CELEBRATE 1994 ,etNGlJ <1c ... + Preview Wheeling's year-long lOOth Anniversary ~ celebration beginning February 5 and plan to ~y • Centennial participate in gala history-making special events. 1894-1994 WHEEUNG Wednesday, February 2, 1994 Section l-C , , The WheelingChamberof An invitation from the Village President... Commercewouldlike to thank thefollowing sponsors Cometoourparty! We continue to buildon QUT past, con rront the challenges ofthe present and PLATINUM($2500+) The Trustees andI invitethepeopleof lookforward toan excitingfuture. More WbeelingParI<DimXt Wheeling, our jriend3, and our neigh importantly, I believe we have pre BobChinn'sCrabHouse bors. 10join us as we begin the celebre- served the spirit ofthat earlier Wheel DonRoth'sResraurant lion of our Centennial. In addition to ing, remaining a village with a sense of commemorating the year that the Vii· community, of pride in our neighbor TheDailyHerald lage was incorporated one hundred hoods, our businesses, our parks, our WasteManagementNmhwest years ago, we will celebrate all that has schools. our libraries, our places Ofwor TomToddOIevrolet happened, and all who have lived here ship. ValsparCorporalioo sincethatday in1894_ GOLD($1000-52499) The people ofWheeling have a proud Thu is the spiritofourcentennial. We have planned an entire year offestivi 3-XCopyCen", hi.$!OTy, beginning with the early set· ties. with the Gala as our inaugural HoyneSavingsBank tlers, andcontinuing withthose whohad event. Comecelebratewithwithus! TheSignery the foresight to establish their farming community as a village. During these Sauer'sBakeShop past decades, growing numbers ofresi BalloonsbyParty'sPlus dents have shaped the village into the PresidentSheila HoganSchultz Sheila NoSchultz,WheelingVillage ofNorthbrook: communityweknowtoday. VillageofWheeling President. HiddenValleyRanchCo. IndeckPowerEquipment Happy Birthday Wheeling! Centennial PeorayCompanies.Inc. KennyConstruction SILVER(SSOO-$999) Gala promises to be a grand event LeisurePursuit,Inc. NBDBank(MtProspect) RonaldJ.Borden& Co.,Ud CommonwealthEdison FancetQueen Wheeling officials and dignitar· The presentlist ofitems for thesilent way, Tommy LaSorda. A few of these ies.~usinesses,as well as citizens, are auction is enormous with more arriving autographed items include a Barbara F10ralstar all gearing up for the kick-off event to eachday, which includes two-roundtrip Bush dictionary, i Demi Moore "Inde JeffreyLanes.Inc. celebrate the Village of Wheeling's 1994 airline ticketsfrom TravelWise; a Best cent Proposal" script, a Glenn Close JupilecMechanicalIndustries lOOlhbirthday. TheWheelingCentennial Western of Chicago weekend package; "Fatal Attraction" script, a NolanRyan FU'Sl.ColonialBankNonhwest Gala, "Celebrate Tomorrow With Yes gift certificates to area restaurants, baseball, a PhiladelphiaEaglesfootball, PriesterAviationService terday's Memories," is being held on comedy clubs and theaters; and sport a James Earl Jones recipe, Leonard Tomoegawa February 5th, beginning at 7:30 p.m. at ingeventticketssuchashardtogetones Nemoy photo, and a Chevy Chase base TravelWise.Ltd. Chevy Chase Country Club, 1000 N. like to the Chicago Bulls basketball ball cap will be on the auction table_ MilwaukeeAve.,inWheeling. games. Electronic equipment and a variety of US.Tsubaki In the planning stages for nearly a Acollection of autographed memora handmadepieces\\-ill round out the bid Wa-Pa-Gbcai'sPizza year by the WheelingJaycees, Gala or biliawill bedisplayed atthegala which dingtables. WbeeIingLioosClub ganizerssaytheevening'sactivitieswill will include such famous signatures of WheelingJProspect beof interesttoeveryone. Theyencour G<lvernor Edgar. Bob Hope, John El- SeeGALAonPage15 He;ghlSChamberof age the community's citizens to attend CommerceandIndusuy this "once-in-our-lifetime" special eve ning in Wheeling's history, one that will makehistory. BRONZE($100-$499) "Wereallymadeanefforttoappealto NorthernIllinoisGas everyone in Wheeling in some respect," Am_Post66 said Debbie Santy. gala chairperson. l.WA1Im& Company "Weshouldalltakeprideinourinvol\'e BankofBuffaloGrove ment in this community; gala night is the perfect opportunity to be a proud rlISlNationalBankOfWheeling Wheeling-ite as well as to dance, be TheNuaaSweetCompany entertained, get some great bargains at Swmys;deCotporation the auction and just have an all·a.round Accu-Fab ,Inc. goodtime." J.CalvertConstruction A tremendous response' from Ute America'sCarWash WheE-ling business community for fund ing or services for the Gala has kept