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Preview Cellular Symmetry Breaking during Caenorhabditis elegans Development

Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on January 4, 2023 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Cellular Symmetry Breaking during Caenorhabditis elegans Development EdwinMunro1andBruceBowerman2 1CenterforCellDynamics,FridayHarborLabs,620UniversityRd,FridayHarborWA98250 2InstituteofMolecularBiology,UniversityofOregon,1370FranklinBoulevard,Eugene,Oregon97403 Correspondence:[email protected] The nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans has produced a wellspring of insights into mechanismsthatgoverncellularsymmetrybreakingduringanimaldevelopment.Herewe focuson twohighly conserved systemsthat underliemanyof thekeysymmetry-breaking events that occur during embryonic and larval development in the worm. One involves the interplay between Par proteins, Rho GTPases, and the actomyosin cytoskeleton and mediatesasymmetriccelldivisionsthatestablishthegermline.Theotheruseselementsof theWnt signalingpathwayand ahighlyreiterativemechanism that distinguishesanterior fromposteriordaughtercellfates.Muchofwhatweknowaboutthesesystemscomesfrom intensive study of a few key events—Par/Rho/actomyosin-mediated polarization of the zygoteinresponsetoasperm-derivedcueandtheWnt-mediatedinductionofendoderm atthefour-cellstage.However,agrowingbodyofworkisrevealinghowC.elegansexploits elements/variants of these systems to accomplish a diversity of symmetry-breaking tasks throughoutembryonicandlarvaldevelopment. Over the past few decades, the C. elegans then ensures differential inheritance of these embryohasbecomeapremieresystemfor potentials. With respect to cell fates, the studyingcellularsymmetrybreakinginadevel- output of these asymmetric divisions is amaz- opmental context. During C. elegans develop- ingly diverse, yet the embryo seemsto accom- ment, nearlyeverydivision producesdaughter plish this diversity through variants of a few cells with different developmental trajectories. conserved symmetry-breaking systems. Thus In some cases, these differences are imposed the C. elegans embryo provides an exceptional on daughters before or after division through opportunitytoexplorenotonlythecoremech- inductive signals, but many of these divi- anismsunderlyingcellularsymmetrybreaking, sions are intrinsically asymmetric—an initial but also how evolution can reconfigure these symmetry-breaking step creates polarized mechanismstododifferentbutrelated jobsin distributions or activities of factors that multiplecontexts. control developmental potential. Registration In this review, we focus most of ouratten- of the cleavage plane with the axis of polarity tion on two conserved systems that together Editors:RongLiandBruceBowerman AdditionalPerspectivesonSymmetryBreakinginBiologyavailableatwww.cshperspectives.org Copyright#2009ColdSpringHarborLaboratoryPress;allrightsreserved. AdvancedOnlineArticle.CitethisarticleasColdSpringHarbPerspectBioldoi:10.1101/cshperspect.a003400 1 Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on January 4, 2023 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press E.MunroandB.Bowerman account for much of the cellular asymmetry center to form the first mitotic spindle. The observed during C. elegans embryogenesis. asymmetrically localized Par proteins in turn The first, which is best known for its role shape the distributions of cytoplasmic factors in the early asymmetric cell divisions that thatspecifydifferentdevelopmentalpotentials. segregate germline from the soma, involves a They also shape the distributions of cortical complex interplay between Par proteins, Rho- factors that position the mitotic spindle, and familyGTPases,andtheactomyosincytoskele- thusthefirstcleavagefurrow,tosegregatecor- ton.Interestingly,theembryoexploitselements rectly developmental potentials to unequally of this same system to break symmetryduring sizeddaughters. Theselatereventsarecausally cleavage furrow specification and to establish downstream of the symmetry-breaking mech- apicobasal polarity in early embryonic cells anismandhavebeenextensivelyreviewedelse- and in the first true embryonic epithelia. The where (Cowan and Hyman 2004a; Munro second system we focus on involves an 2006; Goldstein and Macara 2007; Galli and unusual application of WNT signaling path- van den Heuvel 2008). Here we focus on the way components and is used reiteratively initial symmetry-breaking events that shape throughoutembryonicandlarvaldevelopment cortical polarity in response to the sperm to