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Cellular Neural Networks: Dynamics and Modelling MATHEMATICAL MODELLING: Theory and Applications VOLUME 16 This series is aimed at publishing work dealing with the definition, development and application of fundamental theory and methodology, computational and algorithmic implementationsandcomprehensive empirical studiesinmathematical modelling.Work on new mathematics inspired by the construction of mathematical models, combining theory andexperimentand furthering the understanding of the systems being modelled areparticularly welcomed. Manuscripts to be considered for publication lie within the following, non-exhaustive list of areas: mathematical modelling in engineering, industrial mathematics, control theory, operations research, decision theory, economic modelling, mathematical programmering, mathematical system theory, geophysical sciences,climate modelling, environmental processes, mathematical modelling in psychology, political science, sociology andbehaviouralsciences,mathematical biology,mathematical ecology,image processing, computer vision, artificial intelligence, fuzzy systems, and approximate reasoning, genetic algorithms, neural networks, expert systems, pattern recognition, clustering, chaos andfractals. Original monographs, comprehensive surveys as well as edited collections will be consideredfor publication. Editor: R.Lowen (Antwerp,Belgium) EditorialBoard: I.-P.Aubin (Universitede ParisIX, France) E.Jouini tUniversiteParisIX -Dauphine, France) GJ. Klir(NewYork,U.S.A.) P.G.Mezey (Saskatchewan, Canada) F.Pfeiffer (Munchen,Germany) A.Stevens(Max Planck InstituteforMathematics inthe Sciences, Leipzig, Germany) H.-I. Zimmerman(Aachen, Germany) Cellular Neural Networks: Dynamics and Modelling by Angela Slavova InstituteofMathematicsandInformatics, BulgarianAcademyofSciences,Sofia.Bulgaria Springer-Science+Business Media, B.V AC.LP.Cataloguerecord forthisbook isavailable from theLibrary ofCongress. ISBN 978-90-481-6254-3 ISBN 978-94-017-0261-4 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-0261-4 Printedonacid-freepaper AllRights Reserved ©2003SpringerScience+ßusiness MediaDordrecht OriginallypublishedbyKluwerAcademicPublishersin2003. Softcoverreprintofthehardcover Istedition2003 Nopartofthiswork maybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmitted inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,microfilming,recording orotherwise,without written permission from thePublisher,withtheexception ofany material suppliedspecificallyforthepurposeofbeing entered andexecutedonacomputersystem,forexclusiveusebythepurchaserofthe work. Contents Preface IX 1 Basic theory about CNNs 1 1.1 Introduction to the CNN paradigm 1 1.1.1 Architecture of linear CNNs 4 1.1.2 Architecture of nonlinear and delay CNNs 7 1.1.3 Architecture of multilayer CNNs 10 1.2 Main types of CNN equations 12 1.2.1 State equations 12 1.2.2 Output equations 16 1.2.3 Dynamic range of a CNN 18 1.3 Theorems and results on CNN stability 20 1.3.1 Stability of a linear CNN 22 1.3.2 Stability of a general CNN 33 1.4 Examples 41 2 Dynamics of nonlinear and delay CNNs 49 2.1 Nonlinear CNNs 50 2.1.1 Hopfield Neural Networks 50 2.1.2 Nonlinear templates in CNNs 53 2.1.3 Stability of a CNN with nonlinear templates 57 2.1.4 Dynamics and stability of a CNN with output equation of integro-differential type 61 2.1.5 Topological degree analysis of a nonlinear CNN 66 2.2 CNN with delay 74 2.3 Examples 80 v 3 Hysteresis and chaos in CNNs 85 3.1 CNNs with hystersis in the feedback system 85 3.1.1 Stability of the equilibrium points of a CNN with hysteresis 87 3.1.2 Periodic solutions in the hysteresis region 91 3.2 Nonlinear CNNs with hystersis in the output dynamics 93 3.2.1 Stability and dynamics 94 3.2.2 Example of a two-cell autonomous CNN 100 3.3 Feedback and hysteresis 102 3.3.1 Hyperbolic CNN with hystersis 106 3.4 Control of chaotic CNNs 110 3.4.1 Bifurcation and chaos in CNNs 110 3.4.2 Discrete-continuous control of chaotic CNNs 113 4 CNN modelling in biology, physics and ecology 118 4.1 Modelling PDEs via CNNs 119 4.1.1 One dimensional CNN and PDE 122 4.1.2 Symmetric CNN and PDE 123 4.1.3 Antisymmetric CNN and PDE 125 4.2 CNN model of Sine-Gordon equation 127 4.2.1 CNN modelling 128 4.2.2 Dynamics of the CNN model 129 4.2.3 Stability of the periodic solutions 133 4.2.4 Classical solution of Sine-Gordon equation 135 4.3 CNN model of FitzHugh-Nagumo equation 137 4.3.1 CNN modelling 138 4.3.2 Dynamics of the CNN model 139 4.3.3 Propagation of solitary waves in the CNN model 143 4.4 CNN model of Fisher's equation 148 4.4.1 CNN model of one-dimensional Fisher's equation 148 4.4.2 CNN model of two-dimensional Fisher's equation 150 4.5 CNN model of Brusselator equation 154 4.5.1 Comparison with the classical results 157 4.6 CNN model of Toda Lattice equation 159 4.6.1 Dynamics of the CNN model 161 4.6.2 Solitary waves in the