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"S "1 — Newsletter of the Nottingham Student Peace Movement Issue 9 - Feb 2007 Email: [email protected] Website su.nottinghain.ac.uk/~nspm Printing cost 50P Newsletter of the Nottingham Student Peace Movement Issue 9 Feb 2007 Sp Email sunspin@nottmghain ac uk Website su nottingham ac uk/~n in Printing Cost 5Op — Will they? Won't they? It seems the question of whether the Neo-Con zealots at the White House will be reckless/brave/stupid/steadfast (circle as appropriate) enough to attack Iran is now on the lips of everyone who's been paying attention to the mountingly sinister dance of "dare 6: bluff” the two regimes of Tehran and Washington have been gamely engaging in for the past three years. Analyses and assessments vary but a consensus seems to be converging around the unthinkability of a ground-force invasion. No matter how virulent the sabre-rattling emanating from the I\leo-Imperialist right-wing media gets, the We are a group who campaign for peace and social ]t1Slf1C8, at the individual, local, national and plain truth of the matter is that Iran is not Iraq. Not only is the former significantly bigger and more populous. The global levels Iranian regime still enjoys fairly solid levels of loyalty (if not popularity) amongst its population, a very crucial difference to the pre-invasion Iraq of the (almost) imiversally-hated Saddam. Furthermore, the brilliant use made §dIwiInuI<nIi$nfil-\I'Ulfl\" w#nu¢# Qww\flam h§Wflhmmww w&1@bflwnn¢%W4ow&»MhMhFH-qMR%* domestically by Ahmadinejad of the Nuclear Inspections saga has helped further stir up nationalistic feelings amongst the populace and, ironically, has helped give a new lease of life to the Mullahs’ grip on a new generation of Iranians Meetings are held m D137 of the Portland Buildmg, every Wednesday at 4pm. ]oin the NSPM who now feel compelled to support their leadership out of nationalistic pride rather than religious fervour (as was the planmng mailing list for planning news and events You can do this by emailing us at: case in the Khomeini-led 1979 revolution). sunspm@su nottinghamgcuk However, it is quite clear, most observers agree, that the current status-quo is imsustainable. Something has to give, and either the Iranians will voluntarily agree to some sort of strategic realignment that will stop the US from seeing them as a clear threat to its hegemony, or the US will have to review its ambitions in the region and cut them down to MQDKfit-‘I94nQ4fll§lvJ'44\1 -% a more realistic and manageable size. A third option, of course, is that the US would attempt the use of force to drive events its way. Indeed, the most common prediction currently made is that a "surgical" attack will be carried out, IOIN THE CEASEFIRE FORUM! either by the US itself or by proxy (Israel is seen as the obvious candidate but last summer’s defeat against Hezbollah An informal gathering for anyone interested m being involved in this magazine, has changed things a bit). This too, however, is imlikely to an extent. Iran has been quite vocal in asserting its intention OI']11S'£ interested in lively stimulating discussions about politics, activism and culture. to retaliate vigorously against any attacks. This might, indeed, be just verbal fireworks for internal consumption I (everyone remembers how the Iraqi leadership maintained its public bravado to the very end, and beyond) but the crucial difference is that Iran actually DOES possess the means to inflict serious damage to US interests, whether by Every Friday at 5pm, outside the Glass Atrium, Portland Building directly causing military losses or via the more fearsome weapon of economic and politicalpressure, after all, Iran not only has enormous leverage in the region regarding the production, transport and distribution of Oil, it also holds a few pieces of choice on the regional chessboard, notably via its enormous influence on (and sponsorship) of dominant, motivated and well organised Shia movements in Iraq and Lebanon. It seems the coming year will be a test (yes, another one, please bear with us) of the UN's relevance in intemational affairs. Any further erosion to its already-shattered credibility could quite spell the end of the organisation as a serious body with a meaningful level of authority. If the US goes ahead with its attack on Iran (The US-led media campaign aimed at "softening up” world opinion on this matter in order to "prepare" it for this eventuality has been well-A-under