Addolor.uaVilla,Inc. ticket prices minimal, while still allow Block& Company ing for top entertainment, outstanding CenftZPlazaVideo food and breathtaking decorations. The ArthurOesen.Inc Gala's profits benefit the commemora ConvenientPrinting,Inc. tive Wheeling Centennial Fountain PIa· EngisCorporation la. More than 60 Wheeling area busi nesses and organiZations havealready Evanger'sDog&CatFoodCo. becomecentennialsponsors. MallickBusinessForms For the gala, the Wheeling Park Dis McDooald'sRestaurant • trictdonatedthe useat. . hasefor O'HareMidwayLimoosine the evening, and the~preparing to OtvalKent serve delicious appetizers and snack P"..rkwayDevelopmentCo. foods, alongwith a sweettablethateve ning. BobChinn, whoseCrabHousem~ Prog:ressiveOfficeEquipment,Inc. tais are famous throughout the area, 15 Roy'sBari>erShop donating his specialty drink, complete SegetdahlC"'J'O'lltion withsouveJ,irgalacup,andevery1)enny GordonN. Stowe& Associates ofthesaleoftfIemai-taisgoesto benefit T & MEngineering the fountain. Don Roth's Restaurant is X-LSctew hosting a dinner prior tothegala torec ognize the contributionsoftheCentenni: ~~din:~ COPPER(UNDERSl00) at funding for the fountain AstleyPaving&:ContractingCorp. will comefrom the SilentAuction atthe MichaelN.Noles,LUfCF. gala.Wheelingbusinesseswereaskedto InsuranceAgency donate to the auction, as were national I ICoeppen'sFanns sportandentertainmentfigures. 2-5ection1A CAlLYHERALOnlilSWEEK February,1994 ---- . ~ .- ear history 100-' . 'sbirthl!aY. '\7 Wbee""" WheeliDg t / UlO~tba village ?') neDarild,.yO10U0Y "tsoeld'c?e:oOnnuurr.~o tor ~"..cIelebrate1 ~rationttee / / b~\e.n..yniina1l99c4e.1 . [Oebelaast theeen ed.andwill village beeDtorro _".., inthe W ~uJnDc.Tiln~ hers.2SS . 7:30 cbaIll ling. . ~"'- Roadin'Vftleebel'SareEUza- LJIW"~- "tteeroe11\ IdmaD COJIUDl GingerGo ,..t,er. bethJa~atrit.trzoDean'DsA,rgo.e!~inllfoOurtrhtaleg1rae.td..itoon, C and are J C1 ested urthen 5:1.1 ttend!Forf Hartmanat Glalldng B(u:k ••• Looking A/read a """""beth ""U~ 264:4:,days. Au The Village or Whcding's Hul.: C,,;orll~l1niill Commillcc h;JS set fhe Wilh plan) III sr.:hedulc rc"ul:lr llll:Clin:;:s \\.hcds ill lllotion toward planning lur in Ihc ncarfuture. The lhoeme I:hoIscn..t•u wil:.ll is h\)ped [0 ~ a GIANT. FUN reprcscnlthc spiril oflhc l:Clcbr.!lion is, FILLED IllOTH BIRTHDAYCELE. "Clancing B...ek - - - LllOking Ahi...d:' BRATION lor tho: .::mire l:OllllllUnity retleel!ng· Ihc philqsuphy 10 pl:ln lhe durin~lhe)unml~rof111')-1.Fundroli~rs fUlure Wilhoul disrcg:lrtJing lhc P"':.1. andP;nie:.lcadingup10IheCemennial Funhcr inlorfllalion :.Ibolll up.:oming arcalrcadyin Ih~ piarUlingslag~ The e\enbandmcelingswill bepuhlisheJ in Village uf Whedin,:! ht)~s Ihal cal:h fUlure i~~ucs uf lhc \'II.L\(;I-: VIEWS G: and every one of its l:iti:.:cn) will join fmm lime 10 lime. If you ha\'e ...ny Illgclhl.·rlUhl-'lpOlake\Vhcding\ IOOlh qucsli01b,Irif)tlU.....ouldlill:ll)hdpIh... hinhday;J lrulyprlludlllUl1lenl intilllc! CCI1lClllli:l1CUlIlmiuceInel')tineis....cl 1 'nk'thrce·.ncmhcr1:IIIl11lliuccha...aI WJl1c!J.pli~:l.\C e...11 EliLabelh Hanm<.LO:.l1 rl.'ady helJ inili:ll SIr:..IC.;!y lllCl:ling, I~1':-'15.l/.~n-i-i. ~ The Heartof Am~ L /::.- TIe,;!: f "7 70 , ) Wheeling Centennial CeJebIrati<)j Schedule ofEvents February5,7:3lJp.m. June22 Delr Friends: Cost:$18.94 FoundingDayObservation' WheelingCentennialGala Oe<flC3tionCeremony ~.- • resident since 195t6o,d'.,..have sefean-ilWyheatnLding1 s:hra.nIpaereo"ua'dndtogrobwe into ChevyChaseCountryClUb 0rgari2edbyVillage trheesidfeinnetsYoifllWi,,h,etiltlnba. Ino! I ..Miyndeed hGnored to .s Chalnun (Benefittor<:ememlal Foun1aiIV Administration of the lllleellna Csntlnnbl ee-::1tte". Officialklck-olfcelebration) OrganizedbyWheelingJaycees June26,2:00p.m. Th~ C~nt~nni.l itt•• wa. ~stabli$h~dby theh~lVdillas~ Board in CentennialParade Co.. 0 b. thia y.ar, W. 1989 in .nticipation of the c.l.bration t to 10 cor. MarchZT,7:30am.-2:00p.m. Organized byParade b·s·n with thr.e .ppoinred .....b.rs .nd have g2rl0l\tltlo 30 oth~r. in Cost:$4.00adults,$3.00children Committee - • roup h.. been joined by re"~lQb.r. &seniors ....,b.rs. This cor S Wh Uns will long p1.nnins a year 10n8 c.l.bration that ~e PancakeBreakfast July4 C!levyChase Fireworks Though some of Our.ctivitiel have b~en un,e'rbw.ythfaorW1h0e.a..1itnsD~J,ayce~s. (Cen1enniaJ Fundraiser) HeritagePark i 1 Ca1a pres.nte y tonight'. WhuUnS Centenn a, ha. ,Llnn.d a variety ~.Jdons Q..~byParade vent. Our CO_dtU. a 0$Qred 111 the gr.Rd inau8ural e d b Wheel1nS organi:r.atiolla Commillee of which are spoRsore y of others to follow, aOlN k.1 .ry hard to .aka thu f..Uiar to u.s1.1, £V.._..