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Preview Cell Separation. Methods and Selected Applications, Volume 4

Cell Separation METHODS AND SELECTED APPLICATIONS EDITED BY THOMAS G. PRETLOW II AND THERESA P. PRETLOW Institute of Pathology Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio VOLUME 4 1987 ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers Orlando San Diego New York Austin Boston London Sydney Tokyo Toronto COPYRIGHT © 1987 BY ACADEMIC PRESS. INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDING. OR ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Orlando, Florida 32887 United Kingdom Edition published bx ACADEMIC PRESS INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24-28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DX Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data (Revised for volume 4) Cell separation. Includes bibliographies and indexes. 1. Cell separation—Collected works. I. Pretlow, Thomas G. II. Pretlow, Theresa P. III. Cheret, A. M. [DNLM: 1. Cell separation-Methods. FFD 26: B] QH585.5.C44C44 1982 574.87'028 82-13949 ISBN 0-12-564504-X (v. 4 alk. paper) PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 87 88 89 90 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Preface In 1975, we published a general review of methods of cell separation. Because of the interest in this review, we planned a sabbatical year to write a book with the same scope. Between the writing of the first review (1973-1974) and the attempt to write a book (1977-1978), the references to be cited increased from somewhat more than five hundred to somewhat more than seven thousand. Our bibliography pertinent to this methodol­ ogy was expanding at a rate of two to four dozen articles weekly, and we were compelled to face the fact that it was no longer feasible for one or two authors to address this area adequately. The rapid growth in this area led us to plan this multivolume, multiauthored treatise. In approaching this work, it was our goal to select critical authors with considerable personal familiarity with the design and/or application of methods for the separation of cells. Rather than attempt comprehensive reviews, they were asked to address relatively finite subjects and to in­ clude sufficient references to direct those readers who want more infor­ mation to the appropriate sources. We have attempted to address this work to a heterogeneous audience of experimental oncologists, hematolo- gists, immunologists, cell biologists, endocrinologists, and others who are not already expert in the use of methods for cell separation. We are grateful that most of those invited to contribute to this work found the time to do so, and we hope that their critical, quantitative approaches to problems in cell separation will stimulate new investigators to examine critically many of the "accepted" methods for cell separation. THOMAS G. PRETLOW II THERESA P. PRETLOW xi Chapter 1 Separation and Characterization of Liver Cells HXKAN PERTOFT AND BXRD SMEDSR0D Department of Medical and Physiological Chemistry, University of Uppsala, Biomedical Center, S-751 23 Uppsala, Sweden I. Introduction The liver plays a central role in the metabolism of the body. Blood perfusing this organ is effectively monitored by the sinusoidal lining cells [Kupffer cells (KC) and liver endothelial cells (LEC)] which take up and degrade a variety of substances such as bacteria, endotoxins, viruses, effete and dead cells, effete macromolecules, tumor cells, immune com­ plexes, and lysosomal enzymes. The parenchymal cells (PC), on the other hand, are more concerned with synthesis and export of substances such as plasma proteins, glucose, lipoproteins, etc. Because of the crucial role of the liver in maintaining homeostasis, much effort has been devoted to studying this organ and its various cell types in normal and pathological conditions. Stereological analysis reveals that PC constitute 92.5% of the total volume of liver cells, whereas the volume of sinusoidal and perisinusoidal cells accounts for 7.5%, i.e., 3.3% LEC, 2.5% KC, and 1.7% stellate cells (SC) (Blouin et ai, 1977). The relative numbers of the different types of liver cells are as follows: PC, 65%; LEC, 21%; KC, 8.5%; and SC, 5.5% (Table I). Since the various populations of liver cells differ from each other, not only functionally and structurally but also with respect to mass and number, it is imperative that investigations on liver function include methods to study different cell populations individually. Moreover, prep­ arations of purified liver cell populations must be carefully monitored by reliable means of identifying individual cell