distinguish anterior and posterior daughter cue.WefocusonC.elegansbutalsociteregula- cell fates. Rather than comprehensively review tory interactions known from work in other these systems, we highlight topics not exten- organisms. sivelycoveredinotherreviews. AsymmetricContractionandCorticalFlows SYMMETRYBREAKINGINP0 SegregateCorticalFactorsto EstablishCellPolarity The study of cellular symmetry breaking in the C. elegans zygote (called P ) dates back to The outline of a mechanism for symmetry 0 the discoveries of germline P granule segre- breaking in P has emerged in the last few 0 gation and the partitioning-defective mutants years (Figs. 1 and 2). Near the end of meiosis, (Strome and Wood 1983; Kemphues et al. the cortex is essentially unpolarized. The ulti- 1988)in the 1980s. The P0 zygote polarizes in mately “anterior” Par proteins (Par-3, Par-6, responseto atransient cueassociatedwiththe and Pkc-3) are distributed throughout the centrosomes/microtubule organizing center cortex, where they are required to prevent (thespermMTOC)thatformsnear thesiteof accumulation of Par-1 and Par-2, probably sperm entry about 25min after fertilization, through phosphorylation of Par-1 and Par-2 following meiosis (Goldstein and Hird 1996). by Pkc-3 (Benton and St Johnston 2003; Hao Acting on an essentially unpolarized cell, the et al. 2006). Actomyosin contractility drives sperm cue triggers a rapid reorganization of transient focal contractions throughout the the cell cortex, accompanied by the de novo cortex, which concentrate F-actin and myosin enrichmentofconservedpolaritydeterminants intofociwithacharacteristicspacingof (cid:2)2–3 known as Par proteins within complementary mm that then disassemble or disperse, with anterior and posterior cortical domains. The lifetimes of (cid:2)60 s (Munro et al. 2004). These PDZ domain proteins Par-3 and Par-6 and focalcontractionsareassociatedwithandpre- the atypical protein kinase PKC-3 localize to sumably drive local membrane invaginations. the anterior cortex, whereas the serine/threo- Movement of the sperm MTOC toward the ninekinasePar-1andtheringdomainprotein cortex causes a rapid local cessation of focal Par-2 localize to the posterior. These cortical contractility and an asymmetrical contraction asymmetries are subsequently maintained as oftheremainingactomyosinnetwork,causing the female pronucleus migrates to meet the a flow of cortical actomyosin toward the malepronucleusintheposteriorofthezygote, opposite (future anterior) pole. These flows and asthey move together toward the zygote’s transport Par-3/Par-6/Pkc-3, causing their 2 AdvancedOnlineArticle.CitethisarticleasColdSpringHarbPerspectBioldoi:10.1101/cshperspect.a003400 Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on January 4, 2023 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press CellularSymmetryBreakingduringCaenorhabditiselegansDevelopment Fertilization t ~ 25 minutes Myosin II Par-3/Par-6/Pkc-3 Rho-1 F-actin Par-1 Par-2 Cdc-42 Establishment of cortical asymmetries A B C Figure1.Corticalrearrangementsunderlyingsymmetry-breakingandpolarityestablishmentinP0.(A)The symmetry-breaking cue is associated with the microtubule organizing center (the sperm MTOC: Gray, nucleus; cyan, centrosomes; yellow, microtubules) that forms near the site of sperm entry at the end of meiosis (cid:2)25 min after fertilization. Near the end of meiosis, a cortical network containing F-actin (blue) andnonmusclemyosinII(orange)drivesfocalcontractionsandcorticalruffling.Signal(s)fromtheMTOC locally inhibit contractility, inducing asymmetrical contractions and cortical flow that segregate focal contractionsandrufflingintoananteriorcapboundedontheposteriorbyadeeptransientfurrowcalledthe pseudocleavage furrow.(B)ThesameflowconcentratesPar-3/Par-6/Pkc-3(green)withintheanteriorcap, removinganinhibitoryinfluence(seetextandFig.2)thatallowsPar-1andPar-2(red)toconcentratewithin a complementary posterior domain. (C) Cortical flows also segregate Rho-1 and Cdc-42, leading to their concentrationwithinananteriorcap.Anterioristotheleftinthisandallsubsequentfigures. enrichment within an anterior cap and their assemblyinvitro(seevanderGuchtandSykes depletion from the posterior cortex. This in 2009 and Mullins 2009). It may also govern turn allows Par-1 and Par-2 to associate with symmetry-breakingprocessesunderlyingdirec- the cortex in a complementary posterior tional actin-dependent motility of endosomes domain. In addition to cross-regulating one (Taunton et al. 2000), chromosomes (Li et al. another, the Par proteins also feedback to 2008), and the episodic myosin-dependent modulateactomyosindynamics,corticalflows, collapse of the cell cortex that underlies shape andthustheirownredistributionsinwaysthat oscillations in cellular fragments (Paluch et al. arestillnotwellunderstood(Fig.2). 