CELL ADHESION BIOPROCESTSE CHNOLOGY Series Ediror W. Courtney McGregor Xoma Corporation Berkeley, California 1. Membrane Separations in Biotechnology, edited by W. Courtney McGregor 2. Commercial Production of MonoclonalA ntibodies: A Guide for Scale- Up , edited by Sally S. Seaver 3. Handbook on Anaerobic Fermentations, edited by Larry E. Erickson and Daniel Yee-Chak Fung 4. Fermentation Process Development of Industrial Organisms, edited by Justin 0. Neway 5. Yeast: Biotechnology and Biocatalysis, edited by Hubert Verachtert and Red De Mot 6. Sensors in Bioprocess Control, edited by John V. Twork andAlexan- der M. Yacynych 7. Fundamentals of Protein Biotechnology, edited by Stanley Stein 8. Yeast Strain Selection, edited by Chandra J. Panchal 9. Separation Processes in Biotechnology, edited by Juan A. Asenjo IO. Large-scale Mammalian Cell Culture Technology, edited by Anthony S. Lubiniecki 11. Extractive Bioconversions, edited by Bo Mattiasson and OIle Holst 12. Purification and Analysis of Recombinant Proteins, edited by Ramnath Seetharam and Satish K. Sharma 13. Drug Biotechnology Regulation: Scientific Basis and Practices, edited by Yuan-yuan H. Chiu and John L. Gueriguian 14. ProteinI m mobilizationF: undamentalsa ndA pplications, edited by Richard F. Taylor 15. Biosensor Principles and Applications, edited by Lo2 J. Blum and Pierre R. Coulet 16. IndustrialA pplicationo f Immobilized Biocatalysts, edited by Arsuo Tanaka, Tetsuya Tosa, and Takeshi Kobayashi 17. Insect Cell Culture Engineering, edited by Mattheus F. A. Goosen, Andrew J. Daugulis, and Peter Faulkner 18. Protein Purification Process Engineering, edited by Roger G. Harrison 19. RecombinantM icrobes for Industriala nd Agricultural Applications, edited by Yoshikatsu Murooka and Tadayuki lmanaka 20. Cell Adhesion: Fundamentalsand Biotechnological Applications, edited by Martin A. Hjortso and Joseph W. Roos ADDITIONAL VOLUMES IN PREPARATION Bioreactor System Design, edited by Juan A. Asenjo and Jose! C. Merchuk GeneE xpressioni nR ecombinantM icroorganisms, edited by Alan Smith This Page Intentionally Left Blank CELL Fundamentals and Biotechnological Applications edited by Martin A. Hjortso Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana Joseph W. Roos Ethyl Corporation Richmond, Virginia MarceD l ekker, Inc. NewY orkB . asel Hong Kong Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Cell adhesion : fundamentals and biotechnological applications / edited by Martin A. Hjortso, Joseph W. Roos. p.c m. - (Bioprocesst echnology ; v.2 0) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-8247-8945-8 1.C ella dhesion.2 .B ioreactors.3 .B iotechnology. I. Hjortso, Martin A. 11. Roos, Joseph W. 111. Series. TP248.25.C42C149 59 4 660’.63-d~20 94-22882 CIP The publisher offers discounts on this book when ordered in bulk quanti- ties. For more information, write to Special Sales/Professional Marketing at the address below. This book is printed on acid-free paper. Copyright 0 1995 by Marcel Dekker, Inc.A ll Rights Reserved. Neither this book nor any part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writinfgr om thep ublisher. Marcel Dekker, Inc. 270 Madison Avenue,N ew York, New York 10016 Current printing (last digit): l 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 PRINTED IN THEU NITED STATES OF AMERICA Series Introduction Bioprocess technology encompasses all of the basic and applied sciences as well as the engineering required to fully exploit living systems and bring their products to the marketplace. The technology that develops is eventu- ally expressed in various methodologies and types of equipment and instru- ments built up along a bioprocess stream. Typically in commercial produc- tion, thes tream begins at theb ioreactor, which can bea classical fermentor, a cell culture perfusion system, or ane nzyme bioreactor. Then comes sepa- ration of the product from the living systems and/or their components followed by an appropriate number of purification steps. The stream ends with bioproduct finishing, formulation, andp ackaging. A given bioprocess stream may have some tributaries or outlets and may be overlaid with a variety of monitoring devices and control systems. As with any stream, it will both shape and be shaped with time. Documenting the evolutionary shaping of bioprocess technology ist he purpose of this series. Now that several products from recombinant DNA and cell fusion tech- niques are on the market, the new era of bioprocess technology is well established and validated. Books of this series represent developments in various segments of bioprocessing that have paralleled progress in the life sciences. For obvious proprietary reasons, some developments in industry, although validated, may be published only later, if at all. Therefore, our continuing series will follow the growth of this field as it is available from both academia and industry. W. Courtney McGregor ill This Page Intentionally Left Blank Preface Over the past several years, cell adhesion has progressedf rom a phenome- non of peripheral interest to biochemical engineerst o become a useful tool in bioreactor design and bioseparations. Along with thesei nnovations have arisen increased demands for better understanding of the phenomena that underlie cell adhesion. The aim of this book is to present the student or researcher in biochemical engineering with an introduction to the basic phenomena that govern cell adhesion and top rovide descriptions of bioen- gineering processes in which cell adhesion plays an important part. Cell adhesion hasa lready been studied extensively because ofi ts medical significance. The ability of different cells to adhere or aggregate plays a crucial role in suchp rocesses as microbial infections, spread ofc ancer through the body, and plaque formation on teeth. However, the abundant literature thath as come out of the biomedical research isn ot always partic- ularly useful to the biochemical engineer, since the medical perspective is much different from the engineering point of view. Engineering applica- tions of cell adhesiona re presented int he research literature, butt o date no comprehensive reference work has been available on this topic. In view of this, it appeared timely to assemble a book dedicated to the engineering aspects of cella dhesion. To theb iochemical engineer, cell adhesion ias potential problem as well V