~.OR. iR'fOlved is wor ns v yeat on~ to r.....barl April 24 August6&7 HistoricalFashionShow/ CivilW",flI>.Enac1ment This ....eniRI'. party is just che beailUl1ftS. Katk your.c.lend.r and Luncheon HeritagePark p~ to be with uS thrOUJ)lout Our anniverury ye.r, ChevyChase Organized byCentennial ~'l>vJ)~o OrganizedbyCentsnniaI Committee CommitteethroughGoodwill Jan.t K. D'Argo November12 Whedj.JI& Cent&JUltel Chaitaan May8&26 PaddockMilitaryBandConcert WheelingHighSchool Band $ponsoredbytheDailyHerald (ConcertsdedicatedtoWheeling Centennial) 'Lookforcompletedelailsin WheelingVillageV"oews Whee&n~ 1JJfa<je pre.dent, SheJa fl. ScL6z, 0/ and the Peopt. Whee&n~ 0/ K!eCfu.e.t the pt.Mu.re Yo~r ~;"'@'!!!~!~~b" Lompan'1... WHEELING HISTORICAL MUSEUM Exhibits depicting the story of life in Wheeling from its inception are housed in the original Wheeling Village Hall, built in 1894. Special exhibitschange monthlyandare opentothe public every Sunday, from 2·4 PM. :J". e... ......At 'UAulin? Jft"oiJ' c,oe....,,'}. 'lM..l,,'J i4,.,.i4!qa.t.., "c.t/".a.t. 9"''') J"'""'u,,.... With 1j~t.rtL'I ~ rJ'!.....'UJ,..du' ~"7;/".IUl"'J 5, 1<)94 ki£l.o!/(Will 10 a'J~fU' 0/ /rJtj~.;Jid J"" c:o'JlJIV;,.."rnlillj /olUlJin9 "/oW' romm,anit'J 100 yUUJ Qfl'- 'J.I."9 ptu, .1 (J.'"I (J.." C-..I,y Ct../,. 1000 17 11U••'/'"...A<aa< (i"" "",. -/ .Ltd." C-t Road) &I UAutll,.lh~ (;ala tkm "!XII u/ 730 p~", '51.. noc",,., LlUt~ flu nm........o,aLiw U.4ulinj C"/""lfiat~,,"1u.ill fJ!a~a. SJXcu.1iJJ,oJuLii'mJ a"d l~dm/aLiofU witL '1IO.tk JlIm II" kitH'" .Jo'}, aL 1030 pm., at IIIl.it;/, lim" 'lour p"c.unu iJ mi'uJ/,J. J~/'tlj /or ItiJ ona-in·o", l/tti'OI#i 1'1'("in9 c~Ji $18.94. J."c!nh R'~ lrnikd; MOld ill ttl 'lIctuCJ 't.JI)()"~ cW'd wilt fJ.~ (mlu /0,," /o..,,)ill tlu ~/'IU'~ Il~ t.tu tllimJWIlUU'j I5fh. yo.., ti.cLa~ ..,;/1~ 'nh.itd, nJ 1."'9 ~ Itr'j fm Jdln....ilatt. e.U816·9335 ..,ilt lI,,"·diQn~. Centennial year and will, ofcourse, have a name engraved on a plaque at the fountain itself.Sponsorswillreceive"sponsor"name· tags/ribbons to wear at the Gala and at centennial activities and will be listedinthe Galaprograrn/souvenirbook,withthosedon atingmorethan$500receivingfreeadspace. $500 sponsors will receivetwocomplimen Celebrate Tomorro..........ith taryGalatickets,withanotherpairgivenfor Yesterday's Memories eachadditional$1,000.Plansarealsounder· M arkyourcalendarsnowforFebru posters throughout the village, or in the way for bannersandasponsors'dinner. ary5,1994--youwon'twanttobe November/December issue of W~elingVil In addition to sponsors, the Centennial leftout ofT'be Wheeling Centen· lage Views. Send your name, address and GalaCommitteeisseekingitemsforasilent nialGala.Thispremierkick-offeventofthe phone number to be added to the Gala auction.Thesecanbeanythingfrom ahand village's year-long celebration of its IOOth mailing list to: Wheeling Centennial Gala, crocheted scarf, to a dinner-for-two certifi· binhday will take place from 7:30 p.m. to P.O. Box 7,Wheeling,lL60090 cate. to two Bears.game tickets. Individuals midnightatChevyChaseCountryClu6. "Thiswill trulybean all-Wheeling night, have even provided cenificates for airline Planned around the theme, "Cehbrale onein whichweallwillfeel proudtoliveor tickets using frequent flyer miles at similar Tomorrow with Yeslerday's Memories,"the work in a community with such a great events. All donors will be listed in the Gala organizers promise that the festivities will history and bright outlook for the future:' programbookandoncardsnexltoyouritem includesomethingofinteresttoeveryone.A sa:jDebbieSanty,ChairpersonoftheGala. attheauctiontable. varietyofmusicalentertainmentwillperform throughoutChevyChase,includingthepop. "It will be a night you won't TheWheelingJaycees.whoareorganizing ularshowband,TheNewOdyney.TheGala theCenlennialkick-offGalainFebruary, Committeeisalsosearchingfor local musi· want to miss, whether you are challengetheotherorganizationsthrough cianstoentertainIhecrowd(caIl816·9335if out Wheeling to step forward and take you are inlerested) and add to the grand young, old or in-between." charge of a Centennial activity for the evening. Snack foods will be served. along people of Wheeling; it will be another with a sweet lable and, of course, what hundred years before there is another birthday bash would be complete without a Please feel free 10 call Debbie Santy at occasion this momentous! cake--you won'twanttomissseeing acake 816-9335 ifyou have anyquestionsorwish speciallybakedfor 