2005). How does the sperm cue work mechani- However, acute mechanical rupture seems cally? One possibility is that it triggers the anunlikelyexplanationforsymmetrybreaking mechanical rupture of a prestressed cortical in P . Direct observations fail to reveal a pro- 0 network, leading to the rapid discharge of nounced depletion of F-actin near the sperm storedmechanicalstress.Thistypeofmechan- MTOC. This is inconsistent with mechanical ical instability is thought to drive symmetry rupture of the actin networkandsuggeststhat breaking and directional motility of beads new actin filaments must rapidly assemble to coatedwithagentsthatpromoteactinfilament replace any that flow away from the sperm AdvancedOnlineArticle.CitethisarticleasColdSpringHarbPerspectBioldoi:10.1101/cshperspect.a003400 3 Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on January 4, 2023 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press E.MunroandB.Bowerman Passive cortical transport Cortical flow Contractile Par-3 actomyosin Par-1/Par-2 Rho-GTP Ect-2 Par-6 Pkc-3 Cortex/PM Cytoplasm Par-3 Par-1/Par-2 Myosin II Actin Rho-GDP Ect-2 Par-6 Pkc-3 MTOC MTOC Figure2.FeedbackinteractionsunderlyingsymmetrybreakingduringpolarityestablishmentinP0.Parproteins and GTPases associate dynamically with the cortex/plasma membrane. F-actin and myosin II organize a contractilenetworkthatgeneratescorticalflows,whichtransportactomyosin,Par-3/Par-6/Pkc-3,andsmall GTPases(onlyRho-1isshownhere).The“anterior”and“posterior”Parproteinscross-inhibitoneanother’s cortical association to help enforce complementarity. The Par proteins and small GTPases also feedback to modulatecorticalcontractilityandthustheirownredistribution. MTOC. Likewise, focal contractions persist as longer than the lifetimes of its elements. the cortex flows toward the posterior (Munro Therefore cortical flows that establish polarity etal.2004).Theaveragedurationofafocalcon- probably represent the response of a viscous traction((cid:2)60s)isshortrelativetotheperiodof material to a persistent gradient of contractile corticalflow((cid:2)8min),andtheactinfilaments tension, rather than the one-time discharge of and myosin II that accumulate locally during aprestressedelasticmaterial. each contraction disappear rapidly when the A likelysourceof thistension gradient is a contractionterminates.Thusthecorticalacto- sustained gradient of Rho activity. Indeed, myosin network turns over rapidly relative to severalrecentstudieshaveshownthatfocalcon- the timescale of cortical flow, consistent with tractility and cortical flows require RhoA, and observations in other cells (Theriot and that the onset of cortical flows is associated Mitchison 1992; Watanabe and Mitchison with, and requires, a local inhibition of RhoA 2002). Such a network would dissipate stored in the vicinity of the sperm MTOC (Jenkins elastic stress as its stress-bearing elements— et al. 2006; Motegi and Sugimoto 2006; actin filaments, cross-linkers, and myosin Schonegg and Hyman 2006). This inhibition motors—turnover, and therefore should is associated with local cortical depletion of a behave like a viscous material on timescales Rho GEF called Ect-2 in the vicinity of the 4 AdvancedOnlineArticle.CitethisarticleasColdSpringHarbPerspectBioldoi:10.1101/cshperspect.a003400 Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on January 4, 2023 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press CellularSymmetryBreakingduringCaenorhabditiselegansDevelopment sperm cue (Motegi and Sugimoto 2006). occurrence and kinetics of polarity establish- Depletion of Ect-2 requires functional centro- ment (Tsai and Ahringer 2007); zygotes with somes,butnotactivecontractility,makingita smaller asters took longer to establish cortical prime candidate for mediating the initial polarity. An attractive scenario is that centro- symmetry-breaking cue. It has also been somes(ormeioticchromosomesinthecaseof suggested that this inhibition requires a Rho polarity reversal) produce a polarity-inducing GAPcalledCyk-4,whoseactivitymaybelocal- signal,andthatmicrotubulearrayshelptotrans- izedbythedepositionofpaternallysynthesized mitthatsignaltothenearbycortex,suggesting mRNA/protein during sperm entry (Jenkins thattheasterisnormallyinvolvedintransmit- etal.2006). ting a signal to the cortex, if not in producing that signal. Although it is