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cDNA Sequences Reveal mRNAs for Two G{alpha} Signal Transducing Proteins from Larval Cilia PDF

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Preview cDNA Sequences Reveal mRNAs for Two G{alpha} Signal Transducing Proteins from Larval Cilia

Reference: Biol. Bid! 180: 318-327. (April, 1991) cDNA Sequences Reveal mRNAs for Two Ga Signal Transducing Proteins from Larval Cilia LISA M. WODICKA AND DANIEL E. MORSE Department of BiologicalSciences andthe Marine Biotechnology Center, University ofCalifornia, Santa Barbara, California 93106 AHbstract. In planktonic larvaeofthegastropod mollusk, shown in other systems to control the activity of phos- allotis nifescens(red abalone), settlement behaviorand pholipase C; the other is more closely related to G, and subsequent metamorphosis are controlled by two con- G . These results extend the tractability ofthe Haliotis vergent chemosensory pathways that report unique pep- system to analyses of cDNA and protein sequences of tide and amino acid signals from the environment. The chemosensory elements from isolated cilia. This is the integration of signals from these two sensory pathways firsttimethat mRNA hasbeen purified from isolatedcilia, providesforvariableamplification, orfine-tuning,oflarval and the corresponding cDNA synthesized and character- responsiveness to the inducers of settlement and meta- ized. morphosis. Thesepathwaysmaybeanalogous tothe neu- ronaland molecularmechanismsoffacilitation and long- Introduction term potentiation characterized in other(adult) molluscan systems. Recently, thechemosensory receptorsandsignal Larvaeofthegastropod mollusk, Haliotisnifescens(red transducers apparently belonging to the regulatory path- abalone), undergo a dramatic behavioral change when G way (including a protein and protein kinase C) have they encounter a specific chemical cue at the surfaces of been identified in cilia purified from H. nifescens larvae. crustose redalgae: the planktoniclarvaeceaseswimming, These elements retain theirsequential receptor-dependent attach to thealgal surface, andcommence metamorphosis regulation intheisolatedcilia in vitro. Asafirststeptoward and plantigrade locomotion and feeding. Thisbehavioral the molecular genetic dissection ofthe receptors, trans- transition is controlled by the integration oftwo conver- ducers,andthe mechanismsoftheircontrol ofsettlement gent chemosensory pathways that respond to chemical behavior and metamorphosis, we present evidence that signals from the environment: a morphogeneticpathway thecilia purified from these larvae contain polyadenylated activated by a GABA-mimetic morphogen encountered mRNA corresponding to unique signal transducers. Pu- by the larvae on surfaces ofrecruiting algae, and a regu- rification ofthis mRNA, enzymatic synthesis ofthe cor- latory or amplifier pathway stimulated by lysine in sea- respondingcDNAs,amplification bythepolymerasechain water(Morse etal., 1984; Trapido-Rosenthal and Morse, reaction, cloning, and sequence analysis reveal that the 1985, 1986a, b; Baxter and Morse, 1987; Morse 1990a). mRNA ciliary includes sequences that apparently code Activation of the morphogenetic pathway receptors is for two Ga signal transducing proteins. One ofthese is thought to trigger an efflux ofchloride or other anions highlyhomologoustomembersoftheGq family, recently across the membrane ofthe primary chemosensory cell, apparently resulting in excitatory depolarization (Baloun and Morse. 1984). This transduction of the exogenous Received 9July 1990;accepted 28January 1991. chemical signal toonethatcan bepropagatedbythelarval 1 Abbreviations: GITC. guanidinium isothiocyanate: SDS. sodium nervoussystem isevidently sufficientto inducethechange dimnoeddtoehlcyyylllgaasmluialfcnatotomes;eidtIehP:aTnAGe.M;Vis,EopDarTvoipAya.ln-fmeMythehilyoolgbealnlaeasdctitaoomssiiinsdeev-;itreXut-srg;aaTl-r,aicsbe,rtotimrcios-a-,chiycddh;rlooTxrEyo,-- ainndlatrhvealstbaerhtaovfimoertcaumlomripnhaotsiinsg.iAnctsietvtalteimoennotf,tahtetaamcphlmiefnite,r Tris-EDTA;TBE,Tris-borate-EDTA;TAE.Tris-acetate-EDTA;bp,base- pathway receptors increases the sensitivity or output of pair(s). Thestandard one-letteraminoacidcode isused. the morphogenetic pathway by as much as 100-fold. The 318 Ga CDNAS FROM LARVAL CILIA 319 receptorsoftheamplifierpathwayareactivated when they grated to control behavior in these small larvae (Morse, bind lysine, lysine polymers, or certain lysine analogs 1990a). As a first step toward that objective, we report (Trapido-Rosenthal and Morse, 1985. 