1,000people.Acashbar tovolunteer. The Gala and other centennial activities willbeavailable,featuringaspecialalcoholic and non-alcoholic "gala drink" served in a First Centennial Sponsors require a tremendous monetary as well as take-homemementocup. Ahighlightofthe Named: Effort Underway to volunteereffon,asdoestheconstructionofa lastingmonumentsuchasthefountain.Itwill eveningwillbeasilemauclion,whereparti- cipanlscanbidon avarietyofilems. Solicit Sponsors and Silent onlybeIhroughtheparticipationandgener You will leave your mark in Wheeling's AAuction Donations osity of [he people, groups and industry in Wheeling Ihat 1994 can be a special and history forevermore by participating in the proud year to be remembered for the next Gala.AllproceedsfromIheeventandauction IIWheelingbusinesses,organizations century. Forinfonnationonsponsorshipsor will benefit a commemorative Centennial andindividualsareinviledtobecome donations,pleasecontact GalaChairperson, FountainPlaza,tobeconstructedasasource official Wheeling Centennial Spon. ofprideandenjoymentalong DundeeRoad sonbydonatingfunds,goodsorservicesto Debbie Santy at 816-9335, or write to Wheeling Centennial Gala, P.O. Box 7, betweenVillageHallandWickes.Plus,itwill the Wheeling Centennial Gala,the village's serveasalastingreminderofthismonumental kick-offeventtoayearofCentennialactivi- Wheeling,n.~6009~!2!10~'_------... occasionforgenerationstocome.Bybuying ties.Thefundraising armsoftheGala,Cen- a ticket, being a sponsor, or bidding at the lennial and 4th of July committees have auction, you will have played a part in joinedforcesandarecumntlycoordinatinga making thefountain becomereality. solicitation effort to help defray centennial Mostcelebrationsofthismagnituderequire activity costs and ultimately raise funds for a high ticket pricetocoverthe tremendous the construction of a Centennial Fountain overhead. However, the organizers, the Plazatocommemoratethe10000anniversary. Wheeling Jaycees, say that through a fund- Thegroup isproudtoannounceandcon~ raisingeffort,coordinatingsponsorships,tic~ gratulate the first sponsors: Wheeling Park.._...._ ket prices will be kept minimal so more District, 3-X Copy Center, the Wheeling peoplecan attend.Tickets willgoon salein Jaycees,andLeisurePursuit(ofWaukegan). November--look for infonnation on prices Allsponsorswillbefeaturednotonlyatthe lVii:iL:A~~~~id~U~~~k~~,~aWHE~'ailu·ia~bili~·i;~~~:~~~WS~pa:pe:",:..::::G~ili,~~b~",~W~hc~..~v.er possible throughout the /9 255 W. Dundee Road - P.O. Box V 9 Wheeling, IL 60090 X (708) 459·2600 TDD (708) 459.2615 VILLAGEPRESIDENT SheilaH.Schultz VILLAGECLERK 459-4614 JeanneDiValiSelander ....................•......... 459·9186 TRUSTEES JudyAbruscato '" . AnthonyAltieri Jr 537-6897 LoislGaffk ' 537-51/0 ~a·~~·a·~·································· ElizabethL 541-5908 Robert G. Todd.... . 537·2644 Wayne1. Wisinsk..i 215-2207 VlU.AGEMANAGER··················•··•··..·· 541-0832 CraigG.Anderson FIREDEPARTMENT . 459·2600 PARAMEDICS DEPAR~ENT Emergency911 (VillageResidents) roUCE Non-Emergency459-2662 Emergency911 (VillageResidents) Non·Emergency459~-2~6:3~2~==::! j2-S 9C: Volunteers sought for centennial celebration thinkfouryearsinadvance,butalot will culminate in the birthday cele what it is we want, we'll work BDayilyLHYeNrNaldHCEoRn'eR:lI;CpoKndenl sohfethaidsdneede.ds to be thought of now,' br'aWtioena.reinterested inperhaps get towTharedciot.m' mittee isalso planningto TheWheelingcentennialCommit· Hencethe'AreYouInvolved?'slo ting local businesses to sponsor a start a 'star search' for entertain tee will be asking area residents, gan, which will start appearing on montheach,'Hartmansaid. ment ideas. 'I would hope we could "Are you involved" in hopes of get badges soon, committee member 'We would also like to see local afford some known names,' Gold tingmore volunteers to workonthe and village o:ust.ee Elizabeth Hart non-profit organizations sponsor a man said. 'Although Mel Torme is village'stoothbirthdaycelebration. man said, adding the village board oncea montheventdealingwiththe probably very expensive: shl! has approved giving money to the centennial,' Goldman said, citing a laughed. WAheltehloinugg'shincthoerpoarantinoinv,erinsa1r9y94,oisf centennialcelebration. localdanceasapossibility. In the tune leading up tothecele· The committee plans to m~ Dedicating a permanent corn stillfouryearsaway,thecommittee bration,Goldmansaid,"Wl!'llallbe isalreadyworkingtomaketheday's monthlytoplanwhatGoldmancalls memoration of the event is also at comeNancy Drewdetectivesatfes ftaes'iWntivaeistnpieeesecdmtsteoomfslotahrraetbczleeelr.eobinragtiinononnocwer, ' aAu'Ibgnl.oa7wd,d1oi9ut9it4opnca,ortmahdmeeceoamnmodmrapititictonenei.cw' ailtltdhee oltehncetsifovomereemftrhioninndtgs.otfo'Wthdeeeadcriocemaotmep,e'intGtetooel'disdmceoaalns ftleiovwcaallsyceaearlreosbu,rnafditniodthninesgtaharasetpameciintgshtothffeiotntihenxetort visefund-raisingideasfortheevent, -said. 