also possible that microtubules could exert a direct mechanical WHATISTHECUE? effectonthe cortex,this remainsto beshown. The identity of the cue(s) that trigger polari- Clearly, further progress in this area will zation, and whether this cue involves micro- depend on identifying molecular components tubules,hasbeenanongoingcontroversy.With of the cue beyond those factors required to the possible exception of Cyk-4/RhoGAP form mature centrosomes and nucleate a (Jenkinsetal.2006),mutantsthatfailinpolarity spermaster.Thesehavenotturnedupthusfar establishmenthaveturnedouttoencodemater- in genome-wide screens, perhaps because of nally supplied factors associated with centro- pleiotropicorredundantgenerequirements. some assembly and maturation (O’Connell et al. 2000; Hamill et al. 2002; Cowan and ATHRESHOLDFORTRIGGERING Hyman2004b),andUVlaser-inducedablation POLARITYESTABLISHMENT? of centrosomes can prevent polarity establish- ment (CowanandHyman2004).Thuscentro- Some symmetry-breaking systems require a somes, or something closely associated with polarizing cue. Others can spontaneously them,arerequired.However,theonsetofpolar- break symmetry in the absence of any cues, izationcoincideswiththeoutgrowthofacentro- oftenbyamplifyinglocalstochasticfluctuations somallynucleatedmicrotubulearray(thesperm in the concentrations of participating mol- aster),andthusithasbeendifficulttoseparatea ecules.Inthesecases,polarizingcues“choose” requirementforcentrosomesthemselvesfroma the axis of symmetry breaking. C. elegans requirement for the microtubule aster they zygotes in which centrosomes are ablated produce. Indeed, several groups have shown genetically (Munro et al. 2004) or with a UV that when meiosis failsor is slow tocomplete, laser(CowanandHyman 2004b)show normal the acentriolar meiotic spindle can induce the focal contractility but do not spontaneously formationofreversed,butstillcomplementary, breaksymmetry.Localcorticalflowsassociated distributions of the Par proteins, actomyosin, withfocalcontractionsimplylocalgradientsof and some, but not necessarily all, cytoplas- cortical tension (i.e., that spaces between foci mic determinants (O’Connell et al. 2000; represent “weak spots”), and yet these do not Wallenfang and Seydoux 2000; Sonneville and spontaneously self-amplify to produce global Gonczy 2004; Cowan and Hyman 2006; Tsai contractileasymmetry.Thissuggeststhatthere andAhringer2007).Initialstudiesofembryos is a threshold level of inhibition that the cue depleted of b-tubulin by RNAi suggested that must exceed to trigger symmetry breaking. neithernormalnorreversedpolarityinduction This could either be a threshold in the inhi- requires intact microtubules (Cowan and bitiondomainsize,thedurationofinhibition, Hyman 2004b; Sonneville and Gonczy 2004). or both. In wild-type embryos, polarityestab- However,recentworkfromtheAhringergroup lishment is associated with the appearance documented a strong correlation between the and progressive growth of a smooth posterior presence and size of the sperm aster and the domain, which lacks focal contractions and AdvancedOnlineArticle.CitethisarticleasColdSpringHarbPerspectBioldoi:10.1101/cshperspect.a003400 5 Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on January 4, 2023 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press E.MunroandB.Bowerman cortical ruffling and contains high levels of Measuring these quantities should be an im- Par-2. Interestingly, when centrosomes are portantgoalforfuturestudies. laser-ablated after the smooth domain has Like Rho, the small GTPase Cdc-42 be- formed,thedomaincontinuestogrow—again comes anteriorly enriched during polarity supporting the existence of a threshold establishment in a manner that depends on (CowanandHyman2004b). cortical flows (Fig. 1C) (Aceto and Kemphues Whatisthenatureofthisthreshold?Growth 2006; Motegi and Sugimoto 2006; Schoenegg of the smooth domain coincides with a pro- and Hyman 2006). Cdc-42 is subsequently gressive depletion of both Rho and Ect-2/ required to maintain cortical actomyosin and RhoGEF from the posterior (Jenkins et al. Par protein asymmetries (Gotta et al. 2001; 2006; Motegi and Sugimoto 2006), implying Aceto and Kemphues 2006; Schonegg and thegrowthofazoneofrelativemyosininactiv- Hyman 2006; Motegi and Sugimoto 2006, ity. This depletion itself depends on myosin Velardeet al. 2007). However, Cdc-42’s role in contractility and cortical flow, implying a polarityestablishmentitselfhasbeenlessclear, feedback loop: Local inhibition/depletion of in part because of a difficulty in assessing the Rho promotes cortical