1986b). Experi- here the amplification, cloning, and partial sequence ments //; vivodemonstrated that the amplifierpathway is analysis ofcDNAs apparently corresponding to two Ga mRNA controlled by chemosensory receptors and signal trans- signal transducing proteins, from purified from ducersdistinct from thoseofthemorphogeneticpathway, the isolated cilia. and that the lysine receptors ofthe amplifier pathway ac- G tivate a sequential protein-(phospholipase C) diacyl- Materials and Methods glycerol-protein kinase C signal transduction cascade (Baxter and Morse, 1987). This system ofdual control, Cilia isolation in which the integration of two different kinds of che- Larvae ofHaliotis rufescenswere produced in the lab- mosensory signals from the environment modulates the oratory by hydrogen peroxide-induced spawningofgravid settlement behavioroftheHaliotislarvae, fine-tuneslarval adults (Morse et ai. 1977). Larvae were maintained at responsiveness to exogenous settlement cues. The result 15C in 5 /urn-filtered, UV-sterilized running seawater ofthisintegration mayenhancethesite-specificityoflarval until 7 days post-fertilization; at this time they become settlement and metamorphosis in potentially favorable developmental^ competent to metamorphose in response habitats (Trapido-Rosenthal and Morse, 1985, 1986b: to inducer (Morse et ai. 1979, 1980). Cilia were purified Morse, 1990a, b). by differential centrifugation, after abscision induced by Because both the morphogenetic and amplifier path- exposure ofthe larvae to a mild calcium-ethanol shock ways can be activated by macromolecular (protein-asso- (Baxter and Morse, in prep.). This method is a modifi- ciated or polypeptide) ligands that are presumably im- cation ofthat used for the purification of functional re- permeant (Morse ct a/.. 1984; Trapido-Rosenthal and ceptor-bearing cilia from olfactory epithelia (Rhein and Morse. 1985. 1986b), it was suspected that the chemo- Cagan, 1980; Chen and Lancet, 1984) and other sources sensory receptors controlling these two pathways might (Watson and Hopkins, 1962; Linck, 1973). Electron mi- be located on externally accessible epithelia (Morse, 1985, crograph examination revealsthe purifiedciliatobeintact 1990a, b). Epithelial cilia are known to carry chemosen- and completely free ofcell bodiesanddebris; theciliaare sory receptors in a wide variety ofsystems, including the heterogeneous, and include short (ca. 0.5 ^m) spatulate well-characterized olfactory epithelia of frogs, fish, and ciliasimilartothesensorycilia found in otherinvertebrate mammals(e.g., Rhein andCagan, 1980; Chen and Lancet systems, and long(>10 ^m) propulsivecilia from the lar- 1984; Pace el at., 1985; Pace and Lancet, 1986; Lancet val velum (Baxter and Morse, in prep.). and Pace, 1987; Anholt, 1987; Anholt el ai. 1987). Epi- thelial cilia also have long been suspected to carry the RNA isolation chemosensory structures that mediate substratum rec- ognition and thereby control settlement behavior and We isolated total RNA from cilia freshly purified from metamorphosis in variousmolluscan larvae(Raven, 1958: Haliotis rufescens larvae, using a single-step extraction Fretter and Graham, 1962; Bonar, 1978a, b; Chia and with an acidguanidinium isothiocyanate(GITC1(-phenol- Ross. 1984; Yool, 1985). chloroform mixture (Chomczynski and Sacchi, 1987). Recently, epithelial cilia isolated from H. rufescenslar- Poly A+ mRNA was purified using oligo (dT) cellulose vaewere shown to contain the lysine receptors and signal columns eithercentrifuged (Clontech, Palo Alto, Califor- transducers that may control the amplifier pathway in nia) or used with a syringe (Stratagene, La Jolla, Califor- vivo (Baxter and Morse, in prep.). These elements retain nia) in a modification ofthetechnique described byAviv their functional coupling in the isolated cilia in vitro: i.e., and Leder(1972). the specific and saturable binding of lysine to sodium- RNAwaspurified from bovineretinatoprovidea pos- independent lysine receptors activates sequentially a G itive control enriched forG protein (transducin) mRNA. protein and diacylglycerol-stimulated protein kinase C For this purpose, fresh bovine eyes were obtained from (Baxter, 1991; Baxter and Morse, in prep.). The lysine- Federal Meat Market (Vernon, California). Retinas were binding receptor was found