'We don't know what kind of committee member Ginger Gold Wheeling'scentennial." including an 18 month calender that moneywe'llhave,butwhenweknow mansaid.'Peopleoftendon'twantto ~f Wheeling gets a head start on centennial upofTrusteeElizabeth L. Hartman, Road. Later, the committee likely bilee celebration in 1969 for ideas BEnyllyTBfuesnBldLSItCaHtfTWErNitSeTrEIN fonner Village Clerk Janet D'Argo will seek volunteers to help prepare for the centeMial festival. During and resident Ginger Goldman, met for thecelebration in 1994,Hartman the 75th anniversary of the village's Wheelingofficialshavebegunear recentlytodiscusspreliminaryideas said. incorporation,organizersheldsever ly preparations for the village's forthefestival. "This is going to be an important al celebrations throughout the sum lOOth birtbday in 1994 in order to Committeememberswillwaitun event," Hartman said. "There'sa lot mer, including a fashion show and stagea majorcelebration. til they meet a few more times be of things to do and thinkabout what parades. we'regoingtodo." "I think they'll be creative and fore theysettleonanyspecificideas So far, committee members are Organizers also held a pageant at open-minded," Village President forthecelebration,D'Argosaid. determining goals and the general Wheeling High SChool, taking resi dents through the history of Wheel Sheila H. SChultz said of the trio of "We just had a very basic meet direction totake in planningthecel ing as they paraded costumes that ~~i.dents charged with developing ing,"D'Argosaid."We'rejustkindof ebration, as well asresearchingbow were popular throughout the dec Initial plans for the centennial cele feelingourwayalong." other communities have celebrated bration. "That's why we started so The group plans to meet on the their 100th year of incorporation, ades, early. It'll be here before you know second Wednesday of each month in Hartmansaid. "A lot of us remember the 75th it." the village manager's conference Committee members may even with very fond memories," Schultz The centennial committee. made room at village hall, 255 W. Dundee lookbacktoWheeling'sDiamondJu- said. PIONEER Pl*SS . .. WHEEUNG VILLAGE BOARD NOTES " Centennial $4,410 approved-( ~ WlieeimgParl<Instri<L SoccerWoeken<!. expecting •, ceJJtennjalp~ ~ IamOS Theparkdistrictis for New approved teamsfromMinnesota,W"lSCOD looking for siDaDdDl!:arbycommunitiesto VillageofWheeliDglNslees "J forpoliredepartment participateinthethree-daytour volunteers votedtoiDclude$4~410inUIeir C\i namentatHeritagl!Park,222S. 1991budgetforexpensesofthe '6 TheWheelingPoliceDepart· WolfRoad. centenni.alcommittee. I mentwillspeud$7,404toreplace Village deni6 The Wheeling 1994 Cen Whileworlringonplansforthe~ radiol!qUipmenl tennial Committee will meet c19e9n4t,etnhneiaclocmelmebitrtaeteioisnailnsoAuwgouns:t_'j pl.Eacaecshoyldeoarrtwhoerdneopuatrrtamdeionst.reB-e- fax,exemption 11 at 7:30 p.m. on Oct. 16 in the ingonfUlKkaisingforthel!Vl!nt causeoflowerprices,thisyear, Vbeilrlsa,geacHcoarldlincoguntocilVcihllaamge whichtheyhopewillincludl!apa- ~deJHll".bn~ntwillpurc~ prTorpuesrtteyetsaxv-olt!exdem4-pJttioondetonyaabusi , Trustee Elizabeth Harbnan, a fraamdei,lytipmicencica.psulecuemonyand re!Vg1houts!ryadreioqsuemsstetedaadnodfstthiellSs1pXepnrde- nessmanwantingtorelocateto f member orthe group. Expensesforthisyearinclude S376lessthan.theamountbudget· thevillagl!_ Harbnan said the commit- I $3,780fortheirFamilyFestf\IDd- edfortheradios. TheodoreJ.Mau,presidl!Dtof tee is seeking volunteers to ( Circuitservice,Inc.,waslooking raiserwheretheywillsellperson- work on the centennial pro ~ Soccertournament forthl!l!xemption,whichwould alliedpins,ponch<>;,""'glasses ject, the motto for which is havereducedhispropertytaxes • ~ h~""" kiCks ff Ma "Glancing Back...Looking and books. "" Y25 foreightyl!ar'S. Theexpensesaretobeoff.setby 0 Ahead." Butvillagl!staffsaidthebuild Persons interested in an.