flows that transport complete loss of function phenotype. Unlike Ect-2 and Rho away from the posterior, for Rho, strong depletions of Cdc-42 only leadingtothefurthergrowthofazoneofRho weaklyeffectcorticalflowduringpolarityestab- depletion/inhibition (Fig. 2). Likewise, in lishment, but strongly inhibit cortical recruit- wild-type embryos, the smooth Par-2-rich ment of Par-6/Pkc-3 (Motegi and Sugimoto domain grows progressively during polarity 2006; Schonegg and Hyman 2006; Aceto and establishment. Previous work suggests that Kemphues2006).ThusCdc-42maybeinvolved, Par-2 acts locally to inhibit myosin II recruit- atleastindirectly,incouplingcorticalflowsand ment (Munro et al. 2004), again implying a Par protein transport (Schonegg and Hyman, feedback loop: Local accumulation of Par-2 2006), but how this works physically remains promotes contractile asymmetries that drive tobedetermined. flows and transport factors (Par-3/Par-6/ Pkc-3) that inhibit Par-2 accumulation, thus WHATPOSITIONSANDSTABILIZES promoting growth of an inhibitory Par-2 THEAPBOUNDARY? domain. These observations suggest the attractive A key feature of polarization in P is that the 0 possibility that the threshold for triggering a response to the sperm cue is self-limiting— self-amplifying asymmetry is associated with rather than contract itself right off the end of the formation kinetics of local Rho-depleted the egg, the asymmetrical contraction “stalls” and/orPar-2-rich/myosininhibitorydomains. about halfway across to form stable anterior Simple mathematical analyses show that such andposteriordomains.Howmightthiswork? feedback loops could endow the cortex with a Studies in a variety of cells suggest that cross- thresholdresponse(Munroetal.unpublished). inhibitory interactions between anterior Whetherornottheyactuallydosodependson (Par-3/Par-6/Pkc-3) and posterior (Par-1/ quantitative details: Cortical flow speeds will Par-2) Par proteins implement a kind of depend on the relative magnitudes of contrac- winner-take-all competition, in which either tileforcesthatdrivecorticalflowandtheeffec- Par-3/Par-6/Pkc-3 or Par-1/Par-2, but not tiveviscousresistancetoflow;corticalexchange both, can occupy the cortex locally (Benton rates for key factors and the efficiencyof their andStJohnston2003;Haoetal.2006;reviewed couplingtocorticalflowwilljointlydetermine in Munro 2006). Such a mechanism could dy- how rapidly cortical flows either concentrate namically maintain a local boundary between inhibitors (Par-2) or deplete activators (Rho/ complementaryanteriorandposteriorPardo- Ect-2), and whether and how rapidly this mains. By transporting Par-3/Par-6/Pkc-3, zone of inhibition becomes self-amplifying. cortical flows would tend to move this 6 AdvancedOnlineArticle.CitethisarticleasColdSpringHarbPerspectBioldoi:10.1101/cshperspect.a003400 Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on January 4, 2023 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press CellularSymmetryBreakingduringCaenorhabditiselegansDevelopment boundary toward the anterior. Thus the posi- cross-inhibitory interactions, the Par proteins tion of the boundary will be shaped by the mustfeedbacktoregulatethebalanceofcortical magnitude andextent of cortical flow.Indeed, forcesandtheirownredistribution.Thenature inhibiting contractility during polarity estab- ofthisfeedbackisnotyetknown,butamecha- lishment causes the AP Par boundary to shift nistic explanation of how the zygote converts to the posterior (Shelton et al. 1999; Cuenca local inhibition of contractility into a pair of et al. 2003), whereas increasing Rho activity stable cortical domains must integrate a sys- and presumably contractile forces causes the tem of feedback loops involving the interplay boundary to shift to the anterior (Schmutz between local biochemical regulation, cyto- etal.2007;Schoneggetal.2007).Interestingly, skeletaldynamics,andcytomechanics. if centrosomes are ablated after a symmetry- breaking threshold is reached, then the AP CORTICALACTOMYOSINSYMMETRY boundary never extends as far as it does in a BREAKINGDURINGCYTOKINESIS wild-typeembryo;iftheboundaryhasreached its maximal extent before ablation, then it Recent work highlights interesting parallels shifts back posteriorly (Cowan and Hyman betweenpolarizationoftheanterior–posterior 2004b).Thissuggeststhatapersistentlocalinhi- axis and cleavage furrow specification in P . 