types. Therefore, we have devoted a section of the present article to discuss methods of character­ ization of liver cells. In addition to PC and sinusoidal cells, liver tissue contains cells of the portal tract tissue, epithelial cells of the bile ducts, endothelial cells of blood and lymphatic vessels, smooth muscle cells of arteries and veins, nerve cells, and a variety of mesenchymal cells such as fibroblasts and inflammatory cells. These cells, which account for a very small propor­ tion of the total number of cells in the liver, are not released by ordinary l CELL SEPARATION: METHODS AND Copyright © 1987 by Academic Press, Inc. SELECTED APPLICATIONS, VOL. 4 All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 2 HAKAN PERTOFT AND BARD SMEDSR0D TABLE I CELLULAR COMPOSITION OF RAT LIVER Percentage of total Number of cells Diameter of Cell type number of cells x 106/g liver cells (/xm) Parenchymal cells (PC) 65 115 ± 15° 10- Nonparenchymal cells (NPC) 35 63 ± 9C 6--\5d Liver endothelial cells (LEC) 21 38 ± 4e 6--11/ Kupffer cells (KC) 8.5 15 ± 3* 7--15* Stellate cells (SC) 5.5 10 ± 2' 10--13; Pit cells <1 <0.3* 6--8* a Seglen (1973); Munthe-Kaas et al (1976); Knook and Sleyster (1980). b Drochman et al. (1975); Munthe-Kaas et al. (1976); Wisse and Knook (1979); Sells et al. (1981). c Knook and Sleyster (1976); Munthe-Kaas et al. (1976); Eskild and Berg (1984). d Munthe-Kaas et al (1976); Sells et al (1981); Morin et al (1984). ' Knook and Sleyster (1980); Blomhoff et al (1984a). /Wisse and Knook (1979); Knook and Sleyster (1980); Morin et al (1984). * Knook and Sleyster (1976, 1980); Wisse and Knook (1979); Eskild and Berg (1984). h Knook and Sleyster (1980); Summerfield et al (1982); Morin et al. (1984); Soda and Tavassoli (1984). ' Knook et al. (1982); Blomhoff et al (1984a). J Knook et al (1982); Morin et al (1984). * Wisse et al (1976). collagenase perfusion (Grisham, 1983). Since the present article deals with methods based on collagenolytic liver dispersion, we will focus here exclusively on PC, KC, LEC, and SC (see Table I). Methods of preparation of isolated liver cells involve treatment with enzymes (collagenase and/or Pronase), separation by centrifugation (ve­ locity, isopycnic, and/or elutriation centrifugation), and selective sub­ strate attachment. We will here focus in particular on the method which we have developed and currently use in our laboratory. This method, which involves collagenase perfusion, isopycnic centrifugation in Percoll, and selective substrate attachment, is rapid and gives high-yield and high- purity preparations of functionally intact cells; it can be carried out in laboratories with ordinary centrifuges and cell culture facilities. II. Characterization of Liver Cells We find that studies on separated liver cells are meaningful only when conducted in conjunction with reliable methods of monitoring viability 1. SEPARATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF LIVER CELLS 3 and identity of cells. Since in many laboratories these aspects are either ignored or paid too little attention, we describe in the following selected morphological and functional assays for the estimation of number, viabil­ ity, and identity of isolated liver cells. Routine electron microscopic iden­ tification of liver cells is available in only a fraction of the laboratories dealing with preparation of liver cells. We will therefore discuss the use of light microscopical methods only. For information on ultrastructural characterization of liver cells the reader is referred to other publications (Harris and Cornell, 1983; Knook and Wisse, 1982). A. VIABILITY TESTS A rapid and frequently used method for assessing cell viability is based on the capacity of cells to exclude trypan blue. However, this method gives an indication only of the integrity of the plasma membrane. Cells which exclude trypan blue may in fact prove to be nonviable when tested for functional or morphological properties (Krebs et al., 1979; Brouwer et al., 1982), and it has been reported that even anucleated cells are more than 95% viable as judged by the uptake of trypan blue (Laws et al., 1985). The best evidence for unimpaired functions of cells is probably to prove that they can grow and divide directly after the preparation procedure (Pertoft and Laurent, 1977). B. CYTOCHEMISTRY AND MORPHOLOGY Light microscopy forms the basis of most methods of identification of liver cells. Since PC are much larger than sinusoidal cells (Table I), these two classes of cells can be readily distinguished in an ordinary phase- contrast microscope. However, when determining the purity of wet prep­ arations of isolated PC by