. Wharton. 1997. Morphology and of forew—ing ratio approximately 0.80-0.90. Terminology. Pp. 19-38 in: Wharton, R. A., P. M. Notes. —Right hind wing glued to point Marsh and M.J. Sharkey,eds. Manualofthe New Biolog—y. Unknown World genera of the Family Braconidae (Hymenop- Male. Unknown tera). Special publication of the International So- Material examined.—Holotype female: ciety of Hymeonpterists. No.l. 439 pp. Shaw, M. R. and T. Huddleston. 1991. Classification W[est] Africa: Gambia, Bakau, 19.1.1978, L. and Biology of Braconid Wasps (Hymenoptera: Huggert. Deposited in Canadian National Braconidae). HandbooksfortheIdentificationofBrit- Collection. ish Insects 7(11): 1-126.

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