0 bition of contractility near the sperm cue may During cytokinesis, the mitotic apparatus alsocontributetopositioningtheboundary. signals to the cell cortex to specify the site of However, biasing the strength of contrac- contractile ring assembly. In P0, this involves tility cannot alone explain the ability of the two classically defined modes of signaling— cortex to adopt a stable boundary position. A equatorial stimulation and polar relaxation. mechanicallystablepositionfortheAPbound- The key pathway for equatorial stimulation ary implies either an absence of force or a involves the highly conserved centralspindlin balance of equal and opposite forces. If the complex, formed by a kinesin-6 motor anteriorcortexismorecontractilethanthepos- (Zen-4/Mklp-1) and a Rho GAP (Cyk-4/ teriorcortex,asimpliedbytheasymmetricdis- MgcRAC-GAP). In many other cells, central- tribution of myosin II, focal contractility, and spindlin locallyactivatesthe Rho GEF (Ect-2/ cortical ruffling, then some other mechanism RhoGEF)tospecifyanequatorialzoneofhigh must supply a balancing force. One general Rho activity (Somers and Saint 2003; Yuce possibilityisthattheanteriorand/orposterior et al. 2005; Nishimura and Yonemura 2006). cortex contains elastic or viscoelastic material The molecular mechanisms underlying polar that passively resists deformation. Initially, the relaxation have been more elusive, but recent contractile forces must dominate resistive work in C. elegans (Werner et al. 2007) and forces to allow symmetry breaking to occur, othercells(FoeandvonDassow2008;Murthy buttheneithertheresistiveforcemustincrease, and Wadsworth 2008) points to a key role for orthedifferencebetweenanteriorandposterior astralmicrotubulesinshapingthedistribution contractileforcesmustattenuate,astheanterior ofsignal(s)thatlocallyinhibitRho-dependent domain contracts and the posterior domain myosin recruitment/activation at anaphase, expands. There are many variants of this biasing cortical contractility to the equator, scenario, and it is premature to speculate where the density of astral microtubule plus on the underlying molecular mechanisms. endsmaybelow(DeschantandGlotzer,2003). Significantly, mutating anterior Par proteins InC.elegans,theastralandcentralspindle leads to a posterior shift in the AP boundary, pathways function redundantlyduring normal whereas mutating posterior Par proteins leads cytokinesis, but it has been possible through to a posterior shift in par-2 mutants and an physical,genetic,andpharmacologicalmanip- anterior shift in par-1 mutants (Kirby et al. ulations to isolate and resolve their individual 1990; Cuenca et al. 2003; Munro et al. 2004; actions within the same cell (Hird and White Velarde et al. 2007). Thus in addition to 1993; Bringmann and Hyman 2005; Motegi AdvancedOnlineArticle.CitethisarticleasColdSpringHarbPerspectBioldoi:10.1101/cshperspect.a003400 7 Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on January 4, 2023 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press E.MunroandB.Bowerman etal.2006;Bringmannetal.2007;Werneretal. (Fig. 3E). This is followed by an asymmetric 2007; Baruni et al. 2008). Studies of cortical contractionofthecortex,corticalflows,andthe actomyosin dynamics and furrowing in these formationofasingletransientdeeplyingressing manipulated embryos reveal parallels between anterior furrow that resembles, at least super- cortical responses to astral signals during ficially, the pseudocleavage furrow that forms furrow induction and the sperm cue during during polarity establishment (Werner et al. polarity establishment (Fig. 3) (Hird and 2007).Interestingly,corticalflowsandfurrowing White 1993; Werner et al. 2007). In wild-type inresponsetothespermMTOCcueandtopos- C. elegans embryos, and in mutant embryos teriorized spindles at anaphase share similar lacking functional centralspindlin, anaphase requirements for Rho and Ect-2, and similar onsetcoincideswithaburstofcorticalmyosin dependencies on factors that regulate myosin recruitment (Werneretal.2007).Thisrecruit- II activity (e.g., let-502/Rho Kinase and ment is biased to regions that are relatively Mel-ll/phosphatase) oractin assembly(Cyk-1/ devoidofmicrotubuleplusends—theanterior Formin)downstreamofRho.Moreover,pertur- cortexandabroadequatorialdomainthatpre- bationsthatinhibitpseudocleavageoranterior figuresthe contractile ring (Fig. 3C) (Dechant furrow formation in embryos with posterior- and Glotzer 2003; Werner et al. 2007)—and ized spindles also inhibit furrowing during newly recruited myosin concentrates within normal cytokinesis in embryos lacking Zen-4 foci that are similar in size and spacing to (Bringmannetal.2007;Werneretal.2007). those observed during polarity establishment. These datasuggest that underlying normal When