to be reciprocally regulated immediately dissected on ice in Tris-buffered saline byitstightlycoupledG protein inthecilia in vitro(Baxter (Maniatisetai, 1982) and placed on dry icefortransport and Morse, in prep.);similarbehaviorisexhibitedbyother toanearbylaboratory. There, halfthesampleswerefrozen members ofthe rhodopsin and /3-adrenergic G protein- in liquid nitrogen, and halfwere homogenized in GITC; coupled transmembrane receptor superfamily. these samples then were transported to Santa Barbara in The tools ofmoleculargenetics are required to further GITC or on dry ice. RNA was isolated by the GITC- resolve the mechanisms by which the chemosensory and cesium chloride centrifugation method (Chirgwin et ai, mRNA neuronal receptors, transducers, and pathways are inte- 1979), and was then purified asdescribed above. 320 L M. WODICRA AND D E. MORSE Total RNA from both sources was analyzed by elec- After synthesis, oligonucleotides were deprotected at trophoresis on formaldehyde gels (Maniatis el at. 1982) 55C in ammonia overnight; theywerethen purified and with ethidium bromide added to the sample buffer, or detritylated by reverse-phase chromatography (Oligonu- wasdenatured at 65 C for 15 min. quickly chilled on ice. cleotide Purification Cartridgesfrom Applied Biosystems). electrophoresedon 1% agarose/TBEgels(Han elat. 1987) The oligonucleotides were dried down, resuspended in and visualizedby UV-excited fluorescenceafterethidium sterile water, and concentration was estimated by absor- bromide staining (Maniatis el at. 1982). Purity oftotal bance at 260 nm. and poly A+ RNA was confirmed by the ratio ofabsor- bances at 260 and 280 nm and concentrations estimated PCR amplification from the A2W> For amplification of cDNA, 50 pmol ofeach primer Synthesis ofcDNA andoligonucleotideprimers aanddde4d0d%ir(e2ct0l^yDtoof10t0hen\rePveCrRserteraacntsiconrsi.ptAilolnortehaecrtiroenacwteiroen Reverse transcriptase from avian myeloblastosis virus components, including Taq DNA polymerase, were pur- (fmAirRsMtNVs)Atra((In1ndvMicgt)DroNwgAae.sn.uCSsialenidaDfimoerRgeoNa,cAChA(5)10w0ja0uls-5rue0sa0ecdtnigtoo)n.soyrntbhoevsiinzee cnnehucamtsibecedurt)forafonmadmpPulesirefkdiicanastEsiluogmngeecrsy-tcCeledetsbuwysatsChoavrtaprm.iaen(duNfofarrcwotamulrk2e,5r.tCoTohn4e-5 For polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplifications, with the following parameters: denaturation at 94C, 1 two kinds ofoligonucleotide primers were made: degen- min;annealingat 37C, 1 min; extension at 72C. 3 min. erate primers(D) were used forthe first amplifiGcaaticoDnsNoAf Foramplification ofgenomic DNA usingspecific primers, thecDNA, and(oncetheexactsequenceofthe 0.3 Mg Haliolis rufescens sperm DNA. 0.75 ng Telrahy- wasdetermined)specific primers(S)wereusedtoamplify mena ihermophila DNA, 0.5 Mg Vibrio harveyi DNA, or ttihdeesgeunsoemdiacssperqiumeenrcsesfofrrPomCRspweerrmeDsNynAt.hesOilziegdon(uacsletoh-e a1mMpglisfailcmatoinonspreeracmtiDonNsA. (wTehreeHaadldioeldist.ooTtehlerrawliisyemeindaen.tiacnadl trityl-derivatives) by an automated oligonucleotide syn- I'ibrio genomic DNA samples were generously provided thesizer(Applied Biosystems Inc., FosterCity, California). by Jay Groppe. Jennifer Ortiz, and Richard Showalter, To reduce the degeneracy ofthe primers, Haliolis rufes- respectively.) All DNA samples were tested for amplifi- censcondon usage frequencies(Groppe and Morse, 1989) cation at amounts equal to or greater than the number were taken into consideration, and two separate pools of ofgenomeequivalentsoftheHaliolisDNA. BecauseDNA the downstream primer were synthesized (D2 and D,). samples were in TE buffer, additions were adjusted such Degenerate oligonucleotide primer sequences corre- that the total amount ofTE (and thus the concentration sponding to the conserved G and G' domains (Lochrie of EDTA) in all PCR reactions was equal. Optimum and Simon, 1988) of G protein a subunits are: D,: 5' magnesium concentration, primerconcentration,andcy- GAAGGATCCAAGTGGATCCA(GC)TG(CT)TTT 3': cling parameters were determined empirically. For am- (D,A:G)5'AACT3'C:ADA3G:C5'TTCTTCCCATA(GTCGT)TCTTCTT(TA(GT)GT)TC(TTTG()AAGG)-- pplriifmiecartiwoansofusgede;notmheicfiDnaNlAc,onc2e5ntprmatoilonofofeamcahgnsepesciifuimc TG'T(dComAa)iAnG(aAmiGn)oAAaci3'd. Ds,equceonrcree,spKonWdIs(tHoQt)hCeFc;onDse2ravnedd awatsotailncorfe3a0seadmpflriofmicatthieosntcayncdlaersdwa1s.5pmerAf/ortmoe2dmasAIbe:foarned, D, correspond to the conserved G domain