microscopical examination, the values obtained are often too optimistic (Pretlow and Pretlow, 1982). This is due to the fact that the smaller sinusoidal cells may be obscured by the larger PC. Staining of cells in permanent preparations (with May-Griinewald or Giemsa) allows an assessment of the actual percentage of PC and sinusoi­ dal cells in a given sample of liver cells. Electronic cell counters are certainly useful, but only visual inspection with the aid of a hemocytome- ter and a phase-contrast microscope give information about the presence of aggregates, cell debris, and PC-derived particles (Berry et al, 1983; Nagelkerke et al, 1982). Phase-contrast microscopy alone is not sufficient to differentiate among the sinusoidal cell types, KC, LEC, and SC. Cytochemical staining for endogenous peroxidase is the most frequently used means to positively 4 HAKAN PERTOFT AND BARD SMEDSR0D distinguish KC from LEC and SC in the rat (Widmann et al, 1972; Wisse, 1974). However, depending on the glutaraldehyde concentration, LEC have also been reported to stain positively for peroxidase (Litwin, 1984). Moreover, in preparations of mouse liver cells, LEC have been observed to react positively with peroxidase (Stohr et al, 1978). Therefore, cyto- chemical identification of KC using peroxidatic staining must be used with caution. Nonspecific esterase stains positively in both KC and LEC, and it is generally held that this technique cannot distinguish between the two cell types (Brouwer et al., 1982). However, we have found that, depending on the type of substrate used, nonspecific esterase gives different intensities and patterns of staining in the two cell types (Smedsr0d et al., 1985c). Similarly, although both KC and LEC give a positive acid phosphatase staining, this staining is much more intense in KC than in LEC. The content of numerous fat droplets with autofluorescent vitamin A exclu­ sively in freshly prepared SC offers the possibility of identifying these cells by phase-contrast and fluorescence microscopy. However, the con­ tent of vitamin A in SC varies with the metabolic state of the animal, and some SC may not contain vitamin A (Knook and de Leeuw, 1982). At present no simple method is available for the identification of such vita­ min A-empty SC in suspension. Although the content of fat droplets and vitamin A in most SC disappears after some weeks of cultivation, the cells can still be distinguished morphologically by their typical fibroblast-like appearance, which is clearly different from KC and LEC (Senoo et al., 1984). C. FUNCTIONAL MARKERS It appears from the preceding paragraph on cytochemistry and mor­ phology that PC can be readily distinguished from the much smaller sinu­ soidal cells. Moreover, SC and KC can be distinguished from other types of liver cells by fat droplets and vitamin A fluorescence, and positive peroxidatic staining, respectively. Until recently electron microscopic demonstration of a fenestrated surface (Wisse, 1970) was the only way to positively distinguish LEC. KC and LEC are highly endocytic cells (Praaning-van Dalen et al., 1982), carrying specific endocytic receptors on their surfaces. For in­ stance, only KC carry receptors which mediate endocytosis of particles coated with IgG (Fc receptors; Munthe-Kaas et al., 1975) or cleaved complement factor C3 (C3 receptors for iC3b and C3b; Smedsr0d et al., 1985c) and erythrocytes fixed with glutaraldehyde ("foreign surface re­ ceptors"; Smedsr0d et al., 1985c). These features can be utilized to iden- 1. SEPARATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF LIVER CELLS 5 tify KC. Incubation of liver cell preparations with fluorescent C3b yields accumulation of fluorescence in KC only. Similarly, incubation with C3b- covered erythrocytes yields rosetting KC only (Smedsr0d et al., 1985c). Although IgG-covered erythrocytes rosette readily with KC, this feature is not a unique feature of KC since LEC also bind IgG-erythrocytes by an Fc receptor. However, Fc-mediated internalization of erythrocytes is seen only in KC. Therefore, uptake of IgG-covered erythrocytes (as ob­ served after lysis of noninternalized erythrocytes) is a KC-specific marker. A different approach of distinguishing KC is to inject labeled C3b. By injecting C3b coupled to [125I]tyramine cellobiose [a nondegradable conju­ gate which is trapped in lysosomes after internalization (Pittman et al., 1983)] prior to preparation of liver cells, only KC will become labeled. This allows a simple means of monitoring the presence of KC in liver cell preparations (Fig. 1). In a similar manner, LEC can be traced in cell preparations after iv injections of radiolabeled formaldehyde-treated