partial inhibition of astral microtubule cytokinesis, as proposed by White and Borisy assembly leads to the formation of a small more than 25 years ago (White and Borisy posteriorly localized spindle, anaphase myosin 1983),isanabilityoftheactomyosincortexto recruitment occurs everywhere except in a re- amplify crude asymmetries imposed by astral gion surrounding the posterior spindle inhibition into more sharply focused zones of Polarity Normal Posteriorized establishment cytokinesis spindles A C E B D F Figure 3. Similarities between polarity establishment, normal cytokinesis, and cytokinesis in embryos with posteriorized spindles. (A) During polarity establishment, signals from the sperm aster inhibit focal actomyosincontractions,triggeringcorticalflowsthatresult(B)informationofanactomyosin-richanterior cap, bounded by a single deep transient pseudocleavage furrow. (C,D) At anaphase in wild-type embryos, myosin-rich foci accumulate in regions that are relatively devoid of astral microtubules—on the extreme anterior cortex, and in an equatorial zone that prefigures the contractile ring. (D) As furrowing proceeds, corticalflowscarrycorticalmaterialtowardandintothedeepeningfurrow.(E)Atanaphaseinembryoswith posteriorized spindles, astral signals inhibit accumulation of myosin-rich foci at the posterior cortex, resulting in cortical flows, formation of an anterior cap, and formation of a single transient “cleavage furrow.”(F)Asecondcentralspindlin-dependentfurrowformsmidwaybetweenthemitoticasters. 8 AdvancedOnlineArticle.CitethisarticleasColdSpringHarbPerspectBioldoi:10.1101/cshperspect.a003400 Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on January 4, 2023 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press CellularSymmetryBreakingduringCaenorhabditiselegansDevelopment contractile activity. In wild-type embryos, this which produces one daughter that contributes ability is supplemented by direct equatorial only to soma, and another that produces the stimulation via the central spindle pathway. germline. Interestingly, the Par proteins segre- Although Borisyand White envisioned ampli- gateinto complementarydomains beforeeach fication through flow-mediated reorientation of these divisions (Fig. 4A–C) (Boyd et al. ofcorticalmicrofilaments,itisalsopossible— 1996; Etemad-Moghadam and Kemphues perhaps more likely—that amplification is 1995; Guo and Kemphues 1995; Hung and mediated through cortical transport of fac- Kemphues 1999; Tabuse et al. 1998). At least tors (e.g., Ect-2/GEF, RhoA, Anillin, Cyk-1/ for the secondgermlineprecursordivision (of formins) that promote local myosin recruit- P1) (see Fig. 4B), this is preceded by a move- ment/activation or actin filament assembly ment of the centrosomes and nucleus of P1 andcross-linking. towardtheposteriorpole,andisaccompanied by cortical flows of actomyosin and Par-3/ Par-6/Pkc-3towardtheoppositeanteriorpole SYMMETRYBREAKINGAND (HirdandWhite1993;Munroetal.2004),sug- ESTABLISHMENTOFSIMPLEAPICO-BASAL gestingareiterativeuseofthesamesymmetry- POLARITYINEARLYSOMATIC breakingmechanisms. BLASTOMERES Incontrast,beginningatthefour-cellstage, The asymmetric division of P is the first in a thesomaticdaughtersmanifestanewasymme- 0 series of four asymmetric divisions, each of try in which Par-1 and Par-2 accumulate on P0 AB P1 P2 P3 EMS MS E A B C D GTP cell–cell GTP Cdc42 contact Pac-1 Cdc42 Par-6 Pkc-3 Par-2 Cortex/PM Cytoplasm Pac-1 Cdc42 Par-6 Pkc-3 Par-2 E GDP Figure4.Establishmentofapico-basalParasymmetriesonsomaticblastomeres.(A–D)Schematicoverviewof Parasymmetriesinearlyblastomeres.Intheone-cell(A)andtwo-cell(B)stages,Par1/Par2areenrichedonthe posteriorcortexofgermlineprecursorsP0andP1,whereasPar-3/Par-6/Pkc-3areenrichedontheanterior cortex. At the early four-cell stage (C), Par-1/Par-2 are enriched in newly born somatic blastomeres on domains of cell–cell contact and at the cortex of the germline precursor P2, whereas Par-6/Pkc-3 are enriched on all somatic cell boundaries. By the seven-cell stage (D), Par-6/Pkc-3 have disappeared from domains of somatic cell contact. (E) A pathway for establishment of apico-basal polarity downstream of cell–cell contact (based on Anderson et al. 2008). The Rho GAP Pac-1 accumulates on somatic cell–cell contacts, where it promotes the conversion of Cdc-42 from an active membrane-bound to an inactive cytoplasmicform.RemovalofCdc-42fromcellcontactsresultsinalossofcorticalPar-6/Pkc-3;thisinturn allowsPar-1/Par-2toaccumulateatsomaticcell–cellcontacts(seeAndersonetal.2008fordetails). AdvancedOnlineArticle.CitethisarticleasColdSpringHarbPerspectBioldoi:10.1101/cshperspect.a003400 