sequence except that theannealingtemperature wasraisedto45C FLNK(KQ)D. Amino acid sequences chosen for these for the 2nd cycle and to 55C for the 3rd-30th cycles. A domains were based on the findings ofStrathmann el at 5 min extension step (72C)wasaddedafterthelastcycle. (1989), with inclusion of a degeneracy representing ad- ditional sequencesdetermined foryeast. In addition, these Gel electrophoresisforanalysis andpurification ofPCR purndiemrelrisniinngc)lucdoerroelsipgoonnudcilnegottoidteheseBqaumenHceIs(D(,in)daicnadteHdinbdy reactionproducts wIIeIr(eDa2dadneddDa,s)lirenskterriscttioofnaecinlzityamteectlaorngeitnsg;otfhetsheesaemqpuleinfcieeds onPaCgaRrorseeactgeilosn(pr3o%duNcutssewievreeaagnaarloyszeedplbuysel1e%ctSreoaphpolraeqsuies products. AshortervariantofD, alsowasproducedwith- agarose in TBE for cDNA-PCR reactions and 1.5% aga- out the 9-nucleotide linker. Specific (non-degenerate) rose/TAE bufferforgenomicreactions), runat2-6 v/cm. primer sequences based on the cDNA sequence subse- and stained with ethidium bromide. For analysis on the quently determined forthe HaliolisciliaGl (seebelow) higher percentage gels, samples were loaded into wells a3'r;e: Sa,n:d5' GSC2:AG5G' ATCCTCCAACAGGTCCTCTACTGCGAGTTGATGTGCTTGTAA- cdaisgtesfterdompl0a.s7m%idag(aProBsRe3.22O-nBest^Ng o1.ffrersotmricNteiown eEnnzgylmaend- TAATCGT 3'. Theseprimersalsohave9-nucleotide long Biolabs Inc., Beverly, Massachusetts) was included for 5'-linkers with a BamH 1 site (S,) or a Hind III site (S2). molecular weight markers. G cDNAs FROM LARVAL CILIA 321 Forpurification, amplified cDNA waselectrophoresed resulting sequences analyzed with the aid ofthe Pustell on 3% low melting temperature agarose (Mermaid, from Sequence Analysis software (IBI Macintosh). DNA Bio 101 Corp., La Jolla), and bands were excised while visualized on a 365 nm light box. DNA then was Results removed from theagarose bybindingtoglassbeads(Glass Fog, from Bio 101 Corp.). Genomic products were run PCR amplification ofcilia Ga cDNA on 1.5% agarose gels as described above; bands were ex- cised, and DNA was purified by binding to glass beads Poly A+ mRNA was isolated from the purified cilia of (Geneclean, from Bio 101 Corp.). 7-9-day-old, competent larvae of Haliotis rufescens. as described in the Methods. Startingwith about 10" larvae, DNA cloning typical yields were 300-400 mg (wet weight) cilia, 50 ng Purified PCR products and a recombinant plasmid tRoNtaAl).RNAAM,Vanrdeve1r^seg torfanpsoclryipAta+semwRaNsAuse(d=2t%o coaftatloytzael dvfieogcletlsootrweed(d/7abBtylu3eB7scaCrmipHftoIrK.(1SeIhnIz+i,ynmfe2rs0omnf\rSovtmoralNtuaemgewesneEwniCgtolhrapn.H)dinwdBelirlole- drfuraponlmdeotxmhe-whapuserxitafhimeeendrumspRerNdiAmaes,dtaesnmydnptlthaheteseirsefsoourfltPfiiCnrgsRtmsaRtmrpNalAnidf-icccaDDtNNioAAn labs). Digested products were purified by gel electropho- with the degenerate primers corresponding to the con- resis as described above. The purified, linearized vector served G and G' domains, as described in the Methods. ab( y1m0o0Tu4nngt)DotNfhAPenClRwiagpassreolidoguavcteterdninitsgoehrattn;atathpips4rCroe.xaictmCiaootnnetrlwoyalsesqcauwtiiatmlhoylznaeord ath1eT9hl6aerbvppalrpircmiolediruasc(tFuisfge.rdolmca)lt.ehaTerlhcyeDdsNiirzAeectoteefmdtphtlihasetpearsmoppdlruiecfptiacriasetdwiioftnrhoiomnf added insert were treated identically. Transformation of the range predicted foraG cDNAdomain lyingbetween recipient bacteria (Epicurian Coli XL-1 Blue, from Stra- the highly conserved G and G' domains. This result sug- (t1a9g8e3n)e,Cwoirtph.)mwoadisfipceartfioornmsedrebcyotmhmeemnedtehdodbyofStHraantaagheanne gests that themcilRiaNpAurified from HaGliotis rufescenslarvae may contain coding for a protein. Corp. After transformation, colonies with recombinant The positive result shown in Figure la allowed us to plasmids were identified on the antibiotic-containing agar furtheroptimizethe primers used forPCR-amplification. medium with the chromogenetic substrate, X-gal. Each Theupstream primerused inthefirst PCRamplifications clone wasthen subcultured in 5 ml ofLB containingDaNmA- wasrelatively short, consistingofadegenerate poolof17- picillin and tetracycline (37C, overnight). Plasmid mers. Thisprimeronlyweaklyamplifiedthepositivecon- was purified from these cultures after lysis with alkalai, trol template, cDNA from bovine retina, a tissue highly usiCnlgontheedmpilnaismpirdepDpNrAocwedausrdeig(eMsatneidaatsisabeolvael.w,it1h98B2)a.mH sehnorwinch)e.dThfoeratdhdeitGion