Hicham Yezza Whybother clumsy way for months now) we would essentially be going back to a pre-WW2 political mindset, a comeback to the "Might is Love when Hate is Right" paradigm would essentially mean the last 70 years of slow and painful efforts by the intemational coinmimity So easy? Editorial Committee to leave behind the horrors of the 20"? Century would have been an idealistic but ultimately utopian and imsuccessful Why build a dream when Richard I-Iindes adventure. For anyone who (believes in aefuture of universal humanism based on embracing richness in diversity, Greed's gravity rebels taking Part in the global effort to stem the US behemoth fromytaking the madness of imperialism a step too far is Sam Walton literally (beyond the clichésand the soundbites) a matterof civilisational survival. Against every tired brick? But breathing is so simple Contributors When time is on your side Penny Dale, Sam Walton, Andrew Gibson, Words are melting pebbles Fair's Fair: How ethical is the “Ethical” movement? Richard Hindes, I-Iich Yezza, Clarissa Hughes In this crimson maze of clouds IN FOCUS: The ArmsTrade Parker And yes this morning Activism on Campus: Good News, at last! We believe in healing Peace In Poetry Please send comments, letters and articles to And in rebelling ...and more Ceasefiremag@yahoo co uk Against... the rebellion bra a Set <>f rams: less. principles , but1e.biy the moral Z-'11-.‘.*=i_*.~‘.1 112:‘. " -- '._' 1%.’‘..-_.-.'.'-J="—".';-»:--.1.-5'1 -4 I-":L'.'.-:‘;\-‘kc-:;-‘I-I'll;>'-.-‘:2-r"----.i-.511‘-s-A 1,‘-$1.?"'.=-';‘I~"-"H. r’" ' ' I.."; '-..-_\-..' ."; __‘ ,-,-.1‘I—}:'l-=4‘.-‘n-..-':".'__‘.:._""'§.l-_“-J__7.L-=_»..-_.‘.""'-.‘3-,.-_Ii;-'34"'.-'f1;;-.s.“J-_E.-?,.\‘~,>.-.-'.:-;‘'.v,:;_f-_,,.1:K-_~=7. .‘='.1'1l’";1,-' ‘ " -'..1 noble? i..aggitudes and illnesses that courage -8s1i\1in¢'~,i'i80I0u$ Self- 1.- = ‘fa I , -, 'r-.-’,1'.'*‘ i >" ' -' ' "‘ ‘ -.» On Thursday 15"‘ February, a further changes are needed to . 1' .---- .71.- ‘f'''."j;..--'~.-."-.-_I:;-'_.'_-._,...;..--"-_-~'*_;'.;'-~;‘..__}.;-\r ";A.1-1-.---!,.".'‘=-t_:-.I-.-_--'.1';§=.'Iql1=|_:,-_"4‘-~-___‘._A-~\_.;I-‘_“=»,-.;r_~_I,=;.1~r._;=;E.--'»'_'-,£*-.;;.-“'r--s..,1,1,-~'x}_-<_'._.,:-;.;-,;-r*_-§t:~_.-vR_-,‘_-—"_.{-_-'.--_¢.i.~"3,7-:_3,“-\1~.¢'__-n|r--‘"*@)‘5-5'_--5-;;".'-I---‘_?if--."-?-';-.»y".-_,.;.;.‘;.-.:-"-A_.'‘:3'.'1'-/5I;-;L='__-'.‘',_11---.="-»F"-.:.-''-.-.~- -'. ~<I_t4;-_.'._ 1. » -. .4 - _ a. t fl.-ie fri11s— <-=. bu_-t ha- v.e is)-Sfliidef ‘. -. _-._‘_..‘\-1?.‘ _ . .‘ _ . -_-». . .-_.-i*:::‘:__—;2- .'.-_.._,.§__.;-_.a;_;::.;-.E:.j;_.:r;;_'.‘_.';_..___ _‘ ';'- ‘= ,_:_-_l- ;.»:- 1 ._ -3- ‘ - .-_: ‘. -_-.‘ ' » . ‘:1 -<u; '>-':_\:'--~' . 7-, -_- ---->;;_"r_:"."-. » - -:'.-"-< _ -- . '1 motion was finally passed in The passing of this motion now stop societies from affiliation with now: come to,-the fore now that there thanseeing some figures on the left, .. . > ., .. . - is of Substance to fight for vibraiit anda lucid for yam. into Nottingham's SU council banning means that Nottingham has them. The final aim is to get the iiituperative . . loudmouflis (their: n1ino)- any affiliation with, or promotion followed the example of University to disinvest from arms my are these new-defining whose rheto1fica;l performances have at What's tlie Of tlit-3; left? (It of, arms companies, and to lend Universities such as York and companies altogether, and while might seern " to have .W§eH, better take a seat first. now. séeiriinglypi, (set on support to students opposing the Edinburgh in adopting an ethical this may seem a big target, our iW11@Ib1a~sP11emefl$ tqussfionxsracns Re@;¥1¥?; A 509d. i 11919 goes, in no autopilot- _ p p. _ . , . presence of arms companies on policy, and has given us a victory in SU council showed that .ord er =I i an'Ieditorial= ofa.the.5.1PTeacej.Movement's. II.believe~:ithe.~,.l.eft.still has a huge campus. platform to eventually push arms student pressure can be powerful. magma tlmemore t Ito. p of N those role to Play as a Worlds-Shapilis force companies out of our University (ever, sthpe cjoncept of the .L@ft Of today H vast for good, Ialso. believe) that this After months of collaboration altogether. The Union has now A full copy of the adopted motion Left is being. and A lnovenient will only be tniustetrp the with the Environmental and noted that companies such as on arms companies can be seen at: questioned. Of i+§1nO.tl1i11g infec7teidi.s..:tOi.