se­ rum albumin or hyaluronic acid which are endocytosed via specific recep­ tors present on these cells only (Blomhoff et al., 1984b; Fraser et al., 1985; Smedsr0d et al., 1986). In an alternative approach to specifically identify LEC in vitro we have incubated liver cell preparations with vari­ ous fluoresceinated ligands which are taken up exclusively by LEC. These ligands include ovalbumin, formaldehyde-treated serum albumin, hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate, and collagen (Table II). Following TABLE II UPTAKE OF SOLUBLE LIGANDS IN LIVER CELLS in Vitro" Cell type Ligand PC KC LEC SC Reference C3b + - - Smedsr0d et al. (1985c) Formaldehyde-treated + BBlloommhhooffff eett aall.. ((11998844bb)) serum albumin Ovalbumin + Smedsr0d et al. (1982) Collagen a-chains - - + - Smedsr0d et al. (1985a) Hyaluronic acid - - + - Smedsr0d et al. (1984); Laurent et al. (1986) Chondroitin sulfate - - + - Smedsr0d et al. (1985b); Laurent et al. (1986) Chondroitin sulfate - - + - Smedsr0d et al. (1985b); proteoglycan Laurent et al. (1986) a +, Uptake occurs; -, uptake does not occur. 6 HAKAN PERTOFT AND BARD SMEDSR0D Nonviable NPC (O) PC(D) Ol _ cells(#;B) 9 ?o T 10"6 / X/\ EX / a LS x N> ? - 40 >u- 1.10 L E > C i- F O O / < R ? o CzO E 20 Q B < 1.05 w M DC U I N lO CNJ \ \ \ \ < • 10 20 30 • B FRACTION VOLUME (ML) Cells in suspension Cells in monolayer culture NPC PC KC LEC PC 2518a) 66 8288 634 43 a) cpm/ 1 06 cells FIG. 1. Uptake in liver cells of soluble complement component C3b conjugated to ra- dioiodinated tyramine cellobiose ([,25I]TC-C3b). [,25I]TC-C3b (30 /xg; 1.8 x 105 cpm) was injected intravenously into a rat 60 minutes prior to circulatory arrest. Liver cells were separated on a stepwise Percoll gradient as outlined in Fig. 6 (Smedsr0d and Pertoft, 1985). Diagram: Fractions (5 ml) were collected from the gradient and analyzed for density, radio­ activity, and number and type of cells. M and B denote meniscus and bottom of the gradi­ ents. Table: Pure cultures of KC, LEC, and PC were established (see text and Fig. 6), and radioactivity per 106 cells was determined for cells in suspension (NPC and PC) and in monolayer cultures (KC, LEC, and PC). incubation at 37°C with 0.1 mg/ml of fluoresceinated ligand only LEC will accumulate fluorescence, as observed with a fluorescence microscope. III. Preparation of Isolated Liver Cells Since it is beyond the scope of this article to give detailed descriptions of all the various techniques used today for the preparation of isolated liver cells, we will focus mainly on the method we have developed and currently employ in our laboratory for the purification of PC, KC, and LEC. In addition we will discuss a technique to isolate SC. Since colla- 1. SEPARATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF LIVER CELLS 7 genase dispersion and density sedimentation in Percoll (Pharmacia, Upp­ sala, Sweden) are crucial steps in these procedures, we will initially discuss some problems concerned with the use of collagenase and Percoll. A. DISPERSION OF LIVER CELLS Dispersion of liver cells is commonly brought about by perfusion with collagenase at 37°C. We employ a technique which is a variation of the procedure published by Seglen (1976). A rat is anesthetized with ether or by ip injections of pentobarbital (—45 mg/kg). The abdomen is cut open (Fig. 2), and a steel cannula with a short piece of polyethylene tubing tightly fitted on the tip (to prevent rupture of the vessel) is inserted into the portal vein (Fig. 2, upper arrow in abdomen) and ligated. Inferior vena cava (Fig. 2, lower arrow in abdomen) is immediately cut, and perfusion at 37°C is started. Ca2+-free buffer (Table III) is pumped from the reser­ voir (Fig. 2, part 4) through the portal vein at a flow rate of 50 ml/minute. During this step the liver is excised and placed on a nylon screen in a funnel (Fig. 2, part 3). After 500 ml of Ca2+-free buffer has been pumped through the liver and discarded, buffer with Ca2+ and collagenase (50 ml, Table III) is introduced into the reservoir (Fig. 2, part 4) and recirculated for 10 minutes. FIG. 2. Set-up for perfusion of rat livers. 1, Water-jacketed (37°C) coiled tube mounted on flexible lamp holder; 2, peristaltic pump; 3, dish with nylon screen on top of 500-ml buffer reservoir equipped with a stainless steel net (4) to minimize formation of air bubbles (Fig. 15 in Seglen, 1976, modified). Arrows in rat abdomen point to site of insertion of cannula (upper arrow) and to the site in inferior vena cava where the cut is made. See text ''Dispersion of liver cells") for operation of the set-up.

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