~ated $S,~£J:omfund· VillagePresidentSheilaH. inghewantstomoveintoat333 obtaining more information raLS1J.lgandcoDtrib~tionsfrom SchultzproclaimedMay25 26 Alicest.doesnotmeetCook on the centennial may call theVIllageofWheelingandthl! andr1,WheelingParkDistrict. County'sdefinitionofabandoned Hartman at 537-2644. FOUNDER'S DAY You're Invited to Centennial }\ a Hometown Event - - D panel to On June 22nd, Wheeling's actual l00th L\''3 birthday, we're celebrating with an old fashioned hometown event reminiscent - raise funds ofthose we thought only existed in the , . - movies. The festivities begin at 7:00 p.m. in front ofVillage Hall at the site of the Centennial Fountain Plaza. , A~vetsColorGuard will raise the flags WheelingCen~ennia\ Com while Joey Sanchez sings the Star - missionmemberswillmake Spangled Banner; a special Centennial their"firstpusIJfor mone}'at Children's Choir will join the senior thisyear'sWheeling~!u;n~y. . fest.sellingpe,rsonaltzedpms, ~avilion-Aireschoir in special rendi ponchos,'sungl" sesandhistory bons of patriotic tunes; Village Presi books. dent, Sheila H. Schultz, \\.-ill wclcome Commissionmembersare residents and update theprogress ofthe hopingtheirboothatFamily festwjllserveseveralpurpo~es. fountain; and we'll all enjoy special includingraisingfundsforthe . "Wheeling" cookies from Sauer's Bake centennialcelebration,~ducat Shop while chatting with friends and ingthepublicaboutthetJistory ofWheeling"ge~erating interest neighbors about Wheeling's heritage inthecentennialandrecruiting and the ~ole we played in shaping our new volunteerstohelppl~and commuruty and our thoughts for its fu. carryoutthecelebration. lure. Althoughthereissomeconfu sionaboutwhattypeofbooth Utecommi.:>siollwillhave,at Familyfesl,tfley·hopeitwillQe aninformationboothrather thanagamebooth. " . Committeemembershave maderoughplaps(o~¥!meof theeeote,nnialevenls,~_hed. uledto~ak«1pla~eover~\8 monthP,eriod'l-~endWithapa radeandtimecapsule~~remo nyonAug.1.11M.Afamily barbecue'andpicn!Cwillend~e day. " , Fund-raisingplans"Isoin cludean 18-inollthcalendarthat willle,!dupLolhecelebrali.on whichwillfocuson"Glancmg Back.L.o.okingAhead." : rrhursday,'September26,1991 SUBURBANREPORT '1<.-' --:- _--_,--:- ".,c._, :"•.,~'.c~c'c•.:•.._"-":_~_- -~'-0-o-:'.>~,,'" --- Centennial group fo~eson fund-raisers "By BoNNIEBOOTlI Sl.~osephtheWorkerFamilyfest beputoutbythecommissionfor =Dail=rH~=raId=SW=IWr=iter"-------...inJulyandroUsed$500. - ·1994. :Hartmansaidtheywillattenda 'PlansforacentennialbaIlalso .-WheelingCentennialCommis craftfairatWheelingHighSchool arebeingdiscussed. sionmemberswillhitschoolfairs onNov. 16andafunfairatTark ThereareaboutISpeopleserv andcommunityevenl.$withtheir jngtonElementarySchoolonNov. ingonthecommitteebutHartman camerathisfall inaneffortto 23. saidmorevolunteersareneeded. raisemoneyforthe1994ce1ebra Commissionmembersalsohope "Westillneedvolunleerswho ·tionoftheyillage'sl00thanni\!er toenlistthehelpoflocalbusiness .willbeWillingtofollowupwith -sary, esinraisingmoneyfox:.thecenten businesses,"_shesaid. Theywilltakepictures.which . nialcelebrationwhichwillcon- SteveLess,ofMidwestTypeset thenwillbemadeintobuttonsand cludewithafamilypicnicandbar tinginWheeling,askedcommis- keyringsfor$4.. becueonAug.7,1994.Theyare .sionmembersforideasCoralogo Andalthoughtheystillare hoping1.0sponsorseveralevents thatwillrepresentthecentennial "around$SOOinthehole"fromthe over,the18-monthperiodpriorto 'onstationeryandenvelopes.The purchaseofthecameraandsup thepicnic,. companyisdonatingtimeCorthe ,plies,commissionmemberEliza Aletterisbeingwrittenthatwill designofthelogotothecommis bethHartmansaidtheyhopeto -besenlloallbusinessesinthevil .sion. -: ...' makethatmoneybackandmuch lageaskingfordonationsorgiving Thelogowillbecenteredaround morewiththefund-raisingtooL themachancetopurchasespace .thecentennialtheme"Glancing Theypreviewedtheideaatthe inacentennialcalendarthatwill back,LookingForward." • Centennial 1894-1994 WHEELING "CENTS" FOR CENTENNIAL FUND RAISER Estelle Hieber 537-1866 ForInfo. Conuct ~ Saturday,March14,1992 Centennial panel pounding pavement for fund-raisers- CLOSEUP . . ' . ...... ., '; Teen joins By A.N.N..K.RlICKMEYER LocalbusinessesarealSohelp.. "'"'~·l~,~~,""_""""",,,~____ ingwiththefundraism'geffort. centennial - _.:: SomebusiQess,owne~h~ye~ ~ Don'tbesurprisedifSomeone ·agreed,toallowthecommission handsyouapencilfromthe •.toplacea9p,nalioncanPlPleir effort WheelingCentennialCommission :.. estab~ishment. Morethan:$lOlt_ duringthe4lhofJulyparadeiri hasbee'rjgatheredfrom thecN:1S Wheeling. ' . ' . sofar,accordingtoGregKoepl Thepencilsarethecommis-'" pen,theyoungestfUndr:aLSing::'lIL GregKoeppenisayoungman sion'swayofletlingpeopleknow commissionmemberaoth- i"~}.t • withaplan. theyarekickingintohighgearin ,Wheeling'HighSchoolsernor:!;i) The16-year·oldWheelingHigh