okfnoniwnne nausclteroatnisddeuscicnon(traeisnulitnsgntohet IIIIaa(nnfddorHHwiihnniddchIIIItIIhsesiitpemlsu)al.stmRaiendsetohruaiscsltyti,wonoadnsiidtgeessDs,etNpfsalAwraaentrkeielnyganwtahiletyhBzeBadsmsbHHy tsMhaeetqeu5re'in-aeclnesdoaofnfdtthhMeeetB1h7ao-mdmseHr)Is,.rmteasoktgreiescnteeirfoafnticeeinetndhtoenaDum,pcllpierfaiiscmeaetrsisiotne(stoeoef agarosegelelectrophoresis. Plasmid waspurified by the control Ga sequence from bovine retina cDNA pos- cpernetpriSfpuugantiCoonlucmhnrso,maftroogmraPphhayrm(aSceipah,acPriyslcaSt-a4w0a0y,MNineiw- sible (Fig. Ib). [Similarly, we had found earlier that ad- dition ofthe nine nucleotides containing the sequence of Jersey). the Hind III restriction site to the 5'-end ofshort down- D DNA stream primers, to generate the 26-mer 2 and D, pools, sequence analysis also significantly enhanced the efficiency ofthese oligo- Di-deoxy sequencing reactions were performed with nucleotides as primers. These non-matching nucleotides modified T7 DNA polymerase (Sequenase II; United donotreduceprimerspecificity. Similarobservationshave States Biochemical, Cleveland, Ohio) and 5' [-35S]dATP, been reported by others (e.g.. Mack and Sninsky, 1988).] 1 100 Ci/mmol (Amersham) by procedures modified from The results in Figure Ib show the downstream primers Sanger el al. (1977). Primers used for sequencing were in the degenerate pool D; are more effective than those plasmid primers T7, T3, KS, and SK (purchased from in D3 for detecting and amplifying Go cDNA sequences aSbtroavtea.geRneea)ctainodnsthweersepeacinfailcypzreidmbeyrselSe,ctarnodphSor:e,sdiesscornib8e%d fPrroimmebrotDh,bdoifvfienres frertoimnaDan:dbyHatlwiootniuscrluefoetsicdeenssalanrdvaalpcpialira-. G polyacrylamide-50% urea wedge sequencing gels. Gels ently fails to hybridize efficiently to the target protein werewashed in 10%aceticacid-10% methanol,driedwith cDNA sequence. Agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR vacuum at 80C, and subjected to autoradiography. The products amplified with the optimized 26-mer primers D autoradiograms were read with a sonic digitizer, and the (D, and 2) reveals the expected 205 bp product from 322 L. M. WODICKA AND D. E. MORSE cDNAs from both the larval cilia and bovine retina. The DNA (S) A. rRet. -Cilia- nNone product is nine nucleotides longerthan that seen in Figure 2nd Primer - (X) D2 D3 D2 D2 D2 D3 D2 D2 la, asexpected because the upstream primer(D, ) is nine Cycles - 30 30 30 30 35 40 40 45 45 nucleotides longer than that used in the first experiment. The cilia cDNA required more cycles of amplification (35) than did the bovine retina cDNA (25) before the product on an ethidium bromide stained gel could be visualized. Thus, there may be greater primer-template mRNA mismatch, orthetarget may be less abundant, in the larval cilia. A control PCR reaction with noadded DNA template, atest for DNA contamination ofreagents, yielded no de- tectable PCR products amplified after45 cycles(Fig. Ib). 121 In addition, no amplified PCR products were observed in the following control reactions (not shown): (a) no primers in the PCR reaction; (b) no Taq polymerase in the PCR reaction; and (c) no reverse transcriptase in the cDNA reaction. 9 10 Cloning andsequence analysis ofGa cDNA The 205 bp PCR product from the cilia cDNA was Figure l(b). PCRamplificationoflarvalciliacDNAusingdegenerate cloned in the plasmid vector as described in Materials primers D, andeitherD,orD,. Lanes: (1)molecularweightstandards; and Methods. Twelve transformant colonies were picked (2)\DNAandprimersasPCRcontrol;(3)bovineretinacDNA.primers zaynmde-sdubicguelsttuerdedp;lgaeslmeildecDtrNopAhorsehsoisweodftthheatres1tr1icotfiotnheens-e cpDyr|cilmaeesn;rds(D5D),2c.ia3lni0adccyDcD,lN,esA;3,5(4pc)ryciblmoeevsri;sn(e7D),rectiailninadaccDDD,N,NAA3,,0pcpryrciilmmeeesrr:ss(6DD),,caialnnidda cDDD23N,,A43,00 cloSneeqsuceonncteaianneadlyisnissertosfotfhrtehee coofrrtehcet csilzoen.ed cilia PCR cpyrcilmees;rs(8D),cialniadcDD2N,A4,5 cpyrcilmees;rs(1D0,) naondDDN3A, 4t0empclycaltees,(p9r)imcielrisa cD,DNaAn.d products revealed two unique cDNA sequences (Fig. 2). D:, 45 cycles. As shown, both of these share a number of the highly conserved residues ofother G proteins in the G-G' re- gion. Two outofthethreeclones provedtohaveidentical nucleotide (and deduced protein) sequences over the 51 G amino acid region between the primers. This Haliotis Cilia protein subunit (Gl) differs in the region analyzed by only