¢ the bone with irrational, intellectual perform ea Social Justice Committee, BAE Systems are responsible for http:/ / members.spboards.coin_/iv new itself, abut for ‘decades the obsessed anti:-Americanism, thence its thorough: S€1f?€XaIDifl&fiOH of its members of NSPM, Amnesty unethical business deals with iewtopic.plip?t=2S<$ziiifoi'iini=uns attacks came. from usual quarters: bfeliieffltliat a bigger threat to beliefs, principles and. strategic the Iis11t.:ii Wins» I the Wer1dPse¢e Oselm Biii Laden, positions. .. L 1 L International and the Young numerous oppressive and poor eeii A establishmentarianpata elite] and the a,.left.(;..t1iat barely: hide its virulent I think wefishoillld never oppose Greens attended the SU council countries, and many students are "reactionary bflSfi011$"- However, this anfi.-Isrfl@fi.stflI1¢.o?that borders e (and (or. indeed. support) a War. a meeting to support the motion. opposed to any affiliation with no longer tl1E'.l.Q'flS€}.' liideed, for the .'l_()li\n{t'io€)I's.traight, ugly goveirnmenbo or anindividual, simply Following the criticism as to the such companies. The next stage, pastten resist. a. ofs<>n1stiH1sS AA) left sthat is simply as as result of: some Pavolovjian reflex exact wording of the motion at however, is to stop arms mildbut often virulentidenlmoiotions toseflier t1‘1'°11s11 P1 based on perceived alliances and the previous council meeting, the companies from. attending *11a1—i¢ed, bitterness, llave been from mutual benefit.,lI.lnfortunastely, I have second attempt to pass it was University career conventions, Ims><Ps¢ted Eitliere witnessed too ;many of fp.eo.p1e. swift and successful, with only where jobs in these unethical 111mi11fl1'i@$ of leiIf\¢t1i1dfi18.$°m¢i Sirinpletons who often who call tl1€I11SelV8S (leftists. (or (even, rain .e11is11-r>rQfi1e spokesmen or one vote in opposition. businesses are promoted, and "(useful idiots”: to more activists of the [email protected]><~1eftists, wifli .our:‘”;newi“enemies” and at worst left) Politisfll 1'$$11@$.t.Plu>flIs$@1Y<l @8111 i traitoruse: .amora1 members of the I A C . s on very . Siiiiple-niiiided one Tpnligilit preitudissaeat e seed. <>1d a widely avireligion or F. new M11; . A Prof@$$i@11~ - ' -. -- ' 1-.-.,: _. 4 _ . 4; . -' --- .--.-' i -' " '. -’- '. U i I its sspoilss this . _-__ . _ .. - _ _.,-._ ,.,__. --_,-.--,_. .-.,.».- -_ _- - _- 1 - _ --1. .-- .--_.'.-*_--- -- - --.-' -<-... -- ‘ -- -- -. . _ . ' -~ -- .- . ~_ . .- s , _|i.._u,-F ~ _.n_. . ->-I ., - . __ _. _1 : _ _...________. ____ __.._ __ L_._,',_.,...,_.._..-_ H,. , l.v.'.\.'.»__. __ ,.___7__ _.. . ..__ __ . . . . . . . . . . . -- -_ - ;_- _ -< »___ _-_:.¢,-_...-. .;_- -_»-__ -5- - I ma@1117 I. . ., . ; _-,-..;, -T_~.;-,-. . _.-,.-.; -__- _ = .- . . - . _.I _. 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Mr. When the government forced the Serious Fraud Office to abandon its country is poor? Perhaps not. I Kil<wete's campaign against Last month the two corruption, which includes a bill to investigation into allegations that unsavoiny aspects of the trade BAE Systems had bribed their way Tanzanian businessmen who be tabled this month which would Amnesty International, IANSA illegal for British companies to into the £43 Billion Al Yamamah brokered the deal, Sailesh Vithlani give anti-corruption agencies much (International Action Network on sell aims to countries involved in which result in the horrors that it more power, has been welcomed by arms deal with Saudi Arabia, many and Tanil Somaiya, admitted to plays such a major part in Small Arms) and Oxfam have conflict or countries with a poor British police that they had secretly the UK Department for people were left feeling very bitter. creating. been petitioning for an human rights record. A bit like Luckily BAE has recently been doing been paid £6.13 Million by BAE. International Development. The international treaty "asking telling cigarette companies to stop shady deals with much poorer Although the SFO are still DFID recently increased our annual Many feel that whilst Control governments to toughen up selling cigarettes to smokers. investigating the matter, it is believed aid to Tanzania from £110 Million to countries, which do not have the Arms undoubtedly has good controls on the arms trade" Needless to say this is almost that this money, approximately 30% £120 Million and prefers that the political clout to make SFO intentions, its weaknesses may because " (the) lack of controls on totally ignored. of the price of the system, was to be money is spent on schools and disappear. What