theireffortstoraisefundsand, Edwardo'sPina,inRiverside ' Schooljuniorknowshewantsto planrorthevillage'S1994centen- ,'PlazaatthecornerofMllw'aukee gointopoliticsorbroadcasting nialcelebration, ' ,'andDqndeerQads;is'hci~tiflga, whenhegelsolderandbe'sdecid Thevolunteercdmmissionwas centennialfund-raisingrp~fon edtogelhisfeetwetinboth formedlastyearandhasbeen July6with20perceptofevehi~ t ueas. meetingregularlytocome:Jp ,.,' C\lSlC!llcr'stola!biijt!latiught'~ Koeppen'smailingaddressis GregKoeppen withwaystoraisemoneyforthe beingdonatedtothecentennhit ProspectHeights,buthisfamily eventandmakesomeprelimi-. fund. Inorderforthecentennial isfrom Wheeling,sowhenhe opportunitytocontributeextra naryplansforactivitiescom- - fundtoreceivethatdonation,'pi,z:- wentlookingforagovernment changetothecentennialeffort. memoratingthevWage'sl00th . zapatronsmusteitherpresenta at- bodytoobservehechosethe Koeppenreadsthemorningan birthday. flyer,which'canbeobtained WheelingVillageBoard.Hehas nouncementsatWheelingHigh Thegroupwillhaveaboothat Familyfest,ortheyneedtomen- beenatlendin~themeetingsreg· School,spicingthemupwithmu St.JosephtheWorkerFamily-' liontheWheelingCenlennial .., u1arlysinceJ;;k1991andisalso sie,a'A-eatherreportandaques fest,whichstartsJune30,where whenplacingtheorder. amemberoftheWheelingCen tionoftheday.Healsoannounces theywillbesellingphotopins, Acookbookis'aisointheworks tennialCommittee. basketballgamesforthejunior keychains,rainponchos,andas asanotherprojecl. ..l"_ "WhenIsawtheadinthenews varsity,freshmanandjunior onecommissionmemberreo- "" Thegoalofallthisistobeable bulletinlookingformembersfor Wildcatteams,Heisalsoworking ferredtothem,'wildsunglasses' tohaveenoughmoneytostagea. theCentennialCommittee1 withWheelingHighSchooloffi completewiththecentenniallogo Civilwarre-enactment,hosta r thought,'Nah,theydon'twanta cialstocreatearadioortelevi onthem.Thelogo,representsthe cenlennialball,andpossibly'. kid'," Koeppensaid."BullhenI sionshowatthehighschool. centennialtheme,"Glancing donateacommemorativestatue! decidedtopursueitfurther." "Myfirst-gradeteachersaid1 Back,LookingForward." fountain toalocalpark.Theac- ~ Anditwashisideatoplacecol wouldbealeader,"hesaid."And Theproceedsfromthesaleof livitiesthatwilloccurinthesum· letHoncansinlocalbusinesses, Ialwaystrytoliveuptothat," alltheseitemswillgototheCen·;" merof1994dependon-41e{unds ' al\owingWheelingresidentsthe - BonnieBooth leonialCelebrationFund, thecommissionraises.- . _ Ucff "'> Jb 'f Wheer,ng Centennial Gala P.O. Box 7 eeling, IL 60090 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 56" -'u,Ig ~.~",=",,--..... Executive Director: Sheila H. Schultz November11. 1993 Village President ThankyoufarexpressinginterestinattendingtheWhedingCentennial GalaonFebnwyS. 1993. Presented by: Belowisanorderform.foryourGalatickets. Youarcentitledtoa spec:ial$3 discountoffthetickdprice sinceyoueithersignedupforourmaiJioglistattheWhedingJayceeboothwhileattendingFamilyfcstor sentintheredcouponfromourflier. T1r.isspecialS34i.sco1UflifiIIaddiJio"totheSJPte-Gtzl4yur di=>rmt. The2DlYwaytoreceivethisspecial$3 discountistoorde:ryourtickdsbymail. A maximum oftwo ticketscanbepwclJasedatthisspecialprice. Remembertoorderprio<to 1994to~thePre-Gala ticketyearprice. Additionalticketsattheregularpricecanalsobeorderedonthisform. Pleasepwchaseyourticlo:<searly. SpaceisIimittd. General Chairperson: Debbie Santy 708/816-9335 Tr...urar: Jean Bagel Secretary: Wheeling centennial celebration Bernice Palmer SiJel'ltAuction: Schedule of Events CrsigPerley ClariclI McMillen Corporate Sp~on: April 24 - 11:30am. Kethy Kavnierczak MarltSanty "Petticoats to Pants" - HistoricalFashi::ln Sh:>w CommunitySp_on: . Olevy Olase Country Ctub Bin Steckling AmyGroninger .....y 18 - 7:30 p.m. TIcketSa": Wheeling HighSChoofBand Concert Barb Fiske PublicR,la'lioM: .....y 28 - 7:30 p.m. Debbie Santy Marketing: Wheefng High School Orchestra Concert Amy Gro.