one amino acid from the sequence ofmouse brain G 1 1, a member ofthe newly discovered Gq class ofa subunits (Strathmann el ai, 1989; Strathmann and Si- mon, 1990). This sequence differs significantly in the re- gion analyzed from all other known classes ofG protein 196bp aDrossuobpuhniiltas,(aGnsd, Gy,e,astG. Tn,heGs,ecGo,,ndGGJpfrrotoeminmasmeqmuaelnsc.e from the larval cilia (Haliotis G2) is most homologous to G and GJ from Drosophila, Amplification, cloning, andsequence analysis ojGot DNA from Haliotis genomic The nucleotide sequence from the Haliotis ntfescens larval cilia Gal clone was used to design specific (i.e.. non-degenerate) primerstoamplifythecorrespondingre- PCFRi.guPrreodlu(ca)t.frGomp5r0oteciycnleassoufbaumnpiltifcicDatNiAon;frpormimecirlsia,wearmeplaif1ie7d-mbeyr gspieocnifoifcGprimferrosm(HS.} arnudfesSc:e)nwsesrpeebramsegdenoonmircegDioNnAs.ofTthhee variant ofD, (without the BamHI site) and D2. Number ofbase-pairs GHaliotis sequence that differed significantly from other in product isindicated. Details in Materialsand Methods. protein sequences (Fig. 5; cf. Fig. 2). Ga cDNAs FROM LARVAL CILIA 323 Inlron Ident/51 Gal Ga2 HaliotisGal ENVTSIMFLVALSEYDQVLVESDSENRMEESKALFRTII TYPWFQNSSVIL 26 HaliotisGtt2 EGVTAI 1 FI VAMSEYDLTLAEDQEMNRMMESMKLFDS ICNMCWFTDTSI 1L 26 MouseGq ENVTS1MFLVALSEYDQVLVESDNENRMEESKALFRTI I TYPWFQNSSVIL SO 26 Drosoph.Gj EGVTAI 1 FCVALSGYDLVLAEDEEMNRMIESLKLFDS ICNSKWFVETSI IL 27 41 Drosoph.G EDVTAI 1 FCVAMSEYDQVLHEDETTNRMQESLKLFDS ICNNKWFTDTSi 1L 28 41 RatG EDVTAI I FCVALSGYDQVLHE0ETTNRMHESLMLFDS rCNNKFF I DTSI IL 27 36 RatG EGVTAI IFCVELSGYDLKLYE0NQT SRMAESLRLFDS ICNNNWFI NTSLIL 25 33 x Bov.Transd. EGVTC1 I FI AALSAYDMVLVE0DEVNRMHESLHLFNS ICNHRYFATTSIVL 26 32 YeastGP1 EGITAVLFVLAMSEYDQMLFEDERVNRMHESIMLFDTLLNSKWFKDTPFIL 23 30 YeastGP2 DNVTLV I FCVS LSEYDQTLMEDKNQNR FQESLVLFDN IVNS RWFARTSVVL 25 27 Drosoph.Gs NDVTAI I FVTACSSYNMVLREDPTQNRLRESLDLFKS IWNNRWLRT I S I IL 21 27 RatG NDVTAI IYVAACSSYNMVI REDNNTNRL RESLDLFES IWNNRWLRT I S I I L 18 25 olf :::.::::::::-:: ::::::::.:....-..-. Figure 2. Ga sequences from cilia. Deduced amino acid sequences ofthe cloned PCR products(Gal and G2) from Haliolis rufescens cilia cDNA are compared with the corresponding regions ofother Ga subunits. Residues highly homologous in several Ga proteins are indicated by shading. Region shown is Gbeatlweaennd(Gnoat2in(colfu5di1ntgo)tadle)giesnesrhaotwenprfoirmeeraschD,G.andSeDqu;e.nTcheesnusuemdbetordoefsiagmnisnpoecaifciicdspriidemnetriscaSl,taonHdalSi2otairse shown byarrows:position oftheintron ingenomic DNA isindicated. Standard(IUPAC)one-letteramino acidcode isused. Two distinct DNA products were seen when Haliotis S: as primers for the sequencing reaction. While this genomic DNA was amplified by PCR reactions with the method ofdirect sequencing proved useful in this case, S, and S: primers, and the productswere analyzed on an thequality ofthesequencing reactionswas highly variable agarose gel (Fig. 3). The specificity of these primers for (t/McCabe, 1989). fHiaclaitoitoinsoDfNgeAnoimsiecviDdeNntAbsyetqhueeinrcfeasilfurreomtoTdeitrreacthyammepnlai,- theThGelgecnoDmNiAc PseCqRuepnrcoedufcrtosmeqtuheenccielisa,wearneditdoenotnicealant-o Vibrio, or salmon sperm in otherwise identical PCR re- other, in the putative coding regions. But both of the actions. cloned genomic sequences contain an intron that inter- The 1.25 kb and 1.45 kb Haliolisgenomic PCR prod- rupts the coding sequence. The exact position ofthis in- uctswereelectrophoretically purified, separatelyamplified tron between exons 6 and 7 is conserved in the genomic again, and analyzed electrophoretically (Fig. 4). The suc- sequences corresponding to the HaliotisGal and the G cessful purification ofthe two genomic PCR products is and G, ofmammals and Drosophila (Figs. 2, 5). The two shown by the lack ofvisible contamination afterthissec- Haliotis genomic sequences prove to be highly homolo- ond round ofamplification and gel electrophoresis. Each gous to one another at both ends ofthe introns that are purified PCR productwasclonedasdescribed above, and adjacent to the coding regions (corresponding to exons 6 the cloned inserts were then sequenced using primers and 7 inotherspecies;cf. Fig. 5);however,thetwointrons matched to the vector. differ in length by about 200 bp. During the cloning step we discovered that the larger ofthe two genomic PCR products had an internal Hind Discussion III site not found in the smaller product. This