follows is how BAE well render as ineffective as the used as a slush fund to biibe hospitals rather than paying off the arms trade is fuelling conflict, The reason why measiues to and the government ripped off current regulations. And whilst it Tanzania, the second poorest country appropriate politicians. When asked debts to Barclays. i poverty and human rights abuses control and limit arms trading do in the world. by members of the press Mr. Somaiya To conclude, how far the SFO worldwide". It is undoubtedly a not work are the same reasons is good that awareness has been In 2001 Tanzania spent £28 said that BAE had made two parallel investigation into this deal gets is a good thing that massive NGOs why some argue getting rid of the raised of the evils of the arms Million on a joint military and arrangements with the middlemen. political decision and it will be a test trade, Control Arms may be the like Amnesty and Oxfam are arms trade is not a realistic target civilian air traffic control system The first was a conventional agency of whether the government is fully in next Make Poverty History; an recognising that the arms trade is and why the current regulations using a ‘soft’ loan from Barclays agreement in which a 1 % commission bed with the arms industry, or excuse allowing the Arms trade "out of control", but is the are ineffective. The massive whether it has occasional flings with was paid to Merlin International Ltd, Bank. The deal seemed unnecessary and friends to look like they're Control Arms treaty the way to influence that the arms trade has of which Mr. Vithlani is the majority morality. Tanzania has made and expensive to some, particularly doing something, while business tackle the problem? cross party at all levels of shareholder. The second was an excellent progress in recent years, as Tanzania has a tiny air force. The continues as normal. One of the main problems that government, lobbyists, MP's, with the number of children in agreement in which BAE's secretly World Bank, with the assistance of primary schools doubling since 2000 many people have with the peers, ministers even it's own owned offshore company Red Intemational Civil Aviation An alternative approach is that of Diamond deposited the £6.13 Million and a stable rate of growth compared Control Arms treaty is that by ministry (DESO). Is there any Organisation, investigated the project. Their preliminary report in in Switzerland. Both men deny that to many African nations. However if aiming to control the arms trade reason why will a new treaty be Campaign Against the Arms October 2001 confirmed fears that not any of this money has been disbursed we allow BAE to siphon money from any more effective? Trade (CAAT), which is a their national budget, of which 40% only was the technology dated but to public officials in Tanzania. It is member of IANSA and so it is legitimising it, saying it can Another problem many see is that worth noting that Sailesh Vithlani comes from aid, then we will be that an equivalent system could have indirectly supports the Control exist but only in a regulated form. whilst the Control Arms treaty has close links with many making a mockery of our been purchased for a tenth of the Arms campaign, but focuses it's commitment to reducing poverty and Can selling arms to people ever seeks to control the distribution of price. These fears had been held by government officials and acted as an efforts on eliminating the links be justified? And if not, by arms, it does not tackle the way showing that the arms industry is agent when the then Tanzanian . Clare Short and Gordon Brown, with between government and the attempting to limit the arms trade the arms trade works, particularly President, Benjamin Mkapa, spent entirely above the law. The SFO are the former suspending British aid to MoD and the arms trade, the we will be acknowledging its the fact that it is astonishingly, Tanzania pending the conclusions of £205 Million of taxpayer’s money on also investigating BAE deals with reasons why the arms trade is South Africa, Romania, Qatar and the right to exist. mind-bogglingly, and totally the World Bank's final report on the a top-of-the-range Gulfstream official such a powerful body and so hard matter. Nevertheless in December jet. Czech Republic. However, many say we have to corrupt. This is because the to destroy/ control. Currently it s 2001, only a month after Tanzania Opposition parties in be realistic. The arms trade is so