9 Downloaded from http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/ on January 4, 2023 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press E.MunroandB.Bowerman “basolateral”domainsofcontactbetweenadja- zygote) does not abolish cortical localization cent blastomeres, whereas Par-3/Par-6/Pkc-3 of Par-3 (Gotta et al. 2001; Beers and accumulate on the outer noncontacting Kemphues 2006). One possibility isthat Pac-1 “apical” domains (Nance and Priess 2002). acts through additional GTPases, such as Rho Failure to properly establish and maintain itself.Interestingly,theestablishmentofapico- these asymmetries is associated with defects basalpolarity isaccompaniedbycorticalflows in the ingression of endoderm progenitors of actomyosin toward the center of the apical during early gastrulation (Nance et al. 2003). domainwherePar-3/Par-6/Pkc-3becomecon- Blastomereisolationandrecombinationexper- centrated(Gottaetal.2001;Nanceetal.2003; iments showed that these asymmetries depend Munro et al. 2004). Thus in principle, cortical on, and can be induced by, cell–cell contacts. flows triggered by local inhibition of Rho As in P0, Par-3/Par-6/Pkc-3 are required to could establish Par-3 asymmetries as observed exclude Par-1 and Par-2 from noncontacting in the zygote,but this remainsto be tested. In surfaces (Nance and Priess 2002; Nance et al. summary, the establishment of apico-basal 2003). However, whereas removal of Par-1 or polarityinsomaticcellsappearstouseadiffer- Par-2 results in loss of cortical Par-3/Par-6/ ent cue but an overlapping set of molecules Pkc-3asymmetriesinP0, ithasnodiscernible and interactions, compared with anterior– effect on these later apico-basal asymmetries posteriorpolarityestablishmentinP . 0 ofPar-3/Par-6/Pkc-3. Recently, a Rho-GAP called PAC-1 was APICO-BASALSYMMETRYBREAKINGIN identified thataccumulatesspecificallyon sur- EMBRYONICANDPOSTEMBRYONIC faces of cell–cell contact and is required for EPITHELIA apico-basalasymmetry(Andersonetal.2008). In pac-1 mutants, Par asymmetries in P are The mechanisms that establish apico-basal 0 normal but in somatic blastomeres Par-3/ polarity in C. elegans epithelia are beginning Par-6/Pkc-3 are uniformly cortical, whereas toreceiveattention(Labouesse2006).Epithelial Par-2 and Par-1 are absent from domains of structuresinC.elegansincludethegastrointes- cell–cell contact. Although Pac-1’s Rho GAP tinaltubethatrunsthelengthofthebodyand domain has activity toward Rho, Rac-1, and the spermatheca, a polarized epithelium that Cdc-42 in vitro, it appears to act through formsa highlydistensible valve andlinks each Cdc-42.LossofCdc-42insomaticblastomeres gonadal arm to acommon uterus in the adult results in complete loss of Par-6/Pkc-3 from, hermaphrodite (reviewed in Hubbard and and the accumulation of Par-2 onto, domains Greenstein 2000; Schneider and Bowerman ofcell–cellcontact.Expressingaconstitutively 2003). Sperm reside in the spermatheca, and active form of Cdc-42 in the same cells forces oocytes sequentially transit through them accumulation of Par-6/Pkc-3 (and loss of during ovulation and fertilization. Finally, the Par-2) at cell–cell contacts without affecting embryonic epidermis polarizes and ultimately Pac-1 localization. This latter effect depends encloses the embryo, after the completion of onasemi-CRIBdomaininPar-6thatmediates most cell proliferation at the so-called bean binding of Par-6to activeCdc-42(Acetoetal. stage. Contractile forces generated by the 2006).Together,thesedatasupportamodelin actomyosin cytoskeleton within the epidermis which Pac-1 inactivates Cdc-42, releasing then promote the morphogenetic squeezing Par-6/Pkc-3 from cell–cell contacts, and thus and elongation of an initially oval mass of allowing Par-1 and Par-2 to accumulate there embryoniccellsintoalong,thinworm(Priess (Fig.4E). andHirsh1986). HowPac-1accumulatesspecificallyatcell– In each of these polarized C. elegans cell contacts, and how Pac-1 excludes Par-3 epithelia, we are only beginning to identify from cell–cell contacts, remains unclear mechanisms that break symmetry during the because removal of Cdc-42 (at least in the establishment of apico-basal polarity. Proper 10 AdvancedOnlineArticle.CitethisarticleasColdSpringHarbPerspectBioldoi:10.1101/cshperspect.a003400

Cortical rearrangements underlying symmetry-breaking and polarity establishment in P0. (A) The .. By the seven-cell stage (D), Par-6/Pkc-3 have disappeared from domains of binding of Par-6 to active Cdc-42 (Aceto et al. 2006).
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