difference apparently resides in an intron, a non-coding sequence The larvae of Haliotis rufescens provide a uniquely not present in the cDNA (see below). Although the re- tractable model system for resolving and analyzing the sulting Hind Ill-Hind III fragment was not cloned, a par- chemosensory receptors and signal transducers, and the tial sequence forthis region was obtained from the direct mechanisms of their functional integration, controlling sequencing ofthe uncloned PCR products using S, and behavioranddevelopment in responsetochemical signals 324 L. M. WODICKA AND D. E. MORSE bp bp 1857 1857 1450 1250 1450 1060 1250 929 1060 929 7 Figure4. Halioliagenomic PCRproductsaftergel purification and 30 additional cycles ofamplification with specific primers S, and Si. Figure3. PCRamplificationofgenomicDNAusingHaliotis-sped&c Lanes: (I) molecular weight standards; (2) ca. 1.45 kb genomic PCR pnmersS, andS:(30cycles). Lanes:11)molecularweightstandards;(2) product; (3) ca. 1.25 kb genomic PCR product; (4) molecular weight and(3)0.3MgHaliolisspermDNA;(4)0.75^g TetrahymenaDNA;(5) standards. 0.5 Mg Vibrio DNA; (6) 1 Mgsalmon sperm DNA; (7) no DNA. Other detailsin Materialsand Methods. mRNA G cause the from which the protein sequences from the environment (Morse, 1990a, b). Purification of were identified was extracted from cilia that had been cilia in milligram quantities from the cultured larvae has purified and washed by four sequential cycles of differ- allowed us to analyze the chemosensory receptors and ential centrifugation, it was probably not contaminated RNA signal transducers /// vitro (Baxter, 1991; Baxter and by free released from the larvae. Electron micros- Morse, in prep.), and (as shown here) to isolate mRNAs copy shows no othercell fragments orcellscontaminating encodingsome oftheseelements and conductanalysesat the purified cilia (Baxter, 1991; Baxter and Morse, in the cDNA sequence level. We have shown here that cilia prep.). //; situ hybridization will be required, however, to purified from //. rufescenslarvae contain polyadenylated verifytheintraciliary localization oftheGet mRNA. Three mRNA, and that this mRNA includes sequences corre- independent lines ofevidence confirm that the source of sponding to two Ga signal transducing proteins. The central role of the G proteins as chemosensory signal transducers was confirmed by /// vitro studies of P olfactorycilia isolated from frog(Pace etai, 1985). Jones 1 2 3 G and Reed (1989) recently have identified a unique |f from the ciliated sensory epithelium ofthe rat olfactory mucosa; the sequence of this G protein a subunit was determined by analysis ofits cDNA. G protein also acts as the primary chemosensory signal transducer in taste G receptor cells in the frog; this protein controls the ac- tivation ofadenyl cylase, with the resultingsequential ac- tivation ofa protein kinase and membrane depolarization (Avenet et ai, 1988). G protein transduction ofchemo- sensory stimulation in catfish controls an inositol tri- phosphate (protein kinase) cascade (Huque et ai. 1987). mRNA Although distal localization of has been ob- served in other systems (Merlie and Sanes, 1985; Garner et ai. 1988; Kosik et ai. 1989), the results reported here mRNA are the first ofwhich we are aware in which has been purified, and the corresponding cDNA synthesized, amplified, cloned, and sequenced from purified cilia. Be- G cDNAs FROM LARVAL CILIA 325 the G protein sequences characterized could not have labeling with ADP-ribose catalyzed by cholera toxin come from bacterial contamination: (1) the mRNA se- (Baxter and Morse, in prep.). lected was poly A+; (2) the sequence ofGal determined In molluscan larvae, thecilia ofthecephalicapical tuft DNA corresponds exactly to a sequence in the genomic and of the propodium have been suggested to mediate (from sperm) ofHaliotis rufescens: and (3) that genomic chemosensory substratum-recognition and the resulting sequence contains an intron (at the expected position) controlofmetamorphosis(Raven, 1958; FretterandGra- that would be lacking from bacterial DNA. That these ham, 1962;Bonar, 1978a, b; Chiaand Koss, 1984; Yool, sequences were from Haliotis mRNA, and not from pos- 1985). Ciliary receptors have been implicated in this pro- sible contaminants, was further confirmed by the failure cess in other invertebrate larvae as well (e.g., Laverack, ofthe unique ciliary sequences to direct amplification of 1968; Carthy and