designers of the treaty did not Tmmfialiavereoenfly Protestedto b dd d. , dfl main campaigns focus on was deemed so poor that it qualified em e e m our system o want to ute the essence of the for World Bank debt relief, Tony demand action from their government, and has such deep treaty by widening its remit. The stopping the traffic of personnel Blair and Patricia Hewitt overruled government on the issue, between the government and the links with the military, and corruption in the arms trade particularly calling for the arrest of their Cabinet colleagues to grant BAE MoD and the arms trade, and influence globally that means that many (probably about the aforementioned middlemen. an export license. In Spring 2002 the shutting DESO (a government eliminating it is not something a third) of arms deals do take The current President: of Tanzania, system was delivered to Tanzania, at department whose purpose is that is realistically ever going to place not because of a perception the opportunity cost of health care Jakaya Kikwete, has stated during solely to aid the sale of aims). be achieved, therefore limits and of a need for arms, but because of an address to the nation that he is for around 2 million people. controls are the only way of the massive incentives in the form Barclays gave the loan below closely following the investigations Feel free to email me at into whether or not the system was lessening the damage the arms of bribes, favours and commercial rates of interest, which 0 [email protected] helped them secure a banking licence overpriced and whether any trade does, consequently this is "commission payments"-(more politicians received kickbacks. Mr Useful Web Links: to open branches in Tanzania. BAE Kikwete Stated that he Wm ask fOr'a what we should be aiming for. bribes) available. Surely if pushed for the deal for the usual http:[ [ www.conti‘ola__rnis.org There is great concern that controlling the arms trade is the refund of any excess payment if it is reasons. But why did the Tanzanian http:/ / wJyw.caat.o1'g._i.ik found the system was grossly controls on the arms trade simply way forward, we should government accept such unfair Overpriced and will lodge a formal do not work. Currently it is endeavour to control all _ _, FERENCE PEACE CC Taking things which hitherto have been decisions and lifestyle habits!" is predicated, albeit usually viewed as ethically dubious and (Quoted in New Internationalist 385, p. implicitly, on the continuation of the producing more salutary alternatives is 3) Even if such views are unusual decidedly unethical status quo. The in vogue nowadays, especially within within activist circles (activists after basic notion is that while SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18 large sections of the activist all are, by definition, involved in exploitation, environmental community. Hence ethical activism) we should be wary of destruction and the assorted evils of consumerism, ethical careers, ethical implicitly promoting messages which capitalism can'y on as they have PORTLAND BUI LDI NG investment, fair trade and all the rest. reinforce such disconnected always done, we can console In recent years, the popularity of these perspectives on social change. ourselves that it isn't our has blossomed. In 2005, 40% of UK It seems to me that one of the key responsibility. We've done our bit by households bought fair trade products, problems with this whole "ethical" choosing fair trade chocolate over a 11:00—Wnat'soi|gottodowithit? which can be purchased in more than business is the fact that it focuses on Mars bar; by deciding to work for a 55,000 supermarkets across Europe. individual choices rather than wind turbine company rather than Sue Blount, local Green Party councillor Fair trade brands now account for 20% collective action, perpetuating the BAE Systems. of the roast and ground coffee market, atomising effects of capitalism. Ethical consumerism may not just fail James Howard, Powerswitch while 2005 saw the sale of more than a Unless you are in an unusual position to challenge capitalism, but actually billion litres of fair trade wine. (All of influence, yoiu individual choices, reinforce it. Nestle, long criticised for Tom Unterrainer, No Sweat facts from New Internationalist 395, p. about food, clothing or even a career, policies in the third world, now sells 19) This all soimds good and in its own are likely to have a fairly limited fair trade coffee; L'Oréal purchased way it is