~~r Entertainll'Mlnt: June'" &5 Richard Grooms WlI"lgs &Wheats Aircraftand Auto Exposition Bob Palmer PaulwaukeeMunicipalAirport E"ntAeti~: AmyGroezingar sponsored byProspect HIs. Convention & VISitors Bureau Kllthy Kazmierczak 577-3866 F8cility: DickCarr June22 - 7:00 p.m. Oecoratior-..: FOUnder'sDay CefetY.ationat the Fourtain Site Mary Perley Wheefing VillageHall Bernie. Palmer Ydla;.Uaie:on: Jackie Nelson June 26 - 2:00 p.m. VoIYnte.,CoordinatOf': Wheeling centennial Parade Kathy Kevniarczak HomesJr, Highto wor Rd. to DundeeRd. to Kmart aarica McMillan June30 - July... Familyl'esr 'Q4 PrintingS.rvicu sponsored by St. Joseph theWorkerChurch . Donltedby: 537-2740 3-XCopyCenter July. - Dusk Fourthor JulyCentennial Flfe\CilOrks Spectacular overHeritagePark JU~. MulticulturalPicnic .... August 6 & 7 Civil War Reenactment· HeritagePark .... November 12 .... Military Concert - Wheefing High SChool .... ~ /5,"1"1- R idents feast on • memones ByDwAYNET.WONG DailyHeraldSWfWriter GrowingUpinWheeling,Betty Barrieremembersatowndomi natedbyfarms andgreateating places. '"Mostofitwasfarmlandand fannershelpedeachother.When itwastimeforhaycrops,onehad onemachineandsomebodyelse hadanother,'"shesaid'1'wentto theWheelingSChoolThat'sallwe hadAndsomeofthesekidshad towalkamileandahalftoschool. Therewasnobusservice." Barrie,75,haslivedinthevil lagefor73years,nearlythree quartersofthevillage'sexistence. Barrieisoneofa handfulofresi dentsleft.whorecaJ.1whenWheel ingwasasmall.slow-pacedrora.l communityinsteadofthesprawl ingsuburbancommercialand populationcenterithasbecome. Thememoriesoflongtimeresi· dentshavebecomemoreim portantinWheelingthisyearas BettyBarrie, 75, a73-yearresidentofWheeling, examinesasewing machinedonatedbyAdeline civicgroupsandofficialscom Schneider, 99,totheWheeling HistoricalSocietyMuseum. DalyHeraldPhotoIGilbe118ouche, memoratethevillage'scentennial withaslewofeventsandcele "RedMary's,wheretheCole brationslastingall12months. TaylorBankis (M1JwaukeeAve ForCharlesBalling,88,the nueandDundeeRoad),wasnot strongestmemoriesofWheeling edaroundhereasa red-light involvethescoresofrestaurants house.Itwasnotorious.Theytore thatdottedMilwaukeeAvenue. itdo......n inthe1930s,'"hesaid. Eventoday,thoseeaterieshave Barriesaidthatfamousgang givenastripoftheroadonthe sterAICaponeusedtomakefre northendofWheelingthere quentappearancesintilevillage nowned"RestaurantRow"tagas relatedtohisbootlegboozebusi thehomeofthearea'smostfa nessthatranduringProhibition mousdiningplaces. inthe1920sand1930$. WhenBallingwasayoungster, Andwhilegangstersmayhave hisfatheroperatedabutterand beenapartofthememoriesfor eggbusinesson10acresinnorth some,theyaren'ttheonlyrecol ~t\\-"heeling,nowpartofthe lectionslongtimeresidentshold CookCountyForestPresenre ElsieHiller,85,whohaslivedin District. thevillagealloCherlife,re "DundeeandMilwaukeeAve membersthelittledirtroadthat nuewastheheartofWheeling becameMilwaukeeAvenue.She then.Wheelingwasknownfor alsocanrecallwhenhorseand eatingestablishments,andfor buggywasthemainmodeof manyyearsitwasnotedforroad transportation,andwhenthe houses,"saidthelifelongresi townhadapopulationof313. denl "TheyhadalotofniceGennan Oneofthemoreinfamousbusi restaurants.Theywereallspot nessesinWheelingforyears, 1essyclean,'"Hillersaid"The Ballingsaid,wastheWheel-Inn HartmanHouse,Wenzlaff'sand A Wheeling HistoricalSoceityMuseumphotoofBehm'sRestau· roadbouse.which,bymanyac rant(now Hackney'sRestaurant), once aMilwaukeeAvenue counts,wasactuallyabordello. mainstay. OUyHelaidPl'lotc.G )lI B::,;;her - -----------;;.;::;;:;;;;;::;;;;;;;;:::;;:;:;::;;;;;;;;;:::::;::;;;; food attherestaurants. •••••••••..,...... die Omon Hotel You coUld eafOlf "I remember when I was a kid • of all their Ooors." Hiller was a we would see traffic go out to the waitress at the old Behrns Res- lake lMichigan) ... the Hartman taurantformorethan50years. House, the Chica$"o House, the Banie said that aside from Union Hotel,.. Bame said. "'Vhat's being a fanning center Wheeling why people came from Chicago. also was a destination for visitors Peoplewouldgooutthereandtake from Chicago. That was a time allday." when people swam in the Des Plaines River, and ice from the Today. Wheeling officials are river was used for refrigerating working on making the village a d;:stination stop again. The most The aquanc center is a COIl on the property bet\\--een Wickes visibiepartoftheireffortswillbea temporary water facili . Park FurnitureCo.andthevillagehall new commuter station for the officialsalsowillopenthedistrict's And while longtime residents WlSCOnsin Central Ry., to be lo CommunityRecreationCenterthis have seen many changes during cated next to village hall on West summernexttotheaquaticcenter. the decades they have lived in DundeeRoad Wheeling, none has indicated a Those amenities are slated Cor willingnesstomove. That station also will be adja the parcel tilat once was the his cent to the Wheeling Park Dis toric Koeppen £ann property. "I was born here. I was very trict's $4.5 million Wheeling Park Recognizing the link to the past, closetomyfamily.Iworked across DistrictAquaticCenteropenedlast village and park officials are the street,'" Hiller said. "I've got a year. placinga commemorativefountain goodmemory."