CNN model 163 4.7 Lotka-Volterra equation and its CNN model 166 VI 5 Appendix A. Topological degree method 168 6 Appendix B. Hysteresis and its models 175 6.1 Hysteresis Phenomena 175 6.1.1 Hysteresis operators 180 6.1.2 Mathematical models of hysteresis operators 182 7 Appendix C. Describing function method and its application for analysis of Cellular Neural Networks 189 References 203 Index 217 vii Preface Conventional digital computation methods have run into a se rious speed bottleneck due to their serial nature. To overcome this problem, a new computation model, called Neural Networks, has been proposed, which is based on some aspects ofneurobiology and adapted to integrated circuits. The increased availability of com puting power has not only made many new applications possible but has also created the desire to perform cognitive tasks which are easily carried out by the human brain. It become obvious that new types ofalgorithms and/or circuits were necessary to cope with such tasks. Inspiration has been sought from the functioning of the hu man brain, which led to the artificial neural network approach. One way of looking at neural networks is to consider them to be arrays of nonlinear dynamical systems that interact with each other. This book deals with one class of locally coupled neural net works, called Cellular Neural Networks (CNNs). CNNs were intro duced in 1988 by L.O.Chua and L.Yang [27,28] as a novel class of information processing systems, which posseses some ofthe key fea tures of neural networks (NNs) and which has important potential applications in such areas as image processing and pattern reco gnition. Unfortunately, the highly interdisciplinary nature of the research in CNNs makes it very difficult for a newcomer to enter this important and fasciriating area of modern science. The pur pose of this book is to give an introduction to the mathematical modelling and analysis of networks of neurons from the viewpoint of dynamical systems. It is hoped that this book will provide an introduction to several popular mathematical models of CNNs, as well as to some well-known results and recent developments in the theoretical study of the dynamics of the related mathematical mo dels. This book can be used as a textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate students in applied mathematics. The level of ex position assumes a basic knowledge of matrix algebra, topology, ordinary and partial differential equations and dynamical systems, and an effort has been made to make the book as self-contained as possible. The first part of this book (Chapter 1) presents the basic theory of CNNs. A survey of the theorems and results on CNN stability ix is given. Some new results of the author concerning the dynamics of nonlinear CNNs are presented in Chapter 2. Fundamental pro perties of these networks are studied such as dynamical behavior of CNNs with different types of nonlinearity in the feedback circuit, stability, bifurcations and chaos arising in these networks. In the second part (Chapter 3) of the book we explore how the approximate techniques can be used, and we study their degree of reliability. Several results on this subject in this chapter have been obtained by the author [128,129,131,132,141]. Some new methods for studying such phenomena as hysteresis, bifurcations and chaos are presented. Famoustheorems, likethe Poincare-Bendixson Theo rem valid so far only for two-dimensional systems or the Central Manifold Theorem, have been recently extrapolated or applied to arrays of locally connected first-order differential equations. Ano ther point of interest is the study of their steady-state solutions and their spatial complexity. A systematic and rigorous theory of lattice of differential systems is emerging, to which some results of this book will contribute. The equations governing CNN dynamics are very similar to a spatial discretization of nonlinear partial dif ferential equations, encountered for instance, in reaction-diffusion systems which can model pattern formation mechanisms in chemi cal reactions or biological growth. This is a new trend in CNN applications and the author proposes, in Chapter 4, several CNN models ofequations coming from biology,genetics, neurophysiology, physics, ecology, etc. Acknowledgements are due to many persons that, in different ways, helped the author in carrying out the research work presented in this book. Especially to Prof. P.Zecca and Prof. P.Nistri for the discussions about harmonic balance method used for investigation of CNN dynamics. Some of the results in this book were presented during the author's visits at University of Florence. The author wishes to thank to Dr.E.Litsyn and Dr.G.Agranovich for the joint work on the discrete- continuous control of chaotic CNNs. Finally I am grateful to my family for the patience and support. x

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