a positive step, but I want to impact. If you want to make the the Body Shop in May last year, 1:30 —Wor ksh ops challenge is the idea that ethical living world a better place, you're likely to despite a long-history of animal or the promotion thereof constitutes a find rather more success if you testing; and fair trade coffee is now Destitution Group, Being an asylum seeker strategy for social change. combine your efforts with other available in Starbucks and even some I am not questioning the motives of people. One and a half million McDonald's outlets (the former sells No Sweat, Workers‘ struggles and solidarity those who purchase fair trade or atomised individuals moaning about it in 23 countries, the latter only in pursue ethical careers, both are the invasion of Iraq wouldn't have New England). (All facts from New Powerswitch, Peak oil things I have done and intend to had a fraction of the influence of the Internationalist 395, p. 2) Perhaps the continue doing. In a sense, the same number coming together on most egregious example is BAE More TBC iirunediated nature of such actions is February 15. As that example Systems decision to begin production compelling. You don't have to wait demonstrates, large numbers alone of an ‘ethical’ bullet, which is lead- for anybody else. You just get on and aren't a guarantee of success, the free. (Nero Internationalist 395, p. 1) 4:00 — SPEAK ER do it yourself. My argument is that problems we face are huge after all, BAE note, without any apparent self- we should be wary of overstating the but there is a long history of awareness, "Lead used in important we attach to individual movements which have transformed ammimition can harm the Craig Murray, former British ambassador to ethical choices. Bedecking ourselves the world. The civil rights movement environment and pose a risk to in ethically produced, sweat-free t- in the States defeated segregation; the people." (BAE Systems Corporate Uzbekistan shirts made of organic cotton while resistance in Vietnam defeated US Social Responsibility report) Perhaps sipping fair-trade tea from recycled imperialism; and the suffragettes naively, I'd always assumed that cardboard cups may well leave us achieved votes for women. posing a risk to people was All day — at r ium with a warm feeling inside, but what It might be averred that the anti- ammimition's mison d'eti"e. If you're has it done to actually improve the apartheid struggle demonstrated the an Iraqi getting shot with Stalls from local campaigns (including Amnesty, world? Sure, one or two people may success of ethical consumerism, at these things, I doubt it hurts any less. have been paid slightly more than least insofar as the boycott of South The words may have changed, but Defy-ID, Faslane 365, No Sweat, Stop the War) they otherwise would have been, but African goods helped to weaken the the song remains the same. global capitalism continues regime. It is important to bear in Capitalism is not a problem we're and vegan catering by Veggies undaunted. mind, however, that in South Africa going to buy our way out of. Our It might be retorted that I am arguing the African National Congress (ANC) personal choices have only a limited against a straw man. "That no-one was well organised and supported by role to play in the struggle for a new, actually holds such a nuance-free groups around the world. People's better world. At best they allow us to position as to think that their choice choice about whether to buy purple minimise our culpability in the of tea alone is going to change the or green grapes took place within the current system. They won't defeat I! world. It would be nice to think that context of a wider, larger struggle. 5 ltlitit SyS't€1'I1, 1101‘ STOP’ its Cl€VEiSlal*.i0I'I were true, but New Consumer, ethical A further problem it seems to me is of the environment. Those are things shopping's trade magazine that the insertion of the "ethical" we're going to have to fight for. That l\"0'l'l'lNlilllTAlii S'l‘UIIIil\"l‘ PRACE DIBVEMII ‘R3,, proclaims, without a trace of prefix presupposes that there are also might not be as easy as popping out hyperbole that "creating a world that unethical alternatives and implies for a fair trade cappuccino, but works for everyone has never been that these remain in existence. In fact, maybe it's worth the effort. easier. It lies in your simple shopping I would argue that the entire exercise .i...»-

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