Newell, 1968; Chia and Spaulding, anyhomologoussequencesincontrol samplesofbacterial, 1972; Siebert, 1974; Zimmer and Wollacott, 1977; Eck- protozoan, or fish DNA, under conditions in which the elbarger, 1978; Reed and Cloney, 1982; Reed, 1987). The perfectly homologous sequences were detected and am- ciliatedcellsoftheapical tuftsofHaliotislarvaearestellate plified from Haliotis genomic (sperm) DNA. neurons that appear anatomically to be primary chemo- The cDNA sequences that we obtained from mRNA sensory receptorcells(Yool, 1985). These neurons project purified from the cilia isolated from Haliotis rufescens axons to the cephalic ganglia; they also send lateral den- larvae reveal twoapparent G protein subunit sequences. drites to a pair of adjacent mucus gland cells that are Although definitive characterization must await comple- stimulated to secrete theircontents in one ofthe first cel- tion ofthe entire translated sequences, our identification lular changes observed in metamorphosis (Morse et al., ofthese sequences as members ofthe G protein family is 1980a; Yool. 1985). These neurons and their cilia dis- strengthened bythe findingthatGal isvirtuallyidentical appear from the organism after induction of metamor- (50/51 residues) to Gqa in the region sequenced. and the phosis; the time ofthislosscoincideswith thetimeofloss observation that the most highly conserved amino acids ofthelabeled morphogenicreceptors(Trapido-Rosenthal in this region of the other known Ga proteins also are and Morse, 1986a), supporting the suggestion that some conserved in the Gal and Ga2 sequences from the Hal- of the biochemically labeled chemosensory receptors iotislarvae (Fig. 2). The genomic sequences that we thus controlling metamorphosis may be located on these cells far have characterized correspond exactly to theircDNAs, or their cilia. and contain the intron at the same position between the Ourfindingthatsufficient mRNAcanbeobtainedfrom G and G' domains as those found in mammalian G pro- the cilia of Haliotis larvae to establish a cDNA library tein genes. opens this system to analyses, similar to that reported The two Ga sequences obtained from the cilia ofHal- here, of the cDNAs for the receptors and other signal iotis larvae are clearly related to the Go sequences from transducersofthe morphogeneticandamplifierpathways other species (Fig. 2) (and unrelated to tubulin, for ex- that control metamorphosis. These analyses should pro- ample). Yet the two sequences differ significantly from vide insights into the mechanisms ofaction, functional one another. The larval cilia Gal sequence is highly ho- integration, andevolutionofthechemoreceptorsandtheir mologoustothatofthecorrespondingdomainofthealpha associated signal-transducers in the molluscan larvae. subunit ofthe mammalian Gq. This is of particular in- terest, in light ofthe finding that Gq is a pertussis toxin- Acknowledgments insensitive regulator ofphospholipase C (Strathmann and This research was supported by grants from the Na- Simon, 1990; Smrcka et al, 1991), and our observation tional Science Foundation (DCB-87-18224), theOfficeof that the lysine-dependent regulatory pathway in Haliotis Naval Research Molecular Biology Program (NOOO14-87- G larvae is mediated by a pertussis toxin-insensitive pro- K-0762),andtheUniversityofCaliforniaatSantaBarbara tein-phospholipase C-protein kinase cascade (Baxter and Training Grant in Marine Biotechnology. We especially Morse, 1987; Baxter, 1991; Baxter and Morse, in prep.). appreciatetheexpertadvice,andtimeandeffortprovided Gal is markedly different from G,, Gs, G , Gx, and G ir by Jay C. Groppe. We also gratefully acknowledge the characterized from othersystems, whereasthe larval cilia helpful suggestions provided by Mel Simon, Thomas T. Go2 sequence is significantly more closely related to G, Amatruda, and John Sninsky; gifts of genomic DNA and G (from Drosophila and rat) than it isto the Gsand samples provided by Richard Showalter, Jennifer Ortiz, G |ffrom thesespecies. Wearenowintheprocessofiden- and Jay Groppe; and expert instruction and assistance in Ga tifyingthe sequencecorrespondingtothetransducing the dissection ofretinas, provided by Page Erickson. proteinspecificallyactivatedbythelysine receptorsinthe isolatedcilia. Theseexperimentsare facilitated by theob- Literature Cited servation that lysine binding to the ciliary receptors ac- Anholt, R. R. H. 1987. 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